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(Note: This tape was transcribed by Vicki Perry. The editors gratefully acknowledge her invaluable assistance.)
Jones: (speaks with difficulty) –very candidly. We talked to the Guyana Defense Force, ‘cause we’ve had so much of it, and they said they didn’t care, with our licensed weapons, if we shot you in the legs and laid you down. So that’s what we’re going to do.
Voice in Crowd: That’s right.
Jones: We’re going to go– quit trying to run you, just shoot your legs, so you won’t be able to go and you’ll fall down. You understand what I’m saying? There’s no sense that a good project like this– Commander [Clarence] Price said, there’s no sense that a good project– he’s head of all the armed forces, Army, Navy, and Marines. All the military forces. He says there’s no sense in a good people trying build that put up with this shit of chasing people down every day and trying to locate them. And so he said, shoot them in the legs and that, by God will stop you.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right.
Jones: Won’t it?
Crowd: Yeah. (Scattered applause)
(Tape edit)
Jones: –found you. Much of this is government forbidden area. This is all forbidden area out here. And if you get into a government area, they won’t shoot you in the legs, they’ll shoot you through the heart, ‘cause they don’t know what you’re up to. So you guys better cut this running away and better cut it right fast. They better tell those people down there that’s manipulating in that ward to get special attention. I hope we’ve done something about that, because the uh– these mental cases that are now conveniently getting the– some milkshakes and some of this shit, they’re gonna get– they’re gonna get some vitamins and some food that isn’t so tasty.
Crowd: (Scattered applause)
(tape edit)
Jones: –here. I remember years ago, we lived in a community of 900. I remember three suicides or four, I can’t quite remember. In one year, we’ve had none. And no successful suicide. I remember deaths, two and three funerals a week. And we have had three or something like that. So we– really, some people say, well– well, why we have all our troubles? I’ll tell you why we have all of our troubles. We air all of our troubles in front of everybody. (Short laugh)
Voices in Crowd: That’s right.
Jones: Everybody knows their neighbor’s business, that’s why you see all the troubles. You live in a typical American community, you may not know your neighbor next block or even next door. Now, I do think so that these– there’s some people have distress and that’s legitimate, but we’re going to determine whether it is stress that is (stumbles over words) legitimate or if it’s deliberate anarchistic provocateur activity. So we’re going to have a different diet. We’re gone have yellow food and green food, orange food and black food, and uh, it’ll have all the nutritions that’s are there, and they’ll be doing calisthenics. And we shall see how long these people remain mentally ill. If after they eat five or six plates of that and they still have a problem, we will conclude that they have an emotional problem.
Crowd: (Scattered response)
(Tape edit)
Jones: –permitted in dorm one. The psyche of the emotional department, those who’ve having problems related to emotions– and it’s as easy for the emotions to become ill, we know that. We’re not going to be arbitrary. We know some people have real sincere problems. But I happen to be of the philosophy of the Chinese general who walked into the lunatic asylum when they freed China from the imperialist– when China had a really pure revolution– they still have a pure revolution domestically, it’s just their foreign policy that stinks, due to the fact that the white Russians came into China, invaded China and made such an image of white people that they are suspicious of the Russians. But he came in and he said okay– and they were all babbling and shitting in their dishes and rolling in their shit. He said well, I know what we do with these people. They’re of no value to themselves or anyone else. He said if in fifteen minutes you haven’t lined up, I’m going to shoot all of you. In fifteen minutes, all of them were out hoeing the garden.
Crowd: (Laughter)
(Tape edit)
Jones: Fifteen minutes of ‘em, all of ‘em got cured. I think mental cases, for the most part, is a manipulation. You don’t– you let yourself have an out. Anybody can go under pressure– snap under pressure. Do silly ass shit and run off, try to take their life. We could all do that if we wanted to go ape shit.
Crowd: (Scattered response) Right on!
Jones: But it’s not fair to those who endure, carry their burden for some people to be getting milkshakes at night because they’re in the mental division.
Voice in Crowd: Right on!
Crowd: (Applause)
(Tape edit)
Jones: –tried to go crazy. Be sure you really are, because uh, you won’t necessarily like the environment. You’ll get all the vitamins you need, but you will not get the taste that you like. After all, all you cares about, is nutrition, isn’t it? We’ve had people said they wouldn’t eat. We’ve already had somebody say, I’ll starve myself to death, I am not going to eat a bite. We notice how quickly they get in and they take one of those milkshakes when they’re given a milkshake. So we get the funny feeling that some people are pulling our leg, I don’t know why.
