Miscellaneous releases

While most of the documents in Temple files were quite formal and legalistic, some releases of custody were simple handwritten statements. Two such release appear below.

June 22, 1978
San Francisco, California
I, Ollie L. Brooks, Jr., hereby authorize Deloise Wilson to raise my daughter Lorenda Lorine Brooks as her own for me, also giving her full permission to take her wherever she wish[es] without anyone else[‘s] consent but my own.

Ollie L. Brooks, Jr.
WITNESS: Patricia J. Richartz
Leona Collier

For identification purposes, it should be noted that Patricia J. Richartz was the legal assistant to Temple attorney Charles Garry. It should also be noted that Lorenda Brooks did not go to Jonestown.

PDF, RYMUR 89-4286-B-1-a-15k




I hereby consent to the appointment of Joyce Touchette as guardian of Kenneth Reed, my grandnephew in the place of place of Martha Klingman, his former guardian.

/s/ Willie Lee Graham

Dec 12, 1974
State of California
County of Los Angeles
[signature and seal of Enola M. Nelson, Notary Public]