Letters and memos of Karen Layton


Joyce: The following people are going into Georgetown tomorrow on the boat, so that they can go to Venezuela and get medical care there. We will need their passports.

Carolyn Young [handwritten note: “Her passport was taken into town a long time ago.”]
Barbara Walker
Lillian Taylor
Edith Parks
Barbara Simon

– Also, check Joicy Clark’s passport, as Marion Campbell got Joicy Clark’s picture put on her visa. They thought maybe Marion’s picture that put on Joicy Clark’s Immigration & Registration papers.

– You found Carol Stahl’s  passport didn’t you? [Handwritten note: “Yes”]

/s/ Karen Layton
Nov 12th 78



Margarita Romano – offered to work with Bobby S. [Stroud] on her own, and was enthusiastic and did a good job. Was confronted in town by several for compensating [consorting] with men and not acting appropriately in public. I wasn’t in on the confrontation, and didn’t see her acting improperly though Terri Carter told me about it. I found Margarita cooperative and willing to do whatever she was asked.

Beverly Mitchel [Mitchell] – hard worker, sweet attitude. No problems. One night we were having a curried fish, and Jack told Beverly he didn’t like his fish like that, he like his fried. So Beverly went on her own and fried Jack some fish and brought it to him. However, I was sitting right by him. He declined the fish and said to give it to the seniors, that he didn’t want anything special. He said it would look bad if he took it, and I calmly agreed. She apologized and said she didn’t mean anything by it, and he was real sweet to her and said it was nice of her, but no thanks. (I was bugged by her trying to kiss up to Jack, but I didn’t confront her.) She realized she had made a mistake. She got sick in town and I took her to the doctor, the eye doctor, because her eye and face was bothering her. The next day her whole face was hurting, so we took her to the regular doctor and got feeling better in a couple of days. I was basically very happy to have her there, and she was a great help. Terri Carter said on the radio she didn’t know what she would have done if Beverly had not been there to cook when all the band went in.

Daisy [Lee Stroud] – worked hard procuring and cooking. Did whatever asked. Very passive and has to be told everything to do. Very dependent. Tries hard to be helpful. She and Bobby did not sleep together while I was there that I know of. Daisy told me that they just didn’t communicate.



May 26, 1978

Mike Prokes – PR

Debbie Touchette – PR

Anita Ijames – PR

Terri Carter – Coordinator, Radio, PR

Erin Leroy – procurement, errands, purchasing, inquiries

Rhonda Fortson – immigration, medical supplies, inquiries, purchase food supplies, pick up new people at the airport

Richard Janaro – Customs and money investments, purchasing, inquiries, handles finances

Ujara Sly [Don Sly] – Picks up with trucks, purchasing big loads, outside jobs, pick up new people at airport.

Liane Harris – money procurement

Margarita Romano, Beverly Mitchel, surgery on Monday



Erin Leroy – doing extremely well in town. Very well organized, very accountable for her time. She gave me a list each night of what she was going to do the next day, and then gave me another list when she got home of things she did and did not accomplish (and why not if she didn’t get it done.) Has a humble and cooperative attitude. (She does go to bed early and gets lots of rest.) I certainly don’t think she’s above liking flattery from men, but I never saw her acting improperly with anyone, and I know she is extremely hung up on her boyfriend, Greg, who is out here.

Rhonda Fortson – I basically see her as a weak person. She is working ok in town, and never caused any problems particularly. But when she talked to Hugh [Hue Fortson] on the phone, she didn’t say anything positive about JJ, Jonestown, or Guyana until I wrote her a note and told her what to say. When Hugh got in town, she didn’t have one criticism of him, and seemed very glad to have him there. She is a passive woman, not a pusher. Sometimes I went and got some medicines myself because I knew I would get them, and I wasn’t always sure she would follow through on things. She’s fairly reliable but sometimes would say she didn’t have time to get something done (something I considered very important.) She plugs on the immigration, insurance, etc. but I really have no way to evaluate truly what kind of shape they are in, because I never had time to get in the middle of them and find out what was really going on. I think Jocelyn [Carter] left a mess for Rhonda, which Rhonda has been trying to straighten out. Rhonda claims she is on top of immigration and the insurance, and I did get Richard helping Rhonda with the insurance to make sure that was followed through. Rhonda doesn’t seem that well-organized to me, but she might be doing a good job – I don’t know, (on her paper work like immigration and insurance.) She has a fairly good attitude. She never caused problems or started any negativity. Sometimes she would get defensive and uptight when I would confront her about not getting something done or not following through properly on something. (Of course I am white and only a few years older than her.) Rhonda likes to go to the beach and she would often ask to take new people. I generally would say yes because we sometimes wanted the new people to be able to do something, especially if they were in town for several days. I think Rhonda is quite flattered by male attention, though I never saw her get out of line with anyone either.

