Jones letters to Guyana government officials


[Handwritten notation: “Jim’s copy”]

Bishop Jim Jones
Peoples Temple Agricultural Project
PO Box 89
Republic of Guyana
October 15, 1977

Honorable Dr. Ptolemy Reid
Camp Street, Georgetown

Dear Dr. Reid:

At the outset let me express my most sincere regrets at having to communicate with your office so frequently. I did not know what to do, I was desperate, or I would not have come back with another letter. Written correspondence, at best, can only give an outline of one’s concerns and thoughts; sincerity and depth of feeling is rarely transmitted. In my situation of having to dictate a letter in the form of verbal shorthand across a great distance, the task becomes that much more difficult. Sometimes I am afraid that, by the time my thoughts are interpreted second and third hand and committed to writing, a great deal has been lost in “translation!” I assure you that I appreciate the time you take from your busy schedule to address yourself to a series of long and, probably, often somewhat confusing letters.

To start with, I want you to know that we have offered our lives in the defense of the government of Guyana. In spite of whatever personal feelings we may have, we have agreed to follow the government’s course, even if that course runs closer to the United States in future days. We are willing to place our lives and future totally with the Guyana government. Naturally, any people willing to make such a commitment and desirous of doing a good job need to feel reasonably secure. It is primarily because of this need that I am prompted, once again, to place before you some of our more particular concerns.

It is our understanding from the very beginning that the Guyana government would handle situations like that of my son, John Stoen, with a firm hand, by simply stating that there is no jurisdiction. We are absolutely certain that Peoples Temple has a wide spectrum of support in the United States among a variety of progressive, socialistic organizations and individuals (such as Angela Davis), as well as many groups in the vanguard of social change with whom we have worked and enjoy fraternal ties. They are most concerned about vicious attacks and schemes that have been directed against myself and our organization. Thus we feel you would not find yourself in any difficulty by taking this sort of firm position. But now we hear that the Cabinet will consider each of the “allegations” as it arises. This creates for us an atmosphere of insecurity. We do not wish to sound presumptuous or asked for the impossible, but we need to know where we stand. Personally, I am so weary of constant political harassment that I would gladly sacrifice myself if it would mean any measure of peace for my people. But members of my organization will not accept that. They do not want to work and build without my presence.



Over the past weeks, our people have still had to endure being constantly singled out when they come through customs at the airport. If some explanation of why the discrimination still goes on could be given, it would make the people feel more secure. Any communication by persons that you trust that would serve to rectify this situation would be most welcome. However, individuals in that department have been very friendly to us, apologizing for this distinction made. One person told us that it would be sufficient to say that you are being discriminated against and there is something powerful behind it.

In an effort to improve communication, work out problems, and build some sort of mutual cooperation with the local administration, we set up an appointment to speak with the Regional Minister and the Regional Administrative Officer. We have had great difficulty with transportation and road maintenance for the past few months, which has been aggravated by both of our bulldozers being at GNEC right now undergoing repairs to the tune of $100,000. Saturday was chosen as a convenient day by the Regional Minister. However, it was required that we change things around to accommodate this weekend appointment with the limited workable equipment we have for transportation. The roads are in need of our bulldozers for repairs, and are impassable to our tractors (nearly); therefore when the tractor carrying the people to the meeting broke down, they were late for the connection they were able to make with a Land Rover which was to carry them to Matthews Ridge. They finally got to Kaituma and found the driver, but he said it was too late. So they called the Regional Minister’s office to explain the situation. The implication was made that our word was not trusted because we have a way of contacting the gate. We tried to explain that because of the lack of batteries (until today, when they came in), reaching the gate was on a hit-or-miss basis, and we were not able to contact them and hold the Land Rover. There always seems to be a willingness, which we find most disturbing, to believe the worst and seldom give us any credit for achievements. However, we are going ahead with a rescheduled appointment for Monday (October 17), and to insure that this doesn’t happen again, we are going two hours early, at daybreak. The only reason we are keeping you abreast is because trust has eroded to a minimum, and has to be built up in this region. We do not wish this matter to be brought up with the Regional Minister; we just wanted to post you about it.

Because there has been a tendency to credit us with the worst motives in a given situation on the part of the local officials (although we have many good neighbors and friends among local residents), we would like to communicate with someone who has proven himself to be sincere. The most sincere communication has been with you, Dr. Reid, and with Minister [Vibert] Mingo: if you chose Minister Mingo to be the person we communicate with, that is fine. He is very straightforward.

We have utilized a great deal of influence among the religious community as well as the socialist and communist parties of the US in an attempt to negate any attempt by either the Catholic Standard or the Mirror to use us [in] any effort to embarrass the government. We have considerable influence with persons from many areas of the States who are understanding and supportive of our work.



Our counsellor informed us that Yacoob Ally of Mazaharally had been asked by you to hold up on making any court issue out of a situation which concerned lumber we got from them. This was greatly appreciated, because we were treated with gross unfairness by Mazaharally Lumber. Not any of it could be utilized, and we ask them to come up several times to see the wood, but they refused, so we finally burned it to clean up the place. We understand that this could affect you; therefore we are going ahead and taking whatever meager discount he wants. We have been defrauded on a number of occasions with wood. Willems Lumber representatives remarked to us that they overheard someone from Mazaharally talking and joking derisively about how “they gave all bad wood to the Yankees,” and how they had really put one over on us, because we are “too dumb to know.” We cannot afford to have this happen again. We are a little puzzled that, after you had asked that not to, proceed with the matter (according to our counsel) they went ahead anyway, unless there has been some change in policy. The transaction with Mazaharally involved some $109,000 worth of lumber. We are besieged with all sorts of pressures that we will not bother you with, but nobody should be defrauded like we have on this, and other occasions. Out of concern and love for you, we endure it, but we cannot afford this kind of thing if we are to build, develop, and produce in such a manner to make you proud of our work.

Finally, we have experienced a strange sequence of events in recent weeks that have led some persons to believe that we are being “set up” by certain elements. I would like at some point to be able to personally discuss this situation with you, should you have the occasion to be in our area (as you know, due to illegal court orders, I have been advised by our legal representative to remain on the project until such orders are formally rescinded). Needless to say, this has been a cause of some consternation. People have been calling asking stupid questions about our using drugs, and suddenly we are being singled out by the PPP (is this a coincidence?). Two of my people who were in Georgetown at the time were telephoned and asked by Dr. [Cheddi] Jagan to speak with him, which they did. They told him, I am informed, of our support for the socialist goals of the PNC and, in particular, of our esteem and devotion to you. In any case, I have asked that our members have no authorized contact with anybody connected with the Opposition.

A few notes on the positive side. Experimentation continues to be a great source of discovery for us. We have found the cutlass bean to be an absolutely perfect high-protein meat substitute. If there should ever be a meat shortage or protein shortage in Guyana, this would do well for a meat substitute. Minister Hubert Jack sample the preparation and said he could not believe that it was not hamburger meat (it tasted so similar), when he attended the exhibition held in August at the Ministry of National Development. New housing is being constructed. An elevated barn for our goats has been built. We are doing some grafting of various fruit trees that



will have some interesting potential for the future. We have also located the wing bean seeds finally, and are now germinating them. Hill rice is also going to be an experiment which should be successful, and will make us nearly totally self-sufficient in variety. We feel that the possibilities for progress are practically limitless, and we are proceeding with our work in a spirit of optimism.

In addition to agricultural successes, our medical care which we give free to anyone who comes to us is of such a high standard that, on several occasions, emergency treatments have saved life and limb.

Once again, I apologize for having to burden you with our concerns. I sincerely hope that in the near future these issues can all be resolved so that we can proceed without difficulty in our work on the project. We are convinced the possibilities for the greater good of the nation are extremely auspicious, and we are more than anxious to devote our total energies, without the grievous distractions experienced of late, toward that end.

My best wishes to you, and profoundest appreciation for all you have done on our behalf.

Most sincerely yours,

[Handwritten addition: “The Burnham letter is a continuation, but not as a carbon copy, but, rather a continuation.”]



[Editor’s note: A version of this letter address to Deputy Prime Minister Ptolemy Reid appears at BB-17-jjj-1 through jjj-5. The Reid letter includes a separate PS, however, which is included following the PS to Forbes Burnham ar ff-4.]

[Handwritten notation: “Jim’s copy”]

PO Box 893
Georgetown, Guyana SA
October 19, 1977

Hon. Prime Minister Forbes Burnham
Public Buildings
Brickdam, Stabroek
Georgetown, Guyana SA

Dear Prime Minister Burnham:

Staff members of our agricultural project met with Regional Minister [Fitz] Carmichael in Matthews Ridge on Monday, October 17th. Many things went well with Minister Carmichael and Mr. [W.D.] Wyatt. They praised the discipline and success of our agricultural project. However, I have found it necessary to write to you because of a series of demands that were made upon us without serious consideration being given to the difficulties and hampering effect that they would cause our program, as well as to the specific conditions that have contributed to our success, which such demands would jeopardize.

One demand was made that our students attend government schools on a permanent, live-in basis. For them to do so at this time is a grave mistake, and would be intolerable to our families for two basic reasons. First, there exists the threat of kidnapping and too many types of harassment to go into now, originating from Stateside efforts to decimate our organization. Also, our project’s success depends upon students being involved daily in our own work/study program. We presently grow enough to eat, but until we produce enough to sustain us, we cannot spare our teenage students. Our teenagers, furthermore, have said that nothing worked for them until they came here and found a sense of community security from living on our farm community. Please give us a year, at least, to produce in peace, and your administration will never regret it. We were promised that we could have our own school. This was a very critical consideration in our decision to immigrate. All of our Peoples Temple immigrants are not even here; therefore, some parents who sent their children ahead to get them out of a racist environment and who are in the process of coming, did not have much time with their children because they were sent ahead. An alternative direction might be to bring other children into our school on the project.

Another matter which would greatly hinder the productivity of our farm would be to give “specialized supervision” to some 15 or 20 “live-in” Kaituma residents. The idea of having Guyanese workers with us is desirable (we now employing a Guyanese crew), but we do not yet have the available staff to give “specialized supervision” nor do we presently have available housing. We cannot, at this time feasibly house extra people because we can hardly keep up with the needs of our farm community. In time, we will gladly extend our building potential to other Guyanese, other than ourselves, as much as funds will allow.

Although we found many points that the Regional Minister



made to be most acceptable and constructive to our party, we would greatly appreciate it if you could please explain to the Regional representatives that it is a serious error to insist on the aforementioned points at this time, during the very formative stages of our project’s development.

At the meeting we offered to the Region the services of our agriculturalists (which they were desirous of having), our boat, our equipment, our workers, our physician, and other medical personnel for regular hours in the district to serve the community. We made many other overtures, including monetary donations to the PNC. However, there did not seem to be as much interest in these proposals as there was in our schools. This could be my subjective judgment based on the report of associates, but it is unfortunate that this concern has been so prematurely advanced. We have many highly qualified teachers and school administrators who could be useful in preparing students who might later require foreign training with a special perspective. If, after a reasonable period of adjustment, so our students began attending government schools, then, as was also previously agreed, we would like our teachers to be afforded the opportunity of serving in those schools.

One person referred to us as being “isolationists.” This shows absolutely no knowledge of us or a willingness to learn. We have Guyanese living on our project, and only regret that under the conditions of our present development, we cannot have more so that our project could be fully co-operative. There is actually no need for anyone to have a concern that we are “secretive” or a “closed” society. We have visits from many good neighbors every day. Comparing us to the colonial owners because of our gate was indeed painful to our members who have suffered at the hands of racists. The implication is ridiculous. Besides having Guyanese comrades live on the farm, assimilation is being accomplished through adoption, dating, and marriage.

We are distressed by an apparent inability we have noted to relate to the hellish conspiracy we have been subjected to because our activist, socialistic philosophy and practice. There has also been a similar lack of ability or desire to relate to what blacks and interracial groups are having to endure in the States. The regional ministry representatives did not even respond with empathy, I am told, to documented reports of character assassination in the press and legal harassment of black elected officials in the US. These documented facts were recently compiled and disclosed by California Lt. Governor Mervyn Dymally, and Lt. Governor Brown of Colorado (both who have been viciously victimized) in a recently issued, extensive report, The Dilemma Of Black Politics. Over two hundred persons from the US news media were invited to a press conference in Washington held at the release of this report. Only twelve reporters attended, and eleven of them were openly hostile, and covered the conference in a disdainful, perfunctory fashion. Please emphasize to people here that these things really do go on, and that our current harassment as part of the picture.



We understand through reliable sources that the orders for arrest are still out for myself and my son [John Victor Stoen]. Although we were made to understand that they had been cancelled, now to go into Georgetown to take care of anything, including our weekly radio broadcast. Leaders and activist friends of all shades in the US have recommended the same. It is very hard for us to explain to them why we are even going through this process of resolution.

Our local Guyanese counsel and other governmental officials also advised us that there is apparent danger of kidnapping. This is coupled with the information we have received from our “listening post” of people in the US who are most sympathetic to interracial programs and pacifistic socialism. These people, which even included individuals in law enforcement, advised us not to take these threats of kidnapping lightly. Joseph Mazor, a man with an extensive criminal record running to 75 pages, who has taken a central role in the efforts against us, avowed to our contacts (who he does not know are actually friendly toward us) that they will “kidnap” some of our youngsters, if necessary. This has happened to other groups in the US as part of a move to discredit them. If anyone were kidnapped, we do not doubt that the full processes of the State would come into play, but it is a little late when someone is coming across the border and returning back. By that time, the person abducted would already be out of their jurisdiction, a state of affairs that our people could not countenance. Because of the inroads we have made into such nefarious schemes, we know what they are up to, and therefore, we are more than a little concerned about sending our children away from the farm at this time.

We have enjoyed an excellent working relationship with the government of Guyana. This is why I feel it is my duty to report that our people interpret the fact that we have not been given assurance at any level that Joseph Mazor will not be tolerated entering this country with known anti-socialist relatives collaborating and a scheme to forcefully take away young people from our cooperative, as a breach of this trust. Mazor is a well-known reactionary. His aforementioned long criminal record includes a probation report that labeled him as being mentally unstable. None of the wide spectrum of supporters we have in the US can understand why anybody would allow a person like him access to this country. He has been actually bragging all over that he has guarantees from the Guyana government that relatives will be turned over whether they want to go or not. We can do nothing about sending our children out to the schools of Guyana until this amalgam racist, who investigators from various law enforcement agencies can actually prove is connected with the Mafia underworld hierarchy, is assuredly turned away from entering Guyana. This, and other assurances which we have previously discussed (i.e., that my son not be taken from me) must be worked out first.



A delegation from the Caribbean Conference of Churches of more than a dozen persons from around the Caribbean as asked to spend a weekend at our farm during the course of their upcoming November conference. Unless there is some objection from the government, we will be happy to accommodate them even though we are a little concerned about some of these delegations, since they could easily provide cover for a provocateur. We have already had one attempted assassination, imposters, larceny, and illegal court orders, to name only a few areas of harassment. The farm and community project will speak well of Guyana, of socialism, of humanism, and for the Christian New Testament concept of brotherhood and equalitarian, apostolic living.

Superintendent Brown of Mabaruma will be registering all of our members under the Aliens and Registration Act, Section 14:03, which states that all aliens must report to the immigration office for district registration. Supt. Brown stated that he was not even aware that it had to be done until he was in Georgetown last month when it was called to his attention. It does not help to ease our paranoia that we were not informed of this, especially after hearing very directly that a Mr. Jim Clancy, one of the conspirators working in the US news media to undermine our church, was boasting that immigration would be one of the two areas he could get us harassed by, through the contacts he has in Guyana. Customs, which is the other area Clancy claimed he would trouble us with, only recently started singling out Peoples Temple members for very thorough “routine checks” which have not always been done on an equitable basis. It would appear, then, that Mr. Clancy perhaps does have some knowledge of what he is talking about in these areas.

There is also apparent hesitation in permitting our people to vote. Just as we do not wish to make any particular issue about voting, so do request that no issues be made about our schools. While we are expected by some to comply with every rule to the extreme degree, it yet appears that we are not able to enjoy first-class citizenship as voters, fully participating in the civic life of the nation. Our need to be accepted would be overridden to a great extent by being allowed to join the present administration and to vote, plus to be given assurances that we will not have to endure individuals like Mr. Mazor. This would help greatly to ease our minds. We have made a donation to the party and have gone out of our way to be conciliatory. However, the subsequent requests that I have outlined above demonstrate a lack of awareness of our productive capacity at this point. We are more loyal to the government by lengths than many officials we have met. This is unfortunate, but they convicted themselves out of their own mouths.

We are somewhat apprehensive about the erosion of trust. One specific example of what can cause trust to break down concerns the recent assassination attempt upon me. Though I was not personally present when the bullet hole in the wall was inspected, there has never been any mention about me citing any papers or reports. I



find this most odd that no one, not even the witnesses, were asked to sign a report (although they did accept the witnesses reports that were submitted).

I want to say that I have the utmost confidence that all of these matters can be satisfactorily resolved, for the best interests of both our community and the nation.

I [several struck-out words] to thank you for the brilliant speech you recently made for the emancipation of women. Since Soviet Russia has not solved this problem in sixty years, nor the Chinese in 30, nor Cuba in nearly 20, it is indeed impressive that you are setting these ideals forward and encouraging strides to be made.

Please know that our loyalty to Guyana is complete. (I’m almost tempted to quote the old adage that “if you’ve got something working for you… leave it alone!”). We can and will produce for Guyana. This is our aim – to serve. You will not be disappointed by the faith you have shown us in the past, and we pledge to make good that faith in coming days and months.

Let me close by apologizing for the length of this letter. I know you are a busy person, when I felt it necessary to share these concerns with you at this critical period.

Our best wishes for productive visit to Canada.

Sincerely yours,

P.S. A former member of Peoples Temple, and Mr. Christopher Lewis, in our opinion is undesirable as an immigrant into Guyana. He was at one time active in civil rights, but has left our group and has gotten mixed up in some things we cannot condone. He recently visited his lovely little daughter at the farm; however, we only tolerated his presence because she would have had no future if we did not allow him to visit her.

[Editor’s note: The following PS appears on the version of this letter to Deputy Prime Minister Ptolemy Reid on page BB-17-fff-5.]

P.S. Two items. Another recent incident that created some paranoia occurred when the Regional representative wanted assurances from us that we would not tape record the meeting with Mr. Carmichael. Taping has never been done except on request of the official of the Guyana government to confirm matters. This was known by the official involved. If you did at one time explain something about tape-recording, please clarify what context. We have neither the time, funds or desire to go around tape-recording. We have no inclination to invade privacy.

Secondly, a former member of Peoples Temple, a Mr. Christopher Lewis, in our opinion is undesirable as an immigrant into Guyana. He was at one time active in civil rights, but has left our group and has gotten involved in some things we cannot condone. We recently visited his lovely little daughter at the farm; however, we only tolerated his presence because she would have had no future if we did not allow him to visit her.




9 October, 1977

Dear Dr. [Ptolemy] Reid,

As you may have already been informed, my wife spoke at length with Minister [Vibert] Mingo Saturday afternoon at your recommendation that we direct communication through him. She and the committee who went with her were very pleased with Comrade Mingo as he was consistently totally in support of you as he has been in the past. His concern and honesty made for open communication.

Lt. Governor [Mervyn] Dymally contacted us in San Francisco to tell us that he had been approached by Ambassador Lawrence [Laurence] Mann regarding the church. Certainly Ambassador Mann did nothing wrong in talking with Lt. Governor. However, because of misgivings some people in the United States have had about Guyana, until we spoke to them at length about all the positive things going on here, it might be best to use a direct approach rather than attempting communication through our other individuals.

We also wanted to apprise you that in just a few weeks Lt. Governor Dymally will again be visiting Guyana. Since his visit to our project in Guyana, he has consistently spoken publicly of his great esteem for the leadership in Guyana. He will be holding a press conference here where he will speak of his admiration for developments here. The Lt. Governor has been an enthusiastic supporter of our work through our battles with the press and he himself has done extensive research on an orchestrated press conspiracy against all black and progressive leadership in the United States. He has prepared a book which documents and illustrates this attempt to discredit minority leadership in an effort to inform the American public. In fact, the Secretary of the State of Pennsylvania, a foremost civil rights leader, who was mentioned as one of the top 100 black leaders in Ebony magazine has been viciously attacked by the press and is now under some kind of indictment. The Lt. Governor himself has been the subject of a cruel smear as well. We will be obtaining a copy of the book and will send you one if that would be helpful. This entire conspiracy serves to illustrate graphically the grassroots reactionary trend taking place in the United States. A strong movement to impeach Andrew Young it is already underway which further demonstrates the problem. The atmosphere of detente which President Carter has been attempting in the Caribbean is under severe criticism by a large segment of the American population.

It is our concern that the farm be of assistance to the Port Kaituma community whenever possible. We would appreciate any guidelines you might be able to offer along these lines. We are most willing to make specialists available on a part-time basis and will be able to provide such services even more as our farm progresses further toward self-sufficiency. School teachers would be able to provide help after regular school hours. Our bulldozer, as soon as repairs are completed, might be of assistance at especially needed times. As the accompanying letter on our school mentions, we would be happy to accept students from the community into our school.

We have been told by people who strongly favor you the current struggle within the party with regard to the future direction of the government. (To the right or towards the left.) This is of grave concern to us as well and we support your efforts to the end. Our past experiences lead us to a natural mistrust of the United States, despite altruistic attempts in a positive direction by some of its highest leadership.



Perhaps you have noticed that neither the PPP newspaper, the Mirror, nor the Catholic Standard have carried the press attacks against us. It is not that they are particularly fond of us, but rather the widespread support we have from people on the left, liberals, moderates, and even some conservatives in the United States has influenced them not to do this.

Again I apologize for some errors appearing in recent letters. In one letter the secretary transcribed the word “bump” as “bug” from her notes. Although very trustworthy, this secretary does not normally take dictation and thus an unusual number of errors resulted.

We will await further communication from you or Minister [Vibert] Mingo. We appreciate any guidelines which you give us on any of the subjects mentioned above.

