FBI Section 45 • A-3 • Financial

FBI Section 45 is the third of 20 sections – ranging from Section 43 to 62 – designated in the Guyana Index as “Financial.” The listing below is complete for this section of the FBI’s FOIA release. The complete PDF for this section as released by the FBI is here.

Section A-3 comprises 497 pages. They consist of photocopies of checks and stubs for checks written by members of Peoples Temple in Guyana for its business transactions in Georgetown, Guyana. The amounts in all these transactions are in Guyanese dollars.

  • Section A-3-A comprises 85 pages. The first 34 pages consist of 47 checks, written in March and April 1974; the remaining 51 pages are photocopies of stubs for checks, mostly for the checks in the first half of the section. The signatories are Paula Adams (PA), Eugene Chaikin (EC), and Archie Ijames (known to members of Peoples Temple – and hence, identified here – as AJ).
  • Section A-3-B comprises 101 pages, consisting of photocopies of stubs for checks written in May and June 1978. Many of the notations on purposes of the checks are incomplete, due to being cut off in the copying process.
  • Section A-3-C comprises 107 pages. The first six pages consist of 8 checks, most of them voids; the remaining 101 pages are photocopies of stubs for checks written between March and June 1975.
  • Section A-3-D comprises 54 pages, consisting of photocopies of stubs for checks written between August and October 1975.
  • Section A-3-E comprises 150 pages. The first 102 pages consist of photocopies of stubs for 99 checks, written from June through August 1975; the remaining 48 pages consist of 97 checks, mostly for the stubs in the first half of the section. The signatories are Paula Adams (PA), Charles Touchette (CT), and Joyce Touchette (JT).
Page Date Payee Signatories Amount
A-3-A (Part 1)
A-3-A-1a – 1b 6 Mar 74 [illegible, may be “Dr. G. C. Young”] AJ, PA 30.00
A-3-A-2a – 2b 7 Mar 74 Cash AJ, PA 300.00
A-3-A-3a – 3b 7 Mar 74 S. Persaud AJ, PA 115.00
A-3-A-4a – 4b 11 Mar 74 Modern Optical Service AJ, PA 35.00
A-3-A-5a – 5b 11 Mar 74 Gordon Thompson EC, PA 105.00
A-3-A-6a – 6b 14 Mar 74 Cash AJ, PA 350.00
A-3-A-7a – 7b 20 Mar 74 Auto Supplies Co. EC, PA 397.00
A-3-A-8a – 8b 15 Mar 74 Sproton’s EC, PA 68.51
A-3-A-9a – 9b 16 Mar 74 Guyana Forest Industries Corp. EC, AJ 84.50
A-3-A-10a – 10b 16 Mar 74 J.P. Santos & Co., Ltd. EC, AJ 29.50
A-3-A-11a – 11b 18 Mar 74 Ministry of Works & Communications AJ, PA 150.00
A-3-A-12a – 12b 18 Mar 74 Auto Supplies Co. EC, PA 56.10
A-3-A-13a – 13b 18 Mar 74 A. H. & L. Kisson Ltd. AJ, PA 1869.00
A-3-A-14a – 14b 19 Mar 74 Cash AJ, PA 500.00
A-3-A-15a – 15b 19 Mar 74 Davis Memorial Clinic AJ, PA 162.00
A-3-A-16a – 16b [void] -0-
A-3-A-17a – 17b 21 Mar 74 Guyana Airways Corp. EC, PA 40.00
A-3-A-18a – 18b 21 Mar 74 Gordon Thompson EC, PA 135.00
A-3-A-19a – 19b 22 Mar 74 Guyana Airways Corp. EC, PA 270.00
A-3-A-20a – 20b 22 Mar 74 L. O. Ashby AJ, PA 755.00
A-3-A-21a – 21b 23 Mar 74 Guyana Forest Industries Corp EC, AJ 232.50
A-3-A-22a – 22b 25 Mar 74 Cash EC, AJ 300.00
A-3-A-23a – 23b 27 Mar 74 Habibulle EC, AJ 489.00
A-3-A-24a – 24b 27 Mar 74 Hoosein Juma EC, AJ 5000.00
A-3-A-25a – 25b 27 Mar 74 Hoosein Juma EC, AJ 25.00
A-3-A-26a – 26b 27 Mar 74 Bookers Stores Ltd. EC, AJ 1000.00
A-3-A-27a – 27b 22 Mar 74 Liverpool, London & [illegible] EC, AJ 180.00
A-3-A-28a – 28b 27 Mar 74 Corsbie’s Poultry Farms Ltd. EC, AJ 137.52
A-3-A-29a – 29b 28 Mar 74 Guyana Electric Corp. EC, AJ 35.00
A-3-A-30a – 30b 28 Mar 74 Guyana Forest Industries Corp EC, AJ 39.95
A-3-A-31a – 31b 29 Mar 74 Demerara Oxygen Co., Ltd EC, AJ 42.00
A-3-A-32a – 32b 29 Mar 74 W.F. Duesbury EC, AJ 35.00
A-3-A-33a – 33b 29 Mar 74 W.F. Duesbury EC, AJ 1800.00
A-3-A-34a – 34b 29 Mar 74 Texaco West Indies EC, AJ 4095.58
A-3-A-35a – 35b 29 Mar 74 Guyana Forest Industries Corp EC, AJ 91.55
A-3-A-36a – 36b 28 Mar 74 C.A. Daniels EC, AJ 9500.00
A-3-A-37a – 37b 30 Mar 74 Bookers Stores Ltd. EC, AJ 283.28
A-3-A-38a – 38b 31 Mar 74 S. Naraine EC, AJ 100.00
A-3-A-39a – 39b 1 Apr 74 Cash EC, AJ 1000.00
A-3-A-40a – 40b 1 Apr 74 M. Sears EC, AJ 90.00
A-3-A-41a – 41b 1 Apr 74 Gordon Thompson EC, AJ 90.00
A-3-A-42a – 42b 13 June 74 Ministry of National Development & Agriculture EC, AJ 83.82
A-3-A-43a – 43b 1 Apr 74 Fogarty’s EC, AJ 110.00
