Transcribed from her handwritten and typed journal notes by Don Beck (September 2009)
RYMUR-89-4286-C-1-A-3 (1) through RYMUR-89-4286-C-1-A-3 (104)
The text transcribed here from Edith Roller’s notes has some missing words or lines due to (1) unreadable, poorly xeroxed text or (2) unreadable writing. Blanks are left in the text for these areas. [?] indicate questionable readings.
List of people and groups mentioned in this Journal
1 August – 1976 – Sunday
Up at 9.00.
Called Eddie [sister]. She told me arrangements for the reunion were all made. Dor [sister] coming Friday and will visit Joyce for weekend. Mabs [sister] coming for two weeks. Eddie will pick up Dor and come to the airport for me on Monday morning so I won’t have to wait.
Beulah woke at 9.30.
I gave her for breakfast: grape juice, steak, egg, toast, jam.
I washed dishes.
Beulah told me Willie Malone was a changed young man. He is going to summer school, getting good grade, not causing any trouble.
We walked up to Christians and Rob brought us to church at 12.00, the time for service this morning.
We were in service about 12.30. Helen Love had saved a seat for me.
Announcements had been made.
Norman took the offering.
Jim on podium at 12.00.
Children, dozens of then, sang “I Thank You, Jim”
Apostolic Singers did a number.
Jim: Turn in professions, skills. Government of Guyana making positions available. Dr. Carlton Goodlett certain that no justice in America. Jim said he talked with Goodlett about non-black socialist nations staying in Olympics. He said Cuba was requested by black nations to stay in and make fools of capitalist nations. He said health and muscular [?] development of socialist nations showed. Believes nuclear war will destroy county. Ruling class waiting to rush in because they would not face public censure. Goodlett wants to go with us. He’s afraid white world would exterminate blacks. There is no black America. You have no real roots here, don’t believe and never will believe. You are surrounded by vultures waiting to prey on your flesh. One of the saddest things is to see how Germans, Christian whites destroyed Jews. But all resistance is gone. Corporate institutions rule South Africa and are now sending 5 ½ millions of blacks to die of starvation.
Attack on those who believe Bible.
Nobody could have treated white people better. They’d like to be healed but they’d rather die than sit behind a black person. Our black leaders sell us out. Bobby Seale going into ministry. Dr. Goodlett says all phones of himself, Willie Brown, Cecil Williams, and Jim are being monitored by one department in phone company. I hate the cross. I don’t understand why you like it. They hung Jesus on it. Do you want them to hang you on it?
We ought to have rehabilitation for religion. They have rehabilitation for drugs. Dr. Goodlett says concentration camps not necessary. Our youth killing themselves with alcohol and drugs. Jesus was an atheist. On the cross he said, “God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” You don’t want to see no Jesus. When he comes he’ll go to Washington. Whip their asses, he’ll whip Ford and Carter.
Carter says he has the black vote under control. He has 10 million black Baptists. “Carter is a son of a bitch.” His church voted not to allow any blacks to attend or join.
Mother LeTourneau, reported Mom Taylor, didn’t like picture of Harriet Tubman. Says she was ugly. I don’t want her back, don’t write to her.
Reason for being later. You needed some teaching. This stuff getting back to you.
Jim outlined some conditions here: earthquakes, can’t take money out, drought, viruses, no vaccine going to be available, when 18% unemployed, what black people going to do then, black leaders returning to Jesus. Few firebrands among Muslims keeping alliance with us, not their leaders. But he’s trying to get land in the p.l.
He went over subject of terms such as right, fresh [??], advice on losing inhibitions. He went over discrepancies in Bible. For benefit of guests. Don’t want anyone to die. It costs me when you die here. Go home and die on your own time.
I ain’t taking no religion kooks over there. They’ve closed all the churches. Turned the church schools into technical schools.
89% of black leadership under investigation. Jungle of black ghetto. Youth hopeless. It’ll never get better in this country. A minority has never been able to survive.
We need to get away from the honkies and away from the Uncle Toms.
Jim made goal for selling possessions and giving us money fro the p.l. Get in your $1000 pledges.
Black children have one out of 2 chances of being in jail before they are 18.
Took offering by sum.
If you don’t go to freedom I’m going to start me a fucking’ fight.
Question: Lee Ethel. Coretta King’s attitude. Jim: She’s sold out. Took part in the Carter election. Willie Brown and Mervyn Dymally said it was a big waste of money. Blacks not get anything in the platform.
Testimonial dinner for our leader. September 25. Many community leaders, public officials, dinner and entertainment. Tickets, $20.00.
Questions about Farmer’s Market not wanting us to pamphlet there. Jim’s attitude: if we can’t pamphlet there, then we won’t shop there and there are 8,000 of us.
Healings during which people were to come to the altar with their offering.
New members admitted.
Meeting was out at 4.45.
Couldn’t find Rob Christian, so took a bus home. Had to wait over half an hour for a Hayes St. bus. Vernetta joined me at the stop. Finally when a bus came along and did not for some reason stop for us, we went over to the McAllister stop. We didn’t arrive home until 6.00.
I ate a quick lunch.
Washed and changed clothes.
Returned to the Temple with Rob at 7.00 for service.
A film was being shown, “Rage,” with George C. Scott.
Film ended at 9.15.
Those of us who had certain skills were asked to fill out a resume of degrees and experience.
Rides were arranged.
Films of the p.l. were shown.
Jim: How many people have turned their property over? Many haven’t. You’re going to lose it, earthquakes, nuclear war.
Jim took and offering.
Jim on cussing, expressing your hostility, people ask: why are you so hostile? I want to know why you ain’t!
Bonnie Stahl misbehaving on floor. Jim moving her from the Redwood Valley to San Francisco. Going to harness your toughness.
Von Smith pushing Santiago Rosa and on latter’s job at movie theater. Santiago never gives us any trouble. Boxing decreed.
People can be arrested for not giving ID when asked in Oakland and Berkeley.
X Griffith boy gave trouble. Work all night.
Several girls sentenced to working all night.
Jack Beam complained of kitchen crew who left kitchen dirty. Colton admitted responsibility, said he left it clean. He was to work all night.
John Gardner stole sodas from Temple. 2 nights work.
Ronald Campbell hit two smaller children. He got 10 whacks and has to work tonight. Jim had girl he had bit bite him, hit him with a paddle. Socko [Rochelle Kemp] called for to hit him until he cried.
Von Smith really took punishment from Danny Curtain [Curtin]. Von gave Archie trouble all last week. Von protected his face with his gloves. Mark Cordell took over for last 30 seconds.
After a brief meditation period, the meeting was dismissed at about 11.45.
I went home with Christians.
Read newspapers.
Went to be at 1.30.
2 August – 1976 – Monday
Susan Wintersteen from the computer center conferred with Dor for several ours this morning, explaining billing methods.
Phil Becnel wanted further changes in his Consumers Power contract and I started to make them, was about half way through when Ray Hines requested someone to take dictation. He gave me letters and a memo on legal matters involving former employees for about half an hour, while Marquita finished the contract changes under Dor’s instruction.
I ate my lunch outside on the PG&E steps. Even at noon the sky was overcast today but the sun came out a little later.
I worked on Harris’ work all afternoon. The items were short but enclosures and extra copies were required. I xeroxed most of the extra copies.
Marquita had little to do all afternoon and was very bored.
I couldn’t get away until late, as I had to prepare Harris’ materials for mailing and my bus was slow in coming.
When I got home I exercised.
Prepared and ate dinner and washed dishes and I had a rather simple meal but I had some watermelon and cooked mung beans for lunches, which made me late.
I didn’t start work on my journal until 9.45. I typed until 11.15 but did my 2 pages. I am ready to make corrections on the 16 to 30 September entries.
Read newspapers.
Went to bed at 1.00.
3 August – 1976 – Tuesday
Aside from one memo from Maggie, which I put on the ATS MagCard and ran off on one of the outside MagCard machines. Marquita was using mine. I had no other work all day.
I worked on journal entries. Later on I continued typing excerpts from the CIA book.
Marquita: after she finished work on the MagCard, was put on the ATS by Dor, who instructed her in original entry.
At lunchtime Marquita and I ate our lunches in the assembly room where we looked at the film in the employees’ film series, a film on travel around South Africa was to be shown but it hadn’t arrived so we saw one concerning a Japanese businessman who established _______ research and cultural institute.
A little discussion of politics led to the information that Marquita is a Reagan republican. She said her mother was a Democrat but she had always had a sympathy with Republican policies. Dor was present, said she was a Republican too. She made a reference to my being insulted by being called a liberal though I don’t remember my saying so. She probably thinks I am a radical Democrat. Dor has ceased talking about politics with me.
I helped Marquita make corrections in her document, delete and store it and was a little later in leaving the office. However I caught a bus right away and got home earlier than I have recently.
I exercised.
I made curry with the steak which was left from Sunday, ate and washed dishes.
I was very tired and decided to proofread my journal section of 16th to 30 September, then press some of the clothes Claire gave me, take a bath and go to bed.
However, Dick Tropp phoned, wanted to bring around a letter for me to sign. This was a long letter, mostly organized by Jim. It was to the editor of a John Birch publication which had picked up charges against the Temple from a number of sources. Jim wanted me to sign it as a member of the church. Dick and I discussed some of my reading on and experience in the CIA.
When we left, I finished my proofing, took a bath and pressed enough clothes for a week or so.
Didn’t get to bed until 1.00.
4 August – 1976 – Wednesday
I had two typing jobs with revisions which kept me more or less busy all day. The first was a memo for Marquita which I put on MagCard. It was on the dissolution of a contract in Argentina. Jim Hartt, a new attorney, brought in a disc which required a new type of transcriber. Dor had to locate one and read the instruction book to learn how to operate it. She showed me. It gave a very clear rendition. The recording was on a contract dispute.
Marquita was on the ATS computer, correcting the job she did yesterday and Dor was working on a Schuman contract on the other computer.
The system went down. Dor, Marquita, and I had a long conversation. It started with a discussion of religion. Marquita believes in God but experiments with divine cults. Such subjects as evolution in which Dor does not believe and the literal interpretation of the Bible, in which she does believe came up. Marquita and I mentioned some inconsistencies, but she was impervious.
Marquita asked for a change in her lunch time today as she wanted to have lunch with another girl. I changed with her and volunteered to transcribe Hartt’s disc, for which he was in a hurry. Later Marquita stated she wished she could have the early lunch hour. She is sociable and wants to be with other people. I’ll try to work out some compromise with her.
When I did go to lunch, the weather was very pleasant.
Marquita expressed her dislike for filling in the slips we complete on jobs we do. She resented being timed on her work. Dor explained the purpose and went with on with Bechtel’s personnel policies. When Marquita inquired about raises, she said we get merit increases only. Bechtel does not believe in cost of living raises.
When Dor was speaking of performance standards, she referred to Kate Walker but not by name, who she said wrote the book on secretarial procedures and office time and was very put out when with a new boss she had to rewrite how to do her work. Dor doesn’t like Kate.
I went out on time. Got home at 5.30.
Slept for an hour.
Prepared a quick dinner and ate.
Dressed for the service.
Christians phoned about 7.50. We were in church at 8.05.
Rob handled the rides.
Wesley made the announcements.
