Q648 Transcript

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(Note: Transcript prepared by Vicki Perry. The editors gratefully acknowledge her invaluable assistance.)

(Note: This tape was one of the 53 tapes initially withheld from disclosure.)

(Note: The first ten minutes of side 1 are overdubbed. Transcripts of both tracks follow, beginning with the shorter Track 2.)

Track 2:

Jones: –Jackie Fields– (Pause) (Unintelligible word) Jackie Fields. I’m speaking to someone. Jackie Fields. (Unintelligible)

Fields: No.

Jones: Both uh– both names– Jackie Fields.

Fields: Yes.

Jones: Your name is Jackie Fields also?

Fields: Oh, yes, uh, I have uh– Bonnie Jo– My name– my nickname is Jackie Fields. My (Unintelligible word) name is Jackie.

Jones: Your nick– Your nickname is– is Jackie, hmm?

Fields: Yes.

Jones: Well, now, there’s not three poodles at your house, is there? But there’s– What?

Fields: No.

Woman’s voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Hmm?

Woman’s voice in crowd: Three at my house.

Congregation: (Cheers and applause)

Jones: Bless your heart. Now hands clasped, back there by you, sister. You– Have you ever felt like you’ve committed blasphemy against God?

Fields: Yeah.

Jones: Uh-hmm. (Unintelligible) I don’t know you, but I do know you in knowing the Spirit. (Unintelligible)– you’re also afraid (Unintelligible).

Fields: Uh-huh [Yes].

Jones: Don’t know you, is that correct?

Fields: That’s right.

Jones: You committed– You (unintelligible)– Blasphemy is when you don’t think it any more.

Fields: Uh-hmm [Yes].

Jones: And part of (Unintelligible) that doesn’t have any conscience always (unintelligible). When you commit the unpardonable sin (unintelligible) the Holy Ghost, it’s a place where you just uh– you– you’ve gotten to the point where you don’t know right or you don’t want to know right. People who have committed the unpardonable sin never– never think they have. Do you understand what I’m saying? Person who committed an unpardonable sin would never think they had. So you haven’t. But you’ve allowed through fear, things to enter into your life.

Fields: Uh-hmm [Yes].

Jones: Now as we clasp our hands. (glossolalia)

(organ music)

Jones: Oh, God, God, God, God fearing, God fearing, God fearing. (glossolalia)

(Pause, Tape edit).

Jones: Do you have any slippers in your room, like, knitted slippers?

Fields: Yes, I have.

Jones: With pom-poms on there–

Fields: Yes, I have.

Jones: One of the slippers– Does it slide around on your foot (Unintelligible word)?

Fields: It does.

Congregation: (responds)

Jones: Now, sister, (unintelligible)– the blood, the life of Christ. I want this placed on the statue that’s white by the fireplace. And I want this to be– be taped on it. Understand?

Fields: All right.

Jones: (unintelligible) You’ve been having difficulty in your throat. The Spirit wants to heal this also. Place your hands on your– on your throat.

Fields: Yes.

Jones: This will save you from a– a fall.

Fields: Yes.

Jones: And this will heal the condition that’s in your throat. Your chest has been your weak point. During the winter you’ve had several ti– uh, battles with your– with your respiratory problem–

Fields: (crying) Yes.

Jones: Well, this’ll stop it now. When I reach out to you in the name of Christ, in the name of Christ, (claps hands once) in the name of Christ, in the name of Christ. I stop it.

Fields: Yeah.

Congregation: (Cheers)

Jones: God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. (glossolalia)

Fields: (crying hard) Yes.

Jones: Tape that to the large white statue with gold on it and that will bring (unintelligible) –the entire house, and Christ will be in that house, ‘cause I have (unintelligible) into that house. Praise God. Praise God.

End of track 2


Track 1:

Jones: Hands clasped. Yea, God– (Clears throat) Melvina? Melvina Higgins. (Pause) Melvina Higgins. (Pause) (unintelligible) Melvina Higgins. (Pause) It’s all right. (unintelligible) –handicapped. Hands clasped. (Pause) I have to make (Unintelligible word) thoughts here a moment. (unintelligible) things that we tell publicly. I’ll build your faith, sister. If you believe in God (unintelligible) all that believe together (unintelligible), and they parted every man. (unintelligible) and they shared in a most beautiful interracial, international, totally equalitarian family. Now God is a idea. He’s an idea. That idea is personified. It’s personified up here in a body today. And tonight, who that did not know God in me will be sick, because they discern not the Lord’s body. Just as that, when you’re being anointed, they don’t discern it, people said, (unintelligible) that Scripture for years. Said they’re sick because they discern not the Lord’s body. And they always have it (unintelligible) and of body. And every one of you is God in a body. (Pause) So tonight, in this room, I’m his body.