A-3-A-44a – 44b 2 Apr 74 Guyana Forest Industries Corp. EC, AJ 116.95
A-3-A-45a – 45b 9 Apr 74 Guyana Electrical Agency PA, AJ 279.09
A-3-A-46a – 46b 10 Apr 74 Cash EC, AJ 300.00
A-3-A-47a – 47b 20 Mar 74 Kuang Hing Supermarket EC, AJ 439.34

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Page Date Payee Memo Amount
A-3-A (Part 2)
A-3-a-48a 16 Mar 74 Dr. Murry Eyes tests & prescription 30.00
A-3-a-48b 7 Mar 74 Cash Electrical Equipment for reception center 300.00
A-3-a-48c 7 Mar 74 S. Persaud Electric wire wholesale 115.00
A-3-a-48d 11 Mar 74 Modern Optical Service glasses 35.00
A-3-a-48e 11 Mar 74 Gordon Thompson Auto rental 105.00
A-3-a-48f 14 Mar 74 Cash 350.00
A-3-a-48g [void] -0-
A-3-a-48h 20 Mar 74 Auto Supplies Co. Stove 399.00
A-3-a-48i 15 Mar 74 Sproton’s Paint, thinner, brushes, steel wool, rust remover 68.51
A-3-a-48j 16 Mar 74 Guyana Forest Industries Corp. Wood for boat 84.50
A-3-a-48k 16 Mar 74 J.P. Santos & Co., Ltd. Tools and paint for boat 29.50
A-3-a-48l 18 Mar 74 Ministry of Works & Communications Deposit for hoist use & lowboy use 150.00
A-3-a-48m 18 Mar 74 Auto Supplies Co. 1/4“ drill extension cord & plugs 56.10
A-3-a-48n 18 Mar 74 A. H. & L. Kisson Ltd. 26 beds & mattresses, 1 mat, 4 chairs 1869.00
A-3-a-48o 19 Mar 74 Cash 500.00
A-3-a-48p 19 Mar 74 Davis Memorial Clinic Physicals for immigration for 6 162.00
A-3-a-48q [void] -0-
A-3-a-48r 21 Mar 74 Guyana Airways Corp. Ticket to Matthews Ridge 40.00
A-3-a-48s 21 Mar 74 Gordon Thompson Car rental 135.00
A-3-a-48t 22 Mar 74 Guyana Airways Corp. Tickets 270.00
A-3-a-48u [void] -0-
A-3-a-48v 22 Mar 74 L. O. Ashby Freezer 755.00
A-3-a-48w 23 Mar 74 Guyana Forest Industries Corp Lumber for boat 232.50
A-3-a-48x 25 Mar 74 Cash 300.00
A-3-a-48y [void] -0-
A-3-a-48z 27 Mar 74 Habibulle [words cut off] 489.00
A-3-a-48aa 27 Mar 74 Hoosein Juma Land Rover PAA 4269 5000.00
A-3-a-48bb 27 Mar 74 Hoosein Juma Registration fee 25.00
A-3-a-48cc 27 Mar 74 Bookers Stores Ltd. Deposit on repair of Land Rover 1000.00
A-3-a-48dd 27 Mar 74 Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance for Land Rover 180.00
A-3-a-48ee 27 Mar 74 Corsbie’s Poultry Farms Chickens 137.52
A-3-a-48ff 28 Mar 74 Guyana Electric Light bill 35.01
A-3-a-48gg 28 Mar 74 Guyana Forest Industries Corp Lumber for boat 39.95
A-3-a-48hh 29 Mar 74 Demerara Oxygen Co. Propane 42.00
A-3-a-48ii 29 Mar 74 W.F. Duesbury Rent, 79 Collinswood Ave. 135.00
A-3-a-48jj 29 Mar 74 W.F. Duesbury Millars diesel mixer 1800.00
A-3-a-48kk 29 Mar 74 Texaco West Indies Diesel / petrol 4095.38
A-3-a-48ll 28 Mar 74 Guyana Forest Industries Corp Lumber 91.35
A-3-a-48mm 29 Mar 74 C.A. Daniels Multibloc minor machine 9500.00
A-3-a-48nn 30 Mar 74 Bookers Stores Ltd. Household goods 283.58
A-3-a-48oo 31 Mar 74 S. Naraine Travel expenses 100.00
A-3-a-48pp 4 Apr 74 Cash 1000.00
A-3-a-48qq 4 Apr 74 [illegible] [illegible] mixer 70.00
A-3-a-48rr 4 Apr 74 Gordon Thompson Auto rental 90.00
A-3-a-48ss [math accounting] -0-
A-3-a-48tt [number skipped]
A-3-a-48uu 1 Apr 74 Fogartys 5 mattresses for boat 110.00
A-3-a-48vv 2 Apr 74 Guyana Forest Industries Corp Lumber 116.95
A-3-a-48ww 9 Apr 74 Guyana Electricity Agency 279.09
A-3-a-48xx 10 Apr 74 Cash 300.00
A-3-a-48yy 20 Mar 74 Kuang Hings Supermarket Exchange for unsigned check 439.34

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Page Date Payee Memo Amount
A-3-B-1 [None] [VOID] -0-
A-3-B-2 [VOID] -0-
A-3-B-3 2 May 78 Guyana Elec. Corp. Elec. Supplies for JT 6416.50
A-3-B-4 4 May 78 Guyana Marketing Corp 200 bags flour 5422.00
A-3-B-5 6 May 78 Guyana Food Processors Ltd. 4000# Shark 1000.00
A-3-B-6 6 May 78 Guyana Stores Ltd Repair parts for Intl Harvester 806.74
A-3-B-7 6 May 78 Bacchus Lumber Co. Lumber 5000.00
A-3-B-8 5 May 78 St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital Fees 119.20
A-3-B-9 7 May 78 Dr. Shures Gynecologist 130.00
A-3-B-10 10 May 78 Comptroller of [illegible] x-ray equipment 187.50
A-3-B-11 10 May 78 Guyana Stores Ltd 2036.50
A-3-B-12 8 May 78 Farfan & Mendes Ltd. Cables 722.64
A-3-B-13 10 May 78 J.A. Creavalle Repair of alternator & washing machine 593.00
A-3-B-14 8 May 78 Guyana Marketing Corp 200 bags flour 5422.00
A-3-B-15 8 May 78 Guyana Food Processors Ltd 5000# fish 1250.00
A-3-B-16 8 May 78 Guyana Broadcasting Co. [several dates in April] 797.75
A-3-B-17 [void] -0-
