Q279 Transcript

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(Note: This tape was transcribed by Vicki Perry. The editors gratefully acknowledge her invaluable assistance.)

Jones: It will be pointed out. Indeed. Okay. I don’t see what we’re (Unintelligible word), what- when’s the reporter going to do? What do you mean?

Female: There’s a reporter coming-

(tape edit)

Jones: It’s been five months since we’ve had anybody touch anybody, so we don’t use any violence, we don’t have any corporal punishment, no spanking. You hear?

Female: (unintelligible reply)

Jones: How do we get people to be decent? Deny them a few opportunities to go to television and movies? Right?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: We extend them more privileges if they keep up. We- and then we praise people and reinforce good behavior. Right?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Understandable?

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: I think many of ’em’ll be fascinated with Public Services, but we won’t go into that unless I decide to. All right, now, hell. Maybe (reads, mumbles to self). Well, that’s interesting. Will you- we’ll go over that schedule again? Will you go over that schedule again and come up with me who’s going to meet with her?

Female 1: (Unintelligible beginning) -meeting tomorrow at eleven o’clock.

Jones: Tomorrow- meeting tomorrow at eleven o’clock. Well, get all of- it’s twelve o’clock now. (unintelligible word)- twenty of. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. We got to answer some of these questions about how you react. You already- did he pass one? No. Where in the- (Pause) Uh, how- if you’re going to get a hold of the office, how you gonna- what- how- what are you going to speak of the office? How you go- How you gonna call the office?

Female 2: Jim.

Jones: You know the office. Excellent, plus. She knows the office. That’s what I would want to see, how much they knew. The office. Jim. You call me Jim. You don’t say Father, or Dad, no screaming around like that. It’s Jim. (Pause) Some of you want to affectionately, you know, you could say something like “Blackie,” you know, I got black hair. They used to call me that when I was a kid. Anything that- Cut off- cut off that aura shit. You see? They- They won’t understand it as well as they do. Well, they do. They understand the importance of the (unintelligible), a couple of these do. But uh, we got some that might not- they’re socialist all. All speak well, but we want to be able to speak the same way. Never Pastor, never Jim. Never Father, never Dad. You know what I mean?

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: What would you say about the weather? (Tone of reporter) How’s the weather here, dear?

Female 3: The weather is beautiful here.

Jones: I said, “Never Jim.” Shit. No, it’s gotta be Jim. You always refer to me as Jim. I don’t- I don’t have an identity of myself. So shit, I’m liable to say anything. Uh, I don’t exist as an ego. And I’ve reached that. I know one (unintelligible word). I don’t exist as an ego. And it’s nice, and I’d wish others of you’d try it, in lots of ways. ‘Cause you don’t stay hurt very long, and you don’t stay mad too long. Hmm?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: It’s true. Shit, this may- may- subconsciously has an effect, but I couldn’t make it through all the day with all the shit people pour on me. Not thinking about little things that’re so important to get done, that even safeguard the office’s health. (Exclaims) Oh, my. (Normal tone) But I don’t have a long memory. Oh, say you can use Jim or you can say Blackie or something like that. Whatever. You understand. Ol’- ol’ buddy, pat- patting me on the shoulder, say “ol’ buddy” in that circumstance. You understand? The very thing- good thing to do. Anything to cut down- because they want to get around socialism. Some will. Maybe none of this group. But there will be some. (Unintelligible word), oh yeah. It couldn’t be done without Jim Jones. He’s the- he’s the magnetic personality. He’s the charismic- charismatic- charismatic factor. We can’t get this movement done without Jim Jones. You got to show them a lot of intelligence, and a lot of interest, and Bruce [Turner], you better rehearse when I put the shit in your ballpark. Uh, I wasn’t pleased with the performance you gave me in the uh, machine shop. I praised you as the head, and you gotta come out with some shit. Now you better give me- giving him some rehearsal what- you’ll have something there to talk about that time. You get what I’m saying?

Voices in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: ‘Cause it’s very bad for me to throw uh, a lamp- the light on somebody, and they don’t have what they should have.

Male: Exactly.

Jones: So we should have something to rehearse. It doesn’t mean anything. Lot of folks nee- uh, need rehearsal. And the welding- you people need to step- step forward and call your staff. [Don] Fitch needs to be more talkative, so does the welder, uh, Jane [Mutschmann]. I need to- and so does uh, Mitchell [likely L.C. Mitchell], a bl- the black comrade and so is Ellihue [Dennis]. You oughta say, here what we’re doing together. Here’s what we’ve done. Understand what I’m saying? We made a carriage out there, of scraps. All scrap material. And the other things you’re doing. We got a steam generator. But we haven’t solved all the wood problems. You know, little things like that. But, uh- what- what other things where they did? (Unintelligible word) the uh- this uh, the insect sprayer. Hmm?

Female 4: And the dryer.

Jones: The dryer. That shoulda- they should’ve seen the dryer.

Female 4: And ask- ask the mother not to go in- in the toilet with a man (unintelligible).

Jones: No woman better go in no toilet with a man.

Female 4: (Unintelligible)

Jones: Now, goddamn it, I’m telling you. You better put an “M” up there. You better put an “M” and an “F.” Now, you just put a- I’d have a sign. Pushed up there, to put in there. Male, female, ’cause some of these suckers will be in- you- you all know male from female?

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: I’d say that’s a very good point. Give her an extra treat. That’s a ver- I- something we never thought about. Never once ha- I didn’t say a word about this time. But, boy, I’m telling you, that’s the biggest shit we had, ’cause that Russian was here with the Tass- Good thing he was a communist- some wom- some black woman plopped her ass down and started a conversation right with him.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: Plopped her ass- not in the second booth from him. Right next to him.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: Plopped her ass right down. Isn’t that too much?

Crowd: Yeah.

Jones: You know what happened, don’t you?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: You better stay on the ball, right?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Are some of you out there still with me? You never nod your head, you never smile, you don’t do shit. Where are you?

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: Well, there’s something else too. If they asked you to- do you get wages, say, what would I need with wages? I get everything I need. It’s a communal project. It’s a cooperative, we don’t even use money. We don’t need it. Are you required to pay so much? No, no, anybody can get in here, from each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Hmm?

Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: That’s Christian, honey, that’s right in the Bible. They want to war- war with that damned thing, let ’em war with it. Okay, we’re like the Jewish kibbutzes. They’re based on it, too. The Jewish- old Jewish law based on communal living. All right, where are we at now? What did she just say? I’m asking you, what about the weather, dear?

Female 3: The weather- (Jones interrupts)

Jones: (in role of reporter) How’s the weather out here, at Jonestown? I want to know about how the weather is.

Female 3: The weather is beautiful out here.

Jones: (as reporter) It is? What kind of weather you got? I know beautiful. What the hell’s beautiful mean? Fuck. I don’t know what the fuck that means. I’m going to talk like a reporter could talk. He won’t say, What do you mean, ma’am? What do you mean, madam, the weather’s beautiful? What’s that mean?

Female 3: It’s always nice and warm. It’s never cold.

Jones: (Unintelligible)

Female: (Unintelligible)

Jones: That’s uh, that’s fair. Then you can say that. Hmm? It’s always nice. I want you to do it in your own words? Go ahead. You uh- you said it. It’s always not too hot, it’s not too cold.

(slow voice placed over the tape, shadowing from another tape)

Jones: And I’d say this: we got more rain this year than they say we’ve had for seven years. Hear? It’s true. Hmm? Rain should’ve been over in uh, last month. At the end of last month? Yeah. Somebody didn’t tell God.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: God’s been retaining his bladder too long. Anyway, uh, so- okay- that’s good. Uh, next we go.

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: [Don] Freed is going to be here for s- many days, too, so you gotta keep this policy going on. We’ll go on with classes and stuff like that. Emphasizing the news- many times the news will be just putting the tape, so you’ll have to get it off the blackboard and just- handle things like that. We’ll have to handle it that way. Mmm? All right. May put- uh- No, no. It’d been nice you had a place to put some blackboards over in the cottage area. (Pause) All right, now I’m going to ask you a question. How’s the food here, madam?

Female 5: The food is wonderful.

Jones: (raising voice) I don’t know what wonderful means. What kind of food do you have? What- what kind of food do you have?

Female 5: Well- (Pause) we have-

Jones: Please, (unintelligible word) I’m just acting like a reporter.

Female 5: We have our own bread. We make our own bread. We have rice, we have (unintelligible under Jones interruption)-

Jones: Oh, Christ sakes.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: Don’t name rice first, please. ‘Cause that damned woman [Debby Blakey] said we never eat anything- Debby said we never eat anything here but rice. So uh, I’d just forget the rice for the time being. Can’t you think of something else? We got chicken, Jesus Christ-

Female 5: We have chicken, we have pork, beef.

Jones: Fish, poultry-

Female 5: We have eggs, fish.

Jones: Uh, yeah, yeah, right, right-

Female 5: We also have plenty of fruits, vegetables.

Jones: That’s good, Mom. I like the way you’re talking. That’s good. Next- next person. Don’t say anything about rice. Put it the last.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: (Unintelligible) the dirty bitch said we never eat anything here but rice. Dumb bitch. What’d you say, honey? Reb? What’d you say?

James “Reb” Edwards: Come on with the meats first.

