Q401 Transcript

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(Note: This tape was transcribed by Katherine Hill. She also prepared the summary. The editors gratefully acknowledge her invaluable assistance.)

Jones: (recording begins mid-sentence)– neighbor Venezuela, V-E-N-E-Z-U-E-L-A, has to say about Nicaragua, N-I-C-A-R-A-G-U-A? (Pause) to Marxist-Leninist, it would have encouraging aspects. (Pause) People who live believe in liberation– (Pause) Until we can find some change– We’ve got to work out the blackboard (unintelligible word) tonight between the school and the uh, (Pause) librarians so we can have access, equal access. (Pause) So if you thinking about ways of res– of resolving that. (Pause) So we can go on, work at your level.

Question number 2. You can work on as many– You should’ve had that one done by now, but we’re not gonna take a great deal of time. Name some of the major fascist dictatorships. Fascists. It’s the last stage of capitalism, when the state takes over, with the repressive force of violence and coercion, the executive becomes a dictator, under martial law and estab– it– it usually establishes concentration camps, as would be provided under martial law emergency. The President of the United States [Jimmy Carter] is now threatening against certain element of striking people, the American railway industry. He threatened it against the mining industry. (Pause) That’s how fascism begins. The Congress no longer has any real effect or a token effect. The press is controlled. Say, well, that’s already happening in USA. Yes, so we call that de facto fascism. USA has– has fascism uh, de– in fact, it’s there. But fascism de jure is where it’s obviously called such. They make no pretense, so there’s no democracy, no voting, or if it is, then it’s sham voting, and there’s no two-party system and the military takes over and takes away the black people and the socialists and puts them in concentration camps or gas ovens.

So, name some of the major fascist dictatorships in the world today. The more you can name, the better. Fascist: F-A-S-C-I-S-T. Monopoly capitalism in United States today is in a de facto stage of fascism. There is fascism in many respects, because if you tend to go against the system, the press and the elements of government will ally themselves – will organize – to destroy you. They will find all sorts of means of uh, getting at you. And the foreign policy of the United States’ openly fascist. Why? Because of the places it supports. But if I give you the name of those countries, then I’d be helping you pass this test.

Fascism. The United States openly supports fascist governments. No other. The greatest amount of support given by United States government is to openly fascist states, racist states, states that make no bones about the fact that people live in concentration camps or that they’re napalming their populations and uh, already you should’ve known one fascist state, you should have no trouble with– We already ought’ve known one fascist state very easily tonight. Just within the last few minutes I named one fascist state. So you’re looking around like you don’t know. It’s time we knew fascism. (Ice clinks in a glass ) Teresa [King] has some ideas, and I’d like all of these ideas compiled. The secretaries have ’em, I’ve been working all day on this and reviewing on films. I was up all night, of course, with our Soviet friends. But we can review this so we can structure our time, get the best benefit of a visual picture (Pause) of the news, but I’ve got to have some help. Yes, comrade?

Female in crowd: (too faint to hear)

Jones: What’s that?

Female in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Well, you always get help. Soon as they get through. You can always get help, those that are still having difficulty reading and writing. But we want you to be sure and be in Professor uh, [Edith] Roller’s class because they would like for all of our people to be able at least to write and read something when we make our move. They would like for us to speak Russian if we make that move, which we’re gonna talk about that move in a little bit, in a little while. (Stumbles over words) Even if you’re not prepared to make that move today, you better uh, have uh, uh, preparation for that move because you never know what may take place.

Voices in crowd: That’s right.

Jones: You certainly better be prepared, not sittin’ on our bony– People say, there’s too many meetings. I’m rather tired of hearing about too many meetings, in that we’ve got uh, Democratic Peoples Republic– which I could’ve shown you tonight but I’ll probably show you tomorrow in the language session. And all will be required to attend. Say, “I don’t like these meetings.” Neither do I. But we’ve got to get ourself in readiness now to meet certain elementary requirements. In the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea, people work automatically 16 hours a day. And you will see their faces shining and beaming and healthy. I know that some of you gruntle [grumble] and– disgruntle and cry over that, but if you get in the Soviet Union, you don’t have that. You have a seven-ho– hour work day. But in order to get to the Soviet Union, we’ve got to produce this to the maximum. That means we got to make this a model. Everything’s got to be up to par. It’s going to take more work than we’re now doing. You understand?

Voices in crowd: (Scattered) That’s right.

Jones: Because they want a model of pure communism. Do you understand what I’m saying?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: They said we are the purest communist model that exists. No monetary system. It does not exist any place in the world. We don’t use money between us. They want that to continue. But they also want productivity to continue, good health and hygiene, good education. So that means a constant input of correction. We already won this man [Feodor Timofeyev], this ambassador, the head of the embassy– He’s virtually the head of the emba– embassy, acting ambassador to the Guyana Consular, chief of the Soviet press section of South America, for that matter. We already have his approval. (Pause) And we have other invitations, by the way. We– You say, “Well, I don’t– I’m not interested in going anyplace.” You don’t know what you’re interested in. You better always have friends. There’s an old proverb says, “It doth well that you make friends of men.” Everywhere. A– Men– Wherever you can find ’em. Hmm?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: They said, unrighteous man. Well, you better– said, make friends of ’em, wherever. People who may not necessarily the same nationality or exactly the same persuasion, you better be uh, sure you got some alternatives. And that’s what I’m trying to build up for you, and when I get this constant shit, people complaining, say “I– I– why’d I have to watch Harlan County twice?” Well, I’ll tell you, fool, why you have to watch Harlan County twice: because the first time around, you didn’t understand it.

Crowd: (Scattered) Right.

Jones: (takes a drink) (aside) Is this going out over? I hope. We ought to– (back to mike) All right, now, that’s uh, question number 2. (Pause) What is the official national figure for unemployment among blacks? And you have the wrong answer here, teachers, so if you have a wrong answer, the uh– the people must have a wo– a wrong answer, too. Eight percent is white. So, the official national figure for unemployment amongst blacks is uh, you put two and two together. You’ve heard me say it 10,000 times. I’ve said it was either (Pause) quadruple, something, treble, or something, that of the white community. You can easily figure out what black– what the– what the black unemployment is, I just told you the white unemployment. I always told you how much higher it was than the Indian and the white communy– community, right? If you listen. If you listen. How many listened? How many remember? If you don’t, you don’t– you ought to remember, take a look at your skin in the morning and see who you are.

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: Said amongst the Indians, it was higher than that of blacks. They have the highest rate of unemployment. And I said it was blank-blank-uh, blank many times higher than white unemployment. Amongst the blacks, it is so many times higher than whites. Now, if you can’t answer it now, ain’t much uh, hope for– for you. All you have to do is add. Or multiply. (Takes a drink) You understand what I said? Just add or multiply. I’ve said how many ti– how much money does a black person make in proportion to a white person, how many (Stumbles over words) have heard me say this? I’ve either said– I’ve either said three-quarters uh, one-quarter, one-half, one-third, one-sixth, one-eighth. And I’ve said, with the Indian the same thing– Amer– American Native. It’s either three-quarters, one-third, one-half, one-eighth, or one-sixth. Very simple, very simple answer to both of them. It’s not in some s– uh, complex fraction either, like one-sixth or one-tenth or one– I mean uh, one-sixth or one-twelfth or one-eighteenth. It’s very simple. (Takes drink) I’d like for you to get certain elementary things down. Now, if you listened last night, all of you’d been in good shape.

Describe the situation in Chile today. Say, why should you understand? If you were here last night, you heard these same questions answered. They were answered right in front of your ears. (Pause) Did you– You– Were you here last night?

Crowd: (Scattered) Yes.

Jones: Well, you shoulda been. Everybody was supposed to be. Our honorable Soviet Embassy guest, Ambassador, acting Ambassador, Consular, Chief Consular, and chief of the Amer– the press section of the USSR South America was speaking to us. We should give honor to whom honor is due, and he certainly has been most kind. He gave us the absolute assurance that a move against us would be a move against the Soviet Union. That’s the thing that I was talking about last night. I didn’t want to embarrass him with it. That’s quite a– that’s quite a measure of freedom. If there was ever a move against the dictatorship to ca– take over here– a U.S. invasion, they set up special Morse codes to get it in contact with us so we can know what to do to get to freedom, and where to meet people, so we can get to freedom. That– that’s very rewarding.

Crowd: That’s right. (Applause)

Jones: That isn’t to say that that’s the only way we– we’ll ever be visiting the Soviet Union. The band better get your act, because there’s a possibility of twenty– twenty people will be going to the Soviet Union free before the end of this year, in musical cultural exchange. But it will not be people who won’t cut their hair. Soviet Union have a strict policy. They believe that certain things are important to give up for the sake of other things. And they’re very peculiar about long hair, which I don’t think is very peculiar because there ha– they had quite a difficulty among so-called communal lifestyle hippies in Europe passing drugs, and they let them in the Soviet Union, and they did the same thing. Now then, if– if com– if drug passage has been connected with long hair, then we ought to shorten our hair.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: If drug passage have been connected with those who have long hair and long beards, we should stop it.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Now, you get the message?

Crowd: (Affirmations)

Jones: Now, that’s exactly what the prime minister [Forbes Burnham, but may be referring to Timofeyev] said. I said, I know you people, but he said, but it would be good if you could overcome that. We have been covered well in the Soviet press and they never referred to it, but in the Yugoslav press, we’re called a hippie commune. Yes. Because they saw – when someone came in here, a delegation – long hair. (Pause) That’s what you bring down on yourself. And I think– I’ve told– I told you for years that certain things were not worth the goddamn effort.

Crowd: (Scattered) Right.

Jones: Say, “I don’t care what the Yugoslavs think.” Well, you better care because they’ve offered us certain discounts on medications, and they been very, very assisting and offered us to be able to purchase things at wholesale rates. Also, Poland referred to us as a pro-Soviet but hippie commune. So I think it’s time now that we got our hair cut.

Crowd: Right! (applause)

Jones: Please don’t make me have to say more about it. I know you– who you are. But, you see, this country’s also having lots of trouble with it. That’s where a lot of the reports go out. We’ve been covered all over the world, DPRK, Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea, but the Guyanese press was aver– asked to cover– They said, they’re socialists. Very surely, they’re socialists. But they also have hippie cos– costume– hippie customs in their dress, in their manner. So we end up with that reference in the DPRK. Now, I– I– if I didn’t love you very much, I’d be highly upset by that. Beca– Why does the Guyanese government have concern about long hair? Because just five miles through here, fe– three years ago, a group of white and black American people were allowed to settle with long hair and they got into the dope business.

Man in crowd: Right.

Jones: And it took the Guyanese government just 24 hours to pick them up by plane and load their ass off and drop them in Trinidad. (Pause) Now I don’t think you should bring that kind of stuff down on us, gentlemen.

Crowd: (Scattered) Right.

Jones: I’m telling you right strict, gentlemen, I don’t think you should bring that kind of shit down on us, when you don’t need to bring that shit down on us.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Why do we want to look like fuckers who’ve given Guyana trouble? And that was a terrible load, and we ought to try to do everything we can not to look like it. Say, “Well, that’s not fair.” Well, in Yugoslavia, they let a group of people in with long hair, and they did the same thing. Poland had a group with long hair. They did the same thing. All the long-hair people of the so-called free style, anarchist, socialist, communal life, utopianists have been passing drugs in Europe. (Pause) Now to me, it’s not much to give up, friends, that we make our hair moderate size. And so I’m not– I’m not gonna ask you now.

Crowd: Right. Right.

Jones: I’m demanding it!

Crowd: Yeah! (sustained applause)

Jones: (Tape edit) –the Soviet Union is not important to get to. It’d be goddamn important to get to if someone– if the United States decides to– they’re– they’re not letting Nicaragua go. So I can’t go any further than that. That isn’t answering the question, though. Nicaragua’s every city has been leveled. To save the dictatorship of Nicaragua, the– [Anastasio] Somoza, (emphatic) every city has gone down, by U.S. bombs and planes, provided by our tax dollars. Now, by God, it may be someday that they’ll decide they don’t want a socialist country here. We’ll be given abs– absolute assurance – not just maybe – but absolute assurance that if a move is made against us, it’ll be a move against the Soviet government. Now, nobody gonna make a move against the Soviet government. But it is only fair to meet their request.

Voices in Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: And that was one of the requests they asked: try to conform your dress a little more to the Soviet standard. All right?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: So we’ll conform our dress a little bit more to the Soviet standard, right?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: You gentlemen will lose nothing by the fact that you cut off your hair. Samson’s– uh, Samson was still able to fuck after he had his hair cut.