The choir sang,
During testimonials, Tyrone Duncan told how, when his case was heard in court, the judge threw it out, bearing out Jim’s prophecy that he would not go to jail. Yolanda [Yulanda] Crawford, with her baby, was in a crash. The car was completely demolished, but she and the baby came through without injury.
Jim was on the podium at 9.15.
Jim pushed the sale of the Berkeley Barb. The Temple gets a percentage of the sales we make. “It’s socialist, but not as socialist as we are.” Of the Temple members Jim said, “People tell me you won’t buy it or won’t sell it. You’re offended by something about sex.”
Speaking of mistakes which are made in hospitals, Jim said a top Republican, was given the wrong kind of blood and died.
The offering was taken and I was assigned to the platform.
Jim said: Have nothing to do with Grace Love Berry nor Valor St John. They associate with the worst racists. Mrs. LeTourneau is almost in that category. Nobody is to write to her without Jim’s permission.
“The Twelve Chairs,” a comedy taking place in Russia, directed by Mel Brooks, was shown.
Jim read commendations.
He took another offering.
Several people were brought on the floor. Keith Wright, backed up Von Smith when he was discourteous to a black hostess. Philip Lacy and Von Smith gave trouble in the swimming party. Jim gave Von 4 nights work with 2 hours sleep. This is his last chance. Hugh Doswell and Ricardo Arterberry were reported for misbehavior. Jim mentioned that Ricardo comes from a battered child syndrome. He and Hugh were assigned night work.
(No further notes were taken for this day) [Note from Edith]
5 August – 1976 – Thursday
Marquita was very moody today. Dor asked her if she didn’t feel well. I knew she was probably depressed by the numerous regulations of which Dor constantly reminds her but Marquita merely said she had a lot of problems.
Marquita worked outside our office on the MagCard.
Dor put me on the computer to work on a report for Steve Butler on all the litigation with which Bechtel is involved. We had done a similar report for Insurance but what is wanted now is one with annotations which can be dropped if desired. A special code is used for this. Although Dor had set the job up with columns, it was still nerve-wracking work.
Went to the bank and deposited my check and got cash.
I worked on the litigation report 5 ½ hours, stayed late to finish. I didn’t get out until 5 minutes after 5.00, but I caught a bus right away.
Was home before 6.00.
Took my washing to the laundromat. I did underwear only.
Did personal and household chores and washed my hair.
Had dinner and washed dishes.
I examined the three zippers which were not working on three of the dresses given to me by Claire. Got one of them to work. The other two will have to be replaced.
I ate some watermelon and read newspapers.
Went to bed at 1.30.
6 August – 1976 – Friday
Slept until 6.30 this morning and didn’t have any breakfast except a piece of cantaloupe. Bought a doughnut which I ate at the office.
Got my time card in.
Coming in this morning, I made a reference about Dor to Marquita who responded she had had about enough of her domination. “She nags and I won’t submit to it.” She said she was thinking of quitting. I took a few minutes to tell Betty Vasil about Marquita’s discontent. She was non-committal, said my report helped her know how to handle the matter “when she comes to me.” I felt she would back up Dor.
I was to start making corrections on the litigation report this morning but the system went down.
At 11.00 there was a demonstration of the MagCard II. This typewriter has a memory. One can retrieve material, adding or deleting with ease and /or record on a card. When the lease is up on the machines we have now, they are to be replaced by this machine. At present we have one. Dor said she wanted Marquita and me to take the course on its operation.
Marquita wanted to go to lunch with one of the girls and traded lunch hours with me. I got on the computer and started revision of the litigation report. Dor told me not to trade lunch hours any more with Marquita. She said she intended to be very firm with her. She needed discipline. I told her of some of my teaching experience when I have to make a choice between enforcing rules and allowing for the individuality of the student. She said she benefited from my opinion but she thought the situation was entirely different. It was up to Marquita to adapt to the company’s regulations. If she didn’t want to another person to do the job could be recruited.
I finished the revisions of the litigation report.
I ate at my desk. When Marquita returned I took the bus to the bank, where I had left my check book and check register.
In the afternoon, Dor informed Marquita to make corrections on the ATS computer. She had done another part of the litigation report.
I was free all afternoon. I did yesterday’s journal entry. I had a $5.09 discrepancy in my bank balance and I checked over former bank statements but did not succeed in finding it.
Left work on time. Got home at 5.00.
Packed for the LA trip.
Prepared and ate a quick meal, washed dishes.
Rob called at 7.45.
In the service there were the usual preliminaries.
Jim on podium about 9.10.
Told of indictment of black law enforcement officer Mitchell Ware [Chicago Police Dept, helped found NOBLE] of Justice Department for wire tapping. Shows it doesn’t pay to play their game, in the end you get it. He’s black without an organization. Carter’s wife called Jim talked for 20 minutes. Presidential candidate recognized power, but some in here don’t.
Jim just came from meeting with Chilean Ambassador. He told of last days of Chilean government. His own soldiers tortured him for 11 hours. Jim saw _____ overthrown in Brazil overnight. Thousands of people disappeared with in a matter of days.
Returning to ______ ______ ____ to point out necessity of attending regularly or “we can’t protect you when you need it.” You half-hearted assholes better hope that I get out of here. Jim tired of disloyal people taking advantage of us, One went to be an actor in Europe.
Not impressed with all those who call us.
Dr. Goodlett. The Zionists after him. He wouldn’t be in such trouble if he were here.
Take note you are ____ ____ ____ ___ as long as you’re here trying it ___ ___ when you go out, you’re putting knives in the backs of my children. I’m not going to die alone.
White actors. No chance of being an actress in London.
We’re going show our power again in direct, volatile fashion in a very short time.
Sick and tired of finks, of blood suckers. You’re pushing a wild animal, an animal used to a jungle in a cage becomes wild when poked.
If I show gentleness, there are some devils in here.
Those in the Redevelopment called today, wanting help. Jim said I never knew you, you’ve been ripping off the people and now you’ll pay for it.
Referred to those who come wanting healing.
Jim took offering. Great emphasis on commitment.
Questions. Woman asked about advocate of reinstatement of whipping posts. Used mostly for poor whites and blacks. Answer: of course.
Emma Jurado. Can somebody takes a check from you without touching you? She lost a check in a bank, suspects a white man standing near her. Jim says stop payment. Asks someone to help her.
On legionnaire disease: Army experiment in germ warfare or people pretending to be leftists putting toxics in legionnaire food. Rumor will be spread forth it was blacks.
Mercer has complicated ___ concerning ____ caused by young black woman riding with her wants to sue her. Jim comments: don’t sue fellow member.
Altercation between 2 women, one ____ ___ eating at the church. Old woman that new one had been eating ___ Jim was hard on older member who was unkind to new member. Former ____
Temple had holding period. [??] Jim took another offering. Continued healing.
Meeting dismissed at 12.30.
I went right out to Rob’s car. When he came I got my belongings and put them on the bus. Valysha found me a seat.
Ate my food outside.
Joyce Rozynko ___ ___ ___ she ___ have been changed. ___ ___ I had had she ___ ___ __ ____ _ Is Liz the actress of whom Jim spoke? ___ ___ of Harriet Randolph [Tropp], but Joyce had seen her.
I went to sleep before the bus left, about 1.30.
The buses left at 2.20.
I got up at the first stop and went to the bathroom, Ran a little. Helped Viola walk to the bathroom, as her bus was parked far away.
7 August – 1976 – Saturday
Our bus got to the stop at Buttonwillow at 9.00 late, having sopped for a short time for an older person to go to the bathroom and park for other reasons.
I ran, washed, started to eat with Rita Tupper. I asked her whether Liz [Forman] had returned from being with her grandfather. She said no; she hadn’t seen her.
We got the signal to board the buses before I was through eating. I finished my food on the bus, didn’t brush my teeth.
The bus left the strip about 9.45.
I read the rest of Friday’s paper.
Slept until we got to LA at 12.20.
We were not allowed to take luggage into the church and food that we couldn’t bring it into the annex either. I had to dress on the bus and leave luggage on the bus. I was angry because we were not told where to dress. Read some critical comments from Lorenza Tucker who thought I was excessively modest, that I fear being raped.
Service started at 2.00.
Rides were arranged, announcements made. Norm especially urged all to get their passports. The price is raised to $25.00 ___ ___ the board had voted not to pay it.
Rick introduced the offering by telling of trying to get rental plane for Norman Ijames. Racial discrimination. Norm started offering.
Jim came out at 3.20 at start of offering. Told of what has been happening to Norman in this city. Asked about those paying commitment as in San Francisco.
Warning on using magical potions and other magical devices. Stop it. Trying to remove people in our congregation.
Questions: Some persons (1) Some said conspiracy back of legionnaire poisoning. Answer: probably police. Who else except police would have that talent?
(2) Corporations are paying blacks to get on talk shows to say nothing wrong with apartheid in South Africa. Answer: Not surprised. Some of our black people will agree to do it. They’re killing off people in South Africa now. Always find some Uncle Toms and Aunt Janes. That’s why we have to get out. They get you in the end.
(3) Any danger in San Francisco Program, advertising, newspapers, owned by oil company. Any problem to us? They are racist. Jim already had a round with them. We called them night and day, called their advertisers. We’re rough. They wanted to print story on us. Is growing rapidly.
(4) Viola asked what are the 24 countries meting in Guyana. Answer: Soviet Russia, Arab nations, Sweden are among them. Are going to build an electrical energy plant as their falls bigger than Niagara.
(5) Statement on Olympics. On black participation. Jim: did your father’s heart good. No black nation in world participated but US Uncle Toms and Aunt Janes did.
Jim said baptism is evil, pagan rite connected with raising of children. Why did her baptize people Because stupid people wanted to be. Just as they ask stupid questions on saving your soul. If I save your ass, I’ll also save your soul, as it’s contained in your ass.
Went into subject of white Christians who lynched 3 million of our brother. On Bible, Jim proved they wouldn’t want to go to heaven. Discussion of Biblical errors.
Words on sex. “If you work hard and get us to the p.l. I’ll promise to get your __ ___ on sex prowess of ____ Jackson ____ ___ will do anything.
To new people: How do you know who to follow? He told of his miracles, how the ____ lives.
Pamphleters left at 4.45, ate first.
Jim started healings Then took another offering. Healed more at the same time.
Then had people come to altar as he called sums.
Church open for new members. Jim called names of those who should come.
Jim read names of kitchen crew, commended them.
Meeting ended 5.30.
Beulah got Earlene and me and the children a ride home with Geneva.
We had rice, ground beef, chicken wings and peas and I ate a banana and an orange.
Beulah is going to have a garage sale next weekend, mostly of clothes given to her.
I told Beulah of Lorenza Tucker’s unfriendly attitude. Lorenza never talks with anyone. At the Christians, she said once of communal living that it was such a fine way to live that she wished all black people could have the opportunity, not all poor people.
I tried to read Radicalism in America but was so tired that I kept falling asleep and had to read paragraphs over and over. I finally gave up and went to sleep.
It was about 11.00 o’clock when Beulah turned out the lights.
8 August – 1976 – Sunday
Got up about 8.00.
Breakfast: egg, bacon, toast, and an orange.
Earlene told me she had been unable for over 2 months to get from the nurses vitamins Jim told her to take.
Geneva Smith took us to the Temple at 10.00.
Jim was on the podium at 12.00.
