BREIDENBACH, Lois Fontaine

Photos Courtesy of California Historical Society, MSP 3800

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Last Name
Given Names
Lois Fontaine (Hilburn)
Turner, Rocky
Breidenbach, Rocky
Better known as
Date of Birth
Age at Death
Place of Birth
Durant, Oklahoma
Family Tree
  Lois Breidenbach Family Tree
Birth Mother
Birth Father
Phillip (Philip) Jacob Breidenbach Jr.; w/ Roosevelt W. Turner
Melanie Lee Breidenbach, Wesley Karl Breidenbach, Melinda Breidenbach, Sam Breidenbach, Harlan Breidenbach; Avis Jocelyn (Garcia) Breidenbach (adopted), Cleveland Desmond Garcia (adopted)
Non-Temple Relatives
Body Identification Number
Burial Location
Remains claimed by next of kin; burial location unknown
Source of Death Information
House Foreign Affairs Committee report; FBI document 89-4286-1302 (prepared 12/78)
Entry into Guyana
Residence (US)
Redwood Valley, California
Residence (JT)
Cottage 26
Occupation in U.S./Skills, Talents & Interests
seamstress, IBM keypunch operator (PT occupation record); geriatrics worker (LJ memo); nurse's aide, receptionist, care home operator, key punch operator, light typing, baby nursery, arts & crafts, decorating (RYMUR 89-4286-E-2-A-1rrr)
Occupation in Jonestown (Temple Records)
Diets (RYMUR 89-4286-E-2-A-1rrr); Serving area (RYMUR 89-4286-E-2-A-1eeee)
Jonestown Roles (FBI Records)
Government Income
Cty Cnty (??)
“She was my first boyfriend's mother. I am shocked and saddened that she died at Jonestown. ” - maureen manrique

“Rocky and her family attended our church in Fremont before her family split up and she went off with her younger kids to live with Jim Jones in Redwood. She was artistic, funny and sort of bohemian, she really stood out at our conformist, suburban church. She taught our youth group how to make hard candy and candles which we sold at fundraisers. I cannot comprehend how such a unique individual came under the spell of Jones and why she took her kids along as well to die in Guyana. ” - Kent Kavasch

Lois Breidenbach: A Son’s Memories” - Harlan Breidenbach

“I remember Mrs. Breidenbach as she was the Sunday school superintendent at the Irvington Assembly of God in Fremont where I attended as a child. I have always wondered how she could have gone from that to the Peoples Temple but reading her son's tribute I see that she was always a seeker. So very sad...” - Anonymous