Jones: Come on with the meats, yes. Come on with the meats first, ’cause that- she- she tried to make us look- like we never eat any meat here. So I’d come on and name the meats right off. All right, uh, how’s your health, sir?

Male 1: Health is fine. Uh, I’ve gained more health since I’ve been here than I was in uh, the States. I’m more stronger-

Jones: Don’t- Say gain better health.

Male 1: Gain better health, (Unintelligible word).

Jones: Some of us use that word, “more” health.

Male 1: Gain –

Jones: Gain better health.

Male 1: Gain better health since I’ve been here, and I had bladder trouble when I was in the States and uh, I really- and I’m not- I’m not suffering with bladder trouble since I’ve been here.

Jones: That’s good. He didn’t say I healed it, he didn’t say how it happened, he just said I’m not suffering with it here. That’s good. Thank you.

Edwards: (Unintelligible).

Jones: What’s that?

Edwards: (Unintelligible) water here.

Jones: Well, I wouldn’t actually say what it is. I wouldn’t say, because we don’t know. It would be presumptuous to say. You understand what I’m saying?

Crowd: Yeah.

Jones: Say it may be the good wat- You could say, like Reb, you could say, well, it may be the good water, and sure got clean air. And we get such good foods, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because we don’t have so much the ingredients like that sodium nitrate – and some of you seniors talk like that, that would really show them – like that sodium nitrate that’s been uh, shown that’s in every food, uh, particular wieners and bacon in the United States that causes cancer. You understand?

Crowd: Yeah.

Jones: How many heard- how many knows what sodium nitrate is?

Female: (Unintelligible)

Jones: Well, will you please tell your neighbor right now what the fuck sodium nitrate is, the ones that don’t have their hand up. And they ain’t- And they ain’t moved since they died 25 years ago.

Crowd: (Murmurs for several moments)

Jones: Valerie Jones and uh, what’s her name? Andrea Walker, get up here, we got to help with East House. Get up in front of the line, will you please? Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. Thank you, Valerie. Where’d uh- Andrea, Andrea, Andrea, Andrea, Andrea, Andrea. Okay, now what are- what are the common complaints around here- a- a- about the people? What kind of common- plaints- complaints do they have?

Andrea: I haven’t heard any.

Jones: You haven’t heard any complaints at all?

Andrea: No.

Jones: In a community that’s twelve hundred?

Andrea: No.

Jones: No complaints?

Andrea: No.

Jones: No? Somebody can say that, but someplace along the line, somebody should say, oh, well, we got one chronic complainer. They don’t like this or that, once in a while, but they say, is it any one pers- person. No, no, they’re not- not the same one person every time. Just some folk, you know, would vo- they would- they would- they’d uh, complain if it was in heaven. You know? You could say something like that. You could say, there only- I only know of one, I’d never say no, two. I’d say I only know of one. Shit, we can’t- we’re not perfect. (Laughs) I know one.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: I know of one. (Mimics unknown person) Too bad we ain’t got tickets. I have dealt with that one for one solid year. No. Longer than a year. And every time the mouth opens up, the same crap comes out. The same crap.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: All right. Now- now I’m going to say something else here. No complaints about blah- blah- blah (mumbles). (Reporter tone) What type of a house here- (Normal tone) You’re finished, you’re done. (Reporter tone) What kind- What kind of housing do you live in?

Female 6: I live in a cottage and uh, there’s uh, another family with me.

Jones: Another family? A whole another family with you?

Female 6: Yes, I have no uh, children. So I chose to have, you know, another family share a cottage with me.

Jones: How big is the family?

Female 6: It’s just a husband and a wife.

Jones: Okay. If they had a couple of kids, uh, don’t say family. ‘Cause they- if they want to twist with you, say a couple share with my- my house. (Contemplative) But I don’t like that. They’ll say there a male got two women. Uh-huh. I would say- if you’re single, I’d say I’m sharing with some other single people. Women. You understand what I’m saying? You see what I’m saying? I think we don’t want to get in that bag- grab bag. She not doing that (unintelligible). Say you have a- You can say, someone can have a companionship. I’d say I had a companion. I wouldn’t- many of you be single. I got a companion. I’m- I’m married, I’m engaged. You know what I’m saying? (Calls out) Hey?

Crowd: Yeah!

Jones: Okay. Don’t look dumb, if they ask if you’ve got a boyfriend. Sure. Say yes. No, not a couple. Don’t be a smart ass.

Crowd: (Laughter and talking)

Jones: All right, you’re- you’re finished. You had enough. Talking about being on the floor, Public Services, nothing mentioned at all. We decide everything in a participatory democracy. Some of you can’t say that. We’re completely democratic. If you can remember, participatory? Participatory.

Crowd: (Laughter and talking)

Jones: (Coughs) Or participating democracy. Participatory democracy. Everybody decides everything. Huh?

Voice in Crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Well, then say it, participating democracy. Uh- Some of ’em will say participatory. But if you can’t say it well – check it with somebody – don’t say it at all.

Crowd: (Talking, laughter)

Jones: Say, every department- there’re departments for everything, but they all come to the people for final decision. You hear? Once a week. You hear what I’m saying? If we’re lucky, it’s once a week. You never get to the decisions anymore. All right, uh, what do you call this place here? (Pause) What do you call this place?

Female 7: I call it uh-

Jones: I’ll-

Female 7: Jonestown. We call it Jonestown.

Jones: That’s right, say “we.” Good. And you never say a family. Just community, the Jonestown, or community. We call it- that’s good. I’d say- I’d not say “I,” say “we”-

Female 7: “We”-

Jones: -whenever possible. Talk as a collective. Thank you. Next. Why’d you come to here- from here to uh, to uh- Why’d you come from the US to Guyana?

Female 8: The reason why I came here is because- ’cause of the racism back there in the United States.

Jones: Well, how’d it hurt you, young man- young lady, you look pretty good, how’d the racism hurt you?

Female 8: Well, just- back in- in my- in the schools back there- didn’t- didn’t- didn’t get along with several of the kids- children back there, racism.

Jones: No. Can’t you also say that? And I was about to get in trouble out of my hostility. You should be the first one to think about it. Say, I was about to get in trouble, ’cause I was hostile because of people’s racism, ’cause of their hate. Okay, next. (Pause) Can you tell me about your living quarters, please?

Female 9: Uh, surrounding my living quarters- it’s just wonderful here.

Jones: Watch their words. Don’t necessarily agree with their- Surrounding my house- I’d respond, surrounding my home, surrounding my house. You understand what I’m saying? The reporter may lead you into a question and you should check him right there, say, surrounding my house. You wouldn’t argue with him, but you’d say surrounding my home or my apartment. You understand what I’m saying? (Coughs) Okay. What about your uh- your uh, home.

Female 9: Well, my home uh, that we have gardens, we have uh, eddoes, we have uh, (Unintelligible word, could be “plantains”), we have banana trees planted around.

Jones: That’s nice.

Female 9: We have pineapples.

Jones: Oh, in your yard?

Female 9: Um-hmm.

Jones: I see.

Female 9: And-

Jones: What about your house? What do you have in your house?

Female: Oh, we have regular furniture just like you have in yours.

Jones: Mmm?

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: We have regular furniture like you do in yours. Yeah, and I’d say it nice. Say we make it, you know, we make a lot of furniture. And always be sweet. Say, we make our furniture over here. We even have a (unintelligible word). We make our own furniture. We hope to soon be able to find a way to make our mattresses, but we haven’t found that. We still have to buy them. All right, thank you. Next. (Pause) What are your political beliefs, madam? (Pause) What are your political beliefs?

Female 10: I- I don’t have no beliefs.

Jones: You don’t have any beliefs at all? You have no beliefs at all, woman? (Pause) What do you believe in?

Female 10: In my own beliefs.

Jones: What are your beliefs?

Female 10: Uh- socialist and uh-

Crowd: (Groans)

Jones: No, I don’t want somebody to say the word because you can’t say it without mis- mispronouncing it in the first place. Don’t ever use a word unless you can say it. Uh, socialist, socianall, socialism. I’m- I’m sick of this shit. If you can’t say the goddamned word, leave it alone. But everybody ought to know how to say it. Socialism.

Crowd: (Murmurs) Socialism.

Jones: What’d I tell you folk, I said that we believe in living together and sharing equally. If you can’t use a big work- word, it’s cooperative living. You understand? (Pause) Don’t you have any- Uh, what are your religious beliefs, madam? (Pause) I hope they don’t ask her. (pause) You should avoid the uh, reporters like the plague, honey, because you don’t think well on your feet. They ought to stay- Where- Where- what department are you in?

Female 10: In the fields.

Jones: Now, they’ll go into the fields too. And don’t you- you just say hi.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: You- you (unintelligible word)- I don’t mean that you’re dumb. I don’t mean you’re dumb. No way. Some people think better on writing, some people think you’re better uh- you think better on their feet. Most of us do it better in writing, ’cause we have time to collect our thoughts. It’s very difficult for all of us in public to sound good. Right?

Crowd: Right!

Jones: I don’t sound as good in public as I do when I make a manuscript. Isn’t that right? All people speak better when they got notes before them, right?

Crowd: Right!

Jones: Okay, just stay away from them, dear. What are your religious beliefs, though? I’m going to have to decide whether you pass or not, honey.