Cooperatively yours,
Jim Jones

Enclosures: Letter to Ministry of Education
Letter to Cde. Wyatt
Peoples Temple School Curriculum Report
News Article from the New York Times Service regarding Jim Jones
Chicago Daily News article regarding the CIA involvement in the American media



Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission
PO Box 893
Georgetown, Guyana
26 September 1977

Honorable Forbes Burnham, Prime Minister
Parliamentary Building
Georgetown, Guyana

Dear Prime Minister Burnham:

We have heard continuous comment that Regional Minister Fitz Carmichael and Gregory Gaskin, Director of Matarkhi, do not like us and it seems in part to stem from jealousy of what we have accomplished. In connection with this, neighbors of ours regarding these have quoted them and have quoted things they have said about us.

ONE OF THE LATEST RUMORS CIRCULATING IN THE AREA IS THAT WE BURY PEOPLE ALIVE… They have actually said we use torture and murder people. While naturally some of this can be attributed to the kind of gossip that would surround any new cooperative, it would appear that some of this is done with official sanction and LITTLE IS BEING DONE to counter these rumors by these officials: how long will these rumors be allowed to persist.

Of course, some people just want to tear down what a cooperative can do. Perhaps some reprimand would be in order as we have heard about these two men’s attitude and behavior from many Guyanese. These two officials certainly have not been as helpful as they might have been, and it appears that as officials in this area they should be trying to assist a cooperative instead of trying to impede our progress – or doing what they can to impede our progress.

One source of these rumors could be a man who spent a little time in the hospital in Matthews Ridge (whom we sent back to the United States); he had managed to get here without anyone’s help. He is such a wino that his mental capacity is impaired. We tried to put him on a work program and naturally he did not want to do any work at all; he just basically wanted to drink and raise a ruckus, and so he left. He is for the most part out of his head. He did not go through the screening that a person would go through before we accept them for rehabilitation. If he had, we certainly would have rejected him because he was obviously too far gone in terms of his longing for alcoholism, and he came on his own. He had never worked in his life. He had spent his entire life just bumming off of other people. People who don’t work to earn their way obviously have to lie to get it; we all work here. He could not fit in. Had he gone through our normal screening procedures, he would have been screened out because he is actually insane.

This man heard us analyzing every news article regarding ourselves. This could have put in his mind all kinds of ideas from which to invent further fabrications about us: whatever would suit his own interests.

We believe in critical analysis of our enemies and we always publicly read and discuss their charges (even though we know they are all lies), hunting for any air of truth. We believe with that one great man who said you learn much from



even your enemies. So that is where the fellow picked up the rumors about us. We discussed what was in the papers and we certainly did not have to do that. We went into every detail – we would laugh at the foolishness of it, but we do not hide from criticism, right or wrong, we look it squarely in the face. However, we found it all absurd. About the only thing that was correct in this mess was it they would occasionally print our names right.

We are having a problem here with some of these low-level, petty bureaucrats. Fortunately, we have a lot of good will among the citizenry. However, they are bringing us the most ludicrous reports and it would be appreciated if something could be done cause or encourage these people to be honest.

THE LAST REPORT WAS THAT WE KILL CHILDREN AND BURY THEM … and I don’t mean that just a few have reported this. Many at the market, people to whom we were given the free food, came to our workers there (we give thousands of pounds of free food such as fish, rice, plantains, etc., every week in the area). These citizens, though not believing it, brought us the reports that were being circulated. Obviously we understand that those that see a structure working are going to feel threatened. If there are any pointers we can be given so as to be less threatening or so as not to threaten, we would appreciate it. But we surely have tried to carry this thing humbly.

It would make us very comfortable in someone from your office, or preferably yourself, could personally go through our nursery and see it as it is probably one of the more advanced nurseries in the world. We have psychological counseling and top-notch medical care. You can’t get any better in medical care than what we have out here. Perhaps it is because of the rumors and lies from officials that have caused some people to take such liberty? For the first time we have had vandalism and stealing: perhaps due to the official sanction that may be given. We still wonder if someone is not getting official sanction on some level?

We are no longer sure of a person’s motive when they come out to visit the farm. This creates a climate that makes us naturally have to be that much more cohesive because we are not sure of a person’s interest in coming. We open up the program to them, and they come in daily and everyone seems very impressed that comes and goes. A little later we will try to get some names of these people. We did not try to get the names because we did not wish dignify such stupidity. Our workers did not try to get the names of who said what to whom … but we probably could have gotten this if we had asked. It makes a very bad climate in which one has to work; it is hard enough being a foreigner without having all of this garbage on top of it.

The miracle of all is that we built up so much good will with the citizenry as neighbors that they brought this to us and told us that the officials said to them and told some of this stuff. But it hurts our people because nobody loves children any more than we do. One can just look at our children and see how well adjusted, how well nourished and how cared for they are. We are getting apprehensive about local officials coming through evaluating it. We would like to get something from you to these officials. This is the kind of thing we left the states for: rumors from white racists saying such things as we forced whites to marry blacks, that if a person had a white baby born we would destroy it, and this kind of insane statement.



You have already heard about the two chaps coming up not liking us. We have no feeling about them at all except that they have been not as warm as some; but we are not getting so sensitive that we are expecting all to exude the same degree of cordiality. However, Gregory Gaskin as asked more questions about what our religious beliefs are than anything we are doing at the farm. He has a fixation on the THEOLOGICAL … yet, he claims to be a socialist!

Our greatest pride is our belief in the idealistic, socialist belief. The straight socialist belief has no religious connotation. Also, we are proud of our racial heritage and proud of being part of the Third World.

One of the bad things about bureaucrats feeding out such rumors is that nearly every one of us in the whole movement has some black or is mixed race and we had to work very hard with Amerindians to overcome their prejudice against blacks. Not only does their spreading lies hurt us, but it hurts everyone in the black culture and black leadership in this country. We have built up good will FOR the government.

Now as to the other matter, can you see we are always up front with everybody, so this other matter is the same, all part of the same nibbling thing. This concerns us somewhat – the custody situation. We have a retained counsel whom we have had for many years, and we also recently retained a new attorney for another matter. We have never been charged in the past by our long time attorney, until just this week when we were sent and outstandingly large bill for services that were not even rendered. Also, our new lawyer told us he would not be charging us at all, because he understood the humane type of service we are accomplishing in the Northwest. However, we also received a very large bill from him this week. This is such a diversion of funds. It is strange to us that we are told there will be no charges, and then suddenly there are charges! We think sometimes people take the freedom to take advantage of us, and that the lack of doing so in the past – has been directly co-related to whomever they are in contact with in the government’s approval of us. We would like to understand if there could be anyone muddying the waters in that area. (Someone is not as up front with us as they ought to be.)

Radio Demerra [Demerara] did not like our broadcasts and thought them with too much emphasis on socialism and rejected our recording. I realize you may not be able to do anything about this. I realize the difficult stage of evolution to true socialism. I understand you are dealing with some petty bourgeoisie. We realize that and so will try to ameliorate whatever these fools want in that term. We do not expect you to make amends, but think we ought to keep you posted. We don’t expect you to make changes overnight. We understand that we moved into a counterculture. We lived in the counterculture in the states and so we know the horror of it, and the process of that society when we got very emboldened and spoke our socialist ideas. It was then that all of the pressures and blows came; when we labeled our ideals “socialism,” the suicide in their system came forth.

On radio station GBS [Guyana Broadcasting System], the person directly in charge of taping the broadcasts there and airing them, said he does not believe in socialism and he does not believe in certain policies; however, he said he certainly understood what we are trying to do. This broadcast was putting our religious beliefs into perspective



with socialist living; he was very impressed with this and it seemed to have brought him around “a little,” and I think that would be significant to mention – that we are bringing people into the consciousness of the socialist living through the broadcasts. In fact, the matter is so contradictory: some of the greatest diehards have been so much more impressed by our work, i.e., the person at GBS, while some of those who supposedly have the right ideology seem to feel threatened and say it is really weird for us to be socialists.

We have gotten people to respect the administration who singularly said so, because of our presence (unless they are total liars). That is what caused them to be so impressed than ever, they said. I am not sure how many have said this, I recall there have been numbers who have.

You might be interested to know that contrary to all of the ethics of the American Bar, Grace Stoen’s lawyer, Jeffrey Haas, (Grace is the so-called mother of John Stoen whom they are trying to take custody of) went directly to the US press, to one of the conspirators who has been writing from the beginning (which was no surprise from the way he talked). He said very ugly things. We could give you other quotes Haas has said about blacks and other quotes Haas said about this country and other quotes he said about socialism, but we do not see the point of taking your time.

Haas claimed (and told the press this) that our church had three people residing in his hotel here in Guyana just to keep tabs on him. He sounds like a lunatic or a raving paranoid. We certainly do not need three people residing in a hotel just to look at him… Actually, it was an accident. They did not “pick” that hotel specifically – the couple was visiting their daughter in Georgetown, a couple who are members of our group. And so it happened that these members of our church were at dinner and overheard Mr. Haas in a conversation in the restaurant where he was bragging about the case. Unwittingly, he thought we were watching him – that was ironic.

Grace’s lawyer, Haas, made braggadocious remarks about how he was going to win the case. Our people overheard him talking at the time when he did not know who they were. They heard him making all of these remarks about “niggers,” and even heard him say that “they” were waiting to attack Guyana AFTER “they” get the child…

It is interesting that he would say “they” and it is obvious that an attorney is not supposed to be going to a newspaper. That is not ethical protocol for an attorney to follow. It only FURTHER PROVES how very connected this entire conspiracy really is!!

The fact that he said “they” are waiting until after they get the child … shows that you cannot depend upon one ounce; you are not going to buy any favors with them.

They don’t represent much coverage in the press now; we are beginning to balance it out certainly with the exposé that has come out about the conspiracy. Perhaps you know already, but there is a marriage – an undoubted marriage, whether official or unofficial, between the two publishers, [Rupert] Murdoch and [William Randolph] Hearst. Their reporters are interchangeable and involved in this whole mess, and they interrelate in most departments. On the West Coast there is an undoubted marriage.




In closing, we send our warmest regards.

Affectionately yours,
Jim Jones

JJ: tl [Tish Leroy]

P.S. There is a 23-year-old woman named Maria Katsaris who is living up on our farm. She is dating and planning to marry one of our doctors there. Her Father, a Mr. [Steven] Katsaris, is coming to town tomorrow to try to find Maria. Mr. Katsaris is very supportive of the Junta in Greece, and has very suspicious connections. Mr. Katsaris is an extremely possessive person and had a sick-sick involvement with his daughter in the past, until she broke out from his oppression. He is very disturbed that she is with blacks and with the perspective she now has. Adults do have certain freedoms, however, and do not have to be imposed on by people that are insidious to them. That is the way she feels and that is the way we will maintain our position. Mr. Katsaris will not come through this gate.

Copies to: Dr. P. [Ptolemy] Reid
Minister Fred Wills
Minister Vevert [Vibert] Mingo



P.S. for Dr. Reid only:

The same loyalty I feel for my people I feel toward you.

Minister Wills only:

I was terribly impressed by your speech, and would like to have copies of several of your speeches – I really would like to have. Your speech at the Pegasus Hotel to the Rotary Club was a speech with which I could not concur more. Your emphasis, not on the ideological trusts, but on the Third World alliance – calling for that and not the trust system; realizing that the Third World had to get itself together! was superlative.

Memo from Paula to Dr. Reid:

In my own opinion, if Minister Wills had not taken just a little too lightly the custody situation when it first started, much of what occurred could have been avoided. In fact, Minister Wills told us they would try to do something while he was out of town; but even so, he was surprised at how fast and how much help they got.

– Paula

P.P.S. Dr. Burnham only:

I appreciate your emphasis on freedom of religion and appreciation for those who teach cultural pride, nationalistic pride, emphasis on African History. You have a very broad tolerance for all religions and I feel deeply appreciative.



For: The Honorable  Prime Minister Forbes Burnham
Public Buildings
Georgetown, Guyana
Dear Prime Minister Burnham:

Because of greatest concern, we are doing our own investigation into one of the principal agents in the conspiracy formulated in the states that is attempting to destroy our movement. In line with this investigation, some of our people were on hand and overheard comments about us, a strongly worded and in racist, fascist terms. Of course he did not know that he was being observed. It was reported to me second hand, so I can only relate “in essence” what was said.

The agent stated that they (the conspirators and he) had tried on every level to reach us – me in particular – through a legal frame-up. They failed in this, however, and so now they had devised a strategy for draining me personally in every way they could. He said they would try to in “some” way to put me out of this country … or to kill me.

This conspirator against our movement, David Conn, is an admitted agent of the US government who works for a large oil company very much involved in the Caribbean. He works for the big oil company, yet is a government agent, and is investigating Peoples Temple … he does not explain the rationale.

We also found out that they have hired a high-powered, uncle Tom lawyer to start another custody case against me. This lawyer is known to represent anyone and everybody so long as a dollar is behind it. We have more reliable information that the attorney for the first case was paid $25,000 for just this one case of John [Victor Stoen] alone.

Please put an end to the custody cases.

Our attorneys in the United States say that it could be ended by telling them there is no jurisdiction. One of the agents said that they tried and GOT encouragement from someone in the government here, by being told that he could do something about John even before they came down. They have been given encouragement and they CAN fight these matters through the courts and win.

Through all of this, we have had communication from many of the third world, civil rights and socialist spokespersons, including the Soviet Union, Africa and others. They want us to present our case: what it means to stand up against and to the conspirators. THEY ARE LOOKING TO GUYANA TO TAKE A STAND IN THIS. They know that if the government here has remained strong, it will stop these conspirators before they really get started at what they intend to do.

One of the conspirator-agents was heard to say, We’re going to destroy Jones and that f____ing government.” “Those stupid leaders don’t know how to deal with us.”

Grace Stoen, the so-called mother of the child, John – who they have been trying to take away from us – along with her co-conspirators, stated: “… that Jim Jones would rather die than give up John. And stated that the attempt to get John was a way to get AT Jim Jones and the movement … that this was one way to trigger Jim Jones’ death, she knows. She went on to say she would rather



John be DEAD than have him grow up a socialist in Guyana.


Every person we have here is here legally. We have guardianship on everyone where it is needed. We have had two come forward and tell us they had been offered money if they would revoke guardianship. Unfortunately, someone is likely to accept such an offer sooner or later.

They will not start the suits there if it cannot be consummated on this end!!! It could be stopped under the clear policy of a NON-ALIGNED GOVERNMENT ON A JURISDICTIONAL POINT OF LAW. This is all we ask because of the tremendous strain we are under.

Noticeably, all of the papers are attacking us along with Lt. Governor [Mervyn] Dymally of California who has spoken out for Caribbean socialism. But, we have the support of all the socialist press, the communist press and the black press who have been printing all of the details of the conspiracy and have spoken well of this country and backing up our right to exist. Of course the establishment press has not printed the full story of the conspiracy against us.

We want to continue to use our money to help you in your program to feed, clothe and house the nation – not put money into attorneys fees. We are sending for the best medical and agricultural equipment to serve, but we are now having to divert money off into attorney fees. We are handicapped by those idiots back in the states, putting us in a defensive posture and who obviously do not want us to build anywhere.

We have also heard from this agent (directly through our observers) that they will try kidnapping, abduction (and already some people are lurking around here), assassination or scare tactics of the first magnitude – as close as that bullet came to my head. They know that I won’t scare, though perhaps they were hoping for panic and fear in the constituency. However, that did not work either. WE ARE NOW BACK TO PREPARATIONS AND PLANTING OF THE LANDS, AND BUILDING.

The legal fees going out are funds that would be used constructively for and in Guyana – it seems a terrible waste.

THESE PEOPLE “CAN” BE STOPPED! I would like to see some good faith shown. There is no need to apologize for stopping these kinds of people. I can get all of the statements you need that these people are involved in the conspiracy. IF THEY DO NOT GET ANY ENCOURAGEMENT, THEY CAN BE STOPPED. Minister [Fred] Wills said that I would never have to come out of the bush to fight this custody case in court.

There will be no socialism without loyalty. I have to be loyal to all members of this constituency. That is why you can count on OUR LOYALTY TO THE COUNTRY; they would have to go over all of our bodies to invade the border of Guyana. I would rather go to fight in an area like Mozambique, but I’m willing to stay here and be what the people need me to be. I feel I don’t have any right to personal expectations when two out of three babies are going to bed hungry nightly. I wear only used close and have only one pair of shoes of my own: all of our money goes into the project and our people. The money going out in legal fees is desperately needed. Our project cannot endure this kind of expense. IF YOU WOULD ONLY DETERMINE THAT THESE CONSPIRATORS HAVE NO JURISDICTION, our legal fees would be stopped. As it is, the people, the project and Guyana end up paying.



We had no illusions what we came to this country. We full well expected that sometimes someone might cross the border as it is a nonaligned socialist country (only socialist country on this continent) and after having seen what happened to Allende in Chile – our eyes were open. We have seen different things happen to socialist movements on this continent and we full well expected that these things could happen here – yet, we continued, knowing, and are willing to die for our beliefs. At the time there was rumor of CIA intervention and we know that we would be napalmed right out of the bush. We presented this to all of our people coming here, presented it in these very terms.

In order for us to survive and build, we need to get some businesses: a sawmill and other businesses on a cooperative basis. Not one of us has any urge to acquire any personal wealth, not one dime.

We are presently getting very conflicting input. Some are claiming to be officials who later proved not to be; one person tells us to go ahead, another tells us to stop. We are not sure who is the authority to listen to, and we are not sure that the authorities know what we are having to listen to … so, I will try to give you some background on what has been happening.

This was the course of events of this morning:

A gunshot was heard near our housing in a wooded area. Nothing was hit. We do not know who or what it was. We have a procedure now to gather our people somewhat in a circle, around the center of our compound to protect our children: we were told in the US that they intended to try kidnapping. We are loyally committed to protecting all of our people. You have only two shotguns in our camp, registered for hunting (and a rifle in the police compound awaiting registration). We do not want to resort to a military posture.

Now even if we knew the angle of the shooting – it would not define if it was to draw forth actions that could be observed, perhaps photographed … perhaps news people who want to take pictures to make it look embarrassing with all of our people alerted, gathering in a circle with two Guyanese walking up the drive, or what… It is a defensive posture and perhaps better called an observant posture to better look after our babies.

After the shooting, it seemed strange that two of our workers, men we are hiring, came down the road. This was strange because they always came through the back of our property where one of them lives, eight miles back – our driveway was a long way around, and he said he was coming from his home. This same person was allegedly involved in the raid on our property which involved the loss of THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.

My son, Johnny Jones (one of my adopted black sons) was called on the phone by one of the officials up here while Johnny was in Port Kaituma. How the official knew where he was or how to get hold of him, I do not know! Anyway, he called and told Johnny that there was a gun seen in Johnny’s car (the official had seen it, he said), at our gate. Johnny said he had no gun here… He had no gun in his car, nor had he had one, and we don’t have any guns at our gates as we don’t keep an armed camp image. This official calling about a gun “just after” we have heard a gunshot through our property could have been coincidence … as we believe in synchronization where people can set up events by their own fears, although we are not afraid of anything … but still, it did seem strange. The official then said it must have been his eyes…



The official then said it must have been his eyes…

Then this official said if we have guns past our road, he could prosecute us. He also said the road running down our farm does not belong to us anymore, and also that we cannot take a gun 50 feet from the road. We made a temporary compromise with this man and the conversation ended on a warm note. The last thing that was asked was to leave the gate open with someone at the gate 40 yards into the property to stop and ask who is entering even though we told him that the Commissioner of Police and our own legal counselors recommended we keep the gate closed. We said we were trying to comply with all regulations.

We are trying to have peace out here, but we need some assurances and we need to know how far this is going to go. We hate to trouble you and ask these questions, but we would and could be the best thing that ever happened to you because we WILL BE LOYAL.

With all of these problems I am reminded of a joking remark I once made that if there is an anthropomorphic deity, he must be a fascist.

We can endure this, but it is not the kind of situation that makes one feel the type of security we need. We were also told yesterday morning, “This place doesn’t belong to you, and you can’t block this road. People have the right to come up here anytime they want to.”

This official saying he saw a gun in our car is the second lie that’s been told on us. It does make us extremely uneasy with these kinds of lies. Another time, a policeman said he’d been turned away from the farm, which was a lie. This flight was told to another official in town, but this policeman has been friendly to us.

We don’t know if this is the CIA or some kind of agency maneuver or conspiracy. We were told by civil rights group activists last night and it was that group of conspirators that is doing all this to us now, and that low-level agencies in the US government are trying to do this now. We do not understand their intent. Are they trying to suck us into some kind of action with guns so they can photograph us? I can’t imagine what the value of it would be to see two shotguns. We do not aid [aim] our shotguns  at anyone because we only use them for hunting. We recognize possibility of coincidence – but also, SETUPS can be arranged and we know it. Perhaps they would like to set me up so we would look organized in front of a reporter’s news camera. As Che [Guevara] once said, “Nothing like an invasion psychosis to reduce production.” This happened in Cuba one year – they reduced their production by 30%.

We have had skirmishes out here but avoid mentioning it. In our opinion, they would probably like us to report the hassles we have had out here as news of this getting to the states would discourage others from immigrating. So, we make no formal reports and try to keep down anything we do report. We certainly don’t report PR problems with people who come in the area, such as a car full of drunk people who came in on Sunday. We are not going to report this situation, nor of the shooting, either. We are tired of filling out reports and signing affidavits that accomplishes nothing. They investigated the last shooting incident and nothing came of it. We do not expect them to do miracles, but we do get tired of all this and it hinders our production.

Many of our pigs were poisoned today. Because of the quick work on our part of holding the pig’s jaws open and flushing them out, we lost only seven, and we were able to save 36. But of course you can understand these kinds of things make us a bit apprehensive.



There was another situation that happened yesterday:

A man came in from another ministry office who said he represents even the regional minister who is here, and he tells us to take on all signs and move our gate 400 yards down the road. Now this is an aggravation of aggravations. This little petty bureaucracy: I feel for you and having to deal with these types of mentalities. “This is my department! This is my position! And, This is what I saw!” So we try to listen to all of these people – but they give us so many different signals that it is hard to listen to them all.

Then, this man takes people aside one-by-one, asking what kind of socialists we are? and where does our religion come in? and what are our marriage practices? These little upshot investigators do such a lousy job of it. They got one little boy off alone and asked him where he ate his food, and ask this, that, and all kinds of endless questions, which is all right because we have nothing to hide and the child gives good answers, and it makes one feel like we are living in an interrogation center all the time. Some of the other people with this man in his party were friendly, but none had any basic understanding  of the principles by which you good socialists live by. Now that is the feeling one gets: that they have no understanding of what you are up against.

