Coded Message from Marceline Tells Jim about Her Meeting at Soviet Embassy, August 30

[Editor’s note: The names in this short letter – other than those of Jim and Marceline Jones  – are in code, and the codebook has not yet been discovered. In context, however, “Clifford” seems to be Soviet consul Fedor Timofeyev, the Temple’s principal contact at the Soviet Embassy in Georgetown.

[Likely in an effort to save paper, Temple members often used the reverse side of old documents. That is the case here, and the reverse side of the page on this memo was not transcribed.]


August 30, 1978

To: Jim
From: Marcie [Marceline Jones]
Re: Visit with Clifford

This man was very friendly. He read the message and was especially impressed with Roberts understanding of the foreign policy Of Thayer. He asked to keep that part of the message to show to his boss. He said it would help them understand Robert better. We told him we would type it separately and return it to him. (We won’t do this without clearance) He seemed to understand our reluctance to leave it there. He also said that Waterman had approached him about Mrs. Clark after our visit. It was Clifford’s opinion that up until now Rev. Waterman had had no time to read about Mrs. Clark. He seemed interested now. Rev. Waterman is out of the country now. He did say that the friend who said that we shouldn’t be too friendly with Rev. Waterman was right. As I said before, he did say he thought it would be unwise for Kadish to write much positive about Mrs. Clark. I feel the visit was beneficial. I must admit I didn’t understand the reason for the visit when I went. I bow to your wisdom.
