Q950 Transcript

(Editor’s note: This tape was transcribed by Georgiana Mamlakah. The editors gratefully acknowledge her invaluable assistance.)

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Jones: God is love, is principle. The Greeks said it’s principle. God is principle. Principle, Eros, of love, agape. God is a love principle. Thus you can graduate anything that has principle. This is– that’s our– our assumption. No longer is it an assumption, but it’s a belief. But God is no longer unpersonifiable or is abstract no longer. We believe that he has been uh, mastered. We believe that throughout the (unintelligible word) of God has been manifested to us. You understand this principle. It’s most important to understand the principle–

Voice in Congregation: All right.

Jones: –that God is love. And that Jesus said what I am, so shall you be, and we know that Jesus was God. He mastered it. It wasn’t to begin with, ‘cause it said that he was made perfect through suffering.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: But God is a state of abstract perfection. God doesn’t have to be made perfect, but Jesus became God. That’s the mystery. He said, what I am, so must you be. Of course, you say, I’m go– judging by g­– literal scripture. Well, you can’t do that, I’ve clearly shown you in, The Letter That Killeth [The Letter Killeth], our little booklet, I’ve clearly shown to every honest heart, that you cannot find inerrancy in the King James. Inerrancy, or lack of error, is not in the King James version. It’s quite evident that the King James version has errors. Now come on, I want to prepare Professor [Edith] Roller. So let’s get our mind. We always have to do some renewal because we’ll have people who uh, come in, uh, membership from time to time who’ve not perhaps established this in their mind. Well, let’s– let’s think about this, and get your minds on this. You, none of you know that much. I consider any follower who’s not looking at me now, to be grosslydisobedient. In many ways, I can determine whether you are true and faithful to Christ. It’s by your lack of willingness oftentimes to reverence the voice of the right idea. Now if God is a principle– that wasn’t of course to people who had their backs to me, it’s a little difficult, but it’s good of you to turn your back, then none of us have excuse. I’ve already borne record of you that did not, and I would like to have some reasonable explanation why you do not listen to me, when it’s so essential. You heard the testimony of the bus that capsized and was brought back. You sit and uh,. listen to people talk about people that were put on there by me in those buses, in a herculean and uh, miraculous way, and yet they did not find them until they got to the– the point of destination. You’ve heard about brother Rick [Cordell] as the house was on fire or the stove had caught fire, and then they threw water and had the explosion, and then the child run, Brother Cordell had a child run and put the picture on that. And that moment– that very moment– uh, at that moment the– the– the flames stop. You heard all those things. So you– you have to get some coordination if you want this ideal to be effective for you.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: And so each one of you who weren’t looking tonight, it reflects a disobedience. Even if it was failure to concentrate. It’s a disobedience that could destroy your life that is presently still going on. You’d– I never miss a face. You think I do. I can be looking there, and I’m seeing here.

Voice in Congregation: Hallelujah.

Jones: Don’t think I miss anything. ‘Cause if it’s possible for uh– for me to uh, do these things which you see every, every week. The woman brought back from the dead with her eyes, we’ll have a picture of her back there last weekend, that was so dead. If you don’t believe, her eyes was set, look at the Mertles’ [Deanna & Elmer Mertle] pictures. They caught the eyes that– I hope someone with a camera caught her when she was running around, but he certainly classicallycaught her dead.

Congregation: Stirs

Jones: She’s dead as anything you’d want to look at, and you saw her dance around. In fact of the matter, it might be good, uh, Brother Mertle, just to send those pictures through, and let them take a look at that– at that particular picture. There’s three in a series. (Shushes audience) Crying out. I want to know uh, the reason for the disobedience of uh, people when so much depends upon understanding the ideal. And in order to get to the– the practicality of what God is, we have to get the mythology of God, well explained to the satisfaction of all sincere people. That has to be done. And I have come to do that. By all of these miracles– by all of these miracles I’ve work. By all of them. The uh– uh, all of the miracles that I’ve worked. It’s uh– (pause) (Short laugh) Did you notice anything there?

Congregation: Yeah.

Voice in Congregation: Hallelujah.

Jones: Someone– Laurie Efrein’s purse, I think. And Philip has been– been mistakenly, uh thought that he might’ve taken it. I did not suggest so. But there it is.

Congregation: Applause

Jones: Anyway– anyway.

Voice in Congregation: I’m settin’ right here where I can see– (fades out)

Congregation: Applause.

Jones: I’m singing out of this book. She said all that she– her test– testimony was that all I had in my hand was this book that I was singing out of, and so I have to use this uh, office, and there’s paranormal and uh, charismatic extradimensional faculties to establish clearly that I know all about the mythological god. Because in order to get people beyond the mythological god, someone has to clearly establish that he is in contact to the fullest degree with the supernatural god, or the superstitious god, or the uh, credulous god. Whatever one wants to say about it. So I think that I have clearly shown that I have ascended into the uppermost realms of the heavenlies, in that I have dematerialized, and that is a literal truth.

Voice in Congregation: Yes.

Jones: Dematerialized, that’s a literal truth.

Voice in Congregation: Yes.

Jones: I don’t think some of you realize just how literal it is. All you in the staff, you– you need to get cognizant of the fact that I have done everything that has been spoken of– uh, that the academics– ‘Cause Carol Stahl can verify that I dematerialize. She’s the one that can really do it more effectively. And Carolyn Layton, and uh, Ri– Richmond Stahl, because I did– I have, and I can when I choose as I have on these occasions. And I sound like I need to, but it’s time now that we do away from the mythological concern, because I have clearly proven that I know what I’m speaking about.

Voice in Congregation: All right.

Jones: I have ascended into the third heavens, of which there are too many mysterious and marvelous things that I cannot speak of. I have descended into hell, so literally as it was said of old, God’s gone gone to hell and come back. ‘Cause I have gone to hell numerous times on numerous occasions, into the worth hellish conditions to deliver– deliver people from their bondage.

Voice in Congregation: Yes.

Jones: And I wish you’d get the idea across again. Jesus was not God. He became God. That’s the mystery. He was not God. For God is not. God is a spirit. God is a principle, spiritual, it’s principle, Eros, agape. He is a principle. There is no person in the sense that we have considered God to be, an anthropologic being in the outreaches of space. God is a principle, just as inculcable, just as incarnatable as mathematics. Now this is what we– you could understand the mystery of Jim Jones being God personified, if we understood what we were talking about, then the fundamentalists wouldn’t get so turned off, because God is as reincarnatable today, as he was in the days of Jesus. Not only that, but when a virtuoso in music comes along and demonstrates, it makes it easier for someone else to go beyond that realm of demonstration in the field of music. When a mathematician comes along and masters mathematics of one century, it’s easier for someone else then to come and build upon that and go to higher heights.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: So Jesus said, these things shall you do and greater.

Congregation: Stirs.

Jones: So that clearly understand that we’re having to wait for the same uh, incarnation, but the Bib– but he said, these things shall you do and greater, because I go to the Father.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: Now if God is love, that it’s a mathematical ideal or a principle, and that principle can be concentrated upon, studied, until one graduates fully. You can stop at the sophomore year, and be a sophomore if you wish, or a junior, or you can end up in the elementary level, or you can get a master’s degree. Masters of God. Or you can get a philosophical uh, doctorate of philosophy. You could become the ultimate degree, a PhD of God. You can graduate in the finality. (Diverts attention) Uh, you got something interesting, do you, sisters over here? More interesting than the one that will save your life, that no one that can until you come into what I have. What are you looking for? Are you looking for something strange or elusive? I am real. I’m as real as the breath you breathe, and the heartbeat that’s in your chest.

Voice in Congregation: Calls.

Jones: And until you aspire to my noble ambition and demonstration, until you attain to that, you had better listen attentively, because it’s like you being out in blind man’s bluff or being out in a chaotic sea of turbulent destruction. You’re on the sea of distress and the master of omnipotency. The generals who have your salvation is here, even now exuding the energy that caused that bus to be found, exuding the energy that caused the woman with all of her money to be found, because I possess the thought before it happened. Nothing is new to me. I know what she’s going to speak before she spoke it.

Voice in Congregation: Oh yes.

Jones: I’m fully familiar with it, because I’ve been there, and certainly we have the vivid proof of the picture. And then if you look clearly, you look in my face, you can see that I know all about God. When I go with that dead woman, as I do, you look at that picture, you can tell that I know all about the supra paranormal, the supernatural, the miraculous. I am fully in attunement and identification and at one with the spirit that you call God.

Voices in Congregation: All right. That’s all right.