Crowd: (Scattered laughter)

Jones: Mmm-hmm [Yes]. And that shit about pushing the pillars apart has nothing to do with how long your hair is. You’ll be able to pick up just as many lugs– uh, logs. In fact, you’ll be able to do more, and fuck more, if you want to, those of you who may– that have long hair, and some of the best people in the world in this community. But actually, you put a lot of energy into that hair. Say– Energy has to go into that hair to maintain it. That’s life, uh, produ– you have to maintain that, but your body– and then you cut it off, you can put– some of your energy’ll go elsewhere, and we could use it from some of you. So I got– I’m not making no indictments on people with long hair here, because some of the best people here have long hair. You understand that?

Crowd: (scattered) Yeah.

Jones: But last night – and beards – but last night the Soviet Union says it’s causing us some trouble. I don’t want no fuckin’ trouble for our babies!

Crowd: Right! (applause) (tape edit)

Jones: Somebody came to me and said, Father, you said something about this just the other day, and I– I– I don’t have a razor blade. Now let me tell you, don’t give me that shit. I have been shaving with the same razor for over a year by scraping it on a mirror, and I think Reb [James Edwards] knows even a better way. Several people here know several different ways, they’ll tell you how to save your blade and manage to shave your face.

Voice in crowd: Right.

Jones: Hmm?

Crowd: (Scattered) Right.

Jones: So let’s all accommodate that. I ha– It’s not my idea. (unintelligible phrase) you can ask all those who were in the meeting, that’s what they told us. And we’ve been up all night with the Soviets. So I don’t think we want to look like the bunch they picked up five miles away from here and had to dump out of here because they were passing dope instead of helping Guyana. And then Guyanese who even like us, don’t know us any different, they don’t know what the hell we are, all they can see is long hair, beards, and uh, various dress styles that are different that theirs. So let’s– uh, let’s avoid those kinds of things. And I’m telling you what they said. (Pause) I ain’t gone lie to you. They didn’t say it would keep us from the Soviet Union, but it said it would be more difficult because we have to pass through several scrutinizing eyes. If– We– we would be the first community ever accepted from America in the Soviet Union. And he thinks that there’s no question it can be done, but that we must make our efforts also. He even talking about building buildings for– uh, even in the Black Sea, where they have oranges and tangerines, and it’s very warm kind of season– he said uh, you people wouldn’t be able to just jump right in there. We know that, some of your seniors. So we– we would love you enough and care enough about a black and interracial model communist community that we would have buildings set up. Heat would be provided, it’d already be ready. So there’d no question for seniors, ’cause the temperature would be a little slight– slightly uh, cooler than here. Depends upon what time of the year, you know. Well, don’t get nervous, any place where there’re oranges and tangerines there’s– that isn’t uh, much different than here. But they have a little snow, like Redwood Valley, that sometimes just barely melts, in certain places, even there. The land in certain places is just exactly almost like Guyana, but we can’t ask them for their resorts of the Soviet Union, right?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: All we can ask is for free medicine. That’s what all the Soviet citizens are guaranteed. Free surgeons. Free dentists. Free glasses. Free eye doctors. Free education. Mm-hmm?

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: And almost, now, free housing. Free telephones. So, I don’t think we ought to quarrel over some the things give ’em some trouble. But the house’ll be open for discussion because otherwise, and it’s not open for discussion, I expect by tomorrow night to see everybody’s hair cut here, and every beard gone.

Crowd: (Calls and applause)

 Jones: (tape edit) –in need their hair cut, Nancy Sines is doing some of it now. We will allow it to go on, even during this meeting. Because I– I want by the time the Soviet delegation– which could be in a matter of days, or a few weeks– it’s coming. And we– if the group that goes outta here has to go before the end of this year– Twenty. Now I’m gonna tell you very frankly, from the– my heart to yours, that some of these musicians, you don’t know applesauce about Marxist-Leninism. And I better hear some Marxist-Leninist talk, or you’re not going.

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: Because he liked the four black mothers that sang spirituals just as well as he liked some of the individual talent that sang some of the modern songs. He was impressed by both. He asked to hear the four– you know, it’s the four– (unintelligible word) elderly sisters were asked to sing again. They liked Moms Mabley [likely Bertha Cook]. They liked the humor. They’re not purists. They’re not some kind of prudes. They liked Moms Mabley’s jokes. But I’m telling you, goddamn it, ever– you know, I don’t have to tell you what’s been associated with long hair.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: I don’t need to tell you what’s associated with it. We saw it in Redwood Valley, the damn long hair that came along and tried to kill us and our animals, right in front of our damn church, and they had their long hair, and it didn’t mean a goddamn thing. They were still fascists under their long hair.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: I don’t care if you like it or not. Shove it up your ass. I don’t care if you like it.

Crowd: (applause, laughter)

Jones: So I’m not say (unintelligible phrase), would you like to uh, then enjoy yourself here, for a while, ‘cause you gone stay here till we get ourselves together and make our total exodus to freedom from the couple– three-hundred more there in the States that want to do so. Then you can stay here if they’ll let you, or you can go wherever in the hell you want to. You can go back to New York, or San Francisco.

Crowd: (Stirs, delayed applause)

Jones: I might remind you that they made fifteen major arrests yesterday of black leadership in San Francisco – you better take that into consideration – and they didn’t have long hair. Power figures in the community. I remind you of the facts, but you– you– it’s up to you. You– I’ve given you enough facts, you do what you want to with them. I’m tired of arguing with all of you people. (tone imitates a female) “I want to go back and see my cousin Mary.” I want you to go back and die with your fuckin’ cousin Mary.

Crowd: (Cheers, sustained applause)

Jones: Yeah, that’s what I mean. I mean it from the depths of my soul. I’m sick a hearin’ it. I’m sick a hearin’ it. I got assurances from them– that we have some of our people, we have relatives, we have loved ones, that want to be where we are– I got those kind of assurances, too. But I’m– I don’t give a goddamn about your cousin Mary.

Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: If your cousin Mary is a communist and wants to get her ass over here in the meantime, she’ll go where we go.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: That’s right. That’s right.

Crowd: That’s right. (applause)

Jones: And it’s likely that, as time goes on, there’d be a chance that they could go directly from there [the USA] to there [the USSR], but don’t wait too long, ’cause he leaned over to me, and he said that– “Who’s that young woman singing that ‘1981’?” He said, “Is that the young woman you were talkin’ about that they threw acid on?” I said yes [Deanna Wilkerson]. He said, “I’ll bet that’s right.” He said, “I’ll bet it’s 1981.” I said, be 198– He said, “I’ll bet by 1981, Comrade Jim Jones” – he calls me Comrade Jim Jones – he says, “I– I’ll bet there’ll be no uh, people– people won’t be able to pass freely out of USA or in USA by 1981.” Said, they’re very– he said, “I like that song. It’s a sad song, but I like that song.” It’s very true. When they say “no” to your kind. (calls out) Ah, that ain’t going to happen to me! (moderates) What you talkin’ about, it ain’t gonna happen to you, fool nigger? You’re just like me. Fool nigger, you’re a poor nigger. Paul Robeson had doctorate degrees and was the best actor in the entire world, the greatest singer in the entire world, and they took his passport and told him that he couldn’t go anywhere.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Don’t you wait too long, honey. You’re not Paul Robeson. When he came home out of concern for his sister, the– the stress of living in United States was so much that the last year of Paul Robeson, he went totally mad. His mind snapped, after leaving Russia. He– That man up here tryin’ to defend– he felt he needed to defend because somebody asked him a question. A lot of people have been beautiful, but some people were dumb asses. “How many black people you got in the United States? In Russia? I don’t see no black people in the films.” I wonder. Ah, people. I’ll be– I’m talking about idiots out here.

Crowd: (Response)

Jones: Say, why don’t we see more black faces? (Calls out) How in the name of hell are you gonna see black faces in a country that did not engage in buying black slaves?

Crowd: Right!

Jones: Now you tell me how in the fuck you’re gonna find a lot of black faces. Say, there’re plenty. But the first place you looked in the goddamn film, you’d see it. [Alexander] Pushkin, the greatest writer of the Soviet Union, was black. [Transcriber’s note: Pushkin had a great-grandfather who was black.]

Crowd: Right.

Jones: I don’t know what the fuck is the matter with some of you people, that you don’t listen. But he stops, he talks, and you ask questions, he’s very friendly man, he took it. But I wish you’d keep your goddamn mouth to yourself, and learn to shut your damn mouth, ’cause we’re gonna watch for you next time, with a shotgun.

Crowd: (Stirs, delayed applause)

Jones: Fill it with pepper so it’ll burn your ass and maybe shut your mouth a little while.

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: That’s outrageous to make that man get up here and talk about race, when the second major cardinal point in the constitution, anyone who discriminates against a person based on race or religion is guilty of a crime punishable by an offense of one to five years. That’s– It’s– it’s uh, it’s disgraceful that you’d ask him a thing like that. They got one of the best racist– racial policies in the world. Got blacks all over the Soviet Union. What the hell do you think he’s here offering us? How many of us are black? The last time I looked, nine out of ten of us are black.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: (Cough) Indian Chief, he said, how many Indians we got. He say, oh, I got– I got so many Indians, I don’t know. He said that’s wonderful. He talked like a chief. He was thrilled about that. But he– he– he– there was no question about race. He didn’t ask us how many blacks, how many whites, how many Indians. He didn’t give a shit. He wanted an interracial– But he said the problem we get is that black people want to come through, like [Lee Harvey] Oswald, uh, the white man, they want to marry some Soviet woman, and we don’t know their goddamn communist views. All they’re interested in is sex, and we take them in, and we get a capitalist married to one of our women. Said, we want to get a group of communists into the Soviet U– the Soviet Union, and we want to be sure you’re teaching communism from the uh, various– baby up to the adult stage, and thar– that was obvious. That’s obvious, we’re teaching it from the baby up to the adult stage. And we got to keep doing it.

Say, “I don’t like the schedule.” We got to make it more. ’Cause he wants us all to know the Soviet constitution. I’ll be taping it in a while, and you must listen to it – it’s not that long – so you can know it. There’s certain factors we need to know, that they’d like for us to know, coming in. And they’ll be giving us– they recognized the mistake, they didn’t give us the English portion of the uh, test– I mean the English portion of the uh– they got a movie on how to study Russian. (Stumbles over words) We got the Russian, but we didn’t get the English. And I said, well, we’d not heard the language. And he– that was fine, that took care of that. Fortunately, no fool uh, made me look un– unknowledgeable there.

Long. It’s this long. It’s a little book– booklet, it’s very (unintelligible word) print, but we don’t have that many. We want to have more, and so I’ll be reading it off in tapes, so– or have someone can read it off in tapes, so you can study it. See– see, this is what I’m talkin’ about: the essentials of certain things. You don’t go into a country and not know anything about it. Said, uh, takes five years to be a citizen. He say, no, not for you people, it wouldn’t take. He said, it could be a matter of nine months. Said, then– well, said, well, some of us’d like to be able to be in a position, if worse– best came to best, that we could uh, help the American revolution, but we don’t like having any of these US consuls coming in, tromping in – like Brother [Marshall] Farris – been pulled out for the third or fourth time now, to ask by his simple-minded damn relatives. Said, we’re gettin’ tired of it. He said, no, no, not in the Soviet Union. He said, they will see your representative in Moscow. They will say– We will tell them, yes, they’re alive, and they will never come near your community.

Crowd: (applause)

Jones: (tape edit) He said that doesn’t work that way there. Says it doesn’t work that way. Say, while our Social Security checks– they have to assure that people be alive. He said, we will assure them that you’re alive. The same laws that they do to us in– in USA. They require that we do certain things, in certain ways, and we require they do certain things in certain ways. And he said there’s certain places US embassy cannot go. And where you’re probably going to be settling, he said, they won’t be allowed to go.

Crowd: (Delayed applause)

Jones: Said we’d lose our checks– said we’d lose our checks– He said in the first place, I want to tell you, Comrade Jim Jones, we’re not interested in the money of Peoples Temple. He said the Soviet Union’s a rich nation. We’re interested in the productivity, the work. That’s why, he said, put as much into this community and make it go, make it flower, make it grow, so we can leave it as an ideal. I’ll tell you, how little interest it was. I said, we have the government on the run in the USA. He said, don’t worry about the USA government, he said, keep ’em off your back, I’m not (Stumbles over words) I’m not a US lawyer. He’s a prominent international lawyer. He said, I recommend, don’t get in any suit with the United States government, because they’ll only put more force down. Said, use a little pressure, a little threats of suits. But, he said, Mark Lane may know more about it than me. I said, well, we wanted to have 40 million for the USSR. (unintelligible word) said, Comrade Jim Jones, we don’t need your 40 million dollars, we are rich people. All we want is you communists.

Crowd: (delayed applause)

Jones: (tape edit) Then, if our people were cut off– he said, I don’t care– Don’t make no difference if it’s cut off, he said– cut off checks. He said, what if we cut off the checks. He said, we have free hospitals, we have free education, we have free houses. So what if they cut off your checks? They can– They can take their checks and do whatever you– what is it you say, you say, Comrade Jim Jones, why pay you– why pass on.