Ujara – Egotistical and chauvinistic naturally. Generally cooperative and worked very hard in day, often loading big loads by himself. Always in bed early at night. Accountable for his time. Talked always very positively about Jonestown and JJ. Like to go to the show with Jack and Richard whenever they were going. A big help with the truck. I found him easy to work with. He was pretty good with follow-through, and could generally be dependent on. He stays in the same room with Richard and Jack and they all seem to get along quite well.



[Letterhead of Guyana House, Georgetown, Guyana]

27th February, 1978

Dear Cde. Layton,

I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 25th February, 1978, addressed to His Excellency the President, Cde. Arthur Chung, and wish to thank you for your kind sentiments expressed therein.

I regret, however, to inform you that it would not be possible to grant Mrs. Jones’ request.

Yours sincerely,
/s/ R. Ramharak
R. Ramharak (Captain)



to Jim
from Karen Layton
Dec. 25, 1977

RE: Reds Perrera

I know Reds quite well, as I think you know, but I will tell you the details of the situation. I met Reds 3 years ago when I was here, and he kept trying to get me to go out with him all the time. He came over, and bothered us a lot. He has also tried to take out Paula [Adams] and Debbie T. [Touchette] in the past. Before when I was here, he came over one day after the meeting in town and the publicity to let us know he didn’t believe in the healings. He used to question whether we could date people not in the temple, drink, etc. I never went out with him then, but he was a real pest.

This time when I came back the first week I ran into Reds at Shirley Field-Ridley’s office. He works through her office. He asked me out then. Then he came over to the house and brought a news article from the London paper, that was very very negative article. He came like he was a friend letting us know about the horrible article and Paula felt positive about him doing this. However, it was a way to see me, let us know he “knew” about it (though he said he didn’t believe it) and a way I felt to manipulate, a lever. (It was good he came so we had a chance to explain our side of it to him.)

I have never trusted him and always felt he was somewhat hostile to us. His only interest has been in our women, in my opinion. The very first time he met Debbie and Paula was in Surinam, and he helped them out there. He’s intelligent, though not college-educated. He’s been to Cuba and Australia and all over the Caribbean with sports events for Guyana. He knows a lot of people and likely has a lot of influence with people. He used to be with GBS [Guyana Broadcasting System] on a regular basis as a radio announcer. Now he just works once or twice a week a few hours a night playing music, doing commercials and announcements, etc. He’s about 36, is short and fat, as a red beard, and is a total egotist. He knows everything. And he obviously wants the status of an American white woman. I don’t believe he likes me, don’t get me wrong. But he definitely wants to “use” me. He even said he would like to marry me.

Anyway, I tried to be nice as he had this article, etc. But then he started calling every day several times a day sometimes, and asking me out continually. As National Sports Director Jean actually has influence with a lot of people though he is not in the PNC. Paula felt that I should go out with him once just to show him that we are “allowed” to go out with outsiders, and then not anymore. So I went out to dinner with him at the Pegassas [Pegasus Hotel] and had a couple of drinks to show him it wasn’t banned.

After that he continued to call and came over. I put him off constantly and always had an excuse why I couldn’t go. He’s the person who invited me to the Chinese Embassy with him for the celebration of the Chinese revolution.

One night he had a party, and he called every day all week to remind us of the party. I had asked if Debbie and Mike could come also, as he had just invited Paula and I. So the night of the party I didn’t go, but instead sent Debbie and Mike. Mike called home from the party to say that Reds was pissed that we weren’t there. So Paula and I discussed it, and Mike and Debbie felt we should go, so we went. That night we met the head of the “Chief of Crime” and talked to him the whole party. He’s a good friend of Reds. The next day this man, “Skip” [C.A. “Skip” Roberts], the Chief of Crime, showed us the file Padmore had written up on us, so it was good the way it worked out. He has been extremely friendly since also.

Then we were often stuck for rides, so Paula would sometimes ask me to call



Reds and he would give us rides around, or we would discuss it and decide we should call him, and he was the only person we could count on at all to willingly give us rides, wait for us, and take us wherever we needed to go.

He took our people to the airport, or got them a ride, and one day took me to pick up some of our sick children who were coming in on the plane. I finally kissed him a couple of times then as I knew he expected it and would be hostile for his trouble and gas if I didn’t.

