Archived Site: Jonestown Survivor

Information Concerning this Archived Site

Source: (Inactive)

This is the archive of a large website of articles and blogs published in conjunction with the book, Jonestown Survivor: An Insider’s Look. The book and all the material in this archive were written by Laura Johnston Kohl, a member of Peoples Temple who survived the tragedy in Jonestown by being in Guyana’s capital city of Georgetown on 18 November 1978.

Following the twentieth anniversary of the Jonestown tragedy, Ms. Johnston Kohl became a prolific writer and active public speaker, work she continued to do until shortly before her death on 19 November 2019. She also made herself available to family members of those who perished in Guyana and scholars who try to understand the calamity of the ending. Finally, she was a generous contributor of articles and remembrances for the Alternative Considerations site, all of which may be found here.

In the interest of preserving the information from her site for future generations of Jonestown scholars and researchers, the managers of this site obtained permission from Laura’s husband Ron Kohl to archive her work in its entirety. Both the archive and the book itself are published with his permission.

JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Responds to Questions

Here is another exchange from a high school student who wants to "re-write" a US History book to include more details of the lessons learned with Peoples Temple and Jonestown. 1, What made Jim Jones so genuine and easy to follow? He was believable. He lived the life he talked about - simple, not ostentatious, loving his own and everyone else's children of all color, taking care of everyone from attorney to custodian - he was not a hypocrite. He consistently did what he talked and preached about. 2. Shortly after the tragedy, How was your everyday personal life affected? Was ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR INFO: Here is my schedule over the next few months - hope you can come to one near you! June 6-7 - Bay Area Book Festival, Berkeley June 23 - downtown San Diego Library - City Heights/Weingart Branch. 6 pm August 13 - Fallbrook Library 6 p.m. August 22 - U of Phoenix Writing Event September 30-October 2 - Shaker Village, Kentucky with Communal Studies Association October 20 - Rancho Bernardo AAUW, RB Swim and Tennis Club, Rancho Bernardo 12:30

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Interview on the Jon Baran Radio/Internet Show May 9, 2015

JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Radio Interview 11:30 EST and 8:30 PST on Saturday, May 9. I will be on Jon Baran's Radio Show: JVC Broadcasting was formed in July 2009. The company operates over one dozen radio stations. Four stations in the Nassau, Suffolk Long Island market, five stations in the West Palm Beach, Florida market, one in Orlando and four stations serving Florida’s Gainesville, Ocala area. In addition the company operates Long Island Events a premier NTR facilitator and the operator of The Pennysaver Amphitheater a 7000 person outdoor concert event facility on Long Island. We broadcast, and ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR – Una Pregunta y Mi Respuesto

Yo recibio esta pregunta interesante: Estimada Sra. Laura Johnston Koh: He leído con mucho interés sus artículos sobre Jonestown y aprecio su interés en recibir preguntas. Soy historiador, y leyendo materiales sobre lo ocurrido en 1978 me encuentro en una carta de María Katsaris una referencia acerca de que una delegación de la ONU o algo así le asignó al Templo de Dios allí en Guyana a un niño desnutrido proveniente de Venezuela para que viviese en el campamento. Me ha interesado esta anécdota y me ha causado mucha curiosidad, porque en ello presumo que ese niño venezolano también habría fallecido en ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Will be Interviewed on Mark Lane’s Talk Show on April 27 – the E! Daily Justice

I AM SO EXCITED!  I am going to be on Mark Lane's show E! Daily Justice, on April 27 at 5:45. I will be talking about being a Jonestown Survivor and other issues! I am excited to meet up with Mark on his show. He is an inspiration! Here is some background on Mark Lane: Mark Lane stood up in favor of the immigrants from Central America, and took a lot of local intimidation and bullying for it. He had a restaurant in Barrio Logan and hate groups focused on him. He has been an outstanding leader to voice opposition to local ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Interview on The Crystal Show

I had a wonderful interview with Crystal, of The Crystal Show, tonight. She was great, and she had people call in to the show. One questions I especially liked was this: Why would people choose to join a cult, or a group? My answer is that - one person has little chance of speaking to authority and changing anything. We see injustices all around us - police shooting innocent men, hungry children, people on death row - and found innocent after decades - so many things! We join groups that have a stronger voice so that we can speak as a group ...

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A PERSON OF COLOR I am a survivor of Jonestown and Peoples Temple. I can not apologize or excuse enough about the horrific and incomprehensible way 918 wonderful people died. None of my reflections change that. But, my reflections do explain why so many of us joined Peoples Temple and even followed the dream of a Utopian community into the rainforest in Guyana. One of the aspects I loved the most about being in Peoples Temple was that skin color became a non-issue. We soon became blind to color because we were brothers and sisters in one big family, and because our ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Responds to Further Question

A new question came from a student who had many questions earlier. Here is his question and my answer.I previously asked you about the main reasons that led to the massacre. Relating to that, what do you think were Jim Jones motivations for the massacre or do you think he simply acted irrationally given his mental state at the time? I would say that the massacre happened, and was allowed to happen, because of multiple reasons. Jim was very sick and likely dying soon. He was addicted to drugs which made him even more paranoid, and certainly no longer in control of ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Responds to a Student Request about a Peoples Temple Musical

This week, I was contacted again by a student. As a teacher, I ALWAYS tend to say yes to students who take on tough jobs. Here is how he introduced himself: I am a student at .... I have done numerous reports on the Peoples Temple and have read and researched quite a lot about Jonestown, so let me start by saying that I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I am also shocked and astonished at how many young people today do not know what happened in Jonestown - and that to me is a real tragedy. I am ...

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JONESTOWN SURVIVOR Responds to Australian student studying Jonestown

I was contacted by a student who wrote: "I am studying Modern History at a Stage Two level for SACE in Australia and am doing a large assessment piece on Jonestown, largely based around the politics and cult aspects. Would it be possible to ask few questions of Ms Kohl over email or any preferred communication way. I understand this is a big ask, so completely understand if this is not possible. Thanks" Here are my responses to his questions: 1. In his speeches, conversations etc., did Jim Jones ever mention Communism/Marxism, and if you can recall, in what context? Also, did he make ...

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