Crowd: (laughs)

Jones: We’ve already made him a s–a sort of second citizen of Jonestown. And Moms Mabley started it by all her cussin’ on that joke night. First, he (unintelligible word), he hadn’t (laughs)– he hadn’t heard this before, he said, is this– is this a senior? I said, yeah. She’s up there in years, a very straight, organist teacher. He says, this is funny. I said, can– could she not make jokes like this? He said yes, but some of our people have not heard– heard such jokes. (laughs) He said he liked her jokes. He just chuckled– (unintelligible under breath) the fat fellow– he just chuckled when she came up– no matter what she came up with, he– he– he enjoyed it very much. All right, we’ll give you uh– and I’ll try to get to the conclusion of this test. (Pause)

What did the Soviet Union uh, recently achieve in space? This was this morning, honey. I told you. I been up all night. I told you. (Pause)

Then, the next question, ’cause I’m getting close to the end: What did the Chinese defense minister [Xu Xiangqian] have to say about war today? (Pause) It’s a little different, a little different than he usually says it. Two words would take care of it. You know how the Chinese feel, if you listen about war, nuclear war, he said, it can be, uh, but it will be blank-blank-something. Can be blank. “P.” And uh, it can be blank “P.” Begins with a “P.” But it will be “I” blank. Word beginning with “I.” (Pause) What did the Chinese defense minister have to say about nuclear war today? Okay. We’re moving on. Give you the other questions so you can work on them. (Pause)

(tape edit) –anniversary is China celebrating today? (Pause) And what did the USSR do about the anniversary? What’d the Soviet Union do about that anniversary? Soviet Union are a peace-loving people. They do more than I’d do. But they don’t want to see anybody die in nuclear war, if they can avoid it. So the Soviet Union did something about it. Said, I’m not gonna do– I ain’t gonna cut my hair. Well, the Soviet Union went further than cuttin’ their hair today. Say, I don’t cut my hair, I don’t give up my independence. The Soviet Union did something that amounted to eating shit. But they showed their– they showed their tremendous compassion, their willingness for coexistence. I made that plain. I made that answer simple. Hmm?

Woman in Crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: That’s number 8. Hmm?

Woman in Crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: Didn’t get it clear, honey? Who said that? Somebody said they didn’t get it clear. Well, what I think I said was– ‘cause there something else not written. What day are the Chinese people celebrating today? Right? And what does the Soviet Union, USSR, (pronounces “USSR” in Russian), what did it say– what did it say to China about it? What did it do to China about that day today? Did they throw mud at them? What’d they do today? I told you. I– You listen to my goddamn news. The news is only one-half hour long today. I’m trying to shorten it and concise it and make it to the point. And we played it just before uh, meeting, that’s why you’re going to have to make a purpose of seeing it in here. (Pause)

Voice in Crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: (unintelligible word) now, that was 8?

Voice in Crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: All right, let’s see what we can do about that. Let’s be easy on people. Give them another of the thing that we said. (tape edit) –ism [Fascism] was a response to something that had happened in the world that showed the workers of the world that power could be wrested from the ruling class, the bourgeoisie. What event was this? Explain. Anybody shoulda been listening to our speaker last night, and me, and a couple or three children. Anybody knows the greatest event. It was the birth of Jesus.

Crowd: (scattered laughter)

Jones: If that don’t give you some hint, you– you’re not listenin’. Yes. Anybody ought to got that, right there. I gave you a hint, and if you put “the birth of Jesus,” you’re on– be on a Public Service Unit.

Crowd: (laughter)

Jones: He didn’t do nothing for us, only confuse us.

Crowd: (Scattered) That’s right.

Jones: If he ever got born, in the first place. (Pause) What is it? Well, I’m reminding what, darling? (Pause) Repeating the question. Say it louder, please. Okay. Fascism was a response– I told you what fascism was a little bit ago– that’s where capitalism gets mean. Capitalism in the United States still act like there’s Republicans and Democrats, yeah, but all the time they still pass this Senate Bill 1437 that says con– (Stumbles over words) concentration camps are gonna be reopened and that Indians’ lands are being taken from them, reservations and treaties are being broken. They’re doing all of this. They’re still saying, though, that there is a chance that you can be a Republican Democrat. Which means that you can vote for a brown shit or a blue shit. I mean if (stumbles over words)– that’s about what it amounts to mean to me. Because if you listen to me, [Zbigniew] Brzezinski is the head of the Trilateral Commission, and he hand-picked both candidates so he would be sure that he would run, and he’s a man that says the same thing that China does about nuclear war, and he’s the man who jokingly said, excuse me, reporters, he got up – that’s shows a man that’s arrogant, ignorant, and with a lot of power – said, I’m going into the office to discuss my genocidal plans. That meant only a plan to exterminate black people, Indian people, parts of the world. Amazing that a man would have the nerve to say to the press of the world, excuse me, gentlemen, I’m going into my office to discuss my genocidal plans. That means plans to wipe out races in the country that he doesn’t like, or classes he doesn’t like in the country. It’s the same stupid man that said, why, nuclear war is– to think that nuclear war isn’t an answer to a– a problem of defensive capitalism, is being egocentric. He was stupid in the first place. If the man had been intelligent, he woulda said “ethnocentric,” but he’s still stupid looking at nuclear war in terms of the United States, when they tell us in the first 20 minutes now – less than 20 minutes, 17 minutes, thank you – how many’ll die?

Crowd: (unintelligible replies)

Jones: What?

Crowd: (unintelligible shouts)

Jones: What’d you say, sister?

Woman: (unintelligible) –nine out of ten.

Jones: That’s nine out of ten, approximately, yes, I think that’s right. I remember a figure.

Crowd: (hubbub)

Jones: Overover 200 million. But Brzezinski is the chief advisor, he is the head of the security, advisory commission of the United States. He advises the President. He just came back from China, and he and China see eye-to-eye on one question. I sure give you a lot of help tonight. Now that’s ninth question, isn’t that right?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Now. (long pause)

How much do we feel about other people? I said this morning. This is a simple question. How many civilians have been killed in Nicaragua, definitely, that they know? The cities have been destroyed. Bombed to hell. The people’ve taken flight to the hills, but how many do they know – citizens – have definitely been destroyed, and there’re many missing? I’m not even asking that. They think the number of missing may be five to six times the number killed. Now you can feel good, if you want to, about being a US citizen, but I feel miserable because we still have had, some of us, to deal with tax (unintelligible word) issues this year. And we’re not finished with it, ‘cause we still have to deal with this last year’s taxes. All the bombers sweeping in at– to level Managua to the ground, practically, are US planes, they’ve been sent in in the last few days. You feel good about being a US citizen, if you want to. Say, say, uh, we’re free in the USA. No, you’re not free. You stand up and speak against US supporting the dictatorships, which I’m not going to mention because that’s a part of your question, but USA sends all of our tax dollars – instead of helping the poor – they’re all going across the world to destroy people, little children, particularly certain colors, destroying them, wiping them out, killing mothers and children – not only fighting forces – and then they make the dirtiest bombs in the world. Only one nation on earth has made two kinds of bombs. Only one nation. That’s USA. Now that pains me. When I say over the air, “I’m guilty,” I mean that. But some of you’ve never felt that guilt about it. You never felt it. You say, “I eat a ice cream cone.” You’re a– You’re a murderer. ’Cause the money you spent on that ice cream cone, at least, at least, 10 to 20 percent of it, went to kill little children. There’s a tax on the ice cream. There’s a tax on the loaf of bread. There’s a high tax on gasoline, isn’t there? You ever drive anywhere? You ever go on a bus, city bus? There’s tax every time you drop that quarter in the little slot. See, you help commit murder around the world. Is that the tenth question?

Crowd: (faintly) Yeah.

Jones: That’s it.

Voice in crowd: (unintelligible)

Jones: The number ninth question is still a– a problem of confusion. Fascism was a response to something that had happened somewhere in the world that showed the workers of the world that power could be wrested from the ruling class, the bourgeoisie, B-O-R-U-G-E-O-I-S-E, I think it’s spelled. What event was that? Was it the birth of Jesus? (Pause) The birth of something. And I already told you it wasn’t the birth of Jesus, so don’t give me no shit, now. (Pause) ’Cause all Jesus has done is confuse us. Been waitin’ on him. It probably woulda happened a long time before, if we hadn’t been waitin’ on Jesus for 20,000 fuck– 2,000 fucking years. As I said about Jesus long ago, and you heard me before you ever got over here, said, I didn’t know, Father, I didn’t know when I was coming over here as to what you’re into, (stumbles over words) what I really was. Oh, don’t lie to me. You just weren’t listenin’, and didn’t want to listen, didn’t want to hear. I said long ago, anybody ever been gone that long – Jesus, 2,000 years – the son-of-a-bitch ought to stay gone. You heard me say that from the first day you met me.

Crowd: Yeah! (Scattered applause)

Jones: Yeah, if he ever came. Yes. Yes, comrade. (Pause) Gotta have some help. When the– when they finish. As you finish, lift your hands, will you? Then people that need help will lift their hands. And be sure to put the name of the helper on the bottom of the paper in a circle, too. So workers, you take note. The testers, take note, of those that helped so that they can be uh, also given special consideration. (Pause) What is it you want, uh, M– Mark? (tape edit) I said it to him, and he said, I understand you, Comrade Jim Jones. I said it’s too goddamned bad that the Japanese and Germany didn’t hit Chicago, New York, San Francisco and Houston and bomb the hell out of our cities, and then maybe some of the fuckin’ American people would not be so damn cocky as they are right now.

Crowd: (applause)

Jones: (tape edit) Let the comrade (Stumbles over words) ambassador, you’re supposed to give people titles. No, no, no, no, no, Comrade Jim Jones. He says just call me, you know, by his first name. I– s– which is difficult. I’d rather call him Ambassador Feodor, Feodor. Uh, anyway. Feodor Timofay– Timofeyev, Timofeyev. Uh, he said, no titles. And I thought it was so beautiful that he was the only person that noticed, he saw me in that meeting when I had that ribs and all shit over there on the banquet, and I saw you settin’ out here and I knew how some of you loved the ribs, I couldn’t eat that rib to save my ass. And I– I couldn’t, I wouldn’t eat anything. But Johnny [Moss Brown] brought me a plate, and I thought, well, I won’t make a scene. But he was so perceptive, he caught that. He said you were troubled over this banquet that uh, we were getting special style. I said, oh yes, we never have two– we never have two dishes of meats. Never. And I said, ribs this is a– is an American uh, delight, a meal that most people like. I said, I can’t– I couldn’t eat my ribs, I took them back over. I wouldn’t touch them. And, the first goddamn– we’ve had Americans, we’ve had Guyanese, we’ve had people from all over the world, and the first time anyone’s ever been sensitive enough to say, “Don’t set us out there in the middle, let us eat right with the people, let us– Whatever you go through, you do.” Well, that’s what gave me– I’d had for weeks, had the idea, why in the hell can’t we– of course, we’re having good meals, a lot of our meals are very good. All we’d had to do was just add a very little touch, and it’d be suitable for anybody.

Crowd: (Scattered) Right.

Jones: I mean (Stumbles over words)– I mean the most modest when we have– the most modest. But what we ought to do is for incentive plan is, if some of you people could come up with– is so we get some more people back there involved in selling some extra dolls. Then, when the time the Soviet delegation comes, we can have a buffet banquet, and every person in the entire place can go by and get ribs and chicken, if you understand what I mean.

Crowd: (Affirmations)

Jones: I don’t know why people can’t see that as we work and prosper and make money, we have more privilege to eat better things. You see what I’m saying?

Crowd: (Scattered) Right.

Jones: ’Cause it costs how much for me to feed each person here, give medical care, and get them here, and maintain them, now?

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: Eighteen hundred dollars a month. So that’s a hell of a cost. You look at the cost of medicines, and you understand. Says, “Well, I haven’t been sick.” Well, you will be, if you keep that attitude up.

Crowd: (Agrees)

Jones: Just because uh, somebody back there washes the dishes, didn’t was– didn’t boil the water high enough, we are between one thousand and two thousand dollars in just a few days of Kaopectate– US dollars. Now, anybody foolish enough don’t boil that water. (Pause) Hm? I’d like to know who in the hell is responsible for it, too, that– it– it– you’d do that. I’ve said enough about that, and Mother [Marceline Jones] said enough about boilin’ that water. Not to run anything through that hadn’t been boiled. And you cause us to have the runnin’ shits, and you could be glad you didn’t eat that shit that one night. We got exactly what we deserved. I was glad. I ate with it– I wasn’t goin’ to, but Johnny gave me– everybody that ate that got the runnin’ shits, there.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: That special food give us the runnin’ shits.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: A few folk may have not– have gotten it, but it was– it was– I don’t give a goddamn. You folk didn’t miss a thing. I mean, we shit that off the next day, somethin’ else.

