How many people died on November 18?

There were 918 people who died in Guyana on November 18. Of that number, 907 died of cyanide poisoning.  All of them were in Jonestown. Two other people in Jonestown – Annie Moore and Jim Jones – died of gunshot wounds, bringing Jonestown’s death toll to 909.

Five people – including Rep. Leo Ryan, NBC correspondent Don Harris, NBC cameraman Bob Brown, San Francisco Examiner photographer Greg Robinson, and Temple defector Patty Parks – were shot to death at the Port Kaituma airstrip. Finally, four Temple members died at the group’s Georgetown house when a mother herded her children into an upstairs bathroom, slit their throats, and then took her own life with the knife.

Finally, four others died in the Temple’s Georgetown headquarters at Lamaha Gardens, when Temple member Sharon Amos slashed the throats of her two young children – Christa and Martin Amos – and then she and her older daughter Liane Harris simultaneously slashed each other’s throats.

The death toll included 304 children and minors under 18.

The list of people who died appears here.