- American Embassy Reports Ryan’s Assassination
- The NOIWON Notation
- Interviews with Survivors in Georgetown
- State Department Reactions and Responses
- Examinations by Dr. Leslie Mootoo
- Autopsies
- Reports of the Deaths of American Citizens Abroad
- Peoples Temple Lists of Jonestown Dead
- FBI Opens Investigation of Peoples Temple
- A Jonestown Inventory
- The NBC Videotapes: Pathway to Oblivion
- Guyana: How It Was, a radio documentary
- Diary of Mark Lane
- Richard McCoy Memos to the Files, December 1978
- Guyana Inquest
- “A Witness to Tragedy and Resurrection” by John V Moore
- The U.S. Government and Delaware
- The Dissolution of Peoples Temple
- Identification of Jonestown Bodies
- Congressional Tributes to Leo Ryan
- U.S. Government Efforts to Seek Reimbursement or Costs
- FBI Report on Ryan Assassination
- FBI Report on Peoples Temple Assets Abroad
- Investigation of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
- GAO Investigations of Foster Care Children
- Findings, Analysis and Inventory of the Peoples Temple Agricultural Settlement, a report by the Government of Guyana
- The Death of Michael Prokes
- The Jailhouse Letters of Chuck Beikman
- The Prosecutions of Larry Layton
- Guyana Index
- Congressional Hearings and Reports
- The U.S. State Department Crimmins Report
- Joe Holsinger and His Questions on Jonestown
- The Murders of Al and Jeannie Mills
- Ryan v. United States
- California Attorney General Report of Investigation of People’s Temple
- Real Estate Brochure for Peoples Temple Property
- “The Black Hole of Guyana,” by John Judge
- The Campaign to Release Larry Layton from Federal Prison
Originally posted on February 17th, 2013.
Last modified on November 25th, 2024.