Jones: I’d– clearly evidence, if you look at that picture. There’s no distress in my face.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: I have more distress with some of these poses, which I don’t like to, because, you see, I recognize any principle. I know I have principle bearer, but I– they like for people to get caught up with the bearer and miss the principle, so I don’t pose very well for pictures. But in the picture there, you won’t see any distress. You will see the precision of a surgeon going at an operation that he’s performed a million times. I might graze by you tonight and you look at the picture of that dead woman, you will see in me someone that knows what he is doing. So you had better listen to me, the divine spirit that is personified here, when we get down to what is that spirit.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Voice in Congregation: Hallelujah.

Jones: The great physician (unintelligible word) is here, we said. Certainly not, not in the middle of my conversation. The great physician now is here to sympathizing, socialist. (Pause) ‘Cause God has no meaning whatsoever, unless you understand what he is.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: If God is love, that’s if the– What kind of love? The love of the earth, the love (unintelligible word), the love of the body, it’s what I’ve seen (unintelligible word) come out of the elements of the love-making in the physical, it certainly wouldn’t be a very high attainment. What is his love? And what does love mean? God is love. You tell me some (unintelligible word) word meaning perfect equality. In the original, it comes from a word meaning perfect equality. Well, what brings perfect equality? A system. A system that guarantees that there’ll be perfect equality. You can’t have perfect quality– uh, equality by merely hoping it to be. That’s hopium [hoping and opium]. Just like an opium addiction, some of you have a hopium. You got an ever– ever projection of the realms and beyond, but you’ve got to have a practical understanding of God. God is love. Then what brings perfect love? Socialism.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: Apostolic socialism as it was. Every time that a little Spirit descended in the New Testament, they sold theirpossessions – that was a first step – baptize in the name of Jesus Christ. (Voice climbs throughout) Signifying death itself, death to capitalism, death– breath to the profit motive seeking, death to cultural seeking, death to sto– to status quoism, death to uh, socio-economic positions, death to the class structure, death to racism, death to possessions, death to materialism, death to capitalism.

Voice in Congregation: Yeah.

Jones: Baptism in Jesus name, death to self–

Voice in Congregation: All right.

Jones: And resurrection to love. And you cannot have a nebulous love. That’s why the church is on such a shaky road today. They have no course.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: You’ve got to define that love, and that love can only be defined by the divinity of socialism. When God is socialism, God is love. Love is socialism. Socialism means that all the means of the production that man has, the earth, the air, the water ways, the resources are owned by the same people, the family of man, the family of God. There’s only one source of ownership, love. That no one can privately own the air, no one can privately own the land, it must be held in common. So then that is love, that is God, socialism. No matter how many people have failed by naming it other things, fascism, communism, that matters not, because always there’ll be a fault. And there’ll be propaganda against the real.

Woman in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: And there’s always a close kindredship of the unreal to the real. No matter how many failures have been made, that which has produced the highest self today in the world has been socialism. The greatest souls that you know in the earth picture. [Albert] Einstein, socialist. George Bernard Shaw, socialist. I’m talking about humanitarians. The great uh, sensitive artist Pablo and uh, what is it, the, the–

Voice in Congregation: Picasso.

Jones: Caslow, uh, Caslow uh, Pablom, uh, Casals. Uh, all of the most sensitive refined superegos. [Karl] Menninger, who wrote us a major institute. An old time socialist. The early spirits of labor. There’s none like Eugene V. Debs, to love, to care, to share. He went to prison so many times for his people. The greatest spirits have come out of socialism. I– I can’t think of one. And even the world admits that the greatest are there. Norman Cousins has made most of the political things we have today. Social Security, a socialist. Norman Cousins, a founder of socialism in America. Most everything that he produced was robbed by the establishment. Built for him, modified, but still there. We are the first to uh, you know– and that to the country, is the first to admit you have to have some form of socialism, which unfortunately, is socialism for the rich. I was very chagrined that Mr. [George] Wallace is uh, as I’m going to tell you, I predicted that. More than that, there’s another factor in it-

Voice in Congregation: All right.

Jones: Uh, I was speaking to Karen that day, earlier in the morning, and I became aware of it and I said something about a block having to be removed. And I shan’t– shan’t go into that particular faculty in my power, and I’ve been speaking of this necessity of the removal, and I said uh, we’re– hopefully not by violence, but if violence came, (Pause) it wouldn’t take his life, but it would be necessary to incapacitate, that he might learn for a time at least. That he might learn. And heis incapacitated, and we’re not s– not at all s– heartened by this. We’re saddened by that. We’re saddened that the man Wallace last week was saying, we don’t want any control on handguns. We want no control on weapons. And that there’s 30 million of these weapons loose is this country. Thirty million handguns. And as I said, we were and– 90 million– 90 million– 30 million of the smaller miniature typed guns. And he says, he doesn’t want any– any controls on them. Well, now, maybe since they’ve shot someone of the right– the right wing, I’m talking. Maybe now that some of these gun lobbyists won’t have as much pull. Because there’re just too many weapons, and 60– 70% of all crimes of violence involve a handgun. (Pause) But I thought that when I saw the president [Richard Nixon] saying, anything we have, Mr. Wallace, is yours. And I see the intensive wards. (Attention diverted) I’m watching those who do not pay attention. Though I’m looking there, I’m watching there. (Pause) (Back to congregation) Mr. Wallace has the entire floor of the intensive ward. Do you know what an intensive ward is? That’s where the dangerous cases have to go.

Congregation: Stirs.

Jones: And I thought that’s– what? That’s nice. We want Mr. Wallace to have intensive care, but Mr. Wallace should not be guaranteed the seventh floor, until every American is guaranteed the seventh floor when he’s in trouble.

Congregation: Applause and cheers.

Jones: Mr. Nixon comes on and says, we will give you a hospital plane. We’ll take you to the best doctors, we’ll give you the best of hospitals. We– anything you wish, any hospital you wish to be in. I didn’t appreciate that at all. Until Mr. Nixon tells me that every little white child in poor Appalachia, or every black child in Watts or Hunters Point, and every Indian child in the reservation is guaranteeing such care, (Enunciates each word) I say he is speaking wrong things.

Congregation: Cheers and applause.

Jones: He doesn’t touch me. These politicians looking after each other’s hide, does not touch me. There’s only one kind (unintelligible, sounds like “that see”), that’s God’s spirit. This mathematic principle that I am inculcating. Only time it could ever equalize is at death or with their own virus that they’ve supported to use against the poor, finally the chickens come home to roost.

Congregation: Cheers and applause.

Jones: What you live by, (pause) you will die by. If you live by the sword, you’ll die by the sword.

Congregation: Stirs.

Jones: Some of us know well who are the members of the Gospel of Peace, fulls expect to die by the sword makers too.

Voice in Congregation: Oh yeah.

Jones: We’re fully aware that we can be the victims of their malicious crimes. But now and then there’s one thing about divine socialism, the mathematics of principle. There’s one good comforting fact of this divinity which I am whatsoever I am. Whatsoever you say I am. Whether you say I ascended from heaven or descended from hell, it matters not, I am the power that saves you from your transgressions, delivers you out of your problems, heals you when you were sick, broke the bondages that were on you that no one could break, took you in when you were a stranger, adopted the babies when there was no place for them to go. Whatsoever you say I am, I am that I am, and I shall fulfull my work.

Congregation: Applause.

Jones: Saith God. I enshroud myself in a mystery, saith God, only that for the purpose of those who are in a lesser plane, who need that, a comfort of the old superstitions, but to those that are my friends, I will tell you (unintelligible word), though not a word, I am he which was and is to come, and beside me, there is no other in this continent today.

Congregation: Stirs.

Jones: I am the inculcation of all that you held to be abstract. I am all that you held to be mythological and more. I have more power than that shadow of a God that you once had. I have it in my finger. I can command the waves and the winds to be still if I choose, saith God.

Congregation: Cheers.

Jones: (Voice calms) So it’s nothing to materialize a purse or to find money or to be able to recall the elements.

Voice in Congregation: Hallelujah.

Jones: This is nothing of that which could be done, if you would get your minds and attentions, your love and your devotion centered on that which I am.

Voice in Congregation: Hallelujah.

Jones: Socialism.

Voice in Congregation: Hallelujah.

Jones: If you’d concentrate on what I am, you’d have more power, more dynamics. The dynamism of this spirit would meet you and would solve your every problem.

Voice in Congregation: Hallelujah.

