Articles, the jonestown report, 2015

Commentaries on “Drinking the Kool-Aid” Don’t Drink The Kool-Aid, by Todd Strandberg Jonestown slang, redux Communism, Marxism, and Socialism: Radical Politics and Jim Jones, by Catherine Abbott Atheistic Gods and…

Unanswered Questions About Jonestown

…C. Leslie Mootoo, Guyana’s chief medical examiner, reported that the bodies he examined had not died by “drinking the Kool-Aid,” but by murder. In the aftermath of the tragedy, The

Serial 1305-2

…drills. Jones called people into a tent and told the people that if they wanted to prove their loyalty to him they would drink the poison Kool-Aid. Some people drank…

Jonestown Crows Challenges Blind Faith

…Man. Reverend Jim’s just as nice as can be, Come on and drink that Kool Aid with me. We use dark, tongue-in-cheek humor to relay the fact that this evil,…

Serial 1645

…Prokes joined him. Prokes said that the Page 21 same woman said Ryan was going to be attacked soon. He had not been attacked yet or could be they were…