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managers before posting.
"Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple,"
is now
offering the ability to submit remembrances for those who died. Use
this form to submit information, indicating if you would like your
name and/or email to be publicly available. The information will first
be reviewed by Rebecca Moore and Fielding McGehee and then you will be contacted by the information you provide below
to verify that everything is correct. Lastly, the information will
be submitted to the database so others may view your remembrances
Robert Keith Johnson .
We do wish to assure you of the privacy of this web page and of your
communication with us. We are asking you below for your e-mail address
so that we may contact you with any questions we might have, but no
one will have access to that address beyond the managers of this site,
nor will we publish it along with your remembrance without your expressed
permission. (We would like to have your permission to include your
name and your relationship to the person you’re writing about
in the remembrance, but we also honor requests for anonymity.) |