Jones: (voice rises) Would eliminate your sorrows, would wipe away the tears from your eyes, would heal every disease, and finally, as only I have proven can be done these five years, stop death in its tracks. Who have you known? Who have you known in all your history, but something you read about and the book is incorrect. The book is full of errors, so you don’t even know that happened, unless someone comes along and proves that mathematics worked. They used to talk about atomic energy, but you didn’t know it worked until someone set off an atomic bomb out in the deserts. You used to hear of electricity, but you didn’t know it was a reality until someone brought the poles together. You did not recognize these forces as theory that could only just be some hogwash or head knowledge. That’s the way it is with religion. It could be a lot of head knowledge, particularly when, as I prove here, you can’t even get a fact straight about uh, the precious Nazareth consciousness. The precious Jesus consciousness. You don’t even know who his grandfather is. You don’t know where he ascended to. You don’t whether he went to Egypt or whether he didn’t, whether he stayed in Jerusalem. One writer says he stayed with his parents and kept the feast of the Passover every year. You don’t know whether he died with one thief converted, or whether they were both scolding him and rebuking him.

Voice in Congregation: That’s the truth.

Jones: One scripture says the thieves railed on him, another scripture says one of the thieves. Well, the reality was onedid. The other said– rebuke to the one that did. Because I remember the spirit, you see, I know. I’m the– the eternal spirit. I know. I can collect on that in the precognitive. I go back into the pre-existence and collect on that, and I can see the visible image as he looked across from that– that uh, T-shaped tree. It wasn’t a cross like you have it, but I can look at that T-shaped tree, and I can hear him rebuking him. And I said, this day I’m gonna take you on the other side, and we will commune together. Just as we are here, we shall be there. I didn’t say this day you’ll be in paradise, because you don’t go from there to paradise. You go into a uh– the first heaven, and that’s not paradise, but I said (voice rises) this day–

Voice in Congregation: Yes.

Jones: (Voice lowers) We’ll start over on the other side, we’ll communicate, and we’ll continue our perfection on the other side. So that’s what really happened. You say, why do you speak with such authority. I speak with such authority because I have right– reached the realm of honesty, purity of thought, compassion and love, the personification of everything that is real, genuine and pure and honest and kind and loving. I have mastered God, I have my PhD in God. I have outdone all the degrees in this (unintelligible word) God. I have concentrated God in this body. God is no longer a superstition, but God is real, real, real.

Congregation: Cheers.

Jones: My body was once flesh of your flesh and dust of the earth and the cheapest of mortality, but I took that, and heard of the mathematics called God. And I heard what I had said in former days. Though being in the form of man, though as Jesus was being in the form of a servant, he considered it– he was a servant too. And I heard him say, though I was a slave, though I was in the form of slavery, though I was in the form of a servanthood, I considered it not robbery to be equal with God. And I looked at that principle and found that mathematics, and I recognized that I had lost my inheritance in mortality. My father and mother were not my father and mother. My Ku Klux Klan father was not my father. I recognized that my father was infinite spirit, that my whole creation, my whole causation had come from divine socialism. And I looked up from that poor bed by the railroad tracks, and I decided mastering in the spirit. And I mastered materially, and I said to myself with a bursted appendix when I was nothing more than ten years of age. I said, I am God.And I walked out of my bed healed, and I have been considering that revelation ever since, and now I have perfected it.

Voice in Congregation: Hallelujah.

Jones: There’s no longer any chance for me to do evil. It’s gone from me. That’s the mystery you don’t understand. I could not sin. I am so born of God. It’s nothing that anyone else cannot implant in their consciousness. If you will take time to learn of someone who has reached into that realm, and that uh, has got into the coffers of divine knowledge. If you’ll just follow this principle, it’s appropriable to you. It’s appropriative to anyone that wants to follow, but some people think they’re going to jump in easy. I’ve been doing this for many days–

Voice in Congregation: Oh yeah!

Jones: –many years. I’ve been specializing. I said I have been specializing in God Almighty.

Congregation: Scattered cheers.

Jones: And as I specializing at that young age, and I considered no other father but divine science, divine socialism, divine love, uh, humanitarian love, and as I say, love, God is socialism. So I say, thank socialism. God is love. Socialism is god. And I specialize and I specialize.

Voice in Congregation: Hallelujah.

Jones: And I worked it out of my body, the realms of mortal memory. I went down memory lane, and I had reeled long enough in the realms of mortality. I had reeled long enough under the influences of what I was supposed to be. I heard the revolutionary voice within me that I am the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. I kept hearing it in the trees. I kept hearing it in the birds, that picture that my mother has when I was just knee high to a grasshopper, three years of age, leading a billy goat and wild animals of all sorts, and crow on my shoulder, and uh, an owl in my hand, and a snake crawling right behind me. I looked at all these animals in procession. Even as a child, I had a kindredship. So it started early, it started in a former life. As John the Baptist– as it said with John the Baptist, he was Elias which was and is to come. So don’t think you can get there overnight, but it is attainable. You must be born again. And the beauty of it is, my– my precious comrades, you will be born again. You shall be born again. And if you are born of God completely, if you graduate fully of the substance and processes of divine science, socialism, God, if you fully get God in you, you will not commit sin. He that is born of God doth not commit sin.

Voices in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: So there’s no evil in me. I couldn’t do evil if I would want to. It’s gone. I have no desire. The desire is gone.

Voice in Congregation: Yes, that’s right.

Jones: Say, what is it that, that I– You’re saying you’re not able to make mistakes? We’re talking about [an] entirely different realm now, we’re talking about purity of consciousness. God is a purity of consciousness. That’s not inerrant judgment, that’s not inerrant moral or mortal judgment, it is a morality of the pro– most ultimate nature. It is a perfectionin morality, a perfection in ethics. There is no danger of me doing anything immoral.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: To your standards, it might be immoral, but it will be the most moral, the most altruistic that you could hope for. Anything I do is divinely good. And if you have a mind to know the spirit, you will know what I do is divinely true and divinely real.

Voice in Congregation: Hallelujah.

Jones: You don’t have to be uh, a vain theorist to get that either. You can just look around, and watch the inner workings and the outer picturing, and you will see clearly that I am the ultimate of honesty uh, that you’ve seen. You say, are– you mean to say, you’re the most honest person in America? Indeed.

Congregation: Stirs.

Jones: I should be now being elected the president of the United States.

Congregation: Cheers and applause.

Jones: (whispering in mic) Hmm? I didn’t– I don’t know. I don’t know. Let me know. (back to congregation) Not to mention, I’m– you see, I’m not using my supra natural power, although I have more of that than any of your so-called healers. I’ve got more than any faker that ever claimed power or any so-called mystic. I have more in my hand than anyone you met, because you don’t know anyone in your day that can materialize things as I did the briefcase, right before your eyes. You’ve not met anyone who can go through a wall, but I can. It’s not easy, but I can do it. You’ve not met anyone that can turn water– as Eva Pugh said, there’s someone in Canada that wants us to bring– those white people, if they want to send– they’ve got 60 people already, want to be brought on a bus. She said I sent 11 pitchers of water, and said, finally I said I’m tired of sending any more water, he only turns it to wine. What Sister Pugh said to this man, said I sent 11 pitchers of water or 10 pitchers of water, and every one I turn and send up there, he turns it to wine. So they don’t need for me to send any more water. Uh, this was her joking way of getting the message across. But you don’t know anybody [who] can do that. But I don’t establish myself by those things. You notice I never establish myself by those things. I establish myself because of being pure love, pure justice, the purest of honesty in a practical way. Not some kind of impractical thing. And they say, well, the anointing is on him. He heals the sick. That isn’t worth a tinker’s to me, if it isn’t backed up by character. (Unintelligible word) impeachable– it’s the impeccable character, purity of character. There’s not a– not a flaw in the character. That’s what’s important. It’s not the polish, it’s not the dynamics, it’s not the singing, it’s not the s– uh, the sermonizing, it’s not grammar, it’s character. That’s what God is. (Emphasizes each word) God is a spirit. God is love. Spirit’s too– too abstract a word. And it isn’t the original word anyway. The closest thing to the original scripture is, God is love. And King James, as deadly a king as he was, drunk as he was, and he was a mean king. King of England 1611, he was mean. History will show you how mean a man he was. The same ships to Africa to put people in chains, and to throw little babies that couldn’t make the journey to the rocks below, as the King of England did, under the orders of the King of England. And throw pregnant mothers to the shark. And then you’ve got the nerve to tell me that such a king can tell you what God had to say. He wouldn’t know God from a wind in a breeze.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: You know the old timers, that shows the ancient of days, when they– when you make wind, you understand what I’m talking about. If you’re an old timer, you’ll know that. You– you youngsters have another word I don’t like so well, but make wind. Some people wouldn’t know God from making wind, and King James couldn’t tell God from making wind. And he doesn’t. He cannot get it. (Unintelligible word) can get it. He’s got things in there that are incorrect. Slaves, servants, obey your masters. That went out (voice rises) long before the dispensation of the Apostolic Age. That was not in the original Scripture – slaves, obey your masters – said it was not there. Just to servants, obey your masters, obey those that have rule over you. They wanted to encourage serfdom and slavery, and they did. Racism in America was encouraged by such damnable things as that.