He seemed to get more demanding and want more attention, so Paul and I decided I should tell him that I really liked him a lot, but I had to be honest and tell him I had a fiancé in the states. I told him I had told my fiancé about him (Reds) and my fiancé was upset about it, so I had promised my fiancé then I would not see Reds again. Reds believed the story, and tried to get me to follow my own feelings, etc. However, I told him that though I liked him very much and was attracted to him, that I really loved my fiancé, and that he was coming over soon. I said he was a doctor. He was upset, but agreed not to see me anymore. I told him I didn’t want to hurt him, etc., and I didn’t want to get hurt. That was the last I saw of him.

I don’t know that I handled it right, but I did follow whatever Paula told me to do, as I figured she knew best, and I tried to use judgment whenever she wasn’t there to tell me what to do. Joyce Parks and Mike Touchette know him and know of my relationship with him, as they had to put him off on the phone each day, and tell him I wasn’t home or whatever, so they can tell you about it too.

I swear on your life I am repulsed by the man. He is ugly, demanding and arrogant, has horrible body odor and greasy hair and skin. He claims to be a socialist, but isn’t. He lives by himself, has never been married, and Paula says he doesn’t make that much money. He’s very threatened by you, and he said once that he wouldn’t want anything to happen to me (we were talking about a car wreck) as he wouldn’t want to have to explain it to “Father Jones” about it. He’s never talked good about you.

When and if he comes here, I don’t know what you want me to do. I’ll be happy to be in the fields or downriver. He might just want to come and ignore me, so he can get back at me for putting him down; I don’t know. He probably will expect to see me. I look bad – I’ve gained 5 lbs, have pimples broken all over my face. I can try to loose [lose] the weight and fix up if you want me to see him.

He once made a negative statement about you that he had been a socialist before he had even heard about you. He’s obviously very threatened by you. He’s a real puke.

He did try to be helpful at times, got us some used books, helped us procure a used tire (which turned out to be a bad tire) and a few little things like that. He’s helped us with our hospital plans or something Joyce P. said, I don’t know.

By the way, he is in charge of seeing all the needs of the Cuban athletes who come here (that’s where you got that Cuban bottle of rum,) and all other international athletes. He’s had private meetings, he says, with Burnham.

Joyce P. said after I left, he came over and got the hospital plans and mentioned having dinner sometime with her. I’m sure any of us white women will do.

[Last paragraph typed on different typewriter]

I feel very guilty about having drunk with him, as I see the consequences it could have. At the time I didn’t know it was banned for us but I should have used better judgment. I think to should have told him in the beginning I had gotten married or something, so I would have avoided the whole thing.


[Editor’s note: There are numerous typographical errors in this memo, which have been corrected.]


Deborah Touchette

Minister [Vibert] Mingo
Appt. w/ Terry J. [Jones], Debbie B. [Blakey], Deborah T.

– We told Minister Mingo about the Mirror wanting to do a story on PT and asked his opinion? Said we wouldn’t make any moves without his approval.

– He said he would need the names of the people in order to get clearance and he would have to check with Shirley’s [Shirley Field-Ridley] department (Min. of Information), before he could give us the go-ahead on anything like this.

– We asked if anything was being done in regards to the mercenaries?

– He said, Yes, there was an investigation going on now about that.

– We asked if he had heard anything on the Stoen  issue?

– He said he had heard nothing.

– Sharon [Amos] came in from having radio contact with a message in ref. to Stoen, and the situation with the Mercenaries and Aerial photography and that agencies [agency’s] connection with the CIA.

– Mingo was considered that they might try to use the Venezuelan border to get to us.

– He admitted that they could not really guarantee protection on the borders.

– He said he heard we played at the Pegasus and that we were the highlight of the parade on May Day.

– He said this was good, as more people are getting to know us we are becoming more accepted.

– Said even Shirley Field-Ridley, he thought she was coming around getting more positive to us.

– He also felt we were slowing down some, getting used to the Guyana pace, and this too would help our image.

– I felt today he just confirmed what we already know, and that doesn’t leave us anywhere.

– Minister Mingo said he wanted three things

  1. Who the reporters were?
  2. Copy of the Russian article? He wanted Tass to deliver it.
  3. An opinion from the Min. of Information.

– before he could give us an opinion

– He said Minister [Hamilton] Green felt positive towards us.

– He was working on getting us free med. equip

– Mingo mentioned that on [one] of the conditions of Russia going up was if they gave him the article to read before it was printed

– He said that Min. Green had spoken to Barid and Chin and they felt something could be worked out between/with Dr. Schact [Larry Schact].

