October 9, 1986
To: SAC, San Francisco (89A-250) (SQUAD 10)
From: Director, FBI
Examination requested by: SAC, San Francisco
Reference: Airtel dated September 26, 1986
Examination requested: Enhancement/Duplication
Remarks: Examination was conducted by SSA [name deleted].
Information contained in the enclosed report was previously furnished telephonically to SA Don Hale of the San Francisco Office.
Q50, Q313 and Q933 were previously examined and results reported under Laboratory numbers 81218062 E SH, 90102044 E SH and 90206056 E SH respectively.
[Page 2]
REPORT of the
October 9, 1986
To: SAC, San Francisco (89A-250) (SQUAD 10)
FBI File No.: 89-4286
Lab. No.: 61003067 E SH
Specimens received: September 29, 1986
Q50: One 7-inch reel of magnetic tape marked in part “11/16/78 Thur Rally”
Q313: One 7-inch reel of magnetic tape marked in part “Peoples Rally 11/10/78”
Also submitted:
Type transcripts of Q50 and Q313
Result of examination:
The Q50 specimen was recorded in a 1/4 track configuration at 3 3/4 inches per second (ips).
During the initial portion of the recording (the first 26 pages of the transcript), the main speaker identified as “Jones” is apparently addressing a group. The recording is clear and of good quality. The group forces are in the background at a lower level than that of Jones indicating they are at a greater distance from the microphone. This recording was made on the left channel (track #1) of the recorder.
The context of this recording deals with people including a “Congressman” and others who are expected to arrive “tomorrow.”
[Page 3 of serial; page 2 of report]
The second portion of the recording, which begins on page 26 of the transcript, is recorded on the right channel (track #3) of the recorder. There is a period of approximately 50 seconds between the two segments. In this section of the recording, there is a different quality of sound to the recording. The speaker (Jones) now has a reverberant sound, characteristic of that produced by a loudspeaker or public address (PA) system. The characteristic reverberant speech sounds indicate the likelihood that the recording was produced by a microphone picking up the sounds of a PA system in the vicinity.
In the context of this portion, the speaker is discussing anticipated arrival of people on that day and that “… We will not have them back tomorrow.”
During the approximately 50 seconds between the two segments of recording, another voice is heard which is at a different speed than the rest of the recording. This is very brief consisting of only about one sentence.
Shortly after the second part of the recording begins, a voice says “Cottage 48.” This is recorded on the left channel, which is not the track containing Jones’ voice during this portion of the recording.
During the second portion of the recording, particularly on pages 29 and 30 of the transcript, there are background voices which may be radio transmissions. These background voices are mostly unintelligible.
At the conclusion of Jones’ speech (page 32 of the transcript), a female begins speaking. The quality of this voice is consistent with someone speaking directly into a microphone similar to that of Jones in the first portion of the recording. However, this recording is still on the right channel of the recorder and there was no indication that the recorder was turned off between the conclusion of Jones’ speech and the beginning of the female’s.
The Q313 specimen was recorded in a 1/4 track configuration at 3 3/4 ips.
In this recording, a speaker identified in the transcript as “Jones” is apparently addressing a group who can be heard in the background at a somewhat lower sound level. The speaker’s voice is primarily on the left channel of the recording. There are numerous areas in this recording in which there are speed variations characteristic of pauses in the taping. There were no indications that the recorder was actually shut off during these pauses. When a tape transport stops and is restarted, there is frequently a momentary speed variation as the tape returns to normal speed. Although speech is unintelligible during these transitions, it is very brief and does not represent any substantial portion of the information.
[Page 4 of serial; page 3 of report]
At some portions of this tape a female voice says “go ahead” and “Roger” in what are apparently radio transmissions. Her voice is recorded on the right channel of the recorder at a very low level.
One cassette copy each was made of Q313 and of a previously submitted copy of Q933.
Q50, Q313, a seven-inch reel copy of Q933 and cassette copies of Q50, Q313 and Q933 have been forwarded to the San Francisco Office under separate cover. The Also Submitted transcripts are being retained.
[Page 5 is an FBI worksheet summarizing the request for tape enhancement of Q50 and Q313.]