Voices in crowd: Right.

Jones: Now if I’da been able to do what I wanted to, I wasn’t gonna eat a bite. I can’t stand to look around, seein’ you folks, knowin’ I– knowin’ that you like ribs, or you like a piece of pie. No way, no, no, no, no, no, no. I’m sick of this shit and I ain’t eatin’ no more, we can get them down in that little aluminum roof. You can’t treat everybody like that, though, we can’t let everybody go through our arrangement. We got to get to them apart. But uh– What’d you say? Somebody say something to me? (Pause) But I don’t know why we can’t all join over there and more get into that and take the names down. We get the special list of those that’re involved in dolls, we can step up that assembly thing, and we know that we can sell the damn dolls. We got an already existing order. And the toys, they– we– we ought to be on the toy market. I hope they’ve done something in Georgetown. Here we’re getting’ right into the damn Christmas season, and they promised to buy every toy we made, and I don’t know whether we’ve done a damn thing about it.

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: What?

Voice in crowd: (Unintelligible)

Jones: (Tape edit) –ear, about the Ambassador, Timofeyev. Uh, loving. Uh, he said there’s four things that’s deep to the Soviet people, and he almost said it said tearfully, last night about 5 o’clock in the morning or 6 o’clock in the morning when we closed our session. He said, is love peace. He said that’s why I love this song so much, “We the People Here Want War No More.” Love, Communism, and, he said, Moscow. I said, Moscow? He said, yes, because that city has represented all that was equality, all that was just. Said there’s more centers of research and universities in Moscow. He said our president [Leonid Brezhnev]– He said, he may– yes, he may have made some mistakes. I said, yes, there’s only two things I disagree with, with the Soviet Union. I never would’ve admitted that [Josef] Stalin made any mistakes, ’cause US never admits their damn mistakes. And I woulda never– I never would’ve given up Austria. And he laughed, he says, I like you, Comrade Jim Jones, you a very frank person. I said, we are allied with the Soviet Union, but I never– I never woulda give up Austria. No way. They had Austria, I’d have kept a hold of it. He said, well there was– he– you could tell that he thought– he said, we’re not perfect, and that’s what we– last night, he wanted you to understand. He said, not everybody lives on a commune like this. And he said, there are different ones in every dre– every region, and he wants others. He don’t like the monetary system. He don’t like it. He loved it here. He said, there’s a lot– this is ideal communism, you see, we’ve reached the ideal communism. Only thing is, we haven’t got enough yet. I want more protein. I want a little more of uh, everything here. But, he said the ideal– Uh, I told him– I said, what we ate– well, I said, you ate eggs yesterday morning, but we ate biscuits and gravy. He said, I’da been glad to eat biscuits and gravy. I said we put some meat in every day’s meal. By the way, that raises a question. I– That– that damned suggestion box is poured full of those who are fightin’ with me who want their chicken in one piece, or their chicken cut up each time in their rice, or different things. So, I want it resolved for the last goddamned time, so I don’t have no fuckin’ issue over whether we have fried chicken. I want it decided once and for all.

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: They got a whole damn petition about it. All we want is you. Said, threaten ‘em with it, do what you want to– threaten ‘em to get off your back, but don’t get involved with them because when you sue them, they only do something else dirty to try to make more harm for your people. And I tend to incl– And I’m tending to be inclined to agree with that. Although I’ll have to convince uh, some of our attorneys of this. Although he’s– he admitted– he was a very humble man, he said “I don’t know.” I told him how we had threatened and gotten things done. I told him about our uh, (laughs) Mrs. White [likely code for “final White Night”], and he said, he– he– he laughed, Jesus Christ, he laughed. He said, I wouldna laughed if I’da been here but he– I told him I was on the army band, preaching Marxist-Leninism, going on for seven days and six nights, raising hell around here, people shootin’, and the old ladies with their cutlasses and such hell goin’ on, and he said you’d never seen the like in your life, pigs bein’ poisoned, warehouses bein’ stoled, then we guard the warehouse, they took all the shoes off our porches. Some of us– some of us know what it meant. Oh, that’s a year ago, don’t worry, honey, some of you (unintelligible, may be mocking someone). It’s all done. That war’s over, honey. It’s already been won.

Crowd: (applause)

Jones: (tape edit) –(unintelligible) again, but I’m glad we had it.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Now I can say I’m glad we had it, ’cause I don’t think some of us knew what war– We didn’t know what communism meant.

Crowd: Yeah.

Jones: That’s why a lot of you folk can set out here and hear him say 20 million of our people died. It don’t mean shit to you, ‘cause you never saw a bot– bomb hit Richmond, California, Oakland, or San Francisco or Fresno or Los Angeles. If you’da ever seen one of ‘em leveled– I was reviewing today a beautiful film on the People’s Democratic Republic of North Korea, I want you to see it tomorrow, 16 hours a day, that goddamn USA leveled– leveled that country– that country to nothing but rubble. There were three houses left standing. There was a bomb dropped for every person. For every person in North Korea, there was a bomb. One– I don’t know the tonnage of the bomb. One bomb. And those beautiful people, by working like that and caring and not being like some of you, gruntled, always disgruntled. Why you have this? Why you got to have to g– watch the show? Why we have to have a meeting every night? Goddamn, why don’t you quit gripping a little bit and understand and know what the hell I’m doin’? I make various exceptions, so why do we have to watch the film twice? You can’t get Harlan County in one time.

Voices in crowd: That’s right.

Jones: You can’t get some of these films in one time. You got to get your heart– you couldn’t get that film on Molly McGuire first time.

Voices in crowd: That’s right.

Jones: You gotta get your soul into it and begin to feel those miners goin’ down into that dirt and debris and being shot at, and bein’ drug away, and the last scene. And that’s all real, it was all true. You gotta feel that thing of that miner bein’ there in that cell and that detective comin’ in and tryin’ like Pilate to wash his hands and clean his hands up so he can go on. Said, I’m not going to give you no guilt-free bit, Bill, but he said I will beat your ass. (Stumbles over words) He– he whip– he throwed him up against the wall, he said, that is not going to clear you. That’s not going to clear you, man. Then later in history, he got it, that– that inform– that was a true story. But you don’t see ’em– I– you see– I ain’t got no time to see that. What– what you doin’ that’s better right now.

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: What you doin’ better? Say, I want to make love, I want to talk. We ain’t– Right now, goddamn it, get to Russia, you can make all the love you want to.

Voices in crowd: That’s right.

Jones: We won’t have the problem. We won’t have to deal with US consul. We won’t have to have a model here. Now we gotta have a model because we want to be approved by those coming in. We want a model because also that’ll keep us peace in Guyana in the meantime. Hmm?

Voices in crowd: Right.

Jones: And he asked that most urgently. That was one question. Everybody could tell you that was in the meeting, that is the most urgent question. He said, don’t let down. We heard him say it last night.

Voices in crowd: Right.

Jones: He said, build this into pure communism, keep building it. All you do, he said, everything, work hard, make this the best, because as the people come in, that will help him champion our cause. He’s already championed our cause and already got the clear signal. If things are like he says they are, that’s fine. Now, the next time anybody comes here, if we have any bullshit from ’em– That’s why I said the next time they come, we want to all have the same meal, but we can’t have the same meal until some people get back there and produce at night. And I want to see how many tomorrow have gone down to Ruby [Carroll] and said I’m gonna give some extra hours, I wanna give some extra hours. Right now, we got a project right there that can make us some money, we got $33,000 order – one order – and we can get more.

Man: (unintelligible) –Kay said that people (unintelligible word)–

Jones: Yeah, Kay [Nelson] said that people raved when they took ‘em to the store. We got these wood toys. I want to see how many of you’ll volunteer time. Show the little North Korean children going out and uh– and harvest. And I mean, some of ‘em were so small that the rice they were carrying, may– you couldn’t see ’em. They were carrying the rice along on their shoulders, around them– on their heads, and they looked like little rice bodies movin’. But they loved and they laughed and they danced and they jumped, and you never heard such singing, you never heard such synchronization, you never saw such orchestration of unity in your life. I– My heart wanted to cry because here, every time we try to organize– You been ruined, some of you assholes.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: You been ruined on a diet of US capitalism, and you don’t like to change your fuckin’ structure and you want peace when we’re still in war.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Our people back there, still in war. We shouldn’t expect to have a light schedule until we get our people free.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: (Stumbles over words) See, now, that’s what I mean, that’s right. Until tomorrow night, we’re all gonna see the People’s Democratic Republic of North Korea.

Voice in Crowd: Right.

Jones: (Stumbles over words) and when they get through with their eight-hour day, when they get through with their eight-hour day, and you look at the happiness on those little faces and they march, those little children march (stamps feet in march cadence). The sound– they call ‘em– Kim Il-sung calls them the– the kings and queens of the– of the revolution. They’re our future. They’re our gems, he called ’em. Those are our treasures. Wake up, please. Wake up your neighbor! (Pause) He said those are our treasure. But the laughter, the joy, the sunshine– because those children have rebuilt a nation that was torn to hell. E– Even though it’s a US film – it’s full of propaganda – but you can see as clear as day. There nothing left standing, and you see the most beautiful cities, that looks like any modern American city. Great, big, lovely apartments, and they’ve done that in twenty years. You don’t do that like some of you fuckers work.

Scattered Voices in Crowd: Right.

Jones: No, no, no. You don’t rebuild in twenty years like that. (Pause) But the trouble is, some of you got Americanitis. And I told him, I said, Comrade, we want to speed it. He says, well, it takes time, the processes of time, consuming the delegation, (Stumbles over words) some need to go there, some need to come here. I said, yes, but one problem I got is the goddamn women go into uh, Georgetown, and they haven’t got enough sense to know shit from apple butter. Well, that’s what caught Debby [Layton Blakey]. Got her on drugs. They tried the same– they tried the same thing on three different women. You women better listen to this, and they better remind them in Georgetown again, too, hear? Secretaries better take this down. Say, well, I– I– Mary, I’m interested in you, I want you, I’ll give you nice things. Then they get somebody like Debby on dope, and she steals $25,000 and takes off. That’s a problem we got here. I said in Moscow, we don’t have that. When you go to Moscow, they don’t have any dope. The homosexuality, he said– homosexuality, we’re not prudes, he said, we don’t have it. It’s the frustration that comes out of rebelling against the system. (Pause) We don’t have it, because we understand. I told him about homosexuality, I’m talkin’ about it– he said it’s a– it’s a– it’s a form of rebellion, but we don’t have the problem, because we don’t need to rebel. There’s no need to rebel. He said sex is uh, not emphasized, but he said sex– and it’s not glorified. It’s for pleasure, if they wish it, but primarily for productivity, and should be. Should be.

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: As long as capitalists are producing, socialists have to.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: And that’s what we want to say about the People’s Republic of North Korea. They say, no man marry till you’re 32. No woman marry until you’re 30. Say, you don’t know your own mind. You haven’t been educated. You haven’t been fulfilled. You don’t have enough self-image. You don’t have enough uh, awareness of yourself. You understand what I’m saying? Shift, please.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: You know– you don’t know no what shit from Shinola at 19.

Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: 21.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Not even at 25. You need to get (stretches word) all the things behind you before you start messin’ around ‘bout decidin’ who’s going to be your permanent life figure. Set down. And some of you here are marrying at these ungodly uh, early ages, you’re gonna be sorry as hell.

Crowd: Right. (applause)

Jones: (tape edit) –so I’m in love. You don’t know sh– you don’t know yourself at 19, much less anything about love. (Pause) Please get one thing straight, too, about me. Some of you assholes. I don’t do anything but for c– the cause of communism. I wouldn’t let my life be led but– anything but the cause of communism. I got good people and difficult, that needs my attention, I got sick people that need my attention. I got uh, some weirdos that need my attention. I deal with ’em. But there’s only one thing uppermost in my mind: that’s the revolution.

Voices in crowd: That’s right.

Jones: And I better not have no more scenes like I had last night from some of you sons-of-bitches in the middle of the Russians. And you know who I’m talkin’ about. Carryin’ on, makin’ me have to run out– uh, don’t– don’t give me no more shit. I been– two nights in a row, I had to be– I had to be interrupted by nonsense when I was trying to negotiate your future. Twelve hundred children. Sick and tired of that kind of shit. ’Cause I’m not like you. You put your ass above anything else. Someone said very thoughtfully to me, and I thought it was a very nice thing, said my commitment to this organization is above my ass. I wish half the people in here could say that they’ve commitment to this organization, to communism, was above their ass. Do you understand what I’m talkin’ about?