– (ref. to mercenaries, he said they could only get in if they operated against the government of Guyana, and this would threaten the sovereignty of Guyana.

– The Guyana Defense Force would be involved

– He mentioned that we had one of the best banners in the parade.

– He said Dr./Minister Green is working on our center becoming a recognized hosp.

– He said Dr. [Ptolemy] Reid is the strongest advocate of Peoples Temple.

– He said we are being seen in every national event and it will pay



off eventually.

– He mentioned Lynetta Dolphin, the director of Culture was very impressed with our banner.

– Mingo would like to know how many people come in a month

– How many people who have left?

– Relatives who have visited? Visited Jonestown?

– Said we should get people to write reports, like Dr. DeCosta.

– Said he is a friend of the Minister and it would be good if you wrote a letter to the Ministry of Health.



12 Nov. 78

To: Karen
From: Laura [Johnston]

(A treat is in order, since I have successfully not only found an unused typewriter, found a time when the current is on, found a chair, found working space, and have the report completed to type, but I’m here and both vans are gone – I mean, a treat is in order)

So after a pat on my very Christian back – I had some of Christ’s blood and flesh again today – it is getting to be part of my regular diet – here is the newest, most up-to-date church is really too gross – every time it amazes me!!!!

In these last 2 weeks, we attended these churches with these observations

5/11 Campbellville Catholic Church – Eugene [Smith], Guy [Young], Henry – friendly reception

7th Day Adventists Churches, in [smudged word] – they were on a retreat (the night before, everyone went to a CDF function, got home late, so coordinators asked for a late day – so all plan to attend in the evening, but the church was closed for the retreat)

12/11 – all friendly, nothing unusual or noteworthy unless noted:

Campbellville Catholic – Maryanne C. [Casanova], Marion Campbell

St. Andrew’s Presby – Eugene

Redeemer Lutheran – Paul McCann, LeFlora [Le Flora Townes], Aurora [Rodriguez], Laura

strange combination of E. Indian leaders (they don’t like any name like leader, Father, etc., because only God is your leader, and only son Jesus Christ and God can have titles –). Anyway, most of the congregation is Black, and young, and very conservative types of E. Indians, in saris, etc.

Mt. Zion Baptist – Versie [Connessero], Chuck Beikman, Diane Casanova, Ruby Johnson – friendly – Rev. Miller’s church – he is only there every other week, and has small congregation of 14 adults plus children.

(Marianne said that the Campbellville Church made $6000 on a church fair. She said that another church and mentioned making nearly $4000 on a fair lasting a few days.)



May 10, 1978
Deborah Touchette

Danga Kishna
Spoke w/ Karen Layton, Jack Beam, Deborah Touchette

– Danga Kishna lives at lot 1, Sherriff St., Georgetown.

– He visited our home tonight while there was a blackout.

– He parked in front and Jack said he noticed another car pulled up and park just a half a block away.

– Danga  said he was looking for someone from Jonestown, he didn’t know who, he wanted to talk to somebody because he was confused.

– He said he was taking some white tabs that a friend of his gave him as a remedy, but he feels more confused now.

– said he wasn’t able to work for a week and a half now.

– Asked if we took in children? Said his wife was a Muslim, and he was a Hindu and this caused some problems

– said he was afraid to leave the child with her something should happen to him.

– asked if we took in whole families?

– said he wanted to go to Jonestown.

– Said he had a sort of vision of colors and he saw gray, white, and he was trying to understand.

– He asked if we had a vehicle that was white or gray?

– We told him that we did, but told him to go to the doctor because it could be some other problem affecting his mind, or it could be that he was allergic to the very pills his friend gave him and had reactions, that he should carry the pills and show the doctor so he would be able to diagnose.

– Karen explained that we did take in people, but that we were trying to furnish housing for the people here and those still coming from the US

– I told him that eventually we would integrate into the Guyanese society, that was our goal in that we were here to assist people and that we felt that was our calling

– we told him we would come by and visit him sometime.

– It was a rather strange visit, people just don’t visit each other in Guyana during blackouts

– he acted very spaced out at first, then towards the end of the conversation he seemed to be more alert.

– My first thought was that it was a good time for the opposition to come by, but I don’t know why they would have to wait until dark

– The man was East Indian



[Handwritten note]

Joyce T. [Touchette]

Did you ever find Carol Stahl’s passport?

Did you ever get Donna Stanfield’s passport?

Karen Layton