Temple Notes on Letter on Negative Press, Guyana Politics, Korea and Cuba Contacts, July 5

[Editor’s notes: The transcript of this document retains its original spellings, with corrections noted only where necessary for clarity.

[The letter at G-1-a-2-a – a-2-b was drafted from the notes below. Many of the names are in code, although – as the letter itself reveals – “Olga” was the code-name for Debbie Blakey. In addition, it is almost certain that “Mrs. Glenn” was the code name for Marceline Jones, since the name is followed by the notation “(MJ)”.]


– ask if he would like Guyana to submit Zita for evaluations [Handwritten substitution: “press criminal charges”]. Its [It’s] already been started except for the written work and they want that today… if he doesn’t do it– he might get sued later or JJ might.

– Neil probably needs to do this for good faith with Guyana because Guy. started the program. But Pete didn’t want the other thing- to make a call to her and this would be much more definite. The credentials are supposed to be in right now.

– 1st thing in am. ask him about Zita and the general thing about press we were talking about- National Inq. [reporter Gordon Lindsay]// ask him why he sees N.I. as an issue, because Mike P. [Prokes] sd. nobody listens to N.I.- the only thing he could possibly see is him distorting the children’s program… seemed like the plane was very interested in how the children lived… in the communal living setting… they may try to make something out of that… the children did designs etc., murials etc. on the wall. They might say that we live this way for surveillance.

– ask about Zita and the general thing with Marty Hansen.

– when they flew over… they did not see Lil’s counterpart or any ‘clothes’ At all. no police or anything like that… no fences… even the horses and cattle roam where they want.// except when they flew over it was sunday, June 25, and on Sundays most people work 1.2 [1/2] day in the am. when they flew over – there were some people working in the fields – no more than 6 or so – they could completely distort that if they wanted.

– the kinds of things that are used for leisure– clothes etc. could be distroted

– all those things in article are absolute fabrication// but the person who came here… would have to have the perspective… there are murals and designs… our philosophy is quite evident.

– why does he think we should have 3 or more now? they think NI will have really only local interest and then for the wrong motivations – why bother with them?

– dont know about Herb Caen – you have to put everything in the perspective of that matter of Yvette because [Minister of Home Affairs Vibert] Mingo said Venezuela would get concerned – nobody would say otherwise… unless they want to lie… but some people might. Nobody honest to report… this is exemplified by what Zita had to say… she knows better than that.

– also Mingo thought that Venz. might still have his old prejudice agst. the ones definite religion– he often refers to them– Gail and Barry. but they seem more concerned right now about CIA

– there was once lies told on Guyana that Cuba gave them arms… Venz. has always been friendly– when they came to the project they sd. [Guyana Deputy Prime Minister Ptolemy] Reid had spoken very highly of us – and was very impressed.

– also the press told us a lot about that Canada will have to learn to respect Cuba’s and Guyana’s relationship.// they were more worried about this before [Pres. Jimmy] Carter came into office. but Mingo is a good and wise person…




– there are a lot of things of interested to Pete– new since he has been there// Guyana is quite anxious to have Russia as their helper… but apparently Guyana’s situation interferred too much in his personal life sd. Guy. had to have the PPP and PNC had to do it exactly the same… don’t know all the details… they even considered that from what I understood they were in Russia to help with PPP’s policitcal prejudices… one guy in particular- black// remember when PPP spoke about it? PPP’s Golden Rule: “Vote your own” – Russia wouldn’t sensure that.

– Hassan sd. not to do things only denominational – no problem – JJ isn’t inclined to do it that way anyway.

– all PNC wanted//[ Guyana Prime Minister Forbes] Burnham – was for Russia to say that he didn’t approve of that method of treatment (boat your own)– and he wouldn’t… he knew that was the only way PNC could maintain his health… and he is underweight

– Russia didn’t know how much time he could provide// thus it ended up China and her neighbor – North Korea// were able to get more time… willing to get more time.

