FBI Airtel
Date 1/18/79
TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (89-4286)
(ATTN: RYMUR Command Post)
ReNYairtel to Bu and SF, dated 1/5/79.
Enclosed for the Bureau are two color photographs of eight individuals.
Enclosed for SF are four color photographs of eight individuals.
On 12/29/78, the following individuals arrived at JFK Airport, Queens, NY, and were photographed:
Name DOB
Herbert Newell [deleted]
Eugene Erskine Smith 7/29/57
Henry Frank Cannon [deleted]
Aurora Rodriguez 9/13/25
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BQ 89-495
Name DOB
Michael Julian Carter [deleted]
Timothy James Carter [deleted]
Mary Ann [MaryAnne] Scheid Casanova [deleted]
Diane Scheid Casanova 9/2/63
On 1/18/79, eight copies of the above photos were furnished to US Secret Service, NY, NY.
Armed and dangerous – suicidal tendencies.
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[Photocopy of manila envelope]
[Balance of serial consists of photocopies of photos, most of which have faces and identifications blacked out.]