A-3-B-18 8 May 78 [illegible] Group insurance policy 2359.26
A-3-B-19 8 May 78 Associated Industries Ltd [illegible] 173.75
A-3-B-20 10 May 78 Guy Chick Poultry Chicks for JT 631.00
A-3-B-21 [void] -0-
A-3-B-22 11 May 78 Guyana Sugar Corp Ltd 22044#/ton 5450.00
A-3-B-23 12 May 78 Rahaman & Sons Stores Van parts and repair 260.00
A-3-B-24 15 May 78 [cut off] Mfg. Co. 500 [illegible] peanut butter 162.50
A-3-B-25 15 May 78 Esso Standard Oil Diesel, gasoline 8502.42
A-3-B-26 23 May 78 Demerara Oxygen Co Ltd Propane 95.76
A-3-B-27 20 May 78 Guyana National Trading Corp Brackets 666.73
A-3-B-28 20 May 78 George Ming Electrical repair service 1455.86
A-3-B-29 22 May 78 J.P. Santos Food provisions, April 5930.74
A-3-B-30 23 May 78 [cut off] Mohammed Laundry 245.00
A-3-B-31 23 May 78 Guytrac [Guyana Tractor & Equipment] Bolts, washers (Caterpillar) 236.00
A-3-B-32 20 May 78 Guyana Funeral Parlour Funeral for John Cobb baby 150.90
A-3-B-33 [void] -0-
A-3-B-34 24 May 78 Guy Chicks 800 chicks and incubator 834.50
A-3-B-35 24 May 78 Guytrac Caterpillar parts for repair 135.99
A-3-B-36 24 May 78 Bookers Lumber Yard Lumber for JT 1060.00
A-3-B-37 25 May 78 IBM World Trade Corp. Repair of typewriter 48.00
A-3-B-38 25 May 78 Guyana Broadcasting Co. 5 programmes 325.00
A-3-B-39 25 May 78 Wieting & Richter Ltd Food storage 308.23
A-3-B-40 25 May 78 Guyana Telecommunications Corp Phone service 160.41
A-3-B-41 25 May 78 Guyana Natl Newspapers Subscriptions for 3 papers 196.20
A-3-B-42 26 May 78 Texaco 15 drums gas, 15 drums kerosene 13,492.70
A-3-B-43 26 May 78 Guyana Marketing Corp 200 bags flour 5422.00
A-3-B-44 26 May 78 [illegible] Diesel Services Int’l tractor repair 760.00
A-3-B-45 2 June 78 GTM Fire Insurance Lamaha Insurance 203.18
A-3-B-46 29 May 78 Guyana Stores Ltd. Yellow paint for Caterpillar 470.22
A-3-B-47 29 May 78 Guyana Garage Weld rod 107.98
A-3-B-48 [blank] Geddes Grant Ltd Disinfectant 204.20
A-3-B-49 31 May 78 Guyana Sugar Corp Ltd 3 tons (60 bags) sugar 379.68
A-3-B-50 29 May 78 Dr. M. Skinner Surgery fee, Beverly & Marguerite 1400.00
A-3-B-51 29 May 78 [illegible] S. Searwas Medical services for Heloise Hall 12.00
A-3-B-52 29 May 78 Cash G’town petty cash 5000.00
A-3-B-53 [void] -0-
A-3-B-54 3 June 78 Chin Travel Agency Debbie Touchette 1115.60
A-3-B-55 31 May 78 Corsbie’s Poultry Farms Goods supplied 538.20
A-3-B-56 3 June 78 Rahaman & Sons VW Van Repair 109.85
A-3-B-57 31 May 78 Guyana Stores Ltd. Copper tubing, ½” x 5/8” 157.45
A-3-B-58 31 May 78 Guyana Stores Ltd. Locksmith services 67.90
A-3-B-59 31 May 78 IBM World Trade Corp. Typewriter service, 4/18 48.00
A-3-B-60 31 May 78 Guyana Electricity Corp. April-May bill 702.33
A-3-B-61 9 June 78 Wieting & Richter Ltd. 60 Blocks of ice 600.00
A-3-B-62 2 June 78 Guyana Telecommunications Corp [invoice] 68787 150.72
A-3-B-63 2 June 78 Postmaster General 2000 aerogrammes 500.00
A-3-B-64 5 June 78 Guyana Extension Seminary Commitment payment 158.00
A-3-B-65 5 June 78 George Ming Rewinding – repair service of 5 HP Elec motor 475.00
A-3-B-66 6 June 78 Design & Graphics [Invoice] 64066 printed forms 226.20
A-3-B-67 6 June 78 Guyana Broadcasting Service 5903A 411.25
A-3-B-68 7 June 78 Guyana Stockfeeds Ltd. Broiler starter 200 bags 3220.00
A-3-B-69 8 June 78 Texaco Oil 10,465.00
A-3-B-70 8 June 78 T. Geddes Grant [illegible] 199.45
A-3-B-71 [void] -0-
A-3-B-72 9 June 78 Inland Revenue Service Registration – white van 220.00
A-3-B-73 [void] -0-
A-3-B-74 9 June 78 Esso Standard Oil Diesel fuel for boat 8649.48
A-3-B-75 9 June 78 Customs Storage for Bedford Truck 333.96
A-3-B-76 17 June 78 C & F Meat Center 5 boneless rumps 103.20
A-3-B-77 12 June 78 Guyana Tractor & Equipment Washers & hose clamps 331.50
A-3-B-78 12 June 78 Associated Industries Ltd. Generator fuel pump 2358.35
A-3-B-79 12 June 78 GNEC Ltd. [illegible] generator parts 4839.18
A-3-B-80 14 June 78 Paymaster, Guyana Defense Force 1314.67
A-3-B-81 14 June 78 Bacchus Lumberyard Deposit 10,000.00
A-3-B-82 14 June 78 Insurance Consultants Ltd. GMA 1507 2359.26
A-3-B-83 14 June 78 Insurance Consultants Ltd. GMA 1507 8226.56
A-3-B-84 [void] -0-
A-3-B-85 16 June 78 Guyana Stores Ltd. 200 shotgun shells 228.00
A-3-B-86 17 June 78 Friendship Slipway Fuel tank repair 631.00
A-3-B-87 16 June 78 Transport & Harbours Dept Transportation services 5500.00
