Archived Site: The Ghosts of November:

Information Concerning this Archived Site


This is the archive of a blogspot hosted by Jeff Brailey, the senior medic of the Joint Humanitarian Task Force sent to Guyana in November 1978. Brailey wrote about his experiences in the book The Ghosts of November, which he self-published in 1998, but his work did not end there. Instead, he continued to research the military and diplomatic responses to Jonestown, and revised his work several times before posting what was to be the final edition on his blogspot. Beyond the book itself, however, the postings include Brailey's reports on his efforts to secure a literary agent, as well as topics relating to Jonestown, cults, cult leaders, and related subjects.

Brailey died in 2014.

In addition to this archive, this site has published both the complete manuscript of the final edition of the book as well as Brailey's other blog postings in text formats.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Sherry Fine Saga - Continued

I received an email from a fellow writer who read my warning about the Writers Literary Agency and its VP of Acquisitions, Sherry Fine.

Dear Sir,
After receiving a recent contract from the Writer's Literary Agency, I did a Google search and found your email, hopefully you are still receiving mail at this address. I was under the impression that I had written the Waxman agency, a recommended and legitimate Agency based out of NY. I'm sure it was my own error in judgment, yet all communications were from the WL Agency
so you can see why I felt as if I was dealing with the more reputable agency. Regardless, my story unfurls much as yours appeared to have; receiving a positive review in a short period of time. I was asked to have a critique done and though they gave me the option for an outside editor, they made a good case for one they have worked with and only charged $60 to $90.
I noticed this all in time, having just received the contract via email today. I am curious if anything else ever came of your experience with the agency, as you can well imagine after such a long haul, all the effort put into creating the work and the hoops you must jump through to get the attention of the guardians at the threshold, that I am just well... deflated.
Best Regards,
I wonder why someone would stoop to scamming honest writers out of less than a hundred bucks rather than earning an honest living by properly representing them? Perhaps they con man or woman lacks the abilities to become a real literary agent so they resort to deceit and conniving trickery. I'd rather be a starving unpublished writer seeking honest representation rather than a dishonest scammer living off the hopes and dreams of others.

I would hope anyone who gets caught up in some scamming phony literary agent's web, would report that scumbag of a human being to the AAR, BBB and any other appropriate acronym. I am still actively seeking data on this sorry excuse for a would-be agent. If you want to share, email me at

1 comment:

Shadia said...

I got a positive review from this agency too! Just in time I found your website! So glad I didn't ask for their 'recommended critiques' thanks for having posted this info!