We had one person come in here saying he was an official, and another official came in and said that the first was not an official. This is enough to drive you up a wall, not to mention the shootings which are slightly unsettling. Another came in a government Land Rover and asked WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN THIS GOVERNMENT IS A MORE RADICAL GOVERNMENT – WHEN IT IS TAKEN OVER by more radical people who want you people done away with (he acts like he almost knows that something is going to be done…) or thrown out of the country? What are you going to do about that? he asked. This is not security – having your pigs poisoned, etc., we are trying to work out some resolution.

Some made the statement that we might have to dismantle our group – this we could not do. Our people’s morale factor would be affected, and it would be foolish and stupid in terms of the loyalty we can provide, because we are further ahead in the teaching of basic socialist concepts. We don’t do that. There is no religion taught in our school at all. It is all pure basic socialist principle based on [Karl] Marx.

Anyway, it is every day someone coming in. Now we will take the sign down as reluctant as we are under the kinds of things that are happening to us, to help keep the peace for you. But, we would like to know who we should listen to. Different people tell us different things, and how long are we going to undergo little interrogations. I think we have proven ourselves.

People coming in here every day, at late hours, late evening – we always have casual drop-ins, so it is easily concluded that there is a very free society.

People who come around always ask about our marriages. I don’t know what is behind that. We have marriages, and we have 16 women presently having babies due in a short while. We have coupling arrangements for family units, but people keep asking us this insane question.

The question of liquor always comes up. We have a real load on us, so we just don’t have the money or the time. We give candy, parties, punch and some of the teas here. We have a talent night for entertainment. Later, I am sure we can make it available, but our budget just can’t take it. We are not religious bigots ding-donging drinking, and we do drink if we are out in the community for social intercourse so as not to be set apart from the rest of the community.



We have no ridiculous rituals as it is easy to see by talking to anyone. We would like to know who is supposed to be doing this interrogation, and how many departments are supposed to be involved in this. Is every person who comes in here supposed to be allowed to go off with our children and ask them questions? It makes everybody apprehensive, not because we have anything to hide, but because we went through that type of harassment back in the states so much. We want to do what is right with these people for the sake of not causing you any difficulty, but we are so tired of interrogations and harassment.

We are not possessive about our land. We share our food. We have distributed thousands of pounds of rice and fish this weekend, and we get along wonderfully with our neighbors and have very good friendly relations. This one man who came in here was trying to say that our neighbors were objecting to us. We know better than this. The local residents like us. I will always be frank with them, and if they don’t like what I say, I will be quick to take their criticism.

You have a lot of petty, inter-party rivalry. I empathize for the leadership. This is a natural phenomenon in the process of historical change but it is just too bad that so much is happening at one time. Our people are producing, and it is a “model” out there. You would be proud of it: a model community of integration and productivity. You can send anybody out there anytime to see it.

There is a common understanding when anyone comes in here that they are supposed to get gas, whether they are on official business or not. And, when people come in here, we often come in on a ruse. When they come to the gate they will lie to the person at the gate, telling them that they are coming in to talk about getting some cattle or talk about what has been stolen. Then, when they get inside, they do not even talk about the subject they said they wanted to talk about. This makes our people very apprehensive, these kind of lies. We are not expecting special treatment. We are wanting just to be able to build. We know we have to extend courtesies the people because of the sensitivities of their little jobs (some of these people seem petty bourgeoisie) but we would like to know who gives official orders, and who are we to take those official orders from?

We are not wealthy people, and we are trying to get into the latest deal of the sawmill so that we can be even more productive. Our ideal is to produce for the whole Northwest Region, but this delay of having to meet people and show them through our farm endlessly is affecting our productivity.

One reason we can produce is because we have some structure. We had a couple of Guyanese living on our property, but they drank and did not want to work. One young woman who wants to come out to our farm is the daughter of a professional person and we have given an open invitation to her.

If people are not open to work ethics, we just cannot deal with them. We have good food and entertainment, plenty of time for leisure, but people are expected to put in a certain amount of work. We are very humane, and we believe in no physical fights or corporal punishment (we never even raise a switch to a child) so we have to be careful whom we take in. One impoverished couple was going to move onto our farm, but we found that the woman was keeping the man in booze, and this would have been very demoralizing for our people to have to deal with this situation. Our children are given incentives for good behavior and production such as extra desserts, etc.

We are certainly socializing with the local people here, we want to mix with the people. That is why we want some films sent in so we can show movies for the Port Kaituma. Amalgamation is in progress here. We are adopting Guyanese youngsters,



and we have a Guyanese youngster [word deleted, “teenager” inserted]. One of our young people is dating a Guyanese. We have offered our facilities to a couple of other teenagers. Our community is made up of every race under the sun: Chinese, Korean, Indian, black, Jewish, Mexican and mongrels like me. You won’t have to worry about us amalgamating. We are on amalgamation.

We want our people firmly secure so that we can build our cooperative so people can venture onto other forms of living. But, when people come in here and want to take our major people right now, it makes it hard. One man came in and wanted to take all of our electrical people, but we cannot spare them as our own work is not done.

We have been asked by people who come out to our farm, “Do you use drugs?” Well, you can look through this place. Our facility is an open book and no one uses drugs. We have found that doctors in the states condition people too much to drugs, so unless it is a chronic condition, we try to get people away from these types of things. Until this battle of nerves with the assassination attempt, we had people on tranquilizers who were no longer requesting them. During that siege, we did have a couple wanting something for their nerves. But, we are not people who seek pills every time we have a headache. We do have a close medical scrutiny to see that a headache is not indicative of a stroke, but we are not people who rely on medications, because we know that it has caused a drug oriented youth culture in the US.

Right now, while we are writing this letter, we are having another visitor. They have come at mealtime, so they will get a nice meal. We bake bread and give some to most of our guests also. We don’t mind, but we are not a flush people. We don’t expect the government to do anything about it, but that is the way it is. Every meal we have guests. And we like guests if people would just drop in. But there are a few who get offended if you don’t drop everything to entertain them. However, we do not know what to think when people go around and say (interrogating) “Isn’t this more of an institution than the community?” We don’t know what they are driving at. We have the most personal warm relations, deeply personal between the people in our community. We have talent nights, shows, dances, etc. There could not be a greater sense of community here.

We have not fired any guns which we are licensed to use, and that is something when you are being shot at… From where I am sitting, it looked like some people were in the far left field looking at me through a TV camera with a long-range telescopic lens. We haven’t seen them for a couple of days, however, we were informed the press could be coming incognito for devious reasons. We have had people wandering in here and asking a lot of questions. We don’t know who these people are and some of them surely don’t sound like they are working for the government.

Right now when we are obviously the blunt end of a conspiracy, that we know Guyana is not responsible for, we have to have some security measures. These suckers are slipping in and we know that the almighty dollar can buy anybody, any place in the world. It has bought them in the greatest countries. We teach respect for Guyana, we teach the history, and we teach about socialism in our school with an in-depth study. Some of the people up here we have talked to about socialism don’t even know what we are talking about. We teach the principles but we don’t teach religion. We wanted to set up our school under the approved system of schools in Guyana, but a chap told us that we would have to give up our school even after the headmaster of the Port Kaituma government school said that they did not have enough to feed the students they have now. We also don’t feel that this would be a very good time for us to send any of our children out after overhearing the agents comments about kidnapping.

We are not wanting to burden this country and your people, and we certainly know that there was nothing more that we could do in the United States. We would have stayed



if it could have been possible. Racism was destroying our children and was having horrid effects on all of us, and this is not to mention the outright violence being done to us. We saw that there was no climate for change there, being there is no strong socialist or communist movement or strong trade union movement. George Meany, who was a former apologist for the system (the president of the AFL-CIO) said that the industrialists have been pouring millions of dollars into the destruction of the labor movement. He feels some form of new Nazism or some type of similar movement like that is taking over the government. All of the US press have carried Meany’s statements.

We did what we could in the states and it was recognized. We pressed on in spite of the fact that we were alone. But the press began attacking, lies were being told [illegible word], but we still continued. Until finally the printed word about Guyana and our experiences with the black mayor – even the printed word was not acceptable. We were told by a high-ranking establishment editor in one of the prestigious Eastern newspapers that we had stepped on the big food [foot], and it was curtains for us, and he was afraid for us. We have been told over and over again, [illegible word] just yesterday, Hallinan, a leading popular lawyer, from one of the most powerful families in San Francisco, who always defends the working class: he sent word of encouragement; he said they are trying to get me to come back so they will have the bull in the ring where they can kill him. He said don’t come back. He said I make him look like a Saturday night socialist. We have hundreds of strong supporters and were aware of the factors when we came here. And I personally hand written letter, Vice President [Walter] Mondale’s wife complimented me on what we were doing in Guyana and in other countries. And Mondale told me in a private interview that he was going to do all he could for guaranteeing the Third World right to independent development and to put a muzzle on the CIA.

Of course we had considered going to other locations: we had invitations from other nations to go to so we would not have any future fear about survival. We chose to come to a country years ago, 9 years ago, when we first saw it…¬ and we chose to come here because of its socialistic government that was not racist.

It grows worse in the states – many civil rights leaders that we speak to into the dozens, are concerned that unless they reverse their course and BOW TO THE SPECIAL INTERESTS of the multinationals that anything can happen to any one or all of them. Particularly Dymally, who is bringing out a whole exposé of the conspiracy against us and 80 other prominent black officials in the United States.

I am concerned about the item Hass [Stoen attorney Jeffrey Haas] put in the paper that the Government was contemplating and studying whether or not to arrest me, based on this one custodial proceeding. I don’t think we have but a few families applicable, but all is legal. Haas announced in the right wing press in our Bay Area so that others could see it that the government is studying and contemplating my arrest? As usual the press never mentioned a word about John’s background; this is a part of the agreement; she [Grace Stoen] is not to be embarrassed and she will live for them if they need certain conditions from her…

About the shooting – We know none of the workers on the farm did the shooting; it was right after they came to work that the shooting started, coincidentally. All were accounted for. We don’t know, but some low level official capacity Guyanese possibly involved. We are tired of being involved in this; we would like to later be able to defend this country. We would like to have citizenship for our people and must think of more business structures to be involved in to help with financing. We will be glad when we don’t have to write you any more letters, and look forwardv



forward to visits from persons like yourself, that we know you are too busy – but this business is demanding and serves no purpose. We hate to be so much difficulty do you… It would be nice to have you see what we have done out here.

We have done wonderful work with agriculture, clothing, furniture making, some of the most superb furniture you would care to see, shoe repair – so much more but it would take too long to tell you. We have found wonderful use of orange rinds and making special types of jelly, green from sweet potatoes and cassava with vegetables like spinach as a valuable vitamin supplement, wonderful uses including medical wonders from papaya, so much more…

In concluding, it is our fervent hope you will do something about the custody cases as soon as possible. I think they will judge the strength of this government by the action that is taken in this. We want Guyanese citizenship here for our people, and want to be prepared to defend our borders. We are in need of more hunting guns and licenses both for shotguns and rifles. You know that our loyalty to you is staunch and can be depended upon. You consider our loyalty every day as we defend each other.

You can afford to give us the simple guarantees of peace because we pledge our loyal support in whatever you must do to maintain this present and precious socialist society.

Affectionately yours,
Jim Jones

Copies to: Honourable Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Ptolemy Reid
Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Wills

P.S. As I was concluding this letter, I just received a telephone call from California informing me that a liberal and popular California newspaper in Berkeley just came out on our behalf exposing the conspiracy and naming a new public relations firm and another newspaper editor as being involved along with others we have named to you in the conspiracy. We will provide them with the information as we get it with the articles in the mail.

Dr. Reid PPS only

We are ready to make another trip to the Bacchus sawmill and take care of the matter as you requested. Please advise.

PPS to Burnham and Reid only

We were again approached by a man wishing to make an exchange. We asked him to put it in writing.



[Editor’s note: The version of this letter sent to Prime Minister Forbes Burnham appears at BB-17-ooo-1 – ooo-4. The version of a draft of this letter sent to Deputy Prime Minister Ptolemy Reid appears at BB-17-qqq-1 – qqq-4.]

sent to [Ptolemy] Reid, [Vibert] Mingo, [Fred] Wills, [Forbes] Burnham

Nov. 15, 1977

Dear Cde. Wills ;

There are a few matters that I would like to bring to your attention, for which I beg your indulgence.


A fine delegation from the Texaco Company visited our project last week. Officials comprised all races and all were very impressed with our program. They were very supportive of you as well as they responded warmly to our comments of esteem for you in ways that show sincere reflection on their part. They firmly remarked about the counter-productive nature of [Cheddi] Jagan’s policies, which they rightly termed imperialistic.

More recently, we were visited by a group of officials from the Guyana National Service, headed by Cde. Burnham, the Director General; Deputy Director Piggut and the Assistant Director General of the GNS; and Cde. Schmidt, Ranch Manager at Matthews Ridge. They too, found the project impressive, which inspired us in our work.


Hopefully we can make a contribution to the development of in some way. We want to do much more than merely achieve self-sufficiency. We can become a most productive force in Guyana, if only we are allowed to maintain our present structure and solidarity. Without that structure we cannot make the significant progress we have made in the past. Our members have a sense of community which they never had before. As you may know, many of our members came from backgrounds characterized by serious social problems. They need the kind of structure the cooperative provides. Without this some would be a burden to Guyana as they are not adapted to living outside of the project as it would be taking jobs away from other Guyanese.

Some have raised the question as to why we live as a community. We have had to set some ground rules. Our main requirement is that everybody works, except of course senior citizens who are not physically able. Our students spent half a day in school and the other half working in some activity on the project – mechanics, agriculture, livestock, etc. As Paul said from the old philosophy, “If you don’t work, you don’t eat.” Strength comes from unity and that unity is responsible for excellent productivity on the part of participants in the cooperative. Another question raised by some deals with our abstention from the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. Apparently some find this odd, although two visitors felt this was very wise. We have this rule because we have made a pact with our teenagers back in the US, that if they did not use drugs, then we would not use alcohol or tobacco. Also, as an economy measure this is vital. The rule certainly has no moralistic foundation; it is purely practical.


As of this time, we are not prepared to send our people to the school in Port Kaituma. First, it presents a legal problem in that we have assured parents who have not yet come from the US that we would be supervising their children on the project. We made this commitment in our custody-consent papers. Those parents who are here do not want to break up the structure that the students have on the project and are not ready to send their youngsters away for such a long period of time. The students themselves, are absolutely panicked by the prospect. Although we know Kaituma has some good teachers, I fear our unwilling teens would pose some real problems for them. We know this from our experience in the States. Many of our teachers are specially trained to instruct children who have emotional problems and various learning disabilities.



Sending students into Kaituma totally disrupts the work-study aspect of [our] program, and would cripple our productivity very significantly. Our students are a very important portion of our labor force. Frankly, their contribution is vital to our self-sufficiency. We never want to be a burden on Guyana. Eventually, we hope to see teachers, school personnel and students integrated, after an initial period of adaptation to a new culture and environment. In the meantime, we welcome educators visiting and testing our students in any area, including the goals of Guyana, current events here, economic problems, and the political nature of such problems (e.g., sugar strike.) An observer will see that they have a keen awareness and understanding of such events. Our final concern regarding schools are the medical problems in the Kaituma area itself – namely malaria (two cases in the Kaituma school alone) and gastroenteritis. Cde. Green, a very kindly PNC group leader lost his daughter last week from gastroenteritis. Cde. Wyatt, Regional Development Officer in the NW Region said that water contamination in the Kaituma area is a serious problem – there is no water purification system at present which is a concern to the entire Kaituma area. With all the press attacks on us, we would have difficulty explaining such an illness in one of our youngsters as those experienced by Kaituma students, and we cannot control every tidbit of information going out of the project. We have frequent radio contact and people write friends and relatives all the time. Any assurances regarding this school matter would be greatly appreciated, more than you could know.


People who are working to undermine our organization have been circulating scurrilous, and absolutely false information about us among members of the business community here in Guyana. I am happy to report that we have heard of only one problem resulting from this. Cde. DaBreau of the Texaco Company, who is a personal friend of one individual who received the materials and apparently believed them, said that he will be able to rectify the situation completely. He said the wonderful visit he made to the project will convince the necessary people that our work should be emulated. The group with him was particularly impressed by the academic program and thought it would be a good model. Some in the delegation mentioned that it would be a real loss if the school were dissolved as the esprit de corps and motivation was so high.


We appreciate the courtesy shown to us by Cde. Minister Carmichael and the Regional Development Officer Cde. Wyatt. It has motivated us to work in closer cooperation with the region. We have PNC members in our group who will serve as delegates to the PNC Conference in Matthews Ridge later this month. We are helping today drainage ditches and will be coordinating plans to build a playground similar to our own, but larger, in Port Kaituma. We have lent films and equipment, including a projector, and we are also doing a number of things healthwise for the district. We are making preparations to take in a Guyanese family from up the river, where we get citrus. We are presently concerned about finances, but are going to do it anyway, since the family has been very kind, and also supportive of you.


We have heard through the rumor mill that some view us as too secretive. This indicates to us that some have not weighed the harassment we have experienced, or simply do not believe it is true. In spite of all that we have endured, we still welcome people to come and go freely, although legal counsel advised us to be extremely careful about this. Leaders from the states have said we are foolhardy to be open in view of the absolute proof now that this conspirator [Joe] Mazor, said an



attempt to kidnap will take place, because they are finding little they can do legally. At the present time members of our organization feel it would show a total lack of empathy to ask us to subject our children to a situation that nothing in our physical isolation can protect them from. We have absolute proof of this threat if you wish documentation.

Cde.  Carmichael said that every protection would be afforded us if anything were to happen. Unfortunately, there is no protection after the fact, due to an archaic law used against dissenting groups. This is called “conservatorship.” This prevents any action once a kidnapping has taken place, in the case of persons who contend they are acting in the best interests of their kidnapped relatives.

We can furnish verification from persons within our organization who were told that kidnapping is the next stage in their operations and there was mention of assignation as well.


We have become absorbed in Guyanese culture. We have workers who have been helping us in land clearing and still do. (Cde. Jupiter’s Crew) If we had a sufficient wood supply for housing construction, we would have taken in a family of five earlier. We are most willing to take in people who wish to come and work with us. A careful screening process needs to be set up because of the structure and discipline that is necessary to maintain productivity. (We cannot afford to have people in our midst who do such things as secretly encourage the building of a still, which happened a while back.) We do have more going than any cooperative we know of. We have a wide range of recreation, culture, and entertainment, including films and closed-circuit TV programs representing the best documentaries and movies (except films containing violence – we find our children do better without the inciteful influence that comes from North American films.)

As far as our loyalties are concerned, it is easy to check with the Guyanese youth who have been with us since our beginning here to see where their loyalties are. They are far more loyal to you than anyone else we have seen in our local area.

Our records back in the States will show that loyalty to principled persons and organizations is our highest priority, and we have never failed in that area. We do not ask you even to take our word for this. Take a sampling of our student’s knowledge of Guyana,  its economy, and their awareness of Jagan’s efforts. This will show absolutely fidelity to the country. We teach no religion in our school whatsoever; we leave that up to the individual. The families who were considering our program were not even asked about their religious beliefs – only that they be law-abiding and show a decent standard of conduct and ethics. There is no end to the ways in which we can contribute to the development of Guyana, so long as we can maintain our solidarity and a strong economic base.


We are weary of the conspiracy and attempts by elements in US law enforcement to frame myself, my son and other members. One incident of harassment dates back four years when I was followed into a restroom in a movie theater. The plainclothes officer waited until mwith “no stipulation to probable causey friends had left and I was alone, as I was the last in line. Then he came into the same stall with me. When I told him in plain English to get lost, he arrested me for “vacancy and lewdness.” Before I even gave my name the officer said, “Well, if it isn’t the Rev. Jones.” This set up was so transparent that the charges were dropped as the record shows, with “no stipulation to probable cause” and “no evidence that a violation occurred.” The judge even ordered the record sealed. Within a few weeks the exact same set up was attempted on my son, Lew. Fortunately, he was not without friends to come to his defense



and the matter was dropped on the spot. This is just one minor example of our experiences in harassment. The same type of frame-ups tried on me and my son have been tried on many other progressive leaders in the US. It didn’t work, but the hell we have been through standing for principle would make death easy and in many ways desirable for all of us. We can easily empathize with Mrs. Allende who took her life in Mexico last week after saying she wished she had died at her Father’s side. We hope that someday there will be a struggle that needs and trusts us, that we can give our lives to.

Cooperatively yours,
Jim Jones


[Editor’s notes: This letter includes numerous typographical errors, which have been corrected.

[This letter is duplicated at BB-17-lll-1 – lll-3.]


The Honorable Ptolemy Reid

I hope you will not think it presumptuous, but I thought I would share with you some thoughts and ideas regarding the relations between those holding the perspective of the Third World and those steeped in the mores of Anglo-Saxon, capitalist North America.

This letter was prompted by some reading I did the other evening on Patrice Lumumba. The extent to which that fine man was betrayed, even by those within his own ranks is appalling. Throughout the chronicle of his systematic betrayal and ultimate construction one lesson seems clear: those of Caucasian background from the United States simply cannot be trusted, unless they have been tested in the fire of political persecution.

I do not know if I have told you this before, but I am racially mixed – Black, American Indian and white. My father was a man who tried desperately to “pass” as white and suffered the internal conflicts that such a venture entails. As a youth I lived on one side of the color line, and was able to see the world from the perspective of the white North American. As I matured, that world appeared increasingly unjust and cruel to me, and I finally made the decision to be who I was and am. It was a decision fraught with many a hard lesson, all of which I would gladly repeat, however painful, because there is no pain comparable to the agony of living a lie. After I had made the open declaration of my racial make-up and began to act upon that declaration [ten words repeated], it was interesting to see the reactions of my “friends” and even most of my family.

I am a Marxist first and foremost. I firmly believe that ultimately the socialist revolution will break down allbarriers between peoples. Nevertheless, I am realistic enough and have enough personal experience to be able to say that if I ever met anyone in the United States who was free of racism in some form I failed to detect it. I believe that without exception there is no white person in the United States who does not suffer from racism in some form; the very nature of capitalist society breeds such profound racism.