Crowd: (Scattered response)
Jones: If anybody else had any suggestions about that department, we’d be anxious to hear, because all of a sudden, there’s an outburst of mental problems. Seems rather strange, you know– oh, in three or four days we would have about seven mental cases. I got a feeling it’s um, (laughs) O.R.– R and R. I tho– I have a feeling that they’re just wanting a little rest time at our expense, but what’s going to happen is, that in their department they’re going to do calisthenics every hour and they’ll be kept active because it’s important that you keep their body active, right?
Voices in Crowd: Right on!
Jones: You don’t want a body to be sluggish, do you?
Voices in Crowd: No!
Jones: Some of you want our bowels to get tied up with uh, constipation, so we’re going to be very, very active in that department. And nobody’s to go into the department at all, until the people are knocking on the door to get out.
Crowd: (Scattered laughter)
Jones: Yes, comrade? (tape edit) –not want separate foods from the people. You know, when people that are chickens out there letting out our meat– (Pause) Those chickens. You believe your child’s an angel, you’re a damn fool!
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
(tape edit)
Jones: (unintelligible) I never even ask. I’ve seen enough fairness around here, and I know the leaders that pick on leaders’ children, but I’ve seen enough out of my kids to know that he easily could deserve public service. And some of these little guys think that you can’t handle them, teacher don’t know what the hell to do with them because there’s nothing– you could put ‘em in that will teach ’em structure, so by God, let ‘em be on public service a night and a day, or two nights and a day. That’ll teach ‘em. (tape edit) –empathy with them and uh, or going against the organizational structure. You see, the w– why we– it’s a miracle we’ve existed. Because we picked up the rubbish of all the garbage of the world. USA’s filled with nothing but garbage. You know we all come out of garbage.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: We were spoiled, we were self-centered, we did our own damn thing, we were anarchistic, we weren’t used to following any damn rules, and so we couldn’t have fought a revolution if our life had depended upon it.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: We couldn’t save anybody because we were looked after our own self. Do your own thing.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: So don’t even ask. When you see your child on the– the public service, just say– just greet them, you know, don’t have to be mean to them, just say hello, comrade, and go on your business. That’s what I’ll say if I see Jim [Jones Jr.], I’ll say, hello comrade. You’re building up for this, I don’t know what he did this time, I don’t even ask. I have enough faith that whoever put him on there did it, not because he was my son, but because he was not acting out. I don’t even know who put him there. It– To me, I didn’t even ask. I have enough faith in the institution. I’ve seen enough fairness out here that I don’t want to ask the question even. (tape edit) –dramatically, immediately be put in public service. We do not tease people because they have emotional problems. I happen to believe that most emotion problems are a manipulation. I don’t care how crazy they act, I think it’s a manipulation for attention or to get something done that they want to achieve done. Anybody can go ape shit. You understand what I’m saying? Right now when we’re tired, it’s after twelve, and all the work things I’ve had on my mind, (unintelligible word) a mess. I’m trying– or coordinate this stage before I ca– could get in here. Anybody could go ape shit if you let yourself. You go (imitates blithering idiot). You could do it, I mean, just like that. But some of us don’t let ourselves it. But still, I want no fun made of anybody on special care. (tape edit) –un. If there’s any jesting, or anyone on public services, you go to public services, right then, you go to public services. I don’t want to develop a class consciousness here. It’s easy to have public services in a special class and special care and special class and people pointing at them and making fun. We won’t have it.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
(Tape edit)
Jones: –the GDF and they’ll– they’ll gather around the whole family, and they’ll move in with their army, just move in and surround the whole area, and they’ll catch your ass. Then they can take ‘em away. I’m through with them. (Tape edit) Somebody better very kindly tell them that we talked to GDF. GDF said that we can get them, we can shoot ‘em in the legs, we can do whatever we want to, to stop them. We can stop them with a bow and arrow, or whatever in the hell we want to stop ‘em with. We have licensed weapons, so you can tell them all that that’s what the hell’s going to happen. We’ve got people parked outside. We’re not going to run the halfway across this entire damn Jonestown of thousands of acres and chase these people down. It cuts down our work force. Thirty people chasing after fools. (Calls out) Let ‘em get caught. Let a– let a goddamned labarria snake– let ‘em step on the tail of a labarria snake. Labarria snake has a memory. He never forgets who steps on him. If the car– front wheels of a car rolls over him, you better not have your windows lowered down, because the time the back wheels comes, he’s in your car biting you.
