Q633 Summary

Summary prepared by Fielding M. McGehee III. If you use this material, please credit The Jonestown Institute. Thank you.

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FBI Catalogue: Miscellaneous

FBI preliminary tape identification note: One BASF C60/ “12-14-74” w/ 2 3×5 cards attached

Date cues on tape: February 14, 1974 (specific reference)

People named:

Public figures/National and international names:
Patricia Hearst
Randolph Hearst
U.S. Attorney General William Saxbe

John Moore, father of Carolyn Layton and Ann Moore (by reference)

Temple members:
Carolyn Layton
Ann Moore
Michael Prokes
Timothy O. Stoen

Bible verses cited: None


This tape consists of two short sets of broadcast reports on two initiatives made by Jim Jones relating to the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapping of newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst in 1974. The set of news items – one on each side of the tape – were recorded off air by unknown members of Peoples Temple.

The first set of items reports on Jim Jones’ offer of $2000 to the family of Randolph Hearst to help pay the kidnappers. In the second set, recorded within days if not hours later, the Hearst family has rejected the church’s money, so Jones offers himself and four other Temple leaders as “hostages in exchange for the release of Miss Hearst.” Hearst did not entertain the second offer, either, although that was not known at the time these tapes were made.

Jones uses the opportunity afforded by the interviews to warn about the “horrible backlash” of repression that could result against the kidnapping, to set Peoples Temple apart from the tactics of the SLA, and to deny rumors circulating in Ukiah about the Temple, including transfers of property to the Temple.

FBI Summary:

In connection with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation into the assassination of U.S. Congressman LEO J. RYAN at Port Kaituma, Guyana, South America, on November 18, 1978, a tape recording was obtained. This tape recording was located in Jonestown, Guyana, South America, and was turned over to U.S. Officials in Guyana and subsequently transported to the United States.

On 3/7/79, Special Agent (name deleted) reviewed the tape numbered 1B47 #78. This tape was found to contain the following:

A few excerpts of news broadcasts pertaining to Jim Jones and People’s Temple in February, 1974 to assist in the freeing of Patty Hearst by their financial contribution or willingness to replace Patty as kidnap victim.

This tape contained nothing which is considered to be of evidentiary nature or beneficial to the investigation of Congressman RYAN.

Differences with FBI Summary: None

Tape originally posted April 2002