Jim told us the semi in which Jack and Ellie Beam and Walter Johnson had had the accident and from which they came out uninjured was on display on the street near the church. We should all look at it and realize what great power was shown in saving these people.
He also told us of Jesse Walker who was shot to pieces by the police after he had called them when he had called them when he saw thieves trying to steal his car. They shot him instead of the thieves and told him he would die. In the hospital he was given no chance, but he survived. Later Jim called him out of his wheelchair and completely restored him.
Jim took an offering.
The choir sang.
The little girls did 2 new numbers: “Safety Place” and “We Don’t Like Oreo Cookies.”
Jim. Don’t use me in your marital arguments. Don’t say, “Father says—.” (to women) Don’t imply you have a romance with me. I have made up my mind not to cause any more pain to black men than they already have.
Jim conducted a question period. The first enquirer asked whether people should be encouraged to participate in the work by writing to the Temple if they don’t want to cone to meetings. Jim said no.
Jim: Black people own 42% of the property they had at the end of WII. “I’m not staying here alive.” They’re going to throw the white man out of Africa. Then’s when you’d better watch out what happens to black men here when the capitalists can no longer exploit Africa.
Jim spoke on the subject of people who want to stay in LA. When you walk down the street with your black son, you know how racist people are here. They’re waiting to kill you. Those who are mistreated are not limited to those with black skin. When the revolution comes, it’s going to be all colors of the rainbow.
Malcolm, DuBois, Robeson show you can’t get educated enough to make them forget you are black.
Johnny Brown said people are refusing to get passports. Some won’t turn their passports in to the Temple.
Question. Why don’t the Russians trust Carter? They don’t know much about him. Jim: they know one thing: He believes in God and that Bible. No one trusts anyone who believes in God.
Jim: Blacks in Africa are going to be free before the black here are. I’d be glad to be tortured to have our brothers in Africa free. When they’re free, blacks here are going to be put back in slavery, as the honkies are not going to lose their standard of living.
Question on Amin of Uganda. Jim: Amin is one of the greatest men in Africa. Smith and Vorster of Rhodesia and South Africa are the enemies. You can’t believe the newspapers.
Question: Will the socialist countries be affected by depression? Jim: It will be no danger to them; they don’t live on deficit spending.
Question: Is it possible that germ warfare is the cause of the legionnaire disease case? Jim: Yes the police probably did it.
A young man who was released from Soledad prison by Jim expressed his gratitude. Jim said that those who go out hurt the chances of such people.
Healings were performed.
Jim took another offering.
New members were admitted.
Jim dismissed the meeting at 4.00.
At the communal meal, the seniors’ line moved quickly. I observed Lorenza Tucker going to the head of the food line and concluded she was barging in on the line. I had my change of clothing in a paper bag.
The buses left at 5.30.
I read Radicalism in America. Then dozed a little before we got to Buttonwillow at 8.00.
We had a long break, not leaving until 10.30.
Lorenza explained to me that she hadn’t pushed ahead in line (although I hadn’t confronted her, she had observed that I noticed her moving to the top of the line), that she had gone to wash her hands. I said I was glad she hadn’t, as I couldn’t put up with cheating on places in the line. She said, “I have to put up with a lot I don’t like.” I replied, “No, we don’t, if it’s opposed to socialist principles.”
I ran.
I spoke to Irra Johnson about Earlene Watkins’ saying that she couldn’t get her vitamins. Irra said the seniors got their vitamins every two weeks. She didn’t know why Earlene said that.
I talked Patti Chastain.
Bus No. 10 broke down and the other buses had to take their chare of its passengers. However, I had a window seat and slept quite well.
In spite of leaving late, we arrived at the next rest stop at 2.20. and we arrived at San Francisco at 4.00.
Christians took me home.
I unpacked.
Went to bed for half an hour.
9 August – 1976 – Monday
Set alarm for 5.15, when I got up so that I could press clothes for the week, Have been wearing the outfit which Claire gave me. Most of them are suitable.
Marquita came in saying she was sick all night. May have the flu. She intended to go home but stayed to make sure revisions on MagCard work she did Friday and did not go until well after lunch. She had a great deal of trouble because of unfamiliarity with the MagCard.
Shortly after the offices opened, Dor was informed by Mr. Shuman’s secretary, that several messages were going to be transmitted from Ann Arbor in conjunction with a suit by Consumer’s Power lawyers were meeting here. Dor spent most of the day talking with Marquita and I revised some of them on the computer, then copies had to be xeroxed for the lawyers meeting with Phil Becnel and I worked on the xerox machine, which at one point broke down. Nora put it in working order.
Bechtel’s mail room delivered my registered letter from Eddie [sister] with my ticket. I had had it transferred from my “loc pro” as I couldn’t get in there to pick it up.
I ate my lunch hurriedly at my old desk. Then took the bus to Macy’s. Bought 2 pair of good panty hose for my trip home.
In the afternoon after Marquita left I had to make a small change on one of the pages Marquita had done on a MagCard but it caused me a good deal of trouble because of the way she had ended it.
At home I exercised.
Prepared and ate dinner and washed dishes. I was late in getting the newspapers.
I made journal corrections, finishing the 16 to 30 September entries.
I read Roszak Where the Wasteland Ends for an hour.
Went to bed at 1.30.
10 August – 1976 – Tuesday
None of us had much to do all day. R.V.Galbraith, departing for Venezuela, left a contract for revision, which Dor worked on but with no great urgency.
Marquita was feeling much better. She made some revisions on her MagCard work, having considerable difficulty. Dor remarked to me that she did not know as much as she thought she did.
Phil Becnal brought in the Consumers Power contract I had worked on for revisions and I made those.
There was much conversation mostly between Dor and Marquita on astrology, which Marquita believes in and politics. On the latter subject Dor got into the subject of communism among the young and in government and [Sen. Joseph] McCarthy, who she thought saved the country, from subversion. Questioned by Marquita about the Hollywood purges, she was convinced all the accused were disloyal Americans, I did not remark on any of this.
At noon I saw the film in the employees series, People of Ponce, about the Union Carbide chemical plant in Puerto Rico. I may have seen it before. It showed little of either the scenery or the common people of Puerto Rico.
I phoned Western Airline and formed the time of departure on my ticket. Phoned the airport bus company and got information about giving to the airport for my flight.
Because of an attempted theft on Market Street, buses were not running on that route where I left work. Fortunately I had gone to Mission Street to mail a letter, went to the East Bay Terminal to take a bus, from which I intended to transfer to a Hayes Street bus. But I found the Hayes Street bus was running, along with others, on mission and was enabled to get home quicker than the crowds of people trying to find transportation home. I was home a little before 6.00.
After meditation, I did my exercises.
Prepared and ate dinner and washed dishes.
It was later before I finished.
I put on a new ribbon on my typewriter.
Took a bath.
Read journal entries for 1 to 15 October until 12.00.
Read Roszak Where the Wasteland Ends for an hour.
Went to bed a little after 1.00.
11 August – 1976 – Wednesday
The morning started off slowly. I worked on journal entries.
Then Maggie brought in several resolutions from the Board of Directors and Dor gave them to me to put on MagCard. I tried to make a master card which I could use for all but had a great deal of difficulty. I was about to use the recorded heading only and type the rest manually but Dor finished the master for me.
She was working on a contract for Galbraith started yesterday. Later in the day some additional materials was received from Phil Becnel on the Consumers Power Ann Arbor Litigation.
Dor put Marquita on the computer to work on another litigation report. Marquita had trouble with it and when Dor attempted to instruct her, a flare up resulted and the two argued caustically.
I ate lunch at my old desk.
Most of the attorneys and secretaries have hid their offices and places of work changed.
When Dor was out of the office, Marquita told me she was very unhappy at work. She is willing to work hard but expects to have some opportunity to make friends and resents the way Dor “bosses” her. We tried to analyze Dor’s psychology.
After finishing the resolution for Maggie, I started an affidavit on the Sonatrach project in Algeria which had to be typed in both English and French.
I got out on time and was home by 5.30.
I slept for an hour.
I ate dinner.
Dressed for the service.
Christians took me to the Temple at 8.00.
In the service, rides were arranged, announcements made.
Jim on podium at 9.00.
People marching in Louisville, Kentucky for Ku Klux Klan in lines as far as the eye could see. Other news of persecution. for supporting progressive causes. Gallup poll about strength of religious belief in America. Bigotry and fundamentalist belief.
Jim said he had been speaking Party socialism for some time, hard to get back to religion
Commendations: Pat Martin, Danny Marshall, Patty Chastain, ____ ___ , Laurie ___, Cassandra Minor, Gina Severns and John Harris.
Commendations. Calvin Johnson, Albert Smith found $3 and turned it in. William Klingman found $13 and turned it in. William Swinney [no such person – Edith has wrong name] found $10 in trash bin and turned it in. Bonnie Stahl very cooperative since she’s been in San Francisco. Chris Buckley told William Swinney not to tell he found the money. Jim said since there were no other complaints about Chris he let him off.
Cornelius Truss outstanding when in children’s program.
Anthony Doswell disrupts, Tobiana Stone a problem.
Maria McCann. Kathy [Richardson] Purifoy. Acting out negative thoughts. Puts down communal living. Mom gave her money, said she needed it for clothes. Said going on work trip miserable experience. Kathy, she said, was pissed off. Jim said he has too much piss, but not any more. [She’s] very critical of people, many she doesn’t like. Said she’s trying to get out of church commune. Anita Kelley says she has been manipulative. She admits it. She ___ ___ ___she’s had. Jim called attention to ____ ____ ___ habit. She’s a good greeter. She is to work for one night. Jim: Show us you can change.
Anita Garrison stayed in L.A. Not back yet.
Bertha Ford avoids work. Linda Mertle says they stay out to avoid passing out newspapers. McElvane says Bertha refuses security. Anita says she won’t give reason for avoiding work. Her mom says she’s always had lousy attitude. Jim wants to know why she treats everybody badly. She says no reason, no cause. He wonders of her homosexual relationship (with Linda) bothers her. Finally says she stays depressed. Jim said he not going to spend the rest of his life fighting people he loves and threatening. Says he’s depressed all the time, nothing makes me feel good, Jim says he prefers to find what is bothering her.
Jim hints he had a child abuse case which could have caused disaster for us all. Something every day he has to straighten out or we’d all have to lose. Jim emphasizes she lied to him. She promises to do better. Work all night. Linda volunteers to work all night. Jim accepts three hours.
Linda Swaney now wants some help. Her child being sent up the river.
Sandy Parks left the church. Has concerns.
Poncho Johnson. Bad attitude accused of bragging. Driving recklessly, though he’s 16. Jim warns of danger of being arrested, ties us up with damages which prevents us from getting away. Orders all counselors against sending anyone underage out on security. Jim gave him 2 nights straight.
Jim complains newspaper distribution fallen off. He says people using other projects and pamphleting not to go.
Big drive to get more volunteers to distribute newspapers. Jim says only way is to schedule time for all and bring people up when they don’t show up.
Jim. Some of you love it here. Won’t do anything to help us get out.
Lisa Wright. Avoiding work since being in San Francisco. Old complaint. Dismissed.
Von Smith. For pamphleting. Quit. Said his supervisor Connie Frohm let him off. Lied. Pat Hess said he doing better. Penny told him he wasn’t doing better. He took an overdose of medicine. Jim warns Penny her role is reporter not disciplinarian. No individual counseling.