Even in Peoples Temple, where racism both openly expressed or privately practiced, is simply not allowed to become a problem; we see that over the years the Caucasian percentage of the membership has dropped. At one time the organization was better than one half white, now the ratio is more like 80% Black or other Third World background to 20% white. Rare indeed are those whites who are willing to identify with and become part of the struggle of the Third World to the extent that their own heritage of racial “superiority” is erased and no longer influences their thinking. That 20% have gone through a real “baptism” necessary to prove their commitment: often they have adopted Black children, or have intermarried – not in response to in requirements or rule but rather as part of the belief that such practical identification with the suffering of the Third World can only result in a more sincere commitment to the struggle for liberation.

It may indeed be redundant or unnecessary to say this the one who I know to be a true international Marxist, yet I say it from the heart: be wary of people of Caucasian background in the United States. Behind every frame up I have ever experienced there lurked someone white, either within or outside our organization, who never failed to make it [illegible word] known that racism was a strongly contributing cause of harassment.



All who pass through life experience their own form of hell, so I will not take up your time to describe the hell of racism that I have witnessed and experienced in the United States. Here in Guyana those of us of lighter complexion have had East Indians who did not know our views on the matter of racism spew out the most viciously racist sentiments. Often they project an attitude of the most arrogant superiority. Unfortunately I have also noticed such racism among some Amerindians. Of course, there are many exceptions to this. One person who readily comes to mind is Cde. [Steve] Narine, a fine man with whom I had too little time, but who seemed very supportive of both the Prime Minister and yourself. Believe me, we are not complaining – as friend to friend I think we should share our experiences, although I have some guilt about the length of these communications. Moreover, having read extensively about Patrice Lumumba’s ordeals, I am more acutely aware than ever of the dangers that can beset leaders of integrity both internally and externally.

I beg your indulgence in allowing me to express these thoughts, and to give you some additional information on the following subjects of concern.


A few weeks ago, Tim Stoen, the legal father of my son, praised our organization heartily and myself in particular in bold newsprint, thus demonstrating his true knowledge about our work. Now, however, because his desire for prestige and his ambition to become a member of the New York Legal Bar has gotten the upper hand, he is willing to make a deal. His white, affluent background prompted many to distrust him for a very long time – his condescending and paternalistic manner was noted with distrust long ago. He and his racist (and outright fascist) wife [Grace Stoen] May affect a sweet, kindly manner, but any circumspect socialist will recognize them for what they are. Our attorney in the States, Mr. Charles Garry, thinks that Tim Stoen will be quite vengeful (and this opinion is shared by an activist friend of mine) because a leading West Coast columnist wrote that the real reason I am staying in Guyana it is not because of any ridiculous charges, but because of my son. This columnist, although a moderate in some ways, is more independent than others and more outspoken. Although we did not give him the information about my son, it’s probably better that it came out this way in the long run. Yet it likely will make Stoen more hostile and vengeful, because this columnist, who is the most widely read columnist on the West Coast, wrote an obviously favorable piece, and put my standing by my son in the most honorable light. He also commented that the District Attorney’s office told him that the charges were without foundation as so ridiculous as to not deserve comment. The only possible difficulty that I foresee about the true paternity being publicized may come from our pietistic denominational leader. However, as his friends tell us he is a highly promiscuous practicing homosexual, he hardly has room to criticize…




He said to Steven Katsaris, a man with openly fascist sympathies for the Greek military junta, that he too would also be concerned if his child left the standard of living of the United States to come to “this kind of living” to Guyana. We know during the transitional period one must use whatever talent is available, but I am sure you will not mind by giving a subjective opinion: I would not be surprised if the Ambassador would take a dollar from anybody.

He also told my secretary that Mr. Toddman of the State Department would be visiting Guyana soon. She wonders if he should be invited to visit the Project. If he were honest, he could not help but be impressed, but I have deep reservations about those who could achieve a high level of success in the racist, fascist United States. Somewhere along the line, such persons must have sold their soul and integrity… I have found only a very few exceptions to this – my friend [California Lieut. Gov.] Merv Dymally, newspaper publisher Carlton Goodlett and one or two others.

Cooperatively yours,
Jim Jones


[Editor’s notes: This letter includes numerous typographical errors, which have been corrected.

[This letter is duplicated at BB-17-nnn-1 – nnn-4. The duplicate copy is missing page 3.]


[Handwritten notations at top of page: “Jim’s copy. ATTN: This is a copy of the letter Dr. Reid’s office returned in the ‘mail’.”; “get this letter to Miller too”]

Honorable Ptolemy Reid,

Ambassador Lawrence [Laurence] Mann, who is seeing one of my secretaries [Paula Adams] as you know, exhibits more anti-socialist behavior patterns and anti-socialist rhetoric than most capitalists. I am very concerned about the image he projects for Guyana and the pre-occupation with self-gratification which could put him in a position to compromise the ideals and philosophy he has been entrusted to represent.

A meeting was arranged for a man, Steven Katsaris, to meet with his daughter Maria at the request and urging up myself. Ambassador Mann had explained that the situation of the daughter refusing to see her father had taken on international connotations, in that Steven Katsaris had created difficulties for Guyana by approaching Congressmen with alleged statements that Maria was said to have made that Guyana was not allowing visitors. This is absurd and Maria has unequivocally denied making any such statements. Ambassador Mann told my secretary further that Katsaris’ approaches to Congressman had resulted in Guyana being put on the list of 50 different senators. (We know that to be an exaggeration taking into account that there are only 100 senators total. I doubt if there are 3, if there were any at all.) However, when Maria confronted Ambassador Mann with the blacklisting in front of her father, the Ambassador denied any knowledge of it. Why was this ruse used on me to get Maria into Georgetown for this meeting after we painstakingly explained in detail how this Katsaris had been conspiring with the unscrupulous criminal Joseph Mazor who is bent on destroying our organization and downgrading Guyana to all he meets. We have been reliably told by persons who can even be called moderates that Katsaris has been seeing psychiatrists for years – a fact that Maria has also confirmed. Katsaris, who actively supported the Greek junta and whose nephew was head of the fascist Greek police, refused to come down in December as he was invited by his 24-year-old daughter who will soon be marrying our doctor. This man obviously is motivated by more than a simple father/child relationship or he would not have insisted on a meeting at this time and carried lies about Guyana to a Congressional level. If it were not for my love for you and Guyana, and the untruthful picture presented by the Ambassador to me, I would not have urged Maria to see her father when she stated emphatically that she did not want to see this man who had been conspiring with Mazor. (Incidentally, by Mazor’s own admission it was Maria’s refusal to see her father the first time that was the deciding factor in Mazor’s cancellation of the charter aircraft he was going to use for the staged recovery of family members in Jonestown. We have proof that Mazor admitted discouragement because he could by this one case seeing that he would get no further than Georgetown.)



Before this father-daughter meeting was held, Ambassador Mann made an angry outburst to my secretary when he felt the plans were not following his design and said, “I am doing this as a personal favor to Steven Katsaris.” This completely contradicts his presentation of a US/Guyana breakdown in diplomatic relations. Ambassador Mann’s persistence in denying Maria’s right to have an attorney present, which was recommended by both our counsel locally and in the US in view of all her father had done, added further to our apprehension over this meeting. Maria’s refusal to attend a reunion without representative counsel was the only reason the request was finally acknowledged.

After the meeting, Ambassador Mann discussed the meeting with US Consul Dick McCoy within earshot although not in the presence of my secretary, describing Maria as being a “wierdo” for demanding counsel to be present. After all of Katsaris’ concerted effort to put Guyana in a bad light, we find it difficult to understand why Ambassador Mann would discuss us in a negative way to the US Consul who obviously does not favor are socialistic doctrine any more than Guyana’s and why Ambassador Mann would be so chummy with the fascist supporting Katsaris. My secretary asked Ambassador Mann who was paying him and he did not answer.

Ambassador Mann’s attitude toward our communal structure is not our major concern, but rather his entire commitment toward socialism and the Guyana government raises questions. He stated emphatically to my secretary and her friend that he would never join the PNC because he didn’t want any organization telling him what to do. We cannot understand how a man who has even spoken poorly to my secretary about his direct superior, Minister Fred Wills, could be placed in such a position.

Minister Wills had one time mentioned to my secretary that Dick McCoy was CIA. When she mentioned this to Ambassador Mann he said with a disgusted air that to Frank Wills, everyone is CIA. On another occasion when she was speaking about the suspicions of Maria that her father was linked with certain agencies and that she refused to see him, Ambassador Mann said (when no reference had been made to Minister Wills) that she and Fred Wills are just alike – you both think everyone is CIA.

Are we to take a man seriously who would openly criticize the government ruling party and his own leader, within the spectrum of his profession? He is reputed to gamble heavily at poker 2 or 3 times a week, usually losing between $1500 and $2000 each sitting.

Ambassador Mann made several threats to my secretary about doing something to myself in our organization if we tried to “buck” him in what he knew he had to do. He subsequently pressed my secretary and her friend about why I did not return to the US, even if it meant my being framed and being thrown in jail or killed. He stated almost as if he had some inside information that if I were dead I would become a “martyr.” I am not afraid of dying or returning if that is your feeling also. I find no enjoyment in living, only tremendous responsibility. The organization feels that they cannot yet produce in a way that would make the project a model community, as Jonestown has been called, without my direct presence on the project. My only concern is that nearly one thousand people do not become a burden on you and the government but rather to produce



to make what you have inspired us to become: a true example of Guyanese cooperative socialist living.

Ambassador Mann also made strong statements about what he would do if someone really interfered with his life. On more than one occasion he said he would not directly kill someone but instead pay a contract to have someone else do his dirty work. I am not worried for myself in the sense that I have any desire to live, as a socialist fighting fascism in the US, I am always prepared for death, but the fate of my people is my responsibility. But what really concerns me is your safety in view of his irrational judgments and his unwillingness to become disciplined with any socialist standards. If you feel I should return, I would like to know.

Flamboyance is not how I characterize the government of Guyana because I have met the committed party leadership and especially yourself, who live a life of humility and dedication. However diplomatic representation in a foreign country is the means by which an entire government is seen and in view of the need for people to see Guyana as a sincere hard-working developing nation for any serious consideration for aid, the lifestyle of Ambassador Mann drawing a high salary in Washington and throwing it around on poker, women, drinking, expensive cars and fancy living (not that we object to entertainment in moderation which is normal) could make it difficult for persons who have the responsibility of allocating monetary assistance, to see that Guyana is sincere and not going to waste the money.

I want to give you assurance that I would not dream of discussing this matter with anyone else that you, Dr. Reid. I know your uncompromising commitment and only feel it as my duty and loyalty to you and Guyana to report these matters.

For whatever motivation, Ambassador Mann tries to play on our fears. He told my secretary that we have other custody cases like that of my precious John [Victor Stoen]. When I checked this out I found that no custody case exists except inquiries concerning adults. The only other person than Maria which was queried was recently married resolving that situation. I do not know why we get this inaccurate taunting. If the government is moving more toward alliances with the US, we will follow that course out of my faith in you, even though in dealing with the US we believe anyone will get the short end of the stick because no matter what is said people come and go but institutions remain the same.

We are now aware of a startling fact that members of this conspiracy have offered money to the legal father of my son. We don’t know what his response will be. They seem to leave no stone unturned because they simply cannot accept that people can reject the society for a Third World Nation. We’ve had no trouble with the press until this although other forms of harassment have been directed toward us. Our church was burned to the ground twice, attempts to frame us, violence against us, assassination attempts on myself and my wife, and other attempts to intimidate and harass us have been made, but now a new course has begun. An era of viciousness contrived to bring down the most effective socialist group in the entire US has tested our loyalty to both Marxist ideals and to Guyana. We have proven that we will not fail either but to come into contact with someone, an ambassador at that, who claims to represent what we hold more sacred than life and behaves in such a gross fashion



is almost too much to bear. Ambassador Mann told Dick McCoy, in reference to my John’s case that the Peoples Temple will just have to accept the result of the Judge’s ruling and that his government was not interfering with the courts. We realize that his could be only diplomatic rhetoric, however it was the manner in which he told McCoy. It left my secretary, who is usually accurate about such things, with the impression that we were on our own. His speaking about Maria as being a “wierdo” and making references im the same light about our organization to a US government representative must reflect negatively on Guyana as well. Where he could have been more supportive of our organization considering what Katsaris tried to do, or at the least maintained an objective posture he instead in an effort to ensure his own image to Americans was not tainted supported a man who tried to create diplomatic tensions and he also created an impression in McCoy’s mind that we were some “Moonie-type” group. In fact, McCoy spoke more favorably about us to Katsaris than did Ambassador Mann.

Frequently, criticisms are made up Third World and socialist countries by Ambassador Mann. He has stated on several occasions he wouldn’t want to live in Peking and he has made criticisms of the lack of freedom in Cuba. We don’t see Cuba as a panacea, however it is their structure which makes them successful. This man has no structure, no socialist philosophy, and no loyalty even in a nationalistic sense to Guyana. When I secretary asked him if he was coming back to Guyana to live when he is no longer in the foreign service, he said he did not know but he doubted it if things continue in the same vein of austerity.

Mr. Mann it is critical of our constant references to loyalty. We don’t know how you can build anything unless it is based on loyalty. Frankly, Dr. Reid, we don’t have anything else to put our loyalty on if we don’t put it on principles and people we have seen to demonstrate those principles as we have seen in you. It is this same loyalty, which Mr. Mann cannot understand, that must be demonstrated within our own group. That is why my John cannot be negotiable. If loyalty starts becoming negotiable the morale of our entire organization would suffer.

A final point it pains me to bring up both because of an experience of another of our young women and because of the possibility that you are not in the position to do anything about this man. One of our nurses who was getting a ride home from Ambassador Mann one night was nearly raped by him. According to her, this man tore her clothes attempting to molest her. He intimidated her with a loaded gun waving it around and then placing it on the dashboard. He then locked the doors and made sexual advances she said. She was terrified when she got home and was still very shaken when she told me about it when she came into the interior. I can’t imagine anyone with any socialist orientation behaving like this. He acts as if the female members are public property to him.

I am sorry to have to take up your time with the disappointing details of a government representative who should be living in accordance to the philosophy and principles you have entrusted him to represent. However, knowing your character and commitment to the goals and principles of Guyana I was confident that you would want to be made aware of any aspect of government that could detract from these principles.



Cooperatively Yours,
Jim Jones



Jim Jones
Peoples Temple Agri Project
PO Box 893
Republic of Guyana
9th  December, 1977

Honorable Dr. Ptolemy Reid,
Deputy Prime Minister
Office of the General Secretary &
Ministry of National Development
Camp Street

Dear Dr. Reid:

It is with great weariness that I find myself again addressing you with the bureaucratic hurdles which appeared to be either shortsightedness or harassment on the parts of various departments.


Interior development is faced with a major problem insofar as medical care is considered. We have the highest standards in medical care and have shared what knowledge, skills, and real humanitarian concern we have with local residents all over the district. We are now confronted with her medical skills being forced to a standstill where the local residents are concerned because our doctor, who ranked with honors in his class, has not processed his papers through the Ministry of Health.

We can certainly understand the Ministry wishing to certify his qualifications and see his diploma, however we have been told that we can no longer have our doctor treat the local constituency receive life-saving medicines and equipment until this is done. Are we to assume that because of bureaucratic procedure, all life-saving efforts are to be stopped? If it is preferred to not have him giving any care to this area at this time we will discontinue his trips into Port Kaituma and Matthews Ridge and turn people away when they come to us or are brought to us. In clear conscience, a socialist could not make that kind of decision. Where people need me, or my medical personnel, or other forms of vital assistance, I must obey the unspoken principle of socialist concern. It would be suicidal to take this kind of care away from the local constituency. We do not know what the immediate problem will be, but other medical people outside of Jonestown are much less qualified.

Our doctor gives very thorough medical exams to Jonestown residents, to neighbors, and to the entire community. Regular physical exams include diagnostic tests such as blood counts, prostate, cervical, and breast exams for cancer, and other tests. Although not total physicals, we



realize, but far more defined than any routine physical given almost anywhere.

In addition to routine medical exams, Dr. [Laurence] Schacht has treated all types of emergencies, diseases, and other physical disorders. He has saved, literally, dozens of lives. He gives in constant contact with the “medical net” on the amateur radio discussing emergencies and cases of unusual illnesses brought to him. He reads extensively from our vast medical library which is added to frequently with the most up-to-date medical information available.

Dr. Schacht as written to his medical school requesting that his diploma be mailed to him. The medical school replied, as we explained to Dr. Baird of the Ministry of Health, that because of the medical school’s bureaucratic delays he should receive it sometime this month. Dr. Schacht as the letter stating this if you should wish to see it. Although he did not finish his internship he has had a great deal of extensive study and practical experience both abroad where he attended to the medical problems of our members, in here, where he has even performed delicate eye surgery with the help of the “medical net” through our radio. He explained his qualifications to the Ministry of Health on his arrival to Guyana and if there was some question, why was the policy only brought up now within hours after we had a visitor who came in and suggested our doctor be registered. We are now told that there is a requirement for Dr. Schacht to take care of his registration immediately.

If there is some other way he can be licensed or his registration be put off for a later time until we can train other medical people to work with the many medical emergencies which he faces daily, it will likely save countless lives from all over the area. The gastro problem of smaller children and babies in the local community as required medical treatment of life-and-death proportion that only he [in the entire MATARKI area) has the skills to treat. People were dying before our doctor came on the scene.

The media monster within the small sector that has been so vicious is anxious for us to give them an excuse to attack both us and Guyana. If they should hear of any outbreaks of illness or inadequate medical care, they would use it against both of us. We have a large number of senior citizens and they require an even greater degree of medical care and without a doctor the results could be disastrous. Right now we have the highest standard of medical care anywhere.

The thought of having to wait months to get medical supplies and equipment leaves me perplexed. Lives are at stake. There must surely be a way for you to license our doctor in some manner and not reverse the hands of time, where medical care is concerned, by removing him from this locale. Even local government people like Cde. Green, Chairman of the local PNC, has suffered the loss of a child from inadequate medical care.



Nothing has opened up trust between the local communities and Jonestown like our doctor providing his services. (Presently we have with us two babies who were brought to us in near fatal stages of gastro. They were saved by 24-hour efforts including intravenous feeding.)


The problem with technicalities has put us in a terrible predicament: it is now being said that we must have our people come in and claim their own personal effects in our large shipments at John Fernandes Wharf (and I assume they would mean the new shipment at GNEC wharf also). Are we to send 800 people into Georgetown for each to go through the crates to claim their own items?

We are a socialist body and live in a collective manner. We did not pack our belongings in an individualistic manner. We packed as a collective and that is how we live. We concentrate on group concern for each person as they have need. That is why we have achieved something Guyana can be proud of. That is why we have been able to build a model community. The achievements we have made our directly a result of our socialistic lifestyle and high degree of structure.

We were told that it was because of US agency warnings (such as Interpol) that customs should examine our goods with great scrutiny. We succumbed to that indignity and insult to our integrity in order to stifle any accusations which may have been made against you or the government but to put us through this bureaucratic paperwork nonsense is harassment. Because of it, ninety (90) crates are sitting in the warehouse which we have been unable to get out. We have actually had to buy items similar to those that are in the crates now but which we could not wait any longer to get out. We simply cannot afford this.

I tried to make Jonestown a comfortable secure home for the many new members who come here but it is with great difficulty with basic vital goods like sheets, shoes, and tools are held up for no good reason. It affects the morale of my people and I don’t like the task of being the organizer, a dad to many who never knew one, a counselor for personal problems which my people feel only I can help them with. I don’t feel presumptuous in saying that no one would envy my jobb, but the truth is that they came here because they believe in me. I’ve never let them down and I have fought long and hard battles for them. I don’t think anyone can imagine the burden in the role I have had to assume as the head of the household of a large extended family, without experiencing it. We don’t believe in hero worship nor do we have any religiosity in our community, but we feel it is the giving of love where it is needed and wanted that builds strong character.



It is not easy to build a first-rate community which will make Guyana proud, with all of the harassment we have had to endure back there, not to mention some given here. It would be much easier to die for a revolution than to live for one.

Please understand, I say these things out of severe physical exhaustion. The doctor and medical staff are very concerned about my health. I apologize for bringing this up with you but the success of our community is dependent upon my health and I have intense pressures on me from back in the States. I must do all coordinating of our work in the US from abroad in order to save my son, John, and to be able to get our people off to a proper start in their new home. This is really a cry for help from a man who is beleaguered with a 20 hour/day work schedule.

We also know your problems are so complex these days that if we had to do it all over again we wouldn’t have burdened you with our project. But it is too late to look back and we have nothing to look back to. We can make a significant contribution to this progressive administration if these departments have reasonable empathy to what we have gone through. We are not looking for attention or recognition or special privilege. We only want the proper cooperation needed to get the crates out of customs; crates that we sweat blood to acquire. They are essential to our work.

I tried not to expound on every problem we have or the details of the conspiracy we are fighting in the US. But I had expected our professional people to be able to get jobs here in the economy, which we now find they cannot. Therefore, the entire support of the community is left on me alone. (For an example of conspiratorial harassment: we are being hassled by the Social Security department and most of the pensioners are not getting their checks. We were told even by people within the Social Security bureau that it is harassment.)

I have not begun to go into all of the problems we our having. I know you too are beleaguered with problems of perhaps a different sort but I am imploring you to intercede in these matters of ludicrous customs bureau nitpicking. Even the Comptroller of Customs, who has tried to be helpful cannot cut through this. We must obtain a blanket duty-free concession addressed to our organization and not individuals – since we operate as a collective. But even with a concession, we could still be given the runaround – and likely will – unless word is given by high authority the such bureaucrats as Stanley White in customs or his boss, Dennis Corlette.


It depressed our people greatly that the government declined doing a documentary film from here because Guyana felt this would give us public endorsement and thus would not be “expedient,” since the film would be shown in the US. Because of the democratic process in our structure here, we share both the good and the bad, without going into details in each case,  because each person’s life is affected. This was by far the



the hardest thing we have ever had to explain to our people, and it left very low morale and a feeling of great insecurity. We fail to see how the film would give public sanction, but we do see how important it would be to both the government and us to not have a US film crew, possibly with predispositions, make a film about a socialist community.

