BUCKLEY, Frances Elizabeth

Photos Courtesy of California Historical Society, MSP 3800

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Last Name
Given Names
Frances Elizabeth
Better known as
Date of Birth
Age at Death
Place of Birth
Jackson, Mississippi
Family Tree
  Minnie Buckley Family Tree
Birth Mother
Minnie Luna Mae Murral Buckley
Birth Father
Cassie Buckley, Jr.
Christopher Calvin Buckley; Dorothy Helen Buckley, aka Helen Buckley; Loreatha Buckley; Odesta Buckley, aka Odessa Buckley; Curtis Buckley (died in SF before Jonestown)
Non-Temple Relatives
(grandparents) Minnie Lee MacDufy (McDuffey), Dave Murral
Body Identification Number
[Identified in Serial 2049] #9-C [First name spelled "Francis]
Burial Location
Evergreen Cemetery, Oakland, CA
Source of Death Information
FBI document 89-4286-1302 (prepared 12/78)
Entry into Guyana
Residence (US)
San Francisco, California 94107
Residence (JT)
Dorm 5
Occupation in U.S./Skills, Talents & Interests
HS student (RYMUR 89-4286-E-2-A-1j)
Occupation in Jonestown (Temple Records)
Agriculture – Vegetable gardens; Children's garden (Beck); Field worker; student (RYMUR 89-4286-PP-8-M-3); Orchards (RYMUR 89-4286-E-2-A-1j); Server (RYMUR 89-4286-E-2-A-1ooo)
Jonestown Roles (FBI Records)
Government Income
“Frances died on her 14th birthday. She was so bright and quick, so full of creative energy. She and her brother and sisters were close, and I never saw them squabble among each other or complain. I attributed some of this to the hard childhood they had had with Minnie's preacher-husband in Mississippi, who used to beat her, which caused her to lose an eye. The children were all very close to their mother and were extremely courteous and civil to others. R.I.P., Frances. ” - Kathryn Barbour

“So sad that this beautiful baby had to die on her birthday. I remember turning 14 and all I could think about was skating and having a party with friends. And not knowing what this young lady had to go through and think of moments before she was executed on her bday. I pray you got peace and you were able to celebrate your 14th bday in Heaven after all.” - Kia