Jim. Keep improving and I’ll send you to p.l. Quit picking on people all the time. Keep things in perspective.
Donna Briggs [Lacy]. Bad attitude. Tropp says she is improving. Dismissed.
Coordination of reports from children’s workers needed.
Wayne McCall disrupts during tutoring. Tropp says he’s improved. Dismissed.
Anthony Doswell. Impossible to handle. Irvin Perkins, Monica Doswell, Tobiana and Anthony hard to settle down, says Diane Lundquist. Jim had parents speak firmly to these children. Doswells picked up children and removed them from structured environment without permission.
Jim called out for emergency.
Dale Parks too another offering by sum.
Mike Prokes gave revelation from Jim. First we were asked to close our eyes. Those who had refused to pamphlet were to raise their hands and receive a cloth, to protect hem from harm to their bodies, then to make up their uncooperativeness. Teresa King was praised for her dedication to the cause, saved from a blood disease.
The audience was asked to come to the altar and was then dismissed. Jim had not returned. It was 1.30.
Christians took me home.
I washed dishes. Read for a while. Went to bed at 3.00.
12 August – 1976 – Thursday
Didn’t get until 6.30. Had only an orange for breakfast. Bought a doughnut which I ate at the office.
Dor has worked until 7.30 last night on the Consumers Power litigation. She transmitted material to and from Ann Arbor all day and had Marie for several hours on machine, as Marquita and I are not expert enough to do this type of work.
I mentioned separately Marquita and to Dor the idea of having before I leave on my vacation, an office conference. So that each of us could state calmly what we liked and what we didn’t like. Dor had a strong negative reaction, still taking an attitude of firmness. “She’s got to learn to adapt to the business world.” She revealed that she thought my influence in the working relationship had been detrimental and she was looking forward to dealing with Marquita alone and “getting her straightened out” while I am on vacation. She is showing signs of great insecurity.
I continued working on resolutions from Maggie and typed on MagCard the final version of the Sonatrach office documents. Philippe Lamy, our French attorney, corrected it for me and Maggie accepted his changes.
Marquita’s sister and brother-in-law are visiting her and have been doing some sight-seeing. She was to meet them for lunch today but they were delayed on BART so she didn’t get any lunch.
I ate my lunch at my desk and went to the bank. Deposited 2 checks as I was paid for my vacation work in advance, and got cash.
The weather has been drizzly for the past few days.
Got home at 5.30.
Took my washing to the laundromat in addition to underwear, I washed all my dresses, blouses and skirts which were dirty. I am going to decide whether to keep my old clothes or give them to the Temple. Did some sorting.
I did personal and household chores. I decided to wash my hair tomorrow.
Prepared and ate dinner and washed dishes.
Took a bath.
Called Lor [her friend at SF State]. She had taken the day off to get ready for her trip to Eugene. She is leaving with Sacton, Manning and Dorothy, tomorrow at 6.00. Ryn will get her PhD degree at the ceremonies to be held on Saturday. Neither Beth nor Carol will be able to attend. Bill de la Fuente is going to fly up. I told Lor about my plans for reunion with my sisters. Lor said Patty and Mike are going to have a meeting in November.
Read Roszak for a while.
Went to bed at 1.30.
13 August – 1976 – Friday
I did not have a great deal to do in the office. Worked on resolutions for Maggie.
Unaccountably, Marquita’s attitude improved and the atmosphere in the office was friendly.
I took the bus to the Coop tonight and bought groceries for the week following my return. I got mostly frozen vegetables. Took a taxi home.
14 August – 1976 – Saturday
Got up at 9.00.
Went up to the Haight-Ashbury to the second hand stores to buy a few items I need for my trip. I got a pair of tennis shoes, a pair of walking shoes, 2 pair of panties and a light house coat.
Listened to the Temple broadcast. The panel discussion was on the power of the mind and was concerned with so-called miraculous happenings, not exclusively healings.
Prepared and ate a meal and did dishes.
Cleaned up the apartment.
At 4.00 I slept for a couple of hours.
I sorted out the clothes I am giving to the Temple. I had 2 big bags.
I was about to eat, some melon when Rob called. He picked me up at 7.45 and we arrived at the Temple at 8.00.
As we were entering, signing in and so forth, Jim’s voice came over the loudspeaker. He was apparently reacting to the testimonials being given, said there wasn’t much discussion of politics and other matters Some time should be devoted to honor of our saviour.
By the time I came upstairs, there had been generated an atmosphere of praise and rejoicing.
Jim came on podium and although Rick Cordell had just taken an offering, he said it had not been sufficient and took another. He said too many were going to stores trying on clothing and buying things they don’t need if we enjoyed looking at articles in stores, going to movies, looking at TV shows and eating in restaurants, there was too much of Sodom and Gomorrah in us. You are not only in Sodom and Gomorrah, but Sodom America is in you.
A film was shown, “Buck and the Preacher,” with Sidney Poitier and Harry Belefonte, directed by Poitier. It concerned the wagon trains which were organized by blacks in the South after the Civil War to move to the west and were harassed by Southern night riders who were intent on keeping their labor force. The picture showed cooperation between the backs and Indians in helping the blacks to get to freedom. The photography was stunning, but the sound in the auditorium was bad. The film was more for people in the auditorium than any I remember being shown in the Temple. [?]
Films of the p.l. were then shown most of the scenes had been shown previously.
Jim performed healings.
He took an offering for a special need of one of our members.
New members were admitted.
The service was dismissed about 12.30. Jim said there would be no government meting. The auditorium could thus be used for arranging buses.
I paid to Diane Louie $20 for my ticket to the testimonial dinner in honor of Jim 25 September.
As Beulah had not come, I volunteered to Judy Flowers to take someone else and Florine Dyson was assigned to me. Christians did not have room for me so we waited for Glenn Hennington to take us along with some others.
Jim McElvane was sitting behind me downstairs. He said he was daddy to some 12 children, the boys who had been in the house, when Liz was there, plus the ones Pat Grunnett was caring for. Pat has moved in. Liz is no longer there. He thought she might be living in San Francisco. Reneé McMurray [McMurry], he said, was with her. I forgot to ask about Bob Davis.
It was raining and I got the hem of my offertory dress wet. We arrived home about 1.30.
Florine and I had some honeydew melon and I ate some toast and jam. I went to bed at 3.00.
Florine got up twice during the night, couldn’t find the bathroom. I had to get up and turn the light on.
15 August – 1976 – Sunday
Got up at 9.00. Florine was already up.
I bathed.
Prepared breakfast: honeydew melon, biscuits with currants, steak. I made a mistake in measuring ingredients for the biscuits and took a long time getting them into the oven.
Florine is 86 years old. She was born in Virginia, says she had no education. She was a member of the Peace Mission in Philadelphia but was vague about when she left them and joined Jim Jones. She apparently heard of Jim from Mary Black (then Mary Love).
I left the dishes. Dressed.
I had got my offertory dress wet last night and although I had rinsed it out I didn’t have time to iron it, wore a short one.
I called a taxi as Christians didn’t have room for us.
We arrived at the Temple at 11.30. Although rain had threatened earlier, the sun was out.
Usual preliminaries.
Jim on podium at 1.00.
With remarks on situation of blacks in America, he introduced another offering. “Redneck” sentiments of [Joicy] Clark’s relatives recorded. Repeatable national magazines such as Newsweek print anti-black statements. Was her who brought up word to Jim that a man in group downstairs said he believed in slavery.
Jim: Dr. Carlton Goodlett is head of all the black newspapers in America. Wants to go to the p.l. see the facilities.
Choir sang “United We Stand.”
Jim ordered guests to be brought in, ones who believe in slavery. Pictures taken as they came in.
Introduced Goodlett. The one man outside of Peoples Temple Jim trusts.
Marcy sang, “All the Weary Mothers of the World.”
Jim introducing choir singing “Imagine.” We are dialectical materialists, don’t believe in anything we can’t see.
Jim: minorities usually brutalized or exterminated. We even find discrimination in Israel. In Socialist countries, only places in world in which minorities are not discriminated against us. If anyone can justify slavery, they must have a hole in their head. We are visited by people everyday who said they would go to concentrations camps if ordered by the President.
African dancers. Danced for liberation.
Although the situation looks bad, we are not afraid but we have to face reality. Religious people are expecting Jesus to come and take them away. We are willing to die to preserve our liberty.
Ragtime music and dancing on platform.
Films of agricultural mission which we own. Jim emphasizes our care of our funds. Our thrift. 27,000 acres. One and a half million dollars expended on it.
Dr. Carlton Goodlett. There comes a time when you have to be ready to make the supreme sacrifice. Amazed at what you have done in Guyana. Men in power are interested on not losing him. Coming down to a day of decision. To redirect forces of government and use political power and economic power. 200 years of slavery and graveside rhetoric has been used by the rich and greedy to exploit the people, We cannot hold accountable the political parties. Republicans believe in socialism for the rich an trickle down theory. This country moving towards institutional fascism. Watergate only tip of iceberg necessary to this fascism. Strong conservative party, ____ socialist party, Labor force organizing masses of people. Labor has been co-opted by government. McGovern allowed his enemies to take control of Democratic party. Robert Strauss (Democratic National Chair): Carter stole the party while Humphrey and others slept. Southerners used Wallace as irritant. Church and Brown began to make progress against Carter. Brown could have stopped Carter if he had entered earlier. What Jerry Brown said we can take the disinherited and govern.
Jimmy Carter makes deals. Many ministers in San Francisco can be bought. They don’t think much of themselves, they come very cheap. Sun Reporter exposed them. We aren’t going to be underestimated by those under the ____ of Jim’s church. Once a politician pays you before the vote is in, he will do nothing after the election.
We’ve got to stop bragging about we want and get what we need. We are 25th nation in the world. We are lacking discipline. We owe everything to Mother Africa. We spend more of our substance than any other nation and do not spend on each other. Earned 70 million last year but black business very small Should get off our knees. Specifically: (1) black is beautiful (2) everyone who is a racist is an enemy. Take care of our own indigenous and our own young (3) use our power against those who exploit us. Churches should take care of children, establish half-way houses for addict, alcohol, drugs, ____ ___ ___ work about beauty of blackness ___ ____
Jim: we don’t have any of the elements. Churches haven’t democracy. Churches won’t do anything. We project a bad self-image. Worse than drugs is that 90% of our people are addicted to white man’s religion. We believe the Bible: Obey those who have rule over you. Something irritating in that form of religion that teaches submission. Our people being killed off little by little.
Jim: ___ on Bible. Bible ___ ____ ____ ___ religion is the work ___ ___ control over us. I can heal crippled bodies but I can’t heal crippled brains[?].
More healings under socialism ___ ___ culture than under Christianity.
Mrs. Martin L. King says she ___ __violation even though they put her in a concentration camp. She’s already a slave.
Muslim leader says his grandfather was white. He can’t hate the white man.
Guests here today. It is my duty to tell you the truth. I don’t want your blood on my hands.
On ancestry of Jesus.
On inconsistencies of the Bible.
“Ye are all gods.”
People don’t want the truth,
Adam and Eve.
Half of Carlton Goodlett wants to go to the p.l. The other half wants us to get our money together. It’s too late.
Berates those who are fidgety. Some of these people are going to concentration camp. Earthquake. Drought, famine. What’s going to happen when the banks close? What’s going to happen when everybody is unemployed? Wake up.