Congregation: (Scattered response)

Jones: I’m his tabernacle. But I am, so shall ye be. He said, these things shall you do – even Jesus – and greater things, because I go to the Father. And as you read the King James, (pause) get a little booklet [“The Letter Killeth”] back there, if you would read it, you’ll find that if you didn’t have the Holy Ghost, through prophecy, pastors, teachers and prophets, to lead you to perfection, edifying the word (unintelligible) of the ministry, to perfect you. If you didn’t have them, you would be like a ship (unintelligible).

Congregation: (Scattered response)

Jones: Because even in your King James Bible – he was just a king of England – Matthew 1, the first chapter of Matthew, the sixteenth verse, in Luke, the third chapter, and the twenty-third verse, (unintelligible) it’s the history of Jesus (unintelligible) Abraham, and it’s the Jewish custom that had to be through the father. But Matthew and Luke disagree as to who Jesus’ grandfather is. One says it’s Heli, the other says it’s Jacob. One says his great-grandfather is Matthan, the other says Matthot. M-a-t-t-h-o-t. A spelling error (unintelligible), but it’s even written in the King James, with all of its errors, it says no man can call Jesus the Christ except by the Holy Ghost. No one can. Now sister, I– I’ve heard in your mind, I’ve heard in your mind (unintelligible)–

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: That’s what you said in your mind. This must be God.

Higgins: Yes. Yes. (Pause)

Jones: You lost your father.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: And your mother.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: And two brothers by a stroke.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: Your mother was born June 2–

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: Passed away in 1932.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: One sister was totally paralyzed–

Higgins: Yes. (weeps)

Jones: Due to a stroke.

Higgins: Yes. (weeps)

Jones: She died in 1965.

Higgins: Yes. (weeps)

Jones: You’re from Shreveport, Louisiana.

Higgins: Yes, Dad. (weeps)

Jones: You have three children. One’s passed.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: You thought, due to a tumor on the brain.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: (unintelligible) consciousness of God to tell you it was reality, a cerebral spasm, blood clot on the brain.

Higgins: Oh! Oh! (Weeps)

Jones: (unintelligible)

Higgins: Oh! (Weeps)

Jones: (unintelligible) Shreveport (unintelligible) with a coffee table.

Higgins: (Cries) Yes–

Jones: With a large glass swan on the top of it.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: And a green porcelain vase.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: And you have a Bible, a white– with red letter edition–

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: –given to you, handed down by another member– an uncle

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: An uncle handed you the Bible.

Higgins: Yes.

Archie Ijames: Hallelujah.

Jones: Now I want you to study closely the Corinthians, II Corinthians 3: The Letter Killeth. The Bible kills.

Woman’s voice in crowd: Amen!

Jones: Letter to Romans, letter to Thessalonica, letter to Timothy. The Bible kills but the spirit makes alive. I’m just Americanizing it. Love makes alive. The Bible kills, but love makes alive. That’s what caused that man to be so evil. And have a knife on him. Wanted to use a knife in the name of Jesus. That’s what caused that man to stand up. It was the letter. It kills. I want you to move the letter, and now I’m going to give you the spirit.

Higgins: (crying, moaning)

Jones: (glossolalia)

Higgins: (crying hard, moaning hard, wailing)

Jones: Sister, you’ve always feared a total– total paralysis.

Higgins: (crying hard, moaning) Yes–

Jones: Like your sister. And you have now had a stroke. It’s left you paralyzed– paralyzed (Unintelligible word) on one side– your hands, your arms paralyzed?

Higgins: Yes, yes.

Jones: And your legs paralyzed.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: And you’ve been having this terrible throbbing in the back of your head.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: You’d’ve had another stroke, Wednesday at two.

Higgins: (crying, moaning, wailing) (Unintelligible) Get out of me.

Jones: Because the thing that you fear comes upon you. Now because you said, in your mind, it has to be God.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: He has to be God.

Higgins: (crying) Oh, I can’t–

Jones: That arm? I want you to stand. I want you to stand.

(organ music playing in background)

Higgins: (crying)

Congregation: (Scattered cheers and applause)

Jones: I want you to stand. (Pause) It’ll take a while. Don’t– don’t– just– just– let her do it on her own.

Ijames: She’ll do it.

Jones: Let her do it on her own. (Pause) Sister, I want you to move these children out, move the children, uh, up closer to the front. Sister, out– while the nurses assist you, yes. Sister out. (glossolalia)

Congregation: (Stirs)

Jones: In a high anointing here tonight.

Ijames: Hey, God!

Congregation: (Cheers and applause)

Jones: People– Peace. The people– Shh. Get the children down. Sit down quickly. Sit down quickly, I’m having to put out a high anointing. (Pause) People this week saw me stop a bullet, aimed for someone else. How many in this house saw it?

Congregation: (Scattered shouts)

Jones: Don’t you know God?

Congregation: Yes.

