August Meetings of Agricultural Commission and Analysts, Peoples Rallies (Pt. 2)


29 August 78 follow-up from ACAO meeting…

  1. Instructions for every phase of agriculture and livestock to be complete
  2. Stove at Cassava mill to be repaired by CT [Charlie Touchette].
  3. Phyllis Bloom [Chaikin] check health hazards of the spoiling canned milk…
  4. Ruby [Carroll] and Nancy [Sines] to select paint colors, confirm with Dad and CT place order
  5. Johnny or Lee [Ingram] pick up railroad tye [tie] for timing gong, at 9 miles-bent iron.
  6. CT [Charlie Touchette] to construct fence on up to ceiling in mechanical tool room and complete door so it will lock.
  7. Inventories still need to be completed with prices.
  8. Merchandise evaluation committee to meet – should set date. Kay [Nelson] to call it.
  9. [Mike] Prokes get pricing from Gtn. On silos.
  10. Prokes see about getting 300 barrels in Gth [Gtn.].
  11. Phyllis check on powdered whole milk vs canned carnation for formula.
  12. Mary W [Wotherspoon] to write childrens course in art.
  13. Jack B. [Beam] to check if distemper shots have been arranged
  14. Johnny/Lee – Papaya to be contacted re 3100 BM lumber
  15. Richard [Janaro] to see about the 9000 BM in Gtn.
  16. Johnny check with dad on the transportation problem in Gtn. – Should it be reconsidered to get another vehicle for his use in purchasing?
  17. Announcement to be made re incentives and department supervisors should be turning in their names for BEST WORKER in each department.
  18. Lee to report to triumvirate on Nancy Sines
  19. Aurora Rodriguez to paint all the garbage cans…
  20. Richard to check on draft animals… Prokes
  21. Another business person in town needed?
  22. Medical department to pass out short day lists…
  23. What about castration of the male kittens of the large black cat?
  24. Are the new persons going to be trained in doing the castrations?
  25. Safety report is to be given weekly at the ACAO meetings – was not done this past meeting.




[Single page with eight items, most of them covered in other meetings, illegible]



ACAO MINUTES – 29 August 78

Attendance: Albert T. [Touchette], Sarah [Harriet] Tropp, Phyllis Bloom [Chaikin], Charlie Touchette, Harold [Cordell] Bogue, Carolyn Layton, Mike Prokes, Jack Beam, Tish Leroy, Stanley Clayton, Hugh [Hue] Fortson, Darrell Devers, Jan Wilsey, Johnny Jones, Gene Chaikin, Joyce Touchette, Paula Adams, Shonda James [Shanda Oliver], Carolyn Kirkendall, Judy Ijames, Rhonda Fortson.

Absent: Bob Christian, Shirley Gieg, Johnny C. Jones, Tim Jones, Lucy Crenshaw and Stephen [Stephan] Jones.


  1. Agriculture to complete Carolyn’s instruction to prepare list of instructions for every plant they grow, spray, etc.… instructions for every phase of agriculture and livestock.
  2. Safety at cassava mill – the press not to be repaired, but the stove is to be repaired. CT [Charlie Touchette]said he would take responsibility.
  3. Cassava kitchen gave pots to Joyce’s group to use during their temporary close down. Kitchen now refusing to return them. Jack is to have Mary W [Wotherspoon] go through the kitchen and list the look-alike pots and gives a list to the CAO’s… A decision will be made from this. The Cassava kitchen will be operating again soon.
  4. The question of the canned milk storage came up in analysts meeting and was referred to CAO’s. Phyllis Bloom is to check on the health hazards of the spoiling canned milk. What are the risks of botulism, etc.
  5. Paint colors to be selected by Ruby [Carroll] and Nancy [Sines] and given to Charlie so that an order for paint can be made up.
  6. Timing gong – Iron to have been selected. Johnny or Lee [Ingram] to try to pick up some bent iron at 9 miles… They are to use railroad iron on a chain for our bell. CT will have it constructed when he gets the railroad iron.
  7. Inventory in the tool room is a problem with security – Nat [Swaney] expresses need to keep people from gate-hopping and taking supplies without notation. Recommend fencing to ceiling and door with lock and periodic security to check to see that night supervisor keeps it locked – none should be in there but night supervisor after Nat is gone, and will have to make notation on any items used. Also, Frances Davis will help part-time in the tool room as soon as she is over her present physical problem. Medical to give her a release before starting.
  8. Incomplete inventories: Dollar volume inventories not yet completed by: PA crew, Security, Medical still not complete, boats, store, sewing, electrical pricing, and High School. The stock room for Nat Is not yet complete, either.