However, we have to bring in a crew if we can’t have it done here because many of our supporters in the US are adamant about it and feel it would prove the fallacy of allegations. We cannot let them down. We are not in all that much ill-repute as only a very small sector is not supportive. It could be a good thing but I don’t agree with having an outside film crew come in because one of our supporters – the President of the Black National Publishers Association – made clear: “none of them can be trusted!” They may do the filming here with a semblance of monitoring by your Ministry of Information, but the editing would be done in the US.

Charles Garry, who is nationally and even world renown, returned to the US after visiting the project and proclaimed Jonestown a “paradise.” Naturally he would not make such a statement on television across the United States if he did not feel that there was only goodness here. He plans to show the film himself at no cost, on his own air time, through his connections. However I am leery of all media people in the broadcasting field in the US. Even though we have some very good friends in the establishment press let the prominent columnist, Herb Caen, we are leery of the audiovisual media.

We are glad that you were out front and we were told about the reluctance of government doing anything which, in your opinion, would be recognized as a sanction. We could sense it anyway, but this official refusal causes a very grave depression. It was obvious because we were getting constant put-offs. Surely, you can empathize how some of us do not feel we have a very secure future. When majority of the decision-makers go against us on this matter, it clearly shows us where we stand. [We have even avoided making criticism of the US in our newspaper (in the US).]

Our concern about the US film crew revolves around what could happen on the trip between the airport and Jonestown. The amount of trouble they could stir within the community between the Port Kaituma airstrip and Jonestown could be horrendous. I feel to realize the wisdom of people coming from abroad to do this when even the moderates are saying that the media has a distinct prejudice toward any socialist nation. You’ve got more faith than we have, with all of the dirty tricks playing on us. We’d like to decline, but Charles Garry and a lot of our supporters wanted done and are insistent. We’ve tried to persuade them otherwise but we have to maintain our support up there. It can be very frustrating when your friends think what they want is good for you but the thing turns out to be not such good judgment.

The excuse evidently passed on by the Ministry of Information for not doing the film was that we offered the alternative of having a US



crew do the film, which was not the case. The very reason the request was made for the Guyana crew to do the film was to keep from having to let the US crew do it. That was made clear to Brian Stewart-Young who said he thought the film would be mutually beneficial to us and Guyana as suggested that right before Christmas would be a good time to begin filming. You then pass the proposal on to Mr. Hutton Archer, who, in turn passed it on to Minister [Shirley] Field-Ridley. Repeated attempts to meet with her have failed and her secretary has not called after saying she would. What are we to think? We have enough support in the US that Guyana need not fear giving us a stamp of approval. Even the World Peace Council is aware of our situation and prepared to defend us. We are not asking for the Ministry of Information or the Guyana Government to be shown in the film’s credits. We simply want to get a fair documentation of our project by someone to satisfy our supporters. We even announced our willingness to pay the cost. But the refusal makes it look to our people that we are not supported and we are not wanted.

We can’t help but wonder at times what would happen if you or Minister [Vibert] Mingo would leave the scene. We certainly can foresee that there would be a lack of the necessary integrity which brought us to Guyana in the first place.


Six representatives of the General Workers Union visited us on Thursday, December 9th, including Neil Gaskin, Regional Secretary for the GWU and Aubrey Armstrong, President of the GWU. They told us that the United Allied Agricultural Workers (Mohamed Tufail’s union) is channeling money and support to the sugar strike and that Tufail pocketed the money that we gave to the Union. They also told us that Tufail has connections with the PPP. We don’t want our money going to anything that supports destabilization of the economy. When we indicated some interest in supporting a trade union, Tufail said he was PNC and gave a long speech about supporting the government. We thought we should join us we even wrote to tell you we were thinking about joining.

The odd thing is that Tufail warned us about Neil Gaskin, saying he stole money. He said almost the same thing about Gaskin as Gaston said about him. Geoking [George King?] said that we won’t be seeing Tufa here anymore. They must be having quite a time with all of the confusion. We simply want to know what is going on.


A loyal friend will follow on matters of principle whatever course, but won’t be silent. We don’t understand how you can avoid trouble with someone as crazy as he is in such a key position.




The driver from Matthews Ridge for a group of visitors who came to visit us a couple of days ago ask a lot of questions of various members of our group. My people are very happy here so naturally they report things like this. If people such as this driver were assigned by any department to question our people, it would be best to inform us because our people are apprehensive after all the harassment we’ve gotten, that they might be working for some agency like the CIA.

This driver took one of our young men aside and ask him all kinds of questions such as, “Are your parents or relatives here?” This emancipated adult was ask personal questions like, “What kind of salary do you get?” “How much money do you have?” “Who are your relatives in the US?” “When did you arrive?” “How long are you planning to stay?”

It could have been coincidence, but this man had no grasp of socialism or cooperative living. I don’t wish to bore you with these questions which I have only touched the surface of, but our people resented this because he was too personal and, having left behind a police environment, these kinds of questions are disturbing.

We don’t expect you to do anything about it, but we always post you of such things which could seem odd from both yours and our perspectives.

We want to give our thanks to Minister Hubert Jack who appears to be very dedicated to you. Having been without our heavy equipment for over one year, we were grateful for the assistance he gave. He made good his promise that they would be repaired and sent to us on the 12th of December. It was the first time that we could get any swift action in this area.

We wish to thank you for all that you have done for us in the past and anything you can do in these perplexing bureaucratic areas would be greatly appreciated.

With sincere regards,
Jim Jones


cc: Honorable Minister Vibert Minho

P.S. We are glad to use our boat to transport neighbors who are in need of specialized treatment, if the government can assure that hospital costs



will be taken care of – as we cannot afford any extra financial burden at this time. We have done all kinds of surgical repairs at our project, just saving one gentleman’s thumb (who is from the Kaituma area). We are glad to do free lab work as well as having our doctor do work in the town on a regular basis. We cannot afford, however, to provide medications for the people in the local community which are essential. There are no medicines in the Kaituma dispensary. Medical work is needed and we are willing, but we need assistance in order to provide it.

Dr. Baird told us that the Ministry of Health cannot dispense the needed medicines to Kaituma because there is a shortage. He sent our doctor must become licensed and he must spend 3 months doing internship in Georgetown. Then he wants him to work at the hospital in Matthews Ridge. We are looking for a way to resolve this situation which will enable our doctor to remain in this area to help meet the critical medical needs here.



[Handwritten notation to the top of page: “Jim’s copy]

SENT TO: [Ptolemy] Reid, [Vibert] Mingo, [Fred] Wills, [Forbes] Burnham

Nov. 29, 1977

Dear Cde. Wills;

In an effort to improve the course for integration of our organization into the Guyanese stream of living, we wish to beg a few  moments of your time to keep you abreast of developments and select matters which are felt to affect us both.


In a letter to you dated November 15, the topic, “Examples of harassment” did not give the background required an understanding just how situations like that were able to develop. The location of the incidence of the arrest frame-ups of myself and my son, Lew Eric (who has a new son born in Guyana) was Los Angeles which is notorious for a fascist and racist police force. The late Cde. Claude Worrell (who was a courageous warrior against political repression and a great friend) was versed in the tactics of the Los Angeles Police force and mentioned to me the times when frame-ups were also attempted on him: a young woman he was seeing was approached by the LA police and offered a bribe to claim that Claude had raped her – enough of a charge to disbar him from ever practicing law again. Another time they tried to get a friend of his, who was a deputy sheriff, to lie on him. When the sheriff refused he was demoted and taken off of active duty. Claudia confided to me the frustration of living in a racist legal system knowing that it was hopeless and receiving a fair trial for his clients. He felt a great pride in giving his life to Guyana and to a leadership which is working for socialist economic justice.

A book which gives a great background to the operations of the LA police it is called the Glass House Tapes, written by Louis Tackwood, a black man who had worked for the LA police as a paid informer. He was later stricken by his conscience and told what he knew of the goings-on within the “Glasshouse” (as the political section of the police department was called). He told of the coordinated effort of the LAPD with the CIA. In fact, it was Claude Worrell who first put Tackwood on the witness stand about the role he played as both informer and provocateur. (If you should wish to read this book, I’ll gladly provide it).

Several years ago before either of the arrest frame-ups mentioned occurred, there were simultaneous attacks on different black groups on the same Sunday morning. We were not excepted. An apparent “set up” was made by the LA police force, although to this day we don’t know the full background. Just outside our church some white ambulance attendants were trying to force an older black woman into an ambulance. She had evidently suffered a slight sunstroke, but had completely recovered and stated she did not wish to get in. The ambulance attendants started calling her “nigger bitch” and tried to shove her into the ambulance. We heard the commotion and went to her rescue. Evidently they radioed for help, although I don’t know when they found time, because within minutes an LA “riot” squad was there beating our people, women, and children over the heads with circled overhead. I kept most of my people indoors because we were, and are pacifists and did not want a scene like that which ensued through no provocation of ours. The outcome was the arrest of my wife, my oldest adopted son, Johnny (who is here with his wife and daughter), another married man who has a wife and son here, Michael Prokes, and another black male member, C. J. Jackson. None of them had ever been arrested before and were only taken in after trying to stop the ambulance attendant from shoving and forcing the woman into the ambulance after she stated she did not wish to go. There were no grounds for arrest.

I could see what was happening: they were trying to provoke our pacifist people into violent action but I controled the people and kept them inside. I told my people not to get alarmed, that I would go to the police station, try to reason with them and get our people out of jail.



I walked into the police division with officials of our church, member-attorneys, and visiting officials. While in conference with the PR man for the police department, three white officers stepped up to me and said that I was going to be taken into custody also. They put me in a cell with blood splattered all over the floor, possibly to intimidate me. My wife, who was that time a high state official, was put into a room without windows. It was as if they knew the one problem she had not overcome was claustrophobia. One man (who I don’t even remember the name of because they all looked the same to me) came up to me and said, “Well, you’ve got lots of people, you can afford bail.” I told him that being we hadn’t done anything wrong, I wouldn’t dream of putting up any bail, and in the first place: poor people can’t afford to bail,  I am a socialist and I don’t believe in the bail system. He said that I couldn’t stay in jail – it will be at least six weeks before I would get on the court docket. I said, “that’s your problem, I don’t take bail.” This went on for a few hours when finally a police commander came in and said that he understood that I had refused bail and that there had been some mistake: my wife and I were to be released. I said, “No you won’t. You will have to release all of us because we’ve done nothing wrong.” I told him that I had instructed my entire congregation to wait for our return. I was getting weary of this and so was my congregation and they’d probably be down to find out what is going on.

He left saying he had to call somebody, who it was I never knew. After three hours had past he came back and said charges were dropped on all of us. I told him that we wanted someone to come to our church and apologize to the people because it is difficult enough keeping pacifism. On the following Thursday police officer apologized publicly to our congregation. Thereafter we paid for it.

Harassment went on and on for several weeks until I finally culminated in a second arrest (described in the November 15 letter). My arrest was not made at the scene of the “set-up”, but in a hallway, a public place. I suppose it was meant to cause embarrassment. They said something like, “we warned you, don’t resist,” which showed that they were evidently counting on me to resist. Another attempt at intimidation occurred when we were crossing over a bridge. The policeman slowed down the car and said, “It would make a fellow in your position feel like jumping off a bridge, wouldn’t it?” So I went through the same old process; told him I wouldn’t take bail. I told him we didn’t care what they did, that we knew their workings and we will consider anything they say “a badge of honor.” The district attorney knew the judge I was to get was a conservative, or moderate at best, but even he knew the despicable tactics they use in the charges were dropped, as the record, which was ordered sealed, shows, with no stipulation to probable cause “and” no evidence that a violation occurred. And wife, my son, and all persons involved in both incidents have been completely exonerated. We will gladly produce affidavits as well as a copy of the sealed records showing that there was no evidence that any violation occurred. Amazingly, there was never a word in the press about it because of the audacious stand I took by telling all of my people about it. I have told all this to my people because I believe in being open and direct.

Two activists from integrated groups have had similar frame-ups this past week. Although they were not members of our organization nor have they expressed a desire to come live in Guyana, they have been very supportive of us. This same department has even tried to frame the mayor of Los Angeles on two different locations. His opinion of this department was drastically modified.

Now [Ed Davis] the head of the entire Los Angeles Police Department, a man with a reputation as a reactionary fascist running for governor of our state clearly shows which way the political scenario is moving. In the black sections of Los Angeles there is an average of two slayings of innocent blacks each week.


After the riot they tried to start – a man working in the LAPD came to me in confidence because he shares some of our views, and warned us to be very, very careful and watch out. Unfortunately we weren’t careful enough. This same man has come to us again, speaking to my associate minister in Los Angeles. Again in confidence, he said for us to watch out, that the police department is storing these tactics again. He wasn’t referring to us this time, but warned us (because of our association with Guyana) that any Guyanese officials working in their line of duty was in imminent danger.



These racist tactics are not involved in any of our people, but they have involved black people we know. This warning about your officials worries me because it was through the knowledge of your consulate in LA that we met Claude Worrell and how we came to be in Guyana. Claude was a fighter and he knew the police state consciousness, but he is no longer there: I am a scrapper and a fighter but I am not there.

This is the same man with the same warning and his warnings came to reckoning. We have instructed all of our people to not go to any public places because we know we can’t be too careful – the last incident took place down the street from our church in a theater.

There have been only two situations with the law but we’ve had many “close shaves” with police harassment especially on our educational cross-country trips in our fleet of Greyhound buses. One time on a street corner in New York there was a black lad and a Puerto Rican lad with knives in their hands going at it. We jumped off the bus asking what kind of inhumane treatment is this for a policeman standing to the temperament. The policeman told us to get back on the bus and stay out of it, they would break up the fight, which they subsequently did. Had our presence not been there, I don’t know what would have happened (possibly one of them might have been killed: the other charged with murder).

There are strong neo-fascist signals and right-wing turns, therefore I want to forewarn you because I know you have an office there. I don’t know if the man knows what he is talking about. But, he is in the right department to know and he was accurate on the last occasion.


The PNC Conference held at Matthews Ridge within the past couple of days enthusiastically received the performance of our various talents of music, singing, and the Peoples Temple drill team. Our delegates and performers told us of the delighted reception we were given for our participation and we deeply appreciate this.

Minister Jack’s remarks about us publicly and also privately when he came in to visit us were filled with good will and encouragement. The Regional Minister at the conference also publicly acknowledged our contributions to the community with a spirit of fellowship. Minister King mentioned the absurdity of bringing in and using soft drinks when the most delicious drinks are right there only waiting to be prepared. We couldn’t agree more. We only use local drink and find soft drinks to be inferior in quality and costly indulgence.

Members of the conference were very understanding of the fact that our people were not in the best of appearance because he lost some clothing and had no clothing to change into after being involved in the long train ride and the self-help program in the area before the meeting.

The conference was most stimulating to our delegates in attendance but they couldn’t help noticing the boredom displayed and the mannerisms of home they found out to be, Gregory Gaskin’s wife. Because our new home means so much to us, they found it quite odd that she didn’t even sing the National Anthem. The little girl sitting in between her and her husband (apparently her little girl) must have found her behavior strange also because she kept looking up at her in stony silence.

On [Our?] local PNC meeting in Kaituma are attended weekly by approximately twenty delegates from Peoples Temple. We are making up the deficit to meet the Kaituma Party goal.


Our medical program has been called the most advanced and thorough performing for any hinterland or rural project. Dr. [Larry] Schacht, our young doctor, is now going into the local community to reach people with medical attention.


During the tour of our farm one Minister made favorable comments about our elimination of violent films from our up-to-date selection of educational, entertainment, and comedy features shown on our video TV. We found it very encouraging that the



government shares our views about the association of violent films anti-social behavior. We also agree that the wrong sort of films tend to encourage an improper emphasis on materialism.

We are attempting more assimilation and many of the young members at the Matthews Ridge conference were very friendly to our young people but all they could talk of was wishing they could get married so they could move to the USA. We found this to be the only discouraging thing about the otherwise absorbing conference.

We feel it would be helpful if a different kind of film was brought into the country; which didn’t give a Hollywood version of life as greener on the other side of the fence. We know it is difficult for a small developing nation to do much educating about the racism in the US, but we have seen our own children develop by leaps and bounds since we brought them only films with moral themes, or documentaries, or ones carry messages about the bad social conditions of the Western Society (even Hollywood has made some good ones with these themes).


We have completely eliminated the need for cooking gas in our meal preparation for nearly one thousand people. Wood burning outdoor ovens and stoves proved to be more efficient, more reliable and less expensive in our communal cooking. Our boat took nearly twenty empty cooking gas cylinders to Georgetown to be filled. No gas was to be found anywhere so we had a meeting of our inventive people with practical skills and within a couple of days we developed a method of cooking which turned out to be superior.

A steam generator, which will operate on wood and waste, is on order to supply power to the entire community. This will eliminate any need for the very expensive fuel to operate our generators. We are doing what we can to become as “local” minded as possible and to save what foreign dollars we can for the important development necessities for Guyana.

Cooperatively Yours,
Jim Jones

Enclosure: Common Sense article



[photocopy of October 1977 article from Common Sense publication]



September 19, 1977

Dear Dr. [Ptolemy] Reid:

I thought perhaps you might be interested in knowing some of the background of events which have been taking place at our farm in the Northwest District in the last week or so. I’m sure it will give you a clearer picture as to why we have been trying to contact you. We honestly do not know who else to turn to, as we have always known you to be a man of the utmost of principle and commitment to socialism.

We moved to Guyana with the full expectation of standing and very possibly dying for the government, realizing that you have many enemies. Certainly we have learned this in the three years in which we have been establishing this project, which has grown to a degree of production that everyone who comes it and sees it has praised.

We certainly are aware of the destabilization that has gone on; we are not people who live with allusions [illusions]. We moved here wanted to be able to be in a position where we would be surrounded by socialist comrades. For a while we were able to produce and peace, and I would like for every leader and minister to see the project. Approximately 700 people are living there in such harmony that we don’t even need any law enforcement. Children there are developing their skills in one of the most fantastic education programs I’ve seen. And we have one of the best medical programs anywhere, including the western world. We have many trained medical people and the finest doctor I know. Last week through our ham radio network our doctor performed eye surgery – the delicate surgery on a cornea which was successful.

We want to be model citizens. Now this is what has happened to us in the last few days. We’ve had people come in here in the most arrogant fashion in cars that were official ministry cars, coming in here for various purposes. There have been some who were very, very courteous, such as Dr. Beckles,  an excellent man came in with another man, as they had a special request.

And there have been others who were most courteous. Our neighbors have been very kind. We have had much contact with them as we have been distributing thousands of pounds of rice every week until this week while we’ve been under a virtual state of siege and this is making us feel no small amount of anxiety. We came here to produce, and yet so much harassment has going on. We had shootings, including one that nearly hit me. Shootings through our people in the broad daylight – 2 instances. We have seen people lurking on the edges of our farm. Once we saw three people at one time. One was sighted by six different people, as he appeared to be using some kind of telescopic lens or telescopic device which would be used on a high-powered camera.

We’ve had things happen to people which shouldn’t happen to people who are trying to get their moorings. One car came in – an imminent professional person of East Indian descent – surrounded by black comrades, and immediately he asked, “What will you people do if an extremist government takes over and once you thrown out of the country?” And then he goes



about with a member of our group who is a former CBS news bureau chief, and criticizes the government until Mr. [Michael] Prokes said something in defense of the government as we always do, and then he spoke kindly of one of the ministers. He was very critical of the government generally however, and asked. all kinds of peculiar questions people who come in here who say they are interested in seeing our project, and then later we find out that they are undercover detectives, one by the name of Padmore.

And we’ve had all kinds of bureaucratic problems. No society’s perfect, but it is a strain on one’s nerves having all of this take place in one week’s time. Later a policeman, when he found out it was Mr. Padmore we were trying to locate (no one else seemed to know who the man was), told us Padmore was a detective. Why he would want to be doing detective work on us leaves us with a great deal of questions in the people’s minds. He came out very arrogant, stepped out of the car, went to the area where we have had a garbage pit. This chap had our people line up behind a mound of clay which had been dug up by our back hoe, though we had heard rumors that this was something we were supposed to be doing by hand (which was a lie) and that we were using corporal punishment up here (which is also a lie because we don’t even spank.) Our means subdiscipline is reward or denial of privilege, but we’ve found very little discipline has to be handed out because there is such harmony there. We are supposed to have used drugs, but someone look into that and found that not to be true. We oppose drugs in any form. We don’t even use alcohol, as we feel it is important to keep our minds clear at all times as socialists to build and defend this country that we have chosen as our home.

This Padmore then got friendly only when he wanted to take a picture, so he lined up my oldest black son, and one of our coordinators up and have a picture taken of them showing I think that mound. Padmore said he was from Georgetown, but later we found he was from Matthews Ridge. According to the policeman who said this man should have stated his business, there seems to be a lot of organizational rivalry within the Home Affairs Department, which we understand, but it’s a little tough on our nerves at this time.

2) Now we were called in by the Commissioner of Police who has thus far been a very courteous man. He recommended we put a sign on our gate due to harassment and actual physical damage coming to us. And so we put up that sign which read that upon the advice of the Commissioner of Police, we would like you to stop and state your business.

3) Inspector Benjamin has been here on another occasion, bringing in [Jeffrey Haas] the lawyer representing Mrs. [Grace] Stoen, who is the mother of my child. This lawyer has spoken all kinds of things against Guyana, as has Mrs. Stoen. I followed the advice of two of the ministers and the best counsel in this country saying that the way to protect the child was to leave the area with the child, so when these two men came, neither I or the child were here. I can say without presumption that the child and I could not have a more loving relationship. (It has already been described to you the painful circumstances on which she was trying to lie and destroy her husband, who was a committed socialist. Our whole church knows.) Anyway, income is this racist arrogant attorney, who back stateside has described this country as a barren dismal land, representing this racist Mrs. Stoen who stole money from our church. We have all kinds of affidavits from people inside and outside our church on her.



We now find this is a big conspiracy involving a large company and at least agents within one branch of government and two in a police department and one newspaper. We had a lot of disconcerting information about that, and then we hear that money is trying to buy things here – that it is a whole conspiracy. We even heard they are trying to pay off judges and so forth.