Congregation: Murmurs.

Jones: The history’s inaccurate. So then why wouldn’t you take someone that comes along, and that’s the only thing that keeps you from accepting truth, is your Bible stands in your way, which is in error. If it were not in error, than you could stand on it, but honey, you can’t stand on anything. There’s not a page you go, that you don’t find an error. There’s truth there, but who pointed you to the truth? Did you ever know the truth of socialism? And all that believed were together and had all things common, sold their possessions and goods, parted them to all men as every man had need. Divine economic social racial inclusiveness, total equality, total economic, social and racial equality. (Firmly states) Total socialism. (Voice rises) Anybody every preach that to you?

Congregation: No.

Jones: No. Preachers wouldn’t have Cadillacs, they preach that to you. They’d have to go around in the same used clothes, if they preach that. They would not be able to have big cathedrals and preach that. The truths were there, but you wouldn’t have gotten the truths, you would’ve gotten something like– (Clears throat) I hate to go through this every time. Maybe we’ll get all memberships at one point in one time. Or that sermon might be reusable if we keep it, to go over it at another– another time, if it has to be. (Pause) Well, let’s look here. As I said, there’s some great truths out there, but you needed a honest spirit to bring you the truth. Healing’s there, but there’s also cursing. Cursing of the little children. How are you to know what’s right? Remember Elisha? (pause) The bald headed Elisha, the prophet? (pause) Some children mused at him having a bald head. Children muse at me all the time. I think it’s fun. Someone joked at me today something, I don’t know what it was, and I never said a word. It was really inappropriate, they were in the presence of someone else, but I didn’t think anything about it. ‘Cause I thought if I– if I can’t stand on my own merit, even though followers would try to undermine you sometimes unconsciously, if you can’t stand on your own merits, why get excited? No use of getting excited over someone making a little uh– and this wasn’t amusement, this was a kind of a cut, but Elisha just had little kids. Little baby children came up to him and made fun of him. because he had a bald head. They– They didn’t make fun, they said they joked, and it said God was incensed because the children did this. Now, how ridiculous. God or Elisha then ordered she-bears to come out of the wilderness, the woods, and to destroy all those forty children. (pause) (Short laugh) Why, you wouldn’t go across the street to worship a God like that.

Congregation: No.

Jones: God– the God you know didn’t do that. That’s the God of the King James that’s carried up some of these old myths that are inaccurate. Isn’t no God did such a thing as this. But there’re great truths also. Elias has already come. You knew him not. Reincarnation. You can’t understand anything about divine law, unless you understand reincarnation. God personified in a body. Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, for he’d seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. He wrestled all night with him at Peniel. Genesis 32:30. Exodus 24, then went up Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu. And suddenly the Elders of Israel, and they saw the God. Not heard, but saw the God of Israel. See, God always had a body. Beautiful truth. To see that that­– the perfection that you have held in escrow, the perfection that you’ve held out unattainable, that the preachers have dangled in front of your face, saying give me your money so I can drive in my Cadillac, that perfection that’s been held out of your reach, has (stretches out word) always been attainable, is always earth-present. He said he will always have a body, always had and always will. (preaching mode) Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. I– not it, I– the same God that was at Moses’ day, the same God that walked and talked with Solomon, the same God that he said– Solomon said why, his hair is as black as the raven. And Isaiah 7:20, you have shave with a razor.

Congregation: Stirs.

Jones: The same God that wrestled in human form with Jacob all night. The same God that some murderous king, Kebur– Nebuchadnezzar 567 years before Christ, 567, looked in a fiery furnace even though he persecuted the Jews. He looked in the fiery furnace, and there he not only saw Eshack [Shadrach], Meshach and Abednego, but he saw Jesus Christ, God Almighty, in a body.

Congregation: Cheers.

Jones: (Voice climbs throughout) If a heathen king could see more than you, the children of promise, you will sacrifice, you’ve been loving in the pursuit of divine mind, that’s just come along with me in this battle for truth, if a dirty king could see more than you, what kind of equality would there be in the universe? But I’m glad he’s no respecter of persons, the same god that Nebuchadnezzar saw will be foreseeable and visible in every day and every year. He’s always had a body, he always will have a body. I am his body in this continent today. (cries out) God personified.

Congregation: Cheers and applause.

Jones: I’ve said it for twenty-some years publicly, and for thirty-some years privately, and I’m still living, for you that are afraid I’m going to die. (Pause) Great truths. Great, great truths. Manoah and his wife saw him and all the prophetesses and prophets. But the errors there, there are many. (Pause) You don’t know your right hand from your left without a prophet. That’s why he said how can you hear without a prophet. Or a preacher, how can he preach lest he be sent. For it is written in Se– 1 Chronicles 21:1, Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel. 2 Samuel 24:1 talks about the same event, but tells it differently. “And again the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, go number Israel and Judah.” Here it was supposed to be David numbering Israel and God’s ordering it, and up there it was Satan in the first chapter. Now what is– is it, Satan and God the same thing? Well, they must– something to be considered there. Please get this, (likely holding up The Letter Killeth) ‘cause you can’t get her message until you get this. No use, no way trying, you can’t get it until you do. (Pause) Myth. Abraham had only one son, Abraham had two sons. Hebrews 11:17. By faith Abraham offered up Isaac, his only begotten son. Galatians 4:22. For it is written that Abraham had two sons. No, he didn’t, he had a concubine. Couldn’t’ve had two sons, not by Hebrew customs. He couldn’t have had two sons. Now what did he do? But was Keturah his wife or his concubine. Do you really know? I just take one subject at a hand. You don’t know a thing. Genesis 25 says, then Abraham took a wife and her name was Keturah. K-E-T-U-R-A-H. But 1 Chronicles 1:32 decidedly says Keturah, Abrahams’ concubine. (pause) So I don’t know why you object to hearing someone that has character. Then when he proves supernatural power to heal the sick, done nothing but purity with his gift. I’ve healed more people by this personification of my divine graduation in mathematical formulas of God’s nature, in this divine science as a graduate, as a PhD in God. I have done more good than all people put together here have done with their lives. There’s no healer in America or in the continents today that has been able to do as much in the supra-natural, in the para-psychological, in the paranormal, in the extra-dimensional, in the miraculous, no one has begun to do what I’ve done. But no one, no one has begun to attain to the love to adopt eight babies, to keep on taking in children, to feel concern for every person that comes in, a concern that treats everyone alike.

Congregation: Murmurs of assent.

Jones: That has no fear or favor of position. Will not allow someone to come in and push them around because of their money. Who gives no particular respect for anyone, only for the love. If he sees loving you, he accepts you, but if you come in with a master’s degree in the world, or come from the richest family, if you don’t come through that door with love, I don’t give you any attention. If you come through that door with love, you can be a concubine’s son, and I will treat you as a king, because love is what I want to see, divine love. God is love, and I am that spirit.

Congregation: Scattered applause.

Jones: Love. (pause) So if you then– the only way you have– to argument you went against me is by your religion. And even your religion preaches socialism. It’s the high point of every time the Holy Spirit came into the believer. Every time the Holy Ghost came, they sold their possessions, and it was the only time that someone was struck dead, when they kept back some for themselves. And Ananias and Sapphira dropped dead, just as the two dropped dead, the three here and were restored. (Pause) Only because they withheld. In that day, uh, no one restored them. They dropped dead, but nobody brought them back. (Pause) Something to consider. Now when we say introduction to socialism, I haven’t got any time for that, you don’t then say, that denies what you’re saying. You have no time for God.

Congregation: Murmurs of assent.

