Serial 1684

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D. C. 20537

Report of the
Latent Fingerprints Section
Identification Division

January 16, 1979

FBI File No.: 89-4286
Latent Case No.: B-68366

To : Mr. Alan A. Gise
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Overseas Citizens Services (CA/CSS)
Department of State
Room 4800
21st and C Streets
Washington, DC 20520

Re: Peoples Temple
Mass Suicide – Murder
Jonestown, Guyana
November 18, 1978

Teletype December 1, 1978, from the American Counsel, Winnipeg, Canada, to the Secretary of State, Washington, DC.

Examination Requested By: Addressee


No fingerprints were located in the FBI Identification Division files for [name deleted] (nee) [name deleted] also known as [name and identification deleted] for comparison with the unidentified body prints obtained from the victims in the captioned matter.

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[Handwritten report repeating report of page 1, including deletion]

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[Editor’s note: According to the FBI, the balance of Serial 1684 is a duplicate of Serial 691, the text of which may be found here. The duplicate pages were not released.]