Jones: Now sister, (Pause) that arm’s all twisted, and the leg’s all twisted. Sister, now you’re– you’re– you’re in front her. Nurse, stand to the side. Sister, look up. Keep that thought. Keep the thought. Keep the thought. You said (Unintelligible word) “He has to be God.” (more emphatic) “He has to be God.” Now, in that recognition, straighten that left arm– Straighten it! Straighten it, sister, straighten it. Begin it, begin it, pull it up, pull it up. Straighten it, straighten it–

Ijames: Straighten it!

Jones: Up, up, sister. I said– Sister, if you’ll look at me– Look at me, not at the arm. St– (Calls to her) Bring that arm up now! Bring it up!

Congregation: (Cheers)

Jones: Bring it up! Bring it up! Bring it up! The hand! The hand! The hand! Straighten the hand, straighten the hand, straighten the hand. Straighten the hand, sister! Straighten the hand! Straighten the hand! Straighten the hand! Now, get out of the way! Get out of the way! (Unintelligible name)! Look at me! Look at me, sister! Look at God in personification! Look at God being personified! Straighten that leg! Straighten that leg! In the name! In the name of God-Christ! Straighten that leg! Sister, straighten it! I said straighten it! Keep that hand straight, sister. Keep that hand straight! Sit down, sister, you’re in the front of my anointing. Sit down. Sister Jackson, I believe it is, sit down. Hands up! ‘Cause I know who was in my way! Put your hand up again, sister, straighten it up! I want you to keep that hand up! Up! Up! Up! Up! Now bend it! Bend it! Bend it! Bend it! Keep it bending! Keep it bending!

Congregation: (Sustained cheers)

Jones: Now keep it bending! Don’t let it go back like that! Don’t let it go back! Keep it bending! That’s it! That’s it! That’s it! Now you’ve got it! Now you’ve got it! Now you’ve got it! Now, sister, now move your leg! Now move your leg! Don’t look down! Don’t look down! Look at me! Look at me! Straighten your leg! Come on! Move! Move! Move, sister!

Congregation: (Sustained cheers)

Jones: In the name of God, Jesus Christ! I’m here, I’m here! Move your leg! Move your leg! Now, sister, move on! Move! Quickly! Move on, sister! Move on! Now the arm!

Congregation: (Sustained cheers)

(organ playing, woman sings a song; unintelligible under crowd noise)

Announcer: She is completely healed! She is– she is completely healed! Completely healed! No trace of (Unintelligible word). Her arms, her hands move virtually perfectly! She’s completely healed! She’s dancing on the stage. She’s run around the auditorium three times. Three times around the stage!

Jones: Now it’s time to move! Now it’s time to move!

Announcer: She’s completely (unintelligible)– every place of paralysis is gone!

Congregation: (Sustained cheers)

End of Side A


Side B

(Ten-15 minute silence for first part of tape.)

(piano playing in background)

Jones: –your hands, shaking again, your neighbors. Clasp them warmly and gently. Remember meekness is what will inherit the earth. That means to be gentle, patient and mild.

Congregation: (Stirs)

Jones: The righteous shall dwell in the land forever. The meek, the gentle, the patient, the kind shall finally be the ones that inherit this troubled planet. So learn to be patient and gentle with one another. That’s the most important attribute of God. Love, gentleness. (hums a note) (Pause) I hear a name. L-A-U-G-E-T-T-A. (Pause) Morris.

Morris: (unintelligible)

Jones: Hands clasped.

Morris: Oh, that’s all right. Thank you, Jesus. Oh, thank you, Jesus.

Jones: I hear a doctor’s name. And I know nothing of you personally. I know none of your– nothing of your life personally and you’ve told no one here anything. Is that correct?

Morris: That’s correct.

Jones: I hear a Charles A. Mayfield.

Morris: Yes!

Ijames: (laughs)

Morris: Yes!

Jones: And a Vernel– Vernell H D-i-e-u-d-o-n-n-e. Vernell.

Morris: Yes, yes.

Jones: Yes.

Morris: Oh, thank you, Jesus.

Jones: Now– (glossolalia)– Now there’s some things that nurses will tell you that will be mentioned here that you should use and you should not use.

Morris: Yes.

Jones: It’s in your practice.

Morris: Yes.

Jones: Because there’re things that are detrimental to your health.

Morris: Yes.

Jones: I should say that uh, in July of last year, you were x-rayed.

Morris: Yes.

Jones: You’ve told no one here.

Morris: No one.

Jones: There’s difficulty in your back–

Morris: Yes.

Jones: –in your abdomen.

Morris: Yes, yes.

Jones: (glossolalia)

Morris: Yes, yes, oh, yes! Oh, yes!

(crowd begins to speak quietly)

Jones: Hands clasped. Libra transparent face powder. You know that?

Morris: Yes, yes! My God! Oh, yes!

Jones: Yes. Yes.

Morris: Yes! (Pause)

Jones: Velveeta yellow cling peaches–

Morris: Y– yes sir.

Jones: You use Easy Off oven cleaner.

Morris: Yes!