A-3-B-88 16 June 78 Guyana National Trading Corp Lightbulbs 390.00
A-3-B-89 16 June 78 Guyana Marketing Corp 200 bags flour 5422.00
A-3-B-90 20 June 78 Motor Vehicle License Dept Bedford Dump truck 1420.00
A-3-B-91 23 June 78 Farfan & Mendes Ltd [illegible] 199.64
A-3-B-92 19 June 78 C & F Meat Center Margarine, beef 46.40
A-3-B-93 20 June 78 Guyana Rice Board 200 bags Rice 8000.00
A-3-B-94 24 June 78 Dr. Skinner Medical services 1500.00
A-3-B-95 27 June 78 T. Geddes Grant 50 bags of poultry antibiotics 395.00
A-3-B-96 21 June 78 Guyana Sugar Corp. Ltd. 45 tons granulated sugar 5695.00
A-3-B-97 22 June 78 GNEC Ltd. [illegible] 1415.28
A-3-B-98 25 June 78 J.P. Santos Co. Ltd. Food 21,020.34
A-3-B-99 25 June 78 Guyana Broadcasting Co. Ltd Broadcast services 260.00
A-3-B-100 9 June 78 Cash 3000.00
[Back of bank book]

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Page Date Payee Signatories Amount
A-3-C (Part 1)
A-3-C-1a – 1b 14 April 75 Texaco West Indies Ltd. JT, CT 511.28
A-3-C -2a – 2b [void] -0-
A-3-C -3a – 3b 15 April 75 J.P. Santos JT, CT 237.73
A-3-C -4a – 4b 15 April 75 DeCaires Brothers Ltd. JT, CT 180.10
A-3-C -5a – 5b [void] -0-
A-3-C -6a – 6b [void] -0-
A-3-C -7a – 7b [void] -0-
A-3-C -8a – 8b [void] -0-

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Page Date Payee Memo Amount
A-3-C (Part 2)
A-3-C-9a 25 Mar 75 Guytrac Repair parts for dozer 344.30
A-3-C-9b 24 Mar 75 C. Touchette Cash 3000.00
A-3-C-9c 24 Mar 75 C.R. Jacobs and Sons Siding for crib 922.36
A-3-C-9d 24 Mar 75 Guytrac Parts for maintenance 495.60
A-3-C-9e 25 Mar 75 Guytrac K.G. blade 14,418.93
A-3-C-9f 8 Apr 75 Paula Adams Cash 200.00
A-3-C-9g 8 Apr 75 Guytrac parts for dozer 147.46
A-3-C-9h 9 Apr 75 Eugene Chaikin Customs, ammo, ticket 412.00
A-3-C-9i, j [void] -0-
A-3-C-9k 10 Apr 75 Fogarty’s Ltd. Shells 65.00
A-3-C-9l 10 Apr 75 St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital Pop Jackson’s acct 200.00
A-3-C-9m 10 Apr 75 J.A. Creavalle Alternator & radio repair 425.00
A-3-C-9n 10 Apr 75 Dr. Sirpaul Jagan Philip Blakey dental 40.00
A-3-C-9o 10 Apr 75 Guyana Electricity Corp Bill for 2  months 72.74
A-3-C-9p 10 Apr 75 Fogarty’s Ltd. Shells 70.00
A-3-C-9q 10 Apr 75 Guyana Printers Ltd. Official Gazette subs. 9.00
A-3-C-9r 11 Apr 75 Paula Adams Cash 300.00
A-3-C-9s 11 Apr 75 Bookers Stores Ltd Monthly statement 2338.01
A-3-C-9t 11 Apr 75 J.P. Santos Co. Ltd groceries 406.22
A-3-C-9u 14 Apr 75 Guytrac Parts for boat, stock maintenance 1775.20
A-3-C-9v [void] -0-
A-3-C-9w 14 Apr 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9x 14 Apr 75 C.R. Jacob & Sons Plumbing fixtures 56.55
A-3-C-9y 14 Apr 75 J.P. Santos Co. Ltd Food provisions 584.06
A-3-C-9z [void] -0-
A-3-C-9aa 14 Apr 75 George Maynard Pump 485.00
A-3-C-9bb [void] -0-
A-3-C-9cc 14 Apr 75 C.R. Jacob & Sons Plumbing & roof 237.73
A-3-C-9dd [void] -0-
A-3-C-9ee 15 Apr 75 DeCaires Brothers Ltd. Food 127.00
A-3-C-9ff 15 Apr 75 C. Gonsalves Deposit on mill work 500.00
A-3-C-9gg 15 Apr 75 T. Geddes Grant Ltd Food 675.64
A-3-C-9hh [void] -0-
A-3-C-9ii 16 Apr 75 Bel Park Guyana Agencies Solo sprayers 1060.33
A-3-C-9jj 16 Apr 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9kk 17 Apr 75 H. G. Humphreys Hose for boat 69.48
A-3-C-9ll 18 Apr 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9mm 19 Apr 75 Wieting & Richter Shells 395.00
A-3-C-9nn 20 Apr 75 T. Van Sluytman Water pump 300.00
A-3-C-9oo 20 Apr 75 Sprostons Transport of sawmill 141.74
A-3-C-9pp 21 Apr 75 Friendship Industries Ltd Battery for D6 232.00
A-3-C-9qq 21 Apr 75 Texaco Two stroke oil 211.20
A-3-C-9rr 21 Apr 75 Sandbach Parker John Brown’s airline fare 929.83
A-3-C-9ss 22 Apr 75 St. Mary’s Hospital Pop Jackson 103.60
A-3-C-9tt 23 Apr 75 John Brown Cash 50.00
A-3-C-9uu 24 Apr 75 Vincent Hinds Spotlight, 2 plane fares 164.06
A-3-C-9vv 25 Apr 75 Peoples Temple To cover entered deposit 189.60
A-3-C-9ww 25 Apr 75 Texaco West Indies Ltd. To cover check 55121 511.28
A-3-C-9xx 25 Apr 75 Paula Adams Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9yy 28 Apr 75 St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital Pop Jackson 400.00
A-3-C-9zz 29 Apr 75 Dr. Sirpaul Jagan Jack Barron 18.00
A-3-C-9aaa 29 Apr 75 Dr. Mohamed Ali Chris Lewis’ ear 24.00
A-3-C-9bbb 29 Apr 75 Guyana Telecomm April bill 23.00
A-3-C-9ccc [Void] -0-
A-3-C-9ddd 3 May 75 Paula Adams Cash 100.00
