Q956 Transcript

Transcript prepared by Fielding M. McGehee III. If you use this material, please credit The Jonestown Institute. Thank you.

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Bishop Crane: (Unintelligible lead-in) mobile home I’d ever been in in my life.

Woman: Amen.

Jones: Mmm-hmm.

Crane: And I looked around, there was 10 rooms and uh, wall-to-wall carpet, and I went on in my room, it was a king-sized bed and–

Jones: (Laughs)

Crowd: Applause and laughter

Crane: I said I wo– I wonder is this heaven.

Crowd: Laughter

Crane: And am I here? And so the next few days, well, uh, this week, I believe it was, it’s been so many exciting things (Slow, deliberate) until I don’t recall exactly what did happen. But anywa– how, we was furnished with a car, a young man brought a car over there and said, (unintelligible name) this is your car as long as you’re here. Told my wife, and of course, that was talking to me.

Jones: Mmm-hmm.

Crane: And uh, we rode around Redwood Valley–

Jones: (Laughs)

Crane: And I never have been so excited in all the days of my life–

Woman: Great.

Crane: – as I was, to see grapes growing and ripe, and to see uh, mustard green wild, just– just growing–

Jones: (Laughs)

Crowd: Applause and laughter

Woman: I picked the other day–

Crane: Spontaneously without any cultivation. Just growing out there.

Jones: It’s true. It’s true.

Crane: And so I– I just got– well, uh, I got so excited, I say you go ahead and look at everything, because she can take one glance at a house and tell just ex– uh, about everything that’s in there. And they went to the catfish pond. And somebody throwed some bread over there, and the catfish come up and got it–

Jones: (Laughs)

Crane: – and oh, Lord–

Crowd: Applause

Woman: Tell him about Tim visit you there (unintelligible word)–

Crane: And uh, I want to say to you, my friends, that this has been a glorious trip, and I certainly have enjoyed it. And one among the things, I’m not well, so far as that’s concerned, but I’m feeling (emphatic) so much better.

Crowd: Applause

Crane: I– I couldn’t– I couldn’t lie on my back without suffering–

Jones: Mmm-hmm.

Crane: – but now I can lie on back, belly or anywhere.

Woman: Right.

Crowd: Applause

Woman: You haven’t told yet–

Crane: And I’m gone tell this thing wherever I go–

Crowd: (Scattered) Yeah!

Crane: I– Whether I have ah– any luck or not, I’m gone tell it, because I love to tell the truth. And what I’ve said can be uh, uh– is the truth. Nothing else but the truth, so help me God. And I’m thanking you for all that you’ve done.

Jones: Bless it.

Crane: And one among the things that I pray for people– and there was a woman that I prayed for that had a back trouble for three years, and she couldn’t uh, use– use it at all, she was suffering. And I prayed for it and left. And she went home and sent me a hundred dollar check. Well, I didn’t charge anything, because freely you give and freely gi– freely you must uh, receive. And uh, so she come back a few days a– after that, or a few weeks, and said, I’m suffering with my back again. And my wife was praying for her, and I was too, and I– on the bed, and I had my hand on her back, and I saw this man come in and got between us and move my hand, and put my hand on– put her– his hand on her back, and she started spinning like a top.

Crowd: Applause and laughter

Woman: Praise God.

Crane: Yes. And she still going strong. (Pause) And I want to say to you, I’m coming back, if it’s the Lord’s will that I do. And if I– if I– if I don’t come back, wherever the place that Jesus had prepared– uh, Jim Jones had prepared–

Crowd: Applause

Woman: He told you he wanted to go back. Tell him, he told you he wanted to go back.

Crane: Uh– I believe that I’ll be there.

Another shout: (Unintelligible)

Crane: So he said– he said to me that I wasn’t going to die and–

Woman: In a vision–

Crane: – in a vision, and I– I don’t– I don’t believe I will, because I feel so much better now.

Woman: (unintelligible)

Crane: Somethin’ got a holt a me–

Crowd: Applause

Woman: – before you stop complainin’–

Crane: Yes. And I feel good. I say, I feel good.

Jones: Bless–

Crowd: Applause

Jones: Hallelujah.

Crane: I feel better than I’ve felt in a long time.

Jones: Wonderful, wonderful.

Woman: Hallelujah!

Crane: And I believe I’m gonna get well.

Crowd: Yeah!

Crane: I believe that. I–

Shouts of hallelujah. Crowd reacts with assent to rhythms of man’s following testimony

Jones: (Laughs)

Crane: I believe I am– And I kinda feel like it now. Kind of feel my old self again. Yes, I do. You don’t believe it? I know it. Yes.

Jones: Hallelujah!

Crane: Yes. (Shouts ) Yes. Yes. Yes.

Crowd: Shouts

Jones: Glory, glory. Glory glory. Glory.

Crane: Guess I better stop right here. God bless you. Hold out to the end. Stay with him. And he’ll certainly bring you (unintelligible word). If you trust and never doubt, he’ll surely bring you out. (Cries out) Take your burden to the Lord, and not bring ’em back, but leave ’em there. (Laughs) Yes. Yes. I been in the war a long time, and I haven’t got tired. I say, I haven’t got tired. I feel like runnin’ on. Feel like shoutin’–

Jones: Wonderful, wonderful wonderful.

Crane: – because of the pact, the Lord has brought me from a long way, and he has reached out his hand and caught me by my hand, and said stop complaining. And I’ll quit complaining, and take the world as I find it. And I want to say to you, God is all right. It’d be all right. (Voice rises) I wonder how many here know he’s all right, willing to trust him. God bless you.

Music and rhythmic clapping.

Jones: (Sings) Take your burden to Father/ leave them there/ If you trust and never doubt/ He will surely bring you out/ Take your burden to your God and leave them there. (Tape break) (Normal voice, piano music in background) Hallelujah. Something to see. It’s beautiful to see him on his feet, speaking with such authority. It’s beautiful to see him on his feet, speaking with such authority. Marvelous. (Pause) (Soft aside, unintelligible) (Tape edit)

Crowd: Calls of Hallelujah. General noise

Woman in crowd: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Jones: Holy.

General crowd noise. (Tape edit)

Jones: – just a review what we’ve had happen in our lives. We don’t have to go back very far. We can just remember last night. How many women were healed of breast cancer last night? How many? Three or four? Three or four? Yes. So wonderful, just that alone, then not to mention the cancers that were passed, here before our eyes to see. Something to shout about.