Other agenda items…

  1. Merchandise Evaluation Committee
  2. Food storage booklets
  3. Feed storage-animals
  4. Powdered vs Canned milk
  5. Children’s art course
  6. PSU [Public Service Unit] & Education dept
  7. ACAO’s Putting People on PSU.
  8. Rickets in pigs? Chickens?
  9. Radio commercial chicken growers…
  10. Distemper shots
  11. Additional barrels – Gtn
  12. Lumber from Papaya
  13. Albatross completion schedule
  14. Clevie [Cleyvee] Sneed – bead program
  15. Lee to check Nancy’s schedule
  16. Aurora [Rodriguez] to paint garbage cans
  17. Georgetown problems – Richard [Janaro]
  18. Georgetown business person
  19. Road crew
  20. Schedule meeting – paperwork
  21. Dispatch officer – Lucy [Crenshaw]
  22. Cudjoe business
  23. Georgetown repair orders
  24. Short day lists – medical
  25. Lost treatments – infections
  26. Black cat castrated – others?
  27. CASTRATION – technician training?


1) Formation of MERCHANDISE EVALUATION COMMITTEE was announced by CAO’s in response to need to evaluate what items should be sold and which items are needed for use by family. The following persons have been selected: Kay Nelson, chairperson, (Hugh [Hue] Fortson] alternate), members – Ruby Carol [Carroll], Joyce Touchette, Hugh Fortson, Beverly Livingston, Alice Ingram [Inghram] and Kay Nelson. This committee falls under the BUSINESS department.

2) Food storage – Prokes is to contact both Georgetown and Stateside on issue of getting books, booklets etc. on ways for tropical food storage, problems with canned goods, etc. Suggest we procure some from Berkeley, etc.

3) Feed storage – animals: Present plan is to build bins for the feed storage. Consider also purchase of silos in Georgetown – CT [Charlie Touchette] says were available. GET PRICING ON THESE. When the new buildings are constructed for food storage in the central community area, we are considering special storage for the flour and grains – possibly the large plastic tanks, or the vacuum barrels – but will need a lot more barrels for this. Check with Georgetown on the feasibility of purchasing of the barrels and cost – not to have had any petroleum products in them.

4) Since Ron Talley came up with recommendation on the saving of money through using whole, powdered milk as against the Carnation – former having greater shelf storage life also, and can put in vacuum storage… Discovered need more information. Phyllis Bloom is to check with medical and see the problems or benefits of the powdered whole milk over the canned carnation milk for babies formulas. Milkman Whole Powdered Milk is what we have been using. Joyce T. to give her information needed.

5) Children’s art courses – Mary W. has requested to write out a children’s art course for our school program. Carolyn [likely Kirkendall] cleared with Jack that the time for this is to be taken after school gets started again.

6) PSU & EDUCATION DEPT: Question is since PSU supervisors have children of school age, they need training in this. They are to come to training sessions. There are 3 permanent PSU children – they will be integrated into the public school system. Teachers will arrange alternates during their teachers training sessions.



ACAO meeting of 29 August


7) Tom Grubbs will spend more time with the PSU department when Dolores Wilson arrives to aid in the administration department. Tom has some ideas for working with anarchistic patterns, particularly in children.

ACAO’s PUTTING ON PSU DIRECT … Some will be put on PSU direct from departments by the ACAO’s in charge of the departments… However, this will become a day-to-day thing; they will have no control over how many days or when the person can come off… Sentence is not to be determined by supervisors; is determined by Dad and Jury in People’s Rally.

8) Chicken feed – There is some question as to the value of the chicken feed – John Harris is challenging it… Says some have signs of rickets. Those on the pig feed doing okay so far. Hugh [Hue] said John Harris gave chickens ground up corn to cure the problem. Jack to check this out.

9) Prokes to radio Georgetown and see what commercial growers feed their chickens – if same thing, then not likely the problem. We have had no trouble with this before. There have been a lot of sanitation problems reported lately, and these may be contributory.

10) Distemper – Jack was to check if John Harris has arranged the distemper shots. There should be a radio message and an order go in on this unless John ordered direct through medical ordering person… JACK PUSH IT…

11) Richard is to be contacted for more barrels for food storage from Georgetown. Need at least 300 – can be lighter weight, need only pull 5-7 pressure… Not to get petroleum product barrels – food storage only should have been in them.

