CHRISTIAN, Tina Rayette

Photos Courtesy of California Historical Society, MSP 3800

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Last Name
Given Names
Tina Rayette
Better known as
Date of Birth
Age at Death
Place of Birth
Houston, Texas
Family Tree
  Christian Family Tree
Birth Mother
Vernetta Carolyn (Brown) Christian
Birth Father
Robert Louis Watson Christian
Robert Louis Christian II
Non-Temple Relatives
Body Identification Number
Burial Location
Evergreen Cemetery, Oakland, CA
Source of Death Information
FBI document 89-4286-1302 (prepared 12/78)
Entry into Guyana
Residence (US)
San Francisco, California 94117
Residence (JT)
Dorm 1
Occupation in U.S./Skills, Talents & Interests
child (RYMUR 89-4286-X-5-a-26e)
Occupation in Jonestown (Temple Records)
Jonestown Roles (FBI Records)
Government Income
PT occupation record says birthdate is 11/1/1969
“Poor little girl. Never had a chance to live and see all that life had to offer. Rest in peace, sweet girl!” - Anonymous

“Look at that gorgeous smile, may you rest peacefully in heaven baby girl ” - Anonymous

“Tina's mom and dad were Vernetta, 33 and Robert Christian, 31, and her brother was Robert II. I remember the Christians playing an important part in our accommodations and helping in every way they could, when Jim spoke in Houston on a cross-country trip that I went on. Soon after the trip ended, the Christians moved to San Francisco from Texas to become members. Tina was the subject of an item in the March 1, 1978 meeting after her parents sent a note to Jim complaining that she had been treated too harshly on the Learning Crew. Tina's dad, Rob Christian, said he disagreed with the discipline program. Jim damned him for criticizing the Office. Vernetta admitted she couldn't see the faults of her own child, and gave Tina a spanking. Rob admitted to being arrogant and asked for two weeks on the Learning Crew, which Jim denied (Edith Roller's journals for March 1978). A draw. This confrontation seems to show that (1) the Christians, incredibly, were able to maintain closeness as a family in spite of a raft of mandates in contravention of that; and (2) and Tina's dad was one hell of a gutsy man. Tina looks just like her dad; her brother resembles their mother. I see both parents cooperating to deflect, defuse and minimize any blowback from Rob's daring to disagree. After all, he was co-chair of the political enlightenment department, so his criticism had to carry some weight. It would have carried more if he had advanced it in a case where the subject was not his offspring. RIP, Tina, with your beautiful and so amazing family, always loved and remembered.” - Kathryn (Tropp) Barbour