Jones: For God is socialism. That’s why they’ve lied to you, that’s why they bombard you with their evil. Every little movie. Little boys were looking at something– Stephan [Jones] and his, uh, uh– his friend Michelle. They were looking at a movie, and I was resting, I didn’t go to bed last night, I was resting on the davenport. And I said, I want you to remember the influences of Adamic man, capitalist man. Capitalism is the devil. If you want to call something devilish, it’s possessiveness of things. The right to have things, to compete for things. They were talking about this uh, the teacher today was speaking about this uh, [Arthur] Bremer that murdered uh, or assassinated– attempted to assassinate Mr. Wallace. They said he was a (emphasis) good student. He wasn’t aggressive, only on sports, highly competitive in football, highly competitive in sports. He was aggressive in there– there, but he said he really wasn’t aggressive. The fools, there– that’s the very indication of the repression of this young man. He was aggressive, he was capitalistic, sports make people aggressive. You’ve gotta win, you gotta win, you beat down someone, you don’t cooperate. American sports is not cooperation, it’s competition. And this teacher was talking about how competitive it was, as a virtue, on the news tonight. He was a very competitive student. That’s what makes murderers. Com– Competition finally ends up ultimately in killing your brother.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: (voice rose) Cain killed Abel because he was a competitor. It always is capitalism that causes murder. It may start out as a little innocuous thing, but finally it’ll end up causing you to murder your brother to get what he has. You’ll want to get what he has and you’ll cut his throat, knife him in the back, push him down, walk over him, but finally capitalism is the devil personified. It’s murder incorporated. And that’s what led Ca– Cain to kill Abel on that awful morning. He wanted what his brother had.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: He wanted that– that– that esteem. He wanted that position, so he murdered him. Capitalism is the murderer, socialism is God the lover. And if you can get it simply in your mind, then you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Voice in Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: But the movie last night– and I will close with this. Said a voyage, a strange voyage, a voyage into some idiot’s place. I don’t know what they called it. What was this? Is– Is Stephan around here? Tim, you were there– you were incred– what was it? What was it called? Incredible Journey, voyage into somebody’s stupid body. Fantastic Voyage. And they’re (unintelligible word) with this things. (shouts) You’ve got to be shocked.

Voice in Congregation: Oh yes.

Jones: The powers of the earth are ruled by the prince of the air. Capitalism is ruling the air today, its days’ about done, but right now the prince of the air, capitalism, self-possessive, competitive, murderous competition, that’s the devil. That’s what you need to fear. Every time you hear capitalism, you know that’s the devil, and fear it with all your heart. And if that’s what’s in you, if that’s which is in the collective, whether it’s inwardly or outward picured, it’s the dail– most devious force there is in all human existence. (unintelligible word) showed it– showed doctors and uh, what’s the usual thing, the communists were trying to get a secret uh, and the capitalist had it. The man was there with a blood clot in his brain. And– and the– if they could get the blood clot removed and there was no way that surgery perform it. You had to go in and operate. It was inoperable, so they– they– they had to deminiaturize, they had a new method of scientific wonder that they can deminiaturize by atoms uh, control computations of certain formulas which– You didn’t need to do that too, they’ll be doing it, but we’re going to not see it done till socialism comes. They can reduce the size, ‘cause everything that happens to science fiction usually has merit, and I’ve seen it always, it can actually be done. So they could bring this down to a microbe, and they brought this submarine down to a microbe in a hypodermic, it was quite a uh, difficult process, I won’t go into all that, that has no purpose to what I’m trying to say. And they injected this sup– this submarine as a microbe into the bloodstream at the carotid artery, to go to– into the brain, and break up this clot, which as fantastic as it seems, that is conceivably possible, to deminiaturize just that much. ‘Cause I’ve sa– I’ve said– I’ve said I’ve gone through walls, I know something about the realm of metaphysics. I have a master’s, Ph.D., a DD and an LDD, whatever you want to give it, I’ve got it in God.

Congregation: Murmurs assent

Jones: If I haven’t got it, it isn’t worth getting.

Congregation: Murmurs assent

Jones: All right. And so I know the uh– the control of the elements, and uh, it is conceivable. But then they get in this little submarine, and up they go through the bloodstream, and they’ve got three doctors on there, or two doctors, a doctor– two doctors and a helper. And they try to present the one guy as being the– the communist agent, and I said to the– I said it’ll be the other guy. I knew it immediately, I know propaganda when I see it. It said this guy came along, and said, well I– Oh, they were looking at osmosis of the cell, and the cell taking in oxygen and putting out carbon dioxide, and what a remarkable process they said this was. Said– this one was saying, God, there has to be a God out there to do this. They always want to keep their God out there, ‘cause they don’t want you to do a thing about making this a better place. It’s God out there, you see. (voice raises) The world and the churches had kept your God out there, because Jesus said, today is the day of salvation, thy kingdom come, on earth– my will be done on earth, but they want to keep out there because then you know– they know that they’ll have trouble if you find out that you are gods. Jesus said, when they would stone him, he said, what good work do you stone me, is it not written, I’m only been called the son of man, it’s written that ye are gods. Jesus came to earth, as I’ve come to earth, to show people that there’s no God higher than their own self, that they’re gods. (Voice drops, then climbs) And boy, capitalism and the church age which has sold out to capitalism, it doesn’t want people to get that message.

Congregation: Murmurs

Jones: When you reckon wi– with the fact that you’re God, then you can make a heaven around you. You can create your own condition. They don’t want you to think you’re a creator. They want you to be a dumb, stupid listener. Not a thinker. I have you attending in this room, not to just listen to me (claps hands once), but to stir up your pure imagination, to stir up the wellsprings of eternal life, to stir up the Christ in you, to resurrect God in you. That’s why I have you listen, that you might be what I am, and even greater, because God compounds himself from time to time and place to place. (Pause)

Congregation: Murmurs

Jones: (Quiet) And uh, this remarkable, remarkable stupidity. They said uh– This other man said, why, it’s the evolutionof man, this is just proof of his growth, from cell to persistence of the perfectability of man, to grow, to grow, to grow. He said, that’s all it is, five hundred million years of growth. I knew right there, there was the communist.

Congregation: Murmurs

Jones: The system always makes up the communist. ‘Cause that’s the thinker. A thinker has to be the bad guy. You see the bad word they’ve got you to believe. They’ve got you believing bad is– black is white and white is black, they’ve got you believing the wrong things about the right things and right things about the wrong things. Vice versa. (Pause) Anyway, in the mystery of it, there’s the truth. (Short laugh) (Pause) So, my dears, I knew then the bad guy’s gonna be in all the way up that road. They pulled the awfulest stunts. (Pause) Capitalism always looks like it’s good, but it ends up getting its enemies murdered. Finally, this doctor got exposed– Am I forgetting anything, Stephan, that uh, might be worth mentioning? Finally this doctor – you think of it, and if you do, then add to it – finally this doctor gets exposed. And of course, capitalism can never be shown publicly to be a murderer. They couldn’t take him with them, they swam out of the ai– the– the bloodstream, because the submarine was just defunct, and they swam out into the optic nerve and out into the m– the moisture of the eye, and that’s how they got out. The microbes in there too far-fetched, that they could make it in their timing, but that’s the way they got out. But naturally, they’re not gonna let us communists swim out. And they are gonna look like they saved them. Uh, the– the guy went in to make a valiant effort to save these guys, but see, they always make God working with capitalism, their superstition of the– of the– the– the– the shows, of their movies, of their drama makes God working with them. Just about that time, all the rest of ‘em are swimming around, but no white corpuscle attacks them. Naturally, the antibodies will fight any foreign object in the bloodstream, after so long a time. It’s uh– and they– and they were beginning to get their size back, they– the deminiaturizing only worked for about uh– only worked for about uh– for an hour. (Aside) It’s all right. I’m just uh, diverting. (Louder) One hour it worked, and they were beginning to grow. But all of them were beginning to grow, but who did the white corpuscles go after? Why, of course, the dirty communist.

Congregation: Yeah.

Jones: Where they would have to shoot him. They coulda carried him down that current. But they don’t want to ever look like they shoot, they only shoot in the background, they only shoot uh, when it’s not observable. We only kill when it’s in My Lais in Vietnam, when we can wipe out whole villages, as you go back and look on that bulletin board, or that picture of those American soldiers, officers showed you that threw their medals in– the murders, the murderers, the murders that we’ve done for profit. General David Shoup, uh, the commander of the Marine Corps, said we have murdered untold thousands and thousands of babies – it’s in the Congressional Record – for tin, tungsten, rubber. (Claps hands once) (Voice starts to climb) The elements. What? Capitalism, to control, to possess, to hold, to hold. The whole war, according to General [James] Gavin, General Shoup, Rear Admiral [Arnold] True, General [Matthew] Ridgway, General Clark, Gen– General Hugh Hester. The whole war. These are our American generals, the finest flowers of the military complex, said we have killed 60 million– 60,000 American boys, and two million poor Vietnamese, for American capitalistic competition, money-grubbing, dirty devils that want to hold, not only our own people’s money, this terrible– uh, uh, we are so dumb, we’re so blind, we’ve been doc– indoctrinated by King James, that was made by capitalism. We’ve been indoctrinated by a church that told us that our heaven was out there. I looked at this horror of the mine today in Idaho. Horrible. 91 dead, not a one of them (Claps hands twice) should’ve died. (Emphasizes each word) Not one federal law was kept. And who’s responsible? The federal law that would rather get after somebody making five thousand dollars a year, and make them pay 16 dollars income tax they owe, rather than go after the big corporate interests that murder thousands and thousands of people, the federal government had not implemented laws that had been made 35 years ago. 35 years ago. Laws that were made that had bever been invoked. 91 people gassed to death, choked to death, because the telephones wouldn’t work, and the elevators wouldn’t work, and gas around them, no maps, little simple maps, the profiteers couldn’t afford to make a map. They don’t want to give one dime of their dirty dollar profit, their devilish motives, they don’t want to give a dime of their profits to even make uh, an alternate route of escape for those poor men caught down there in that hell of the mine. Not even a route, not a map, not a piece of paper to show them how to get out. You should know your enemy, but the church, the lying church, the babbling mystery, babbling the mother of whore religion, the great re– opiate of the people, it has kept your blind to your salvation, it has kept your blind to your redemption.

