Archived Site: Jonestown Survivor

Information Concerning this Archived Site

Source: (Inactive)

This is the archive of a large website of articles and blogs published in conjunction with the book, Jonestown Survivor: An Insider’s Look. The book and all the material in this archive were written by Laura Johnston Kohl, a member of Peoples Temple who survived the tragedy in Jonestown by being in Guyana’s capital city of Georgetown on 18 November 1978.

Following the twentieth anniversary of the Jonestown tragedy, Ms. Johnston Kohl became a prolific writer and active public speaker, work she continued to do until shortly before her death on 19 November 2019. She also made herself available to family members of those who perished in Guyana and scholars who try to understand the calamity of the ending. Finally, she was a generous contributor of articles and remembrances for the Alternative Considerations site, all of which may be found here.

In the interest of preserving the information from her site for future generations of Jonestown scholars and researchers, the managers of this site obtained permission from Laura’s husband Ron Kohl to archive her work in its entirety. Both the archive and the book itself are published with his permission.

JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Interviewed on “My Inner Fuel” Radio Program

JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Interviewed - Program to be aired shortly after November 8, 2015. I was interviewed for "My Inner Fuel" Radio Program, by the Co-Founder of the Positivity Effect Program, Dr. Thomas Recher. As a Peoples Temple survivor, author and educator, I was interviewed by Dr. Thomas Recher. Positivity is essential for moving on past almost insurmountable obstacles we all face in our lives. For me, it was a two-edged sword. It both got me into deep water, and allowed me to survive and even thrive after the tragedy of Jonestown. The show will be aired in November - the ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR to Visit U Puget Sound in February

JONESTOWN SURVIVOR - I am traveling to Washington State in February. On February 15, I will present to classes, and give a lecture at U of Puget Sound, in Washington. Please let me know if you have some contacts there. Thanks so much! I will have events for the general public to come. Thanks, Laura

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Answers a Author’s Questions

An author who hopes to write a realistic fiction book sent me this list of her final questions before finishing up her writing. I am including my answers here. • I'm trying to find more information about day-to-day life in the Ukiah/SF Peoples Temple, especially the experiences of children. To my understanding, children came to the Temple after school for tutoring, swimming lessons, group activities, choir practice, etc., but I can't find much more than surface information. Was this only for Wednesday School, or did most members (and their children) come to the Temple every day for services and other ...

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I just returned from two weeks speaking at the Shaker Village and other venues in Lexington, KY, and at Grand Valley State University and other sites in Grand Rapids, Michigan, speaking about my life and my book JONESTOWN SURVIVOR: An Insider’s Look. I presented at the Communal Studies Association Conference, at several libraries, at a news station, at a Book Group, at several Quaker Meetings, and at the University. I always come back from my trips inspired by the people I meet. The deaths in Jonestown, at the hands of Jim Jones and his small band of secretaries and ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Presents at Lexington Beaumont Branch Library

On Thursday night, October 1, I presented as a JONESTOWN SURVIVOR at Lexington's Beaumont Branch Library. The wonderful Librarian sent me this note and some of these photos. Thank you very much for presenting your program at the Beaumont Branch of the Lexington Public Library. I've attached the photos I took and I would like to share some of the comments with you: "Amazing. Profound. Humbling. Thank you!" "Amazing speaker, very intelligent, articulate, and emotional (in a good way!). Super important point of view about a topic that is very hard to understand." "Amazing woman & fantastic presentation. More people need to know!" "This ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR BOOK EVENTS Over the Next 30 days September 18 Internet Radio Interview on AUTHORESS, with Terry E. Lyle. September 19 SKYPE interview with UK writer Robin S. Boyd. She contacted me saying “I'm currently working on a narrative feature film project with British producers Dean M. Woodford and Sebastian Street (Tomorrow, Exec. produced by Martin Scorsese) and I would love to include your story and portrayal in our film, I'm also very interested in your involvement with the Black Panthers. October 1 6-8 p.m. Lexington Public Library, Beaumont Branch, Lexington, Ky. October 2 10:30-12 noon Presentation at Shaker Village, Pleasant Hill, Ky. ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Answers an Author’s Questions

JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Answers Questions from a New Author I often get questions from people who are studying Peoples Temple and Jonestown. hey are educTators, authors, or curious students. A student writing a book aobut Peoples Temple has contacted me and asked these questions. I used to just answer questions for the individual. Now, I tend to think that others have questions about some of the same things. I have started answering the questions here in my blog. (I do not correct their grammar - I cut and paste their questions.) 1.  In "Raven," Reiterman described the onset of the siege as "bedlam," and related ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR to Speak at Communal Studies Association Conference

Jonestown Survivor will be speaking at the Communal Studies Association Conference in Pleasant Hill, Kentucky on October 2, 2015. Here is the block I'll be speaking with: 10:30-12:00 SESSION 2 IN FOUR VENUES & CONCURRENT SITE TOUR OPTIONS (Sign-up sheets)    Session 2A -  Musical Landscapes of Community Roger Hall “My Shaker Home”:  The last Shaker song and the pure mountain air    Denise Seachrist Shaping the Faithful:  The Music of Snow Hill Etta Madden Shaping the Social Landscape: La Bagnaia and the Sienese Mountain Songs of May     Session 2B --  Landscapes of Distress Stewart Davenport This is NOT the Place: Inhospitable Environments for Communal Experiments Laura Kohl PEOPLES TEMPLE LANDSCAPES - Jonestown and Georgetown Charles ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR – Why Revisit Jonestown and Guyana?

  Jonestown Survivor - many Jonestown survivors - will return to Guyana for a Visit, Likely in March 2016 I have been in contact with many survivors who plan to go back to Guyana, on an arranged trip, in March 2016. In response to some of the concerns people brought up, I have thought more about why I am interested in going. This is what I wrote to those already committed to go, and those who are making up their minds now. Hi everyone, A couple of people have spoken to Melissa, and/or me about thoughts about the return trip to Guyana. Really, this ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVORS Plan to Revisit Guyana

BIG NEWS!  A group of survivors met with the documentary crew taking on the project of capturing our return visit to Guyana - likely next March. We took the first big step towards a trip where 10-20 survivors and family members will be able to go for a quick visit. Each one of us has our own intimate reason for wanting to make this trip. It will be captured on film and made part of our Peoples Temple Archive! VERY EXCITING! I will continue to share the process of getting this trip together!

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