Police Informant Tapes


Police Informant Tapes

Sanbra [Saundra] Hayes: I called the police and told them that Mary Briggs was selling narcotics to little children in grade school.

Brenda J. Coleman: Was gonna call the police on some neighbors of mine because they were selling narcotics thru-out the neighborhood (she used to live in) They had sales coming in all the time and they were selling to kids.

Earsell Bill: Called the police on my husband, Lewis Pipins, for fighting.

Elsie Bell: Someone had broken into my house and taken some things out.

Alfred Bell: Someone broke into my house and stole some things. I phoned the police.

Corrine Mitchell: Around 69, on Rex Swank, I work for him and he would not pay me. I took him to court, he was angry that I did that and he would call my house and threaten me … so I called the police. Also one day last week there was some people fighting and a lot of grown-ups was gathering around. I thought someone would get killed so I called the police. So they came out and broke up the fight, they did not arrest anyone. Also once I called the police on Ralf Hayes, from beating my daughter.

Geneva S. Harvey: I was moving me things from where I used to live and my ex-old man called the police and they put me in jail. You see I called the police first, but they called and they didn’t put them in jail they put me in.

Jimmy Mason: I got hooked up with this Mexican dude that lives next door, he was telling me an easy way to make some money by transporting illegal aliens, from Mexico. So he got me into it and we went to Mexico and picked up some guys in my car. We had 4 guys and when we got to Sacramento at the checkpoint, the police came up to the car. They handcuffed us and took us into custody. So, this Mexican guy that had me, was with me, then he told the police that he didn’t even know me, and I been knowing the guy for over a year. So I told the police that he was with me cause, ahhh, well I tried to lie but they knew. That’s how things went down. He denied me so I told the police on him. He was the one anyway that started up the whole situation. I told the police to protect myself. He was put in jail along with me.

Lorine Davis: I called the police one night when I heard a baby screaming across the street.

Susie Lee Collins: I called the police for a friend of mine.

Irma Lee Gill:

Ethel Dotson: My husband was drinking, and he had a DDT and the police came out and were talking just as nice … and they said that he was all right, that he had just had a little too much.

Georgia Lacey [Lacy]: Called, because someone had broken into my tenants house. And once when someone parked the car in the driveway and I had to have it moved to get out.

Harweese Marshall: My sister got angry about something and I really didn’t know what about, she went outside and was standing on the street by herself. I went out to tell her to come in and she started to run from me so I called the police to get her back. When they came, they didn’t do anything, they just passed on by her. So I went out and had to force her into my car. Her name was Maud Roberts.

Jewell Jackson: I called them on my husband. We had a little difficulty and I hit him, he had a gun and I thought that he was gonna hurt me.

Annie E. Serrels: I reported my grandson for taking my gun out of the house. It was the 77th St police. Then g-son’s name was Jerry Lee Serrel.

Kennar [Kennard] J. Wilhite: Gave a hitchhiker a ride and he went into a shop and stole two wigs and jumped into my car, and he asked me to drive off. The police got to me 2 weeks later, asked me his name and address. I gave his name, but I didn’t know where he lived at.




Paul M. McCann: The police arrested me for being under the influence of dangerous drugs, and possession and they told me they would let me go if I would fink on somebody, someone who had given my sister LSD in her coffee and I wanted to fink on him anyway so I did. His name was Larry Darr.

Mary Baldwin: I called because my husband was beating me up.

Dollie Scott: Drunk man was sitting in the curb in the rain and I called the police to see if he was sick. And he was.

Ordie [Orde] Dennis: I called them on my husband cos he was beating me up, and on my son once cos he was disobedient.

Martha Souder: My house was broken into, I also call them on my husband.

Ethel Mae Wren: Call them on my son cos he was stealing and wouldn’t go to school. And on my daughter for running away from home. Also on three of the fellows that I was going with cos they wanted to do harm to me. And on a strange man that was following me on my way to work. Also on my husband, so that they would put him into a hospital, so he wouldn’t beat on me.

Tenitra Fain Trei Smart: The first time my mother called the police one a man was beating up on her all the time and the police wouldn’t do anything so I got on the phone and said, Goddammit, please come and help my mother. My sister also said something, but I don’t remember what. [Illegible word] We was coming home from the store and there was a man running around with his penis out of his pants. So when we got home the police came and we described the man to him and everything.

Gloria Mitchell: I called them cos my husband came home drunk, and jumped on me.

Ruth Smith: Called them to close my husband up for gambling and shooting dice. Richard Smith.

Ella Mae McKnight: Called them on my sister cos she was cussing at my mom.

Lena Jordan: My husband was drinking and disturbing the peace.