Congregation: Applause

Jones: There should be ten million people listening to my voice now, and in this room only 300 people that are knowing the truth.
Congregation: Applause

Jones: (Calms throughout) The system has deluded us, blinded us, takes the movies, takes every little sacred thing, gets the children in their formative years, and it’s got to have a political message. They said [Adolf] Hitler was a propagandist. He was a– He was a failure compared to what we do today.

Congregation: That’s right.

Jones: We catch a child or a mo– adult in the middle of the night, in rest time with popcorn in their hand, the most impressionable, before they go to sleep, and we show them dirt like this. A dirty commie is the man who doesn’t believe in the Skygod, but believes that God is a science. (Pause) (Sighs) All the other things– Did I forget any other thing? Oh, the propaganda I pointed out to those kids. It was every turn, every turn, every turn. (Pause) (Hmphs) It’s amazing you’re here. I get disappointed that people don’t recognize who I am, and the utter honesty of what I am, not because I need them to recognize it, but I just want them to be free. And there’s one thing I don’t have the right to do is to impose. I cannot impose. I’ve never made anyone a socialist by my gifts or paranormal power. I can’t hold a person like that. You’ve got to get it inside yourself. That’s why some of you don’t get it here tonight. You’d hate this thing with a passion. The same spirit that caused Cain to slay Abel was capitalism, competition. So why would Mr. Wallace be surprised that a young boy, torn by the society, torn to get ahead, a subnormal individual, mixed up, no love in his home, his family didn’t even know he was li– had left Milwaukee. Lonely in apartments. The alienation of capitalism, because we don’t teach co– togetherness. Communes are bad, only dirty hippies live in communes. Even though the apostles live in communes, even those the apostles shared and shared alike, even though the apostles were living all night, they’d been up all night and all day for many days in that upper room, that was a pure oldtime commune. When they waited upon the anointing that they found there, the revolution that happened in that upper room. But anybody [who] lives in a commune’s a dirty hippie. Some of you noddin’– you’re nodding your head at me, and some of you li– sister over there nodding like she agree, but some of you noddin’ like you agree that the– everybody lives in a commune’s a dirty hippie. (Calls out) I’m being funny. (Pause) So you’re brainwashed. Hippie. Hippie means bad. Hippie’s bad, communist is bad, socialist is bad. Love is bad. Love feast is bad. Anything that mentions love, sentiment, warmth, togetherness, it’s bad, because it’ll cause you to get together, and if you get together, you’ll put your minds together and realize who’s got their foot on the back of your head. That’s why they don’t want you to get together. They don’t intend for you to have a love-in.

Congregation: Cheers and applause

Jones: That’s why they raid every love-in when they oughta be raiding these damnable churches.

Congregation: Cheers and applause

Jones: Catholics can conduct bingo games, for the most di– diabolical things. They can have gaming laws broken on every hand, gamble right out in the open basement, and nobody comes near them because they’re doing nothing but erecting horrible symbols where the poor whites and Japanese and blacks used to have houses on Geary, they have them no longer, because they’re gambling downstairs in the basement, making those great big pavement monsters, taking the earth, taking the trees, taking the houses, swallowing them up, the modern mous– monster of technology, and leaving the people nothing. The Catholics are never bothered, but let a bunch of children get out someplace (Pause) and begin to talk about love, and they’re immediately– Just last night, somebody– helicopter lowered on them, they even get their hair (unintelligible word), they’re such treacherous bastards, that– get their hair long, they lowered their helicopter on these young people out in the middle of the wilds, with their dogs, and they shot first, asked questions later, shot the young man. All they found was a little bit of marijuana. Murdered him. Murdered him. It’s on the front page of the Chronicle. Yesterday. (Pause) Or in jails. Everybody’s lost, you know. Peoples don’t care. They’ve got us brainwashed. Popcorn, TV, middle of the night. Young ju– uh, Chinaman dies in the jail. Picked up for drunk, throwed in the jail, lays all night, and the other bro– brother with him nearly died too in San Francisco, they got him out but the one boy drunk– and they said, well, we don’t know why. Well, I knew one thing was wrong right off. The people, if they’d been concerned, would’ve raised a loud cry till the City Hall would never’ve been able to go to sleep for a week. The idea that the police could throw somebody in a jail that was reeling under the influences of some kind of beating or something else that they’d been put in their system, and just thrown in the drunk tank, and nobody looked at him all night, and the young, 24-year-old died. That’s just down in San Francisco yesterday. Every day the news comes. Every day, but right here in my assembly, while I’m preaching the truth, trying to set you free, you sleep on me, you talk to other people, you look around, you don’t even know what time of day it is. I’ve got 100 people that knows which way the wind blows. (Pause) Maybe 100. I– I– I– I can’t stay awake. You can stay awake, then mess around.

Congregation: Calls

Jones: You can stay awake to eat. You can stay awake– You can eat in the flesh, you can ea– do all the things you want in the flesh, and you stay mighty awake. You can play around in your poor identity games in bedroom, you can play around with all this central egocentrism, you can do all that, but you cannot hear the word of the great I Am when he’s here to speak life to you.

Congregation: Calls

Jones: Liberty to you. Freedom to you. (Pauyse) Said, I’ve heard this before. You never heard this sermon before. I never preach the same sermon twice. You’ve never heard one of my sermons before, because I’m spontaneous honesty, I never come with anything planned, it comes right from my heart, from the depth of my soul.

Congregation: Calls

Jones: Never comes from any pre-planning. My plan was to say nothing, till I spoke to Professor Roller about a situation that’s came– arose, just prior to our starting. (Pause) So please, please be able to detect the– the carnal nature, the devil, adamic. Please. Someone come up to me, some– more than one, saying, you baptize in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of sin imposed upon us, capitalistic adamic. Surely, that’s the sin. Man would not sin, if it hadn’t been for system. The system of competition, that’s the sin. System to get something that you don’t need. Exploitiveness, competition, acquiring goods for goods’ sakes instead of for use. All that’s been our sin. So that’s why I say, baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins capitalism’s imposed upon you, that you might receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, which means absolutely nothing, unless you define it. What did the Holy Ghost? It gave them socialism. So I say that you might receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, socialism. That’s what God came to give you, socialism, an apostolic equality, an apostolic freedom, apostolic justice, apostolic sharing. That’s what the Holy Ghost is.

Congregation: Cheers and applause

Jones: My God almighty. (Pause) No one in their right mind should ask me that, that’s been here for two or three years. I’ve got people sitting here who’ve been here five or six times, never been in a meeting, a bu– a– a church meeting, a– a catharsis or uh, saints’ meeting, as we call this, our fellowship meeting. Never been here, and they’re– they’re understanding it more than some of you who sit here for two and three years. What is it that we don’t have an ear to hear, what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Churches. You’re the churches. Church of [Marceline] LeTourneau, the Church of Stahl, the Church of uh, Sweet Love, the Church of Love Life [Lowe], the Church of [Don] Bower, the Church of re– Blochs, the Church of Christine, you’re the churches, and (calls out) I, the Spirit of Socialism, I am the Spirit, speaking to a conscience.