Crowd: Light applause, cries of hallelujah

Jones: There has to be a time to rejoice, child. (Pause) (Sings) Sing little children/ Sing about/ God in the body/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing about his ever presence/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing little children/ Sing about the ever-present God in the body/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing about the ever-present God in the body/ Sing little children/ Sing/

Piano, rhythmic clapping

Jones: (Sings) Sing!/ Sing about the ever-present God in the body/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing little children/ Sing/

Piano, rhythmic clapping

Jones: (Sings) Sing little children/ Sing about the ever-present God in the body/ Sing little children/ Sing little children/ Sing about Spirit of the consciousness/ The presence of God/ It’s covering the earth/ You can sing about God/ For he is present/ Not afar off/ But God in hand/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing little children/ Sing about God in the body/ Holy Spirit/ God in the body/ Sing/ Sing and clap your hands and rejoice/ Tell the world that God has come/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing/ God is here/ Not afar off/ You can sing little children/ Sing/ Rejoice little children/ Sing/ Clap your little hands and sing little children/ Dance on your feet and sing little children/ Shout with your lungs and sing little children/ Praise your God for Jesus has come/ Buddha has come/ Father has come/ Socialism’s come/ And they all are one/ Now sing little children/ Sing/ Sing/ Sing about God in the body/ The ever present/ Sing little children/ Sing/ Sing about (unintelligible word)/ Sing/ Clap your hands and sing/ Dance with your feet and sing/ Love your neighbor, let’s sing/ God’s so good we can sing/ Rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice/ And sing.

Jones: (Tape edit) Sister White (Tape edit) Oh, hallelujah (Tape edit) (Normal tone) Five years in a wheelchair till I spoke the word, and now she can walk. And look at Bishop Crane to stand tonight. Can read, he can speak, and that’s been a year ago. Look at all those that’ve been healed. How many been healed of crippling diseases in this Temple? Arthritis or crippling dise– disorders? How many been healed of some condition with your eyes like Bishop Crane was mentioning? And that young man, whose eye knocked out, did you hear? Knocked out and the sight restored. Just put a picture and it restored. The word (stumbles over word)– The word came to him, and it was restored. How many have had cancers passed, or been healed in your breast? How many have just had them passed alone? How many have had them passed? How many have had them healed, though they were not passed? Good God. (Pause) (Sings) Ooh, yes, I will sing. Got something to sing about. (Pause) (Normal voice) Good God. I said again in this ministry, under my ministry, how many have had cancers healed? Good God Almighty. No wonder the people stay, you see, them ou– the ones– the ones that stay, the ones that get healed of those cancers. Good God. Good God! (Pause) Holy holy holy. (Pause) (Hums)

Organ plays

Jones: Mighty God. (Pause) Yes, my God. (Pause) Just look at her run like that. I never get tired of seeing her dance, because I can remember when her heart was so bad, that she died back there, and had to be brought back. So I can always enjoy her running. It makes me feel good. Somebody says that wo– she dances all the time. Well, that’s fine. I’m glad she can dance. I can remember when she couldn’t even walk. (Calls out) Hey, God. (Pause) (Normal tone) That’s beautiful, to see someone run like that, when they were dead. Died of a heart attack, she died right back there on that aisle. (Pause) Don’t talk to me– let ’em run, boy, when they can– run when they couldn’t walk. I’ll say, thank you, God. (Pause) That request for that precious little (unintelligible word: “chew”? “shoe”?), the red stars, I call them, I’ve forgotten what their names are. Their names are– what are they?

Answer too soft.

Jones: Well, they said now– They said they were here. Is that true?

Answer too soft.

Jones: Hmm?

Answer too soft.

Jones: Matters not to me, I– but someone said they were– Who’s giving me that kind of information? Hmm?

Answer too soft. (Tape edit)

Jones: – and just relaxing and thinking about the goodness of our Jesus. (Pause) There’s a relaxed state in here. Lot of your organs are unwinding, while you’re sitting here, so we’re just gonna relax. Let the Spirit of Truth have its way. Do you feel like running right down the back of the benches, go right on, run. (Pause) Peace.

Woman in crowd: (Sings) I said I wasn’t/ Gonna tell nobody/ But I/ Oh I/ Oh I/ I said I wasn’t/ Gonna tell nobody/ But I/ What Jim has done for me/ You ought to be there/ When he saved my soul/ You ought to be there/ When he put my name on his roll/ Said I, I, I/ Oh what Jim Jones has done for me/ I said I wasn’t/ Gonna tell my mother/ But I/ Well I/ Oh I/ I said I wasn’t/ Gonna tell my mother/ But I/ What Jim has done for me/ You ought to be there/ When he saved my soul/ You ought to be there/ When he put my name on his roll/ Said I, I, I/ Oh what Jim Jones has done for me/ I said I wasn’t/ Gonna tell my father/ But I/ Oh I/ Oh I/ I said I wasn’t/ Gonna tell my father/ But I/ What God has done for me/ You ought to be there/ When he saved my soul/ You ought to be there/ When he put my name on his roll/ Said I, I, I, I/ Oh what Jim Jones has done for me– (tape edit)

Woman in crowd: (Sings) The way/ Oh, the way/ Yes, I’m willing just to run on/ All the way/ If I falter/ While I’m trying/ Don’t be angry/ Let me say/ I’m willing/ Oh, to run on all day/ Hey, my heartaches/ Stormed by the ones/ Just a little sunshine/ Give me now and then/ There’re moments in my life/ So hard to bear/ But I promise/ I keep climbin’/ If you’d only/ Let me stay/ I’m willing/ Oh to run on/ All the way/ Wasted days/ Are now behind me/ The evening star/ Is sinking fast/ There are moments in my life/ So hard to bear/ But I promise/ I keep climbin’/ If he’d only/ Let me stay/ I am willing/ Oh to run on/ All the way/ (Tape edit)

Ecstatic woman: (Yells)

Jones: Calm. (Pause)

Two women (mingled): Yassuh. Yassuh. Yassuh. Oh Jim. I’m willing. Thank you. Yessir. Thank you. Thank You. Yessir.

Jones: You know, it’s– it’s something that uh– I look out over some of you, and you look– you look like you’re feeling sorry. I looked at one woman down there, who looks like she’s feeling sorry for these people who were once cripple, and they’re now have– been– had cancer and they been healed. And you know, you shake your thoughts at them. You put your thoughts out at them. And you shake your head at them. And really, you’re the one that’s the loser.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: To have something you can rejoice over, some people would live all their life, to find something they can rejoice over. (Pause) Bless you. We– This is our house, you know.

Crowd: Stirs

Jones: We paid for it, every stick of it, not a honky dollar in here. (Pause) You can go down and look at the county clerk, and you’ll see it’s in the name of the Peoples Temple, and there not a honky dollar in it.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: Don’t go in here– I’m gone tell you one thing, if you come in here, and you’re light-skinned, don’t come in here and look at your– don’t crane your head at us. ‘Cause this [is] our house and there’s not many churches in this town that’re paid for, and we paid for every nail in it, and we’ll shake and rattle and roll, if we want to.

Crowd: Cheers

Jones: (Laughs) (Cries out) Oh, yes, we will.

