Embassy letter to State, May 2, 1978

Georgetown, Guyana

May 2, 1978

Mr. Stephen Dobrenchuk
Department of State
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Steve:

Enclosed are a few items of interest relating to the People’s Temple. As you can imagine they are very concerned about the possibility of a mercenary attack on their community although I believe it is ridiculous.

There has been no movement on the Stoen case which is not surprising. The presiding judge is presently deeply involved as the Chairman of a special commission investigating labor problems so at the present, I have no idea when he will announce his decision.

I am very grateful for your intercession with the Visa Office. When I returned to Georgetown late last month there had been activity on the case that indicated to the Guyanese Government our willingness to try to resolve that particular problem. You may recall involved a 14-year-old Guyanese girl who inexplicably was being held in the United States by an American citizen.

Regardless of the outcome of that case we would have looked very bad had you not interceded.

I will be coming to the Consular Conference next month so I hope I will see you then. Again, thanks for your assistance.

Richard A. McCoy
American Consul