IX. Security

Assembled from lists and records found in the FBI documents, the jobs and workers listed in the Security department are in this pdf file:

Security Department Jobs and Personnel Listing


Head of Security
Tim (Day) Jones (Tupper)

Johnny Jones (Cobb) – Assistant


(Dispatch Office)

Dee Dee Smith, Ann Edwards – Tent Scheduling; Brenda Cobb (Jones), Donna Briggs – Roll Call
7am-3pm Internal Security Patrollers Lt. Bob Kice, Garry “Poncho” Johnson, Bonnie Simon, Jerome Anderson, Eyvonne James
3pm-11pm Internal Security Patrollers Shirley Gieg (Hicks), Bruce Jackson, Tinetra Johnson (Fain), Greg Watkins
11pm-7am Internal Security Patrollers Cleveland Newell, Bruce Jackson, Danny Moton, Lew Jones, Chris Jones, Tim Jones (Night), Amondo Griffith
Tower Security

(Tower-Corner Cottages)

Cynthia Jackson, Ellie Beam – Generator & Well Scheduling; Patsy Johnson, Rosie (Roseann) Ruggiero
Communications, Equipment & Scheduling Officer James Jones Jr.
JT Police Force Alma Thomas (Coley)
Front Gate Security Toi Fonzelle
Cassava Mill Security Vellersteane Jones
Boat Security Irene Edwards
Internal Surveillance Patrollers
Calvin Douglas
Internal Surveillance Security Lt. Shajhuanna (Dottie) Harris – Supervisor

Day: Valerie Jones, Janice Warren, Casey Finney, Newhuanda Walker (Darnes)

Night: Dawn Mitchell (Gardfrey), Ruth Lenin (Tupper), Mary Lenin (Tupper)

Taken from: CD2 vol75-p130 & CD2 vol75-p147 Approx date July ’78. Prepared by Don Beck 4/08

Security Organization Chart 1

Security Organization Chart 2

Security and Discipline Groups

Surveillance Security
ISS was part of security, to look for and report problems
– behaviors, attitudes, etc. ISS did regular security patrols throughout the day.
and Apprehend Team
SAT was called into disciplinary situations, sent out to find someone or something.
LC was the first name of disciplinary work crew. People assigned to LC for period of days. Extra work; lived in Dorm 1; supervised by Penny Kerns. First Learning Crews worked in fields.
NB was the new name for LC after 17 May 1978.

Barbara Simon (nights) & Laura Johnston (days) supervising

Service Unit
PSU seems to have replaced NB in late June. Many references to PSU in August Roller entries. Crew composed mostly of Disciplinary persons that did most of the work of Public Utilities Department (sanitation, roads, sidewalks, sewage, drains, etc.).
“Day Helper” — DH Refers to the Internal Security Patrollers during “daytime” hours

Discipline Guide

Two-page guide listing Public Service Offenses, which included: fighting, violence, ridiculing, vandalism, stealing, boisterousness, deceit, cutting class, etc. Appears to be written for school and classroom behaviors – but much could also be applied to general conduct. Points towards PSU could be assigned for various actions, leading to serving time on PSU.

ISS Report

Examples of behavior write-ups by people on ISS duty.

Security “Day Helper” (DH) Reports

Examples of reports written up by various security personnel for behaviors seen during their time on duty in September 1978. “Personnel are to rove constantly and do roll call checks. Observer crews and community services. Rove out the security route.” After July 1978 there were to be three to four roll call checks daily: people were responsible to check in at their place of work or with their residential supervisor.

Security Duties

List of persons assigned to each of the duties of security, with description of the jobs and activities entailed.

– Don Beck