Crowd: That’s right. (applause)

Jones: Peace. If you don’t– If you don’t, you’re gonna end back in hell. Some of you set there like s– bumps on a log, you never listen, you think it’s never gonna happen. It’s gonna happen as sure as sh– hell. Dr. Daniel Ellsberg came to our church last night, addressed our church in San Francisco. He said it’s hopeless, the only thing you– you people could do is to do what you’ve done, to build a soci– soci– a society where you people can come to, because the USA is gonna be a wasteland and a desert, nuclear war is gonna happen, ‘cause USA doesn’t care. USA thinks they’re a big bully. USA thinks that the G– God’s on their side. USA thinks they can get by with pushing everybody around, and it’s gonna happen. And he’s almost in a nervous breakdown over it. He said it’s horrible for me to think, at 46 years of age, just a man of my age, he said it’s horrible, he said, for me to think, horrible for me to consider that my nation is g– going to look like nothing but one great big bomb crater.

And that’s the way North Korea looked. And the way they’ve built it now, there’s not one bit of poverty, not one slum, not one piece of rubble, not one piece of dirty street. You don’t see litter or anything, and even that film, that was made by US film company, you see nothing but beauty. How’d they get it? Because the men didn’t marry till they were 32 and the women didn’t marry until they were 30, and then they were willing to go a year and a half, like China, and some of ‘em, a year and a half out into various communes and educations – even after they were married – to do projects for the people. If you think and care about babies, that’s the best romance you can have. So don’t get me ever confused, I’ll never put anything between me and the babies of this organization. We want them to have the brightest future in the world.

Now one of the sisters, Marlene uh, Wheeler, as one of the recommendations tonight, has recommend that we give toys to our babies. I cannot give all these toys to the babies right now. I can’t give ’em. I’d love to, unless Marlene Wheeler and others can come up – Marlene Tarver – can come up with some ideas on how to get extra time outta you people so you’ll make uh, uh, enough dolls in addition to what we’re making for profit. I can only do so much. ’Cause we have to continue to build this place into a model. It’s not so much the Soviet Union, but we have to deal– uh, build this place into a model, and we got expenses and court actions and attorneys to face back there, and it take– costs money to find out conspirators. You have to p– you have to pay some. We paid one off [Gordon Lindsay]. We paid one to find out what was going on.

Voice in Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: Some people sell their mother out for a dollar.

Crowd: (Scattered) Right.

Jones: We got a whole lot for $5,000, but we had to pay $5,000. Say, is it worth it? Oh, yes, it was worth it. It stopped the National Enquirer from the damnedest uh, lies you ever saw in your mortal days. Dr. Mark Lane who was here, who wrote Rush to Judgment and all those famous books, say he never saw anything like it in the world. It woulda got our people killed, our people killed in the United States, it was so vicious. And he got the article killed because he got– he paid– he paid to get somebody that lied on us, so he went in the National Enquirer and he said here’s one liar, I got their affidavit. They lied. You print this, and I’ll sue you for 70 million dollars. National Enquirer thought– they– they said, well, we– we won’t print the story. But we had to pay 5,000. Well, you think $5,000 is worth 70 mill– 70 million? Oh, yes, yes, indeed, indeed. $5,000. I managed to (unintelligible word) 70 million dollars, he print a bunch a lies. National Enquirer is a m– is a magazine that’s the largest read in the entire United States. It got a circulation goes all over the world. It got a circulation of I don’t know how many millions. It’s filled with lies. Every time it writes about communists, it writes the damnedest, ugliest, meanest things they can write. Last thing it wrote was on some communist supposed to’ve been livin’ in a– in a Cuban prison, and it was the most damned bunch of lies ever existed. Terrible things, horrible things, how they beat and did sexual things, and he said, anything you can imagine – Dr. Mark Lane said – anything you can imagine and can’t imagine was in that article. (Pause) And uh, it was worth $5,000 to keep that article from going all over the world. It’s worth paying Mark Lane his expenses. That’s all he’s asked, too. Expenses of him and his staff, and it takes a lot of staff to get this shit done, when you’re diggin’ for it. He said what’s it cost you? Well, it’s cost us $15,000. But by God, that’s a uh– you say, fifteen thousand plus five thousand, that’s twenty thousand to keep out of the National Enquirer, I’da paid a hundred thousand. ’Cause I don’t want one of our people to be shot when they walk out of the parking lot.

Voices in Crowd: That’s right.

Voice: Thank you, Dad.

Jones: You don’t realize how devastating the N– uh, National Enquirer can be. It’s in every supermarket, every drugstore, 12 million circulation. Twelve million. The largest circulation of any magazine, any newspaper in the world, except Pravda in the Soviet Union and Tass. Do you think it’s not worth something to keep you– your– out of– bunch of lies out of there?

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: Huh. And it was outrageous. Outrageous. We all have free sex, we have sex orgies, there’re homosexuals here, molest children, all kinds of things. All kinds of things. All kinds of lies you never heard in your life. The women have– the old women have to do all the work and carry the– the le– the c– coal and the uh– the wood and uh, c– the water, and the– the young people sit around and the– and the whites are waited on by the blacks.

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: Any kind of shit to peel to keep– And you know what? Some of our black people who read that? They never woulda come. They’d believed it. You believe that black people sittin’ around here waitin’ on whites? I don’t believe so. I see a whole lot of folks setting around, but there’s both white and black.

Voices in Crowd: Right.

Jones: Huh?

Voices in Crowd: (louder) Right.

Jones: And if you see whites sittin’, it’s your duty to get up on this floor and say it. If you see blacks sittin’, it’s your duty to get up here and say it. And that’s what I’ll do about it. We’ll correct anything. But it was a– and that isn’t even– that– that– that doesn’t even touch it. Oh, God, it was awful. It was awful. Connected with the Mafia, and we supposed to kill this one and we– we killed uh, that young man [John Head], and throwed him off the damn building. Such awful, awful, lies and lies, lies. Even though the coroner’s report clearly showed how the man died, they were printin’ all that shit. Only one thing they understood. That Charles Garry, it’s been too bad, uh, nice man, but he don’t understand how to deal in the world of USA. Trouble with Charles Garry, he wants to look after Charles Garry as well as Peoples Temple. And when you got an attorney, he’s got to be interested only in Peoples Temple.

Voices in Crowd: Right.

Jones: He can’t be interested in his image with the press. Charles Garry: oh, no, no, no, no, no, don’t bother the press. Every time I want to sue ’em– oh, no, no, no, no, don’t bother ’em. They won’t hurt you. The hell, they don’t hurt you. The hell, lies don’t hurt you. We had folk right now quit comin’ over those goddamn lies.

Voices in Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: They hurt you, and from the first– I’ve– I’ve taken entirely different course of action. But we were stuck with him. Say, what do you mean stuck, ’cause when you get an attorney, you have to tell him everything. Wasn’t anything wrong. Everything we did was right. But he– You know certain facts about your organization, and he goes against you, you have some difficulties. So I had to edge in slowly and get friends of his that was acceptable to him so he could make this move. ’Cause up till now, he would– never would do it. He’s an old fool. There ain’t no fool like an old fool.

Voices in Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: Got his toupee and his eyes uplifted. Had his eyes s– sewed up so the droops are out so he can try to screw with the girl 32 years of age. Uh, uh, any man 70 years of age trying to screw with a girl 32 years of age has got to– he can’t do nothin’ else but try that ’cause take him all week long just to get one screw.

Crowd: (Scattered laughter.)

Jones: I’m not kidding you. I wish some of you’d grow up now rather than wait ti– at our expense later. He great man, Charles Garry, a lot of un– a lot of understanding. But now he’s– he’s– he’s acting like a juvenile. When you’re– really, when you’re young, be young, then go, go through with youth. That’s why I say don’t marry at 17 and get hurt. Study, study, study yourself and study others. Know yourself, don’t wait, don’t wait, don’t wait, don’t wait. Get things out of your hair– your system. Talk it out. Feel it out. Find out how other people have learned through the hard way. No, but some of you don’t. (mocking) “I want to do this. I want to have sex.” Whyn’t you talk to some of these women here? Whyn’t you talk to some of them? One woman went home, went back to the battle. Whyn’t you talk to her? Some of these women have had 300 men. Hm? And every one of ‘em treated in the same way. Whyn’t you talk to some of our women that’ve had their– their anuses have to be operated where they been torn apart, when they were in debt, ’til they st– they lost everything, and even some of ‘em had to go to jail, because the men had used their credit cards or taken their money and used them for prostitutes and every other thing. (shrill, mocking tone) “That didn’t happen to me.” It would if you’d live long enough.

Voices in Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: If you’d been on the streets, the chances are, it woulda happened to you.

Voices in Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: You say it never happened to me. But what is it that some of you dummies, that has to– you have to wait for it to happen to you before you understand that it can happen. If it happened to beautiful people like June Crym. Hm? They’re beautiful people, right?

Voices in Crowd: Right.

Jones: That’s a lawyer that was a se– a secretary, very prominent, just left. I could go on down the list, black and white. How many women know what I’m talkin’ about here? Dirt that’s been put on your ass? Why don’t you learn? And wait. Don’t get involved. And here this fool, he don’t know anything about himself, and he waits till he’s 70, and now he starts acting out, and we’re needing him for an attorney and he’s already written a book about how he’s gonna– what he’s gonna do in the courtroom. So I had to work with him slowly, over these 10 months, to get another attorney with him, to work with him, so that when we got to court, we got another b– person in that court. I am nobody in court for us, that’s already told at how at he uses the jury. He– ain’t nobody gonna– You– How’s he gonna know– Uh, what’s he gonna do, is he gonna ask every uh, juror that ever came to court. We’re not up against any court action yet uh, civil court, but he– not up in any criminal action– What we gonna do, he– he– when he comes up to every juror, is he gonna say, “Have you read my book uh, uh, Street Fighter in the Courtroom?” Is that a legitimate question, lawyers? Huh? Is it a legitimate question? Wonder if he’ll have sense enough– I wonder if his ego will be sensible enough to ask it in the right way.

Voice in Crowd: (too soft.)

Jones: Is it a legitimate question? Is everyone going to tell him the truth? Hm?

Voice in Crowd: No.

Jones: What’s that?

Voice in Crowd: No.

Jones: He can– he can exclude– He only has so many times that he can exclude jurors. Charles Garry, man supposed to represent Huey Newton, and you tell folk not gonna read his book. You think every juror’s gonna tell the truth up there? They read his book, don’t like him. Read his book, they got pissed at him. If they read his book, some people would get pissed at him. And so uh, it just gets– yeah, I don’t know about your book, go on into the jury room and see how he works against the jury. ‘Cause he brags in his book how he deals with the jury. You don’t do that. That’s stupidity. So, when you’re a child, you– long as you’re a practicing lawyer, he shouldna written any book about how he– any of his courtroom techniques. And it’s worried the hell out of me– We’da had a lot less trouble if we hadn’t had the advice to get him, and that was all we had available. ’Cause some of the people we wanted to get wouldn’t– th– they go for hiding, you know. First he– we– he took all he could take from us, but he went for hiding. Mr. [Fred] Furth, you can’t find now (unintelligible word), understand, he’s friendly with ‘em– our people meeting, but for a long time he went– he went into hiding. He didn’t mind using us, taking from us – shift again, please – but he didn’t want any– anything to do with us. (tape edit)

We had a lot of good things happen to us this last month. And we ought to be grateful. We oughtna mind having to work a few extra hours. But I’m gonna say now, Marlene has made these requests, and I listened to it.

Voice in Crowd: (faint)

Jones: (Aside) Sit off to the side. Where is it? Did uh, uh, Chris– Christine do that for me? That’s good, I appreciate that. (Back to crowd) May be seated. She feels that children should have two-week sentences on PSU [Public Service Unit] (tape edit) –SU. She feels three days should be maximum sentence for children, since they are younger than adults and less mature. She feels that children need a better playground to develop motor skills. We have put this off for some time, and she thinks it’s a priority.