If there is a god he’s bad.
After healings and admission of new members, the meeting was dismissed at about 5.00.
I rode home with Christians.
Had hoped to be home at least by 4.30. in order to prepare for my trip. I had to do dishes from the morning. I had time to eat only some melon. I then packed and dressed. I took to the Christians my plant which they had agreed to water while I was gone. I sorted out a few clippings, etc., to take with me to show my sisters.
Had intended to take the buses to the airport terminal, but they run infrequently so I took a taxi at 8.00 o’clock. I was just in time to get on a bus.
I checked in at the Western Airlines counter. I had a hamburger at the snack bar where I had to wait for some time.
The plane left at 10.00. I was served two glasses of champagne. I read the Saturday and Sunday newspapers. I tried to sleep but couldn’t. The flight was only a little over two hours.
We landed at about 1.00 Denver time. I had to wait at the baggage claim for Eddie and Bug [?] And they didn’t come for an hour. Eddie had said they might go to a show. However, they had gone out to dinner with Joyce Struble with sister Dor. They’d visited a couple of days after her arrival in Denver. They had gotten the time my plane arrived wrong.
Their greeting was warm. We arrived at Eddie’s home, talked ceaselessly. Eddie showed us the house. She had finished putting up the second story. All the electrical equipment has been installed and she is living upstairs, but the whole house is as cluttered as ever. She has, of course, a beautiful view from two windows.
Eddie and Dor slept upstairs and I slept downstairs. We went to bed at 4.00.
16 August – 1976 – Monday
I slept until 9.00. The room I was in was so dark I couldn’t see anything. Dor and Eddie were already up.
I had some cantaloupe and Sanka.
We spent most of the morning talking. Dor told us of Paul’s wedding. The bride was Polly Williams. Dor had some snapshots. It had been a simple wedding conducted by a Unitarian minister in the garden of the parents’ house in New Jersey. Polly’s father is well-to-do. Paul has his own business designing buildings.
Dor’s chief topic was her affiliation with Madalyn Murray O’Hair’s atheistic group. She still dislikes the Temple’s identity as a church, though she is not bitter about the incident in Chicago summer before last. She fears the object of Jim’s “occult” abilities.
Both Dor and Eddie warned me to avoid discussion of Jim and the Temple with Mabs. They are concerned about her mental condition. They think she is drinking too much, believe she has too few interests. They think she should get rid of her house and do not understand her reason for keeping it. He financial situation is not good, but not desperate. I promised to be careful in discussion with Mabs.
Eddie has rented the downstairs portion of her house, bedroom and kitchen to a new teacher at her school, a young woman. The arrangement will give Edna [Eddie] more security.
The three of us went for a short walk with Eddie’s three dogs. The weather was ideal.
We had a light lunch.
Eddie wants to retire in perhaps another year. She will get a pension from her school administration.
We drove to Denver, stopping at a shopping center on Wadsworth to make a few purchases. I got some zippers for my 2 dresses with Eddie’s advice. Denver was very hot.
Eddie drove through Barnum where we had lived as children and we looked at familiar sights. She and Dor remembered them better than I did.
We had dinner at Stouffer’s Restaurant on Colorado Boulevard near the [old] airport. We had salmon. We thought too much attention had been given to surface embellishments; the food was not extraordinary. Prices were high. We paid $8.50 for the entree alone., Dor paid for dinner.
At 8.00 we picked up Mabs at the airport. We found her right away although we had not been certain of the airline nor flight number.
Mabs was in a good mood though her complexion seems muddy and she has gained weight. She was happy because Miranda had just taken a job in Washington with some experimental agricultural project of the government, starting in October, The climate in Montreal is hard on her. Tagore is five. He suffers from allergies and has to have a restrictive diet. She says he has a hot temper. He looks like Matthew.
Mabs is still smoking heavily.
We spent some time in getting out of town as Eddie took the wrong road.
We went to bed at 11.00. Mabs slept in the same room as I.
I slept soundly the first part of the night, woke at 4.00 and couldn’t get back to sleep. Mabs slept rather restlessly.
I got up at 5.30, made some Sanka, thought I would make journal entries. But Mabs joined me and we sat talking until Eddie and Dor got up.
We had toast and eggs for breakfast.
When we had dressed we went in the car with Eddie driving us to see several of her friends in the locality, to her school to meet her principal, whom she likes very much, to the vet with one of the dogs who was limping on one foot. We had hamburgers for lunch. Mabs and I shopped for food for tonight while Dor and Eddie went to the beauty salon and had their hair done.
From what conversations I have had with Mabs, she is not as opposed as Dor to believe in some form of spiritual power, but she does not think highly of Jim Jones’ extra sensory perceptions. However, she is very concerned about social issues and agrees with me about the harmfulness of the present economic system.
On our return we visited another of Eddie’s friends. I had 2 glasses of Scotch and was very tired.
I slept for an hour and a half.
Took a shower while Mabs told the others of some of her relationships.
Eddie borrowed a projector and showed the films I had given Dor, of her, Paul, Mabs, Edna, Miranda, Matthew, Mother and the ranch.
We had dinner which Edna prepared: t-bone steak, baked potato, mushrooms, tomatoes. I had paid for the food.
Mabs told of the trial and sentencing of the man who attempted to rape and murder her. He “copped a plea” was sentenced to seven years of which he served two. She does not think he was rehabilitated.
Mabs told of some of her experiences doing home teaching.
We looked at the films again.
The others went to bed. I made journal entries. I then read a few items Dor and Mabs had saved for me including an article about folklore written by Matthew.
I went to bed at 1.30.
18 August – 1976 – Wednesday
Mabs and I got up early, about 7.00, and sat drinking Sanka and talking when Edna and Dor got up.
Eddie took the dogs for a walk,
She made coffee cake for breakfast.
We packed and got ready for going to Dillon. We talked so much that we were very slow and didn’t get away until 1.30.
We had called my Aunt Josie and told her we would be coming. Ben and Florence came from Fort Collins and we phoned Laura in Pueblo. She drove up directly.
We stopped in Idaho Springs. Mabs and I had a hamburger and root beer.
Just out of Idaho Springs, rain began to fall heavily and we pulled to the side of the road as Edna could not see the road very well.
A tunnel has been dug under Loveland Pass because of the numerous skiers who go across the Divide on weekend. It saves a good deal of time, but one misses some of the scenery.
We arrived in Dillon about 3.30. They had expected us much sooner and were worried. Ben had taken Laura sightseeing. With Josie driving, we all followed them. We first went to see the site of “the ranch” which my grandfather and then my Uncle Earl owned and where we had spent some of our summers as children. Part of the land is flooded. The ranch house burned down several years ago. The old barn and tool house are still standing and are still in use. Condominiums and other tourist housing have been built in other places. The whole area has had a tremendous growth in population. The lake created by the dam built by the Denver water district is used for recreational purposes and the water goes to Denver.
We then went to Keystone to see more condominiums and a fancy hotel built to accommodate skiers and summer tourists. We had met Ben and Laura on the way.
Ben is now 67 but seems to be enjoying life, though her had a stroke 2 years ago. He is retired from the Forest Service. Florence had a gall bladder attack last year. Our cousin, Laura, is a home economics teacher, is married to Dolph Chaney, who … [Edith refers to a continuation not found] … they have six children.
Josie spends the summers in Dillon and the winters in Mesa, Arizona. She seems the same as ever, very mild-tempered and agreeable. Florence also is much the same, very critical, especially of people’s housekeeping.
For dinner we had streaks, an eggplant dish, green beans and cake. We discussed politics and gave and received information on all the children and other relatives. Dor was quite volatile in her beliefs. News of Paul, Miranda and Matthew was given.
Ben and Florence’s daughter Robinette is married and they have one child by her husband X. Their son Don was teaching in Hayward but he didn’t like the conditions and ___ ___ California. _____
Ben is concerned about environmental issues but is conservative on the subject of the economy in government, prejudiced against welfare recipients, racial relations. Florence was even more narrow-minded on the racial question.
One of Laura’s daughters is in Australia as an exchange teacher. The youngest is going to school there. One daughter has an operatic quality voice and is a radio announcer. One married a Mexican. Laura was quite broad-minded on this matter.
Larry, Josie’s oldest son, a veterinarian is teaching veterinary medicine at the university in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Alan is a veterinarian in Aurora, Colorado and Robert is working on water research in Tempe, Arizona.
We watched part of the Republican National Convention on TV. Josie has a big color set. We did not wait for the vote but it seemed obvious Ford would be nominated. Ben is a supporter of Reagan.
We went to bed about 11.00. We four slept downstairs.
19 August – 1976 – Thursday
We were up at 8.00.
For breakfast we had pancakes and syrup and black currant jam.
With Ben and Laura we started on a walk to Dillon Lake. We met on the way an elderly woman, an old-timer, who is in charge of the Summit Historical Museum, which has been gathering mementos from the Dillon area. She showed us through the museum. I bought a couple of post cards to send to Lor and Dor and Marquita at the office. We then continued our walk to the lake, looking at the condominiums there.
For lunch we had hamburgers.
Laura left for Steamboat Springs to see Lesley Yount, daughter of my mother’s Aunt Ruby.
Josie has a beautiful rock garden. Mabs and Edna took some plants from it. We all had our pictures taken in front of it.
We left for Denver about 2.00, driving over Hoosier Pass and through ____. I drove until we turned up her yard.
We arrived home at 5.00.
I slept for an hour.
We dressed and went to the city for dinner. We walked around a rehabilitated area called Larimer Square and ate at the Lafitte Restaurant. It was a high class restaurant. We all had sea food and wine. Dor paid the bill.
We looked around a store which sold plants and she bought one for Joyce. Dor had met her years ago when she was working at the bookstore at Joslin’s Department Store. Joyce who is a close friend of both Mabs and Dor, is the daughter and wife of rich men. The father owned the Repuiln Drug Stores and Max Struble owns a hardware store. Joyce works in the store and is according to Mabs and Dor, quite liberal. She is now deeply involved with NOW, the National Organization of Women. She has done many services for Mabs and Dor and they always visit her when in town. I remember meeting her only once.
We took Dor to the airport. Her plane wasn’t until about 4.00. We had a soft drink and talked with her until about 2.00. Both Edna and I had some items to show her. Edna’s were items used in her teaching, letters concerning Alice Garrison’s will, her plans for a cookbook. I had a few items on religion, ESP and so on.
Dor was sure she wouldn’t go to sleep and miss her plane, so we left. We made good time, getting home about 3.00.
20 August – 1976 – Friday
I slept late.
We stayed at home today.
We three took a walk down the road. Mabs and Edna discussed the various flowers and shrubs. Tourists have scattered a good deal of trash around and we took back aluminum which Edna sells.
Mabs worked in Edna’s garden.
Edna showed me how to put new zippers in 2 of the dresses Claire gave me. Under her instruction, I did most of it except the machine sewing.
We had more discussion. Mabs gave more detail on the assault she had undergone when a young black man had attempted to rape and murder her. She fought him off; he then stabbed her 3 times and threw two objects at her face, leaving her for dead. She described the plastic surgery she had which was remarkably successful.
