At Escondido Library

Laura and others standing in front of the fleet of greyhound-type buses

Peoples Temple Choir in Redwood Valley

Airport on 1975 Guyana visit

Class in Jonestown
Jonestown 1978 Entrance

Laura front right of singing group, The Misfits

Laura in Georgetown with several friends

Laura on the left of boat, the Cudjo

Laura top left on Cudjo

Laura with kerchief on bucket brigade

Traveling up the Kaituma River in the Cudjo

Two friends with Laura in Georgetown

Wooden toys made in Jonestown

Laura with two survivors in Chicago to see the play The Peoples Temple

Laura with her husband and son

Laura at Evergreen Cemetery-33rd Anniversary

Laura with Synanon friends and Quakers – Visalia April 2012

Peoples Temple survivors and friends – San Diego June 2012

Guyana Panels at Evergreen Cemetery