Well, now, that’s her– that’s what I’m talkin’ about, that suggestion box. That’s what the point– that’s the point of it. That don’t mean I’m gonna agree with everything. My opinion is that the priority, when I walked out here into a mess last night when I’m right in the middle of the Russians– fortunately, I walked out there– uh, everything is always a blessing in disguise. I had to be called out into a mess. Goddamn, you better not create no more messes for me, I’m tellin’ you. You know who in the fuck I’m talkin’ to. This clan and love and bullshit. You better stop this shit. You better try and stop manipulating and telling somebody who they should go with. You better stop it, I mean, you better stop it. ’Cause your ass is gonna be in front of here and you’re gonna be thrown on Public Service. This the last warning. I don’t care who you are, or whether you got a loved one, a mother, a grandmother, an aunt, or brother, or sister in the highest levels of this church, your ass is all– I’m gonna throw whole families in Public Service. You better not tell nobody that they should go with somebody. (Pause) That’s right. You should lea– uh, your damn mouth to yourself about relationships and write it up to me if you see something is wrong. Not bein’ gossipin’ around in back– behind people’s backs about what’s going on. And put no pressure on someone that they should go with someone when they don’t, and then cause me a da– a damn-near suicide. When somebody don’t want to go with somebody, you leave ’em alone.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: And I’m pretty pissed at it, Now I’m pissed at it. It better not happen no more. You think I don’t know what’s goin’ on in this fucking place. I know all what’s goin’ on in this fuckin’ place. But s– some of it is such small shit, I was entertaining angels for our uh– our freedom while some of this small shit’s going on. But I know about this small shit, and I took it to your front door last night, and it’s a damn wonder I didn’t come in there, lick the whole damn household. But in the process I found out that the toilet over here smells like hell. So the priority, in my opinion, in all good uh, respect to Marlene Tarver – and I respect her – is not a playground for children, but it’s another toilet.

Voices in crowd: Yeah.

Jones: That’s my opinion.

Voices in crowd: That’s right.

Jones: Because that toilet smells like hell.

Voices in crowd: Right.

Jones: If you can’t smell it, you’ve not got very good oh– nose. I’m talkin’ about this l– the toilet way over here.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: We need another toilet, seems to me. But that’s her requ– that’s her uh, putting on a form. Now that’s what I mean by a suggestion. Maybe some others would agree with her. Now she says no two week sentences on children for– She says children can’t be expected to know as adults. What the hell’s the matter? What’s he– What– What– Oh, oh, what–

Crowd: (Excited hubbub)

Jones: (Calls out) Anybody– You bring this motherfucker up that started this shit. Who started this shit?

Crowd: (hubbub)

Voice in crowd: Willie started it. Willie started it.

Jones: Who?

Voice in crowd: Willie Malone.

Jones: Willie Malone? He’s the one I’m talkin’ to last night, too. Get his ass up here! Goddamn you and your fuckin’ fightin’! Don’t you give me no shit! Get the strait jacket? Doc– Get the doctor!

Crowd: (hubbub)

Jones: Do– Doctor! Get the doctor! Get the doctor! Get the doctor! Do that which is lawful. You– Willie Malone. You better stop it, goddamn your ass! We have every (tape edit)

(Calm) –it seems to me, I’ve seen some Guyanese with long hair, but I don’t know. Apparently, they don’t see their own. We’re standing here under a fish bowl. We don’t mind it. Hell, what’s a little sacrifice of hair? That’s all the complaint they have, that’s the only complaint they had, other than boiling our water, and they damn well had good reason for that. And antisepticizing the toilets, huh?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Right, right. But the education was marvelous. They thought the entertainment was superb. But I know, and Comrade [Tom] Grubbs, I want you, while you’re up, too, that some of the educators, Professor [Richard] Tropp, I’m– they’re going to have to get special classes, ‘cause this– uh, this musical department’s not going to go until they know Marxist-Leninism. Some of them know it, but you cannot go through Russia, representing us, making money for us– uh, they’ll be asking questions of you. You people got to know Marxist-Leninism. And I– I know some of you– and you– we’ve got a reputation. They love us for being teetotalers. They love us for not drinking and not smoking. Said, you make us feel guilty, Comrade Jones. But now in the Soviet Union, they’re developing whole cities where you cannot smoke. Whole cities. Said, I just feel guilty. They both smoke. And he said uh– and he wouldn’t drink at all. We offered him a drink, ‘cause we have some for the hypertension people, who need alcohol, not very little, but uh, we give a couple teaspoons full, but nonetheless uh, he wou– no, no, no, he wouldn’t drink. And you cannot smoke in a restaurant in the Soviet Union, you can’t smoke in a theater, no place where other people are. Where people are eating, you cannot smoke. And that’s strict about consideration of other people’s feelings. So we want to uh– wonder what I get on that for?

Jack (from Crowd): (unintelligible) in the band–

Jones: Yeah. I’m talkin’ about liquor, was where I was going. Thank you. Thank you, Jack. B– because the la– the last time I went– we went out, we didn’t even go no further than the goddamned mouth of the river, and some people in the band were takin’ liquor. Now, I’m not gonna have it. I’m gonna send the ones– I’ll pick Norman [Ijames] and I’ll pick some that I know will not do that shit to go over there, because I’m not gonna have no goddamned some son-of-a-bitch go over there and get sn– soused, because Russians drink, in some circles, and then maybe some CIA might happen to be in a public function, sure as hell when US entertainers, ’cause they’ll be thousands come. He says there’ll be thousands that would come to see– to hear us in Moscow, for instance. And if you fucker drink or can’t open your mouth and talk Marxist-Leninism, you’re not goin’. And you haven’t got much time– This is the end– You got October, November, December. That’s it. Go ahead. Now what– back to– say, what’s this feeling of– (tape edit) you’re twelve years of age. My father [James Thurman Jones] started smoking at fourteen years of age. Fifteen years later, I’m born, so genetically, they gave me a disease that both of them had, emphysema. The thing that my mother [Lynetta Jones] died of. That’s the curse of you people who smoke. You curse your children. Hm?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: He said I don’t know how you handle it so well. He said the cancer cells that did appear or to be looking atypical, they’re gone. Well, I know how that happens, and I think by the time the ambassador last night– he begin to wonder that l– how a lot of things happened, too. He’d heard about Don Jackson, he was amazed this man’s walkin’, he gets hit at 60 miles an hour, he said uh, he understood about the healing, he understood. We didn’t pursue it very much, but he understood very well. He said, I wish you could do some of this– he said, you could convert our Pentecostals, you could convert our Pentecostals in Russia. He said, I know you could. And I could, ‘cause we know how to sing. We know how to put the emotion and heart. And he said that’s the thing we know how. We put emotion into communism. He said, and you would appreciate Russia. He said, I know you would appreciate the Soviet Union. You would not take it for granted like a lot of our people in the Soviet Union do. They get free medical care, they get free dental care, they get free education, they get free glasses, they get free everything. He said, you people would appreciate it. He said, I know. And I said, yes, we’d kiss the ground.

Voices in crowd: Right.

Jones: Because that meant that much. Although some of you want to go back, some of you don’t appreciate free medicine until you– and in– You will though, you will though. You’ll be sick one day. You’ll be sick one day. (Pause) And when you get your ass in a hospital and don’t– can’t afford the– the nurse, can’t afford somebody to watch. You say, I been in the hospital and I didn’t have nothin’ but welfare. And you don’t know how close you may’ve come to losing your life, either.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: All they’re moving against the welfare. Proposition 13’s already cut back all Medi-Cal, Medic-Aid in California. Better listen now, I’m reviewing the news a little bit. I want to– I’m going to give the answers to the questions too, give me the answers to the questions– the questions tonight. Got a reason for that. Uh, now J– Jarvis-Gann [reference to Howard Jarvis and Paul Gann, the co-authors of Proposition 13] and– and Mayor [Frank] Rizzo has proposed an entire federal plan for the entire United States to cut back all property taxes. There’ll be no way to fund the schools. That means people’ll have to set up private schools. Who’s going to go to school? The rich. The poor will have to go to work in sweatshops. They’ll be put in– in uh, uh, garment factories, or p– put in concentration camps ’cause they don’t need any workers. They can’t even employ their adults. And I mean, this is a real fact of life, and some of you talk about, well, I want to go back to the United States, but the United States isn’t what it was when you left it.

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: It’s a changed United States. You– When you left the United States, it had five and a half billion dollars in California treasury. Today it’s not got a penny one. ’Cause they had to spend it on all their budget, ‘cause the damned fools cut back taxes. For who? Who? The poor? No. The people– the only people that really benefited anything from it were people who made over $40,000 a year. Did you ever make over $40,000 a year?

Crowd: No.

Jones: Okay, then shut up about America. (Pause) Okay, shift again, please. Now– (tape edit) uh, he thinks that the Soviet– he thinks that the uh– and Norman pointed out to me the featuring of high flying objects– uh, high flying objects– the Soviet Union said they are satisfied that the CIA is cloud-seeding Guyana. They’re cloud-seeding to get too much rain to try to screw their harvest up like they did– the the Cubans twice in a row, twice– two years in a row. He said– and he gave us the– he gave us the most secret of secret information. He said, it hadn’t been for Dr. [Ptolemy] Reid, he said they – the United States – demanded of Guyana that they would get no aid until we were kicked out and made to return to the United States. And Dr. Reid said no. So for that reason alone, we shall continue, but they have to go slow in their dealings, they can’t praise us a great deal, and yet we do appear in the press, because uh, the United States wanted us back to the– to show their wrath on, because we were the only people that ever made it out of fascist USA. They wanted us dismantled and destroyed and uh, he told us absolutely the same thing, and then it was confirmed yesterday by [Carl] Blackman of the [Guyana] Chronicle and [Harry] Harewood of uh, Radio Demerara. So the Soviet Union knows what it’s talkin’ about. And– and he said– he said– he told us a clever little way that the US Embassy works, one that acts like he’s a very good friend of ours, and has reported things when people have done things here that were wrong, but just two sides against the middle. He said how would you do– he said how would you feel if you had a thousand Baptists all uh, sexual molesters? (Pause) He said now anybody knew– he said uh, he– he didn’t know how much I knew about Peoples Temple. But he said the obvious reference of the US Embassy official was thousand Peoples Temple, referring to them as sexual molesters of children. He said how– how would you do if you had a thousand Methodists? How would you feel? He said he didn’t say a word about Peoples Temple. He just said it that way. Clever, intelligence, espionage. You know, he said to him at a uh– at a uh, Peoples National Congress celebration, just come up to him, and just chattin’ over cocktails, tryin’– he said he didn’t know– he said that I knew Peoples Temple better than he did. But they were not child molesters. That’s– that’s – See how evil the system is? How many– How many just heard what I just said? Said how would you feel, Com– he said how would you feel, Minister, Ambassador, Consular, how would you feel if you had a thousand Methodist child molesters? That’s all he said. He said that I knew automatically he was trying to plant in my head that Peoples Temple was a thousand child molesters. You got a wicked country to deal with.

Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: It’s a wicked country, honey. And he– he told me a lot more that I’m not telling you, too. You better thank your stars we hit here. ’Cause their intelligence– and they– they set up intelligence so closely that– that if anything ever attempts to happen, they will contact us by Morse code at various frequencies all over that band. Night or day. We’ll be contacted. So that we will not ever be cut off or anything done with us– and he said an attack or a move against us is a move against the Soviet Union. (Pause) That’s– that’s heavy talk.

Crowd: Applause (tape edit)

Man 1: –from a fishing trip yesterday. He said you’re now entering the first American socialist territory in the world.

Jones: That’s the way he feels. That’s exactly the way he feels. He feels even stronger. But when you put the whole apparatus– that’s what we’re referring to, he said some kind word, and I didn’t want to embarrass him, last evening. I said, he gave me something– he put me at rest about my people’s future. That’s what he said, put me at rest. ’Cause it takes time to build a process of movement. But he said a move against the people (tape failure) – into craters. We didn’t have a bomb dropped on here for every person. We’re going to have to get more motivated to be communists than we are. Okay. The situation is tabled for the moment. Hmm? What, uh– Look my way. When I’m talking to somebody else, don’t you dare come up near me.

Voice in Crowd: (too soft.)

Jones: Now I mean, don’t dare come near me.

Voice in Crowd: (too soft.)

Jones: I mean it, now, one reverend, better listen to me, ‘cause I don’t want to embarrass seniors, but I will the next time I do– When I’m talking, when I’ve got a group of people, don’t you come near me. Don’t you come near me. I’ve had enough of this (unintelligible) (tape edit) (second track below first) We don’t want people killed. We’ve had people killed too many times. We don’t want to see war. That’s– that’s a noble– noble quest. People should do all in their power to try to avoid war, even though we know the likelihood of it. Even though he knows and they’ve got (tape edit) situation (unintelligible) rain, they ought to be there with some umbrellas to provide. I should never, ever get wet because of the conditions that are in my body. Mmm? I’ve taken so much into my body to heal others. All right. (tape edit)

–English for ten days, and then they all know how to speak English. That’s what we ought to do here. We get another– we get a little Russian in, I say we’re doing nothin’, you can’t get a damn thing if you ask for something in English, you won’t get a damn thing done, we ought to require nothin’ but Russian for ten days and you’ll see how much Russian you’d be talkin’. I know some of you folk, you had to ask for your food in Russian, you would be talkin’.

Crowd: Laughter and applause

Jones: (tape edit) (second track ends) The Soviet Union grants the right of asylum – that means the right to live peacefully, to be taken into their country and protected – to foreigners persecuted for defending the interests of the working people and the cause of peace or for participation in any revolutionary and national liberation movement or for progressive, social, political, scientific or other creative activity.