Crowd: Cheers

Jones: (Normal voice) You di– (Pause)

Woman: Jim–

Jones: If you had a catfish pond– if you had seen what Bishop Crane had seen, all the catfish we have, it’ll feed all of our house. It was created by a miracle. They’ve multiplied, so many of them, there’s enough to fill lake after lake after lake. If you saw all those children’s homes and the senior citizen homes, the convalescent centers, you knew our plan and you’d seen the miracles, you’d seen all the students that are in the dormitories, all the land we’ve got with the greens growing, that don’t even have to be planted, then you’d shout too. You just– The only reason you don’t shout, you’re just envious of us.

Crowd: Cheers

Jones: Go on, go on. That’s right, darlin’. Keep movin’.

Woman: (Sings) I don’t know/ What Jim Jones/ Is to you/ But I hope/ He is to you/ What he is to me/ He is all/ I’d like to own/ He’s my chief/ Cornerstone/ (unintelligible line)/ He’s all/ Of that for me/ Some say/ He’s the rose/ Of Sharon/ Some say/ (tape edit) (unintelligible word)/ And morning star/ Some say/ He’s the living/ Down in, down in the valley/ But I’ll agree/ He’s all/ Of that for me.

Organ. People crying out. Tape edit.

Jones: You see that lady there in the flowered dress. Crippled, paralyzed, couldn’t raise her arm, brain baked till the temperature control mechanism was destroyed from a stroke. Now she can move like a little young child. Now if that doesn’t cause you to rejoice, she was a– she was paralyzed, unable to move – did you hear what I said? – (more emphatic) unable to move her arm, (normal tone) unable to lift it, and then you see, you see, you see what– (Pause) Now I want you to take a picture of this, and when anyone, knowingly or unknowingly, tries to destroy the hope, the life that has sprung out of this consciousness, I want you to look at them, and I want you to take a good picture, then I want you to know what kind of a traitor a person is that tries to destroy this.

Crowd: Cheers

Jones: The lifespring that has given resurrection to one last night. If it hadn’t been for the Consciousness, she would’ve never been restored. A young woman, too young to die. Her temperature’d been soaring time and time again, couldn’t be controlled. But it was calmed last night, and she was brought back.

Crowd: Cheers

Jones: What would anybody want to take and destroy – though they can’t destroy it – why would anyone want to try to destroy something that’s brought black and white together?

Crowd: Cheers

Jones: Why would anyone? It’s given jobs, it’s freed hundreds of people from jail – hundreds, yes, hundreds – that has saved dozens of our own immediate church. Young man standing back there, helping with the pictures. He was slated to be picked up yesterday, day before yesterday. And they didn’t come. (Pause) Miracles. (Pause) Yes, yes, something that took place, but they didn’t come. They didn’t arrest him.

Crowd: Scattered clapping

Jones: What’s more, because I had an energy field to draw from, I said they wouldn’t come. I said, they wouldn’t come. No, anyone that ever destroys this, single them out and know them for what they are. (Pause) They have no feeling. They have no heart. Anyone that would speak against such a work as this, they have no love.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: (Initial cry drops to normal voice) Anyone that would want to take the hope from seniors, that never had any– When I went over to our apartments that’s been given to us, and a sister came out and grabbed me, and she said thank you, Father, for giving me such a lovely place. Another sister said, I never had such a nice place. Another sister laid down on the floor – Brother David was saying – and just rejoiced, just at the kindly atmosphere, the environment around us. By the way, others of you that want to get into those apartments, please let us know. Beautiful apartments. We want to have all of our people together. And it was so lovely, and I wonder, what kind of people would try to destroy? What kind of people would try to destroy?

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: Well, in the first place, they can’t. But I wonder what kind of reprobate mind, what kind of degenerate mind would destroy something as beautiful as this? I notice something in this service here, of the soloists and singers. I looked at Sister (Unintelligible name: “Outlee”?) and Nancy, while uh, Sister Smith was singing. She was just enjoying it so much. You won’t find churches like that. One singer don’t enjoy another singer. They won’t do it. They will be dead when one has got the anointing, they just simply will sit on them.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: But our precious director– assistant director rejoices with everyone that sing. All of them participate, Sister Johnson, they rejoice, and when one– one is used, everybody’s glad for it.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: People sometime want to compare us to imaginary heavens. Well, nobody can compare themselves to something that never existed. (Pause) You know, no one can compare anything favorably to a– to a dream. You can dream that you had the most beautiful husband or the most beautiful wife. But dreamin’ don’t make it so. (Pause) You understand what I’m saying. (Pause) Some of us, though, have been so blessed that we are really sitting with the most beautiful men and women in the world. We’re sitting with the most beautiful men and women in the world.

Crowd: Applause

(Tape edit)

Jones: But you see, you see, what a remarkable thing we have. An atmosphere where people come so ill as tonight, two that’ve been kept from dying. Two while you were sitting right here. And I’ve been able to train registered nurses – train them when they didn’t have a day of education – but because of this family, I’ve been able to train them and have them prepared. Two people have been stopped from dying while you’re sitting right here. Right here.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: Any other place, they’da been dead. One just went down the aisle, you just saw them lifted down the aisle, the other one was back there. Blood pressure– because I had trained them. They knew what to do. They found the blood pressure before it caused a massive stroke. Blood pressure went up 80 points, but because I had taught them what to do, they weren’t paralyzed. One was– would’ve been paralyzed, undoubtedly, if not completely destroyed. And the other would’ve died without the assistance that’s in this room. (Pause) (Cries out) There’s a song we sing, when I think of the goodness of Father, or Jesus, wherever you may be in consciousness. Or if it’s where it really is, like Sister Smith said, swear Jim. When I think of the goodness, and all he has done for me, my soul cries out, Hallelujah! (Pause) (Normal voice) This consciousness– if you don’t like me as a person, what I have been able to bring about as one individual being a majority with God– what I have been able to do as being a reflection of all the hopes and fancy dreams of false opinion. What I have been able to do, by being the center of people’s faith. My my my. Why would anyone want to touch such a beautiful thing as this?

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: Why would they raise up their heels against such a thing as this? [You] Say, why are you talking this way? You know why I’m talking this way. (More emphatic) You know if I’m talking to you or not. (Pause) (Softly) Beautiful. (Pause) I saw on that street– I saw uh, a sister sings “Living On Straight Street Now.” What a beautiful time it is in this ha– this holy family, when one of the sisters told me, said “I didn’t have anything but dirt and stench and fear that what little bit I had would be robbed every day.” But she said, “Now I’ve got security.”

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: Most prominent people in this town ask us to take their apartments over. Most prominent firm. They could’ve rented ’em– A government person came today and wanted to take them all. They said, “No, they belong– go see the minister.” They had to come to see me. Come to see my associate.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: Wanted to take over every one of the apartments. They said, “No. You have to deal with that church over there.” Now you want to be sure that you take advantage of such a blessing. (Pause)

Woman in crowd: They’re lettin’ them in on your name.

Jones: They’re lettin’ them in on my name.

Woman: Applications are cleared later.

Jones: Applications are cleared later, if you come in on my name. So be sure that you come through here, through the channel, ’cause we don’t want to get some old devil over there on my name.