Crowd: (Scattered response)
Jones: That’s how fast he is. S– All right, and it needs to be told, some of these. Right out here, we have Debbie Touchette some place. Debbie Touchette went into the bathroom when we had rainy season some years ago that was too much like we’re having now. And a labarria snake was in the bathroom that’s now the uh– um–
Male in crowd: Therapy building.
Jones: –therapy, physical therapy department. She went in the restroom and she slammed the door. And by God, she hit the snake, and that made the snake mad. He stood up on his head and looked at her and she tore down the aluminum. I never saw anybody uh, so powerful. She tore all the aluminum down between her and the male section. Got over on the other side and the labarria was waiting on the other side. And she jumped back on the other side and went like hell, like blue lightning and got away from him. (Voice builds throughout) They will– they have a memory. If you walk like you’ve got some sense, don’t slam doors and don’t run in through grass and keep on the paths, you got no problem. You are crazy, you damned fools running through this place are crazy, ‘cause some of these snakes don’t kill, they rot off your legs. I told you, you could go down to the doctor’s office, but you never believe a goddamned thing. You can look at the pictures and see whole legs rotted off.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: (Agitated) Blindness, paralysis and death after four or five hours of agonizing suffering. I want told that to, please– see that that’s all told– uh– take the notes down or the tape and play that for those people down in the special care and in the uh– in the hospital and in the uh, I guess public services are all here. (tape edit) We’ve had thirty of our people take a chance of running into a labarria snake. Why should thirty of our people be out there, run around, chasing after some idiot and taking a chance of running into a tiger or running in to some– one of those goddamned snakes, some of them eighteen feet long. They never come in here, because it’s a protected zone. We’ve never had any problem. We’ve never had a snake bite, but I’ll be damned, when we get out in there chasing some fool in the woods, we’re running a risk. We’re running a risk. Thirty times more than the person that’s running loose. There’s thirty of us hunting the person, so we’re running a risk. I’m against it, by God!
Crowd: (Applause)
(Tape edit)
Jones: (Agitated) –some people don’t want to go to Russia. Let us know. When we get ready to go, we’ll send your ass right back to fascist America and let you rot in a goddamned concentration camp.
Crowd: (Applause)
(Tape edit)
Jones: (calms) –union. We also have a fine African nation that’s offered us an opportunity, but we’re not telling it, ‘cause some people got diarrhea of the mouth.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: It’s in a warmer– warmer zo– uh, zone and very prosperous nation that likes our work. One of their representatives were here about six– five, six months ago, and it’s got back to the president of that government, and they uh, would like to have us come here and do the exact thing, and they would even help us. So we got some op– opportunities. And we ought to appreciate those opportunities. So you act like fools.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: So you better get your act together ‘cause the next time you go, I didn’t do it with uh, Garnett [Johnson]. I got my ass– I said, I just got down, I’ve been up all night and five minutes of eight, I lay down and ring, ring, ring. They said– uh, Lee’s loose. I said, he can stay loose, by God!
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: (Voice rises) I said I’m going to get me at least three hours sleep, and when I got up, I come up here, but I didn’t call, nobody called. I didn’t care if he went to China, goddamn it, I’m sick of this shit!
Crowd: (Applause)
(tape edit)
Jones: (Intense) –energy. What does that mean? Just look at the last week. Somebody [Ricky Johnson] took gasoline. The smell of it should have killed ‘em. They took three cups of gasoline, or nearly so, and that should have eaten through their esophagus and their stomach and then one– couldn’t– their kidneys wouldn’t even move, and I walked by and touched them, and they immediately started sounding like cement broke loose out of their penis. And then we have uh, we have Teri, uh, Smart, who had septicemia. Septicemia. A rare blood disease, bacterial. You’d never get over it. You’re in coma the rest of your life until you die. Well, how many more– I can’t remember all. [Marianita] Langston fell out of the roof. M– Mary Griffith in the death throes, rigors, tongue back in her mouth, and she saved twice. Now some of these fools, running away’s going to cost me to be so tired, that when an emergency comes, I’m not going to be able to help the person. (Pause) (Calms) Well, I’d like to ask the question about kill yourself. (Tape edit) Something like some of the mess that you pick out of America. It’s amazing. There’s so much beauty we’ve created here. So many beautiful children. If you look at the children – their improvements, their growth – it’s worth it all. And some of you, even the adults and seniors. But there’re some people that are American assholes. They’re the duck’s ass of America.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: All they put out is shit. Yes, workers here, six months ago weren’t worth a tinker’s damn. (tape edit) (low tone) Your heart aches, you love and you’re up all night, all day and then another night, run into somebody run away, three times like Garnett did in one night we caught him. By God, it makes you madder than hell.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: (Intense) I don’t want any teasing of it, but I want this stopped because I mean business. I damn well mean business. People want to run away. I’m calling right off, I’m calling the authorities, the Police Commissioner is a friend of mine. Doctor [Vibert] Mingo, minister of home affairs. The head of GNS, Norman, is a personal friend. He eats at our house just a few days ago. The head of the Guyana Defense Force– the amer– the force that uh– the Army, Navy, Marines, is a personal friend, he’s eaten at our house. Brigadier General Price. I’m turning ‘em over. I’m tired of it. I didn’t want to cause them trouble. I didn’t want to cause them trouble, that’s the only reason I haven’t done it, so this better be played. I– I don’t think this is fair. I think they’re being damned inconsiderate, and by God we do mean business. The next person takes off, (emphatic) you are on your own.
