Archived Site: Jonestown Survivor

Information Concerning this Archived Site

Source: (Inactive)

This is the archive of a large website of articles and blogs published in conjunction with the book, Jonestown Survivor: An Insider’s Look. The book and all the material in this archive were written by Laura Johnston Kohl, a member of Peoples Temple who survived the tragedy in Jonestown by being in Guyana’s capital city of Georgetown on 18 November 1978.

Following the twentieth anniversary of the Jonestown tragedy, Ms. Johnston Kohl became a prolific writer and active public speaker, work she continued to do until shortly before her death on 19 November 2019. She also made herself available to family members of those who perished in Guyana and scholars who try to understand the calamity of the ending. Finally, she was a generous contributor of articles and remembrances for the Alternative Considerations site, all of which may be found here.

In the interest of preserving the information from her site for future generations of Jonestown scholars and researchers, the managers of this site obtained permission from Laura’s husband Ron Kohl to archive her work in its entirety. Both the archive and the book itself are published with his permission.


Hi all,
On Sunday and Monday, some of us gathered at Evergreen Cemetery, went to dinner nearby, and spent time again at California Historical Society on Monday. It was a small group, but wonderful. I added some photos here and have more. If you attended and want to share your photos – that would be great too.

When I am with other survivors and family members, I feel like I am “at-home” – no pretenses, just deep friendship. I have a lot of friends but it is hard to describe the difference. I read somewhere once that you have friends you can bring home, no matter how messy your house is – because they don’t care. They are beyond judging you, and know you so well, you don’t have to pretend on any level. You don’t impress or un-impress them. Things are that solid. That is how I feel when I am with my Peoples Temple family.

Much love to all of you. those who couldn’t come – we missed you.

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