Congregation: (Laughs)

Jones: Miles nerving capsules that you have in your cabinet. Miles nerving capsules, for nerves.

Morris: They might be there, uh, uh, uh, Father, but I don’t remember.

Jones: You just– Yes, well. You– you go home and look.

Morris: Yes. (Pause)

Jones: Who is David?

Morris: Oh! That’s the one you saved tonight, Father! Thank you, Jesus! Oh, thank you!

Jones: (unintelligible) Hands clasped. Hands clasped.

Morris: Thank you, Jesus! Oh, thank (Unintelligible word)

Jones: (hums) You have some loved one in them– in Texas?

Morris: Yes!

Jones: San Antonio?

Morris: Yes! Oh–

Jones: I see the danger of fire where there’s someone distressed in their mind– someone distressed in their mind.

Morris: Yes!

Jones: And I see the danger of fire in San Antonio, Texas. This is one thing.

Morris: Oh, yes!

Jones: But right now, this is one for David–

Morris: Yes. Yes.

Jones: –this is one for your home. Be sure that– (Pause) Well, what we said about never– Miles nerving capsules and any material that has to do with Reverend Ike–

Morris: Oh, yes!

Jones: –remove it from your home.

Morris: Oh, yes! ‘Cause I throwed it out! Thank you, Jesus! Oh, thank you, Jesus! Yes, I throwed it out, Father. Yes, Father!

Jones: Yes. All right. Now, sister, sister– go– go to the bathroom, and the cancer that’s in your body will pass through your body.

Morris: Oh!

Jones: Go!

Congregation: (Cheers)

Announcer: They can’t give her the microphone. They can’t keep a microphone near her. She’s praising God. She is praising God–

Jones: Go!

Announcer: It doesn’t matter as testimony that you couldn’t get close to her with a microphone.

Jones: (singing in background)

Announcer: God’s spirit has had His way now, and others move aside to let the spirit have its way.

Jones: (in background) You’re bles– you better shout with her while you can.

Congregation: (Cheers)

Announcer: God (unintelligible) praising ‘cause she knows what’s going– she knows the power that came into her life now. She knows the power that brings deliverance. (Pause) She knows the (unintelligible) deliverance, and singing praise to that source of power.

Jones: (in background) Because that growth– that growth is looking for a house, that growth is looking for a house. That– that alien spirit is looking for a place to rest. It’s gonna leave her body. She’s working it out right now. And when she gets to the bathroom, she’ll bring it back. That tumor, it shall be brought back. For God never fails.

(music plays, singing)

(tape stops)

(begins again)

Jones: Yes. (chuckle) Here comes the woman healed of cancer. Here she comes.

Congregation: (Cheers)

Announcer: The cancer’s been returned now.

Jones: Just know– Just know, because it’s happened to all!

Morris: Oh, thank you, Father! Oh, thank you, Father!

Announcer: (Unintelligible word) She’s giving– She gives the pastor a hug! She gives the prophet a big hug. She’s so grateful that the cancer’s been removed from her body.

Morris: Oh, thank you, Father! Oh, thank you, Father!

Jones: Look at that mass! Look at that bloody mass! Thank God! (unintelligible). Yes, praise and thank god. Praise and thank God.

Announcer: There’s the mass. There’s the mass, being held in a white napkin. A large towel, paper towel. She’s dancing on the stage! Giving praises!

Jones: So much to praise God for.

Announcer: Giving praises! She’s dancing– she’s dancing and shouting praises!

Jones: (in background) Just look at that growth! (Unintelligible word) True to God. (unintelligible)

Announcer: The growth is passing me now, in a large mass of paper towels, a large bloody growth. She’s being taken now by the nurse down through the congregation.

Jones: Look at that. It’ll build your faith. Look at that growth. (Sings) (Unintelligible) God’s so good to me/ Don’t you know, God (Unintelligible)/ He’s so real to me–

(singing in background, woman’s voice)

Announcer: She continues to dance and praise. Another big hug for the prophet! Another big hug in gratitude. (Pause) She knows, she knows that God working through this man, almighty God has reached to meet her need.

(singing continues)

(tape stops)

Jones: – now in the name of Christ, let’s get our minds not on what– a negative situation, let’s get our minds on praise. Just feel the atmosphere with praise.

Woman’s voice in background: (unintelligible)

Jones: Uh– Hands clasped. Think about other’s blessings. That’s the way to get healed. Someone with the name of Beatrice Wiggins. Beatrice Wiggins. (Pause) Hands clasped in friendship and warmth. Spirit of the consciousness of the presence of God which is the source of all supply. Who is Mrs. Ford? (Pause) Where is she? Stand up.

Voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: God’s almighty, God almighty–

Man’s voice in crowd: Yeah!

Jones: God almighty. Hands clasped. (Pause) Do you have a loved one named Ford? Your mother named Ford?

Younger Ford: Yes.