I learned of the financial situation of each sister. Mabs is able to get along on her annuity, supplemented by her home teaching. I don’t think the nursery is returning anything to her and her partner that they don’t put back in the business but she says they have a firm foundation and an excellent reputation. The house is run down and needs much work but she refuses to sell it on account of the garden.
Edna plans to retire in another year. She will get retirement pay from the school district until old enough to draw social security. She makes twice the salary I do and Alice left her $17,000. Most of her surplus has gone into the house and she still has more to do.
Edna made preparations for the return of Sue, to whom she has rented the downstairs. Sue is expected this weekend Edna has cooking, laundry and sleeping facilities already upstairs, is moving her dishes and cooking equipment.
I washed my hair.
For dinner we had some boned chicken on boiled potatoes and a salad.
I read Radicalism in America.
Went to bed about 12.00.
21 August – 1976 – Saturday
I slept until 9.00.
Mabs and Eddie had walked with dogs.
Mabs and I had honey dew melon, and egg and toast for breakfast. Eddie ate coffee cake.
I packed.
Eddie offered to finish the sewing on my dresses while I changed sheets on the beds. Mabs will move upstairs. Mabs continued with her gardening projects at which she worked most of the day.
I had a half hour’s walk. I went up the road on property above Eddie’s place owned by Johns Mansville. It was a beautiful sunny day. The wild flowers were he best I have ever seen.
Eddie and I left for the airport at 12.00. Mabs stayed back. Eddie made one stop at an electrical shop and I purchased some grapes and a can of salted nuts, as a meal was not going to be served on the plane.
Eddie and I discussed the reunion we sisters had had, agreeing that it had been very successful. We are all concerned about each other and reassured that we are all well. Even Mabs is in a better condition that we had expected, though we wish she didn’t smoke or drink so much. Edna said they were pleased that I was happy, had friends and are now convinced that my retirement is taken care of. She asked if I thought they were selfish. I told her the whole country was living at a level which was beyond its deserts.
My own conclusions are that although not racist and although they back many progressive ideas and movements, they require to accept the seriousness of the situation. All have faith that reformist solutions can and probably will be found to our national problems. They are bound by ties to loved ones and property they own. Dor is so adamantly anti-religion that she cannot accept any phenomena which she regards as supernatural. She also lacks sympathy with all living things and to certain extent with people. I did make some headway with all of them in leading them to view extra-sensory occurrences as real.
We arrived at the airport at 1.30. Edna did not come in.
The plane, a Continental flight to San Francisco by way of Colorado Springs and Albuquerque, left at 2.35. I had a window seat. At Albuquerque I got off the plane and walked around the airport. I was pleased with the tiles of Indian designs in the passageway and interested in the Kachina dolls. On the flight we had good vies of the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Las Vegas, Death Valley and the Sierras.
I read Radicalism in America, ate my grapes and nuts. Soft drinks and nuts were served twice.
We arrived at 6.14 San Francisco time. I took the limousine in to the city, walked up to Geary to get the bus. I waited nearly an hour. When it finally came, the drive told me that there had been two mishaps at the East Bay terminal. The brakes of one bus went out and a woman slipped and hurt her head and an ambulance had to be called.
I transferred to the Masonic bus, was home by 8.00.
I made some spaghetti with canned tomatoes and ate it.
I unpacked.
Went to bed at 10.30.
22 August – 1976 – Sunday
I got up at 8.00.
Made journal entries.
A little after 10.00, I went up to the Hayes Neighborhood Coop to buy a few items of produce. It is now open on Sunday, but not until 11.00. So I took a short walk in Golden Gate Park. My sense of smell, which began to come back my last day in Colorado, returned in the park and I could smell the flowers. The little coop still didn’t have its produce out, so I went over to Petrini’s and purchased a few items.
Prepared a meal, ate and washed dishes.
Made more journal entries.
Pressed clothes for an hour and a half.
Lay down for 2 ½ hours but just dozed.
Ate some watermelon.
On the radio I heard that Muni drivers had voted on a contract offered by the supervisors. If it was not accepted, they would go on strike and buses wouldn’t be running tomorrow. Betty Barclay called me and said she would call me tomorrow morning if the buses weren’t running, she would give me a ride. However, before I went to bed I heard the contract had been accepted.
I had hoped to type on my journal but didn’t get at it. I was very tired.
I read newspapers.
Went to bed at 12.00.
23 August – 1976 – Monday
Was up at 6.10 and got to work on time.
Dor phoned, saying she wouldn’t be in. She is suffering from bursitis in her arm and shoulder caused by referring to service documents at the same time while at the computer. They had had a busy week in the Center.
Marquita is taking AST instruction, in the mornings.
Robert Galbraith brought in the Caracas Metro contract with extensive revision to be made. I worked on it all day.
Ate lunch outside on PG&E steps.
Phil Becnal brought in revision for the Consumers Power Company contract and Marquita did them. She is not very expert yet on making revisions and I had to help her considerably. Consequently I did not finish Galbraith’s work and had to work and hour overtime.
Got home at 6.30. Did not do my exercises.
Prepared dinner, ate, and washed dishes.
Went over my journal entries from 1-15 October 75 for an hour and a half.
Read newspapers.
Went to bed at 12.30.
24 August – 1976 – Tuesday
Dor phones that her arm was still giving her trouble and she wouldn’t be in.
I checked the print-out of the Galbraith contract and had a few errors that had been overlooked. Delivered it to him for further checking.
Got Eddie on telephone to her I safely arrived. Told her about my return trip. Told her I had had the most enjoyable vacation of my life, which pleased her.
Marquita had gone to ATS class.
Ate my lunch at my desk.
Saw a film in the employee series, “Isles of Paradise,” which had been advertised as showing life in the South Sea Islands. However, it was a mere 20 minutes showing of exhibits in a Hawaiian [Polynesian Center] constructed and made by the Mormon church to display Polynesian cultures. I heard complaints about the artificial character of the piece.
I went in the bank today with last week’s check and got cash. The weather was pleasant.
In the afternoon I made corrections in the Galbraith contract and ran off the corrected pages and Marquita did the same on Becnal’s contract. She had some difficulty with some of the changes but I let her experiment until she asked for help.
I got home in good time.
After 6.00 meditation I went to get my plant from Magnolia. Christians were not there and on my inquiry, Magnolia told me they had moved. From her way of speaking it seemed to me there may have been a disagreement. Magnolia gave me very little news of the Temple, perhaps because she wanted to get some sleep before going to work. She had been conducting a porch sale of her surplus belongings.
I prepared dinner, ate and washed dishes.
Typed in my journal from 9.00 to 11.00, doing 4 pages. On the last page the machine was very slow in returning the carriage and I was afraid that something was wrong with the motor.
I read newspapers for an hour.
Went to bed at 1.00.
25 August – 1976 – Wednesday
Dor was back. Told her of my vacation.
In the morning I put on MagCard a short item for Maggie.
Ate lunch quickly at my desk.
I mailed a check to the Coop Credit Union with a payment on my loan and a deposit.
Took the bus up Mission and paid my telephone bill and then paid my bill at PG&E.
Maggie brought back the Sonatrach affidavit (for the third time) with several changes in both the French and English. Dor had the basic document on MagCard and I entered the changes, but doing the French version back for another change. I barely finished before closing time.
Marquita had some work on the computer. She’s enjoying her ATS class more than she did at first.
Got home about 5.30.
Slept 5.45 to 6.45.
Ate quick dinner.
Dressed for the Temple service.
Magnolia had told me she would call me and I could get a ride with her and Marshall Farris. They would pick me up about 7.30.
Magnolia told me ___ ___ ___ people going on the buses to LA paid their fare that soon fewer buses would be going (most of them using the buses are communal). He was told that in LA but when they asked how many people living there intended to move up to San Francisco. ___ responded that he ___ ___ ___ just stood and shook his head.
Half of the ___ ___ been ___ ____ ___ __ additional sleeping space.
Announcements were made.
The noise in the auditorium was worse than usual.
Jim on the podium at 8.50.
Jim summarized the conditions in Iran under the Shah’s regime put into power by the US government.
Jim: We have ___ ___ without ____ so that the polar ice caps are melting. There is drought in regions where _____ _____ . ____ and earthquakes are occurring. Nuclear war threatens. A recent study by computer gave an 85% certainty of economic collapse. Having made three predictions of disaster, Jim wound up by stating this church is apathetic when we can save ourselves and others.
Jim took the offering. While doing so he talked at length.
He said because so few were paying their fares and so much money was being spent running the buses that trips to and from LA would probably be discontinued. The buses would leave tonight for LA and people brought up; the following weekend buses would go down to conduct some meetings there. We would have meetings with Marcy when he is not in San Francisco.
He spoke of the ___ ____ ___ ____ whom he called ___ ____ ____
Liz has __ ____ _
(unreadable rest of page)
… did not. She has phoned Bob’s mother and startled her by saying he had been murdered, Liz had had sexual relations with a ___ minor child, had taught aberrant sex practices to a young person on welfare (probably Reneé) Now said she was living at her grandfather’s and stood to inherit a great deal of money but she was obviously not happy.
Garry (I gathered he may have left the Temple following Liz’s (example) . Had said the agricultural mission in Guyana is a concentration camp and that people could not escape. Jim answered the audience that anybody could go to the American consul and ask to be sent home and repatriation was obligatory. Garry had made his treasonous remarks to Teresa King.
Jim went on to complain of many pampered actions and ___ ____ ___ in the church __ __ theft of auto parts as well as ___ ___ work on cars an buses. He was very severe about these malefactions. He seemed very discouraged and contrasted the loose behavior of many of our members with his own twenty-four hour addiction to our welfare. He doesn’t leave the building for weeks on end, except to get in the bus to go to LA. If we thought he enjoyed being with people we were wrong, They just made demands on him. He gave an example of the numerous notes he receives everyday with petty complaints.
Jim made a congratulatory reference to Prof. Roller who sent him up something _____ ___ -tional, referring to a clipping I had contributed concerning the Hollywood film makers who are now sending crews to South Africa to take advantage of the cheap labor.
A film, “Sacco and Vanzetti” was shown. At it’s end Jim ___ __ that today such have to test you situations as __ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ____ 50 per year Americans do not care.”
He remarked on the fear of death evinced by many at sight of the electric chair. A good socialist will not fear death. It would be the greatest reward he could receive.
Anthony Doswell had been reported by Danny Beck for trying to tear up a post in the men’s room. His dad, Hugh Doswell, was, however, the focus of attention. He left his post in LA though he had given his word to Jim that he would pay attention to duty. He wrecked another car last weekend. Jim said that he was continuing his pattern of working little and causing us trouble. “You come and go as far as you want. Archie said, don’t send me this man again. You stand between us and your children every time and encourage hostility. For the sake of your children we have given you an opportunity to work and produce.” When Laveria’s wrongness was pointed out, you used it for your purposes. I’ve never seen anybody here as honkified as you. He was given some $40 for clothes, had spent some of it for food, though meals are provided in the commune. Jim was at his wits end to know what to do to teach him to be a cooperative member. He had fallen dead on the platform. He had been made extremely ill. Countless times he had promised to improve.
Jim said he was to turn over what is left, work all night, get a job tomorrow. “If you don’t work, you go and whoever stands with you will go too.”
Nevada Harris was reported for talking in front of people who had just come in from LA about bad-living conditions in the communes. The main point seemed to be that they were bothered by fleas, a common experience in San Francisco. The young woman who had turned Nevada in was not very clear on details and Jim dismissed the case.
