Edith Roller Journals: September 1-15, 1975

…Ijames Lee Ingram Sandy Ingram CJ Jackson Frances Johnson Gary Johnson Wesley Johnson Brenda Jones Lerna Jones Lynetta Jones Marceline Jones Tim [“Night”] Jones Elaine Keeler (Pat) Penny Kerns Danny…

Chapter 14 – “Residual Suspicion”

…days, the jurors determined on December 22 that all but three individuals died at the hands of Jim Jones and persons unknown. Jim himself, they said, was also murdered. Those…

Angel of Death, My Beloved

…else: If Jim Jones had not been there, would these deaths have occurred in Jonestown that day? WITNESS A (me): Are you kidding? Of course not. DEFENSE ATTORNEY (me): So…

Compromised Enablers

Jonestown scholar and sisters of two of the women – says, “People want to blame Jim Jones for the deaths and certainly in many respects, it was his vision, but…

Sex in the City? Make That, The Commune

…the Jonestown governing group. I have heard stories that Jim provided Peoples Temple beauties to Guyana’s government officials as sex toys, in Matthews Ridge. Those stories are wrong. Jim would…

Transcription of Marceline Jones

Jim Jones…as seen through the eyes of those HE LOVED… Marcy -1- For the 27 years I’ve known JJ [Jim Jones] I’ve seen many miracles, but the greatest of these…