Q129 Summary

Summary prepared by Fielding M. McGehee III. If you use this material, please credit The Jonestown Institute. Thank you.

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FBI Catalogue: Miscellaneous

FBI preliminary tape identification note: One 3 inch reel of .25 inch tape marked “I.P. Holmes” / ½ trk 7 ¾ ips [inches per second] — Parks assist — Put on new reel because old one crooked, leader added

Date cues on tape: None

People named: None

Bible verses cited: None


An unknown male with a professional radio voice records a series of commercial announcements for a variety of consumer products, including dishwashing detergent, shaving cream, milk, beer, bacon, bread, and paper cups. All but one of the brand-names are unknown, so the commercials may be made for a local market, or the announcer may be recording them for practice or an audition. Some commercials are read more than once. There is only one male’s voice, no music and – with the exception of the sound of breaking glass as part of one of the commercials – no extraneous noise.

FBI Summary:

Date of transcription: 3/29/79

In connection with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation into the assassination of U.S. Congressman LEO J. RYAN at Port Kaituma, Guyana, South America, on November 18, 1978, a tape recording was obtained. This tape recording was located in Jonestown, Guyana, South America, and was turned over to U.S. Officials in Guyana and subsequently transported to the United States.

On March 9, 1979, Special Agent (name deleted) reviewed the tape numbered 1B47#3. This tape was found to contain the following:

Side A

Recording of various “takes” for commercials of various products. Commericals [Commericials] made by an unknown male individual.

Side B Blank.

Differences with FBI Summary:


Tape originally posted May 2006