Jim had to cut off questions on divine matters.
He took another offering.
He commented on people’s treatment of authority. We accept anything the government or police decree, but we _____ him for the slightest rebuke.
There was a brief healing period.
Jim made us repeat the closing song with insistence on explanation of enthusiasm.
He expressed regret that the meeting was so late. He dismissed us at 2.30.
An announcement was made that children and young people under 19 would go to Marineland Tomorrow, were to meet at the Temple at 8.00, the bus would leave at 9.00. Those who were not communal were to bring $1.00.
The mechanics were to meet with government after the service. As Marshall is one Magnolia and I had to look for someone to take us home. Although I was prepared to take the Geary bus to Masonic and then walk. Magnolia found a ride for us.
I did dishes.
Had some toast and peanut butter and toast and jam and read newspapers.
Went to bed at 4.00.
26 August – 1976 – Thursday
Slept until 6.30. Didn’t have any breakfast. Ate an orange at work.
Neither Dor nor I had any work all day. After Marquita finished her class in the morning, she had miscellaneous work. Documents to do on ATS.
We had discussions on social matters, such as ____ ___ limits, the waste of the fashion___ men’s vests (my opinion) and so on and finally roles of blacks in society (Dor and Marquita oppose going out of one’s way to improve relations), which became somewhat heated.
I ate lunch on the PG&E steps. The day was quite hot.
At home I exercised.
Took my laundry to the laundromat.
Prepared and ate dinner.
I intended to do some chores and wash my hair but Bonnie Beck called. She wanted to come over and talk to me about doing an article for the Temple newspaper.
She arrived about 9.30 and stayed a couple of hours. She is on sick leave from her job, although Jim had cured whatever her illness was. Don is expected back from the p.l. on 1 September. Bonnie lives with Pat Grunnett now, where Liz Forman used to be. Pat works also at Juvenile Hall. Bob Davis is working on the apartment construction in LA.
Bonnie had no particular item in mind for me to write for the newspaper. I told her of my ideas of writing something concerning the high agricultural civilization of dark people and how it has usually been taken over by lighter nomadic peoples who then enslave or exterminate the dark races. We are not sure this theme would be suitable for the newspaper but she thought I should give the material to Jim to use with the congregation and to Lois Ponts who is in charge of a group of Junior High level children.
I also suggested for the newspaper questionnaire on the Bible which would give the contradictor answers which Jim uses to show it unreliability. I read to her Dor’s [Edith’s sister] list of quotations on religious belief and atheism.
Bonnie was indignant with Liz and freely gave me more information on her disposition. She said Liz had ___ ___ concerned ___ ___ comfort and very unsympathetic about other people. ___ ____ ___ to demanding with children. The people had done the work in the housing committee. Bonnie particularly _____ her for persuading Garry to leave when he seemed to be adapting well to the Temple. Garry is with Liz, Bonnie said. It was unforgivable that she just dumped Reneé instead of placing her with someone else. Liz spent much time on her make-up. When I inquired what had led to Liz’s leaving the Temple now, Bonnie thought it was the prospect of getting money form her grandfather. Jim had always known what she was like. She was mentally unstable and he gave her every chance.
Bonnie told me Linda [Swaney] Dunn’s daughter is now in Juvenile hall. She used cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol and has been on the “pill” since she was 11 ½. She is 14 now.
I mentioned my books to Bonnie and she suggested I let her keep them. Jim is moving everything down from Redwood Valley.
Bonnie left at 11.45.
I did my dishes and put my laundry away.
I read newspapers and a little from Roszak for an hour.
I went to bed at 2.30.
27 August – 1976 – Friday
Put my time card in.
Had a 3 page letter for Maggie on MagCard.
Ate lunch on the PG&E steps.
Wants a memo to Tim _____ _____ in Bechtel, ___ ____ ____ for Jubail and the creation of some legal counsel positions.
Wrote to Jim ___ ___ ___ Community Food Store, ___ ____ fruit given to me at the store. ___ ___ impressed after __ ___ ___ group young people and their ___ ___ progressive causes. ___ ___ the Temple might find it worthwhile to make some contacts with them.
After work I went to the Coop on the Kearney Street bus, But __ ___ ___ bought groceries.
Took a taxi home.
Prepared dinner, ate and washed dishes.
Washed my hair.
Read Roszak.
Went to bed at 2.00.
28 August – 1976 – Saturday
Got up at 9.00.
Started to clean the apartment. Did the vacuuming.
At 10.30 went up to the community coop and bought produce. Stopped to tell Magnolia I’d like a ride with Brother Farris.
Listened to the Temple broadcast at 11.30. Emphasis on human _____ printing out errors in the Bible. Jim showed how dependence on the literal word kills , while the spirit makes alive.
Prepared a meal ate, and washed dishes.
Finished my cleaning.
I was unusually early and was able to lie down for a nap at 3.00. I slept until past 6.00. He early part of the day had been quite hot but the fog had come in when I got up.
I took care of a number of small tasks: made out my check for my commitment to the Temple, got together other items I was taking to the Temple.
Magnolia called at 7.30.
When we got to the Temple, attendance seemed sparse. Rides were being arranged. Responses were down. ____ coming. CJ had particular trouble getting a ride for a senior to Laguna Honda Hospital for treatment 2 days a week.
Norman took offering. Jim entered on podium during it at about 9.30.
When Jim appeared on the podium some did not stand.
Numerous people have spit up or pissed growths in recent days, _____ were being prepared ____.
Jim led the congregation in singing and rejoicing.
He took another offering, interrupting it for more rejoicing, also finding items from the news to ___ ___ of international capitalism.
“Night and Fog” was shown.
After watching, service was dismissed about 12.00.
XX and Debbie Heneke and XX returned to the Temple tonight with the several children. I spoke to them. They have been in San Diego. They are living in San Diego. I gave June Crym for Tim the memo I wrote on Bechtel developments.
Judy Flowers asked me to take home Florine Dyson again.
Marshall Farris took us home.
Florine and I had some watermelon.
We went to bed at 2.00.
29 August – 1976 – Sunday
Got up at 8.00. After I had my bath, Florine got up.
For breakfast we had black cherry juice, eggs, toast, vegetarian bacon strips, I did the dishes.
I dressed.
Florine was slow in getting out of the bathroom, but we were able to leave at 10.45. Magnolia phoned that Brother Farris had to attend a meeting at 11.00 and would be late if he came to pick us up, she proposed going to service by bus. Florine said she had difficulty getting on a bus and offered to pay for a taxi as I told her I had no money left. Higher taxi fares went into effect today.
Service did not get underway until 11.45 though scheduled for 11.30.
Jim was on the podium about 12.45 while Norman was taking offering.
Jim took another offering.
Don Beck has returned. Spoke. Emphasized spirit of cooperation, all races together, the air, the animals, food crops. Jim: bananas we raise pay for the Guyanese workers. Jim read long front-page article in Guyana newspaper about our agricultural operations. We have assisted local people with our equipment, cementing relationships. We have invested $2,000,000 in this project.
Questions (to Jim on anything, on p.l. to Don)
(1) tell our relatives about p.l.? Answer: Yes when you’re there. They’ll want to come.
(2) Some ___ __ in respect to question on murder of Americans in Iran. Jim: on permanent damage to our economy from pollution. All minors will be killed. Rich have refuges prepared. Report there will be war over Korea, Lebanon, South Africa. Have to have war because of surplus population. Can’t have unemployed youth running around because they commit crimes.
(3) Woman wants to know why we don’t know who we were in former life? Why we have to go through things in this life? Jim: We don’t remember much of our childhood. Under hypnosis we can be taken back. Reincarnation, only logical and just answer. I am not interested. Neither should you be interested. I only believe it because it has been proven to me. I don’t believe that mind is limited to the body; it does not die with the body. Body loses ½ pound at death. Kirlian photography shows aura leaving body. The less development you’ll make, the more you care about what happens to you. Only what you do for others matters. His plans to remove himself from the group when not needed.
He had had to do some things to protect us which if known could hurt us and there might be a time when it would be better for us if he left us. If that were the case he would do so. He had earlier said that in case of an emergency and if he were removed, we wouldn’t be very bright if we didn’t individually make our way to the p.l.
Jim: on limit of his love and contrast to those who cannot comprehend it. One has to have concern and love for others in his own nature in order to appreciate it in another.
There was a rousing round of singing and shouting. Jim noted those who did not take part.
People were healed.
Jim dismissed the meeting at 3.00.
I talked with Vernell Henderson about going communal as I will have to give notice on the first of September. She said a great many people were being placed now (no doubt because of an influx from LA) and unless I wanted to share with a roommate it was going to be difficult to find a room for me. I repeated what I had told her previously, that with the pressure of my job, I needed privacy, after work and also would disturb a room mate with my typing. She said she would confer with others at the break and let me know tonight.
I took the Fillmore bus and transferred to the McAllister bus, as I had such bad luck with the Hayes bus. I made good connections.
Ate some tuna fish, crackers and lettuce with mayonnaise.
Put white polish on. Pair of shoes and my purse.
Walked back to the evening service.
Meeting at 6.30.
Rides. I had to get one as I hadn’t seen Brother Farris and Magnolia does not come on Sunday night.
Offering. Jim told of a very expensive law case we had in LA. He had to hire one of the best attorneys in the US and fly one of our attorneys plus supporting staff there. The husband of Melissa Jackson who was a sadist and a police informant was opposing her custody of two children. He [Jim] could not leave for the p.l. with some of our members children, condemned to stay here. The husband had raped Melissa when she came home from the hospital after childbirth with stitches in her. One child had shown incredible bravery, offering to bring out evidence that the father was a dealer in drugs.
Speaking of babies, he referred to a rash of pregnancies and requests of women to be permitted to have babies. As a later incident reveled, some of the background to this remark took place at the Tuesday night communal meeting. We try to treat all equally. If one woman has a right to a baby, every woman has a right to one. If she can’t have one, you should share your baby. You should be socialistic about everything.
Projection of film started. Trouble with sound. Gave up.
Commendations read to those who responded to request for newspaper delivery.
Those who came in a LA bus but were nowhere to be found when work was to be done, brought up. Some poor excuses were given. Jim intervened to say one bus would be held back so the guilty ones could work all night and learn a lesson, Sylvia Watson came up with out permission of her mother. She is 17. Mother is hostile to the church. One girl reported a young man for smoking weed in the park. One group of three young men to break up for 30 days.
Jim cured Chris Lewis of a hip injury which required him to be on crutches. Injury will show on x-rays when needed to collect damaged.
Those on bus 4 who gave difficulty were brought up. Complaint was noise which prevented others from sleeping. Guilty to work all night. Also given financial penalties. Some were the same involved in previous case.
Bus No. 10. Same situation, passengers reported they got no rest at all.
Rob Gieg and Renee. Possessive with baby. Talking about making other living arrangements. Interpreted to mean they would leave the church. They say they meant only to consult Council. Jim says they’re wrecking life of their baby. Rob and Renee moved in with Mae. Jim ordered them to move back in communal system or leave the church. Rob says he didn’t want to move in with Mae. Jim says: don’t give me an ultimatum. “I have to have something or else.” Jim says he received comments that Jason clings to Renee. You’re foolish not to give the child the advantage of the stimulation and mixture they get in this program.