4) The first day that Inspector Benjamin came in with this US attorney, they couldn’t find anyone to serve the papers on, they were flown to the interior in a plane of Minister [Kit] Nascimento’s. The next time they came, they were flown there in a GDF plane. The pilot was extremely courteous but we find it strange that the GDF plane would be made available to such a character as this Mr. Haas, the US attorney. And given the encouragement of someone who’s connected with someone high in this government, the hostility and arrogance reminded us of some of the harassment we had received in the Ku Klux Klan and Nazis back in the US, and we are not being paranoid.

5) I want to clarify something about the Commissioner of Police that has just come to mind. He recommended that we put up a sign, then we call him about it and he evidently had been told the Inspector Benjamin and Haas were denied entry to the property, which is an absolute lie. The Commissioner then said we would have to take the sign down which gives more room for little petty bureaucrats to harass or show their displeasure towards us.

It seems that within the ranks of the party there are interrivalries. We make our own decisions. Our faith is in you, Dr. Reid, and I’m not going any further. There are others I have faith in, but I am not going into it because I don’t know where we stand in that reference, and I don’t know what you are up against. One official stated that high level in government said that this conspiracy was indeed putting high pressure on this country to destroy us. Other party officials told us, before this chap came in to take pictures, at the minister will be coming to see our pit. It was being reported we use human hands as a discipline just to dig it out and bury it again. This is a lie, as we didn’t use one human hand in it, only diesel labor. Padmore just took a picture of the mound and made our people extremely apprehensive like he was trying to set up a case, another frame-up.

6) So the next day the regional minister came in, and I insisted he go because he mentioned he had interest in that. He went through the whole project with another man by the name of Minister Wyatt, Regional Minister of Economic Development, and another teacher. They were very courteous.

7) Up until now the police have been very, very friendly, local business people had been very nice, and we have had little complaint with any of the citizens there except for one man who came up to our farm who was obviously North American, as his Guyanese accent got lost in the course of the conversation. He told the corporal of police he was coming here because he knew us. And he got in here without any mud on his shoes, though he claimed he had walked in (and it was raining that day.) He claimed he was just dropping by. And of course we didn’t know him and he didn’t say we knew him.

8) Later the police met him again, and we met the police and got our stories together and found out he was lying. We were told by members of the police that this man was involved in the most horrible loss of property that we have ever undergone here. That night a coordinated effort to steal went on, as it did the next night also. It cost us thousands of dollars in equipment we needed for building and the next time we were defending our equipment, they came along our porches because we don’t believe in wearing our shoes in our homes (though some married couples might not practice this in their homes) and stole our shoes lined up outside. The police told us that they had cocked this North American man down the river trying to sell some of our property. And the strange thing was that when he was on our farm the day he came, he pointed to John Stoen and said, “Who is that child.” This does not overcome our people’s apprehensions.



9) Incidentally, another thing we were told by local party officials was to be very careful that the Minister Carmichael was conducting a thorough investigation as to whether we would be allowed to stay and it was directly from the Prime Minister. That doesn’t give security to people who are trying to build a life. And the fact that we were facing an illegal arrest order based on an illegal process, a writ of habeas corpus that was not served upon me. I never read it until this moment. I was not here upon the advice of Minister [Fred] Wills. The second time these two men came out, they were so arrogant they nailed it into our painted walls on the property.

10) Then we got a chap out here from the American Embassy who said he wasn’t interested in the child John. We told him about the background of John. But then we heard from a cabinet minister that John’s case could be resolved in the interests of the conspiracy as the American Embassy is putting great pressure on them to do so. And I say this with a great deal of fact.

As you may well know, there’s been a press release in support of us, and we are [on] the front page of a white newspaper that’s come out, an alternative, and all progressive in liberal and left papers have come out on our behalf in the US. They all know the background of this situation, as the truth is it took great courage for me to have ever had anything to do with Grace Stoen, as she was not the slightest bit attractive to me, and was even a revulsion. I just didn’t want her to hurt a man who was part of our church, which would of course have hurt the church had she gone through with it, as she threatened to lie on us. She threatened that I had to divorce my precious wife, whom I have been married to for over 27 years, and marry her, and I just couldn’t do this. So now Grace as been involved in the conspiracy because an attorney who is close to her attorney told us this.

Here we stand with a woman who doesn’t even want the child, but is part of an agreement that she has to deliver the child. She’s been given some promises of immunity for some things she’s done if she will lie about us. She doesn’t know anything about us because we never trusted the woman so she couldn’t even [have] known anything to lie about. She certainly never saw me do anything illegal. I am an honest person. I’ve told you everything I’ve done in my life. You’ve had that right. Committing adultery with this woman was one of the more noble things of my life. I consulted with my wife and my entire church before I did it, and I sure didn’t want to have anything to do with her.

It is interesting that none of the press we have had as pick up anything about the identity of John – that he is really my son. For some strange reason they are not talking about this. Every one of our sources knows about John, so obviously that is a part of the bribery to Mrs. Stoen. She won’t have her good name embarrassed. Not to mention the fact that her name is already destroyed in the eyes of good people because she’s a thief. She’s taken good people’s money, and stolen from our church.

Anyway, part of the plan is to get the child back, though she doesn’t personally want the child back. She gave the child to me. I have tried to maintain that woman’s image even though I don’t believe in letting children in this kind of interplay. We offered her an airplane ticket to visit the child. She took the ticket and cashed it in. We gave her some money one time to assist John in a medical situation, and she stole all the money. She spent all the money she stole from the church by her own admission in our affidavits we have. Now there is thousands of dollars behind her attorney who has come down here. Two of our people have talked to him, and he told very graphically how he was given assurances at high level how he would have the child by last Saturday. That doesn’t make us feel secure either.



Somebody’s giving him some backing. Attorneys don’t come across the US for nothing and they hired an attorney here for $25,000.

Interestingly enough, the media picked up people who were obviously provocateurs who had at one time been planted in our ranks. While they were in our church, they were advocating terrorism, and in my administrative abilities, I didn’t get on them immediately but I found them during military drills planning a stupid kind of action to blow up a bridge. Our church voted them out and disassociated ourselves from them, and discredited them. Now they are the sources in every article, and they are all lies – every allegation is a lie.

11) When the man from the Embassy came out, he said he had come to investigate a situation of a woman, age 32, who was supposed to be held against her will. Her brother had called the Embassy and implied that we had kidnapped her or something, which was a total absurdity. After talking to the woman, he realized she was happy and wished to stay with us, and had no intention of going back, or even leaving our group at all.

Evidently the man behind much of these weird stories is a so-called private investigator by the name of Joseph Mazor, who happens to have a 75 page criminal record (which we have in our possession, and would be happy to show you.) He, it seems, along with some others, is contacting the families of people who have come over here (legally) with our group, telling these families that we are holding their relatives against their will.

When the man from the Embassy came, he said you may be Venezuelan before long. He said you know the opposition has a good point there about profit-sharing, the way things are going there may be a civil war and you’d be caught right in the middle. We mentioned that we had come here all this way, and now a person couldn’t help what might happen to us. This man seemed to be trying to play on our people’s fears, but our people aren’t afraid, because we know all about territorial disputes, and we’re willing to die for your borders.

12) Yesterday two Land Rovers came up to the farm. One would not identify themselves. This is hard for our people to adjust to – being treated in such a manner, as it leads to extreme paranoia. We would like for people to identify themselves when they come in. We’ve never had to ask this before, but under the circumstances, I’m sure you can appreciate why we would ask this.

Min. Wills commented that with all of the orders being served by the court accompanied by the police and the Guyana Defense Force, it would give the community the impression that government is against us. That is not the prevailing opinion there because in our daily contacts we have not found that to be true. However, certain officials in the Matthews Ridge area who were rumored before to be opposed to our group, have sent us two letters. Firstly, to point out that we had acted out of line when we sent in a GDF on a mercy flight to pick up a patient from our farm. Secondly, a letter stating that we were violating regulations by not sending our children to the Port Kaituma schools. The headmaster of the schools told us that he didn’t know how he was going to feed the children he has in the school already. We are getting more than a little concerned about this kind of thing. With all of the harassment, we do not want to send any children off the farm.



We’d be glad to take and other children in the area but we don’t want to risk our children’s safety for now. We just don’t know what could happen up there. So much cooperation went on when you were out of the country. We would like to get government approval of the Jonestown school and take in children in the community.  Could this be done? We cannot send our children to Port Kaituma at this time with what we’ve been going through.

So with all these weird and bizarre things happening, we haven’t asked for anything. We’ve spent money by the tens of thousands in charities. We’ve supported the defense bond, we’ve supported food distribution every week, thousands of pounds of rice, fish, cassava one week (all free) and plantain the week before that. I’m just talking about the last couple of weeks. We’ve hired up over 100 until just recently. Of course we can’t do much of this right now. A union man came in representing the government and says we ought to belong to the party, and we said that we are not people who receive wages, we live communally.

We love the fields and pride ourselves in the field work. That’s the place that’s considered an honor to work. Work is never given as a discipline. The professional people among us always spend their time, as is typically true as you know to any true socialist economy, also working in the fields. The soil provides our life and is the mother of us all.

We have a doctor who goes out to serve local residents, though he is quite busy now. We’ve given treatment to many local residents, even to one police official who had a bad situation.

We’ve been able to convince many leaders of the sincerity of the Socialist administration because others in this country has sent out letters which were so critical. More than any other group I know, we have helped educate the black community by way of the president of the black newspaper publications. He is solidly behind and has come out with some marvelous articles about your country. And our own president has championed it, and that’s when a lot of our own troubles started. Plus our exposé of a black mayor being sent out for assassination, which none of the media would cover. We were told by a high editor in the LA Times that now we had gone too far, we had stepped on the big feet.

We ask only that we have peace here and be able to build, and that these rascals be stopped. We were told there is no jurisdiction, there is no extradition. Lt. Gov. [Mervyn] Dymally was concerned about this same thing when he was here. I could name a number of black leaders who are very concerned about this – the state of the nation. Angela Davis radioed in her support and her interest. (By the way, I forgot to mention that Leroy Wilkins, who is a moderate and just retired from the Presidency of the NAACP, has said he expects “genocide” in the US.)

Our church has been burned down twice in San Francisco, we have been harassed. One of my 10 children, one of my nine adopted children (as you know I have adopted 9 children throughout the years) was nearly killed (whether by high level or low level) as he was driven off the highway into a river (in the US). Members of our church have been shot at, as I have been. So you can see why we are somewhat beleaguered. Though we have had a lot of support such as from Mrs. Jimmy Carter whom I met with for an hour and a half before I left for Guyana – and she was openly praising what we are trying to do here and elsewhere (to get medical help into Third World nations), we nonetheless have faced persecution from other levels.

I wonder if the President isn’t a passing figure on the American scene. It wouldn’t shock me if he were assassinated, though it would grieve my heart to



think about it, but I know the intrigue. We’ve talked to many officials who have told us with ironclad proof of assassination of other leaders. But I won’t bother you with that. I’m sure you probably know more about it than I do. I’m sure you know too who is included in the conspiracy against us, and you are aware that the most prominent member of the American Indian Movement plus many others, came forward. This leader told how he was threatened and bribed, and was made promises to lie against myself and our church. He was told that if he did not cooperate, he would be extradited. Interestingly enough, unparalleled in court history, a federal court then two weeks later did that very thing. But this good Indian man knew that he could not lie on us, as we had defended every cause, every political prisoner across the US, and people we didn’t even agree with who were being persecuted for their ideas. We help his wife to get bail. We have certainly done our best to champion the cause of liberty and we have always been a non-violent people always.

You’re a very busy man, I know, but if you could do anything to ease our tensions, and find out which channels we should go through, who we can trust so we can go on as our people are in a “war psychosis” as [Che] Guevara once said, an invasion psychosis which is the most productive thing that can happen. We are a part of this economy. We can produce and we can help this country, and you will never have any more loyal supporters. But we really do need assurances now, that our little boy is safe, and that none of the people who are here now will be taken. Because we have no doubt other provocative things will be happening to us.

Thank you for your time. My best regards and deepest loyalty are extended to you.

Jim Jones



October 26, 1977

Honorable Dr. Ptolemy Reid
Camp Street

Dear Dr. Reid:

I write to you today on several subjects. I have not been writing as frequently as before because I know you are very pressed of late, and also because apparently in the matter of my son, John, your hands are tied to a certain extent.

I am currently advised both by my counsel and by the Foreign Minister that I cannot come into Georgetown, because the arrest order against me has yet to be lifted. Indeed, when I discussed my upcoming meeting planned for myself, Mervin [Mervyn] Dymally, and Andrew Young with the Foreign Minister, he said he would arrange for my safe passage through the capital and out of the country, because the arrest order is still outstanding. If it were not for the fact that, as I told you on previous occasions, a distinguished member of your cabinet warned me that his word is not to be counted upon, I would go to that meeting. Mr. Codette left the clear impression that the Foreign Minister is actually against our project, when he referred to the vote taken on our coming here. So, it is hard to know what to believe.

The other day one of our comrades was speaking to a Minister in the Cabinet, and very forthright person whose word we have never found to falter and a good spokesman for your government. One thing he said, however, caused much consternation among those few who are aware of the comment, and I am sure would trigger the same unhappy reaction among all in our community if they were appraised of it. He stated unequivocally that we would just have to let the courts follow their course regarding John – there would be no intervention on our behalf. The clear indication was that there would be no intervention, even if it did not go well for us in court. I am frankly puzzled because



Honorable Dr. Ptolemy Reid
October 26, 1977
Page two

initially, when we spoke of the matter, you stated unequivocally that the decisions of a California court do not apply here, and that those who are trying to take my dear son would find that Guyana would not allow jurisdiction. It seems that something has happened in the intervening time to alter this opinion, or change your mind.

Later another phone call was placed to the Foreign Minister who reiterated the position that we have nothing to worry about, “we would win in the end,” but that laborious court processes must be followed. If such will [were] indeed the case, my mind would be considerably relieved. However, there is again that nagging doubt: because when one particularly close to you says that his word is not to be trusted, then no matter how warm and ingratiating the Foreign Minister is, the possibility of duplicity remains in the memory and affects whatever planning we do.

It is obvious that our local counsel is not counting on our “winning in the end” when he recommends that we send my precious John and any who might be a source of controversy out of the country – to Timbuktu, for God knows how long. I am told that the procedure involving John could drag on for years because the conspiracy behind the scenes have found encouragement. If I were to send my John, what real security would that be? A passport can be traced, and, if I must depend on the person whose good word is questioned by those loyal to you, then how can I be assured that he will ever be allowed to return?

The terrible thing about this whole issue is that once a political conspiracy is allowed to feel a certain liberty to act, then the participants in that conspiracy are encouraged to push further. For example, I have always maintained that the nature of the rebuff given in the case of John would determine whether or not other cases would be initiated. Now a family who in the past were very friendly and very recently wholeheartedly approved of their two sons (ages nineteen and seventeen) coming to the project (they signed all the proper papers) have been influenced by money to demand the return of the seventeen -year-old. This son, a strapping 6’4″ young man, who will be eighteen in a matter of weeks has no desire to return. He is presently in Georgetown to marry a young woman who he cares for who is carrying his child; some technicalities are holding up



Honorable Dr. Ptolemy Reid
October 26, 1977
Page three

the marriage. So, by any sane legal analysis, the young man should not have to go back to the States against his wishes. But the character of the fomenters of this conspiracy is so base that the parents’ (the Olivers) attorney, a man regarded as unscrupulous by both black and white community alike, has openly threatened that unless we send the seventeen -year-old back, he would see to it that we would get another negative barrage on the California radio station. This is despite the fact that the young man will be eighteen in just over one month.

A showing of solidarity and strength is the only demonstration it seems that reactionary circles understand. Our own intelligence has discovered that the only thing to date that has kept one arm of government from harassing us further is that show of strength combined with the popular support we have in the states from left-wing, liberal, and even moderate groups. All these many supporters say the same thing – why bow to a conspiracy? They are somewhat baffled by your position regarding John, although we have tried to explain your dilemma.

In a few days you will be receiving a letter from Lt. Gov. Dymally. It is a strong letter, and one that I would ask you to read because it expresses the sentiments of hundreds of activist readers. The nature and far-reaching extent of this conspiracy is obvious.

Last night another incident occurred that is unsettling. At about 3:30 in the morning a group of strangers came onto our property. They were obviously up to no good at that hour, and they were organized enough to signal with lights to one another. This was witnessed by many present, including myself. Although they do not shoot, the nature of their approach (from the bush) aroused the worst suspicions. Footprints indicated that some were barefoot and some wore shoes.

We have been told that kidnapping is a real possibility, because the reactionary press is speculating that the government here is not giving us clear support in the custody matter, and that kind of an interpretation acts as a red flag in front of a raging bull. These devious people even brag about it. The way the audiovisual media has treated Guyana is utterly cruel and without conscience or empathy.



[Editor’s note: Page 4 of this letter is missing.]

Honorable Dr. Ptolemy Reid
October 26, 1977
Page five

of production would be disastrous at this time. Some of our more active seniors have had years of farm experience, but naturally there is a limit to what they can do. Just yesterday they were a tremendous help in gathering over 120 bags of planting material for eddoes, with the help of course of some strong, young hands.

Our approach to agriculture is scientific. Our agronomist has made a feasibility study and we know exactly what we need in labor and materials at this time to produce. We want to be able to produce not only for ourselves but for the community as well, but we will be hampered beyond measure if we lose the steady work force of the students.

Moreover, it has been reliably reported that malaria has broken out in the dormitories of the Kaituma School. We are not squeamish about disease – the risk was well-known when we came into this area. But I know rumors – if only one of our people got malaria, some youngster would run a friend back in the States and the next thing you would know, the press would get hold of it.

The recent visit of Mr. Charles Garry, an imminent Marxist lawyer who is helping us with our case, (fortunately for costs, or we could not stand the financial burden brought on by the harassment we have been receiving), [several words struck over] will help clear up any “mystery” surrounding our farm that lingers in the capital. He left the project regretfully and visited with Sir Lionel Luckhoo in the capital, and just told everyone he met that the farm was a “paradise.” He went back to the United States, got on the media, and said “this is a paradise.” He was overwhelmed with the beauty of Guyana and the socialist demonstration of the project and asked us if he could retire here. Here is a man who just received a $40,000 check from the sales of a book he has written and he wants to retire here. He will be on another network later this month. He left Guyana and admirer of your demonstration, after much discussion with us. (He had previously been influenced by the Opposition. Mr. [Cheddi] Jagan, whatever his intentions, is engaging in a course that could lead to the destruction of the economy. It is interesting that Mr. Jagan is so warmly welcomed in the United States, especially when the course his Party is taking can lead, even unwittingly, to economic disaster.)

I am equally sure that the visits of Guyanese government officials will also go a long way to dispel any rumors. Those who have come in recent days have had



Honorable Dr. Ptolemy Reid
October 26, 1977
Page six

nothing but praise, (although we welcome constructive criticism) and have deemed the project a “model” community. Mervin Dymally, will be visiting again soon. He is a man who is not political in terms of socialist ideology, yet he has made statements supportive of socialism in the Caribbean because of his regard for my character and because of my request in support of the Guyanese government.

The custody matters are of grave concern, not simply because my own son is involved, since I feel an equal loyalty to any member of the organization who has chosen to make Guyana his or her new home. I know, however, that the conspiracy has chosen this area as the one avenue by which they can bleed us dry in legal costs and emotional drain. The press has to a great deal been curbed by solid community reaction in our favor (certainly not as a result of any love for Guyana, socialism, or us). Fortunately, the media has been fairly confined and isolated. But custody matters, no matter how flimsy, can bleed us to death. Every time we will fight and raise a storm, but there is the chance again that arrest orders will come for me.

I have proven my loyalty to you in the past, at no small risk. I have stated that I willing, that we are all willing, to follow you know matter what course you may have to take to survive. So I ask you – please tell us where we stand. If the opposition to our presence is too great, or if there is a pressure to have us leave so as to enable the government to take the farm over, or if internal party pressures are such that you cannot act – please just let us know the lay of the land. We are rational beings, and will evaluate and empathize with whatever the situation is.

To be frank, since the incident with John began, my blood pressure has been running at a dangerously high level. I am training leadership as quickly as I can, but at this stage, if my health were to fail, the community, the project would be gravely, gravely endangered. I personally do not think it would survive at this stage. It is not a personality cult. Far from it. I have always been there when any of the people had a medical emergency, a problem with the law, a house about to be lost. Like yourself, I simply cannot separate loyalty from my socialist commitment. It is a loyalty to the death. I have fought hard when one of my Black members, as so often happens in a racist society, was framed and sent to jail. I have never lost one person to jail because of my determination.



Honorable Dr. Ptolemy Reid
October 26, 1977
Page seven

Because the people have seen this kind of loyalty to them from me, they trust me; it is the collective feeling that our organization cannot survive here, but through my trust, the people have decided to give their commitment, and have gained their own sense of trust.

(Thus, when some official contacts our office and asks such questions as “Do you grow marijuana up there?” it is utterly infuriating. Don’t these people realize that as completely committed socialists we are totally against the use of drugs? We don’t even use alcohol or tobacco, simply because they are detrimental to one’s health and because we want to set a consistent example to our children. I am sure you can appreciate how exasperating some of this has been, and I won’t take up your time with details.)

Our loyalty to you remain secure. We would give our lives, and be proud because we had the chance to make our lives and deaths have a socialist meaning.

Cooperatively yours,
Jim Jones



18 July 1977

Dear Dr. [Ptolemy] Reid,

The concern of this letter is to keep you abreast of several situations we are involved in: (1) Potential property purchases, (2) Developing situations with the American Press, (3) Clarification of articles submitted regarding our work here, and (4) Further training of our medical doctor.

With regard to property, one of our members has had continuing discussions with the owner of the Bel Air who was about ready to accept a deal, although she wants $75,000.00 US, although we have offered her about the equivalent of $60,000.00 US. In the case of the Bel Air, we don’t know how to help you exactly because this does not involve the transfer of money, so we need your suggestion as to how to proceed here. She is more than anxious to negotiate a sale. Enclosed in this letter is a summary of the dialogue between our member and the owner which we felt could possibly be of value and interest to you. The Bel Air would appear to have some value to us as I mentioned in my previous conversation with you, but we want to do whatever is best for you in this matter. Mr. Baccus [Bacchus] wants to sell the rice farm and sawmill for $345,000.00. How do we go about this? We need to buy the place for income. We need to know how to proceed in order to help him confiscate it.

