Start with about 15 letters – best ones
Address: NBC News
3000 W. Alameda
Burbank, California USA
From – residents in Guyana
Concerning – our being upset about what we have every reason to know will be unfair, inflammatory publicity designed to cook up sensationalism about the Temple and Guyana project – no basis in fact. Part of continuing campaign. We have had enough, and we will not allow media to come into Jonestown to smear this community under extremely dubious pretexts. We have been visited by people from many nations, including media persons. We were visited by representative from a European Filmmaking company who was so thrilled with what we are doing that he offered to do a film for us at cost of materials and transportation. Mark Lane revealed the facts in the conspiracy – quote news conference – send them relevant information. Preparing a suit. We are apprehensive, and know that we are being set up for a smear job. We hope that you will not lend yourself to being used for this purpose. Say what kind of community this is, what we are doing. Unfortunately, information we have about purpose of visit of a California Congressman, in addition to previous experience with California media, esp. in Bay Area, has eroded our trust. Smear will be considered an attack on Guyana and by extension poor and underdeveloped countries, the cooperative movement, blacks, etc. This is politically motivated, and we intend to expose it all fully and are in the process of doing so. CCI investigated and found all charges of people working with Congressman to be absolutely false. We have had enough of this, and don’t want to be bothered.
Debby Touchette, Don Jackson, Tom Grubbs, Bea Orsot, Darlene Newman, Harold Bogue, Jann Gurvich, John Harris, Gene Chaikin, Phyllis, Chaikin, Inez Wagney, Judy Ijames, Barbara Hoyer, Theresa [Teresa] King, Liane Amos, Mary Lou Clancey, Don and Shirlee Fields, Vernetta Christian, Bob Davis, Jack Barron, Peter Wotherspoon, Carolyn Looman, Carolyn Kirkendall, Edith Roller, Kathy Jackson, Lois Ponts, Bessie Dickson