Date 12/11/78
TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (89-4286)
FROM: SAC, NEWARK (89-147) (P) (C-1)
(00: FBIHQ)
RE Newark teletype to Bureau, 11/27/78.
WFO teletype to Bureau, 11/28/78.
Enclosed for the Bureau and San Francisco are transcripts of tapes recorded by [name deleted]. Also enclosed for the Bureau and San Francisco is one copy of FD-302 of interview with [name deleted].
Newark is maintaining the original tapes.
Armed and dangerous – suicidal tendencies
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Federal Bureau of Investigation
Date of transcription 11/27/78
[Two lines of identifying information deleted] advised that he is a ham radio operator and has monitored transmissions from Guyana, South America. These transmissions were made in both the legal and illegal ham radio bands.
[name deleted] stated that he is aware of two calls belonging to individuals in Guyana, South America. These are: WB6-MNH/8R1 belonging to Paula J. Adams, 41 Dennis Street, Lamaha Gardens, Greater Georgetown, Guyana; United States address of 1664 Page Street, San Francisco, California. WB6-MID/8R1 belonging to Albert Touchette, Port Kaituma, Northwest District, Guyana; United States address of 3747 Road B, Redwood Valley, California.
[name deleted] continued that since November 18, 1978, he has recorded six transmissions that he believes are from Guyana. [name deleted] is convinced that the female voice he recorded is identical to a female that had used the call signs from Guyana in the past.
[name deleted] stated that in the transmissions he recorded, the people appear to be using a code. [name deleted] advised the recordings are being held by Chief of Police Mathew Haney, Cranford, New Jersey, Police Department.
[name deleted] further advised that in the recordings, it appears that female in Guyana is destroying something by taking it to a local dump and is very nervous about it.