Stephanie Jones. Reports of losing temper and lack of cooperation. Given 2 nights work.
Stanley Clayton. Commendation. Good discipline. Driving car for newspaper distribution.
“The Loved One.” Shown, as sound system now in operation. However, the sound was bad and I missed many lines. The picture was less subtle and more farcical than the book and whole new episode had been invented, The audience appreciated the slapstitck better than the satirical references. Jim’s comments were to point up the revolting aspects of American life.
Called up among others: Chris Buckley, Jim Arthur Jones, Martin Amos, Dov Lundquist, Nawab Lawrence, Jon Stoen (first time), Larry Tupper, Janet bashed Larry up in connection with a ___. Bad language Hugh Doswell, Jon Stoen, April Klingman, Given work assignments from 2 hours to all night.
Tommy Moore had things in his room which were brought in for the sale: knife, clock radio, stereo. A great risk was taken to get him from his mother. Mother has offered custody. Can’t get to p.l. that way (doing wrong).
Picture ended 12.00 o’clock.
People who had to go to work left for LA on one bus.
Church has to be cleaned and repaired for testimonial dinner. Lois Ponts and Don Beck are in charge. Everyone has to do his share.
Robert Paul involved in sex episode. Question was whether informant, a young man correctly interpreted what he saw. Rouletta, Rob’s wife could not at first be found. She was discovered. Had left the auditorium after the movie (the case had been announced during the movie). Jim on sex experience. “I think its a crime to have a baby at 15.” Jim takes Rob’s word. Jim confesses he doesn’t know what to do about sex situation. Jim suggests perhaps everything should be turned loose. Present rules discriminate against communal people.
Discussion inconclusive. Several comments, didn’t help.
Following previous discussion, obvious Rouletta is pregnant. Paul says they decided on abortion because this wasn’t the time. Jim inquires whether this is what they want to do. Has been read they don’t take proper care of the 2 they do have.
Jim: Those who want to have babies should let us know so arrangements can be worked out in the p.l. He will try to provide partners for those who don’t have them.
With reference to the difficulty of enforcing behavior in the sexual area, Jim said: I personally don’t give a shit.
I’m tired of being God over everything. In decision the other night Paul was to get a job. He hasn’t found one yet. And Rouletta was to raise money, as was he: neither had any yet.
As he started to take a final offering, Jim displayed great discouragement. If people did not want to keep the rules, he could take the loyal ones and do something, “like on RR tracks.” But he added at the end, “I don’t let my depression affect what I do for you and don’t you either.”
He dismissed the meeting at 2.00.
I waited until Vernell was through helping at the altar and then inquired whether she had any word for me. She said she had not consulted with some others in the leadership and they were going to try to work something out, so I concluded that they did not consider my desires out of line. I believe the remark of Jim’s about not saying we were going to have our own way, probably reference to the Gieg case and not to my desires as I had imagined.
I delivered to Jim a report I had written on the Haight Community Store and its participants.
My ride was with Girlie Para, who took 3 people to my area and then returned for load to San Bruno where she lives.
I got home about 2.45.
I ate some toast and jam and read newspapers.
Went to bed at 3.00.
30 August – 1976 – Monday
Was late in getting up, so I didn’t get any breakfast. Ate an orange at the office.
None of us had any work at the office., I worked on the week end’s journal entries.
There were various discussions throughout the day between Dor, Marquita and me. One between Dor and me, starting with day care centers, became rather heated. Her social philosophy is unusually reactionary.
I ate outside on the PG&E steps. The weather was quite hot.
Bought a Muni card for September.
In the afternoon I practiced on the MagCard a little, using the instruction book. Some principles I have not yet mastered.
At home. __ __
Prepared dinner, ate, washed dishes.
Searched for my Temple membership card which I have lost or misplaced. I couldn’t find it over the weekend. I looked everywhere I could think of and still couldn’t find it.
Typed in my journal from 9.30 to past 11.00, finishing up 4 pages. Dor’s son brought me a new adapter plug for the typewriter. It works better than the one I had, which was loose.
Read newspapers.
Went to bed at 12.30.
31 August – 1976 – Tuesday
Again I didn’t get up until 6.30, put up my lunch but didn’t get breakfast, ate an orange at the office.
No work came in to the office. Marquita had to make correction on the litigation report which she has been putting on ATS.
I worked on a past journal entry which I had never finished.
At lunch I saw the film in the employees’ series, “Without Warning,” which was about high blood pressure. It was worthwhile but I thought the importance of diet and exercise was downplayed and medication, over-emphasized, probably because a pharmaceutical company produced the film.
I ate lunch quickly on the PG&E steps.
In the afternoon practiced on some MagCard techniques.
Lor [friend at SF State] called. She said she had invited Barbara Peas to come on Monday to celebrate her birthday. She said she planned for us to meet at Golden Gate Park.
At home did my exercises.
Prepared dinner, ate and washed dishes.
Typed in my journal from 9.20 to 11.00, finalizing 4 pages.
Started Freedom at Midnight by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre. Marquita had brought it for me from her public library. Since she has to return it in 3 weeks, I started this instead of finishing the other two I am reading.
Went to bed at 1.00.
August 1976 Journal References
Temple / Members
Martin Amos
Ricardo Arterberry
Ellie Beam
Jack Beam
Bonnie Beck
Danny Beck
Don Beck
Mary Love Black
Donna Briggs [Lacy]
Johnny Brown
Chris Buckley
Ron Campbell
Patti Chastain
Rob Christian
Vernetta Christian
[Joicy] Clark
Stanley Clayton
Mark Cordell
Rick Cordell
Yulanda Crawford
Danny Curtin
Bob Davis
Anthony Doswell
Hugh Doswell
Laveria Doswell
Monica Doswell
Tyrone Duncan
Florine Dyson
Laurie Efrein
Judy Flowers
Bertha Ford
Connie Frohm
John Gardner
Anita Garrison
Renee Gieg
Rob Gieg
Viola Godshalk
X Griffith
Pat Grunnett
John Harris
Magnolia Harris
Nevada Harris
Vernell Henderson
Debbie Heneke
Colton Henry
Pat Hess
Archie Ijames
Norman Ijames
CJ Jackson
Melissa Jackson
Claire Janaro
Calvin Johnson
Irra Johnson
Poncho Johnson
Walter Johnson
Marcy Jones
Stephanie Jones
Emma Jurado
Anita Kelley
Rochelle “Socko” Kemp
Penny Kerns
Teresa King
April Klingman
William Klingman
Philip Lacy
Nawab Lawrence
Mother LeTourneau
Diane Louie
Chris Lewis
Helen Love
Diane Lundquist
Dov Lundquist
Willie Malone
Pat Martin
Danny Marshall
Wayne McCall
Maria McCann
Jim McElvane
Reneé McMurry
Linda Mertle
Cassandra Minor
Tommy Moore
Girlie Para
Dale Parks
Robert Paul
Rouletta Paul
Beulah Pendleton
Irvin Perkins
Lois Ponts
Kathy [Richardson] Purifoy
Santiago Rosa
Joyce Rozynko
Gina Severns
Albert Smith
Geneva Smith
Von Smith
Mae Spriggs
Bonnie Stahl
Jon Stoen
Tobiana Stone
William Swinney [no such person?]
Dick Tropp
Harriet Randolph Tropp
Cornelius Truss
Lorenza Tucker
Janet Tupper
Larry Tupper
Rita Tupper
Earlene Watkins
Sylvia Watson
Valysha Williams
Keith Wright
Lisa Wright
Lee Ethel Young
Apostolic Singers
“All the Weary Mothers of the World”
“I Thank You, Jim”
“Safety Place”
“United We Stand”
“We Don’t Like Oreo Cookies”
Films of promised land
p.l. = promised land
Testimonial Dinner [Sept 25]
Temple Members in JT
Grace Love Barry
Liz Forman Davis
Garry Lambrev
Sandy Parks
Valor St. John
Linda Swaney [Dunn]
Non Temple Names
Idi Amin
John Birch
Meg Brooks
Willie Brown
Jimmie Carter
Mervyn Dymally
Gerald Ford
Dr. Carlton Goodlett
Hubert Humphrey
Coretta King
Sen. Joseph McCarthy
Madalyn Murray O’Hair
Ronald Reagan
Reagan Republican
Paul Robeson
George C. Scott
Bobby Seale
Robert Strauss (Democratic National Committee Chair)
Uncle Tom
Harriet Tubman
Cecil Williams
Malcolm X
Edith’s Sisters/Relatives/Friends
Eddie [sister Edna]
Dor [sister Dorothy]
Mabs [sister Mabel]
Joyce Struble [friend of Dor]
Polly Williams
Aunt Josie & Uncle Earl
Larry (Josie’s son)
Ben & Florence
Robinette (daughter of Ben & Florence)
Dolph Chaney
Alison Garrison
Lor dela Fuente [friend at SF State]
Beth, Carol, Sacton, Manning, Dorothy [friends of Lor]
Bill dela Fuente
Barbara Peas
Bechtel / People / Edith Work
Betty Barclay
Phil Becnel
Steve Butler
Robert V. Galbraith
Jim Hartt
Ray Hines
Phillipe Lamy
Marquita Scarbery
Mr Shuman
Betty Vasil
Kate Walker
Mitchell Ware
Susan Wintersteen
Caracas Metro Contract
Consumers Power Ann Arbor Litigation
Employee Series Film: Without Warning
Employee Series Film: People of Ponce
Employee Series Film: Isles of Paradise
Sontrach Project, Algeria
Union Carbide Plant, Puerto Rico
Albuquerque, NM
Ann Arbor, MI
Aurora, CO
Barnum, Denver, CO
Buttonwillow, CA
Colorado Spring, CO
Death Valley, CA
Denver, CO
Dillon, CO
Dillon Lake, CO
Eugene, OR
Fort Collins, CO
Golden Gate Park, SF, CA
Grand Canyon, AZ
Hoosier Pass, CO
Hoover Dam, NV
Idaho Springs, CO
Las Vegas, NV
Louisville, Kentucky
Loveland Pass, CO
Mesa, AZ
New Jersey
Niagara Falls, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Pueblo, CO
Puerto Rico
San Bruno, CA
Steamboat Springs, CO
Stillwater, OK
Tempe, AZ
Arab nations
South Africa
Soviet Russia
Civil War
Continental Airloine
Coop Credit Union, SF
Democratic Convention
Dialectical Materialist
Farmers Market
Gallup Poll
Hayes Neighborhood Coop, SF
Joslin’s Department Store, Denver, CO
Justice Department
Kachina dolls
Kirlian photography
Ku Klux Klan
Laguna Honda Hospital, SF
Legionnaire Disease
Marineland, SF
Mormon Church
NOW – National Organization of Women
Peace Mission
Petrini’s Market, SF
PG&E Steps
Republican Convention
Sodom and Gomorrah
Western Airline
Newsweek magazine
Berkeley Barb Newspaper
Film: “Buck and the Preacher” Sydney Poitier & Harry Belafonte
Film: “The Loved One”
Film: “Night and Fog”
Film: ”Rage” with George C Scott
Film: “Sacco and Vanzetti”
Film: “The Twelve Chairs” dir Mel Brooks
Sidney Lens, Radicalism in America
Theodore Roszak, Where the Wasteland Ends
Larry Collins and Dominique, Freedom at Midnight