Jones: Hands clasped. Mrs. Ford, and I’ve got a mother named Mrs. Ford. She’s 80 years of age. (Unintelligible word). (Pause) God almighty. (Pause) I see. I’ve got to protect you from several thing[s], but your heart’s so right, you recognize the actual conscious presence of God, and it’s the key. The more you see of God, the more you reproduce of God. Particularly, Mrs. Ford, you’re gonna be a great key here because you recognize God in this atmosphere. You recognize God in my body, as the Temple of the Holy Ghost. The more you see of God, the more you reproduce of God.

Ford: (Unintelligible exclamation)

Jones: You lost a loved one, some time ago in an accident.

Ford: Yes.

Jones: Charlie Mc– Charlie McNoble.

Ford: Yes, that’s my nephew.

Jones: Was killed on a Friday.

Congregation: (Stirs)

Ford: Um-hmm [Yes].

Jones: Not this Friday, but he was– he died on a Friday.

Ford: Yes.

Jones: He’s letting you know some– some things. (glossolalia) (sound of concentration) (pause) (sound of concentration) Do you live close together?

Ford: Not too very far.

Jones: Uh-hmm [Yes]. You went away– you went away when that death came to L– Saint Louis?

Ford: That’s her sister.

Jones: I see. This one was only 30. (pause) Only 30 years old or something that was killed?

Lily Ford: 38.

Ford: 38. He was 38 years old.

Jones: Yes, 30 some years. Killed by a friend.

Ford: Yes. (pause) Thank you, Jesus.

Congregation: (Stirs)

Jones: (sigh) You have something on your throat– some difficulty in your throat.

Ford: Yes, I do.

Jones: In your sh– in your shoulder.

Ford: Yes.

Jones: Some crippling condition that enables it to move properly.

Ford: Yes.

Jones: (glossolalia) You told me nothing about your life.

Ford: No, I haven’t.

Jones: In your home, you have a Silver Stone– a Silver Stone, Sears Roebuck small portable radio.

Ford: Yes, I do.

Jones: I’ve never been to your home, I don’t know anything about you. Is that correct?

Ford: Uh-hmm [Yes].

Jones: (glossolalia). Before I begin, I want some– uh, some other things that need to be taken care of, that will need to be healed.

Ford: Thank you, Jesus.

Jones: (glossolalia) – and taken care of, not to use, or to use, the nurses will tell you. Do you ever use Libby’s Vienna sausage?

Ford: Yes, I do.

Jones: You usually buy three cans for 99 cents.

Ford: Uh-hmm [Yes].

Congregation: (Stirs)

Ford: (laughs)

Jones: You get little packets, sometimes, of Sweet and Low sweetener without cyclamates.

Ford: Yes, I do.

Woman’s voice in crowd: Speak (Unintelligible word) her, Jesus.

Ford: Thank you, Jesus.

Jones: Ice milk bars. Yes– Luer– L-u-e-r seemingly– skinless pork, skinless pork links.

Ford: Yes, sometimes.

Congregation: (Stirs)

Jones: Kilpatrick’s enriched bread.

Ford: Yes. I–

Jones: You like it thin sliced.

Ford: Yes, I do. (Laughs)

Congregation: (Stirs)

Ford: That’s all right.

Jones: And someone uses W.E. Garrett and Sons Scotch Snuff.

Ford: Yes, that’s me. (laughing)

Congregation: (laughing, clapping)

Jones: (Laughs)

Ford: Yes, I do.

Jones: It’s good in (unintelligible)–

Ford: Yeah. (laughs)

Jones: You’re sweet. God looks at your heart, and he’s seeing your need of a healing.

Ford: Uh-huh [Yes].

Jones: There’s your problem. This– this tobacco thing is a deathly thing. It goes into the bones. It’s caused cancer in your body. But we’re going to straighten this limb, we’re going to take this problem out of the throat. (Glossolalia)

Ford: Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.

Jones: Winter Garden speckled butter beans.

Ford: Yes. (Pause)

Jones: Now, Lily– Lily Ford’s your mother?

Ford: Yes.

Jones: She has some trouble in a– in her side.

Ford: Yes, she–

Jones: She– She thinks it’s gall stones.

Ford: Yes, she do.

Jones: You’ve got trouble in your side.

Ford: Yes, I do.

Jones: You got trouble in your side.

Lily Ford: Yes, I do.

Jones: It’s cancer in every case. Cancer in every case, we’re going to eliminate it. (Claps once)

Congregation: (Scattered response)

Ford: (gasps) Oh, Jesus.

Ijames: Yeah!

Jones: Go to the bathrooms. When you go– You go first, sister, you go second. And they’ll come back, there’ll be growths from your body and all the stiffness. Now I want you lift that arm. I want you to lift that arm. All the stiffness – (Unintelligible off mike) (Back on mike) Stiffness– Stiffness–

Announcer: She’s lifting her arm.

Jones: And I’m reaching out and touching your 80-year-old mother.

