Undated Marthea Hicks Tribute to Lynetta Jones

[Editor’s note: This transcript was prepared by Heather Shannon. The editors gratefully acknowledge her invaluable assistance.)


July 9, 78’


Lynetta, Lynetta, Lynetta Jones she was called. She stood tall and strong. Just a humble woman from the hills of Arkansas. She was the writer of many beautiful words and thoughts that have never been heard. But when the time came when they had her in their hands, those Gorilla men, they wanted her to talk and tell and put her only son Jim in the hell of jail. Well, its time to see how Lynetta has caused thousands to be free. She give more then words can say: Her son, her love, trust, Communism, a brighter day.



Lynetta made it possible for us to know Marx Linen [Lenin], the real road which is our true love Communism. Lynetta was a good women, strong woman, she was undotted and brave and never would betray the confidence of the people. Giving her son Jim sending him our way, and Jim is still freeing people today. Lynetta we love you in every way.

Thank you Dad for you

Marthea [Hicks]