Male in crowd: If we don’t shoot you first.
(tape edit)
Irene Mason: –mean it, (Unintelligible word) Yeah, he the one got you out of all your troubles, by God, and feeding your ass. You don’t thank him for nothing he do for you. By God, one right after another are getting into a lot of trouble. Well, go to hell, that’s what you do.
Jones: (Laughs)
Crowd: (Scattered applause)
Irene: Hey, yeah, I’ll say it and I’m not taking it back. Go to hell, that’s where you ought should go!
Jones: (Laughs)
Irene: Just go to hell and be done with it. Don’t worry, Dad. All we’ve got in this world is him, and you God, (Unintelligible word) you folks, always trying to run him to death. You don’t care– he tell you he don’t sleep. Ya’ll don’t give a damn, but you try to kill him. So you can just go to hell, for what Irene Mason care. I don’t give a damn about you.
Jones: (Laughs)
Irene: I really don’t give a damn about you. I’d feel better off if you had (unintelligible) in here. and I have (Unintelligible word) from ya.
Jones: (Laughs)
Crowd: (Laughs)
Irene: (Laughs) I don’t care. I really don’t care. That’s right.
Jones: Thank you. Thank you very much.
Irene: (Laughs)
Jones: Thank you, Irene. Any other– any other remarks? Every time. What in the hell– Nobody in their life ever lived through gasoline. The very smelling those fumes– was uh, in the lungs. Instant death, like Aurora Rodriguez said. It caused the eyeballs to turn till you see the whites of their eyes, and they die an agonizing death. Jesus Christ. And then drink three gallons– or three c– cups of it, and I saved them? Fuck this shit.
Crowd: (Scattered response)
Male: Well, that’s what I– That’s what I’m uh, concer–
(tape edit)
Jones: (Low and emphatic) I saved his life, and I said I would, but he shit fire. I mean that m– boy’s ass was on fire, and his mouth was on fire for six hours. He was shitting gasoline and I mean that’s fire. And he was vomiting gasoline and that’s fire. And by God, I let him do it because he needed a lesson.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Crowd: (Applause)
(tape edit)
Jones: And they get an arrow in their legs, they may get shotgun in their leg and they get a damned rifle in their leg, ‘cause we’ve got licensed weapons. We’re sick and tired of chasing all over this goddamned jungle, running through weeds– sometimes we’ve had fifty people hunting for people. It’s a miracle we didn’t run into a snake.