Nettie Jones: Called the police several times on him cos he drinks and then fights me. Even last night I had to call.

Gladys Akins: On my husband, Ollie Akins cos he was fighting and disturbing the peace.

Magaline Lyles: Called them on my children, wouldn’t attend school and calling me names.

Lola Mae Covington: Called when I saw some boys stealing a car.

Effie Rhetter: Called 1st when someone burglarized my home. 2nd When my husband was being brutal with me. 3rd when my son was on Parole and he had threatened me.

Mattie Houston: Someone was trying to break into my house.

Julia Birkley: Called a police officer on my husband cos he tried to kill me. Troy Birkley.

Millie Cunningham: I was in a washroom and two men grabbed me and I got a chance to get out of there and I ran, I called the police and they came and picked them up.

Nena B. Herring: I called them cos some man broke into my house and stole some $.

Doris Stell [Still?]: Call them on a friend of mine cos he had tickets on his car. Bill Pine.

Nina Saunders: On my neighbors next door, their grandchildren, they harass me by throwing old rags. Then the mother came over and called me names. And then I called the police on the daughter. Her mother agreed with me. Mother’s name: Williams, doesn’t know the daughter’s name. The daughter came over and threatened to beat my ass if I didn’t allow her kids to play wherever they pleased.

Hellen Allen: My little granddaughter called me from her house and said that her daddy and mom were fighting and to phone the police. I did.

Louise Williams: I phoned the police cos I thought someone was in it, but my son searched it and couldn’t find anyone.

Corrie Duncan: My son and another man were fighting, throwing things, breaking bottles, and it frightened me. They didn’t get caught tho.

Laila McCarver: Someone had broke into my house, they came and looked.




Yvette Barlow: Called them cos my sister was in the bed having sex with her boyfriend and my mama come home and pulled her out of the bed and they started fighting. And I was scared, and they came. Another time I told the police about these two boys that were fighting cause they had knives.

Edna Fans: The man next door was disturbing the peace at all hours of the night. The man’s name was Johnson.

Minnie West: A Jimmy Howard, I used to live with him, a social worker was sitting in our house and he came and shot his tire. I told the police that I did not know him.

Valeska Smith: Three men was smoking dope in the rear house, by the time the police got there they were gone. Another incident. Sam Moore pulled a pistol on my little nephew and cousin and I called them again.

Mada Purefoy [Purifoy]: I called them cos a man came to my house and was beating on me right in the back.

Nona Mae Crawford: Called the last of March, I saw a man break into my neighbor’s home. He was out by the driveway filling something like a pillowcase with something. While I was on the phone with the police I saw him run back into the house any came out with something like a big sheet, when the police arrived it was too late.

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 Sadie Finley: A girl that was rooming with me stole some things. Can’t remember name.

Labelum Glover: My sister and her husband were arguing and he called her a fool. I said don’t call her a fool, she’ll think she’s a fool. He left and went to get his gun, came back and pulled it on me. They took him to jail but I didn’t press charges.

Deborah Heneka: 75… Called them on my husband cos I filed for divorce and he beat me up bad enough to make me bleed. I broke the window and when the police came I told them that my husband had pushed me through it. The reason that I did that was because I wanted him thrown in jail. I should not have done this. His name was John, they did not throw him in jail.



[Editor’s note: The text in capital letters in the following pages is of a person asking the questions.]


LA PT 5/10/75

Verda Ross: called police 2 or 3 different times because there was a car in the driveway and they could not get in, and I called them before when we were in our driveway and could not get out. Altogether I have had to call them 2 or 3 times since I have been in our family. WHY DID THEY PARK IN YOUR DRIVEWAY?… I don’t know, they would leave their car there and we would have to wait and wait. That’s when the police were called. That was the only reason we phoned the police.

Anita Petit: When I was 13 and in a detention home in Columbus, Ohio, there was a riot disturbance and several girls were involved, I was taken into the front office and made to write statements against an Oriental girl saying that she had started it and created dicidense [dissidence] amongst the other inmates. Then when I was 18 also in Columbus, Ohio, a man by the name of Spencer, that I was involved with in the streets, he had come over and I filed assault and battery charges against him at the police station, because he had beaten me very badly and I was 3 months pregnant at the time. They took x-rays and the Police came to the hospital and I had to go downtown and file statements against him. He never did go to court. In July of 73 in LA, I was going under the name of Denise Smith, and done several forgery, and had several felony charges against me for forgery. I was involved with a man called Sheldon Brown, who is now in prison and Robert Parker was making false IDs and all this was turned over to the Police. There were several girls, Joanne & Sue, that I don’t know their last names, and Sheldon Brown’s brother, they call him Stucky, he was also picked up on drugs and checks that were stolen from their house which were all turned over to the police. What information did you give to the police… That Robert Parker made the false IDs, they were California drivers’ licenses, and where I had met Sheldon, it was over on Hobart Street and the landlord there was Mr. Bob Davenport had introduced me to Sheldon, and he knew all the set up and everything, forgery. I just told them how I had met him, the drugs that were involved and the police said that every girl that had gone with Sheldon was stuck on drugs, he kept them on drugs… I then turned myself into the police.

