<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> The November 18th Living Memorial Food Fund
The November 18th Living Memorial Food Fund

The San Francisco Food Bank collects donated food and then distributes it through a city-wide network of 400 nonprofit organizations with meal programs and neighborhood pantries that provide weekly bags of groceries to low-income people. Partner organizations that receive food from the San Francisco Food Bank include Glide Methodist, Project Open Hand, Donaldian Cameron House (in Chinatown), La Raza Healthy Children Pantry, Salvation Army, St. Anthony's Dining Room, Haight-Asbury Food Program and hundreds more. This year, the San Francisco Food Bank will distribute 20 million pounds of food--enough food to provide 44,000 meals every day.

For every dollar contributed to the November 18th Living Memorial Food Fund, the San Francisco Food Bank will be able to purchase approximately $9.00 worth of food. 97 percent of all donations are directed to food acquisition and distribution programs.

The San Francisco Food Bank shares NO personal information with any other charitable organizations, and does not sell its mailing list to marketers of any kind. All donations are tax deductible.


Copyright 2005.