The marvel of Internet publishing. Who could have imagined 50 years ago the extraordinary freedom everyone now has to connect with the rest of the world?
One of the greatest achievements of the Information Interstate is the demolition of that constrained little world once ruled by self-serving corporate media hacks. For too long, too many of them were corrupted by the power they used to extinguish the corrupt. For too long, this unelected congress of the Fourth Estate dictated the agenda and created their own version of reality.
Like the Newseum, there's more than enough "reality" exhibits to fill up a temple. We could call it, oh, how about "The People's Temple II: Media Atrocities".
At last, this is a real Global Village, with an unfettered 24-hour marketplace of ideas. Now the public can truly interact and become empowered. Big Media Punditry can go furrow their highbrows, and get over it.
And when it comes to village interactions, some are downright luminescent enough to earn a trip from comments section to center stage. This was a recent exchange I had with "Anonymous" reader:
T.K. ".....That's one thing never to be underestimated in the macabre Alice In Wonderland world of the cult apologists: their talent for creative, endless self-delusions--which they want to share generously with an unsuspecting public.
Your first reference of course alludes to the classic "Animal Farm," by one of history's greatest prophet-writers, George Orwell.

And double the level of evil.
True, also, is the fact that the "free enterprise" exploitation that Jones himself exploited for his own megalomaniacal mission still goes on, e.g., witness the human cost of today's "Globalization."
But Barnum, like Orwell, has been proven correct time and again. The suckers keep on falling for the charades, political, religious, or otherwise. Take a good look at all the hollow, hackneyed rhetoric spewed about by so many of the current candidates hoping to succeed the unquestioned worst president in our history (whose hollow, hackneyed rhetoric makes all else refreshingly poetic.)

Becky Moore and Massimo Introvigne, prominent cult apologists at large.
They're posing at a flying saucer cult's "Star Map" (not making this up.)
Click on "Becky & Massi's Space Cadets" for more info and entertainment.
The day will come, my friend, when that apologist barn door will suddenly spring open and all those chickens will come home to roost.
Cluck, cluck."
Anonymous: "Active cults are still the best place for psychopaths to dabble in their most evil and cruel tortures..."

Scientology high priest Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, who, shall we say, made more than a million clams...
"...all behind a cloak of spiritual open-mindedness. A few apologists still singing the songs and making the bliss ninny noises thirty years after the thing was tragically shut down is just a curious side show. Not a thing of any consequence.
Some of those apologists lost daughters. Sisters. Nephews. They have paid. But they failed to learn what they ought to have learned. Now they teach about "new religions." They let the family members of the modern day recruits suffer the same fate that they suffered.
They've condemned others to suffer the same tragic loss. And there are your chickens."

Warm-and-Fuzzy Cultist Cruise: One good round of sofa boogie and he'll make things perfectly "clear".
"Roosting on the families of all those concerned relatives connected with all the kids in all those groups currently being tracked by Rick Ross and Steve Hassan.
As regards Mr. Orwell, most of us read him and took heed of his dire (and completely accurate) warnings. Others - like Jones and Koresh and Father Divine read his warnings like a blueprint. Like a get rich quick scheme.
The People's Temple criminal enterprise, and others like it, don't just grow up out of the ground. They are crafted and carefully orchestrated.
That lily-white planning commission was discussing the intricacies of setting the trap, controlling the people and stealing their money from day one."
"Anonymous" later gave this afterthought:
"P.S. There is a very conscious reason why I post anonymously. I never wanted a cult in my life. I didn't want it. And when it came, I did not welcome it. My argument is now, and always was, that there are a few minor adjustments that the cult needs to make, and I will simmer down. Open up your books. Stop using brainwashing techniques - giving kids a diet of coca cola until they are so protein deficient they can't think straight. Stuff like that. But of course I was ignored.
So I use the Internet and I use this forum to voice opposition.
But I don't want it in my life. I consciously choose to not do the brave thing that Les Kinsolving did. I chose to stay in the background - fuming. But not making myself a target. These are nasty people, and they don't play nice. And I don't need it in my life.
So I come here, and I voice my opinion, and I speak my truth, and I don't leave my name, and the guy in the next cube doesn't even know I have an opinion. And that is exactly the way I want it. And frankly, I think my right to privacy is respected in our little Republic, and protected. So I'll sign off 'Anonymous' -- again."
It's prudent to be especially vigilant of the right to privacy, in light of the Bush Regime's methodical shredding of our civil liberties. Meanwhile, we suffer with the other plague, destructive cults--lead by their apologist cheerleaders--that continue ruthlessly exploiting "religious rights" in order to rob people of their cognitive, financial, and spiritual freedoms.
The battle rages.