Male: We have people from (unintelligible)
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
(Tape edit)
Jones: An– uh, and if we don’t get them, the GDF will and the police. We’re a friend of the Commissioner, police, who’re head of all Guyana. We come– we see him every week. We’ve wined and dined with him, and we’ve wined and dined with Brigadier General Price who’s the head of Guyana Defense Force, the Army, Air Force, and their Navy. We are the head– friend of GNS, that’s the youthful– the youth corps, are being trained to be soldiers. Guyana National Services. Norman. He’s been in our home many times and eat with us. So all hell– I ain’t– I was just showing mercy. I didn’t want to put those people to trouble, but hell, they said – I talked to them about it – they said, hell, they’ve been surprised we haven’t had more trouble, said that uh, Brigadier General Price’s children run– got run off. By God, they– they– they let them stay out in the jungle for a while too. The assholes. Spoiled assholes. (tape edit) –about it. So they’re not bothered about it. So don’t think you’re going to get us no trouble. Piss on ya. (Tape edit) (Daring tone) Go across the Venezuelan border. I’ll bet you a thousand dollars to one you don’t make it. If they– if the infiltrators that come through – these are the kinds of things that need to be mo– mentioned – if the infiltrators uh, don’t catch you as they come through every night, then somebody, the mercenaries, no doubt have got somebody out there, waiting for a weak point. So just go out there and get– take your chances. That’s what I say. Or the Guyana Defense Force that’re guarding the border ha– heavier than they ever had guarded them before. Let them getcha, by God. They’ll shoot ya. You try to cross that border, they’ll shoot ya. You’ll get shot from either side. It’s illegal to cross that border. So I mean, just– just face some facts and grow up. And you say, I want to die anyway. Well, you may not die. They may hit your spine, and you’ll be paralyzed for life. Come on, wake up now! Wake up now! And then see, if you get into Georgetown, see how easy it’s gone to get out. You got to go to the Guyana Tax Board and get a clearance, and they promised to let us know if anybody does. You got to go to the Em– U.S. Embassy and they promised to let us know if anybody’s trying to get out. So we get you every way you go. I ain’t worried about you. (Pause) (Voice builds) I worry, I love you, but I don’t like people that pull on our heartstrings, pull on their mothers and their grandmothers. Have their grandmothers all so– upset and their mothers that’ve reared their children from babyhood, have ‘em all upset. By God, I think it’s shit, that’s what I think it is.
Crowd: (Scattered applause)
(tape edit)
Jones: –force in the police. Anybody disagree, I want to see, I wanna hear, because I’m– uh, that’s my policy, and unless I see somebody makes it– well, I’m sick of this. We lose thousands of dollars, every day, every time we chase after one of these fools. (Pause) Anybody opposed? Okay, that’s the way it is. Don’t bother to call me. Next one runs off, let him go. (Tape edit) Or she or it go.
Crowd: (Murmurs)
Jones: Gets his automatic rifle out and he’s got a hundred fifty mental cases go (makes sounds of gibbering idiot). (Voice speeds up) Says, oh, there’s no use to keep you alive, you’re all sick and you’re in pain and misery and useless. So line ‘em up on the wall, we’re gonna shoot you. And all of them in five minutes are out a-hoeing the tomatoes. Shit, I don’t believe in no mental case.
Crowd: (Scattered applause, murmurs)
(Tape edit)
Jones: (lecturing tone) –is a phenomenon that people use to appeal for manipulation. They use it to try to get our attention. And be goddamned if they’re gonna get our attention by it!
Crowd: (Scattered applause)
(Tape edit)
Jones: –are going to learn, aren’t they? That they– it’s a good point. Let’s get the whole program organized in special nurses section, please. Uh, educational people, they’re gonna get in there and they’re gonna hear Russian. They’re gonna hear news and they’re going to do up– push-ups– uh, push-ups up and down, and they’re going to clean the– if they got constipation, instead of taking a laxative, they can use their finger and break it up in their ass.
Crowd: (Scattered calls)
Jones: I mean I’m sick of it. Anybody can go crazy. The pressure of life could cause anybody to go crazure– crazy, but some of us won’t let ourselves go crazy.
Crowd: (Scattered applause) Right.
(tape edit)
Jones: (agitated) –before you get ‘em, le– let the– what is it that– the big bad– that big (unintelligible word), uh, the bushmaster, yeah, in the (unintelligible word, sounds like Kaboti)– 35 feet, let him get you. You run into him, by God, you won’t have no problem. (Pause) Pitiful. They lived in a ghetto. Here we have no white police breathing down our neck. We got simple rules, we have TV, I rush in how many pieces of equipment so they can have closed circuit TV. It’s cost tens of– not thousands, tens of thousands because some of it was broken by Customs and the CIA. I give you movies, goddamn it and– and library and you can have dance if you want to. I’ve never curtailed it, even though I think it’s dangerous to dance on this dust till we get wood, but I’ve done everything I know. There’s no goddamned excuse to this shit!
Crowd: (Scattered applause) Right.