Mary Donnell: About two months ago the guy I was going with (he was an older guy) I was over at a girlfriend’s house and he came and knocked on the door and jumped on me and I called the police on him. We got into a little hassle and he scratched me and everything and the police came out, he had left, but before he went he said that he would come back and GET me, I told the police where he lived and everything and before they left he asked (the police) if there was any last words that I had to say, I said yes, get him and they picked him up and I think they locked him up. He came by three or four weeks ago and he said see what you did to me, you see this paper it costs $300.00 for me to get out of jail. Well I said, you shouldn’t have acted up on me like that. I haven’t seen him since, but he is a very violent person. I’ve had to call the police on a couple of incidents on him, he broke my door down, the second incident they picked him up. He’ll break the door down anyplace. THAT’S THE ONLY TIMES… Yes.

Shirley Foster: My ex-husband jumped on me and I called the police. It’s been years, about 7. They told him that he had to leave the premises.





LA PT 5/10/75

Shirley Foster: … and not to come back. He didn’t that night. We got a divorce. We did get into it again though, but I didn’t call the cops.

Marilyn Watson: I called the police on the people that lived below us, they was smoking pot and things like that, they were disturbing us and saying they was going to kill us. All this because they knew we wanted them to move. They called the police and they had us move. We had only lived there three months, last part of July 74.

[Handwritten notation: “TAPES: SIDE ONE”]

Clarence Kaisglis: My house was broken into and I didn’t get much results. The police came. Feb 24 72.

Bertha Smith: Almost 59 yrs ago I called the police to get my brother-in-law out of my house, and he didn’t want to get out so I called the law and the law came and made him move.

Morris Robinson: 2 yrs ago I called the police: 2 guys that were trying to burglarize the garage next to my house.

Tom Fitch: When I was in South Korea, I had a camera stole from me from a girl that I knew, Chung May Moon, she took the camera from my apartment. I told the ciap and the Korean Military police. When they found out where the camera was there were going to send her away for two years. So I felt sorry for her so I paid the find and all got squared away.

Frank Treadway: Some people broke into our next-door neighbor’s house & my grandma phoned the police, they come down there and ask for information about what they stole…

Michele Morris: Some boys come and get in the house and start to fight, so I told my mother and called the police and then the guys left. Then they threatened that they were gonna get us, but they never did.

Walter Williams: This little boy said that he was going to shoot me with this gun, and I called the police, they came right in, told him if he did it again that they would put him in reformatory school. 3 weeks ago.

Shirley Thomas: I called the police on my husband, told them that he was trying to hurt me. About 2 years ago. They just told him not to mess with me.

Ophelia Jacobs: I was going to work one morning and a man was standing on the sidewalk with a gun and he pointed it across the street so I walked down the street and told the police. I went on to work in the police went over to him, but I don’t know what they did, about 6 months ago.

 Stella Larken: Called officers cause someone was breaking into our house. This was about 3 yrs ago.

Helen Turner: 71, I was arrested for possession of cocaine, and the police asked me and I told them that I was not guilty, and he said then how do I get hold of it. Then I told him that Bobby Lincoln put it in my purse. That is my daughter’s boyfriend. While they carried me to jail and him too. I got out on $5000 bail, Bobby got out on the same amount of bail, but then my lawyer sold me out and I had two yrs probation and Bob got off free.



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Helen Turner: I used to use cocaine, smoke a joint about 2, 3 years ago.

Corrine Smith: I called the cops last year on the next door neighbor, he was selling dope using, using dope and they was stealing people’s things and I was seeing it.

Druecilla Hayes: I drive a school bus and the 2nd semester a girl stole a tape recorder, a girl from Dorcey High, that goes to Hamilton, she stole it from the classroom. The police asked me about it and I told them that she had stole it.

Ruby Thompson: I called the police on my so-called daddy, cause I had been out with a man and didn’t bring home any money and at the time I was pregnant. And he wouldn’t let me have any dinner and he swung at me and hit me in the stomach, so I called the police. The police put me in the car and drove me around for a while, but nothing was ever done about it. I once called the police on my husband, he took my son to his girlfriend’s house and the 2-year-old baby told off on him and the man slapped him in the face. So I called the police and they came and told him to leave the house for a couple of days. He came back, but nothing was ever done about it. The first incident was in 71 & 60’s.