12) Lumber – 3100 BM short from Papaya, 9000 due us from Georgetown… Ask Richard if he has followed up on this. He is having transportation problems and this is a major problem.

[Marginal note: “Johnny”] This should probably be conveyed directly to Dad … From what Richard told us is a major problem of why he cannot get his work done. Jack feels is valid problem.

13) Albatross – Richard was to see that this is completed by end of 1st week in September, if not – then it is to go to drydock in Georgetown. Prokes is to check with Richard on this. Get date of completion.

14) Clevie Sneed asked to make the beads for the program of incentives… Will make announcement tonight. DEPARTMENT SUPERVISORS SHOULD BE TURNING IN THEIR NAMES FOR “BEST WORKER” each week.

15) There was a question on Nancy Sines scheduling – Lee said he will get her schedule checked out, and report back to us on this.

16) Painting garbage cans – Aurora Rodriguez is to paint all the garbage cans like the ones she did for herbal kitchen. Was to do this with Rhonda [Fortson]. Presently working on loan to sewing department.

17) Gtn problems… Richard doesn’t like to haggle – likes being nice guy… Maria [Katsaris] says he is raising hell and copping an attitude… They have no transportation. SEE ITEM 12 IN RE DRAFT ANIMALS – Jack told Richard whom he should talk with… Mrs. Bachus on E. Bank. He agreed to do this in front of FEB [Finance Evaluation Board] when last here… Prokes to tell him about this… Remind him he promised us this.




18) Another business person needed in town – Carolyn [Layton] will suggest this out and others of triumvirate; she said they had others in mind…

19) Road crew was selected by Triumvirate… Burrell Wilson, Keaty Wright, Pat Patterson, Jerry Wilson, Larry Layton, [blank space for another name] and Mike Touchette.

The bulldozer operations are still under Jack – Mike is to be conferring with Jack on his work assignments, is still under Jack on dozers. Christian is over the work crew.

20) CAO’s are to sit down with Farm department and accounting and figure what should remain on the paperwork… Thurs 1:00 PM.

21) Dispatch officer – Lucy Crenshaw: all departments are to check with Lucy on things going out of Jonestown. Attach instructions for Gtn and DO GET AN ORDER NUMBER FOR THE ITEM. Question asked if the fertilizer ever reached Georgetown – opinion was that it had.

22) Cudjoe business – The Cudjoe falls under the Business department which is Kay and Hugh… Hugh will work directly on the Cudjoe business. Lucy will let the Captain know and will sign for the manifest going to Georgetown. Lucy is then to go to the radio and transmit what she is sending in so that they will check off the items for repair, etc. Repair items are to first have departmental supervisors signature and then come to finance committee with a ballpark estimate for repairs; if too far above listed estimate, Gtn should get approval for increase.

23) ORDER NUMBERS WILL BE LISTED for items sent into town for repair. Presently looking for drums and gauge sent in for repair… Everything needs a number.

Many other contacts have changed it was pointed out – and a new list of information needs to be compiled. Guyana Electric was asking us about source for buying the rewinding wire promoters from stateside.

PUT DESCRIPTION ON THE ITEM ALONG WITH THE PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER. Must have Dad’s approval for the expenditure. Describe what you think is wrong with item, and what you think might need to be done – and what kind of place to take it to for repair, if you know… Check with Charlie and others for this last information.

24) Medical department will be passing out weekly – SHORT DAY LISTS of people who are to come to the medical department on all days… If not on list need to be sent by department head or treatment nurse signed note.

25) Phyllis said that on leaving all treatment of infections till night, they often forget them or the dirt stays in too long – much more severe infections result. Medical does not have the night staffing to handle all of these at night.

26) Wagnal was taking care of the big black cat that was castrated – there are a lot of little males running around that will be impregnating their sisters and through inbreeding danger of malformed animals with deformed hips, etc. Important we get them caught and castrated…

27) castration trainees – it was agreed we need some other persons besides Larry to handle the castrations. Get Larry together with John Harris, Cleveland Newell and Vicki Marshall. Johnny will suggest this to Larry and John Harris…