A-3-C-9eee 5 May 75 Bookers Stores Ltd Monthly bill 2377.04
A-3-C-9fff 5 May 75 Paula Adams Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9ggg 9 May 75 St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital Deposit on Anthony [Simon] 200.00
A-3-C-9hhh 13 May 75 Friendship Industries Ltd 2 – 574 batteries 362.90
A-3-C-9iii 13 May 75 Guyana Electricity Corp. Monthly bill 121 – 3rd St. 22.46
A-3-C-9jjj 13 May 75 J.P. Santos Co. Ltd. To cover lost check 753.53
A-3-C-9kkk 15 May 75 J.P. Santos Co. Ltd. Monthly JT provisions 772.75
A-3-C-9lll 16 May 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9mmm 16 May 75 Friendship Industries Ltd Repaired batters for dozer 135.00
A-3-C-9nnn 17 May 75 Bookers Stores Ltd Phillips radio for [illegible] 153.90
A-3-C-9ooo 17 May 75 Psaila Bros. Construction tools 105.41
A-3-C-9ppp 17 May 75 Bookers Stores Ltd Supplies for construction 99.83
A-3-C-9qqq 19 May 75 C. Gonzalves Compressor, planer 767.50
A-3-C-9rrr 19 May 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9sss 19 May 75 Bookers Welder 688.75
A-3-C-9ttt 19 May 75 Farfan & Mendes Ltd Chain saw parts 88.73
A-3-C-9uuu 20 May 75 T. Geddes Grant Food stock 1305.96
A-3-C-9vvv 20 May 75 Associated Industries Ltd Tools 180.75
A-3-C-9www 20 May 75 Guytrac Parts for dozer and sawmill 1352.71
A-3-C-9xxx 20 May 75 J.P. Santos 50 drums 350.00
A-3-C-9yyy 21 May 75 Bookers Hose and pitch 247.20
A-3-C-9zzz 21 May 75 AH&L Kissoons 50 mattresses 2000.00
A-3-C-9aaaa 21 May 75 J.P. Santos Food 178.78
A-3-C-9bbbb 21 May 75 Wieting & Richter Ltd. Soap 172.38
A-3-C-9cccc 22 May 75 Dawsons Ltd Soap & chow main 155.00
A-3-C-9dddd 22 May 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9eeee [void] -0-
A-3-C-9ffff 22 May 75 C.R. Jacob & Sons, Ltd. Nails, supplies for Paula 66.71
A-3-C-9gggg 22 May 75 C.A. Phillips Ltd Jam 138.00
A-3-C-9hhhh 22 May 75 Riverview Welding 24 [illegible] 240.00
A-3-C-9iiii 22 May 75 J.A. Creavalle Alternator repair 70.00
A-3-C-9jjjj 23 May 75 American Fashions Fabrics 156.86
A-3-C-9kkkk 24 May 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9llll 23 May 75 T. Geddes Grant Peanuts 56.00
A-3-C-9mmmm 24 May 75 St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Anthony Simon 239.15
A-3-C-9nnnn 26 May 75 J.P. Santos Insurance on tractor 341.70
A-3-C-9oooo 27 May 75 Sprostons Aluminum roofing 10,680.00
A-3-C-9pppp 27 May 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9qqqq 29 May 75 Paula Adams Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9rrrr 30 May 75 Tazmoon Karim Mattress 80.00
A-3-C-9ssss 31 May 75 Clarke & Martin Retainer 100.00
A-3-C-9ssss (2) 2 June 75 Paula Adams Cash 500.00
A-3-C-9tttt [Void] -0-
A-3-C-9uuuu 4 June 75 Bookers Monthly bill 1151.80
A-3-C-9vvvv 6 June 75 J.P. Santos Backhoe manual 56.00
A-3-C-9wwww [Back of check stub booklet]

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Page Date Payee Memo Amount
A-3-D-1 21 Aug 75 Charles Henry Repair of LR engine 599.30
A-3-D-2 30 Aug 75 Paula Adams Cash 500.00
A-3-D-3 1 Sept 75 Paula Adams Cash 1000.00
A-3-D-4 1 Sept 75 Guyana National Trading Corp. Spring tine tiller ridger 2278.71
A-3-D-5 1 Sept 75 American Life Insurance Co. Group medical, 3 months 309.48
A-3-D-6 1 Sept 75 Clarke & Martin Monthly retainer 100.00
A-3-D-7 2 Sept 75 Guyana Tractor & Equipment Co. Repair 5 track rollers 1718.48
A-3-D-8 5 Sept 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-D-9 5 Sept 75 Guytrac D6 parts 186.04
A-3-D-10 5 Sept 75 Associated Industries Ltd. Hoses, tractor bearings 376.69
A-3-D-11 9 Sept 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-D-12 9 Sept 75 Insurance Brokers Guyana Ltd Insurance for vehicles 192.51
A-3-D-13 11 Sept 75 Farfan & Mendes Ltd. Saws and blades 107.93
A-3-D-14 12 Sept 75 Guyana National Service Boat 3075.00
A-3-D-15 12 Sept 75 T. Geddes Grant Ltd 25 cases coffee 1679.50
A-3-D-16 12 Sept 75 Texaco West Indies Ltd. Gasoline 94.78
A-3-D-17 [void] -0-
A-3-D-18 12 Sept 75 Central Garage of Guyana Ltd Truck plates 123.64
A-3-D-19 13 Sept 75 Charles Touchette cash 500.00
A-3-D-20 12 Sept 75 Wieting & Richter Ltd. Soup (20 cases) 863.60
A-3-D-21 13 Sept 75 Guyana Telecommunications Corp Aug phone bill 29.36
A-3-D-22 16 Sept 75 Docol Cooking gas 375.00
A-3-D-23 12 Sept 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-D-24 17 Sept 75 Guy Chicks Feeders 616.00