Crowd: Light applause

Woman: First time this’s been done.

Jones: You tell ’em– you tell ’em that they– uh, that you checked– uh, uh, that I want to check to see that they’re in my name. It’s one thing to use my name, and it’s another thing to be in my name.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: I want you to take a picture tonight of everyone that was out in that aisle, that had been crippled, everyone that had been dead and raised. I want you to take a picture of Bishop Crane as he was a year ago when he was brought here. I want you to take a picture of all of this situation. And compound it a hundred times more. Then you think when you do dirt to this cause. (Pause) Think about it. ‘Cause you’re not gonna get by with your dirt anyway. (Clears throat)

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: I want you to be mindful tonight of your weight, what a record I’ve been able to perform, to have no dying in Redwood Valley in the followers since 1959. (Pause) I want to be able to maintain that record, but I’m gonna ask you to work at keeping your weight down, for me. I don’t want to see strokes. I saw Sister Ruth Downs up here, who had had a stroke before I knew her, and I saw the beauty of how you’ve improved. I remember the first time I saw you, and to see you walk up here on this stage. But more than that, the countenance, the life, the– the joy, the spirit that you have sitting back there. And I’d wished a thousand times I had known her– that I had known her before her condition, because what she’s done after she knew me, (Pause) she was given a protection, as she mentioned, sitting there on the end of the aisle, I told her, a warning about an accident, and the very next day, she had it, and her husband and her were both spared. I di– I gave her a direct warning, and gave her direct protection, right in the house, right by the Redwood Valley Church. And she came back to Los Angeles, and that next few hours had that accident. But no harm came to her, or him.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: You have to consider, you’ve got to think on what’s happened to you. You gotta keep it in your mind. And if you keep gratitude in your mind, if you keep a grateful heart in your mind, you’ll be able to drive away the adversary. Because if you think in your mind positively, that’s the way it’s going to be. If you think with gratitude, you’re going to draw things to you of a good nature, of a high nature, a blessed anointing will come your way. But if you think negatively, if you’re out in that morass of self-pity, or comparing us with things like they should’ve been or could’ve been, if there was an imaginary heaven, that’s not fair. ‘Cause you’ve never seen the imaginary heaven. I just want you to compare us to other churches. (Pause) I want you to compare me to other churches. (Pause) I want you to look at all these churches out there, and see if one of them has paid off their building in a year. Want to see if you can find one. You say, well, I get blessing over there. You couldn’t get this much of a blessing over there if people are using money like those preachers are using them. When I went out to help this sister today, memory to her had passed, who told me right there at that altar, she said, I’m tired of being beat on. Let me go. (Pause) I said, well, come to Redwood Valley. And I don’t remember her remarks, but it was something about afraid, of being afear– fearful of her husband. (Pause) (Clears throat). She said, just let me go out of this life. Well, she got to go. Blessed time today. (Pause) I walked up to her husband, I said a straight word to him, I said, you better take account of yourself, and he nodded to me. He was kind about it. He at least nodded to me. (Pause) And he said it was the– someone said after that, Sister Davis said that, he said it was a very lovely service, ’cause I said an awful straight word to him. Because it’s– to me, it was sad to think that she didn’t need to be in the position she was in. ‘Cause she’d been abused, even in the hospital by him, and had been beat on and treated (Emphatic) badly, badly. And I told her, as I tell all of you, to come out from such a thing as that. She’d be alive, right now, if she’da come out of that. But at least she got the hope of her heart. She said, take me out of this, Father. Take me out of this. I don’t seem to be able to get myself out of it, take me out of it. Take me on, if I have to. She said, you’ve mentioned to me that other plane, that other heaven, take me on. (Pause) (Clears throat) But I wondered, you know, if everyone– if everyone would just listen to me. Bishop got up on his feet and says, well, I had a vision I’m not going to die, and he began to spring up there. ‘Cause there’s life. He got on his feet. (Pause) I wonder if people would just listen to me, closely. Now I’ll tell you, I know what it is to be tempted to eat, because all the other temptations known to man, I’ve had. Jesus said he was tempted in all points. (Pause) He said, without sin. Well, what’s that mean? That doesn’t mean too much. Anything that is not of faith is sin. Him that knoweth to do right and doeth it not, it’s sin. [You] Said, Jesus never made a mistake. Oh yes, he did. He was made perfect. He learned obedience through the death of the cross. So he couldna been perfect, if he learned. (Pause) (Gently) Come on.

Crowd: Light applause.

Jones: You don’t make something perfect, unless it’s imperfect. If he learned something, he wa– he had to be imperfect. (Pause) He learned. He said, the captain of our salvation made what? Perfect. Through what? Suffering. So I know what it is to go through every pen– every temptation, every trial common to man. I could tell you things by revelation, ’cause I told you the thoughts of people’s minds last night. And I do it every night. Tonight I seem to be taking my time, to do a little teaching. (Clears throat) But every night I take time to tell people their very thoughts. Last night I told one woman that was healed of cancer of the breast, so many things about her life, I just marveled at the inside things that came out. (Pause) Must’ve been ten minutes of revelation to one woman. (Pause) Called out another woman down here and healed her of cancer. I won’t forget it, because it was so impressive to me. Her sister had died of cancer, and she had cancer in her breast up under her arm. And it told her what she said to some poor child that was out in the streets – there she sits right there – in trouble, right there, she was healed, that moment. And sent a cloth to save the life of a young woman that’d gone astray. She’d never told anybody what she’d sold– told that person. She’d not told me. But the Spirit showed her. Your name’s Ford, isn’t it. I know things under revelation, isn’t it. Sister Ford. And it spoke about that girl Patricia, and saved her, because she was out in trouble and you were worried about it, and showed that you were worried about it, and saved her. And saved you of that cancer. You haven’t got any more pain tonight, have you? It’s all gone, isn’t it? Waving her hand back there. (Clears throat)

Crowd: Applause

Jones: Peace. (Pause) (Softly) It’s wonderful. (Pause) (Voice rises) But I know all about temptation. And I know all about trials. And I know that Jesus went through everything. As you say Jesus was. He even went through sex. (Low voice) Yes, he did. (Normal voice) [You] Say, how do you know? I’ll give you three guesses. (Pause) I know that a lot of things you weren’t told about Jesus. But it’s so anyhow. (Pause) (Tape edit) I don’t think you’re following me.