Announcer: She’s moving her arms and shoulder, testifying that the stiffness is gone. (unintelligible)

Jones: Yea, God. Yea, God. All the stiffness gone out of the body. All the stiffness gone out of the body. Is it all gone, sister? Yes, it’s all gone. I took it away, because I’m here in the name of Jesus, living in the name of Jesus, talking in the name of Jesus, walking in the name of Jesus! Oh, yes! Never have failed you yet! You know I have never failed you! Heaven and earth may have passed away, but this which I am has never failed you yet. The spirit of the consciousness of the presence of God. It never failed you. (sings) Oh, heaven and earth/ May pass away/ Oh, never has failed you yet./ Nah, nah, never has–/ Yes, heaven and earth/ May pass away/ Oh, never has failed you yet.

Announcer: They have gone to the restroom area. Tears in their eyes, wiping tears from their eyes as they left. Testifying that there’s something has reached deep within. That God has reached deep within.

Jones: (in background, still repeating the words, “Oh, never has failed you yet.”)

Announcer: One woman left flexing her arms and shoulders, giving a constant testimony that the pain and stiffness was gone from her arm. They have gone to the restroom area, where the cancers will be passed. We will expect to see them back in a few moments. For God has never failed us yet.

Jones: See what (Unintelligible under announcer) enthusiasm. All that crippling left her arm, all of it. All that problem left. And just as she’ll come back– both of them, the cancer that’s running through that family, that’s taken other members, it’s gonna– they’ll all come back and the growths’ll come back with them. When they go to the bathroom, they’ll ba– they’ll pass those growths because they have faith.

Man’s voice in crowd: Yeah!

Jones: They’re willing to praise God, and they’re willing to bless God. Why don’t you praise God, because God inhabited the praise of his people. Oh, yes, he does.

Jones and congregation: (sing) Oh, never have failed you yet. Yeah! Never, never. Never have failed you yet. Doncha know, it never has failed you yet.

(tape stops, beginning again)

Jones: –the cancer, there’s the growth.

Announcer: The cancer’s back! The cancer’s back! And so are the women. She’ll (Unintelligible)– she’s hugging. She’s going from person to person giving her praise. She’s overcome by the spirit of God, which has moved through her body.

Jones: (in background) Here she comes, free of her pain, with the cancer going down the aisles. It’s wonderful. (sings) Bless that wonderful name.

Announcer: She’s embracing everyone she comes to! Giving them a hug!

Jones: Wonderful name of God!

Announcer: Sharing the blessings! Sharing the blessings that has come to her.

(clapping, music playing)

Jones: (sings) No other name that I know/ We’ve been living in the name of Jesus./ We’re living in the name/ Jesus Christ our God./ Living in the name of Jesus Christ, our God./ No other name./ Yes. (Calls out) All right! All right! All right! All right! All right! All right, God! All right, God! All right! Why don’t ya know God and say “All right!” and praise him and glorify him and praise him and glorify him? Glorify the name of God. (glossolalia) Hey God! Hey God! Take it up in the balcony. Let people see it up in the balcony. Let the people see what God can do! Let that terrible growth, that terrible growth that took that pain away from the woman, now it’s all gone. The arm, moving without any crippling. It’s wonderful! You better praise God! You better praise him.

(organ playing in background, scattered applause)

Jones: As for me in my house, I’m not bothered by what men may say. When in five years, none of our people have died. And there’s never been a casket roll through Peoples Temple. When 24 times in this year, and the year’s not out, they’ve brought the dead in the doors and they’ve gone out alive!

Voice in crowd: Yeah!

Jones: When they’ve dropped dead in their seat, they’ve been resurrected. I’m not bothering about what you have to say, I’m not bothering about what your opinions. I’m living in the actual conscious presence of God in the earth plane. You see, I know where God is. He’s in my hands, he’s in my feet, he’s in my body! Oh, yes, I know. I bless that wonderful name! (sings) Oh, Father!/ Bless that wonderful name of Father/ Oh, bless that wonderful name of– ah!/ There’s no other name like Jesus Christ./ I’m going to bless that holy name–

(tape cuts off)

(starts up again)

Announcer: –return. The woman is now giving the pastor a big hug, a big thank you, for she’s been relieved of her pain, the cancer now being held in a white towel that’s being brought down to the congregation. Another cancer. The photographers are taking a picture of it, as the woman comes down, crying. She’s crying as she passes the stand. (Pause) She’s crying as the cancer proceeds her into the congregation for all to see. Holy God. All powerful God! Moving among his people. Bringing his blessings. Performing his holy will. That his people might be blessed.

Jones: (singing in background) You know our healing’s in the name of our Father./ Healing in the name./ Hey! Praise his name.

(tape stops)


(Beginning of Side A repeated)

Track 2:

Jones: –Jackie Fields– (Pause) (Unintelligible word) Jackie Fields. I’m speaking to someone. Jackie Fields. (Unintelligible)

Fields: No.

Jones: Both uh– both names– Jackie Fields.