Choicie Gordon: I was at the ABC market and some boy came up and asked did I need any help to take my groceries out to the car and I said no. By that time he had already snatched my purse out of the shopping cart and ran. I went home and told my sister and she called the police herself. The police came out and I gave them a description of what the boy looked like and in a couple of days they came to the school ground making a big fuss. And the man on the school grounds in charge of the grounds, came out and called the policemans and then they called me and I went down to press charges and went to court. So they just gave them a few months.

Mary Aikens: There was a junk man in our driveway and I called the police coz he had gone to sleep in the car and I couldn’t get out of the driveway. So the police came and told him to leave, so he left and came back and when he came back he broke a window out and went into the downstairs apartment.

Nancy Clay: I called the police on a man beating up on a woman. He was calling this woman all kinds of names, it was right back of my house. He was talking about all kinds of things that he was gonna do to her and you know he could have shot at her and it could have gone right through my house and killed someone in my house. And so I called the police. This was about 13 yrs ago.

Marie Thomas: I called the police because there was a bunch of boys fighting outside my house, it was more than one fighting one boy, so I called the police. This was before I met Father. It was more than 4 yrs ago. The police came and the guys were running all over the place.

Monica Peterson: When I returned from England in about 72, I was told there was a girl in LA that wanted to ruin me, so I wouldn’t work and I found that I was being followed, she was mixed up with some hoods, that is what it looked like. I went into a restaurant and I found that I was being followed, two men were in a car with knives and sort of like a radio. One of the girls involved, Lisa Moore and she insisted that whenever she saw me, to stop me



Monica Peterson: … or interview for a job, and all of this came about cos someone should care for cared for me. She has a vendetta against me … and it gets more personal more involved, but I think that this is enough to clarify… I called the police on her cos I knew that this was a girl that had never worked since she had been in Calif, and someone told me that she was selling cocaine, however I did not tell the police that or I did not use that expression, and I know that she was dealing in hot tickets. There was a close girl, a friend that flipped out and I think that she had something to do with it.

(When asked by [Mike] Prokes what she said to the cops she said that she used the story that the girl that was responsible for getting one another to flip out, having whatever that does to your head, I called mainly because I had compassion for that friend of mine and partly out of vengeance to the other girl) The police evidently never locked her up.

Louise Watson: Called the police on my husband cos he was rude, and when I left the house he tried to run me over, 71, they locked him up.

Heloise Hall: Boy was stealing the bucket seats out of my son’s car, and any time that there is any trouble in my neighborhood, I call the police. I’ve called the police many times. The last time was two yrs ago.

Bertha Caston: The boys broke into my house then they broke into the house across from mine, then they broke into the house behind mine, my neighbors are mad at me and want me to tell it, but I didn’t and now they won’t speak to me. Called the police 4 months ago.

Ozie Mary Holley: Next-door neighbor, Sept 71, boy tried to molest my daughter. In 72 daughter ran away from home, called them then and also where a car hit and ran a person

Patricia Holley: In Sept 71, the next door neighbor tried to molest me. In 73-4 I told the police how I got raped and we went to court, nothing ever was done.

Vivian Anderson: The house was broken into when I was at work, 73. On 7/13/73, it was broken into again. Many things were stolen and I called Father in RWV [Redwood Valley] that night.

Mary D. Jackson: Called them on a man that I was living with. He had come at me with a knife. I had to sign a statement against him. This was 24 years ago.

Virginia Lane: Ben Dale came into my house and stole all my things (cloths) 1959.

Robert Saffold: Someone was stealing the battery out of my car. By the time the police came it was too late.

Mildred Cato: Taught piano to this little Japanese boy, he said that the Japs were going to take over the USA. He said when they did they would be nice to the Negroes… So I reported it to the FBI. Then my deceased husband’s wife came down and made some threatening statements to me, that he had never loved a Black woman and that sort of thing… So I called the police and they told me to call the FBI. They in turn told me to protect myself. This was the 1st incident about 20 yrs ago and the 2nd after WWI.

Willie B. Reed: Someone broke into my house and I called the police. Then 71 I had some disruptive tenants and I called the police on them. 65 – stolen things & 71 – tenants incident.

Ona Peques: Call the police to protect my yard, kids were throwing rocks in it, it’s been 1 year. 2nd my ex-husband threatened to set my house on fire, by bringing a gallon of gas. Then a neighbor called me at work, so that he was pouring gas in my yard and was fixing to set it on fire. 69.