Congregation: Calls

Jones: That you might cleanse yourself of the temptings of the flesh. Carnality, adamic capitalism, that you might cleanse yourself of unrighteousness. Whatever your unrighteousness is, it all comes back to the seed. Competitiveness, capitalism. It’s the source of every murder, the source of every crime against your fellow man, whether it be some kind of adultery, fornication, whether it be some kind of stealing, whether it be some kind of dishonesty of just a ethical nature, whatever the nature of the crime, the culprit is the same. Capitalism, the personification of evil. (Pause) (Calms) If you understand that, then you will know what it’s all about. And you’ll live more decently, by knowing the truth. I would think just one day’s news would teach you what you need to know. Mr. Wallace gets socialism. Free airplanes, free hospital planes, free hospital wards, anything you want, Mr. Wallace. Why does Mr. Wallace get anything free? Because he had the power in capitalism to step over all he could step over, his brother [Gerald Wallace] was proven to be dishonest and immoral and corrupt and dodged taxes in Alabama, he had the power to collect power, and that’s why he gets socialism. (Builds to ministerial fervor) We’re saying, rich man, we’re tired of you taking away from the poor, and giving yourself socialism, we want you to give to all the same things you’ve been taking for centuries. We want you to give to all mankind that which you have taken and used for your own self alone. We are sick and tired of your misuse and abuse of power and appropriating it on your own selfish and carnal lust. It’s all we’re saying. We’re saying, Mr. Miner, we want the people to own the air, that the mines shouldn’t’ve belonged to some absentee owner in New York, when a poor foreman that stood on the telephone, saying, can I bring the men out, the smoke is filling the shaft, said, no, we cannot afford to lose the work hours. What right does somebody sitting in New York have to tell people who are working in the land and the toil under the ground in Idaho, two thousand five hundred, three thousand miles away, what right does some rich man sitting in a luxury apartment with a penthouse and with yachts all around in the various ports of the world, what right does he have to sit and tell someone, in the comfort of his air-conditioned office, stay there, we can’t lose the manhours, and cause 91 sons of freedom to die, 91 human beings to die down there in that hellish depth, (cries out) what right does he have? He has the right because the prince and the power of the air is ruling, but God Almighty is unleashed, the spirit of (unintelligible word) is unleashed, the spirit of socialism is freeing the people.

Congregation: Calls

Man in crowd: (calls out, unintelligible)

Congregation: Cheers

Jones: (Calms) Then the poor folks when they could get out, after they’d made the man his penthouse and his yachts, his Rolls Royces and his Cadillacs. And the one owner it said had five different wives that he was paying support on – a little bit of it leaks out now – paying out 700 thousand dollars in alimony. The rich owners of that mine company– what is the name of it?

Low voice: Sunshine.

Jones: Sunshine Mines. Some poor young sir– 21, 22, the mean age down in the twenties of those boys that died. Never had a chance to get an education, never had a chance to enjoy even their own earth that they walked on, while he possesses that land, that white man that’s far away owns that land, never had to sweat under it. (Voice drops, then climbs) Inherited it from somebody who outfoxed the Indians. He never had a thing to do with it, somebody stole it originally from the Indians and give it to him, because they had bigger guns, and were meaner? What right does someone that stole that land have those people– have the– have to tell those people to stay down there and die? (Voice drops, then climbs) And then not even give them a map to get out, or flashlights, and they didn’t even have enough gas masks to go around, not even enough gas masks to go around, and only one-third of them worked. They put them on and they suffocated in their own mask. (Drops to conversational, then builds) You sit here and don’t understand what I’m all about. You’re some kind of a fool if you don’t understand what I’m all about.

Congregation: Cheers

Jones: You have to be blind, deaf and dumb, not to understand the spirit of Jim Jones. You say, I don’t understand you, what do I need to do? I come with only clothes people give me, wouldn’t have this, someone gave it off Sunday. I’m tiredof this birthday stuff, but they crab– they didn’t put any card on it, but I’m gonna wear it, it’s here. Naturally, I’m gonna wear it. Anybody else vopuld wear it that wants it. But no birthday celebrate– uh, I don’t have a piece of new clothing except this thing, I presume it’s new, I found it, it was (stumbles over words) a cl– a cleaning tag in it, but I still presume it was new. Slipped up here.

Congregation: Few laughs

Jones: But I don’t like it. You wanted to sing to me Sunday, I don’t want you to sing to me. You want to sing, somebody said, let’s sing Happy Birthday to You. Until you can sing for every poor mother that’s carried the burdens of the world, until you can sing for every laborer that’s worked with the dirt, you cannot sing for Jim Jones. My flesh is no different that the flesh of all that I Am. I’m a part of all my fellow men. You must sing for all mankind, sing the song of freedom, sing the song of socialism, you make me glad, but don’t sing to me, don’t sing me a song to my birthday. The song I want to hear in you is a song that you have been resurrected. What I want to sing to your anniversary of socialism. (Voice calms) That will make me happy. (Pause) Not that you can sing to Jim Jones. It’s no consequence that he’s lived so many years on this earth that he hasn’t touched you. (Pause) Someone come up to me tonight, two or three, and says, oh God, you’re so beautiful. That makes me sick. (Pause) You’re so handsome, God. (Pause) What I’d like to hear you say, (cries out) God, you’re so truth. You’re so real. You’re so pure, you’re so honest. I don’t care to hear you say I’ve got good-looking hair, or I’ve got good-looking body, I don’t want to hear about that, I’d get sick of your worship of the flesh. I get sick that I could vomit, with the, oh, you look so good. (Pause) (Calms) How do you read me, is what I’m interested in. What do you hear that I have to say? Say, well, I can’t help that to feel that way. That’s fine. Keep it to yourself. I don’t mind that you feel it. I’m not trying to abuse your thoughts, ‘cause you’re good people, but do you have to remind me of my outward exterior? I’ve come to do away with all those things. Man looks on the outward appearance, capitalism looks on the outward appearance, but God Socialism (in full throat) looks on the heart. God Socialism, look at the purity of the mind. He doesn’t care what kind of clothes you have on, or what your hairdo is, or what the color of your skin is, he looks at your heart, he looks at the depths of your soul. (Intense, but conversational) That’s the righteousness of God. (Pause) (Voice drops) Please don’t call me beautiful, Bobby. Makes me pukey-puke sick. (Pause) Now you better get that message across, people, because I’ll– next time, I put up with things, a lot of time, I will just nod my head (pause) ‘cause I haven’t got time, I’ve got busy schedules on my mind, I haven’t got time to disrupt you. But now when I make a public procalum– proclamation, you better get it in your head. Hmm?

Congregation: Right.

Jones: Say, I love you because you’re kind. I love you, Father, because you are true. I love you because you have been good, upright, fair. I love you because you’re the very, very symbol of justice. That I don’t mind. Love me for that. But don’t say, beautiful body. That sickening mess that comes and leaves, the beautiful body of God, (explosive sound with lips). (Pause) I hear it’s quiet.

Congregation: Stirs.

Jones: Just– You gotta get on out of realms. Everything’s a school. You got some truth back east, but that’s gone. It’s not beautiful body now, it’s beautiful mind. (Cries out) Beautiful mind.

Congregation: Cheers.

Jones: The body’s a low realm, but the mind is a high plane. Come on up, come on up into the higher plane of my salvation, (calms slightly) the mind of socialism.

Congregation: Stirs.

Jones: (Conversational) Indeed, you could understand what I’m talking about if you’d read just one day’s news. That would be all that would be needed. Just one day’s news, child. You could look and see 91 people die, because of gas masks that won’t work, so somebody could have another yacht that he doesn’t use. J. Paul Getty, that makes 14 million, four hundred thousand dollars a day on his interest of his money in the bank, has got yachts he’s never been in. H– Hughes and Wrights, and all these– this– this– uh, J. Howard Hughes, he’s got– what is his name, I don’t know these rich people, they don’t impress me. I might remember some grandmother over in a poor uh, tenement section, but uh, these rich people don’t impress me, I don’t even know their name. What is it– Howard Hughes, I guess it is. Airplanes that are worth millions, he’s never been in. Hotels, the tenant­– the pennant– penthouses he’s never been in. (Voice builds throughout) Makes me sick, like it made me sick when I went back East and saw the leader having apartments and clothes, long since gone. Gone, gone, years gone, still showing me through his wardrobe, showing me his fine jewels, showing me his lovely rooms where nobody could come in. That mother– that– that great mother, thinking she was showing me something while people are dying, while there’re people in need, while old people didn’t have a place to go, showing me rooms that’ll never be used, showing me apartments that’ll never be used again, showing me clothes that’ll rot there. That’s God– that’s not God. God long left that plane. God left that plane. God doesn’t honor that kind of thing. That’s why God’s not there, ‘cause God won’t honor that kind of thing. God’s spirit, pure spirit, won’t stay where there’s worship of things. He won’t stay where flesh is exalted, he won’t stay where materialism is exalted, God is a pure spirit, pure mind, pure socialism, and he’ll leave anything that’s anything less.