Female 11: (Pause) Uh-

Jones: Well, go to class, darling. I- I just wanted to be sure- they’ll- they’ll – they’ll be able to help you in there. What are your religious beliefs, young lady?

Female 11: I haven’t any religious beliefs. I’m an atheist.

Jones: You’re an atheist.

Female 11: Yes, I am.

Jones: All right, I see. That’s interesting. That stops that argument. Go ahead.

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: Band. Uh, I want the message in our music, yes, I want socialism in the words. Uh- uh- or in the race, race particularly. Race, that beautiful song about Guyana. uh, the poem, the national anthem or something. Okay, all right. What?

Voice in Crowd: (Inaudible)

Jones: Softer when I’m talking? You can’t- Don’t expect me to carry on no fucking conversation when somebody’s blowing out a shrill horn or beating on a jumbo. I can’t- I can’t do it. (Coughs)

Female in Crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Well I don’t know how the- what the hell happened. What happened? Did I- I sent [Mike] Prokes, I said to stop that music. It’s too loud.

Female in Crowd: (unintelligible).

Jones: Well, now, they ought not be- they oughtn’t to do it. You ought to see-The band ought to keep their eye focused on who’s by my side. You see- Who’s in that group? So if anybody else tells you some shit, don’t pay no attention to them. If I run into trouble. We know what- what we’re going to agree to do. (unintelligible name)? All right. What do we uh- Tell me something. What kind of entertainment do you have here, sir, in this community?

Male 2: Well, we have uh, entertainment with our band, we have dances and uh, uh, play cards, we have Bingo and different-

Jones: I would think you guys ought to say movies and TV right at the top, for as much as you see. Library. I don’t mean it should be the first in everyone’s minds because it looks superficial, but you should put it right in there. Before cards anyway. Excellent library. You’re doing all right. Excellent library, dances, outings, go to Georgetown. I don’t like you with Georgetown. You know, you say, I like- I like country living. Whatever. Fishing. Hmm? Outdoor activities, picnics. Okay. Tell me, how many hours do you work, sir? Where do you work at?

Male 3: I work- I work eight hours a day and I’m- I’m a heavy equipment operator.

Jones: What’s your shift? What’s your hours?

Male 3: Seven to six.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: Seven and six means, by my last count, eleven.

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: You gotta watch it with reporters. They’ll- They’ll trip your ass. Eight hours. Seven to three. Or, seven to four with an hour off for lunch. What? Eight to five. No, no, no, no. Don’t go there- you get these people- Shit now, friend, if you start telling that people that work at eight, when they- they see everybody walking down the fucking path at six-thirty, somebody’s going to get in trouble. You have to start the work day at the same. Somebody we- you could excuse- somebody wants to do a little extra thing, he’s out there. Doing work. Staying later. Takes longer lunches, but don’t have them start with eight o’clock in the morning or nine o’clock in the morning, when every fucker in the places sees it, they don’t. You understand what I’m saying? ‘Cause you put too much in their minds. People- ’cause it’s difficult to deal with uh- we’ve got- supposedly very friendly people coming. But, you don’t take those chances. Goodlett is a very good friend, but we’d like for him to be more pronounced on his socialist views in United States. You understand what I’m saying? He did get wide coverage in the Soviet Union- You ought to praise him for it. Say, I heard you on Radio Moscow. You hear what I’m saying? You heard him on Radio Moscow. What’d he say? He found in his investigation that half of the Senators had gold certificates and shares in the Union of South Africa, the racist regime at the bottom of Africa. Hear what I’m saying?

Crowd: Yeah.

Jones: Even if a senior fumbled that out to Goodlett, he- he wouldn’t care. He would say, “My God, that’s knowledge. That’s amazing.” Hear what I’m saying? You don’t know where Union of South Africa is? Say “That’s South Africa?” I’d say I really thought that was wonderful, doctor, we heard on radio Moscow that you- uh- done the investigation, you did a study and found that half the US Senators have gold shares. You know how they get those gold shares, don’t you? Our people had to work and if they get any dust in their (unintelligible) if they carry out – even if they want to be nasty – any gold under fingernails if they’re too long. They’ve had their hands cut off. Fingers cut off. And to think that US Senators- US Senators- half of the US Senate’s got gold shares in African gold- South African gold. How many know what South Africa is? I doubt it.

Male in Crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Union of South Africa’s a dread dictatorship where all black people live in apartheid- concentration camps. All people of color, in fact. Indians, Asians, are all discriminated against. Hear me?

Crowd: Yeah.

Jones: All right, uh, just don’t get caught like that next time, okay, son? (Coughs) When they play the national anthems, everybody should uh- you should stand on your feet. Will you play it? They don’t even know what the fuck it is.

Female: (Unintelligible)

Jones: They’re not casual. They stand very straight and they’ll- they’ll- they’ll- they’ll put their heads down or they’ll put their hand on their heart-

Male: (Unintelligible)

Jones: They all stood up. How they did- you didn’t have to- boy, they all went up- some of them didn’t even hear- they went up when she says Guyana is so beautiful. How does the melody go?

(organ begins playing; Marthea Hicks begins singing anthem)

(tape edit)

Jones: -end of Guyana, to you we will give our homage, our service, each day that we live. God guard you, great mo- uh, God guard you, great mother- the old anthem that’ll probably change in one day- and make us to be more worthy, our heritage, land of the free. Beautiful. (Sings) Dear Land of Guyana-

(tape edit)

Jones: -talking, everybody working wherever you are, you stop, when you hear that music. Okay?

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: Well, we got to close this quickly here. Now let’s move on. I think we’ve fairly well covered most of the materials. Where is the uh, questions on the- not all of them- you never can cover everything and I’m- I suppose I’ve set on it. I ordinarily do set on it. Yes? All right, now. (Pause) Where- Uh, let’s see. What do we need to get done here we haven’t done? What- What kind of uh, security do you have here? You say racism back there and lots of difficulties, there must be uh- CIA would be interested in you people. What kind of security do you have?

Female 12: We don’t have any security here.

Jones: You don’t?

Female 12: No. We don’t need-

Jones: What keeps you from getting robbed?

Female 12: We don’t have any robs here. None that I know of, none.

Jones: No robs here?

Female 12: (laughing) No robbers.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: Say, in case that we- just to watch for uh, uh, let’s see- you have people uh- Remember what I told you? I said we have medical helpers that go through the community night and day. Medical team. So they would see anything that was unusual, and we have uh, someone- we do have a couple people who spend the night shift in the livestock division. You understand? Understand what I’m saying?

Crowd: Yeah.

Jones: GDF and say yes. And the GDF defends the border. Say, it’s a great- it’s a great hon- a great defense force. All right? Don’t say the border. I mean, defends us. I don’t think we better get in that border shit, ’cause (voice fades, unintelligible) They defend us and defend allpeople of Guyana. You hear what I’m saying? GDF. How many know what GDF is- mean? Guyana Defense Force.

Crowd: (In harmony) Guyana Defense Force.

Jones: The commander of it, [Clarence] Price, he’s been to our home and eaten and been very helpful and very friendly. When others would charge us, he’s thrown the charges out. It’s been beautiful. All right, uh, let me see. Whe- where- what do you- uh, how do you know where your property is, and where it ends and begins? (Pause)

Female 13: Uh-

Jones: You see- I know it’s frustrating, but you people ought to be thinking on your la- It’syour land, just like it is mine. (Pause) How do you know your property from the adjacent property, the property next to yours?

Female 13: Well, I plant fewer things there that I’m- uh- like rose bushes and-

Jones: Well, we don’t plant rose bushes out in the goddamned (unintelligible word).

Voices in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: No, I don’t mean around your house. I’m talking about around the whole co- community’s property. Well, what would you do, if they asked you such a question. The engineer does what?

Female 13: He marks the landscapes.

Jones: He marks it. It’s been surveyed. Yes.

Voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Yeah, they cut lines. Just say they cut lines through with cutlasses. So the line is clearly shown. You understand?

Female 13: Uh-hmm.

Jones: Hmm?

Male in crowd: All right, (unintelligible word)

Jones: How many acres do you have here? (Pause) How many acres do you have here?

Female 13: Uh- thirty-

Jones: What?

Female 13: (softly) I don’t know.

Jones: I’m asking you, madam, how man- how many acres do you have here? You seem to be very traumatized by the question. What are you hiding?

Female 13: Noth- uh, I have- we have thirty thousand acres here.

Jones: No, we don’t.

Female 13: No.

Jones: No, we don’t. We can get 27,000 on lease if we need them. Right now we have a fixed- We have about four thousand acres. As we use it and produce it, then we can get more. Do you understand? Thirty-eight hundred acres, to be exact. You understand what I’m saying? That’s a lot of acreage. You folk haven’t been using it yet. (Short laugh) But uh- 27,000 or- for that matter fifty thousand would be available if we produce it. You see what I’m saying?

Crowd: Yeah.

Jones: Hundred year lease. Do you own this property? Say no. No land’s owned in Northwest territory. It’s by lease. You understand what I’m saying, folks?

Crowd: Yeah.

Jones: Well, we’ll find out when the test comes. All right, now, where do we go? (Pause) (Reporter tone) You got a tower out there. What is that tower that- for that- that tower is clearly- uh, I see a tower over there. What’s it for?