– the PNC would have been glad to have Russia// and she wasn’t asking Rus. to give arms or anything like Cuba… this kind of disturbed PNC– because they couldn’t change that 1 mode of treatment… tho Russia is still quite friendly– but didn’t want to get that much involved.

– sort of vexed the PNC that there is some indication that Cuba only has sent black people to help Africa// they are very objective about Cuba otherwise except for that 1 sensitive spot

– this is all background for Pete// difficult to state that JJ is particularly fond of Cuba and her dad// Russia// JJ likes Russia’s kindness to Africa//

– one time talking to Yvette// JJ thought that should his health fail… he wanted to help Russia and his children wherever he could and Russia said something to Ann– like “why don’t you go give your help to the United Nation[“] and that disturbed a lot of Ann’s folks.

– confidential to Pete// still Russia is very friendly and helpful// and we have their letter (?) – TASS?

– and Russia was not sure she could help us with JJ’s kids// on the other hand– Annie was… talked about all of PT– but some got the feeling that Grady is so ecumenically minded… takes alot of strong work for a person in her health– some couldn’t understand why Grady couldn’t help– with his size etc. and little old Annie could… she was willing to talk about it…

– therein lies the substance why not get Mannings nerves all disturbed but we will do whatever not that particular anymore

things are going well for J and PT and Hassan says they will help– but gives strong advice… not to show any favorites… he thinks that’s what the main concern is– with Sally– she doesn’t want to mention Russia// really Sally’s problem is with Russia getting involved with Guyana.

Hassan sd. if that was resolved with the press because that is what worries Venz.// that was concern to him back before Carter… and it was based on nothing…

– and Milton and Olga– lies may worry him more…




– the church that J is with – there is not question about its noble aims and purposes. Socialist is the best – when it gets right down to it… there is a lot of sectarianism. when you have so many needy folks and not getting the job done– none to help you realize you have to do it yourself…

– no question for J if no one accepted it… the rightness of the approach at this stage… the churches are very sectarian.

– North Korea is the most consistent – most inspired of the missionary family// they are inspired by what J is doing – and most hospitable to Mrs. Glenn (MJ) [Marceline Jones]// they understand about JJ’s approach to the needs of the people. and they agree

– some look for panaceas// they don’t know where Pete stands– some folks are very strict about their sect

– having some problems sometime back… Hamilton Green (medical officer) – wanted certain things (think requirments)… from the medical facilities on the project… Ann consulted… J held the line and it was later approved giving our services freely – fully established… Guy. wanted to be independent from IMA–

– tell Pete when you are away a yr. – you don’t see anything thru rose colored glasses// need to have heavy committment to own humanitarian beliefs… the project has meant the difference to the children and seniors// a whole new dimension// spacious beautiful place… even since Pete was there…

– if J could do it with US. and Pete is quick to point out that he cannot resolve– some 1000+ people who had nothing before. J has a duty… Burnham is doing more to implement a kind of free program than even PPP suggest is wise now…

– Burnham is mindful of Africa more than PPP… so you can’t put people in categories…

– there is no question that J believes in the ideals of his church– some times some of the members don’t have their practise caught up with their theory.

– J is always open with Pete…– he wanted him to know about the Tass people who were there… the guy that came– even tho he wrote the nice things he did… he said he was afraid of thing – the water, bugs, frongs [frogs], etc. insecure… about his wife… those she have interest in J and J didn’t show not one bit– but the man did not want his wife to be alone with JJ for 1 min.// and she had nails and makeup– they were so much different than people expected… whereas the people from North Korea who came through were all quite different– they were mindful of frugality. The Russian people were wasteful of food– he would order some food and then not eat the whole thing– our cooks thought something was wrong with her cooking… they drank and smoked… they said they had not reached the place that J was at. they had not faced up to the perils of living… they were not prepared for that anymore then people in US would be… without Russia’s obvious kind position to Colleen– our people would have had a hard time with this– it was confusing…

– once you take a denominational character – that is it.