Fields: Yes.

Jones: Your name is Jackie Fields also?

Fields: Oh, yes, uh, I have uh– Bonnie Jo– My name– my nickname is Jackie Fields. My (Unintelligible word) name is Jackie.

Jones: Your nick– Your nickname is– is Jackie, hmm?

Fields: Yes.

Jones: Well, now, there’s not three poodles at your house, is there? But there’s– What?

Fields: No.

Woman’s voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Hmm?

Woman’s voice in crowd: Three at my house.

Congregation: (Cheers and applause)

Jones: Bless your heart. Now hands clasped, back there by you, sister. You– Have you ever felt like you’ve committed blasphemy against God?

Fields: Yeah.

Jones: Uh-hmm. (Unintelligible) I don’t know you, but I do know you in knowing the Spirit. (Unintelligible)– you’re also afraid (Unintelligible).

Fields: Uh-huh [Yes].

Jones: Don’t know you, is that correct?

Fields: That’s right.

Jones: You committed– You (unintelligible)– Blasphemy is when you don’t think it any more.

Fields: Uh-hmm [Yes].

Jones: And part of (Unintelligible) that doesn’t have any conscience always (unintelligible). When you commit the unpardonable sin (unintelligible) the Holy Ghost, it’s a place where you just uh– you– you’ve gotten to the point where you don’t know right or you don’t want to know right. People who have committed the unpardonable sin never– never think they have. Do you understand what I’m saying? Person who committed an unpardonable sin would never think they had. So you haven’t. But you’ve allowed through fear, things to enter into your life.

Fields: Uh-hmm [Yes].

Jones: Now as we clasp our hands. (glossolalia)

(organ music)

Jones: Oh, God, God, God, God fearing, God fearing, God fearing. (glossolalia)

(Pause, Tape edit).

Jones: Do you have any slippers in your room, like, knitted slippers?

Fields: Yes, I have.

Jones: With pom-poms on there–

Fields: Yes, I have.

Jones: One of the slippers– Does it slide around on your foot (Unintelligible word)?

Fields: It does.

Congregation: (responds)

Jones: Now, sister, (unintelligible)– the blood, the life of Christ. I want this placed on the statue that’s white by the fireplace. And I want this to be– be taped on it. Understand?

Fields: All right.

Jones: (unintelligible) You’ve been having difficulty in your throat. The Spirit wants to heal this also. Place your hands on your– on your throat.

Fields: Yes.

Jones: This will save you from a– a fall.

Fields: Yes.

Jones: And this will heal the condition that’s in your throat. Your chest has been your weak point. During the winter you’ve had several ti– uh, battles with your– with your respiratory problem–

Fields: (crying) Yes.

Jones: Well, this’ll stop it now. When I reach out to you in the name of Christ, in the name of Christ, (claps hands once) in the name of Christ, in the name of Christ. I stop it.

Fields: Yeah.

Congregation: (Cheers)

Jones: God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. (glossolalia)

Fields: (crying hard) Yes.

Jones: Tape that to the large white statue with gold on it and that will bring (unintelligible) –the entire house, and Christ will be in that house, ‘cause I have (unintelligible) into that house. Praise God. Praise God.

End of track 2


Track 1:

Jones: Hands clasped. Yea, God– (Clears throat) Melvina? Melvina Higgins. (Pause) Melvina Higgins. (Pause) (unintelligible) Melvina Higgins. (Pause) It’s all right. (unintelligible) –handicapped. Hands clasped. (Pause) I have to make (Unintelligible word) thoughts here a moment. (unintelligible) things that we tell publicly. I’ll build your faith, sister. If you believe in God (unintelligible) all that believe together (unintelligible), and they parted every man. (unintelligible) and they shared in a most beautiful interracial, international, totally equalitarian family. Now God is a idea. He’s an idea. That idea is personified. It’s personified up here in a body today. And tonight, who that did not know God in me will be sick, because they discern not the Lord’s body. Just as that, when you’re being anointed, they don’t discern it, people said, (unintelligible) that Scripture for years. Said they’re sick because they discern not the Lord’s body. And they always have it (unintelligible) and of body. And every one of you is God in a body. (Pause) So tonight, in this room, I’m his body.

Congregation: (Scattered response)

Jones: I’m his tabernacle. But I am, so shall ye be. He said, these things shall you do – even Jesus – and greater things, because I go to the Father. And as you read the King James, (pause) get a little booklet [“The Letter Killeth”] back there, if you would read it, you’ll find that if you didn’t have the Holy Ghost, through prophecy, pastors, teachers and prophets, to lead you to perfection, edifying the word (unintelligible) of the ministry, to perfect you. If you didn’t have them, you would be like a ship (unintelligible).