Female 14: Uh, the tower is- is used for a playground for our children and it’s going to be-

Jones: Playground for our children? That thing sta- that- that thing stands about uh, uh, three buildings high. What are you talking about, you’re going to use it for a playground for our children?

Female 14: It’s just going to be for a fire watch.

Jones: It’s what?

Female 14: Uh, for a fire watch.

Jones: Well, when you gonna watch fires?

Female 14: (unintelligible word)- Well, they break out occasionally, we just, you know-

Jones: You cannot be intimidated by me, honey. I’m telling you, you guys must not beintimidated.

Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: How do you- The thing you should’ve said, well, we’re building slides out from that tower, and it’s a pagoda. You’re a college graduate, laboratory technician. You’ll have to work on getting more poise, ’cause you’re very bright. They said, you’re the best laboratory person, so let me see. That’s the best thing I’d say then. Say, the pagoda? You’re talking about the pagoda? If you can’t say the pagoda, say that- that- you mean that building out there? That’s a playground. I wouldn’t all immediately respond “the tower”. (Pause) Know what they’re saying. I said five times I’d throwed the tower at you. You just backed off, and you got afraid. The best thing to say well, uh, it’s a playground. Why, of course, it’s a playground. Go out there and see, they’ve made designs for the children and they’re building slides. And is the area cleared out?

Voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Hmm?

Voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: There will be things setting there tomorrow?

Voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Well, that’s what I mean. Anything you put- would look for children?

Voices in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Well, let’s have it done tomorrow. I’m going to hold Russell [Moton] responsible for that.

Voices in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: I mean, just see somebody gets that done. The administrator is, too, my son, but I wantothers to take this responsibility. Okay, where are we at? I’ll let you go. (Pause) I tell you. What kind of uh, pastries do you have here? What kind of pastries, what kind of sweets, what kind of (stumbles over words)- foods do you, you know, what kind of sweets do you have?

Female 15: Uh, we have a delicious mango pie. Uh, we have uh, cassava cookies and they’re very good. We have uh-

Jones: You’re too slow. Got candy, we got- and then you can back and (unintelligible). Candy, we got pastry, we got pies, (unintelligible), we got peanut butter, we make our own peanut butter- you hear what I’m saying? That’s another thing you ought to know. We make our own bricks, we make our own soap, and the soap’s better than the soap we had. I’ll tell you.

Woman in Crowd: Donuts.

Jones: Donuts, for God sakes. Donuts, that’d be the first out of my mouth. Oh, we have fresh donuts, we have our own bakery. Got- what?

Crowd: (Shouts out various sweets)

Jones: Pudding, cake-

Woman in Crowd: Peanut fudge.

Jones: Peanut fudge, yeah. Peanut fudge. Popcorn balls- no, don’t get no popcorn balls. We ain’t got that much popcorn. Let’s don’t get into popcorn. You tell enough about all the rest of this, that’ll be sufficient. They may ask for some popcorn, and I ain’t got enough popcorn togive ’em. (Pause) They won’t make a big deal if you do it- Banana bread, yes, Jesus. Know all of it. Banana bread, you got it? I don’t know how well- give you another question here. Rolls, yes. Say, we got everything that any modern bakery would have. (Pause) That front gate when I came in there is a rather awesome looking thing. What’s it for?

Female 16: The front entrance?

Jones: Yes. Thank you. That’s the only thing that saved your ass from an extra class.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: (Coughs) And that’s the way to come back, just like that. The front entrance? We have no gate there, sir. And I wouldn’t have a gate there tomorrow. Hear what I’m saying? The gate isn’t necessary. All right, we don’t have any fences. There isn’t a gate there anyway, but there’s something that goes across it. I wouldn’t even have it. I just wouldn’t even have it. If they ran in there- If they run in there through that gate, shit, they won’t get one mile till we could catch them on foot.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: (Laughs) If they running- they running, there’s a fucking vehicle, we could all meet ’em with our cutlasses before they got a mile in here. (Laughs)

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: ‘Cause part of the way you damn near have to float. (Laughs) Okay, you made it, darling. (Pause) (Reads) Talk about worms? What the shit is this? Talk about worms? Oh, parasites, yes. Do you have any parasites here? Worms?

Male 4: I never seen any.

Jones: Never seen any? No, well, you wouldn’t, sir, they’re- they see them under microscope. Anybody been treated for worms here?

Male 4: Not that I know of.

Jones: No, and what you ought to say is that we- we- our doctor’s on top of that stuff. You don’t have to say it polished. Say, they give medication to stop worms when they get them, (stumbles over words) I haven’t heard of anybody having worms, but I heard a few coming in- people come in for the free medical clinic that have them. But they clear up worms in no time. Hear what I’m saying? Just to be safe, we don’t go barefooted. You understand what I’m saying? That’s all right, you can tell them that. But I wouldn’t get into that unless they ask you about worms. (Pause) All right. Now, what else should I ask you? What do you think of the United States of America?

Male 5: Well, I dislike it for one thing, ’cause uh, all my life I had to run away from gangs.

Jones: You dislike the United States of America?

Male 5: (Unintelligible)

Jones: Be careful. Don’t say you dislike United States of America. You may not know who’s there. It could be a CIA agent, they’ll go back and say they’re over there building an anti-US movement and get some of our people killed over there. You see how important your answers are? You should have caught what I said. I just warned you because I had to give Becky- Both of you are very well intelligent- very well educated, but you let me get by. I say, what do you dislike about the United States? Say, nothing about the United States government, per se, or I don’t dislike the United States government- It’s not my- What I’m- My problem there is racism or whatever. Gangs, that’s okay, what you were saying. Doesn’t all have to be racism. Well, all should say they’ve seen plenty of racism. Had our church burned down twice by arsonists. It was race. That’s what people said, it was race. It’s what the newspaper suggested, was race. What the black papers showed, it was race, matter of race prejudice. Right on- right on- right on.

Voices in crowd: (Unintelligible)

Jones: I’ve heard it- say- they call this a uh, land- the promised land. Say, have you ever heard that kind of call about it?

Male 6: Oh, no, I haven’t. Uh, we call it Jonestown here.

Jones: I see, I see. Okay. Uh, tell me, do you put people in boxes here and bury them inboxes? Have you ever- have you ever buried anybody in boxes?

Male 6: No, uh, I-

Jones: I’d look more shocked- I’d look more shocked than that. (Pause)

Male 6: No, we haven’t, you know-

Jones: I’d say it, why, hell no, or sakes not. Huh?

Voices in crowd: (Unintelligible)

Jones: I’d say what? Hell no! (Stumbles over words) What- what- what prompted that question? Say, some of these la- rotten news stories? Say, in the first place, say, how you going to put somebody- even though we got ideal temperatures, seventy six degrees with the trade winds- how you going to put somebody in the ground, under the earth, in a box and keep ’em alive? That’s silly, man. That’s crazy. See what I’m saying? It don’t make no sense. You couldn’t put nobody in a box under the ground like Debby lied. You can’t do that. You couldn’t put nobody underground in a coffin. Shit- they- you- I’m- I’m surprised these fools print this shit. Anybody with their right mind ought to see through it. Okay, I- I- I’ve stamped on you long enough. (Short laugh) Where’d you get all this money from, madam? You’ve got a lot of money around this place to build all this. Where did you get all this money from?

Female 17: (mumbles, unintelligible)

Jones: We’re in trouble.

Voice in crowd: (Unintelligible)

Jones: You standing there, and look like this, I’m telling you folks, there’s going to be shit.

Voices in crowd: (Unintelligible)

Jones: You all know- all know these questions. I told you to learn them. I wake up, but we gotta wake up now. Where’d you get all your money for, madam? You seem like you’re hesitant to speak. What’s the problem?

Female 17: Well, uh-

Jones: What is it?

Female 17: I’m trying to think. I don’t remember.

Jones: You don’t remember? Well, just use your brains. How’d you get money here?

Female 17: (unintelligible sentence)

Jones: (Shouts) Listen, woman! I’m talking now! Get your huffy shit off! I’m talking! Don’t you address anybody! I’m talking, do you hear me? Don’t you address anybody there, ’cause you should have the answer.

Voice in crowd: That’s right!

Female 17: I uh-

Jones: Fuck you people and your goddamned- if you were as good at getting some knowledge as you are at hearing somebody eight miles away say something that affects your ego- you piss me off when you do this. It pisses me off. You can be- You’re very bright, or you wouldn’t be able to hear what somebody whispers over there. Why don’t you be as concerned about getting knowledge as you are of what people think of you? I don’t care if people hate me, as long as I’m doing what’s right.

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: (Calms) Don’t like to be hated. Who- Anybody’d be a masochist who likes to be hated, but I’ll risk being hated every day. (Unintelligible word) you people to set back and let Father take care of it. Let Jim Jones do the thinking. Let Jim Jones come up with the answers. Or a handful of public relations people. Piss on that. Uh, Charlie Touchette ought to be in that tour, and mechanic shit- you ain’t going to get passed. He did it for years, hear? What- what- what happened there? I just now thought of it. You can have all the PR (unintelligible)?

Voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Yeah, well, that’s fine. That’s fine. I agree. That’s good. She asked it, that’s good, I- I agree with you. You can uh- you can just say uh- be very cordial and uh, say this: he’s a- he handles it very well, he won’t be insulted. I know you know that, but somebody from the PR section, Charlie was known for his bluntness, but the last time I saw him, he handled it verywell. Okay? Right? (Calls out) How do you make your money here, madam? How’d you get the money to build all this place? There must be millions of dollars here.

Female 17: I don’t know the answer to that one, Dad. I haven’t heard-

Jones: (Cries out) Shut up your mouth! Shut it up! You didn’t hear anything tonight. You just called me Dad. (Pause) (Calms) I know you’re a bright woman. I happen to know that. You work well. You gonna be use your brain. (Pause) You do have an answer. How does anybody raise money? Bake sales, old clothes sales, rummage sales, projects. Few people turn their money, like Jim, turn their money into it. You know, like uh, offerings. But most of the offerings went to help the people there. I don’t even get the idea that they think that some of them suckers back there deserve any of this, ’cause they don’t. The money that came here, sure as hell, they got most of the offerings, fucking around with their court cases and their goddamned families, feeding ’em and getting ’em out of trouble. Hmm?

Crowd: (Murmurs in agreement; unintelligible)

Jones: You all got that down?

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: Now, you say you don’t know that question. (Pause) What kind of a school do you have here?

Female 18: We have wonderful schools here. Uh, uh, we have a lot of children, and they take part uh, in uh, crafts-

Jones: That’s good.

Female 18: Uh, some take music-

Jones: Mm-hmm. That’s good. Don’t be nervous. Don’t be nervous when I’m setting up here. I’m setting up here as a teacher. See? You’re speaking very well.

Female 18: Yes, Father.

Jones: Take your time. Start the speech, though, start it, but take your time. Don’t stand there waiting for- you say- don’t do that. (unintelligible phrase) you know, and smile. Say- If you don’t know- if you don’t want- if you need a little time, say what did you say? I- I didn’t quite und- I didn’t quite hear your question. You understand what I’m saying? That gives you time-

Female 18: Yes, Dad.

Jones: -to think. (Pause) All right. That’s good. That’s good. You may pass. (Pause) You guys remember to salute. Yes. And from now on, call me Jim only. (Reporter tone) What are you doing, sir, for Guyana? Here you’re taking up a lot of our land- taking up a lot of Guyanese land. What are you doing for Guyana?

Male 7: Well, uh, I’m (Unintelligible word), learning by the skills that’s been taught me. I’ve learned uh, four different skills since I’ve been here.

Jones: What’s that going to do for Guyana?

Male 7: Uh, it’s helping out in ways where I can help other people.

Jones: What are the skills you learned?

Male 7: Uh, carpentry, uh, working with the children, you know, helping them uh-

Jones: That’s not a skill.

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: That’s a vocation. You would say, I lo- I love helping, but that’s not a skill. (unintelligible word). Teaching aide, maybe that’d be a skill, but uh, no, no- What others? Don’t- don’t get up no shit. Say I’ve got uh, four- four specialties and they hit you with them, you can’t answer. You better know what the hell you’re doing, you hear what I’m saying? If you’re telling ends justifies the means, for socialism, you better be sure you’ve got the whole thing thought out, ’cause you say you got four skills, you better be able to back it up. What are your four skills?

Male 7: Uh, let’s see, carpentry. Uh, I do painting.

Jones: Painting? Painting is good. Painting skill.

Male 7: I’m also in uh- a little art.

Jones: Art? Yes, well, that’s good.

Male 7: And uh-

Jones: You teach children art?

Male 7: Yes, I do.

Jones: What kind of art?

Male 7: Uh, a little uh, drawings, you know, cartooning-

Jones: You make cartoons? You mean you can draw- You got any sample of your work?

Male 7: I left it in the States.

Jones: You left it in the States? Then you better not talk about it.

Male 7: Yeah.

Jones: You better get something done tomorrow. It’d be a nice thing to talk about. It’d be anice thing to talk about, but you better not talk about something- that’d be terrible to say you did artwork for children in the States, but don’t do it here.

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: And you said you learned it here.

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: And you left it in the States. That’s funny. You left it before you learned it.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: What are you doing for Guyana, sir? You still haven’t answered my question. I’m getting rather weary of this. What are you- what- what are your- what are you doing for Guyana?

Male 7: Uh. Hmm. Let’s see.

Jones: What is this community doing for Guyana? You’ve taken a lot of our land. What are you doing for Guyana?

Male 7: Uh, cultivating. Uh, helping out, you know, wherever I can. You know.

Jones: You? I didn’t ask you. I said what are you – this community – doing for Guyana?

Male 7: Oh. Uh, we’re uh, helping people over in uh, Georgetown, you know.

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: Hey, how- how are you helping anybody in Georgetown, sir, you are a hundred and- you’re a hundred fifty miles, three hundred miles by the sea. How do you help anybody in Georgetown? What do you do for people in Georgetown, sir? Tell me right now, please, tell me, sir.

Male 7: Uh-

Jones: You’re a fucking good liar, but you ain’t got the sense to back it up.

Crowd: (laughter)

Jones: You know you gotta have- you gotta have your logic to back that shit up or you’ll getcaught.

Male in Crowd: There’s a difference between thinking on your feet and lying on your feet.

Jones: There’s a difference between thinking on your feet and lying, yes. And no man’s got a good enough memory, Abraham Lincoln said, to be a successful liar. So you want to be careful about what you- There’s no necessity you telling me you got four skills. If you learnedtwo, it’d be fine. If you learned one, it’s excellent. (Pause) Don’t tell these wild-ass ga- things. You hear me, seniors, now don’t get yourself caught in no bind like this. A lot of you, you (unintelligible word) say, yeah, we learned (stumbles over words), developed so- uh, soap, and you know who taught it? Our seniors. Say we’ve learned in the- in the USA, the old people were put in the aging homes and boarding houses, and they couldn’t use their- their crafts, but the guy over there’s a senior citizen that runs that tool and dye machine shop, and training all these young people, never could have gotten in those crafts in USA, and they teach us- uh, the seniors have taught us how to make brick and how to process peanuts and how to make a smokehouse. You see what I’m saying? (unintelligible name) getting up there in years, the bricks, that (unintelligible word), that’s how you’re also helping Guyana. (Pause)

Male in crowd: Not to mention our medical-

Jones: Not to mention our free medical clinic, but you said we help people in Georgetown. How do you help- how do you help in Guyana in Georgetown. (Pause)

Male 7: Uh.

Jones: You have a cache of arms there, right?

Male 7: Pardon me?

Jones: You have a cache of arms there?

Male 7: I don’t understand.

Jones: (more emphatic) You have a cache of arms there.

Male 7: Oh, no I don’t.

Jones: You’re here. I’m talking about Georgetown.

Male 7: No?

Jones: How do you know, there’s no guns in Georgetown?

Male 7: Uh- I mean, that’s what they say, you know, I just go- go.

Jones: That’s what they say. (Pause) Brother, I’m telling you, are you, uh- What- what’s his work, what’s your work record? (Pause) What’s the work record?

Voices in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: You’re supervise with children, good with children. Good worker?

Voices in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Well, he’s falling asleep too much in rallies. Seems to me you’re not heard. Don’t ever say “they say”. Didn’t you go through Georgetown? You’d be the only fucker [that] didn’t. All of us parked our ass there in Georgetown- they eat there on the floor, slept on the floor, some place. Anybody ever got here didn’t go to Georgetown? Huh?

Crowd: No. (voices in background unintelligible)

Male voice: (unintelligible) Sarah [Tropp] slept on the floor (unintelligible).

Jones: Huh? Don’t say Sarah slept on the floor. No, you don’t need to. Let’s say we take care of people that we send in here from our free clinic, and get them the medical services of surgeons, if the surgery’s too, uh- that the surgeon wants a consultation, and we send ’em in, we give ’em housing free while they’re in there, we send them free on our boat. You understand what I’m saying? (Pause) Done it for hundreds of people. Uh, I- I’d like to get uh- (Reporter tone) Tell me about- bout your boats, now, will you tell me something about your boats, sir? I want to hear about your boats, your crafts, your ships, uh, I- I want to find out about your boats and crafts and ships, because I know that tomorrow- (stumbles over words) Will you tell me about your boats and crafts and ships?

Male 7: Boats, crafts and ships? Uh- I don’t know anything about the boats, crafts and ships, uh-

Jones: You don’t?

Male 7: No, I don’t, sir.

Jones: You shoulda heard the fucking word I throwed by you. I throwed “arms” by you again. (Pause) But you do know something about boats. If you don’t know we got a boat, you’re going to be foolish. That’s how you came, you remember?

Male 7: Yes.

Jones: You came down the river, down the Port Kai- you- listen folk. I’m gone tell you- we’re gonna have to all get the shit together. Say, we got a boat and then we lease a great big freighter. You hear what I’m saying?

Male in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: No? Oh, Gloria. She wants to piss. I thought the lawyer say no. We lease- we lease a great big freighter. What’s the name of the big freighter?

Male 7: The Albatross.

Jones: Albatross. What’s the name of the little boat?

Male 7: Cojo.

