Archived Site: Jonestown Survivor

Information Concerning this Archived Site

Source: (Inactive)

This is the archive of a large website of articles and blogs published in conjunction with the book, Jonestown Survivor: An Insider’s Look. The book and all the material in this archive were written by Laura Johnston Kohl, a member of Peoples Temple who survived the tragedy in Jonestown by being in Guyana’s capital city of Georgetown on 18 November 1978.

Following the twentieth anniversary of the Jonestown tragedy, Ms. Johnston Kohl became a prolific writer and active public speaker, work she continued to do until shortly before her death on 19 November 2019. She also made herself available to family members of those who perished in Guyana and scholars who try to understand the calamity of the ending. Finally, she was a generous contributor of articles and remembrances for the Alternative Considerations site, all of which may be found here.

In the interest of preserving the information from her site for future generations of Jonestown scholars and researchers, the managers of this site obtained permission from Laura’s husband Ron Kohl to archive her work in its entirety. Both the archive and the book itself are published with his permission.

JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Author Awaits Leigh Fondakowski’s New Book

I am eagerly awaiting a book due out this October 2012. Leigh Fondakowski has a new book coming out called "Stories from Jonestown." It will be published by University of Minnesota Press. About ten years ago, Leigh was contracted by the Z Studio (David Dower) in San Francisco to write a play about peoples Temple and Jonestown. Leigh had been the primary writer for "The Laramie Project" and received an Emmy Award nomination for it. Leigh and her wonderful colleagues spoke with as many survivors as they could and put together a magnificent play "The Peoples Temple." ...

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A close friend referred a woman who had suffered through an unbelievably horrific cult experience. The woman is on her own survival track, but is trying to help some others who experienced the same cult. In her group, the daily offenses were beyond our wildest nightmares. She was referred to me so that I could make some suggestions on how to survive it all. Here is part of what I wrote to her: I do know that there is a very thin line between good and really evil behavior, and that it is too easily crossed. I ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR – Where are the others?

People sometimes ask - "So, what happened to the other survivors?" Wonderful news if you live anywhere near Richmond! My dearest friend has opened a Studio - with art/life/calming/interpersonal communication - all kinds of resources - check it out! We look for ways to improve the world - locally and widely! Just take a look at Jordan!

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Speaking at North Clairmont Library

On Tuesday, June 12, I had a JONESTOWN SURVIVOR: An Insider's Look Book Talk at the North Clairmont Branch Library here in San Diego. The crowd was interesting and eclectic. Recently, during my events, I've had people come forward who have faced their own tragedies of late. Last night, a woman whose mother had been killed felt comfortable to talk a moment about her grief. A man in the group was very rude and I think it was his response to a frank discussion about Peoples Temple and the emotions it brought out. People facing grief need a safe place ...

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Jonestown and Synanon – a Compare/Contrast Presentation

COMMUNAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION PRESENTATION: On October 5, 2012, My husband and I will do a Joint Presentation at the Communal Studies Association Conference in Oneida, New York. Here is the "working" Abstract: In the three decades from 1960-1990, there were two modern residential communities that came and went. As former residents of both Synanon and Peoples Temple, we will introduce the communities, compare and contrast them, and have an in-depth discussion about the roles of women in the two communities. Background: I lived in Peoples Temple for about ten years, and then moved into Synanon for ten years. Ron Kohl ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR is Delighted about a Summer Break

Here it goes! While teaching middle school, I focus on that! Friday, June 8 was my last day of this school year. Now, I'm ready to take on - if not the world - my small part of continuing the discussion about Peoples Temple and survival. I naturally continue my activities with the Quakers, and Occupy Escondido, and Synanon connections. The upcoming weeks will also include a gathering of other Peoples Temple survivors here in San Diego. At each meeting of this group, my thoughts on the whole discussion of Peoples Temple and Jonestown ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR hosts North County Authors and Poet Table

On Sunday, June 3, I hosted an Authors' Table with the North County Authors and Poets in Rancho Bernardo, northern San Diego County. RB Alive (Ranch Bernardo Alive) was a wonderful event and my day was enriched with some wonderful, deep conversations about Peoples Temple and my book JONESTOWN SURVIVOR: An Insider's Look. I had many questions about my religion. I am an atheist and Quaker - which seems strange to many people. You can check my earlier blog to see my response. I met a woman Pastor. She came buy my table just as ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Agrees with PTSD Vet on Jigsaw Pieces

Today, June 3, 2012, I was hosting an Authors' Table at the Fiesta del Sol in Solana Beach, CA. I got into an interesting conversation with a veteran. Lately, more and more people who have faced tragedy and trauma have sought me out after my presentations. This has been true in libraries and universities in particular. The Vietnam Vet told me that his PTSD was not diagnosed until about ten years ago. So, he had been suffering from undiagnosed and untreated PTSD (70%) for nearly thirty years. He said that his most common feeling ...

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In late May, 2012, I was giving a Jonestown Survivor Book Talk at the College-Rolando Branch Library. After my presentation, I had a thoughtful conversation with a young man at my event. He was in middle school. First, he asked me, "Can I ask you a question?" I always laugh at that beginning. I, of course, said yes. He asked, "What is it like being an author?" I told him that it is wonderful. I explained why. Now that I have written my autobiography, I have allowed myself to NOT feel ...

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Conversation with a JONESTOWN SURVIVOR

For nearly the first twenty years after I survived the deaths in Jonestown, Guyana, I didn’t tell close friends or acquaintances about my decade in Peoples Temple. My fellow residents in the Synanon community knew, as they had seen me drag myself in the door after my very rocky first year home, trying to survive in San Francisco. I couldn’t talk about it without sobbing, and I didn’t want the inevitable questions, or possibly scorn, from those who found out. That was true for my first ten years in Synanon, and for the next ten years after ...

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