Q735 Summary

Summary prepared by Fielding M. McGehee III. If you use this material, please credit The Jonestown Institute. Thank you.

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 FBI Catalogue           Jones Speaking

FBI preliminary tape identification note: “JJ Speaks 10-21-76 Opportunity and Bakke Ralley”

Date cues on tape:     Consistent with tape identification note

People named:

Public figures/National and international names:
Part I
Yvonne Golden, coordinator of Opportunity High School in San Francisco (speaks)
Hal Abercrombie, teacher at Opportunity High
Ron Cabral, teacher at Opportunity High

Part II
Joseph Freitas, District Attorney, San Francisco
Charles Gain, San Francisco Chief of Police
Richard Hongisto, Sheriff of San Francisco
Robert Mendelsohn, supervisor of San Francisco County
George Moscone, Mayor of San Francisco

Marvin Chandler, Executive Minister, San Francisco Council of Churches
Benjamin Dreyfus, attorney, associate of Charles Garry
Charles Garry, attorney for Peoples Temple
Louise Garry, wife of Charles Garry
Carlton Goodlett, publisher of San Francisco Sun-Reporter
Vincent Hallinan, attorney
James Herndon, attorney, associate of Charles Garry
Lynn Hodges, Executive Director, Northern California Council of Churches
Karl Irvin, President of Northern California/Nevada Christian Churches Disciples of Christ
John Maher, founder, Delancey Street Foundation
Tony Ubalde, United Methodist Church minister
Cecil Williams, minister, Glide Memorial Methodist Church

Medgar Evers, slain civil rights activist
Viola Liuzzo, slain civil rights activist

Albert Kahn, author
Samuel Yette, author

Bible verses cited:      None


(Note: This tape was transcribed by Gay Marie Cabral. The editors gratefully acknowledge her invaluable assistance.)

In the first part of this two-part tape, Yvonne Golden, the coordinator of Opportunity High School in San Francisco, introduces Jim Jones to a gathering at the school. Lauding the school for its work – also evidenced by the fact that the Temple chose to send a hundred young members to the school – Jones presents a check for $200 for its projects. Additional details of this gathering, and other events at Opportunity High, will appear in And Then They Were Gone, a forthcoming book by Judy Bebelaar and Ron Cabral.

The second portion of this tape is a short statement which Jones made at a rally in October 1976, following the California Supreme Court’s decision on the Bakke case, which held that a program giving special treatment to minority applicants to the University of California was unconstitutional. Other people appeared at the rally –  including Rev. Cecil Williams of Glide Memorial Methodist Church and Native American activist Dennis Banks – but the tape includes only Jones’ remarks.

FBI Summary:

Date of transcription: 3/21/79

In connection with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation into the assassination of U.S. Congressman LEO J. RYAN at Port Kaituma, Guyana, South America, on November 18, 1978, a tape recording was obtained. This tape recording was located in Jonestown, Guyana, South America, and was turned over to U.S. Officials in Guyana and subsequently transported to the United States.

On March 19, 1979, Special Agent (name deleted) reviewed the tape numbered 1B62 #52. This tape was found to contain the following:

Side One – Blank.

Side Two – Short talk given by the Reverend JIM JONES to persons at Opportunity High School during which time JONES presented the school with a $200 check.

This tape was reviewed, and nothing was contained thereon which was considered to be of evidentiary nature or beneficial to the investigation of Congressman RYAN.

Differences with FBI Summary:

The summary does not mention the second part of the tape, in which Jim Jones speaks about the Bakke decision, but is otherwise accurate and meets the FBI’s purposes.

Tape originally posted March 2010