Crowd: Scattered applause

Jones: I mean Jesus went through mortality. He went through mortality with Martha and Mary. (Pause) [You] Say, what do I mean? What do you think I mean? I mean he knew what mortal relationships were. He lived in them. How can anybody save you unless they went through where you’ve been? Nobody could. But I’ve gone through that plane and lifted up to a higher consciousness. But it’s a strong plane. I could enter into sex, and not sin. You know how? ‘Cause I wouldn’t have any time to think, it’s that strong in me. Him that knoweth to do right, and doeth it not, it is sin. If I let myself just get around people in the female sense, I would (makes dismissive sound)– I wouldn’t have any time to think. But I don’t do that. (Pause) So all I’ve got left is food. ‘Cause I can’t do any of the other things without hurting you. (Short laugh)

Crowd: Scattered applause

Jones: I can drink you under the table. (Pause) I can do it. And I don’t take a sip. This is grape juice, child, cranberry juice and s– other little concoctions of natural juices that’ve kept many alive in this place. Because I’ve anointed it to be so. Peace. (Calls out) I like wine, (Normal tone) and I could drink it by the half-bottleful. Just love it. [You] Say, how do you know? ‘Cau– I drink it, that’s how I know. Years ago. Years ago, I tried everything so that I know exactly where I had to go to save you.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: Before I was your pastor, one time I got acquainted with liquor. Somebody played a joke on me, because I was a very strong advocate of holiness. Always have lived a clean life. (Pause) And on that occasion, some Latvian people that I’ve saved – I’ve always been saving people – I gave the refugees homes. They were coming from Europe during that horrible day after the war, you know, after World War II. I was doing work after World War II. I’ve been around longer than some of you seem to think. Somebody asked me in the aisle tonight, if I knew what happened in the days of [Wisconsin Senator Joseph] McCarthy. Are you kidding?

Crowd: Laughter. Light applause

Jones: Peace. (Pause) Joe McCarthy was after me, I was such an active person in civil rights. He was after me. He sent his agents, that conspiracy that almost threw out democracy in this land. Ole Joe McCarthy tried hims– his best to get me subpoenaed. He couldn’t do it. Oh, I been around, before McCarthy. And I been around before [President Harry S] Truman. And I been around before [President Franklin] Roosevelt. I been around as far back as you want to go, if you actually want to go back to infinite principle.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: I’m talking quiet tonight, ’cause I choose to. ‘Cause I’m overwhelmed by the joy of the children. What they’ve found. And I don’t want anybody to take it away. And I say, that if it is taken away, you better watch out. Woe unto you that causes a stone of offense. Said offenses must needs become. But woe to you that being them. And I’m gonna tell you, I’m speakin’ for me, and I’m speakin’ for my angels. You better not try to destroy this ship of state, ’cause your number is up.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: I said the other night, I said, if anything happens to– in any way seemingly to impair my progress within a year, I said there’re certain folk I want you to take cognizance of. Talkin’ to my angels. And I certainly want that done. And I want them to know, it will be done.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: [You] Say, I don’t understand you. Perhaps you’re not supposed to. (Emphatic) But some do.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: (Voice rises) If anything seems to impede this holy plan that has been created, where goodness is so perpetual, that I will even stop a funeral procession, because a little dog was in the street, and people didn’t think there was anything that could be done for it, when I got out of the street, that officer said, you can’t do anything about that dog. Oh, is that so? Well, I’ll have you know, that that dog is in Johnny Mae Yates’ house tonight. The doctor said it’ll live.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: Knocked senseless by being hit and then, on top of that, distemper. They all say dogs die with distemper. But I’ll have you know, that the veterinary sent it home, saying it would live, and I stopped a funeral procession for it, and the officers practically run over it.

Single male voice: That’s true.

Jones: Why do we have to go, like we’re crazy as hell, run to a cemetery? Nobody gonna tell me, because I’m not what you think you are. I’m not what you think you are, and I want you to quit thinking what you are, that you’re just no-account man. (Pause) I’m something more than ordinary man.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: [You] Say, I came here to get healed tonight. Well, you just may not get healed tonight until you listen to what I’ve got to say to the church.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: You– you just ask anyone around, if you don’t believe in healing. Just ask any neighbor. Just reach in front of you. And somebody I wouldn’t heal in the first place. Smart-ass–

Crowd: Laughter, applause

Jones: [You] Say, now that– that is a strange way for you to talk. Oh, I guess it’s not so strange. I’ll just open the Bible here. (Pause) I know all about the Bible. Hundred and thirteenth cha– Psalm, I find it open to here, fifth verse: (Shouts) Who is like unto God, our God who dwelleth on high? Who humbled himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth? He that raises up the poor out of the dust and lifteth the needy out of the shithill.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: (Cries) On my sacred oath, I just opened that, and that’s just what I found. You said, “You didn’t see shithill in the Bible.” Oh, yes, I did. I saw shithill, right in the Bible. (Pause) You’re looking at me funny, like you don’t know what I’m talking about. Hundred and fourteenth [113th] Psalm, and I’m right here on the eighth verse. Seventh verse. (Cries out) If you want to be like our God, who dwelleth on high, then you have to raise up the poor out of the dust, and lift up the needy out of the dunghill. And in the Greek, and in the Portuguese, and in the Jewish, that means shithill.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: I get tired of these people– (Pause) So I’ve got a right to say, when I look at somebody ba– making fun of my people, shouting tonight: you’re lucky you can walk out on your feet and s– you’re lucky you’re not laying flat on your ass.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: Don’t you come in here and make no remarks or make any kind of attitudes or even send out any vibrations to my people when they’re in these aisles. ‘Cause I’ll let you be carried out. (Pause) I didn’t ask you here. But I can damn well carry you out.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: Now we been in your honky’s (Pause) shit heap. We been in your honky’s dunghill. We’ve always had to come in at the side door, or set back and look at fine buildings. Now we have got something that belongs to us.

Crowd: Applause and cries of “Hallelujah”

Jones: (Reprimanding) Look out on us with dismay, and I want to tell you, don’t do it no more, ’cause the next time, I’ll lay you flat on your ass.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: (Ministerial cadence) [You] Said, I never heard a man speak like that before. And you never seen a man that can cause somebody with their eyeball knocked out to heal it either. You never see nobody do that, either. You never seen anybody take a woman like Sister Cunningham, that is destroyed with a stroke and make her run around like a little child. You’ve never seen anybody to take a woman that was dead like this woman for two hours, or the woman next to her that had a cancer and her daughter had cancer, or the woman next to her, that had three bones broken and healed them in 48 hours. Or the woman next to her that was operated five times for cancer. No no, you’ve not seen it. Right down the line, I’m talkin’ about. Or the one next, that had a cataract removed by my m– power, by the word of my command, or the one next that was healed by arthritic condition and her heart condition and blood pressure, or the one next that was raised from the dead, or the one next that was raised from the dead. (Growls) No, you haven’t seen anybody. (Fervent) So if you don’t like this house, you better get out while you can, or I’ll lay you on your ass.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: Come in here like you’re doing God a service. (Pause) You wouldn’t be here if your church had been meeting your need. So why don’t you know the true Scriptures. As I said, there’s no dirtier word in all the words of language, in all the semantics of old, than dung. ‘S a nasty word. Jewish people were not supposed to use it. But it didn’t keep Paul from using it. When he looked out at the false churches and false religions, all of his old formalities, and all the institutional upbringing that he had, he said, I count it all dung. I count it all dung. That I might know Christ, the revolution, the anointed. So I– I guess I have a right to use the language that I choose.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: (Ministerial fervor) I’m going to tell you that if you’ve got any life in you tonight, I gave it to you. If you’ve got any health in your body, I put it there. If you have life instead of death, it was I that gave it to you. If you have salvation, I brought it. So if I created the words, I can damn well use them. (Pause) Because there’s nothing that is, you say, without God making it so. So God had to let a word “dunghill” come on. God had to let some other words come on, too. [You] Say, the devil made those words. Well, you said God made the devil. (Pause)