A-3-D-25 18 Sept 75 Guyana Electricity Co. Aug electric bill 4 Alton 31.52
A-3-D-26 19 Sept 75 Guytrac Cleaner for truck & bolts 426.52
A-3-D-27 19 Sept 75 Texaco West Indies Ltd. 30 drums gasoline 2865.90
A-3-D-28, 28a 19 Sept 75 Farfan & Mendes Ltd. [void] -0-
A-3-D-29, 29a 19 Sept 75 J.A. Creavalle [void] -0-
A-3-D-30 19 Sept 75 C.A. Phillips, Ltd. Cocoa 399.00
A-3-D-31 19 Sept 75 J.A. Creavalle Repair starters, alternator 160.00
A-3-D-32 19 Sept 75 Farfan & Mendes Ltd. 3 cable hoists, saw repair 1807.91
A-3-D-33 20 Sept 75 Auto Supplies Co. Battery charger 780.00
A-3-D-34 20 Sept 75 Auto Supplies Co. Charger 210.00
A-3-D-35 22 Sept 75 C.R. Jacobs & Sons Ltd Plumbing supplies for chicks 474.73
A-3-D-36 22 Sept 75 Bookers Stores Tractor Springs & bearings 235.68
A-3-D-37 22 Sept 75 Docol Cable & wrenches 168.68
A-3-D-38 22 Sept 75 Psaila Bros. Ltd Pump parts 145.88
A-3-D-39 23 Sept 75 Charles Touchette Cash 500.00
A-3-D-40 23 Sept 75 Compton Gonzalves Plainer repair 660.60
A-3-D-41 24 Sept 75 Guytrac 2967.20
A-3-D-42 24 Sept 75 Dr. Mohammed Ali C. Touchette ears 30.00
A-3-D-43, 43a [void] -0-
A-3-D-44 26 Sept 75 P.S. Ministry of Works & Housing Crane used to load boat 350.00
A-3-D-45 27 Sept 75 J.P. Santos Co. Ltd. Flour, baking powder 60.39
A-3-D-46 1 Oct 75 Associated Industries Ltd Hydraulic hose for crane 43.51
A-3-D-47 29 Sept 75 Clarke & Martin Monthly Retainer 100.00
A-3-D-48 3 Oct 75 Vincent Hinds Lug nuts for Land Rover 77.50
A-3-D-49 3 Oct 75 Paula Adams Cash 750.00
A-3-D-50 3 Oct 75 Guyana Telecommunications Sept phone bill 206.36
A-3-D-51 [back of check stub booklet]

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Page Date Payee Memo Amount
A-3-E (Part 1)
A-3-E1-1 9 Jun 75 American Life Insurance Co Health plan 103.16
A-3-E1-2 10 Jun 75 Kirplanis Cheesecloth for meat curing 74.88
A-3-E1-3 10 Jun 75 C.R. Jacob & Sons Paint 94.84
A-3-E1-4 12 Jun 75 Guyana Telecomms Monthly bill 31.80
A-3-E1-5 12 Jun 75 Joe Creavalle Electrical work, saw 425.00
A-3-E1-6 12 Jun 75 Pan Am Airways Jeff’s blood sample 57.78
A-3-E1-7 12 Jun 75 Farfan & Mendes Ltd. McCulloch saw parts 33.30
A-3-E1-8, 8a [void] -0-
A-3-E1-9 14 Jun 75 Compton Gonsalves Planer reconditioning 535.98
A-3-E1-10 14 Jun 75 Paula Adams Cash 300.00
A-3-E1-11 20 Jun 75 Guyana Electricity Corp. 23.28
A-3-E1-12 25 Jun 75 Associated Industries Ltd Bearings for mill 398.61
A-3-E1-13 26 Jun 75 J.P. Santos & Co. Supplies 1422.45
A-3-E1-14 26 Jun 75 J.P. Santos & Co. Domestic wares and food 688.20
A-3-E1-15 26 Jun 75 Dolco Welding supply 878.84
A-3-E1-16 27 Jun 75 Guytrac Nuts & bolts 107.00
A-3-E1-17 27 Jun 75 Spronstrons Threader & cutter 174.21
A-3-E1-18 30 Jun 75 Compton Gonsalves Welding rod 300.00
A-3-E1-19 30 Jun 75 Berger Paints Paint for boats 217.66
A-3-E1-20 30 Jun 75 Associated Industries Tires 597.42
A-3-E1-21 1 Jul 75 Emanuel Chase Deposit for dry dock 500.00
A-3-E1-22 1 Jul 75 Vincent Hinds Land Rover parts 1436.00
A-3-E1-23 1 Jul 75 Vincent Hinds Hydraulic oil 180.00
A-3-E1-24 1 Jul 75 Bookers Stores Tractor parts 296.12
A-3-E1-25 1 Jul 75 Psaila Brothers Jabsco parts 549.15
A-3-E1-26 1 Jul 75 C.R. Jacobs & Sons Construction supplies & iron 1548.91
A-3-E1-27, 27a [void] -0-
A-3-E1-28 2 Jul 75 Berger Paints Paint for boats 118.68
A-3-E1-29 2 Jul 75 Guytrac Boat parts 451.15
A-3-E1-30 2 Jul 75 Bookers Stores Post holt digger parts 195.44
A-3-E1-31 [number skipped]
A-3-E1-32 3 Jul 75 Texaco Boat fuel 6785.00
A-3-E1-33 [blank] J. P. Santos & Co. Ltd Files 593.73
A-3-E1-34 3 Jul 75 Emanuel Chase Dry dock 1626.15
A-3-E1-35 3 Jul 75 Bookers Stores Barbed wire 260.00
A-3-E1-36 4 Jul 75 Paula Adams Cash 500.00
A-3-E1-37 4 Jul 75 Vincent Hinds Land Rover parts 49.54
A-3-E1-38 4 Jul 75 Modern Optical Glasses 108.00
A-3-E1-39 4 Jul 75 Compton Gonsalves Riverts & pull-up for boat 95.00
A-3-E1-40 4 Jul 75 George Maynard Hose for pump 246.50
A-3-E1-41 5 Jul 75 Charles Touchette Cash 2500.00
A-3-E1-42 9 Jul 75 Sirpaul Jagan Dentist for Paula 19.00
A-3-E1-43 9 Jul 75 American Life Insurance Co Group health 103.16
A-3-E1-44 9 Jul 75 American Life Insurance Co August health insurance 103.16
[no number] 10 Jul 75 Guyana Telecommunications June phone bill 18.04
A-3-E1-45 12 Jul 75 Joe Creavalle Depth meter on boat 150.00
A-3-E1-46 14 Jul 75 Clarke & Martin Monthly retainer (Jul & Aug) 200.00