Congregation: Calls, murmuring

Jones: (Calm, then builds) Uh, blessed hearts, get the spirit and the consciousness of God Socialism. Get that actual consciousness in your mind, and it is the source of every resolution. It’ll solve every problem satisfactorily, it’ll adjust all circumstances. It’ll make every day fall into place. It’s the great map of your salvation, it’s the geography in which you study the terrain of the rocky roads to perfectability. You must have it, you’ve got to have it deep in your heart, you’ve gotta know it, it’s the only thing that’ll carry you through. When my voice is tired and begins to spit up blood from aching and co– throwing out my voice all night long, when my body aches and is racked with pain, when my eyes cannot even see but fuzzy little details, then I think on that which God is, a spirit of Socialism, and I rise up again with wings like an eagle, I soar above the clouds of mortality, I soar above all that which is mortal and capitalistic, (Drops slightly) and I fly again. It’s the thing that’ll keep you flying, honey, when nothing else will keep you going. You look around and see all weak ones, and you’ll say I cannot carry on, they know nothing about this principle that we are. Yeah, a woman that works so hard in projects, you think (slurs over two words) ways a lonely road, you couldn’t keep going. How could these people that run projects keep going? Night after night and day after day, and I must say, by the way, anybody that’s on projects, don’t be trying to get them involved in other work, housing and things like that. They’ve got too much to do. Just keepin’ that, ch– uh, children’s home and that convalescent home, but those people who are living purely socialistic, what keeps them going? What keeps them going? Some like Helen [Swinney] who, not only out there makes money for us each month, and turns it into the collective so that you can have more, and– and then goes down and has all the little concessions, the parks and the ball games, and makes several thousand dollars for the people, what keeps her going? Because down in her soul, she’s found God Socialism, she knows what it is. (Voice rises) That’s what keeps you moving on, when nothing else will keep you moving on. (Drops to conversational level, then builds) Your voice don’t feel like talking, you’ll think about where we’re going, and your voice will get new energy. When you’re aching and pain seems that– it’s almost overho– overrule your very mind, and you don’t think you can get your mind above the pain of your body, you’ll think on that which I am, divine socialism, and you’ll rise up again, and you’ll soar like a rocket against the missiles of evil. (Calms) Divine mind, socialism. How beautiful God thou art. Truly, so good is our God, so marvelous, so (unintelligible word), so tangible, so real, so practical, so real, we wanted salvation so long, and now we have it in a package, Socialism, God, Divine love. Then to have it personified in a human body, so that you too can be personifiable in the same sense. A spirit in the consciousness of the presence of God can be yours. I’m here to remind you that you are God, that it’s up to you to make your heavens out of the hells of Sunshine Mines, out of the hells of Watts and the hells of Hunter Points, it’s up to you. Just like I have made your hell a little bit more like a heaven. It was I, not another, no one outside of me, no one that I ever call on, all this energy comes inside me, I just look within, I just still myself and look within, and it all comes outside of this little ol’ shapen body, misshapen as it is, small diminutive size, nothing to look at that one would want to revel in. But inside this body, there’s a formula of power that can raise the dead, can heal the sick, can open up the blind eyes that he did last week, when she couldn’t see a thing (claps hand once), and I could get her to see objects and colors, (claps hand once) (Ministerial cadence) oh yes, inside the body, this is the finger of God, these are the eyes of God, this is the mouth of God, this is the hand of God, this is the body of God, the body of God Socialism, I am the body, the body of God.

Congregation: Cheers.

Jones: (Voice builds) Where the eagles gather, there has to be carcass. And where the carcass is, the eagles will gather together. And I am the carcass, willing to die, that you could live. Willing that you could eat from me, that you might know the divine principle that will save you and set you free. You may be seated. Say, where the carcass is, there shall the eagles be gathered together. I don’t mind dying, but I don’t want you to die, to admire my clothes or to die talking about how we like to sung today, or how well I healed? I don’t want you to be judging me by– by such superficial things. I don’t want you to be talking about how I look. I don’t mind dying, if uh, by my dying, you can take up my elements and become a stronger eagle. That’s why this great vulture’s laying here. The carcass is laying here. (Pause) (Calms, then builds) Dying, that you can get life. That you can eat of my flesh and pick it dry. That you can pick at my mind until it no longer exists as a person, as an entity of its own, it’s no longer individualized but it’s collectivized. That’s why I’m here, dying that you might live. But not that you might be setting up another idolator. As I said in the fore days of old, why callest thou me good? There is none good. My flesh is no good. My birthdays are no good. My own history’s no good. My name is no good. There’s only one thing good, the Father of all things living, Socialism. God is love, and love is Socialism. The father is socialistic. (Voice calms) That’s the good thing. Somebody’ll come up to me and say, good teacher. Jesus wouldn’t even permit to be called good teacher. Why callest thou me good? This birthday business is a not– ad nauseum. He wouldn’t have had it. Christmas. And then, at that to be a pagan hol– holiday. Wasn’t his birthday. Born while the shepherds tend to their flock by night. Actually born someplace in May. (Pause) Same time he was born this time, if you must know it. But it– it matters not when he was born. He certainly wasn’t born on December 25, because there’s no shepherds out tending their flocks, December 25. He didn’t want his birthday honored, and we honor it of flesh. But when he comes in his impersonal way, said I am coming, I am hungry, I’m over there in the mines, the Sunshine Mines in Idaho. Aggrieved mothers that need to be organized. Aggrieved families that need to be told what the problem is. I’m over there hungry, destitute without homes, my– the housemaker, the provider’s gone. Well, that’s where he is. He said, I was hungry and you fed me not. Thirsty, and you gave me no drink. A stranger, and you didn’t take me in. In prison, fighting for freedom, and you didn’t come to me. The church has ruined him. The church has polluted him. The church has misused him. They’d like to keep him out there. They can keep pictures of him, but they can’t contend with Jim Jones. Why is it the churches fight me more than anyone? Because they really don’t love Jesus. For when he comes around, they can’t stand him, because he activates all that’s righteous, and he shows everything that’s unholy up. And they don’t want it. Tells the people that they’re gods, they don’t need the bishops, they don’t need the priesthood, they don’t need the churchanity, they don’t need the ritual and religiosity. And they don’t like it. If there’s anything that should tell the whole world that I’m sun, that I am the illumination, that I am a manifestation of the one hundred fold. Hundred percent God, what’s what we’ve been saying all along. You can be thirty fold if you want to, and look up to a dead Easter program on a pagan holiday, you can be a dead, dead dead 30 percent. Go pay some preacher to lie to you. You can be a 60 percenter, if you wish and get some experiences. Just a touch of Pentecost. Or you can move on in to where your father pastor is, one hundred percent, one hundred percent filled, just like you fill a bottle, one hundred percent with water, I am one hundred percent filled with purity, and that purity is socialism. That’s what it is. One hundred fold.

Congregation: Quiet applause.

Jones: It’s the most beautiful teaching on earth. Don’t you ever go back. That’s why we’ve had the attainment of health, that’s why we’ve been about to materialize, dematerialize, that’s why we’ve been able to stop death 15 times in less than a year. It’s been this recognition that I am in the hundred fold. Whatever you are, wherever you are, know this. Don’t settle for anything less. Don’t go back. If you go back, it’ll be like a dog going back to its vomit. Whatever happened to this body, I’ve said, I’ve reached a plane now that I can put the voice here, whithersoever I am, my so-called personality manifestation, my same mind, supranatural mind. Little distinctive features of personality won’t be there. But the same supranatural mind will be there, always, as I said it four times. This time, I’m making it plain. (Taps pulpit) It will never leave you. If you have a v– ear to hear, it will never leave you. I am bringing sons into glory. It’ll be done. It’ll be spoken. By my helpmate, if it’s spoken through her now, there’s no male or female in him. And then when the time comes, there’ll be seed out of the very loins of this consciousness. I shall speak. The voice shall always be here. (Pause) The voice of the right idea. Christ, which means anointing, which means revolutionary, which means equality, which means love. These are they that set the world upside down, turn it upside down. We’re gonna get back to turning up the old capitalistic competitive exploitive world, we’re going to turn it upside down and right side up.

Congregation: Cheers.

Jones: Thank you.

Congregation: Thank you. Applause.

Jones: (sings hymn, variation on “The Great Physician”, substituting “socialist for “Jesus.”)

(Opening lines unintelligible)

For now is near,
the sympathizing socialist;
He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,
the sympathizing socialist;

It’s the sweetest note on seraph song,

Sweetest song–

Fades out

End of tape.