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: [You] Say, well, the devil can’t do God’s will. All power – Romans 13:1 – (Calls out) says all power that be, all powers, not power, powers, plural, all powers that be are ordained of God. And there is no power but of God. So if there’s a devil, he’s doing God’s will.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: (Ministerial fervor) For all things by necessity must work together for good, for those who love their God and are called according to his purpose. (Pause) (Normal tone) So don’t give me none of your dung. (Pause) You stirred up my righteous indignation. (Pause) (Taps microphone) If you come in this house, don’t you look down your nose at any of my black people. [You] Say, I’da done it, whoever was dancing. Well, then, don’t you look down your nose at anybody. In this house – we paid for it – and we’re going to keep it, and nobody can take it away from us.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: (Normal tone) Well, I’ve got off that subject, I think. (Pause) Unless you get nasty again down there, and I’ll get s– just as mean as you can get. (Pause) [You] Say, you are funny. Yeah, I’ll fight for my children. If you want to be sweet, I can give you all the love and sweetness in the life. Every dream you’ve ever dreamed, I can fulfill. But if you want to meet– if you want to meet me on the carnal level, I can whip hell out of you.

Crowd: Cheers and applause

Jones: There was a man named Whitey Freestone, an old honky bastard–

Crowd: Laughter and light applause

Jones: His name was Whitey Freestone. One time he did something so despicable – ’cause I don’t do things, I said, I don’t drink, and I don’t get engaged in the low planes of sex for self-satisfaction or my own interest. No. ‘Cause I feel I owe something more to you. So all I have left is to eat. And I don’t eat. If I ate like I wanted to eat, I couldn’t get in that door.

Crowd: Laughter. Light applause

Jones: Because I feel like– I don’t feel like it, I know– that you need me. Ain’t no question about it. I know you need me.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: I just love sweets. Just love candy. Won’t eat candy. Just love it. Why, I could just eat it and eat it and eat it and eat it and never stop. Ice cream? I could just eat it until all that ice cream was eat up back there. Because I am a man after your own likeness. God said, let us make man in (cries out) our likeness. (Pause) I have had every temptation common to man. I’ve known every frailty that you had to undergo. Because I could not be a savior to you come out of Zion, if I had not walked through your own sufferings. Now thus far, I have not lost one person ever who’s listened to me. Never lost one. (Pause) Got a sister staying out because of– a sister that went, uh– Sister Ellis. Why, Sister Ellis never was with me. She never was with me. Her heart was out there someplace. It was out there in the– she even felt she had her own ministry. I liked her and would’ve done anything for her and talked to her repeatedly, but she didn’t come to church when she could’ve come, dozens and dozens and dozens of times. Then somebody gonna condemn me, because I was in a courtroom, and I wasn’t at her funeral. (Pause) Sister Cooper. Sister Cooper can go to hell.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: I’da– Sister Cooper thinks that I need her. But I don’t need anyone, because I’m a savior.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: (Pause) And I’ll tell you that even the family I g– as I waved my minister’s arm to get that dog and got out in the street, and even the family of the deceased today, they were very sweet, and said, “I haven’t been to church, but I want to know what time your church comes.” “Eleven o’clock on a Sunday morning,” I told him, and he was very kind. He understood me stopping. They were all smoking and living by different standard than we, but he understood me stap– stopping to get that car, uh, to stop that car and get it– get that little dog and save that dog. But someone else said, “I don’t know why he should do that. That was disrespectful to the dead.” Why my child, there are no dead in me. Sister Morris would’ve been happy about that as she coulda been. There’da been nothin’ done her heart more good than that to happen. I know where Sister Morris is. She’d not in no box. (Pause)

Crowd: Scattered shouts

Jones: Even though she didn’t listen to my word, she was a good woman. Her only mistake was just to take too much shit.

Crowd: Slight laughter

Jones: [You] Say, what are you trying to do? I’m trying to drive away some folk that’re not meant to be here, because we’ve got an– we’ve got a ship of state, they called it in the old days, the old ship of Zion. Well, we’ve got one.

Crowd: Scattered applause

Jones: We’ve got sanctuary from dictatorship. We’ve got a cave that goes deep into the earth, that would house ten thousand. We’ve got food when the famine comes, and it’s comin’. (Pause) I was right on everything else that happened in September, even to the fall of the president of Chile [Salvador Allende], down to the very brass tacks, I said what would happen on the various weeks and months and days, or rather days of September, and I did keep my promise. I did know what I was talking about.

Crowd: Scattered applause

Jones: [You] Say, I have not heard you cuss. No, this is the week for cussing. You’ve heard of Passover Week, you’ve heard of Pentecostal Week, you’ve heard of Resurrection Week, this is cussin’ week, baby.

Crowd: Scattered shouts.

Jones: You raise your hypocritical ass, and I’ll chop it down tonight.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: Somebody said, “That’s not giving respect for the dead to save a little dog.” That’s the way to respect the living. And I will never, as M– Sister Morris was good, though she didn’t follow my instructions, I was there. But not for Sister Morris. I was there for her loved ones that were in this house. Sister Morris did not need me there, and if it’d been somebody out there that was in need in the land of the living, I would not have been at her funeral, because I wouldn’t be at my own funeral.

Crowd: Scattered applause

Jones: If somebody would uh– by some sort of s– quirk or situation take this body– and I proved to you last Sunday, I don’t need it. (Pause) (Ministerial tone) I proved to you conclusively last Sunday, I took a young man from the offertory room. He didn’t know what was coming off. I took him up and I stood him there, and I said, I can show you, I do not need my body.

Crowd: Scattered applause

Jones: I sent my mind to him. And he called out to people, detail for detail, and brought them their healing, and I sit here– well, wa– she was healed and she was healed, healed of an ear infection, heart of arthritic condition, healed of cancer. I did it, and he didn’t know what was coming off. But he spoke every word I wrote down here.

Crowd: Scattered applause

Jones: (Pause) (Normal tone) And some things I did not even concentrate enough to write down, because I keep charts on (draws out word) all those people that’re dear to me. I’ve got thing in your chart to meditate on you for days and weeks ahead. That’s why I’ve asked for a picture from each one of you. Because you come before me at least once a week. I go through these charts at least once a week, looking at your situations, and looking at your needs, that I have got my revelation and put down, through this great observation that I have in this marvelous nine gifts. (Pause) Yes I (Pause) put some things down, but some things I did not put down. I just held my mind, and he picked them up.