A-3-E1-47 14 Jul 75 Guytrac Repair track rollers 638.24
A-3-E1-48 15 Jul 75 Guyana Airways Charter of 2 planes 2640.00
A-3-E1-49 15 Jul 75 Paula Adams Cash 500.00
A-3-E1-50 21 Jul 75 Guytrac Bulldozer spares 925.44
A-3-E1-51 21 Jul 75 Bookers Stores Spares, hose assembly, fanbelt for IH 119.75
A-3-E1-52 22 Jul 75 Joe Chin’s Shell [Antilles?] 2 gas cylinders 75.00
A-3-E1-53 22 Jul 75 Bookers Stores IH spares 358.54
A-3-E1-54 24 Jul 75 Guyana Electricity Corp June bill 22.11
A-3-E1-55 25 Jul 75 Paula Adams Cash 500.00
A-3-E1-56 25 Jul 75 Vincent Hinds Trading for cash 400.00
A-3-E1-57 25 Jul 75 Demerara Mktg. Corp Tires for Kodota 110.40
A-3-E1-58 28 Jul 75 Guytrac Caterpillar parts 324.19
A-3-E1-59 28 Jul 75 T. Geddes Grant Ltd Food supply 917.08
A-3-E1-60 28 Jul 75 Docol Oxygen & [illegible] 1002.10
A-3-E1-61, 61a [Void] -0-
A-3-E1-62 29 Jul 75 Tim Swinney Cash 1000.00
A-3-E1-63 29 Jul 75 J.P. Santos Co. Ltd Food supply 434.95
A-3-E1-64 30 Jul 75 Docol Gear gas bottles 178.28
A-3-E1-65 30 Jul 75 T. Geddes Grant Ltd Food & cleaning provisions 811.60
A-3-E1-66 30 Jul 75 AH&L Kissoon Stove & mattress 593.00
A-3-E1-67 30 Jul 75 Farfan & Mendes Ltd. Saw parts 353.72
A-3-E1-68 30 Jul 75 Shell Antilles Kerosene & gasoline 2015.00
A-3-E1-69 30 Jul 75 Dawson’s Jelly 278.00
A-3-E1-70 30 Jul 75 Chung Wa Co. Plastic 225.75
A-3-E1-71 31 Jul 75 Pat Holder Batteries for Kabouta 226.14
A-3-E1-72 31 Jul 75 Bookers Stores Hoses for garden 81.18
A-3-E1-73 31 Jul 75 Compton Gonsalves Rod & block 420.00
A-3-E1-74 31 Jul 75 H. Ghanny Meat 300.00
A-3-E1-75 1 Aug 75 Charles E. Henry Van repairs 34.20
A-3-E1-76 1 Aug 75 Guyana Printers Newspapers 3.60
A-3-E1-77 1 Aug 75 Guyana Graphic Newspapers 23.28
A-3-E1-78 2 Aug 75 Compton Gonsalves Work on planer 500.00
A-3-E1-79 5 Aug 75 C.R. Jacob & Sons, Ltd. Rod paint, flat bar 194.25
A-3-E1-80 6 Aug 75 Bookers Stores Deposit on ridger 500.00
A-3-E1-81 7 Aug 75 Vincent Hinds Drive bearing for sawmill 305.00
A-3-E1-82 8 Aug 75 Guyana Telecomms July phone bill 23.44
A-3-E1-83 10 Aug 75 St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Anthony Simon consultation 10.00
A-3-E1-84 15 Aug 75 Pan Am Airways 483.72
A-3-E1-85 16 Aug 75 Guyana Electricity Corp July bill 22.34
A-3-E1-86 18 Aug 75 Friendship Industries Gas bottles 117.00
A-3-E1-87 18 Aug 75 Texaco Fuel for boat 6006.56
A-3-E1-88 18 Aug 75 Guytrac Dozer parts 565.38
A-3-E1-89 18 Aug 75 Bookers Stores Tractor parts 268.17
A-3-E1-90 19 Aug 75 Charles Touchette Cash 750.00
A-3-E1-91 19 Aug 75 Paula Adams Cash 500.00
A-3-E1-92 20 Aug 75 C.A. Phillips Ketsup 221.20
A-3-E1-93 20 Aug 75 J.P. Santos Soy sauce 290.00
A-3-E1-94 [skipped number]
A-3-E1-95 21 Aug 75 Sirpaul Jagan Dental work 109.00
A-3-E1-96 21 Aug 75 Ministry of Works & Housing Low loader 235.53
A-3-E1-97 21 Aug 75 Charles Touchette Cash 200.00
A-3-E1-98 21 Aug 75 Central Garage Hose & [illegible] 198.11
A-3-E1-99 21 Aug 75 Bookers Stores Tractor parts 334.66
A-3-E1-100 Back of check stub booklet

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Page Date Payee Signatories Amount
A-3-E (Part 2)
A-3-E2-1a – 1b 9 Jun 75 American Life Insurance Co JT, PA 103.16
A-3-E2-2a – 2b 10 Jun 75 Kirplanis JT, PA 74.88
A-3-E2-3a – 3b 10 Jun 75 C.R. Jacob & Sons JT, PA 94.84
A-3-E2-4a – 4b 12 Jun 75 Guyana Telecommunications JT, PA 31.80
A-3-E2-5a – 5b 12 Jun 75 Guyana Telecomms JT, PA 31.80
A-3-E2-6a – 6b 12 Jun 75 Joe Creavalle JT, PA 425.00
A-3-E2-7a – 7b 12 Jun 75 Pan Am Airways JT, PA 57.78
A-3-E2-8a – 8b 14 Jun 75 Compton Gonsalves JT, PA 535.98
A-3-E2-9a – 9b 14 Jun 75 Paula Adams JT, PA 300.00
A-3-E2-10a – 10b 20 Jun 75 Guyana Electricity Corp. JT, PA 23.28
A-3-E2-11a – 11b 25 Jun 75 Associated Industries Ltd JT, PA 398.61
A-3-E2-12a – 12b 26 Jun 75 J.P. Santos & Co. JT, PA 1422.45
A-3-E2-13a – 13b 26 Jun 75 J.P. Santos & Co. JT, PA 688.20
A-3-E2-14a – 14b 26 Jun 75 Dolco JT, CT 878.84
A-3-E2-15a – 15b 27 Jun 75 Guytrac JT, CT 107.00
A-3-E2-16a – 16b 27 Jun 75 Spronstrons JT, CT 174.21
A-3-E2-17a – 17b 30 Jun 75 Compton Gonsalves JT, CT 300.00
A-3-E2-18a – 18b 30 Jun 75 Berger Paints JT, CT 217.66
A-3-E2-19a – 19b 30 Jun 75 Associated Industries JT, CT 597.42
A-3-E2-20a – 20b 1 Jul 75 Emanuel Chase JT, CT 500.00
A-3-E2-21a – 21b 1 Jul 75 Vincent Hinds JT, CT 1436.00
A-3-E2-22a – 22b 1 Jul 75 Vincent Hinds JT, CT 180.00
