
  1. American Embassy Reports Ryan’s Assassination
  2. The NOIWON Notation
  3. Interviews with Survivors in Georgetown
  4. State Department Reactions and Responses
    1. Situation Reports
    2. State Department Press Briefings
    3. Procedures and Instructions for Guyana Working Group
    4. State Department Monitors Press Coverage of Jonestown Tragedy
  5. Examinations by Dr. Leslie Mootoo
  6. Autopsies
    1. Autopsies in Guyana
    2. Autopsies in the United States
  7. Reports of the Deaths of American Citizens Abroad
  8. Peoples Temple Lists of Jonestown Dead
  9. FBI Opens Investigation of Peoples Temple
  10. A Jonestown Inventory
  11. The NBC Videotapes: Pathway to Oblivion
  12. Guyana: How It Was, a radio documentary
  13. Diary of Mark Lane
  14. Richard McCoy Memos to the Files, December 1978
  15. Guyana Inquest
  16. “A Witness to Tragedy and Resurrection” by John V Moore
    1. Statement of John V Moore
    2. Letter to The Christian Century
  17. The U.S. Government and Delaware
  18. The Dissolution of Peoples Temple
    1. The Court’s Wrapping-Up of Peoples Temple Affairs
    2. The Guyana Emergency Relief Committee
    3. The Peoples Temple Receiver
    4. The Wrongful Death of Daniel James Beck
  19. Identification of Jonestown Bodies
  20. Congressional Tributes to Leo Ryan
  21. U.S. Government Efforts to Seek Reimbursement or Costs
    1. Department of Justice Bills Officers of Peoples Temple
    2. U.S. Sues Peoples Temple for Costs of Repatriation and Identification
  22. FBI Report on Ryan Assassination NEW
  23. FBI Report on Peoples Temple Assets Abroad
  24. Investigation of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
  25. GAO Investigations of Foster Care Children
  26. Findings, Analysis and Inventory of the Peoples Temple Agricultural Settlement, a report by the Government of Guyana
  27. The Death of Michael Prokes
  28. The Jailhouse Letters of Chuck Beikman
  29. The Prosecutions of Larry Layton
  30. Guyana Index
  31. Congressional Hearings and Reports
  32. The U.S. State Department Crimmins Report
  33. Joe Holsinger and His Questions on Jonestown
    1. “The Penal Colony”
  34. The Murders of Al and Jeannie Mills
  35. Ryan v. United States
  36. California Attorney General Report of Investigation of People’s Temple
  37. Real Estate Brochure for Peoples Temple Property
  38. “The Black Hole of Guyana,” by John Judge
  39. The Campaign to Release Larry Layton from Federal Prison