Crowd: (Applause)

Jones: And what I’d like to know is why in the hell Angela Davis and Albert Kahn, Dr. Kahn, author Kahn, Communist Party USA, and Charles Garry didn’t know anything about that when they told it– when I wanted to go to Russia to begin with (unintelligible word). Bunch of damn– I think some of them are agents, that’s what I think. That’s what I told him last night, and he didn’t deny it.

Girl: Okay, the jury said–

Male: (tape edit) (unintelligible string of sentences) make you pissed (unintelligible)

Crowd: Laughter

Male: Okay, look, it’s almost two o’clock in the morning. Maybe the jury can re– uh, reach a decision as a result of all of this good factual information they’ve got.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Male: Ask ol’ Dale [Parks]. Ask ol’ Dale, you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about.

Girl: Do you know what he’s talkin’ about?

Jones: (Laughs)

Crowd: (Laughter, chatter)

Girl: Okay, how many witnesses (unintelligible phrase) you want to go back to the States?

Crowd: (hubbub)

Jones: What’d he say?

Man 2: I mean I– he’s– he’s– he’s spoken to me confidentially about– now what he took Father literally, when Father was tellin’ that these people that want to go back so bad, he said, well, after all the people get here, you can get your money and go back or swim back or any way you go. But he took Father literally that– he took that and–

Jones: (interrupting) He can. By the time we get ready– and all our people get ready to go back, he can float back.

Man 2: That’s what you told him. And he took it– he took it–

Jones: (interrupting) I mean that seriously.

Man 2: Yeah.

Jones: I’m not playin’.

Man 2: Mm-hmm.

Jones: By the time we get ready to go, by the time we get our people back, it’ll be past nine months, and by that time he can float back.

Man 2: Mm-hmm [yes], and then– and he said it in a way that he– he– he was goin’ back to visit for a couple of weeks and come back. Now that’s– that’s the extent of him goin’ back– He had no– no anarchy or nothin’ about it or he was gonna go on his own or anything. If that’s the way that he meant it, I mean, whether it–

Jones: (interrupting) One man better stay close to the body.

Old Man: I spoke that a-way ’cause I figured he was gonna run him out.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Old Man: So I spoke it that a-way.

Crowd: (hubbub)

Jones: They all run your mouth and they’re all talkin’ and they’re all nosey.

Old Man: I–

Jones: (interrupting) But the fact is, when you got here, you couldn’t hardly move.

Crowd: Right!

Old Man: That’s right, that’s right.

Voice in Crowd: (unintelligible)

Old Man: I told him.

Woman: He said, I really want to get away from here, and by Christmas I will be gone.

Jones: That may be true. (more emphatic) That may be true. (Pause) By Christmas, do you want to be gone?

Old Man: Well– (stammers)

Jones: By Christmas, do you want to be gone?

Old Man: (stammers)

Jones: (emphatic) By Christmas, do you want to be gone?

Old Man: I would ask you, could I go home to make a trip to see my people?

Jones: (more calmly) By Christmas, you’d like to be gone?

Old Man: I would like to make a round trip ticket–

Jones: (interrupting) By Christmas– (voice rises throughout) I’m asking you one question. You have listened here many times to what I’ve said, and I do not intend now to repeat myself. I have established myself on this proposition unequivocally clear, and I’ve now moved from an administrative socialist office into the office of savior. Do you want to be able to go home – what you call home – by Christmas?

Old Man: No, no, I don’t intend it until I see your people get here ‘fore I could try to go home. (Pause) You said when you get all the folks–

Jones: (interrupting) It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living.

Crowd: (Scattered voices) Right.

Jones: Now, you find this humorous, I’m now in the office. I have the power to send you home by Christmas, but it’s not on Trans World Airlines. (Pause)

Old Man: They just take anything and make a big thing out of it.

Jones: (Calls out) That’s not a big thing! That’s blasphemy!

Old Man: Well–

Jones: (Cries out) It’s blasphemy!

Old Man: (under Jones) –come to you–

Jones: It’s blasphemy! It’s blasphemy! It’s blasphemy! They may find good humor in your much badgerings– I do not. It’s blasphemy to talk about going back when you have not been given any approval.

Crowd: Right!

Jones: When there’d been no s– even no s– requests or even any mandate made. (Pause) Now, if I cease meditating for you, you won’t need to go home. (Pause) Do you understand how many things are wrong with you? Blindness faces you early. Death faces you early by liver. Death faces you early through diabetes. Death faces you early through your kidneys. Do you want to go home?

Old Man: No.

Jones: (quiet) Well, then be seated and shut your mouth and don’t be in my face any more. To have freedom, and for the sake of those who have ears, we have o– opportunities to go many places, Africa, all sorts of places. You understand what I’m saying?

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: So, knowledge of the news– We’re gonna have that knowledge of the news. In the future, when anyone comes, by the way, put up your hands. Wisdom will be used, and wisdom will be justified, but all put up your hands as if you have some knowledge. You understand?

Crowd: Yes.

Jones: You will not be called upon to be embarrassed. Because it’ll be directed as to who shall be called. Whether I do it by mind or whether I do it by mouth or whether I do it by letter, it shall be directed. You will not be called to be ignorant in front of the guests. Do you understand?

Crowd: Yes.

Jones: And there were too few of you that didn’t put up your hands, and many of you knew que– answers to questions, didn’t bother to put up your hands, and you should put up your hands when you have guests, whether you do know or don’t know. You understand?

Crowd: Yes.

Jones: (Pause) There’ll be no danger of them being called on, unless they know. Do you hear what I’m saying?

Crowd: Yes.

Jones: If you put up your hand and don’t know, there will be no danger of you being called upon unless you know. (Pause) Resolved, in an organization, there has to be structure because that same organization gives you your salvation. That same organization has sent people like Mom Jackson [Luvenia Jackson], here, who was given up to die with cancer four years ago– sent her clear to another nation and resolved it, and when the doctor said there there was no hope, I healed her, and she’s walkin’ around here, fit as a fiddle.

Crowd: (Applause) (tape edit)

Jones:: So you have to follow the rules of the organization. Right?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Turn and give your neighbor three miracles. That’s what keeps the faith. (tape edit) That song, learn to be able sing it upon command– We’ll put “God” in it, if it were necessary, if we have the right person here. You understand? “America, America, Socialism shed thy grace upon thee. And crown whatever good you have with brotherhood – you need it badly – from sea to shouning sea.” (tape edit)

Organ plays “America, the Beautiful”

Jones: (sings) –for spacious (tape edit) for amber waves of grain/ For purple mountain majesties/ Above the fruited plain! America! America!/ Socialism have thy grace on thee/ And crown thy good with brotherhood/ From sea to shining sea! (speaks) Sing it again. (sings) Oh– (tape edit) (speaks) The American people?

Crowd: No.

Jones: The American continent?

Crowd: No.

Jones: No, we don’t like to think of it becoming a desert wasteland, prophetic as I’ve seen it. And I’ve seen the cities melt before my eyes. I remember the first time I saw it. The city of Indianapolis, Indiana, in a prophetic vision. It’s not– It’s not the American people or the American country, it’s landscape that we’re opposed to, it’s the system, the false system that does not represent the people. We represent the people, so we can sing it. (Sings) “America, America”– (tape edit)

Jones: (with organ playing softly in background) You have all kinds of examples. You can go back through the audience, you can talk to Rose Peterson, when the doctors in Georgetown gave her up to die with cancer. You can talk to [David Betts Jackson] Pops Jackson’s wife, Mom Jackson, and find when she was given up with cancer. They’re all through this place here today. How many miracles have happened since you been here? How many miracles? Lift your hands. (Pause) That’s enough. I can’t– I don’t want to remember them all. The explosion that blew this place and sounded like an atomic bomb, blew Tommy Beikman into blindness, into a broken mess of flesh and broken bone and lifeless form. So, we don’t have to talk about the miracles, but you better think on them. Bless your neighbor and sing “Have Faith in Your God.” (Sings) “Faith in Your God–” (tape edit)


Part II

(Editor’s note: This section repeats a portion of Part I of the tape; text in red font is missing from first part, likely due to tape failure. Text in black matches text from Part I)

Man 1: –from a fishing trip yesterday. He said you’re now entering the first American socialist territory in the world.

Jones: That’s the way he feels. That’s exactly the way he feels. He (unintelligible word) stronger. When you put the whole apparatus– that’s what we’re referring to, he said with some kind word, and I didn’t want to embarrass him, last evening. I said he gave me something– he put me at rest about my people’s future. That’s what he said, put me at rest. ’Cause it takes time to build a process of movement. But he said a move against the people here will be a move against the entire Soviet government. That point has already been achieved in our relations. And he said, that’s– that’s– uh, that’s power, that’s power.

Crowd: (Applause)

Jones: ’Cause then the USA doesn’t like to move against the Soviet Union when she gets– she goes to a certain point, she’s gonna kick Tass out and uh, the Soviet Union said we will stop the SALT talks, we will stop Strategic Arm Limitation Talks, and USA quit talkin’ about kickin’ Tass out. ‘Cause USA is mighty concerned over the advanced missile systems and all them damn space satellites they’ve got. But he definitely told us some stuff. He said a lot of stuff, too. He– By the way, let’s follow up on the debugging stuff he said. He said, they get out there in the woods and they put little metal instruments on– on us, far out, and tape everything we say here. Say, he don’t care, he don’t care. He does not care that the United States knows that he is our friend. That’s why I’m not going to say certain things here, because we may not be the only ones listening.

Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: They found bugs. And you know how many times Do– (tape edit; pause) surveillance-minded that you have to have debugging. He told me a lots of things that I’m not telling you o– out here. He is definitely a friend, and we want to maintain it that way. (pause) That’s why I appreciated the uh, the hardy response from the brothers to do little thing about hair and beards, so forth. Now what– uh, what is going to be done– who’s going to take the three children? (tape edit) –would be here. But, the point is that we have had this undue rain ten times more than they’ve had in– in– in– in– in the years– in ten years, I mean. It’s the worst in ten years. The worst we’ve had in ten years. So we want to get that– and it will be straightened out. It will be straightened out. All things straightened out. If we believe. Do you believe still?

Crowd: Yeah.

Jones: We’re eating and we’ve done well, we’ve produced well, but there’s much more (Stumbles over words) they’re be more room for improvement. Tomorrow will be a CAAO meeting, and I suggest also that Steering be involved in it because of some priorities that have to be decided. We can’t do it tonight. (unintelligible) What hour will it meet? (tape edit) into craters. We didn’t have a bomb dropped on here for every person. We’re going to have to get more motivated to be communists than we are. Okay. The situation is tabled for the moment. Hmm? What, uh– Look my way. When I’m talking to somebody else, don’t you dare come up near me.


Part III

(Editor’s note: This section repeats a portion of Part I)

Jones: You will though, you will though. You’ll be sick one day. You’ll be sick one day. (Pause) And when you get your ass in a hospital and don’t– can’t afford the– the nurse, can’t afford somebody to watch. You say, I been in the hospital and I didn’t have nothin’ but welfare. And you don’t know how close you may’ve come to losing your life, either.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: All they’re moving against the welfare. Proposition 13’s already cut back all Medi-Cal, Medic-Aid in California. Better listen now, I’m reviewing the news a little bit. I want to– I’m going to give the answers to the questions too, give me the answers to the questions– the questions tonight. Got a reason for that. Uh, now J– Jarvis-Gann [reference to Howard Jarvis and Paul Gann, the co-authors of Proposition 13] and– and Mayor [Frank] Rizzo has proposed an entire federal plan for the entire United States to cut back all property taxes. There’ll be no way to fund the schools. That means people’ll have to set up private schools. Who’s going to go to school? The rich. The poor will have to go to work in sweatshops. They’ll be put in– in uh, uh, garment factories, or p– put in concentration camps ’cause they don’t need any workers. They can’t even employ their adults. And I mean, this is a real fact of life, and some of you talk about, well, I want to go back to the United States, but the United States isn’t what it was when you left it.

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: It’s a changed United States. You– When you left the United States, it had five and a half billion dollars in California treasury. Today it’s not got a penny one. ’Cause they had to spend it on all their budget, ‘cause the damned fools cut back taxes. For who? Who? The poor? No. The people– the only people that really benefited anything from it were people who made over $40,000 a year. Did you ever make over $40,000 a year?

Crowd: No.