(Tape edit)
Jones: (Calm but intense) Drink gasoline and do shit like that. They’re going to stay there and have a sweet lullaby. Or the girl, I talked to her, so loving. Christine. I talked to her as loving as I could. I said I feel guilt– I took on guilt that I’ve got no business taking on, ‘cause it’s not my responsibility. I talked to her loving, and I’ll be goddamned if she didn’t go out and try to cut her wrists. (Pause) Fuck this shit. Uh– a common factor of life. We’ve been here fourteen, sixteen months, and some of you’ve been two and three years – it’s been over three, about three – that founded this movement and started it and not one have killed themselves. Ain’t no– no– nobody going to question that. What the hell we care if you’re a pub– uh– uh– headline? You don’t give a goddamn about black people. Sure– sure they’ll be some newspeople have a little fun with it. They’ll say they didn’t like living in socialism, they didn’t like living in interracial society. What the hell, we’ve had everything said under the sun about us. What the hell do I care? My goddamned– my goddamned no good for nothing daughter [Suzanne Jones] who– some of you trust her. I don’t know how you trust your relatives because they’re natural born. I adopted her when she was three days away from being put on the streets of being a whore. That’s the only way she coulda made it in the streets of Seoul, Korea, the dictatorship of South Korea. She had charged that my son had sex with her. She’s– May– That’s how low down she is. That dirty, low-down bitch. She suggested that sexual overtures been made to her by various members of our family. Piss on this kind of shit. I’ll sue her too. Let her say one goddamned word, and she won’t get one bit of her twelve hundred dollar paycheck ‘cause I’ll get eleven hundred dollars of it every da– every week, because I’m going to sue it.
Crowd: (Scattered applause) Right.
(Tape edit)
Jones: Some of our people are not here today. We found out she come on to Danny Curtin. So wherever he is, he ought to be written. How in the hell’s he know what kind of insanity. I’ve got a daughter that comes on to him sexually and tells him a bunch of lies about my family. Son of a bitchin’ no good lousy ass anarchistic capitalist bitch. That’s what I say about my relatives, but you won’t say it. Some of you won’t say it. You say, oh, my daughter, my son. Let me tell you, if my daughter, adopted at seven years of age– uh, twenty thousand dollars put in initially, and all the years of education and patient training, and she becomes a bourgeoisie and turns against this goddamned movement, if she turns about this beautiful movement, turns against it and says every goddamned lie she can think on this movement, then you better be sure your relatives are no different than mine.
Crowd: (Scattered applause) Right.
(Tape edit)
Jones: –come down here if we’d pay her check– ticket. I said she can swim down here, by God. I’m not paying her ticket anywhere. (Tape edit) She’d get in here, by God and she’d have to qu– and she won’t get in here. (Pause) ‘Cause we’ll drown her in mud before she gets five feet inside the gate. (Pause) I mean it. I mean it from the soul– you don’t think I mean it, I do. When people– who is my father, who is my sister, who is my brother, but he who does the wills of socialism, he that doth the will of socialism, and if you trust your damn relative, you’re a fool, because if they were where they ought to be, they’da got out of that mess and be over here.
Crowd: (Scattered applause) Right.
(Tape edit)
Jones: (Voice builds) But the Indians have lost their land. It’s all over the newspapers. It’s Senate Bill 1437 going to put us in a dictatorship, and it was co-sponsored by Senator [Ted] Kennedy. It’s all over the newspapers that Ku Klux Klan rising in every town and causing– setting fires and burning down houses, even in the north. It’s all over the newspapers. They don’t give a damn. They don’t give a damn. They don’t have any race pride. Piss on ‘em. (Pause) I mean piss on ‘em. I’m through with her. I’m through with it. Don’t mention her name to me. I have forgotten her name. I don’t want her name mentioned to me. She is over, after what the shit she pulled last night, she is over. I mean it. Over. Don’t you even ask me about Suzanne. Don’t you even mention her goddamned name, because to me, she’s a class enemy and if there was a revolution, I’d take her with all the other goddamned enemies! (tape edit) (Calms) It’s like, Castro, when he was dealing with his sister [Juanita Castro] – closest sister, he’d given her all of attention – Doctor Castro built that beautiful socialism on the island of Cuba, and his sister called him on a radio of Miami, she does it every day for fifteen years. He’s a monster that needs to be destroyed. He said, what do you think about a sister who would say that of her brother, that he’s a monster that needs to be destroyed? Said I’d rather she call me a monster that needs to be destroyed, rather that than she said that she’s my sister and getting special privilege. Said I have chosen socialism and she has chosen capitalism and I have forgotten her. (Voice hardens) And that’s what you ought to do with your damn relatives– forget them! (tape edit) You think they’re different, but they wouldn’t piss on you to put a fire out. (Pause) You say, well (stumbles over words), I know my daughter. Let me tell you, if you brought a daughter or a son into this earth, they hate you for bringing them into the earth. I adopted mine. And I paid twenty thousand dollars, just the first round to get her to freedom, and I treated her just as sweet as I could, and her mother indulged her far too much. I’da jumped her earlier if Marceline [Jones] hadn’t been a sweet, kind of motherly type like she– uh, she’d give her mother a threat. She threatened her mother this week on the radio – Marcy’ll be back to– the end of this weekend, she’ll be back – but she threatened her mother over the goddamned telephone. I got my– if I had my hands on her fucking neck, I’d run her through a wringer.