The developing situations with the reactionary American press: we have at this time advance information that we are the subject of attack in a rather small, not widely circulated, but scandal mongering type of magazine in the US, which just finished viciously attacking the mayor of SF. Along with other scurrilous campaigns, the result has been to bring the Mayor up for a recall election. It is obvious there is an attempt to discredit a vast range of people who have been our friends from Mayor [Tom] Bradley to Lt. Governor [Mervyn] Dymally, and supposedly the article even mentioned Mrs. [Rosalyn] Carter. This paper is owned by one of the largest US “press barons.” The reactionary press is really getting “dirty” in the United States right now, (although President Carter seems to show signs of change), as is so vividly demonstrated in the example of Lt. Governor Dymally. The press tried to discredit him, as they intend, we believe, to do to us (only because he championed socialism in Guyana after returning [two illegible words] with us here.) The Los Angeles Times came after him and called him crooked and even criminal and everything else under the sun. This kind of thing is now being started with us, as demonstrated in the set-up break-in. An editor of the Chronicle, although he is quite conservative, knows us and has visited our human service facilities many times, and was thoroughly impressed with our work. He has done an intensive and complete study which substantiated the whole nature of the way we had been “set-up,” which, of course, the police investigation bore out.

Sometime ago we had some provocateurs in our midst who caught at the time. Now they are offering to be the substance of a story that is profoundly ridiculous with the obvious intent to throw an unfavorable light on socialism, and other of our socialist, and even progressive, friends. One of the foremost socialist commentators and a prominent author just featured recently in the Guyana Chronicle, Dr. Albert Kahn, says that it is a clear attempt to discredit us, as was done so frequently during the McCarthy era he endured a couple of years ago. He is going to help us with our defense, demanding FBI files on some of these so-called sources. These sources recommended terrorist acts and when we rejected these methods, they wanted to tear down our work and our reputation. We are just not sure of their ultimate aim, but there are overtones other than just negative PR and we will keep you posted.



Included here is a list of people to be wary of including a brief synopsis of their backgrounds which demonstrates clearly their unreliability. These are the people quoted as “sources” for the article and they are the same group who were either provocateurs or terrorists who could not accept our socialist course working within the structure, which is the only logical way change can be brought in the US.

Grace Stoen: she is the attorney’s wife who was mentioned in an earlier letter. She is strongly suspected of being an agent because she never had any comprehension of socialism, but rather worked her way into our organization to get what she could get. She is very devious and will stop at nothing to achieve what she wants. She constantly spoke of killing people, especially her own husband. Mrs. Stoen wrote a letter of her own volition to Mrs. [Eva] Pugh with the keys to her own desk, saying that she was living with a man named Walter Jones, “Smitty” and that her child will be better off with us. She left the child for this man, who is also married to someone else, without even saying good-bye. She said that she wanted to spare the child’s life because she was no good for the child.

Elmer and Deanna Mertle: she attempted to blackmail the church threatening to say horrible things about the group if we did not give them $25,000.00; of course, we did not give them the funds. They also took prison files on people who were rehabilitated. Deanna Mertle sent in a large gathering that she derived sexual pleasure out of hearing children scream.

Mickey Touchette: she stole large amounts of money from individuals in the church and also stole from the church itself. She participated in terrorist activity (see below.)

Wayne Pietla [Pietila]: molested a young child, and stole a bus engine.

Terry Cobb Pietla [Pietila]: she molested Patricia Cartmell when she was a young child and molested another small child.

Walter Jones: he made a bizarre offer to eliminate a family considered hostile to us, which seven much like the suggestion of an agent provocateur.

Birdie Marable: she stole $5000.00 from an older lady, Mrs. [Marceline] Latourneau. She stole money from other of her patients. Her husband was an incorrigible alcoholic as she was herself.

Ross Case: he is a known child molester who would not accept therapy.

Laura Mae Cornelius: she is known to be mentally disturbed and not willing to submit to treatment.

The following list of people left our group together: Jim Cobb, Mickey Touchette, Wayne Pietla, Terry Cobb Pietla, and three others. They held training classes in terrorist tactics at college dormitories without anyone’s knowledge, manufactured bullets for rifles. They tore the telephone out of the wall of the man Wayne lived with and stole hunting rifles belonging to him. They carried stolen explosives in their car and planned to bomb a dam. They made their own ammunition and developed an ammunition cache. At one time we thought they were misguided “revolutionaries” and we were not even going to disown them. We subsequently learned that they thought revolution was a big joke and they got into drugs and alcohol. At this time we suspect them of being provocateurs. Naturally when you have thousands of members you are going to have provocateurs, so I am surprised we haven’t had more.

The interesting defense that Dr. Kahn is preparing is that we have not one member in jail, nor in a mental institution. Everyone who is in need and who has sought our help has been fully taken care of with the resources of our church.

Since my ears are still inflamed, the doctor says that I cannot fly, thus, I am unable to return to our US church center, and my church leaders are handling the situation very well. Many other friends and community leaders there are suggesting that I remain here at this time because of possible assassination attempts. (As you know, I have had two assassination attempts in the past, and one of them against my child.) Although such threats and never deterred me, I am bowing to their requests and staying put for now.



One more thought on this press issue should be considered in that many political leaders such as Mrs. Carter, the Black mayor of Los Angeles, the Governor of California, and the Mayor of San Francisco have been most friendly to us and sympathetic to our work. Dr. Kahn is sure that this is an effort to discredit them by using us. We are openly known as democratic socialists and some may be trying to use us to destroy all black and progressive leadership. The mayor of San Francisco is clearly a “closet” socialist. In our church he openly champions our goals, just as the Lieutenant Governor has come around to socialism since he has been to our church. (He attends frequently.) In fact, the famous actress Jane Fonda and her husband have just join our church and have become admirers of Guyana since hearing of our program. Reactionary elements may see such prominent personalities aligning with a socialist group as threatening to their interests. Since some of the left in the US still put Guyana in a Nationalist Socialist bag, we have that element to counteract too. Unfortunately some of the worst among this group are black.

Finally, I wanted to add one point of clarification regarding the articles [I] gave you on our project here. As a syndicated columnist in the US would not go by with paying too much praise to a socialist environment being good for any type of people except the most incorrigible, the US media cannot credit a socialist environment producing a culture free of the social problems experienced in the US. The reporter has purposefully or otherwise gotten the story confused. In the US, we have young people come to us who had patterns of kleptomania, child molesting, drugs, etc. These patterns do not appear in a socialist environment over here. The first question in a reporter’s mind there is: Is it socialism and I have always answered “yes, it is the only alternative for youth.” Since we do not have such problems here to the extent they do in the US, they deduce it to be a rehabilitation program, when in fact it is the socialist environment. In fact, only two persons were sent to our project by the courts there and they are exemplary models of Socialist citizenship. They have since had these charges cleared.

Our doctor has arrived here. Being very tired and in a great deal of pain with my ears, I do not recall the exact procedure suggested by you the other day. Is he to check with the Ministry of Health regarding his internship in Cuba?

As soon as we obtain copies of the snare articles against the Lt. Governor Dymally we will send them to you. Also, we will send the article that appears about us.

We are holding in there we want to keep you posted for your own knowledge and if it is too much just throw it in the wastepaper basket. We are moving full speed ahead with our program.

Cooperatively yours,



[Editor’s note: Among the letters prepared for signature – but not necessarily written – by Jim Jones was a collection of letters to Guyana government ministers that appear in draft form from BB-17-fff-1  through hhh-4. The first, to Foreign Minister Fred Wills, includes room for a PS, but that does not appear until pages ggg-3. The last letter, to Ptolemy Reid, begins at BB-17-hhh-1 with language specifically directed towards him, then continues with the boilerplate text. Finally, this letter is duplicated at BB-17-iii-1 through iii-3. Although undated, the connect of all the letters place them in Fall 1977.]

Dear Minister Wills,

We deeply appreciate the assurance given by you that there will be no extradition of any of us, should those in the States succeed enforcing some legal action against our church or its members as a part of this moved to destroy us because of our political beliefs. Charles Garry is utterly convinced we are the victims of a carefully orchestrated political conspiracy, and he is currently engaged in documenting that fact. We have only a part of those documents here, what they alone reveal a network of criminals, terrorists, and provocateurs engaged in one of the most significant conspiratorial attempts to undermine and destroy a single socialist organization in the history of the US. One of the key figures in this effort as a private investigator, Joseph Mazor, whose criminal record searches back to 1963. We have 75 pages of documents detailing his history of forgery, frog, and numerous other parole violations, which include posing as an attorney, resulting in the revocation of his license for a period of time. Church leaders, lawyers, and community leaders – including some in government who know of our consistent good works obtained these records. (The documents are available to you upon your request.) That one station or newspaper has ever printed one word of it, yet they freely attack us and disparage Guyana.

Despite Mazor’s criminal record he is dignified by the press, and he has tried to intimidate our thousands of supporters and friends through harassing phone calls. He spread the lie that we have “abducted” 20 children. We have legal authorization for every single child on the project. Only the black and alternative press have referred to this man’s criminal background, and discussed the fascist context of his activities. (We are somewhat encouraged however, by one person on the New York Times staff who does admire our stands and has plans to expose Mazor.)

The story behind my precious son would have made highly sensational copy; it was known to the sources who infiltrated our ranks. Yet, not a word of it has surfaced in the press. Now it appears that an informal deal has been arranged; that story has been censored, and the woman, a racist, has been offered immunity to testify, or, I should correctly say lie [marginal note insertion: “before the grand jury, provided of course that the press is able to pressure law enforcement into convening such a body – a pressure to which so far they have refused to yield.”] Our counselors are uncovering a trail of intrigue that dates back several years.

Our supporters, numbering in the thousands, continue to stand solidly behind us, and even new members and supporters have joined their ranks. Lt. Governor [Mervyn] Dymally has bravely championed our cause as has the Black publisher who heads the Black Newspaper Publishers Association (which represents all Third World newspapers and some progressive white papers as well) has stood loyally with me. His editorial of August 25th is one of several that show the depth of his commitment and concern. In some ways, this is no small miracle, in that I have been very open in my support of the party, and he has been a devotee of Dr. [Cheddi] Jagan – primarily, I think, as a result of the propaganda spread by the PNC. However, this publisher is one of the most forthright friends of Guyana, and has been influential in encouraging other Black publishers to be the same.



Many feel that we are the test case in a wave of a neo-McCarthy Era; one journalist who spent many years in the socialist world and who is a principled Marxist told us that the tactics used to smear our organization our a virtual repeat of those used during the 1950s. The only difference is that they are more sophisticated. WE HAVE NOT READ ONE CHARGE AGAINST US THAT IS TRUE. To date, with the exception of one Eastern based magazine, the attacks have been confined to [several words struck out, marginal edit inserted: “a few reactionary outlets in the northern region of California, as far as we know.”] Some other periodicals and audiovisual media, although subjected to great pressure, have not joined this campaign. The attack has been spearheaded by Rupert Murdoch, a reactionary whose ownership of 88 media outlets, together with his sensationalist style of journalism has caused even some conservatives deep concern. Indeed, a few of the TV affiliates he is connected with even with so far as to infer something clandestine in the private dinner I had with Mrs. Carter; a tawdry suggestion that reflected as poorly on her integrity as it did online, I regret to say.

Areas of Concern in the North West District

In our work in this district we have received some information that I feel this is my duty and responsibility to report to your office in light of your suggestion of attacks within the country against us. Several party officials have told us that Cde. Carmichael and Cde. Lambert have been openly criticizing us to others in the community to the extent that the rumor circulates that “the Prime Minister will want to investigate” one thing or another. In fairness, I must say that in our own personal contacts with these two comrades, they have always been exceedingly friendly.

While we naturally welcome open and constructive criticism, this kind of sowing of discord seems counterproductive. One party official who spoke directly to us of this matter said he was quite disillusioned, because there was bickering and feuding among party officials, and a destructive, competitive kind of negative criticism of one another as part of the vying for success or promotion in party ranks. Feuds wherein people would not speak to each other formats were mentioned. One individual mentioned that for these reasons he wanted to leave the North West District, and that the petty cliqueishness seemed to be effectively preventing promotion in party ranks on the basis of merit in his view, those who have left the area had prospered and risen in the party ranks. [marginal insert: “We have formed no opinion on this matter. We are merely reporting.”]

Many party members told us that they appreciated the project, and really kind enough to say that the project meant a great deal to the NWD. We have tried to cement good community relations in a number of ways. This week alone we distributed hundreds of pounds of fish, plantain and cassava free of charge to the local community [marginal insert: “and thousands of pounds of rice.”] We sincerely desire to function so as to constructively benefit the community.

Of course we have experienced our share of business people who have taken advantage of our lack of knowledge; one surveyor did a negligent job, and a Mr. Campbell blatantly stole items from the property here. But we can certainly take these things in stride, because we have a commitment to Guyana, grounded in our deeply felt socialist philosophy.

I hesitate, because I do not want to sound presumptuous, but I believe that you will find no other group more dedicated or loyal to the government, down to every man, woman, and child. Perhaps it is because our experience with harassment and persecution is so painful, so fresh, that our gratitude runs very, very deep in our school



classes we teach an absolute respect for the Guyanese government, its leaders and its institutions. We teach Guyanese history and the history of your government is making, now, both in this cooperatively, and throughout the entire Third World as well.

Our loyalty to the party is complete, and as we are very much interested in acquiring citizenship we hope to be able to demonstrate that loyalty in concrete ways. Recently, although it strained our monthly budget for that month, we made a $1000.00 contribution to Cde.  Carmichael for the NWD PNC Congress’s goal.

We hope that all the party leaders will believe in our good faith. Our loyalty and faith in the government is undivided. It was unsettling when Cde. Lambert questioned us about some of the trash in the newspapers, and seemed to indicate that the regional ministers and cabinet leaders credited it enough to want to pursue an investigation. By saying that your government “does not approve of such tactics of discipline being used on either Black or White” lent credence to the vicious lies of the reactionary press. Imagine how this disturbed us when we know that we have done no wrong, particularly when the comment was attributed, by inference, to the Prime Minister.

As you probably know, all our decisions are made through collective decision-making processes, and we try to promote honesty, cooperation and a socialist work structure. Notwithstanding the rumor circulated, discipline is grounded solely in denial of reward or work duties. However, since we heard that two in this region would like to see us leave, we were concerned, especially in light of the fact that we have so recently left an environment of horrendous persecution. People simply cannot work productively when they work in an atmosphere of insecurity, not certain whether or not they will be forced to leave their new homeland. We would not like to start life anew in an antagonistic atmosphere. If those who are highly committed to socialist principles do not have faith in us, it will be difficult for us to endure, yet we need to know where we stand.

I implore you to give us that peace of knowing that not one of my people will be returned to these uncaring, racist compressors who included in their ranks of sycophants admitted Nazis as well as those who pose as far left terrorists. [Marginal note addition: “To the very last ones, these sources have been criminals or provocateurs.”] We have been hounded and harassed for years, our buildings have been burned. My own life and the lives of my children have been threatened. We took a vote last week, and with only one exception, every person stood fast this commitment: we would rather die than go back.

Cooperatively comrade,
Jim Jones

[P.S. from ggg-3 and ggg-4]

P.S. Several party officials told us that there would be questions raised about a 9’ by 9’ pit which must refer to either our garbage pit or our sanitation facilities, both of which were dug up by back hoe alone. One went so far as to say we should cover them, but this is ridiculous as we had nothing to hide. Cde. Lambert also mentioned that they would be coming out to check this matter. After this letter was written a Mr. Potmore who represented himself as from the Georgetown Home Affairs Office came on the pretext that he and his aide were out checking on our lost tools and just wanted to snap pictures. It was a very clumsy presentation. Potmore was cold and unfriendly, refusing cold juice prepared by some of our cooks. The only time he became friendly was when he walked about 60’ from our large garbage pit and had the oldest of my adopted black sons, and other members of the community stand with him while someone took a picture of him with a mound of dirt in the background. A short walk to the pit would have clearly disclosed the shovel marks of the backhoe from the sides to the very bottom. This would have clearly demonstrated that [word overstruck] was dug out by mechanical means alone. As many of the residents of our community of Jonestown had heard these rumors as well as Cde. Lambert specifically stating that they would come out for the avowed purpose of checking this exact matter out, and a few days before the Home Affairs man appeared to do exactly that. But, as he did not look into the pit, it seemed like the age-old story of “I’ve made up my mind – don’t confuse me with the facts.” It is shocking these abominable fascist rumors that were originated by liars in the United States would be dignified by anybody in this great socialist republic. But what concerns us more is that the man was not straightforward about the matter, nor thorough in his approach. We know absolutely that you can empathize with the distress and apprehension our community is beset with presently; we feel that our integrity and good works should speak for themselves by now to whomsoever is pursuing this ridiculous charge. Thank you for your indulgence.



Honorable Cde. [Ptolemy] Reid,

I have always felt that any commitment made to the agricultural project and its people, deserves not only an equal, or even greater commitment to Guyana on our part, but also the highest level of personal openness and honesty on my part. To this end I have tried to make my life an open book to you, and have done so, except for one very painful chapter. This chapter I have heretofore kept closed, not from any reservations about your sensitivity – I have none – but only because I did not want to cause needless hurt to others. Now, however, events dictate that disclosure is necessary: moreover, you have a right to know.


Some years ago one of the District Attorneys of California, who was a member of our church and who is now himself viciously under attack, asked me to respond to his wife’s many sexual overtures to me, because he feared that she was capable of the most insidious treason to both the organization and the socialist cause, if she met with further rebuff. I cannot describe how much I was repulsed by the idea, but after consultation with my wife of nearly 30 years, and the church central committee (a large body which is the final authority of our churches, it was collectively agreed that because of this woman’s powerful, reactionary family connections, this project be undertaken. She, herself, appeared to idolize me, but the fickleness of self-centered love was such that any rebuff from me was met with utter hostility – not simply to myself, that would have been of no consequence – but to the collective as well.

Out of this unholy union came a beautiful son. The conception was totally unexpected, as I had used preventatives, and so, supposedly had she. She had resisted all suggestions of abortion, and went so far as to threaten subversion against socialism unless she were allowed to keep the child. It was a nightmare. The boy is undoubtedly my child; the resemblance is absolutely convincing. That is why she gave me no difficulty when I requested that he go to Guyana. She signed legal authorization for him to come to this country. Her husband also signed such authorization. In addition, he stated under penalty of perjury, that he had asked me to sire a child for him to rear, [marginal note addendum: “thinking that if the document ever had to be revealed, and might be more easily understood in [illegible words] light.”] it might be [two struck out words] counselors, among them Mr. Charles Garry, advised me that unless I stay here in Guyana with my son, I shall lose him. I would rather die than see this child sent to wither in the environment this woman now lives in, with a white, Southern bigot, and her avowedly racist parents. I would rather die than accept the demand for the return of the child. At present the judge will not even grant her a permanent court order making this remotely possible, and, even if another judge would yield to the demands, as Minister [Fred] Wills pointed out, California courts have no jurisdiction and a court order could not be enforced. I would like to further assurances in this regard. I pledge to you that myself and all of my people will die protecting your borders – we would far, far rather die defending this socialist nation than to return to the sadistic, fascist land we have left.

Loyal members of the church central committee explained the painful story of this child and his background to Foreign Minister Wills as we were advised to work with him in your absence, and



they reported that he was most supportive and reassuring.

[Editor’s note: Balance of the letter is slight variation to text from fff-1 through fff-3.]


BB-17-iii-1 – iii-3

[Duplicate of BB-17-fff-1 through fff-3]


BB-17-jjj-1 – jjj-5

[Variation of letter at BBB-17-fff-1. See note at that location regarding P.S.]



Jim’s copy

Bishop Jim Jones
Peoples Temple Agricultural Project
PO Box 893
Republic of Guyana

Honorable Dr. Ptolemy Reid
Deputy Prime Minister
Camp Street, Cummingsburg

Republic of Guyana

Dear Dr. Reid;

There is a new and real air of friendship which has been noticed in our recent meetings with the Regional Minister, Fitz Carmichael and Regional Development Officer, Cde. Wyatt. Delegations of visitors have been brought to tour the farm by the Regional Minister and other local officials. They have shown our farm with enthusiasm and pride as an example of what can come out of development in the North West Region.

Our “clinical playground” was of special interest to a delegation of educators from both Georgetown and Port Kaituma. The party included the Regional Minister Carmichael, Cde. Wyatt, Cde. Esther Burrowes, and Cde. Lowe from the Georgetown offices of the Ministry of Education, and Cde. Green from the local school system. The “clinical playground” is unique in that it was designed to help children in developing motor skills and at the same time to give the children recreation. They asked us to duplicate this playground for them in Port Kaituma, which we said we would gladly do.

Another one of the members of their touring party, who was not in the education field, asked us to teach them our furniture making process, which we, of course agreed to do also.

The toys which are made totally from local materials, fascinated different ones. They are durable, entertaining, and educational for children, youth, and even adults. These and other things we are doing have made the farm a focal point of interest for many who visit.

In this delegation of visitors, only one man stood apart. He was rude to an absolutely unreasonable degree. A white agricultural consultant from England, he was highly critical of anyone teaching Marxism in the school system. He said that this was not teaching, but rather, indoctrination. We pointed this man’s comments out to the Regional Minister. We avoid being argumentative, but found the man’s view of education to [be] very conservative, dealing with the concept of “imprinting” which is counter to the Guyanese approach to education. The daycare nursery was an impressive feature to everyone except this English who would not even give us the courtesy of telling us his name when we asked. He was critical of children being removed from their parents as is done in the Guyanese school system. We want you to know that we do not object to this concept in the Guyana school system at all. In our case, it is merely that our families, who have undergone a tremense [tremendous? Intense?] amount of pressure from where they came, were led to expect to have the school at Jonestown. We discussed utilization of our teachers at Port Kaituma and we are glad to report that we reached several areas of mutual cooperation which will not require the closing of our school and will make significant contributions to the Port Kaituma school.



