Johnnie Mae “Nedra” Yates, who survived the deaths in Jonestown by being in Georgetown on November 18, died September 16, 2009, in Texas. A remembrance by Laura Kohl appears here.
Paul McCann, who survived the deaths in Jonestown by being in Georgetown on November 18, died in July 2010. A remembrance by Michael Touchette appears here.
Robert Paul, who accompanied Leslie Wilson, Richard Clark, Diane Louie and the Evans family on their trek to Matthews Ridge on November 18, died in July 2010. An obituary in the Daily Iberian appears here and a story of his life appears here.
Ezra Schacht, the father of Jonestown’s doctor Larry Schacht, was killed in an automobile accident in Texas on June 18, 2010. He was 91. His obituary appears here. A remembrance appears here.
Thanks in large part to the research of Jennifer Gibbons, we have learned of the deaths of numerous Jonestown survivors, former Temple members, and relatives of those who died in Jonestown. They include:
Madeleine Brooks
Marian Campbell
Ross Case
Edith Parks
Nadyne Houston
In addition, we have learned the dates of death for numerous other people previously acknowledged, including:
Archie, Rosie and Norman Ijames
Aurora Rodriguez
Ricky Stahl
Helen Swinney
Charlotte and Walter Baldwin (the parents of Marceline Jones)
Dr. Laurence Layton
Beverly and Howard Oliver
A full list of people who have died since November 18 appears here.