Congregation: (Scattered response)

Jones: Because even in your King James Bible – he was just a king of England – Matthew 1, the first chapter of Matthew, the sixteenth verse, in Luke, the third chapter, and the twenty-third verse, (unintelligible) it’s the history of Jesus (unintelligible) Abraham, and it’s the Jewish custom that had to be through the father. But Matthew and Luke disagree as to who Jesus’ grandfather is. One says it’s Heli, the other says it’s Jacob. One says his great-grandfather is Matthan, the other says Matthot. M-a-t-t-h-o-t. A spelling error (unintelligible), but it’s even written in the King James, with all of its errors, it says no man can call Jesus the Christ except by the Holy Ghost. No one can. Now sister, I– I’ve heard in your mind, I’ve heard in your mind (unintelligible)–

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: That’s what you said in your mind. This must be God.

Higgins: Yes. Yes. (Pause)

Jones: You lost your father.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: And your mother.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: And two brothers by a stroke.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: Your mother was born June 2–

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: Passed away in 1932.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: One sister was totally paralyzed–

Higgins: Yes. (weeps)

Jones: Due to a stroke.

Higgins: Yes. (weeps)

Jones: She died in 1965.

Higgins: Yes. (weeps)

Jones: You’re from Shreveport, Louisiana.

Higgins: Yes, Dad. (weeps)

Jones: You have three children. One’s passed.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: You thought, due to a tumor on the brain.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: (unintelligible) consciousness of God to tell you it was reality, a cerebral spasm, blood clot on the brain.

Higgins: Oh! Oh! (Weeps)

Jones: (unintelligible)

Higgins: Oh! (Weeps)

Jones: (unintelligible) Shreveport (unintelligible) with a coffee table.

Higgins: (Cries) Yes–

Jones: With a large glass swan on the top of it.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: And a green porcelain vase.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: And you have a Bible, a white– with red letter edition–

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: –given to you, handed down by another member– an uncle

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: An uncle handed you the Bible.

Higgins: Yes.

Archie Ijames: Hallelujah.

Jones: Now I want you to study closely the Corinthians, II Corinthians 3: The Letter Killeth. The Bible kills.

Woman’s voice in crowd: Amen!

Jones: Letter to Romans, letter to Thessalonica, letter to Timothy. The Bible kills but the spirit makes alive. I’m just Americanizing it. Love makes alive. The Bible kills, but love makes alive. That’s what caused that man to be so evil. And have a knife on him. Wanted to use a knife in the name of Jesus. That’s what caused that man to stand up. It was the letter. It kills. I want you to move the letter, and now I’m going to give you the spirit.

Higgins: (crying, moaning)

Jones: (glossolalia)

Higgins: (crying hard, moaning hard, wailing)

Jones: Sister, you’ve always feared a total– total paralysis.

Higgins: (crying hard, moaning) Yes–

Jones: Like your sister. And you have now had a stroke. It’s left you paralyzed– paralyzed (Unintelligible word) on one side– your hands, your arms paralyzed?

Higgins: Yes, yes.

Jones: And your legs paralyzed.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: And you’ve been having this terrible throbbing in the back of your head.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: You’d’ve had another stroke, Wednesday at two.

Higgins: (crying, moaning, wailing) (Unintelligible) Get out of me.

Jones: Because the thing that you fear comes upon you. Now because you said, in your mind, it has to be God.

Higgins: Yes.

Jones: He has to be God.

Higgins: (crying) Oh, I can’t–

Jones: That arm? I want you to stand. I want you to stand.

(organ music playing in background)

Higgins: (crying)

Congregation: (Scattered cheers and applause)

Jones: I want you to stand. (Pause) It’ll take a while. Don’t– don’t– just– just– let her do it on her own.

Ijames: She’ll do it.

Jones: Let her do it on her own. (Pause) Sister, I want you to move these children out, move the children, uh, up closer to the front. Sister, out– while the nurses assist you, yes. Sister out. (glossolalia)

Congregation: (Stirs)

Jones: In a high anointing here tonight.

Ijames: Hey, God!

Congregation: (Cheers and applause)

Jones: People– Peace. The people– Shh. Get the children down. Sit down quickly. Sit down quickly, I’m having to put out a high anointing. (Pause) People this week saw me stop a bullet, aimed for someone else. How many in this house saw it?

Congregation: (Scattered shouts)

Jones: Don’t you know God?

Congregation: Yes.

Jones: Now sister, (Pause) that arm’s all twisted, and the leg’s all twisted. Sister, now you’re– you’re– you’re in front her. Nurse, stand to the side. Sister, look up. Keep that thought. Keep the thought. Keep the thought. You said (Unintelligible word) “He has to be God.” (more emphatic) “He has to be God.” Now, in that recognition, straighten that left arm– Straighten it! Straighten it, sister, straighten it. Begin it, begin it, pull it up, pull it up. Straighten it, straighten it–

Ijames: Straighten it!

Jones: Up, up, sister. I said– Sister, if you’ll look at me– Look at me, not at the arm. St– (Calls to her) Bring that arm up now! Bring it up!

Congregation: (Cheers)

Tape originally posted March 2010