Jones: I wouldn’t- CudjoeMarceline. (Pause) Uh, I don’t know. (stumbles over words) Knock that- knock that. I’d say Cudjoe. But don’t- say it right. CudjoeCudjoe. Where’d you get the name of those ships?

Male 7: Uh, it sounds- sounds uh-

Jones: You won’t know it. They- we took the name of the ship when we bought ’em. If they asked you- if somebody wants to make the hay over Cudjoe– why would they want to make uh, hay over Cudjoe? (Pause) You liter- a- a liberator in Haiti, but worse than that- (Laughs) he- they brought some of them to home in the Symbionese Liberation Army. Who was named Cudjoe. (Pause) Remember?

Male 7: No, I don’t.

Jones: Oh, you’re right. Cudjoe- I’ve got my (stumbles over words, away from mike). Cinque. (stumbles over words) Cud- Cudjoe. (Pause) There was a Cudjoe. There was a Cudjoe. Wasn’t it? I think there was. Well, who was Cudjoe now, damn it? It has some-

Male in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Cudjoe was a li- a- a slave emancipator. Worked with Cuffy. You understand that? So, we named the boat after him. I’d say we named the Cudjoe after him then, hmm? But there’s some place they used Cudjoe for something else, I’m telling you.

Female in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: The SLA. That- see, I knew I knew it. But at the time I said I remember- I remember it. I said don’t- don’t- it had something to do with the Symbionese Liberation Army, ’cause I thought, tell those folk over there, if any newsmen ask in Jonestown, to be very, very careful with that word. Hmm? Cudjoe. There’s a guy named Cudjoe. But they also had a- (Stumbles over words) it had some revolutionary connection in Cuba. Somebody used it in Cuba. Better find out what it is. But this is beautiful. Cudjoe who was a- a great emancipator, one of the first- the first one to fight the white plantation owners here. Do you understand? And to free the blacks. He- He joined Cuffy but he was even before Cuffy. He joined Cuffy’s movement. (Claps hands once) All right.

Male voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: The Albatross. We got the name of that big freighter- We don’t own it anyway. We didn’t have any chance to change it. We lease it. You understand? When you leasesomething, you’re renting it. How many understand that?

Female voice in crowd: That’s right.

Jones: Okay. I think you need a couple of extra hours of class that we’ll- when we get it convenient, we’ll tell these folk who need it, okay? Thank you. (Pause) Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Jim. Jim. Thanks. All you have to do is say thanks now. All right, dear. Tell me a little bit about your school.

Female 19: Well, we have uh, one of the best schools in- in Guyana. Uh, our- our children learn, uh-

Jones: I wouldn’t say that. We have a very good school. I wouldn’t say one of the best in Guyana. I would say- you open up (unintelligible word) game. Say we have a very good school. Leave that to us to talk about? Hmm?

Female 19: Yes, Jim.

Jones: ‘Cause they’ll have asked you, how do you know? What- what makes it the best school in Guyana? Could you tell me? One of the best schools- why do you- how do you know it’s one of the best schools in Guyana? (Pause) You don’t know, do you? So will you people quit saying things that they can get you the second question around and show you that you’re a liar? (Pause) You don’t know. We are indeed, and have been proclaimed so by various people, but I don’t think we want to brag about our p- our uh, uh- being the best– or being uh, one of the few best schools in Guyana. I don’t think we want to do that.

Male voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Yes, some of them are Guyanese, yes. All friendly, supposedly. But I’m telling you, you can be sure that some of the media people are friendly, ‘cau- have a reporter’s manner and they’ll come on tough. Hmm? They’re all friends. That’s a reporter’s certain modus operandi. What do you learn in school?

Child: Well, I learn uh, English and math and (unintelligible) uh- you know I could go through the kind of trades that we do in- in school. And I learn uh-

Jones: Yes?

Child: Well, one of the things that-

Jones: You better say you learn math. (Stumbles over words) you learn-learn math, languages, or the basics. I’d say the basics are geography, uh, mathematics. His- uh, science, history. Guyanese history. We learn about our own Guyanese history, as well as our former history, (Unintelligible), but we took more emphasis upon Guyanese- Guyanese history. See what I’m saying?

Child: Yes, Jim.

Jones: ‘Cause that’s dangerous. Tell me something about Guyanese history.

Child: Well, uh, during the Berbice slave rebellion, uh-

Jones: What’s this? What’d you say about them? I didn’t hear you.

Child: In the Berbice slave rebellion, it was uh, Cuffy- Wait-

Jones: Don’t say “Cuffy,” “wait” now. You just paused. Don’t you say “wait.” You can wait in your own mind. It was Cuffy that what?

Man in background: What did Cuffy do in the Berbice slaves?

Jones: It’s not my niche- somebody give ’em three or four good things about Guyanese history, right fast, in front of a microphone.

Sarah Tropp: (unintelligible)

Child: Uh-

Jones: Who is the national hero of Guyana?

Child: Cuffy.

Jones: Cuffy?

Tropp: When did the Berbice slave rebellion take place?

Jones: When did the Berbice slave rebellion take place?

Child: When? (Pause) Did you say when or where?

Jones: When. Well, she told you where. Berbice. (Pause) Where is Berbice? Oh, my Jesus Christ (unintelligible). You folks look at that Guyanese map at all? This is a ca- a damnedshame now (Stumbles over words) that those Guyanese are going to ask you questions about things like that? Everybody- every child has to go up there and look at that map tonight. And you can find Berbice, the Demerara River. You should know that. (Pause) How many- how many square miles- you could hit- you could come back and look well. Say well, we have eighty three thousand square miles in Guyana, the population of seven hundred thousand. Makes a beautiful place to live for people, because there’s plenty of soil that you can develop for the people of Guyana, and also help the rest of the world that needs food. You hear what I just said? What’d I just say?

Child: You said we have eighty three thousand square miles-

Jones: Guyana has eighty three thousand square miles. Hear what I’m saying?

Child: Yes, Jim.

Jones: Okay, go ahead now.

Child: We have eighty three thousand square miles in Guyana and- where people can uh, have med- uh- free medical care and food and uh, with the (Unintelligible word) and-

Jones: Do you have milk here?

Child: Yes.

Jones: You do? Well, how do you get your milk?

Child: Uh, we have cows that uh- what we call the piggery is cows.

Jones: No. I wouldn’t call it a piggery. I’d call it a livestock division. Uh- Piggery. Who calls it a piggery? That’s a damned crazy ass word, that whoever started it in the first place- Don’t call it a piggery. Call it livestock division. Livestock department. Livestock’s cattle, pigs and chickens. You know, everything. I’d rather hear a chickaree than piggery, because it has a bad association, I guess. Maybe that’s my own subjective feeling. Okay. Uh, ask you another question in history, ’cause they’ll have something on the States. (Pause) What year was it? You didn’t ask for you- what is the year of the Berbice uprising? What was it, uh, Sarah?

Tropp: 1763.

Jones: 1763. When did Cuffy die?

Tropp: (inaudible)

Jones: 1763? (Pause) How did he kill himself? I mean how’d he die? I just told you. He committed suicide rather than being taken back, as a slave. Understand what I’m saying? They love him more when that word- when Marthea [Hicks] hits that word tonight, everybody perked up. You got to have some of those words in your language. They perked up. She went off first with Cuffy. That’s the way it’s got to be. Always. Something Guyanese. All right, I guess I have covered about as much territory, uh- Can you tell me what this community is doing for Guyana?

Child: Well, for one thing uh, peo- we’re kind of a- a test center for stuff- little small stuff that Guyana wants to try. Like we uh, tried uh, the beans, some of-

Jones: Beans? What kind of beans you tried that Guyana doesn’t know something about?

Child: Uh, like we’ve tried- we was trying wing beans and uh, bora beans- different kinds of beans.

Jones: They’ve been doing that for years.

Child: Cuban black beans.

Jones: Cuban black beans, they haven’t. Wing beans are news. Say, we’re experimenting in various grades of peanuts, but be careful. We’re exper-

Male voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Charcoal farming. We make charcoal, that’s good. Charcoal, we’re going to do- uh, make our own charcoal so we can help Guyana. How many tons of charcoal does Guyana need for its uh, sales in No- (stumbles over words) in Norway? (Pause) (deep sigh, whispers) Ah, shit. (normal tone) Twenty thousand tons. Twenty thousand tons. Do you hear?

Child: Yes, Jim.

Jones: Uh-

Edwards: (unintelligible)

Jones: When you’re asked a question, don’t look like you’ve lost your best- uh, your best friend either. Keep smiling. You’re too image conscious. You bother me. You’re too image conscious. You should be friendly. Worry about that. That’ll pass for a lot of ignorance. Do you understand? People let that get by in this world. Compliment them. We love Guyana. We love being here. This is uh, something complimentary. It’ll pass uh- you can cover a lot of your ignorance that way. Hear? (Pause) Have you studied the metric system in math yet?

Child: We’re just going- we’re just beginning that in our schools.

Jones: I see. That’s safe. Whose idea was it that the metric system be adopted here?

Child: As far as I know, it’s the government’s idea.

Jones: That’s- don’t say as far as you know. It was the government’s idea. The government’s going to metric system. Right. Okay. You- You made it through by- by getting through that question. Now, tell me, sir. (Pause) You set up- that I ask the questions, well, I’m sorry that the good gentleman came up to ask a question. He’s going to uh, be- I’m going to ask him.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Jones: What about courtship patterns here? What- How do they handle uh, romance and love and that sort of thing?

