Message to Mark Lane and Don Freed


Message to give Mark Lane and Don Freed

Tell them that JJ can’t rest at all. He cannot go to sleep. So one night they gave him two high-powered sleeping medications, and he laid down and tried to get some rest but it was just like drinking water. It didn’t even touch him. Off and on he has tried 5 different pills. And nothing works.

There are two other countries who have offered to take us in. This is very confidential, so please do not write or tell anyone about it at all. They want us to be a model everywhere.

Last night he got 25 minutes of sleep from 2 sleeping pills. He dreamed that everyone got out of here except himself and John [Victor Stoen] and they had to go and hide in the jungle and were caught. His dreams are reality oriented. He worries that each and every individual equally. His dreams are not like a screw (say jokingly) – he enjoys sex but his wife is gone and he does not like sex with other people because it builds dependent relationships. Then you get someone like Grace Stoen who gets hostile and leaves. That taught him a good lesson. It relaxes him to read somewhat. He has been reading Rush to Judgment [book by Mark Lane] and breaking it down so that the seniors can understand it. That one doctor is going to send him something that might help him go to sleep. He said that conscientious people cannot go to sleep. Lenin had the same thing – of course he is not saying he is like Lenin!

There are no cancer cells now. Even though the lab reported they were [illegible word] put them under an assumed name cause we didn’t want everybody and their brother knowing about them. I don’t know if you want us to keep playing like I have them in USA, I don’t have them because we have this set of cells but said that I’ve got emphysema due to the fact that my mother started smoking when she was twelve, my dad fifteen, and I was born fifteen years thereafter. He said I can live in years and years. The only thing about sleeping pills is they don’t give me any sleep, they lower my blood pressure. Said that unless they have some new drugs, some [balance of note handwritten] new type of wonder drug don’t even bother because we’ve tried everything under the sun. The Russians are not sure this will work, said it works magnificently for some, Comrade Jim Jones said the [illegible word] said nobody worries about people like you do, said that they didn’t have the same problem, they don’t live long lives, he said somebody has to worry about people like you do. But I did promise him 8 hours, but it annoys me so much and our doctor thinks I should get up because when I lay down and don’t do anything I get so annoyed.