<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> The November 18th Living Memorial Food Fund
The November 18th Living Memorial Food Fund


Donations can be made directly online, either with a credit card or a Visa debit card. To make a donation online, here is the direct link to the San Francisco Food Bank: http://www.sffoodbank.org/donate/how_to_donate.html
At the bottom of the San Francisco Food Bank's donation page you will find the "November 18th Living Memorial Fund". Links are provide for a one time only donation, or to set up a recurring monthly donation.

Please note that you may establish automatic monthly withdrawals through this web page, if you so desire.


Checks can be mailed directly to:

San Francisco Food Bank
900 Pennsylvania Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94107

Please make the notation of “Nov.18th Living Memorial Food Fund” or “Jonestown” in the memo area of your check or money order. If desired, you may access a printable .pdf form created by the S.F. Food Bank to enclose with your check by clicking here.

This form requires Adobe Reader. If you do not have this software, it may be downloaded here: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html


Copyright 2005.