Crowd: (Scattered applause)
(tape edit)
Jones: (agitated) –these people ever walk down the path. Sell that goddamned shit on her. And then start some shit, threatening her. Goddamn it, don’t let her get close to me, ‘cause I’ll grab her– you’ll have to– you’ll have to pull me off. It’s a good thing I’m not back there. Goddamn these fucking liars. It’s a good thing I’m not back there, ‘cause in about two hours I’d have several of them taken care of. I mean it, I’m not just kidding you, I’d take care of some of these damn liars.
Crowd: (Scattered applause)
Jones: They’re lower than a snake’s belly.
(tape edit)
Jones: What kind of sickness is this? He didn’t want to tell me– Lew [Jones] told me tonight what she tried to do. Honest to God, and Danny Curtin too– she tried to do it. Don’t wonder he– and he– but he told– he sent a letter and then said the– it was the best place for the boys. He wished he’d stay here– so you’d ought to write him. You ought to write him. Because how in the hell’s he going to know? Stupid ass sister– daughter of the leader carrying on like that– fucking everybody comes down the road. (Pause) Some of you just won’t face that about your relatives. (mimics woman) Lord, Jesus, I’s in trouble, they’d come. (Normal voice) Yeah, they’d let you lie in a damn nursing home till you had a bed sore (unintelligible) that went all through to your spine. They could– watch your spine. That’s how little they give a goddamn about you. We got a case now we’re trying to get out of a nursing home, where the relatives have not visited in three damn years, and she wasn’t even a member of the church. (Pause) Three years. Laying there with big– great big sores on her. I said, well, get her down here where we can give her some care. ‘Cause I’ve got a heart. I– I– Fuck these people. I’m saying fuck them. There’s a difference between night and day, between communist, socialist and these damned filthy capitalist fascists. And you’ve got to recognize, if your family’s living there and enjoying it and talking up that country and asking you questions why you enjoy living over here where there’s no racism, no genocide, no concentration camps, no honky police looking at you– looking at you just waiting for you to make a move. No plans to destroy whole races when the security advisor, Brzezinski [Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter’s national security advisor], talks about wiping out all of the minorities and he’s the head of the Trilateral Commission that picked [Jimmy] Carter and picked [Gerald] Ford, so he’d be sure he’d have a winner. He– he– if Ford lost, he’d have Carter, if Carter lost, he’d have Ford. And you’d save those people sit there and eat and sleep and watch that TV. They ain’t worth shit.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
(tape edit)
Jones: –trying killing people in Chicago uh, and the police wiped out I don’t know how many dozen, just shot down innocent bystanders in Philadelphia, and then they go along with that? Not to mention all the tax dollars that they– they spend when they buy food in the grocery store and taken out of their check when they make the– when they get their pay and blowing up all of these innocent babies all around the world. We ought to be our brother’s and sister’s keeper. That means our brothers’ and sisters’ keeper in Africa too.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: I’m sick of ‘em! (tape edit) –I’d fight them until the last ded– bitch I had. I didn’t have nothing but cutlet, with the cut of my fingernails, I’d go after them. Some of you don’t hate that system enough. You’re still in love with that goddamned system.
Voices in Crowd: No, I’m not!
Jones: (confrontational) Oh, don’t tell me you’re not! ‘Cause you’re always griping about some little old damned thing you don’t have. I don’t miss that shit. Out here, I don’t miss all those white faces I don’t see. I don’t miss it. To me, if we never got further than this, it’d be heaven, by God.
Crowd: (Scattered applause)
(tape edit)
Jones: –for her trade with uh, and the USA on their headlines, hit Britain and USA for trading and been secretly trading with Rhodesia and Union of South Africa that’s got concentration camps, and they put it right in the damn front headlines. Sure, I’m glad we got this African nation. I believe in having a lot of aces up your sleeve. I– I’m still telling you, it– this is ten times better than anything we ever had. You’re a damn fool if you don’t see it. You put that down to these people.