Another visiting delegation included the Minister of Works Steve Naraine Cde. Diablo, Permanent Secretary to Minister of Works, Ronald Rojuarine  of Guyana Water Authority, Vera McCullen, confidential secretary to the Minister of Works, Clayton Hinds of Guyana Information Service, Regional Minister Carmichael, Cde. Wyatt, Regional Development Officer, the first secretary from Works and Transportation, Cde. Mohammed Tufail, Industrial Relations Officer, and Superintendent Brown.

The visit was very constructive and is the kind that gives us a real feeling of camaraderie so helpful to motivation for greater production. The gracious attitude and helpful comments of Minister Naraine gave us many ideas. We were impressed by this man and his sincerity. His goodwill was about question and his opinion of the US was made clear by the adverse remarks he offered about it and his desire to have his children discontinue school there. The permanent secretary, Cde. Diablo, called the farm “a model community” and everyone was amazed at how much had been accomplished in such a short period of time especially Minister Naraine  who visited the farm only a year ago to see our water wells which runs year-round.

The purpose of the visit was to see what could be done with wells, which they have apparently have difficulty duplicating anywhere else in the country, but they were so overwhelmed by what they saw that it became an incomparable cooperative experience. They came at a time when our various talents were performing and different guests made comments about how well our dancing groups performed. We also had several inspired songs performed by the very talented young people Calypso style, and in other ways “glorifying Guyana “. Cde. Tufail said we should put a complete program together and present it at the Cultural Center for the people of Guyana. Cde. Tufail who was very impressed with our total cooperative program called attention to our athletic skills and said we had the potential to produce another Lennox Blackmore. He asks us to pursue training our people more thoroughly so that they can either represent Guyana or train others.

Cde. Tufail also suggested we cut cane as a means of harmonization. We had thought very much along that line, therefore when Mortimer Codette asked us to volunteer, we said, of course we would do whatever we could, however that was several weeks ago when the strike first started and we have not heard from him since. We concluded that the reason we were not informed was because it would make it difficult for you with the Opposition PPP. We need all of our personnel up there to make a model community, but even at that we were going to volunteer.

Charles Garry, the leading advocate for the oppressed in the US and longtime civil rights leader, visited us at Jonestown this past week. He was overwhelmed to a degree that he called it a paradise of socialist achievement and is going back to the US to discuss this week what he saw on ABC-TV. His insight and respect for Guyana and the government has grown from his associations with Peoples Temple’s acceptance here. He will also be discussing his very popular autobiography Street Fighter In The Courtroom which has become so prominent that he was given a $40,000 initial commission.

Nothing can explain the change in attitudes of Regional Minister Carmichael and Regional Development Officer Wyatt, but there is a warmth and relaxed air which was not there previously. Cde. Wyatt expressed his hope that everything was fine with us and said, “You are our example for the people; you are the one hope for our people to see what can be done; you are doing what our people should do and must do.” Cde. Wyatt was very frank and all of our conversations and he was not



putting on or his spontaneous reaction to my mention of eating such considered delicacies as frogs and rattlesnakes would not have been to say, “Oh my God!”

The warming of attitudes gives us immense gratitude and promotes an environment for us to contribute and produce for Guyana. Our loyalty to you, the Prime Minister, and to Guyana is undying and your faith in us will not be disappointed.

With sincerest regards,
Jim Jones

JJ:pa  [Paula Adams]

P.S. One thing which is still unacceptable to every person in Peoples Temple under the conditions which it now stands is the custody matter of my son, John. We have the understanding that the outcome of the court case now in process will be to my favor. However are we to continue living under the uncertainty of whether it will recur? The same loyalty we have for you must be demonstrated within our own organization are the basis of our entire structure will suffer severe morale problems, therefore it will never accept anything short of complete victory with this matter.

There are two specific areas of concern which of come out of the dragging out of a clear-cut decision. Firstly, the hesitation of government involvement (either directly or indirectly) in quickly ending the whole matter opens other elements of the conspiracy to instigate new custody issues on other children who are here legally. Are we to continue tying up funds designed for building and developing the interior in court battles? We have had great difficulty in explaining to civil rights groups, and other Third World and established socialist countries, why Guyana has allowed a big-money backed reactionary conspiracy to reach into the courts here. Secondly, the illegal order for my arrest which still exists and could be implemented at any time cripples my mobility. Lt. Governor [Mervyn] Dymally and Andrew Young have asked for a private meeting with me next month but my very presence in Georgetown runs the risk of arrest under Guyana law.

All other matters previously mentioned by correspondence have been mutually resolved in the feeling of camaraderie and cooperation exists in the North West Region which we are grateful. The only matter left which we hope can be hardly resolved is the matter of my son. My very warmest regards to you.


[BB-17-lll-1 – lll-3 is a duplicate of the letter at BB-17-pp-1 – pp-3.]



The Honorable Ptolemy Reid:

The following our situations we wish to apprise you of or update previous information given.


We received word tonight that Tim Stoen as capitulated under pressure and has joined that woman, Grace, again asking for my son’s return. However, Sir Lionel Luckhoo has assured me that this will make no difference in the case. It pains me that Tim Stoen can have so little integrity, after having put me through the ordeal of my life at his request. I am afraid that commitment and integrity are scarce qualities in a world manipulated by pressure, money, and power. As I understand it, Mr. Stoen’s residency was predicated on his being a member in good standing of Peoples Temple. As he is no longer a member in good standing, I ask if it is possible that his residency be revoked.


Our school is flourishing, but we are still anxious that we be allowed to continue its operation. The Port Kaituma School was completely without water for several days, and there have been cases of malaria. Lastly, we were saddened to hear of the death of the baby daughter of a very fine leader, Cde. Green, from gastroenteritis. We have offered our services and skills, both medical and technical, to help overcome these problems, but it would be foolish to place our students in such a situation, in light of the kind of scrutiny we are under from the press. However, our farm functions with the critical help of our students; the school embodies the work-study concept. Production would be drastically impaired if the students had to live, work, and study elsewhere. We have been sending our equipment and personnel in the adjacent farm to help with the plowing and we are happy to do so. The theme for this year’s Regional Conference, in which we will be participating is “Increase Productivity for Socialist Development.” This will certainly strive to do, but it will not be possible if our work-study program is disrupted. (A more detailed report on school matters is enclosed for your perusal.)


We have had confirmation of the matter I wrote you about yesterday from a second source. This agency is definitely seeking to link our organization with your government in some kind of collusive traffic in weapons and currency – a traffic which needless to say does not exist. This independent source confirms that the tampering with our shipment in Houston is part of this effort and that this agency is getting a measure of cooperation from some person or persons in Guyana, although the specifics are not yet known.


We continue to foster better relations with the surrounding community. Regularly we provide petrol at no cost, have lent our movie projector to Kaituma, and have exchanged films with the community. The other night we housed a group of people who could not get on the airplane at our expense, due to a GDF emergency medical flight.


A final and grave concern to us as a matter of obtaining back up radios since our present radios often break down under heavy use. My secretary informed me today that she was told at customs at the airport that we cannot have radios there unless someone with more authority to grant such permission. The




radios have been literally life-saving not only to people in the Kaituma community via emergency medical phone patch, but also in assisting in major emergencies in Venezuela and Brazil (where much goodwill for Guyana was directly the result). Not only would this lack of communication hurt us badly with relatives in the United States, thus creating a PR problem here, but it could mean someone’s life. There is apparently some paranoia that we would set up additional stations. We have never ordered additional antennas, which would be a prerequisite to additional stations, nor do we have any use for more stations. Our radio in the interior is malfunctioning presently and could go out any moment. Georgetown does not have a radio to the United States at all as they sent us theirs because our other radio broke down. We would greatly appreciate anything that can be done in this area as it is critical to the health and well-being of well over 800 people.

Cooperatively yours,
Jim Jones


BB-17-nnn-1 – nnn-4

[This letter is a duplicate from BB-17-qq-1 – qq-4. This copy is missing page 3.]


BB-17-ooo-1 – ooo-4

[This letter is a version of a letter that was sent to Foreign Minister Fred Wills, which appears from BB-17-jj-1 – jj-4. This version went to Prime Minister Forbes Burnham.]



[A version of this letter sent to Minister Vibert Mingo appears at BB-17-aaaa.]

The Honorable Ptolemy Reid,

The following is a brief resume of information regarding particular areas of mutual interest:


A government official in the States, friendly to our organization and a person with pronounced socialist sympathies told our headquarters some important information. This person saw and showed some of our people in the States document prepared by Interpol. As you know, Interpol is comprised of some of the most reactionary forces of capitalist society, and counts among its operatives the most important, wealthy Nazi and ultra right elements in the United States. This document contains a series of statements which clearly demonstrate that this organization has been intricately involved in, if not the central core of the fascist conspiracy against us. The two main “charges” leveled against myself and the Peoples Temple our that we are “Trafficking in currency and weapons.” The implication is that the phantom weapons are being smuggled into Guyana with the tacit cooperation of your government (which incidentally Interpol does not see fit to recognize as an independent nation – labeling this country “British Guiana” throughout the document.) This nonsense could be written off as simple insanity if it were not for the fact that Interpol is one of the most insidious arms of international fascism.

What disturbs us the most, however, is that some elements in government appear to be giving this garbage some credence. Currently our shipment of ninety crates is being inspected in customs – in a manner in which even customs officials remark upon as being unprecedented. We do not mind the going through of these items piece by piece, with every inch examined and inspected because we can understand that this procedure may be necessary to safeguard the government’s image should questions be raised. It is time consuming, and has resulted in the bottlenecking of valuable equipment, important to our project. Coming on the heels of this Interpol report, it is disconcerting. The report openly states that “lookouts” reposted in New Orleans, Houston, and Miami to watch our shipments. As you may know, this particular shipment was broken into in Houston by seven agents. We have an affidavit of an independent shipping agent to this effect. We are deeply concerned that at that time something may have been planted in order to “set us up.” Interpol has done this before to other organizations. Our apprehension was compounded when we heard that last Friday one of the crates was broken open, allegedly by a customs person without any of our representatives present. Mr. Janero [Richard Janaro], one of our purchasing agents in Georgetown noticed today that several of the crates bear evidence of having been tampered with.

As this Interpol report was forwarded, according to our source, to the Interpol office in Georgetown, we are wondering just what is going on here. Does the customs department work in cooperation with Interpol – an agency notorious for its fascist, reactionary activity? I cannot believe it. Or, is it possible that there are persons in customs who are individually sympathetic to Interpol and cooperating with this agency, seeking perhaps to discredit the Guyanese government through a frame up of our organization? From the not very subtle suggestion of collusion between Peoples Temple and Guyana in a non-existent weapons and currency traffic, this could be possible.

In any event, I thought it best to apprise you of this situation. I have always been direct with you, and I hope that you feel free to be the same with me. Indeed, I have always been quick to tell you whenever we have been approach over even a suggestion of illegal currency transactions. If you desire, I can



have some of my close staff talk to your appointed representative regarding this matter; they could give you much in detail regarding this Interpol report.


In a recent meeting between the Ambassador and Mr. Dick McCoy, the Ambassador behaved in a less than circumspect  fashion. He volunteered information to McCoy unnecessarily, especially regarding the custody case of my son, John. He told McCoy that Guyana “Was not going to get involved in any way” in the case. Of course we understand that if McCoy had initiated the discussion on this topic, such an answer might be appropriate. However, my secretary noticed that it was Mr. Mann who opened up the topic, and it was obvious that he was trying to curry favor with Mr. McCoy. She said that the Ambassador was unduly friendly with McCoy, almost fawning in his attentions and clear concern that he win McCoy’s acceptance. The Ambassador told Mr. McCoy that our counsel in the states, Charles Gary [Garry], was “stupid” (a characteristic that only betrays Mr. Mann’s own ignorance. His conversation was all together indiscreet for one supposedly versed in diplomacy. Indeed, our local counsel, Sir Lionel Luckhoo, a man who respects you highly, indicated clearly to several of my representatives that he did not trust Ambassador Mann, and assured them that nothing pertinent in this custody case would be mentioned to him.


We have received reports from the States that our leadership back there have been threatened, anonymously of course, unless we pulled out of Guyana there “would be no end to what would be done.” Among other things there have been threats to unearth the past of different individuals, which is of no practical concern to us as we have been exonerated even the barest hint of wrong doing. Yet, this approach belies a kind of vindictiveness that is appalling, because of the incredible amount of time and personnel it would take to do such a job. Evidence shows that this conspiracy has been at work, in some aspects for seven years. During this time there have been frame-ups, attempts at blackmail, and all manner of pressure tactics. Very recently, Tim Stoen told a close friend that he had been approached with the threat that if he did not help in getting my son returned to that woman, Grace, “things would be made difficult for him.” Tim Stoen says he is under great strain and pressure to cooperate, but at this time he seems to be holding up.

I confess, we have often wondered why there is so much intense concern about our presence in Guyana, but we have no regrets about our decision. At least, in this socialist country, our lives have meaning and purpose.

Radio communication:

We are still trying to get our radios out of customs. It seems that there is some concern, which we understand, that our purpose in bringing radios in is to set up new stations. This is not the case, as obviously we did not order any antennas. I do not see how it would be possible to set up any new station without antennas. We are working on getting a couple of radios out of customs so we will have some back-up in case there is a malfunction in our present equipment. Our radio has been a literal lifesaver in several crucial medical situations.

Cooperatively yours,
Jim Jones


BB-17-qqq-1 – qqq-4

[This letter is a version of a letter that was sent to Foreign Minister Fred Wills, which appears from BB-17-jj-1 – jj-4. This version is a draft of the version that went to Deputy Prime Minister Ptolemy Reid.]




21 July, 1977

Dear Dr. [Ptolemy] Reid:

This is just for your information to tell you what we are doing and to provide information to let other officials and other people know what we are doing in the interior.

Some of our people are bringing things into Georgetown they can be used for a small exhibition to show officials of the Government what we’ve been doing. They will bring homemade foodstuffs, including a “sausage” made out of the cutlass beans, and a display of home-manufactured shoes that we’ve been making ourselves from scrap materials.

For your information, our movement is open to anyone; our only criterion is based upon their commitment to socialism and this nation under the PNC and of course whether they are living by the highest ethics of good citizenship. There are no theological tests.

I don’t like to press upon your busy schedule, but the question which many in our group have, communicated in my last letter, is important. If you can give us a response it would be most helpful and appreciated.

I understand there is a list of people for whom immigration papers have been sent from the US who have not been approved. Minister [Vibert] Mingo was most gracious about this question, saying there would be no problem. However, in the midst of persecution, some of our people are concerned. There are about 10 already here who have not been approved. On the total list of these not approved there are a sizable number of people with very good backgrounds.

Enclosed is a report on offers re property and exchange.

Cooperatively yours,




26 July, 1977

Dear Dr. [Ptolemy] Reid:

I want to make an apology for any discomfort he might have been caused by the article about our agricultural mission that appeared in the Sunday Chronicle. I was concerned that this particular writer would not portray us accurately, and told my colleagues not to deal with him. But according to our secretary he spoke as if the government wanted him to do a story on us.

I also met a man at Radio Demerara, Sharif Khan, who was very anti-government. I’ve warned various ones of our staff not to get involved with the press, but rather to let your staff take care of all press matters. I was accordingly upset when I found out about the article, which I was unaware of in advance.

We did notice several errors in the story. For example, there are a number of Guyanese who participate in our programs. Our people have adopted several Amerindian youngsters, and several also go to our school. They are a delight to us, [in] every respect.

One of the ways we’re trying to assimilate is by inviting an older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Roni, to our settlement to live. Mrs. Roni had to work so hard that we said we would share what we have with them. We’ve also invited several Georgetown black Guyanese families to live with us. We haven’t invited any East Indians, certainly not because of any racial considerations, but because of not being sure of their attitude toward the government. (All too frequently we pick up anti-PNC attitudes from them.)

We have been taking our arriving members into the interior on our boat. (Sixty left this evening for Port Kaituma.) We processed 85 of our people through immigration in five days. They have been arriving by commercial airlines and we house them in our headquarters at the edge of the city, and we have been as inconspicuous as possible.

I deeply appreciate all the help you’ve given us. We will try to show our gratitude to you by helping to work toward your goals in every way possible.


***PS. While you are so busy do you wish us to discontinue the follow-up on those requesting transfers in dollars? Several are pressing us that we don’t know who to contact for government surveillance. Do you wish is to take such matters up with Minister [Vibert] Mingo? Your aide said to call him on any emergency matters but we did not wish to be presumptuous by interpreting that you meant for us to take all matters that we have reserved for “your eyes only” in the past. We’ll do nothing on these matters without further clarification from you.



[Handwritten notation at top of page: “Copy of original sent w/ 2 manila envelopes of articles etc.”]

21 July 1977

Dear Dr. [Ptolemy] Reid:

There are some new developments of which I must apprise you. A lot of our people are apprehensive because we are coming under an increasingly heavy volley in the United States. I’m sure it will be no surprise to you that our open support of Guyana’s socialism and its new way of life has intensified the right wing effort to squash our movement. We have long been singled out for taking our stand for socialistic principles and now, our clear involvement with Guyana has coincided with a more and more virulent reactionary attack against all dissenting groups in the States. I’m enclosing an article written by former Times Magazine writer Richard Shrum, who now writes for the New Times, which is published in the States. He describes this trend in gruesome detail.

Some of our people are concerned about a report given sometime back by Mr. Fred Wills, your Minister of Foreign Affairs. He told us that the US State Department had asked him months ago, “If you do not allow Huey Newton into your country, why do you allow Jim Jones and his group in?” As reported (I think accurately), Mr. Wills gave a simple response, “That is different.”

I myself, Dr. Reid, am at ease about our future here, but some of our people are increasingly concerned to know if, under any circumstances, there could be a chance that they could be extradited by the Guyana government. We have had experiences with political persecutions and would rather know every possible course events could take. We were informed through your aide, Cde. Coddette when we ask months ago about this, that there could not be any problems in that respect. We would appreciate very much for confirmation or clarification from you because our people regard you very highly indeed.

Our commitment to Guyana is unwavering. We would die for a socialist state, emulating your own example alone. We have already taken no small measure of risks, as you know, and will continue to do so. You can depend upon our complete loyalty, both to the Republic and to you personally.

Our questions are sparked because of a stir created by magazine published in California. The enclosed article shows how this magazine set up a fraudulent break-in and accused Peoples Temple of responsibility for it. The magazine is owned by a right wing man who mercilessly attacked both the Governor of California and the Mayor of San Francisco. We certainly know what can be expected by this type of press. The manufactured break-in is just a small example.

Fortunately, we were vindicated of this talk of charge because, although the SF police are conservative in some respects, they are not under the control of the reactionaries, and the police chief is at least honest, and knows well of the integrity of our programs. However, the forces fighting against socialism, or even trends towards socialism, are very, very treacherous in the States at this time. I believe it is very urgent that I see you to discuss this further. I hope you will let me impose upon your consideration at your earliest convenience, to also get clarification of some other projects like Bacchus that have been offered us. There is no end to these types of offers and I need to know your priorities.

Cooperatively yours,

/s/ Jim Jones



Post Office Box 893
Georgetown, Guyana
Telephone [number illegible]
10 May 1977

Honorable Dr. Ptolemy Reid
Deputy Prime Minister
Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Georgetown, Guyana

Dear Comrade Reid:

This is to let you know that we are following through this week on your request to obtain verification regarding the questionable activities of the person (hereinafter referred to as Mr. X) located in another place. Our secretary is working on the matter this week.

Something did occur today, however, which seemed strange and caused us some concern. Mr. X told the secretary that earlier today he had been with the Prime Minister and implied to him that he (Mr. X) was going home to his girl, whereupon the Prime Minister said: “You mean the girl from Peoples Temple? I will talk to you about that later.”

We do not know what statement may have meant, and, indeed, it may have been casual. We are deeply concerned, however, that we completely avoid any embarrassment in any way to you or the Prime Minister. We have a professional esteem and respect for you and the Prime Minister, and are ever mindful of the great trust and confidence you have placed in us by letting us come to this wonderful country of Guyana. Our only interest is to help you and the PNC in fulfilling your goals to help the people.

Unless we hear from you to the contrary, our secretary will proceed according to plan.

Thanks for everything. Kindest personal regards.

j. jones



[This letter is a version of a letter that was sent to Deputy Prime Minister Ptolemy Reid, which appears at BB-17-ppp-1. This version went to Minister Vibert Mingo.]



The Honorable Ptolemy Reid

At this time our only source of communication from the interior to the capital is about to be lost, our RADIO. In fact, the only reason we had any communication at all today (and it was so poor as to be worthless) is because our radio operator used tape to hold part of the radio together and directed a fan at the motor so it couldn’t overheat. Continuing in this way is impossible. Our radio is our lifeline. Just last week a pregnant woman would have hemorrhaged to death had we not had our radio operating, so as to allow us to arrange for emergency transport into the capital. If a medical emergency were to arise when we were without communication, the results could well be disastrous. I am sure that you can imagine the kinds of PR problems we would face in the event of a death that would have been avoided had radio contact been possible. Dr. Fredericks himself heard our emergency broadcast the other day.

Any call to those who are responsible for this delay which would expedite our getting the radios would be very much appreciated. We do understand the need for proper procedure in this area and have done everything we know to follow the guidelines. Communications are imperative to the continued functioning of our project. We have been pursuing this matter for weeks, with no apparent results. Our boat leaves for the interior Thursday and we absolutely must have a radio for use in the interior. We deeply seek a resolution to the problem before a real disaster results.


One of our members, Emmett Griffith Sr. died this month from cancer of the lungs. He had been diagnosed and treated by Dr. Searwar, and sent back to his home in the interior to be with his family until he passed. A postmortem was done. Ambassador Mann has received a letter from relatives in the States (all his natural children and his wife are here in Guyana, so it must be more distant relations) expressing “concern” that the family may have been “coerced” to come to Guyana, and questioning the adequacy of Mr. Griffith’s medical care. We don’t anticipate any serious difficulties arising out of this, but it is a shame that because of the Ambassador’s having placed himself in the position of “confidante” of Mr. [Steven] Katsaris, others now feel free to seek him out as a channel for their asinine claims.

I am sorry to again take up your time, but I do humbly ask that if there is anything that can be done about the radio situation, I would be most appreciative. We are all concerned about possible repercussions which could occur without having a radio as a source of communication.

Cooperatively yours,
Jim Jones