Serial 1302

Date 12/19/78

TO: SAC, Baltimore
FROM: Director, FBI

Enclosed for the Baltimore Division, Dover, Delaware Resident Agency under separate cover by registered mail and being sent directly to the Dover Resident Agency, is one copy of a biographical data sheet re members of the Peoples Temple (PT) as furnished by PT Attorney Charles Garry. The enclosure is to be furnished to personnel conducting forensic autopsies at Dover Air Force Base.

Enclosed for Washington Field Office is one copy of the above biographical data sheet and one copy of a self-explanatory letter to the Bureau from State Department dated 12/13/78.

For information San Francisco, the State Department letter enclosed for Washington Field Office advises that a duplicate file of documents pertaining to RYMUR in the possession of State Department will be made available to the FBI for review.

Washington Field Office in Baltimore handle respective leads.

[Balance of serial consists of data sheets compiled by Temple member Jim Randolph of Peoples Temple members believed to have been in Guyana.]

[complete document appears as 08-randolph-11 in website/primary sources]