Male 8 (elderly): Well, I don’t know if you really say it’s- it’s uh, handled in such an extent. If someone feels that they like somebody, they just talk to one another and they- you know, have their- they- they uh- I don’t know if- It’s- it’s nothing so they just jump into, but they- they take their time and do it in a proper fashion.

Jones: A proper fashion? (unintelligible word) proper fashion?

Male 8: Well, I would say that uh- you know uh- (laughs)

Crowd: (Laughter)

Male 8: Look out now. (Pause) A lot of things, you know- uh-

Jones: What do you do when you have premarital sex and somebody’s born out of wedlock?

Male 8: Well, naturally, the- the- they usually- naturally they- they uh- the couple wants to get married.

Jones: No, no. Not naturally. I’d answer a question like that – if they got that bold – I’d say, do you know that with Guyana’s new constitution, you cannot refer to anyone – say it kind – as to whether they were born out of wedlock or not? Whoever ans- asked that question would beway out. ‘Cause it says in the constitution, you cannot refer to anyone’s birth, or religion or prior conditions of servitude. USA hasn’t got that far along. So you don’t have- (unintelligible phrase) It depends on the individual. But we don’t make- we don’t shun them or make them feel dirty or anything like that. But say, I don’t recall anyone being born out of we- wedlock. But we have uh- we do encourage people to be loyal to the- the nuclear family. We encourage that in our town forums. Do you have any religious services?

Male 8: Oh, no. We don’t. No, we don’t.

Jones: What, have you got anybody religious here?

Male 8: Yeah, there are some religious and some atheist people.

Jones: Well, well, what do the religious people do?

Male 8: Well, they have, I guess you’d say, their own little religious ceremony. They do it in their own individual homes.

Jones: That’s all right. They do their own religions and they do it in their homes. Okay. Uh, don’t you ever sing any songs for the people that are religious? What do you- do you have any songs uh, for them? They’re part of your community. Do you have any songs that you sing that are religious at all?

Male 8: Well, we sing- uh, once in a while we sing community songs. I mean songs like when we work and when we do different projects.

Jones: That’s good. That’s good, but you could say, yes, we- we all, you know, everybody loves- even atheists love the old spirituals that came from the toil and sweat of our past. You didn’t know how to answer that. I’m throwing a lot of things that you have never said. Okay. But we uh- you- in other words, you don’t have any rules about membership, is that right?

Male 8: (Pause) No. It’s just uh- we’re just a big community here.

Jones: Well, how do you get into this community, if you want to join it?

Male 8: How do you get in it? Well, uh, there are no set rules that you just can’t walk in, but if people would like our lifestyle then, you know, our doors are open. Our doors are open.

Jones: How do you go about applying?

Male 8: Well, there’s- well, there’s no formal-

Jones: Oh, there’d have to be. There’d have to be. There’d have to be. Say, I’d make application through our headquarters in Georgetown, and then uh, we take people in line as we can build. Right now, the government wants us to work on self-sufficiency. And we don’t want to stop our free medical clinic. And if we took any more residents – we have several Guyanese residents – but if we took any more, we wouldn’t be able to give everyone free medical services and up till this point, we’ve been able to give everyone that comes through. Sometimes that’s a few hundred every week. Hear what I’m saying? You all hear that?

Crowd: (Agrees)

Jones: Now, you’re going to have to get your ass in there and listen to this tape, I’m telling you. ‘Cause a lot of these people thought they had it and when they get up here, they don’thave it. (Pause) But if you smile and be friendly and not- you won’t be getting hit that heavy, I doubt. But, anyway, you better be prepared, right?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: (Unintelligible word), what is your uh, feeling on Guyanese uh, politics?

Male 8: My feeling on Guyanese politics? Well, I feel they’re- they’re doing what the- the- the best they can for their people.

Jones: Well, there’s two policies there. They’re two major political parties, the PPP and the PNC. Do you uh- Are you supporters of the government?

Male 8: Yes, we’re- we’re supporters of the government. Yes, we are. The Peoples National Congress-

Jones: Yes. Oh, you actively support ’em?

Male 8: No. I mean we don’t vote in the elections and like that-

Jones: Why don’t you vote in the elections?

Male 8: Pardon me?

Jones: Why don’t you vote in any elections?

Male 8: Well, we’re American citizens.

Jones: Don’t you want to become Guyanese?

Male 8: Well, we’re living here as a cooperative. We’re working along with the Guyanesegovernment, and we’re helping and doing as much as we can with-

Jones: Why don’t you (unintelligible word under Male 8) your US citizenship?

Male 8: Pardon me?

Jones: Why don’t you want to give up your US citizenship?

Male 8: Because I’m an American. I was born in America.

Jones: (Pause) Uh, I’d be afraid of that. They have more socialists than that. I would say uh, that’s left to the individual to decide. I wouldn’t say I don’t want to give it up. Say, that’s a personal matter, one’s citizenship, and I- I don’t know if the government is in- uh, invited us to be citizens. But, frankly, you can’t say what the truth is. The government likes us to be US citizens because it discourages Venezuela from fucking with them.

Voices in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: No, I wouldn’t- I wouldn’t- no, I- because we’re in Guyana and we goddamned well better look like we’re Guyanese residents. That’s the only way I won that- you- young socialist movement leader. It had uh- was hung till that point. I said we’ll be citizens. He said why. ‘Course, you can’t be as frank as I can. So you can avoid some of these questions. Say, I’m Guyanese. (Stumbles over words) I don’t have anything against the USA, but I’m Guyanese. But citizenship here takes a long period- longer period of time. Takes five years. Say, I have not been here for five years and I certainly- I love it here. I wouldn’t say what you going to do one way or the other. I love it here. ‘Cause you can’t tell them the one thing that’s a secret between us and the government. See what I’m saying? Don’t say we are notGuyanese, because US citizens on the border of Guyana will cause Venezuela not to want to do anything with this territory, and we are populating it because a certain number of people have to be populated by a certain time or there would be territorial disputes. Don’t get into that. All right? Do you understand? I think that’s the major things. Shift, please.

Male 8: I have a-

Jones: You had a question. Go ahead.

Male 8: Yes. Uh, for- for those of us that are staying in apartment one, that have uh, young people that we’re supervising, would- would that- would that po- be a possible question that might be asked of us- asked to us? It’s- it’s- four- four adults and ten- ten young brothers that are on one side of the apartment as well. And Pat Grunnett has some other children on the other side, and I think Penny [Kerns] has a group on her side. Would there- there’s not going to be indi- individual house tours through the building that we have to do explaining it, is there?

Jones: I don’t think we will. I don’t think we will. We can say, we don’t go into people’s houses, but I think some cottages will have to.

Male voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Six.

Male voice in crowd: How many people stay in the apartment complex?

Jones: How many people stay in the com- apartment complex? I don’t know, rightfully. We don’t (stumbles over words)- I don’t know exactly. Numbers to be checked with the uh, uh, community, uh- there- there’s a community records system, but I don’t- I don’t know who lives in all the apartments. I know most people, but I never counted them by (unintelligible word)- my heads- like you count them, you know. I just don’t think in that way. I’d avoid it, if I possibly could. (Pause) Uh, don’t volunteer-

Female 20: Dad- excuse me, Jim? Could I suggest that uh, cottages that are not assigned for display should keep their windows and doors closed during the time that the guests are here?

Jones: Uh, if your cottage has not been picked out for display, you uh, close your windows and doors. You hear what I’m saying? And your (unintelligible).

Female 20: That’s right.

Jones: All of them.

Voices in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Huh?

Voices in crowd: (unintelligible)

Female 20: The tour guides should know which houses are- are going to be visited.

Jones: You just shut your door, and everyone- unless the cot- the door is told not to. We can say here’s something open- here’s one that’s open. And if yours is open and it’s not supposed to be, all hail the power. Be seated. Which cottages are the display cottages? Say, which cottages are the display cottages? (Louder) Which cottages are the di-

Female voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Female 20: I’m sorry, I don’t know whi-

Jones: One, seven, fifteen, 44, 31. Is there only five? (Pause) Okay, let’s go over them again. (Repeats as numbers called from crowd) 39. 31. 44. One. Seven. And fifteen. You all hear that? Did you hear your cottage? Every other door is to be shut. Every other window. Hear? You got me?

Crowd: Yes.

Jones: All that means- all the time you’re out or in. You hear what I’m saying? It’s not that long. It’s uh, several days that’s- Okay, now. If you’re asked about being socialist or communist, never say you’re communist, of course. Socialist is not going to be that bad. I- I believe in cooperative living, community sharing. You understand what I’m saying? No sermons at all. If they ask do you have long sermons, don’t have any sermons at all. Say, our PA system is only in the central community in the first place. It’s used to call people. Use it for medical needs. Call some emer- emergency medical person. You understand what I’m saying? We want to keep it from calling everybody in the world. Vaudeville acts? We want to have that? We got to have the music together tomorrow. Well, how do you get your news here? Voice of America, BBC. Netherlands. And Canada. GBS [Guyana Broadcasting System]. We get GBS when we can. Say, we try to get GBS, can’t always get it, but we try. Healing, yes, but we have an exceptional medical department. We don’t uh, rely on healing as a cure-all, a panacea. Who is Jim to you? He’s my friend. Best friend I’ve ever had. Do you believe he’s God? You should say, what are you talking about? Jesus or Mao. That’s what you said, I believe that was Mao. Now you know Debby- I never- nevermore in my life ever did I say I was Mao Tse-Tung. You ever hear any such shit as that?