– have visitors every day…

– J visited Cuba and that church conference…

[note in margin: “Cuba”] – tell Pete– that may have been disillusioning to some… they were supposed to be going on a tour to some church edifice or something… and J saw a senior in need– so stopped to help them… and they got kind of upset that he would upset their scheduling even tho it was not an official appt. or anything… JJ stayed back to help… and they proceeded// showed insensitively [insensitivity]// they also got into one of the main officials office and they had people serving them elegantly// in the parking lot were many new sports cars/ etc.// didn’t think much at the time– but it all kind of adds up.

[note in margin: “Debbie”] – utter candor that was part of the rational [rationale] Olga was making toward the last… she had met a person// dr. (?)– from Cuba – he was married. she didn’t like his indiscretion, chavinist manner. she saw another one– they all seemed to show an inclination to her… she got disgusted… telling Terri Carter there was no one decnet but JJ – that is not excuse. by no means… but she said no matter how beautiful things J had built – that he thought his goodness was killing him and when he was finished there would be nothing, because no one else would take the pain… now she is doing that to our dr… she does not know the standing of our medical clinic now– she is trying to tell people it is not licensed… when we save 2 or 3 babies a week. she is aiming right at innocent people’s lives…

– JJ says he can understand the disillusionment… if only 5 instead of 1500 people made them– he would be doing the same… building strong leadership for the future… getting J more out of the center of things.

– J is convinced of the ideals of the church to take the denominational position… what ever Pete thinks is good for people left in U.S.

– J has a conflict because he would like to see the appreciable difference to the good people in U.S. when the press gets done.

– the denominational position he takes could make a difference to all of PT// know how U.S. feels about Africa// imagine how the U.S. would feel about Guyana– practically in their backyard

– most difficult think [thing] for J– he had a loss… but saw things like the fact that she had always gone comfortable long white wool socks and the[y] felt that they could not go– they should be kept because somebody somewhere might need them– the only time he had pain for himself… he thought of what the lady had done and given and found himself left with responsibilities for preparations for her funeral himself… he had asked to get someone to prepare her – but it wasn’t done… J had to do it himself… and buried her… just for that brief moment– J thought of what if he had not taken on so many people… not been so straight forward and honest about how he felt, the universe// bible teachings in particular– people never could have progressed without that awareness– had to be straightforward… it occurred to him not for himself– but for those who loved– it could have been different– this was a very difficult time for him.




– people like Angela [Davis] – she was the first one he helped… and after– just a few days after– was when he got hit the first time… it went from there when it came to standing up for anything– he was always called. his aid was always asked… PT would make up the whole crown… even then he saw a lot of sectarianism.

– and then some of his best friends like Pete… with no particular church… and [Mervyn] Dymally– who hardly understood the theology at all– but understood the black problem… and people like Yvonne [Golden]– it was always one way with her… the issue of signing the letter the last time…

– then there are those like Harvey Milk… who puts his neck out consistently –… and couldn’t even get a letter from people like Angela… and Willie Brown was there… and Enola [Maxwell]… and then people like Moores [John and Barbara Moore]. who were horrified at the word even… and healings… but they came and spent those days… and said that even if it were all true what was in Sally’s– it would have been more than justified to bring people to this…

– Whatever position J takes initially will make a vast difference. Needs to see J’s inner conflict… sees himself as part of total world needs.

– if he is going to speak for Will… Pete needs to know him…

– doesn’t think anyone will even know how good Will is… have to be there to relate to it… doesn’t matter to Will//

– Olga reserve that special below… Will knew that people related to being around him by the fact that they needed him. and that after his usefulness to them ran out… they would discard him… that’s ok.

– but it is awesome that people could be so close to decency and not emulate it… but emulate just the reverse. all he asked from that point on this just to do right and not only from that point on… he

– J never counted after that on anyone understanding or seeing or emulating… [he] just does what’s right– it’s a much finer commitment. you lose all sense of historical perspective… of history being affected.

– one thing you know for sure… Olga was 1 person he never let down… except not to respond to her advances… he was a father figure to her– just symbolic…

– People take out of your life whatever suits them he is not bitter– but very much at peace…