[Editor’s note: The FBI withheld several names from this cable under the B6 Exemption to the Freedom of Information Act. The deleted information is indicated below in green type.]
FBI Airtel
Date 5/1/79
TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (89-4286)
FROM: SAC, SAN FRANCISCO (89-250) (P) (SQ. 1)
00: San Francisco
Enclosed for the Bureau are 2 copies of Summary of Activities of SA Donald R. Hale and Legal Attaché Robert J. Oglesby, Jr.
Document classified “Confidential” in that it tends to reveal identity of sources of a U.S. Intelligence Agency.
Classified and Extended by 3590
Reason FRIM, II, 1-2.4.2 (2 and 3)
Date of review for reclassification (5/1/79 [likely “99”])
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SF 89-250
SA Donald R. Hale and Legal Attaché Robert J. Oglesby, Jr., having arrived in Guyana late Saturday evening, April 21, 1979, and informally meeting numerous U.S. Embassy Officials on Sunday, April 22, 1979, were furnished an official audience with John R. Burke, U.S. Ambassador to Guyana on the morning of April 23, 1979, at which time SA Donald R. Hale expressed appreciation to the Ambassador and the U.S. Embassy in its continuing assistance furnished to the FBI. SA Donald R. Hale briefed the Ambassador concerning FBI responsibilities and jurisdiction and set forth proposed interviews and liaison that agents desired to accomplish during visit.
Agents discussed with DCM Richard A. Dwyer events concerning the assassination of Congressman Leo J. Ryan at Port Kaituma, Guyana and traveled with DCM Dwyer to Port Kaituma and Jonestown, Guyana for inspection of crime scene. Agents held many discussions with DCM Dwyer and other Embassy Officials: Douglas Ellice, Consul; Nancy Mason, Vice-Consul; Frank English, Embassy Administrative Officer; Rod Mason, General Service Officer; and Jim Atkins, Political Officer; as well as Stepheny Kibble, Public Affairs Officer, U.S. International Communications Agency; and Dr. A.L. Haynal, U.S. Aide Director.
Through the interview of Douglas Ellice, Consul, new and significant information was developed concerning personal tape recordings made by him to include telephone conversations and radio communications between the People’s Temple (PT), Georgetown and Jonestown on November 18, 1978.
Agents made a courtesy call and met with Commissioner of Guyanese National Police, Lloyd Barker, as well as other Guyanese Government Officials; Cecil A. Roberts, Assistant Commissioner of Crime; Eustace Augustin, Assistant to Cecil Roberts; [name and title deleted]; and U.A. Providence, Superintendent of Police. Agents also met with James Mentere, Commissioner Special Branch, Guyanese National Police; and [name deleted], a local news media person, with extensive knowledge concerning PT activities. Through discussions with
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above persons, which included indirect communication with Guyana Chief Prosecutor handling the Larry Layton trial in Guyana, it was concluded by interviewing agents that the Guyanese Government would be most susceptible to U.S. Government’s request, in the interest of justice and expediency, that Larry Layton be deported and prosecuted in the U.S..
Numerous attempts were made to meet with Dr. [Leslie] Mootoo, with no success.
SA Donald R. Hale and Legal Attaché Robert J. Oglesby, Jr., departed Guyana on April 27, 1979.
In addition to the obvious accomplishment of the agents[‘] greater understanding of the PT in Georgetown and Jonestown, Guyana and observation of the crime scene, which is necessary in an investigation of this complexity, agents developed new and most significant information, i.e. tape recordings of Consul Ellice and general attitude of Guyanese Government concerning status and availability of Layton for prosecution in the United States District Court, Northern District of California.