Crowd: No.

Jones: She knows she’s a liar. She picks the word, I guess, that will cause the most- ‘course, they- all the lies they see before, they try to- they’re getting their web built, though. They’re going to hurt themselves. Don’t you worry. Do you eat meat? Of course. Chicken, pork, fish. All kinds of fish (Unintelligible word) and we’ve got rabbits we’re growing and then we get wild meat occasionally. Beef too, cattle. (Pause) Do you live with your families? Of course you live with your families. Anyone tell you who to marry? No. We don’t require that. We don’t involve people. People meet people, they decide on marriage. We do discourage having relationships out of marriage, ’cause it hurts the morale of the community. You understand? That’s called extramarital affairs. You understand that? Some of you won’t be able to say the word, so don’t worry about it. Try it though. Extramarital affairs.

Crowd: Extramarital affairs.

Jones: And we encourage children not to take chances unless they’re prepared for marriage, because it can lead to children. Will you give birth control, or do you give birth prevention to people who are not married? That’d be their next question, all right. (Pause) What should we say?

Voices in Crowd: No!

Jones: That’s between them and their medical doctor. That’s a very good- That’s between them and the doctor. Ask the doctor. I don’t know anything about that. That’s a very good thing. That’s what they’d do in any other place. Say, that’s co- confidential information between the doctor and the person. Ask them. I know Mr. and Mrs. (unintelligible) having- have had sex out of wedlock all my life, but then they- (pause). Hold in there, Moms Mabley [likely Bertha Cook], hold in there. No. But we don’t refer to wedlock. Anytime they get (unintelligible), say we don’t use those words. For the person’s birth, it doesn’t make any difference, they’re a free born soul. A free born human being. Whether they are born in marriage or outside of marriage. Do you copy? Now, obviously we don’t ever have people strip or go naked, and obviously we don’t beat any people. Obviously we don’t even allow fighting. (tape edit) (Pause) (very quietly, off microphone) I think we’re okay (unintelligible). (normal voice) All right, all right, all right. (Pause) Folks what?

Male voice in background: People who don’t have doors on their cottage, keep their curtains down.

Jones: People who don’t have doors on your cottage, must keep your curtain down. They must be cleaned. (Pause) When you talk about them being apartments back there and- and the houses or cottages. Do you understand? Your homes?

Female voice: (unintelligible)

Jones: I don’t know why they’d have to have their windows- why don’t they have their uh- their- their uh- attic windows open if they want to, but be sure they’re not dirty or anything sitting, uh, hanging out from that’s dirty, right?

Male: We can do it at night and keep ’em closed in the day time. (Pause)

Jones: We can see your mattresses?

Male voice: (unintelligible)

Jones: Well, I’d say there’s just some people wanted a little room to themselves and (Unintelligible word) – I wouldn’t lie like that. And I’d say, some people have built little cot- they like a little- they’re nice, they’re just a uh- it’s a nice sleeping area, and they have lights and bed lights. I- I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Male voice: (unintelligible)

Jones: Hmm? Well, say uh, some people don’t use them for sleeping, some people use them for storage. You get what I’m saying?

Female voice: (unintelligible)

Jones: All right.

Female: (unintelligible) shouldn’t wear their night clothes in the middle of the day when they get up to go to the rest room or something either.

Jones: What’s that?

Female: The night workers who are asleep during the day, and they have to get up to go out, could just accidentally wander out when the tour was coming by. They should get dressed if they have to go out.

Jones: Oh, yes. They should get dressed to go to the bathroom. If you’re a night worker, coming out by day. Hear? I don’t want to see no heavy lady in polka dots.

Male in Crowd: Oh, yeah.

Jones: You get what I’m saying?

Crowd: (Agrees)

Jones: One sister’s done so well uh, I can’t even find her any more, she gotten so light, but you’ve got to watch plain colors if you’re heavy. You hear what I’m saying? If you’re heavy. You hear what I’m saying? No wild-ass colors. No, don’t let me see a child with a yellow sock and a red sock. There’s no sense in that. You better put no sock on them inside the shoe than do that, that day- uh, during those days.

Male: (unintelligible) These- these children- there’s- there’s (unintelligible) That’s what I’m talking about, (unintelligible phrase) uh, that they don’t have raggedy shoes on.

Jones: Must not have raggedy shoes nor raggedy hair. Wha- Anybody that- let’s not- Reflect badly on us, there’ll be difficulty. All hair of children needs to be cut, should be trimmed up nicely. And we’re gonna have to get that done tomorrow. (Pause) Someone dies? What do you do? You call the officials, that’s what you do. And carry out the wishes of the person thatdies. If they want to be sent back to the US, we do that, or if they want to be buried here, we bury them here. Say, we go through Guyana- the government. They have laws about that. We don’t vote in Guyanese elections, because we’re not citizens. Won’t- Can’t be a citizen before five years. Although we can, if they want to make it so, but we don’t push that anyway. I’m not so sure there aren’t two advantages from that. Hmm?

Female voice: (unintelligible)

Jones: Okay, not crowded. Are you crowded? Oh, lord, no. We- Then we have other homes in a secluded area. We have other homes- uh, we got other places of residence out further. I’d say other places of residence- They’re some- some live out far. There’s that one place- we ought to cut the weeds on that former place down there- we call it the- oh, goddamn, (unintelligible word). What?

Female voice: (unintelligible)

Jones: I know cathedral, but there ain’t nobody going to remember that. They’ll never, never, never, never remember it. I’d call- huh?

Male: -the falls?

Jones: Down by the park. Say, down by the little park we have, yeah. I want you all to do is cut that area out and uh, get that weeds cut out of there and maybe act like you’re doing a little building on that foundation work (unintelligible word). Hmm? (Pause) Just look like it’s a little work that will be done around? ‘Cause that could cover us if we had to- (Stumbles over words) that’s really tight. They’re not going to every little damn nook and cranny. Say some build a place in the- further on out. They like privacy. Can I see it? Ask them. And send them to Tom Kice. (Mimics Kice) I don’t want to see nobody.

Crowd: (soft laughter)

Jones: I’m sure (sigh)- you- you’ll- you’ll comply, won’t you, Tom?

Male: Right.

Jones: So that’s one thing we’re going to have to have one day, when we get settled.

Voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Yeah, if they do. If they do fly over it, uh, several times but I think that some of those buildings over there in the livestock can- can confuse them. There isn’t a park- Say, there is a person that has a house the- and I’d make that place down there with the livestock there very colorful. Little apartment instead of the (unintelligible word) drab thing that it is. Nice little house there. Say, some people live out close to livestock and then there’s some, I think, live on over this way. And there’s another one building down in here. There’s others building now- there- couple (unintelligible word) houses being built down here.

Male voice: (unintelligible) got a compost shed. It’s got a- it’s got a metal roof on it, and that’s working out there in the fields.

Jones: Yeah, yeah. I’d say that. Say, some of them live out there and- (unintelligible word) got me? Be sure, administrators, we get that straightened up tomorrow. That uh, apartment in the live- livestock- what?

Female voice: Camp number two has (unintelligible word)

Jones: Not camp number two. (Emphasizes each syllable in sentence) Fuck the camp number two. Site number two. Site one. Site two. But don’t call it camp. (Pause) You understand? Site. There’s a project site out one and there’s a project site two. Okay, let’s- shift please. Get the people here where they’re supposed to be going. Wayne McCall has worked to steadily improve the- well, I’ll give him off then, in spite of the longest time. (Sighs) James Ford [aka James Wade] fifth time tenth day. (Pause) (Reads under breath, unintelligible) from senior. I don’t know, that’s not, I can’t- (unintelligible) good work but I can’t do anything about that. (Pause) Good work. Real good attitude and that’s good. Little early. Okay. What do- what- any major things we need to discuss about agriculture? Oh, well- do you know how to talk? We have peanuts, cassavas, eddoes, pineapple. We have lime trees, right? We have oranges. They’re not going to come in for a while because it takes what? Three years?

Female in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Local fruits take five years. We have very tasty bananas we have every day. You hear what I’m saying? Cayenne, bananas and uh, fig bananas. Apple banana. (Pause) Did you say apple banana?

Voices in Crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Cayenne? Yes. Tasty. We have plantain, they make such good French fries. You- You hear what I’m saying? I hope we can get plantains in and the French fries for you some time. Have you eaten them yet?

Crowd: (Murmurs)

Jones: Ah, that’s good, I didn’t get any. Why in the hell- I said whenever they have plantains, please give them to me. Bless your lovely hearts. (Pause) They’re delicious. Boatload- boatload off two? Off loading- David George, Wes Breidenbach, Tim Swi-

End of Part I


Part II

(Jones and woman singing in church service)

Jones: Let’s lift it up. You used to get turned on by Jesus. Why can’t Jim be just as-

(tape ends)

End Of Side B

Tape originally posted May 2009