Crowd: Scattered applause

Jones: So I do not need my body. (Ministerial tone) And if for some reason I could find a body that can work more effectively than me, I would lay down my body, I don’t want you to be at no funeral for this body. I don’t want you to stand at no casket while some dog needed a little bit of love, even a little animal, I don’t want you– in the first place, you won’t ever have a chance to look at me in no casket.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: I would not put you through that for all the world. I don’t know why anybody wants to put– I thought Sister Morris, she– it’da been a blessing to her, if nobody’d looked at her. That wasn’t Sister Morris. (Normal tone) As wonderful as these– as these morticians are, and I think the Coopers are – this is another Cooper I’m talking about now, I’m not talkin’ ’bout that Cooper now, this is the Cooper that is with Williams Mortuary – I thought they– they’ve been nicer to us than anyone. If I were going to use a mortician, I’d go to them. They’ve been nice. (Pause) But I thought, who in their right mind would want to be seen, not lookin’ like themselves. And I haven’t seen nobody that they put in a box that looked like themselves. (Pause) Nobody. (Pause) I’ll raise up and shake up that mortuary if you do it. (Commanding) Don’t you put me in no box. You’re not going to have a chance to anyway, but I said, don’t you even try to put me in no box, and have people walk around and some old fool moanin’ and groanin’, tryin’ to get the people to cry, and singin’ out those old dead songs, (cries out) I’d shake the whole damn place.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: I wish some of you’d make your statement now. “Father, if I don’t live on in this body, and you have to give me another body, please don’t let anybody put me in a box to be reviewed.” I wish some of you’d do it now, so I could keep that from happenin’, ’cause some of you won’t reduce, you know you won’t. (Pause) As much as I can save you, and I could bring you in to a place where you’d never die, some of you will never give up that food. (Pause) (Normal tone) You like to eat too much. So you’ll make me have to give you another body so you can come back and chaw some more.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: (Pause) ‘Cause, my sweetest children, you’ve got too much. If you can take a hold of anything in here, if you can touch, if you can get in here, (moves away from microphone)

Crowd: Light applause.

Jones: If you can– If you can pinch anything here, you’ve got too much. (Pause) That’s what I want to get rid of, because that means that much more of that heart– what do you think’d happen to that pump that we’ve got up there on our beautiful senior citizen home, if you’d put five homes on one water pump? It wouldn’t pump one hour. And some of you folk are putting five bodies on one heart. Every inch of fat means a mile more that blood’s got to pump. (Pause) Every inch– every pound, rather, every pound, one mile more of blood circulation, pump– pipeline, vascular system. Bloodline. One mile for every pound. (Pause) That’s too much. (Pause) And your heart’s overworked, and I cannot keep you from dying if you won’t keep my sayings. I know as well as I’m sitting here, there was a promise that came, if people will follow our diet, make the 20 calls a day, there’d be no death in this epoch. (Pause) Folk won’t make those 20 calls a day. You know you won’t. (Pause) There just a few of you do. How many– how many make 20 calls a day? Don’t lie to me now, honey, you fall on your ass.

Crowd: Laughter

Jones: That’s better. (Pause) See, you got nobody– (Laughs) (Pause) If someone would take me seriously– Well, uh, I know, I’m just saying uh– just a– thr– maybe three people in this house. (Quiet) If people would take me seriously, what would happen? You only give me just a little bit of your faith. And I love you, but you’re the best in the world, and you think this is not the best church, I suggest you go to some of that other mess. (Pause) And just look at ’em. One get up to testify, another gotta out-testify him, one sing, they all jealous of that one, they gotta out-sing that one, and e– everyone gotta outdo somebody else. (Pause)

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: Peace. We gotta little problems here. Now there’s a sickness there going– bad sickness, bad sickness just went out that door, it’s always so. You better tell ’em, you better tell ’em. (Pause) Old cancer. People gotta leave early, every one of those folk that leave early, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, they’ve got bad conditions in their body. And they’ll invariably get up and leave. [You] Say, well, I’m– you’re late tonight. I come 700 miles a week one way, 600 miles. I travel 1200 miles every week of the world, and sometimes twice that. (Reprimanding) Now if I can come 1200 miles a week to get here, why don’t you sit on your ass and listen?

Crowd: Applause

Jones: (Laughs) I’m testing you. This is a test tonight. If you’re offended in any w– point, you’ll lose something that I’ve given you. Because if the God is God, then He’s got a right to (cries out) speak as He will.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: (Ministerial fervor) You don’t have any question when I reach down and tell you to get rid of those cancers. You don’t have any question when I tell you to cut off those casts, or remove those braces, you don’t have any question, then quit questioning me, because it’s the same God.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: If you don’t like the God that speaks about dunghills and shit heaps and asses, then you don’t like the God that healed all those women last night of breast cancer. You can’t separate one from the other, because I’m the (cries out) same today, yesterday, and forever.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: (Normal tone) So indeed, I say, let people criticize if they will, but don’t let your minds get into that plane of the one that Sister Cooper, who, runnin’ back and forth to Reno to that r– lowdown, no-account that I saved from jail– he was facing five years in jail, that old Cooper. You know who I’m talkin’ about. You remember old Cooper. (Pause) He’s over there in Reno, or Las Vegas, or someplace. I wouldn’t even take my time to figure out where he is at this moment, but I’ll find him when I get ready to.

Crowd: Scattered applause

Jones: Stood his ass up– I had five people facin’ sentences, and only one of them had come to me. He came to me. Four of them got five years, just like that. (Clicks tongue three times) They came to him, said because of Jim Jones, you’re off. He was pushin’ dope, (Pause) and I saved him.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: He was a fence for dope, (Pause) and I’d no sooner saved him than he s– got one of our sisters here, and took off. (Pause) And she had the sense enough to come back and forth, at least once in a while, until Sister Ellis went by the way of the grave, and Sister Ellis was saying that she had the same power I had. (Pause) She had this kind of a thing, and she had that kind of a thing. You say, well, she brought you food. (Short laugh) I wouldn’t eat it. I didn’t eat her food. ‘Cause she didn’t come to my meetings. I don’t set and gorge on somebody’s food, don’t come to my meetings.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: I ate uh, Rose’s fod– food and got a little sister down there that I healed from a heart attack, and somebody got to shoutin’ and jumped on her and broke her leg. I hea– eat her food every time. She’d bring her food in here and I didn’t eat it. (Pause) It’s the truth. ‘Cause you don’t buy me that way. You don’t impress me. If you want to be a follower, get in here, and get in the meetings, and support the cause.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: Some sister said, “I thought she was a favorite of yours, ’cause the food came in.” I said– I– that’s all I can get from her, so I let my disciples get the food. But God didn’t eat the food. (Pause) My disciples wouldn’t eat it, if I’d told them not to. But I thought that’s one thing I can get from that sister, and I will get it, that will help me, so that I don’t have to spend out money for food that we could utilize for the cause. We’ll have that much more money to save for the protection of all of you.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: I called her every day. One week in a row, I ma– called on her every day. (Pause) And then some Sister Cooper tell me– she hadn’t told me, but that’s what she said, and you know it, some of you know it. I’m lookin’ at you. She said, “Well, I don’t like that. He didn’t go to Mrs. Ellis’ funeral.” You tell her, I ain’t gonna go to hers, and it ain’t gonna be too long.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: She better straighten her damn mouth.