Crowd: (Scattered applause)
(tape edit)
Jones: –the trouble with some of you, you can’t see beyond your ass. Your love affairs. We got a couple of young fine Guyanese that come in, we’ll get more in. Why in the hell don’t you wait? You’ll get plenty of boys. Young men coming in. But just as like more of the girls than there are boys. You have plenty of time, but by God, this business of drinking gasoline. All this shit, running off because of your love life. If that’s all you are, you’re just no more than a damn monkey.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: You– your– your commitment’s no de– deeper than an animal. As much as I love Marceline, and I believe in her, nobody could move her, but by God if she had changed tomorrow, I’d still not desert you. ‘Cause I believe in communism. You’re my family, just as much as she is. See, you don’t see much– (Unintelligible word). They don’t understand that, they don’t want to relate to that. If my wife said, I’m not going to be a communist, I’d say, well, forget it, by God, I’ll forget you too.
Crowd: (Cheers and applause)
Jones: –(unintelligible) shits. Suzanne, Mike Cartmell been behind– behind the scenes helping Tim Stoen all along. But they don’t want to get their name out in front, but I got ‘em now. I got my witnesses and I got my evidence. I’ll sue the shit out of them. They won’t have enough to eat, they won’t have enough to fi– buy kidney beans when I get through with them. I’m sw– we got a new set of attorneys now. We got attorney Mark Lane, world famous. I ain’t dealing with old toupee [Charles] Garry now. I’m dealing with Mark Lane, and by God, you open your mouth, he– he threatens to sue your ass. He stopping– he stopped New West and he stopped the Enquirer, flat ass. Said I’ll sue you for seventy million dollars.
Crowd: (Scattered applause)
(tape edit)
Jones: –But we didn’t have a way of knowing him. It takes time to get to know people. Linus Pauling’s going to use our whole community’s an experiment, it looks like, for vitamin C, because vitamin C is the wonder drug of all creation. He’s going– he wants us, and it looks like he’s going to furnish us all the vitamin C we want, see– because it eliminates cancer, heart disease and all kinds of disease. So he’s going to use us as an experiment to show the wonders of vitamin C. Gone to give it to us free.
Crowd: (Scattered applause)
(tape edit)
Jones: –ner. Famous scientist. It’s working, it’s coming. They thought they had us stamped down in the ground. And they had our asses here setting wondering whether we go living or dying. But by God, we’re still here and some of those sons-a-bitches are going to be dead in their grave, but we’ll still be here.
Crowd: (Applause and shouts) That’s right!
(tape edit)
Jones: –got something to say here. (tape edit) All them people in special services get the high points without names, they be– they better know what the hell’s in store for them. One more leap, by God. And they can leap in a goddamned tiger’s mouth. (short laugh) (tape edit) –course it’s got this place– the border protected. They have sub-machine guns and in just seconds, they shoot about 80– 80 rounds. (tape edit) –get to bed. Some son-bitch running loose. Let them run loose. Let them run loose. Fuck it, we’ll go on and eat our breakfast and go to work.
Crowd: (Applause)
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
(tape edit)
Jones: –got some kind of rare disease and it’s been tak– took about two weeks to cure it. We don’t have no diseases in here. When you get in that damn jungle and don’t know what you do, you’ll get an– a– a– anything. We have no mosquito here that carries any– any kind of disease. In the US, they– even the mosquitoes carry brain fever. We don’t have that here. It’ll paralyze you and cause you death. And they got one that causes arthritis till you can’t even move your joints. But you get out in the jungles, there’s a circle around here like (calls out) Nehemiah’s wall that is protected us from any of that. We’ve never had the first snake to bite us, and I don’t need to talk about the miracles of somebody landing on their head and that’s a miracle. I don’t need to talk about the greatness of a young woman that was dying of bacteria in the blood and there’s no way you could cure it and she was in a coma just slobbering at the mouth and I said come to, and she came to.
Voices in Crowd: That’s right!
Jones: I don’t have to talk about James Baisy when I walked by him and said move my hand over and said he’s going to be all right and he was, and that’s just one day. I don’t have to talk about it. The fact that we’ve not had any accidents that hasn’t been cured, the fact that we have not had one snake bite, that’s a proof enough of (calls out) who I am.
Crowd: (Cheers)
End of tape
Tape originally posted April 2008