Jones: Okay, then shut up about America. (Pause) Okay, shift again, please. Now– (tape edit) uh, he thinks that the Soviet– he thinks that the uh– and Norman pointed out to me the featuring of high flying objects– uh, high flying objects– the Soviet Union said they are satisfied that the CIA is cloud-seeding Guyana. They’re cloud-seeding to get too much rain to try to screw their harvest up like they did– the the Cubans twice in a row, twice– two years in a row. He said– and he gave us the– he gave us the most secret of secret information. He said, it hadn’t been for Dr. [Ptolemy] Reid, he said they – the United States – demanded of Guyana that they would get no aid until we were kicked out and made to return to the United States. And Dr. Reid said no. So for that reason alone, we shall continue, but they have to go slow in their dealings, they can’t praise us a great deal, and yet we do appear in the press, because uh, the United States wanted us back to the– to show their wrath on, because we were the only people that ever made it out of fascist USA. They wanted us dismantled and destroyed and uh, he told us absolutely the same thing, and then it was confirmed yesterday by Blackman of the Chronicle and [Harry] Harewood of uh, Radio Demerara. So the Soviet Union knows what it’s talkin’ about. And– and he said– he said– he told us a clever little way that the US Embassy works, one that acts like he’s a very good friend of ours, and has reported things when people have done things here that were wrong, but just two sides against the middle. He said how would you do– he said how would you feel if you had a thousand Baptists all uh, sexual molesters? (Pause) He said now anybody knew– he said uh, he– he didn’t know how much I knew about Peoples Temple. But he said the obvious reference of the US Embassy official was thousand Peoples Temple, referring to them as sexual molesters of children. He said how– how would you do if you had a thousand Methodists? How would you feel? He said he didn’t say a word about Peoples Temple. He just said it that way. Clever, intelligence, espionage. You know, he said to him at a uh– at a uh, Peoples National Congress celebration, just come up to him, and just chattin’ over cocktails, tryin’– he said he didn’t know– he said that I knew Peoples Temple better than he did. But they were not child molesters. That’s– that’s – See how evil the system is? How many– How many just heard what I just said? Said how would you feel, Com– he said how would you feel, Minister, Ambassador, Consular, how would you feel if you had a thousand Methodist child molesters? That’s all he said. He said that I knew automatically he was trying to plant in my head that Peoples Temple was a thousand child molesters. You got a wicked country to deal with.

Crowd: That’s right.

Jones: It’s a wicked country, honey. And he– he told me a lot more that I’m not telling you, too. You better thank your stars we hit here. ’Cause their intelligence– and they– they set up intelligence so closely that– that if anything ever attempts to happen, they will contact us by Morse code at various frequencies all over that band. Night or day. We’ll be contacted. So that we will not ever be cut off or anything done with us– and he said an attack or a move against us is a move against the Soviet Union. (Pause) That’s– that’s heavy talk.

Crowd: Applause (tape edit)

Man 1: –from a fishing trip yesterday. He said you’re now entering the first American socialist territory in the world.

Jones: That’s the way he feels. That’s exactly the way he feels. He feels even stronger. But when you put the whole apparatus– that’s what we’re referring to, he said some kind word, and I didn’t want to embarrass him, last evening. I said, he gave me something– he put me at rest about my people’s future. That’s what he said, put me at rest. ’Cause it takes time to build a process of movement. But he said a move against the people (tape failure) – into craters. We didn’t have a bomb dropped on here for every person. We’re going to have to get more motivated to be communists than we are. Okay. The situation is tabled for the moment. Hmm? What, uh– Look my way. When I’m talking to somebody else, don’t you dare come up near me.

Voice in Crowd: (too soft.)

Jones: Now I mean, don’t dare come near me.

Voice in Crowd: (too soft.)

Jones: I mean it, now, one reverend, better listen to me, ‘cause I don’t want to embarrass seniors, but I will the next time I do– When I’m talking, when I’ve got a group of people, don’t you come near me. Don’t you come near me. I’ve had enough of this (unintelligible) (tape edit) (second track below first) We don’t want people killed. We’ve had people killed too many times. We don’t want to see war. That’s– that’s a noble– noble quest. People should do all in their power to try to avoid war, even though we know the likelihood of it. Even though he knows and they’ve got (tape edit) situation (unintelligible) rain, they ought to be there with some umbrellas to provide. I should never, ever get wet because of the conditions that are in my body. Mmm? I’ve taken so much into my body to heal others. All right. (tape edit)

–English for ten days, and then they all know how to speak English. That’s what we ought to do here. We get another– we get a little Russian in, I say we’re doing nothin’, you can’t get a damn thing if you ask for something in English, you won’t get a damn thing done, we ought to require nothin’ but Russian for ten days and you’ll see how much Russian you’d be talkin’. I know some of you folk, you had to ask for your food in Russian, you would be talkin’.

Crowd: Laughter and applause

Jones: (tape edit) (second track ends) The Soviet Union grants the right of asylum – that means the right to live peacefully, to be taken into their country and protected – to foreigners persecuted for defending the interests of the working people and the cause of peace or for participation in any revolutionary and national liberation movement or for progressive, social, political, scientific or other creative activity.

Crowd: (Applause)

Jones: And what I’d like to know is why in the hell Angela Davis and Albert Kahn, Dr. Kahn, author Kahn, Communist Party USA, and Charles Garry didn’t know anything about that when they told it– when I wanted to go to Russia to begin with (unintelligible word). Bunch of damn– I think some of them are agents, that’s what I think. That’s what I told him last night, and he didn’t deny it.

Girl: Okay, the jury said–

Male: (tape edit) (unintelligible string of sentences) make you pissed (unintelligible)

Crowd: Laughter

Male: Okay, look, it’s almost two o’clock in the morning. Maybe the jury can re– uh, reach a decision as a result of all of this good factual information they’ve got.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Male: Ask ol’ Dale [Parks]. Ask ol’ Dale, you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about.

Girl: Do you know what he’s talkin’ about?

Jones: (Laughs)

Crowd: (Laughter, chatter)

Girl: Okay, how many witnesses (unintelligible phrase) you want to go back to the States?

Crowd: (hubbub)

Jones: What’d he say?

Man 2: I mean I– he’s– he’s– he’s spoken to me confidentially about– now what he took Father literally, when Father was tellin’ that these people that want to go back so bad, he said, well, after all the people get here, you can get your money and go back or swim back or any way you go. But he took Father literally that– he took that and–

Jones: (interrupting) He can. By the time we get ready– and all our people get ready to go back, he can float back.

Man 2: That’s what you told him. And he took it– he took it–

Jones: (interrupting) I mean that seriously.

Man 2: Yeah.

Jones: I’m not playin’.

Man 2: Mm-hmm.

Jones: By the time we get ready to go, by the time we get our people back, it’ll be past nine months, and by that time he can float back.

Man 2: Mm-hmm [yes], and then– and he said it in a way that he– he– he was goin’ back to visit for a couple of weeks and come back. Now that’s– that’s the extent of him goin’ back– He had no– no anarchy or nothin’ about it or he was gonna go on his own or anything. If that’s the way that he meant it, I mean, whether it–

Jones: (interrupting) One man better stay close to the body.

Old Man: I spoke that a-way ’cause I figured he was gonna run him out.

Crowd: (Laughter)

Old Man: So I spoke it that a-way.

Crowd: (hubbub)

Jones: They all run your mouth and they’re all talkin’ and they’re all nosey.

Old Man: I–

Jones: (interrupting) But the fact is, when you got here, you couldn’t hardly move.

Crowd: Right!

Old Man: That’s right, that’s right.

Voice in Crowd: (unintelligible)

Old Man: I told him.

Woman: He said, I really want to get away from here, and by Christmas I will be gone.

Jones: That may be true. (more emphatic) That may be true. (Pause) By Christmas, do you want to be gone?

Old Man: Well– (stammers)

Jones: By Christmas, do you want to be gone?

Old Man: (stammers)

Jones: (emphatic) By Christmas, do you want to be gone?

Old Man: I would ask you, could I go home to make a trip to see my people?

Jones: (more calmly) By Christmas, you’d like to be gone?

Old Man: I would like to make a round trip ticket–

Jones: (interrupting) By Christmas– (voice rises throughout) I’m asking you one question. You have listened here many times to what I’ve said, and I do not intend now to repeat myself. I have established myself on this proposition unequivocally clear, and I’ve now moved from an administrative socialist office into the office of savior. Do you want to be able to go home – what you call home – by Christmas?

Old Man: No, no, I don’t intend it until I see your people get here ‘fore I could try to go home. (Pause) You said when you get all the folks–

Jones: (interrupting) It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living.

Crowd: (Scattered voices) Right.

Jones: Now, you find this humorous, I’m now in the office. I have the power to send you home by Christmas, but it’s not on Trans World Airlines. (Pause)

Old Man: They just take anything and make a big thing out of it.

Jones: (Calls out) That’s not a big thing! That’s blasphemy!

Old Man: Well–

Jones: (Cries out) It’s blasphemy!

Old Man: (under Jones) –come to you–

Jones: It’s blasphemy! It’s blasphemy! It’s blasphemy! They may find good humor in your much badgerings– I do not. It’s blasphemy to talk about going back when you have not been given any approval.

Crowd: Right!

Jones: When there’d been no s– even no s– requests or even any mandate made. (Pause) Now, if I cease meditating for you, you won’t need to go home. (Pause) Do you understand how many things are wrong with you? Blindness faces you early. Death faces you early by liver. Death faces you early through diabetes. Death faces you early through your kidneys. Do you want to go home?

Old Man: No.

Jones: (quiet) Well, then be seated and shut your mouth and don’t be in my face any more. To have freedom, and for the sake of those who have ears, we have o– opportunities to go many places, Africa, all sorts of places. You understand what I’m saying?

Crowd: (Stirs)

Jones: So, knowledge of the news– We’re gonna have that knowledge of the news. In the future, when anyone comes, by the way, put up your hands. Wisdom will be used, and wisdom will be justified, but all put up your hands as if you have some knowledge. You understand?

Crowd: Yes.

Jones: You will not be called upon to be embarrassed. Because it’ll be directed as to who shall be called. Whether I do it by mind or whether I do it by mouth or whether I do it by letter, it shall be directed. You will not be called to be ignorant in front of the guests. Do you understand?

Crowd: Yes.

Jones: And there were too few of you that didn’t put up your hands, and many of you knew que– answers to questions, didn’t bother to put up your hands, and you should put up your hands when you have guests, whether you do know or don’t know. You understand?

Crowd: Yes.

Jones: (Pause) There’ll be no danger of them being called on, unless they know. Do you hear what I’m saying?

Crowd: Yes.

Jones: If you put up your hand and don’t know, there will be no danger of you being called upon unless you know. (Pause) Resolved, in an organization, there has to be structure because that same organization gives you your salvation. That same organization has sent people like Mom Jackson [Luvenia Jackson], here, who was given up to die with cancer four years ago– sent her clear to another nation and resolved it, and when the doctor said there there was no hope, I healed her, and she’s walkin’ around here, fit as a fiddle.

Crowd: (Applause) (tape edit)

Jones:: So you have to follow the rules of the organization. Right?

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Turn and give your neighbor three miracles. That’s what keeps the faith. (tape edit) That song, learn to be able sing it upon command– We’ll put “God” in it, if it were necessary, if we have the right person here. You understand? “America, America, Socialism shed thy grace upon thee. And crown whatever good you have with brotherhood – you need it badly – from sea to shouning sea.” (tape edit)

Organ plays “America, the Beautiful”

Jones: (sings) –for spacious (tape edit) for amber waves of grain/ For purple mountain majesties/ Above the fruited plain! America! America!/ Socialism have thy grace on thee/ And crown thy good with brotherhood/ From sea to shining sea! (speaks) Sing it again. (sings) Oh– (tape edit) (speaks) The American people?

Crowd: No.

Jones: The American continent?

Crowd: No.

Jones: No, we don’t like to think of it becoming a desert wasteland, prophetic as I’ve seen it. And I’ve seen the cities melt before my eyes. I remember the first time I saw it. The city of Indianapolis, Indiana, in a prophetic vision. It’s not– It’s not the American people or the American country, it’s landscape that we’re opposed to, it’s the system, the false system that does not represent the people. We represent the people, so we can sing it. (Sings) “America, America”– (tape edit)

Jones: (with organ playing softly in background) You have all kinds of examples. You can go back through the audience, you can talk to Rose Peterson, when the doctors in Georgetown gave her up to die with cancer. You can talk to [David Betts Jackson] Pops Jackson’s wife, Mom Jackson, and find when she was given up with cancer. They’re all through this place here today. How many miracles have happened since you been here? How many miracles? Lift your hands. (Pause) That’s enough. I can’t– I don’t want to remember them all. The explosion that blew this place and sounded like an atomic bomb, blew Tommy Beikman into blindness, into a broken mess of flesh and broken bone and lifeless form. So, we don’t have to talk about the miracles, but you better think on them. Bless your neighbor and sing “Have Faith in Your God.” (Sings) “Faith in Your God–” (tape edit)

End of tape.

Tape originally posted May 2012