A-3-E2-23a – 23b 1 Jul 75 Bookers Stores JT, CT 296.12
A-3-E2-24a – 24b 1 Jul 75 Psaila Brothers JT, CT 549.15
A-3-E2-25a – 25b 1 Jul 75 C.R. Jacobs & Sons JT, CT 1548.91
A-3-E2-26a – 26b 2 Jul 75 Berger Paints JT, CT 118.68
A-3-E2-27a – 27b 2 Jul 75 Guytrac JT, CT 451.15
A-3-E2-28a – 28b   [number skipped]    
A-3-E2-29a – 29b 2 Jul 75 Bookers Stores JT, CT 195.44
A-3-E2-30a – 30b 2 Jul 75 C.R. Jacob & Sons, Ltd. JT, CT 640.00
A-3-E2-31a – 31b 3 Jul 75 Texaco JT, CT 6785.00
A-3-E2-32a – 32b 3 Jul 75 J. P. Santos & Co. Ltd JT, CT 393.73
A-3-E2-33a – 33b 3 Jul 75 Emanuel Chase JT, CT 1626.15
A-3-E2-34a – 34b 3 Jul 75 Bookers Stores JT, CT 260.00
A-3-E2-35a – 35b 4 Jul 75 Paula Adams JT, PA 500.00
A-3-E2-36a – 36b 4 Jul 75 Vincent Hinds JT, CT 49.54
A-3-E2-37a – 37b 4 Jul 75 Modern Optical JT, CT 108.00
A-3-E2-38a – 38b 4 Jul 75 Compton Gonsalves JT, CT 95.00
A-3-E2-39a – 39b 4 Jul 75 George Maynard JT, CT 246.50
A-3-E2-40a – 40b 5 Jul 75 Charles Touchette JT, CT 250.00
A-3-E2-41a – 41b 14 Jul 7 Guytrac JT, PA 638.24
A-3-E2-42a – 42b 30 July 75 T. Geddes Grant Ltd JT, CT 811.60
A-3-E2-43a – 49b   [numbers skipped]    
A-3-E2-50a – 50b 9 Jul 75 Sirpaul Jagan JT, PA 19.00
A-3-E2-51a – 51b 9 Jul 75 American Life Insurance Co JT, PA 103.16
A-3-E2-52a – 52b 9 Jul 75 American Life Insurance Co JT, PA 103.16
A-3-E2-53a – 53b 10 Jul 75 Guyana Telecommunications JT, PA 18.04
A-3-E2-54a – 54b 12 Jul 75 Joe Creavalle JT, PA 150.00
A-3-E2-55a – 55b 14 Jul 75 Clarke & Martin JT, PA 200.00
A-3-E2-56a – 56b 15 Jul 75 Paula Adams JT, PA 500.00
A-3-E2-57a – 57b 21 Jul 75 Guytrac JT, PA 925.44
A-3-E2-58a – 58b 21 Jul 75 Bookers Stores JT, PA 119.75
A-3-E2-59a – 59b 22 Jul 75 Joe Chin’s Shell Service JT, PA 75.00
A-3-E2-60a – 60b 22 Jul 75 Bookers Stores JT, PA 358.54
A-3-E2-61a – 61b 24 Jul 75 Guyana Electricity Corp JT, PA 22.11
A-3-E2-62a – 62b 25 Jul 75 Paula Adams JT, PA 500.00
A-3-E2-63a – 63b 25 Jul 75 Vincent Hinds JT, PA 400.00
A-3-E2-64a – 64b 25 Jul 75 Demerara Mktg. Corp JT, PA 110.40
A-3-E2-65a – 65b 28 Jul 75 Guytrac JT, CT 324.19
A-3-E2-66a – 66b 28 Jul 75 T. Geddes Grant Ltd JT, CT 917.08
A-3-E2-67a – 67b 28 Jul 75 Docol JT, CT 1002.10
A-3-E2-68a – 68b 29 Jul 75 Tim Swinney JT, CT 1000.00
A-3-E2-69a – 69b 29 Jul 75 J.P. Santos Co. Ltd JT, CT 434.95
A-3-E2-70a – 70b 30 Jul 75 Docol JT, CT 178.28
A-3-E2-71a – 71b 30 Jul 75 AH&L Kissoon JT, CT 593.00
A-3-E2-72a – 72b 30 Jul 75 Farfan & Mendes Ltd. JT, CT 353.72
A-3-E2-73a – 73b 30 Jul 75 Shell Antilles JT, CT 2015.00
A-3-E2-74a – 74b 30 Jul 75 Dawson’s JT, CT 278.00
A-3-E2-75a – 75b 30 Jul 75 Chung Wa Co. JT, CT 225.75
A-3-E2-76a – 76b 31 Jul 75 Pat Holder JT, CT 226.14
A-3-E2-77a – 77b 31 Jul 75 Bookers Stores JT, CT 81.18
A-3-E2-78a – 78b 31 Jul 75 Compton Gonsalves JT, CT 420.00
A-3-E2-79a – 79b 31 Jul 75 H. Ghanny JT, CT 300.00
A-3-E2-80a – 80b 1 Aug 75 Charles E. Henry JT, PA 34.20
A-3-E2-81a – 81b 1 Aug 75 Guyana Printers JT, PA 3.60
A-3-E2-82a – 82b 1 Aug 75 Guyana Graphic JT, PA 23.28
A-3-E2-83a – 83b 2 Aug 75 Compton Gonsalves JT, PA 500.00
A-3-E2-84a – 84b 5 Aug 75 C.R. Jacob & Sons, Ltd. JT, PA 194.25
A-3-E2-85a – 85b 6 Aug 75 Bookers Stores JT, PA 500.00
A-3-E2-86a – 86b 7 Aug 75 Vincent Hinds JT, PA 305.00
A-3-E2-87a – 87b 8 Aug 75 Guyana Telecomms JT, PA 23.44
A-3-E2-88a – 88b   [number skipped]    
A-3-E2-89a – 89b 10 Aug 75 St. Joseph Mercy Hospital JT, PA 10.00
A-3-E2-90a – 90b 15 Aug 75 Pan Am Airways JT, PA 483.72
A-3-E2-91a – 91b 16 Aug 75 Guyana Electricity Corp JT, PA 22.34
A-3-E2-92a – 92b 18 Aug 75 Friendship Industries CT, JT 117.00
A-3-E2-93a – 93b 18 Aug 75 Texaco CT, JT 6006.56
A-3-E2-94a – 94b 18 Aug 75 Guytrac CT, JT 565.38
A-3-E2-95a – 95b 18 Aug 75 Bookers Stores CT, JT 268.17
A-3-E2-96a – 96b 19 Aug 75 Charles Touchette CT, JT 750.00
A-3-E2-97a – 97b 19 Aug 75 Paula Adams PA, JT 500.00
A-3-E2-98a – 98b 20 Aug 75 C.A. Phillips CT, JT 221.20
A-3-E2-99a – 99b 20 Aug 75 J.P. Santos CT, JT 290.00
A-3-E2-100a – 100b 20 Aug 75 Dr. Peter Fernandes PA, JT 36.50
A-3-E2-101a – 101b 21 Aug 75 Sirpaul Jagan JT, PA 109.00
A-3-E2-102a – 102b 21 Aug 75 Ministry of Works & Housing JT, PA 235.53
A-3-E2-103a – 103b 21 Aug 75 Charles Touchette CT, JT 200.00
A-3-E2-104a – 104b 21 Aug 75 Central Garage CT, JT 198.11
A-3-E2-105a – 105b 21 Aug 75 Bookers Stores CT, JT 334.66

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