Serial 1223

Congress of the United States
Committee on International Relations
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

December 11, 1978

The Honorable Griffin B. Bell
Attorney General
Department of Justice
Washington, D. C. 20530

Dear Mr. Bell:

The Members of the Committee on International Relations are deeply distressed and concerned over the tragedy which befell the mission to Guyana headed by the late Honorable Leo J. Ryan.

In determining what steps might be taken in the wake of this matter, the Committee is examining all of the circumstances which might have a bearing on this tragic incident. It is therefore essential that the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation cooperate fully with the fact-finding efforts of the Committee in its investigation of the incident.

In this respect, your cooperation in making available to the Committee any and all information and documents pertinent to this matter would be appreciated. If you need additional details, please have your staff contact George Berdes, Staff Consultant, who is conducting the Committee inquiry.

Thanking you in advance for your cooperation and assistance, I am

Sincerely yours,
/s/ Clement Zablocki

cc: Hon. William Webster