Peoples Rally of January 11, 1978


PEOPLES RALLY, 11/1/78 [January 11, 1978]

“Dad said no form of discipline at all except what the collective does.”

People who misbehave will just have to work through lunch.

We were visited yesterday by the Foreign Minister, Wills [Guyana Foreign Minister Fred Wills]. He said he had never had such an experience in his life. Said he never saw anything to compare with this. He commended the goodwill and warmth that was shown and our services and planned production. He said it gave him the kind of information he needed to win the battle within the elements that might be in the country. The Foreign Minister was moved to tears when he visited the medical department. Mom Jackson gave him a talk. He said it was so wonderful to see people freed from (a people whose faces revealed that they had been freed from racism) and he said it was true integration he had never seen in the world. He is a very sick man – has lost 2/3 of his stomach. He doesn’t get nutrition he needs. Said he would have to come out here and get taking care of. Dad said that was rather sad, a government leader who has been to doctors through the world – he cried in the doctor’s office. Dad said he looked at Cheryl Wilhite and said the child would be a Guyanese child. He was told about tumor in Earl Johnson and how no one in states showed concern. Larry [Schacht] said he was so moved by what Dad is doing here. It was at that point he said they will have to go through him and too many of them to get us, he said we won’t let them. He said it was a privilege to be a guest. He asked for the soap recipe.

Dorm 1 Problem:

Stealing, and problem with clothing and coverings for children. Dad asked who will work with Penny getting them organized. Dad asked that equality be established. People should feel guilty if they have both blankets and a sleeping bag. How many have no blankets: Patty C. [Cartmell], Anthony Hix [Hicks].

Patty Cartmel [Cartmell] needs help in getting cassava. Tommy says they need about 30 people to help pick it:

Teena Turner, Rob Gieg, Joyce Douglas, Ben Robinson, Toi Fonzelle, Kenny Reed, Cynthia Davis, Janice Johnson, Mark Wagner, Ed Crenshaw, Anita March, Margarita Romano, Jann Gurvich, Keith Newson [Newsome], Danny Moten, Loretha Buckley, Sebastian McMurray [McMurry].

We will need extra people to go to PNC [Peoples National Congress, ruling political party of Guyana]:

James Edwards, Amanda Fair, Jim Pugh, Etta Thompson, Claude Goodspeed, Frances Stevenson, Jerri [Gerry] Bailey, Barbara Davis, Earnestine Blair, Fanni [Fannie] Jordan, Pop Jackson, Najuandrienne Darns [Darnes].



Lee [Ingram] had told Mrs. Hudson [unknown; code?] that the doctor would come to see her daughter. Dad said this must not happen anymore. The PNC meeting starts at 3 PM and the visit was set at 1 PM. Dad said the doctor goes in when PNC goes in.

At T. [Touchette] and Darrell Devers also to go to PNC meeting.

Dad told kitchen to have food for people going to get cassava.

Tod Klingman – Off Learning Crew (L/C)
James Johnson – 2nd time on – stays
Shanterri [Shawnterri] Halll – Off L/C back to Agricultural – Jan’s [Wilsey] crew
Alfred March – 2nd time on
Jamal Baisy – Off
Mary Griffith – works good – stays on
Partake [Tom Partak] still doing better – laughs more.
Janet Lenin [Tupper] – Learning Crew
Jullie Cordel [Julie Cordell] – Irresponsible about children’s safety. Pays too much attention to Jamie and not others. Julie took hostilities out on children – spanking them – attitude during crisis – think she’s too good to do dirty work. Julie feels she’s been doing better since they discussed it the other day. (Chance)

People to work with toddlers: volunteers: Maurice Anderson & Richadale [Richardell] Perkins.

Recommended to Learning Crew:

Clark Grubbs – Learning Crew
Warning: Willitte [Willieater] Thomas
Carver Cordel – L/C
Aaron [Erin] Leroy
Trinidatte Baisy – L/C
Shirley Marshall – increase work

Warning: Peggy Anderson
Cindy Cordel

Dee Dee Lawrence – stays 2nd time on L/C
Karen Car [Carr] – 2nd no
Orlando Robinson – Off
Strphanie [Stephanie] Smith – Off
Therman Guy – Off – Jan’s Crew

No playing in showers.

Vincent Lopez – fighting with Ronnie in – made sexual remarks to Shanterri – would have been off but – stays on L/C

Shanterri Hall – Off

Meat also for Cassava crew and Boat crew. Tommy Anderson wants to help on boat. Dad said to wait – pick up work responsibility and may go out next time when boat comes. Gregg Watkins ok’d to go help on boat.

by Vernetta C. [Christian]