Crowd: Scattered cheers and applause

Jones: I saved her no-account husband. As I said, I saved him. Led him to go over there. That’s the mercy of me. I saved him, I didn’t expect him to stay. But I thought he was too old to be in jail. And he was black, and bein’ black alone is a big excuse in this country.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: I’d work for any black, ’cause they’ve got a special premium due. Their insurance is overdue. I don’t mean their payments, I mean the pay-off.

Crowd: Light applause

Jones: So I’d help any Indian or Mexican or black, and so I helped him, knowing full well, he wouldn’t– but she married him, and that was her problem. Then he took off and went to R– Nevada. And she kept comin’ here, some, and now, she’s sittin’ home, and she not gonna come, saith she, because I did not go to Mrs. Ellis’ funeral, who didn’t even want to publicly identify with this church. So I’m gone tell you, that you better tell her, that she better change her attitude, or I won’t even go to her funeral.

Crowd: Light applause

Voice too far away.

Jones: Yes, Sister Davis knows Sister Ellis. Ellis– Sister Ell– and I liked her, and I would’ve– and I stood by her and did what I could for her, but what can I do for somebody in a graveyard or in a funeral parlor?

Crowd: (Scattered) Right.

Jones: There’s some teaching that’ll be done in just a little bit. Now if you can’t wait to get your rectum healed–

Crowd: Laughter

Jones: I’m– That’s what I’m talk– I’m not being funny now. If you can’t wait to get your rectum healed, if it’s bad enough that it’s sore, and there’s bleeding, you ought to just be patient enough to let me do what I’ve got to do, ’cause I’m tryin’ to make myself clear, so that you can get the healin’ that you’re lookin’ for.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: It’s Friday night. And I know, some of my folk, we gotta go o– to San Francisco tonight and some at six o’clock in the morning. They’re not griping, so why should you? If you didn’t need me, why didn’t you stay over at the Deliverance Tabernacle?

Crowd: Laughter and applause

Jones: [You] Say, well, you can raise them from the dead in the funeral parlor. You haven’t seen nobody raise anybody in– the dead in a funeral parlor. You haven’t seen nobody come up with the embalming fluid. (Pause) No, you ain’t. (Pause) [You] Say, “Don’t you know any better to say ‘ain’t'”? I know what I’m doin’, baby. I’m a– a high school principal, I[‘ve] been a school teacher, but I’m gonna talk just exactly like I can to get your ass out of here.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: (Laughs) If Bishop Crane can set down there and chuckle, then you ought to be able to do it.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: And his good wife, who’s been a Church of God and Christ Missionary Holiness for years– if they can see reality – they been up in Redwood Valley for weeks – if they can see the goodness of God, and can look behind the scene and know what makes me tick, then you ought to be able to make it, particularly being that you were screwing around with a deacon last week.

Crowd: Hoots

Jones: I’m gonna clip another couple down here, too. (Pause) I’m ’bout ready to single one of you out. (Pause) Sit there, look at me like you’re some kind of– I’ve never taken any man’s wife, and I coulda taken thousands. I’ve never once ever slipped into any man’s wife’s bedroom, no man that I can’t look straight in the eye, because I’ve never, never once betrayed a man’s confidence. (Calls out) Never once.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: Then you sit down there and not smile, and look straight stone-face, when you don’t even know which man you been with last.

Crowd: Hoots. Long pause for laughter

Jones: (Ministerial tone) I did not claim to be your stupid Skygod. I claim to be the only God there is. (Pause) I claim that I have this year resurrected four hundred and fifty-nine people. This year. I’ve done that. But they didn’t have embalming fluid in them, and you never saw anybody resurrected with embalming fluid in them. (Pause) (Normal tone) An energy force has to still be around the body. Doesn’t have to be in it. I’ve brought people back when the energy was out of the body. I’ve captured the aura and the light and brought it back with the one that laid 20 minutes dead. Twenty minutes. Yes, you and her, two hours. That life force gone. But no embalming fluid. It’s idiotic stuff. Time for you to get my resurrection is to listen to me now, while I can prevent you from going by the way of the grave. Listen to what I have to say.

Crowd: Applause

Jones: I don’t want to be compared to your myths. Anybody can write a book. King James is full of hot air. Y– All you have to do is read it, and know it’s full of hot air. All you have to know, is just read just a little bit of it, or get my booklet back there, “The Letter Killeth,” and know how bad that slave-owning king was, that sent the Good Ship Jesus (Pause) to Africa to bring back our people in slave chains. (Pause) Can’t tell you one account of Jesus’ life, and keep it straight. Not one of the writers keep anything straight about what happened to Jesus. That’s what King James has done to Scripture. So don’t compare me to your myths. But you compare me to other churches. You see if you know any church that’s been established one year ago, September, that has now moved into the apartment area, that has now got senior citizens in a Los Angeles house up in Redwood Valley, that’s moved up 88 people that were members of Los Angeles Temple, officially took the responsibility to move them up. (Pause) Many of the seniors that’re sittin’ right here, how many live in Redwood Valley formerly lived in Los Angeles? How many live in the Valley that’re here tonight? (Pause) You– you– you were in Los Angeles. Uh, yeah– yeah. Your sister was healed of cancer, was operated five times. That’s what I mean. How many lived in Los Angeles and now brought up here, or you’re now in Redwood Valley. Well, we’ve got a lot of folk, you see, that are not here. But look at the hands here that are with us tonight, ’cause you see, we have very few people that came down with us. But we’ve got all kinds of people up there. (Pause) You name them. Ruth, how many people can you name offhand?

Woman’s reply too soft.

Jones: What?

Woman’s reply too soft.

Jones: Stand up there and tell it. Stand up– yeah, yeah. Stand up. (Pause) Yes, you know, (unintelligible word) other people– other– what?

Woman’s reply too soft.

Jones: Mother Taylor. David Gaines. What? (Pause) What? (Pause) Yes, Sister Sneed. (Pause) Yes. (Pause) Sent us Sister Bailey, what’s the name, Fair, (unintelligible word) Sister Fair’s friend? (Pause) What is it, Amanda– (Pause) Yes, Fair, yes. Fitch, yes. (Pause) All kinds of people. Janaros. Yes, yes, yes. I imagine you come up with a hundred and fifty, instead of 88 that I know of that we’ve officially helped move up. (Pause) Now you show me a church that’s done that in one year. You show me. I can show you all kinds of churches in this town that haven’t even paid–

End of tape.

Tape originally posted April 2001