ACAO AGENDA ITEMS and follow-up… 24 Aug prior meeting


  1. All personnel lists with worker – “other” skills lists to be into Carolyn L. [Layton], are these all done?
  2. Major Thomas – what about dump truck at Ridge; still need to borrow & should arrangements be made?
  3. Kay [Nelson] to schedule down river trip to Kamaca for inventory and planning – when is this scheduled? [Marginal notes: “Table. After Garry is here after 10th Sept.”]
  4. CAO’s and ACAO’s should confirm analysts decision not to repair the cassava press or mill for safety reasons originally – now not considered unsafe. CT [Charlie Touchette] WAS TO FIX THE STOVE, considered much more dangerous at the Cassava Mill. [Marginal note: “Table”]
  5. Did Agriculture complete Carolyn’s instruction to prepare of instructions for every plant they spray … Written down? [Marginal note: “Table”]


1) Cassava kitchen gave pots to Joyce’s [Touchette] group, or kitchen while they were closed down. Now they are re-opening and say kitchen will not return their pots (Mary Wotherspoon and Teena Turner complaining). Is there some reason for this?

2) FROM STEERING – Was pricing done for senior sitting area by CT

3) FROM STEERING – Is the Bell System (gong) started? Who is assigned?

4) FROM STEERING – Railings in pavilion to be scheduled for moving back to outside walls and maps to be moved out also.

5) FROM STEERING – Colors were to be selected for cottages paint and order to be placed. As of this date Finance Evaluation Board has not received the order.

6) Inventory security in Parts and Tool room – Nat [Swaney] expenses need to keep people from gate-hopping and stealing or taking supplies without notation. Recommend fencing to ceiling and door with locks and a periodic security to check to see that night supervisor keeps it locked – none should be in there but night supervisor after Nat is gone, and will have to make notation on any items used.

7) All departments are responsible to see that your inventories are completed with prices and that by September 1, you have a costing program in effect in your department. Every ACAO is responsible to see Harold [Cordell Bogue] or Tish [Leroy] to see that monthly cost-sheets are going into the accounting department. September 1 is starting deadline… If the ACAO does not have the new costing set up started, they are responsible to do it. Jesse will be around on September 1 to see that the new systems are in operation. Carol, Tish, Jesse and Harold will personally come in and help you set it up… but it must be in and functioning by September 1. One week later, tentative budgets will be figured for each department, and thereafter departments will have to function within those budgets – though they can request to



modify if they feel it is not reasonable. All departments are herewith requested to list (as many as possible) ways in which they can cut their departmental costs, and ways to reduce the labor necessary to operate their department.


9) Merchandise evaluation committee should be named – FEB [Finance Evaluation Board] recommends that Kay Nelson (representing the stores) and Joyce Touchette representing central supply and family needs be placed on the committee along with others recommended – Hugh [Hue] Fortson as alternate for Kay but a regular committee member, and possibly Alice Ingram [Inghram] and others – a committee of perhaps 5-7 members with requirement that at least 2 from each of the two divisions be present and perhaps the others could be hopefully objective persons without bias in either department. CAO’s might want to take this under advisement after hearing the recommendations of the ASSISTANT CAO’s… however, an issue is at hand with the caps currently in the warehouse – Patty [Cartmell] wants them now, and the Central supply needs some for the field workers and those in the sun needing protection for their eyes and faces. [Marginal note: “Kay has a list of names.”]



24 August 78 ACAO FOLLOW-UP

[Note at top of page: “All departments check w/ [illegible name] Cudjoe shipping”]

  1. Marie Rankin to turn in safety report on how to make the press safer.
  2. Canned milk – Ron [Talley] and Joyce [Touchette] determine about putting the milk into the cellar and build skids or racks for it. Determine deadlines for use. – Jerry
  3. Richard [Janaro] to be notified to get after more barrels – don’t get barrels that have had petroleum products in them – barrels that have had food in them.
  4. Farm analysts to discuss feed storage – done.
  5. Notify states to get us books procured on food storage methods and problems. Need excellent library on this.
  6. Albert [Touchette] to see tarp in on the trailers going out to load the boats (even if it is sunny).
  7. A memo to go to Georgetown about mishandling of flour bags, turning off corners, etc.
  8. Safety report to be regular agenda item weekly for ACAO Meetings.
  9. Papaya – Additional 3100 BM of wood due us… Has contact been made? Gtn. – Additional 9000 BM of wood due us … Has contact been made?
  10. Flagpole to be put up.
  11. Incentives – Clevie [Clevyee] Sneed to be assigned to make the beads for program… Has this been started?
  12. Someone check with Lee [Ingram] on apparent “looseness” of Nancy Sines’
  13. Aurora Rodriguez to be contacted about doing the garbage can-deco.
  14. Paint to be selected for cottages and order to be placed – not yet done.
  15. CT [Charlie Touchette] to do the plan for the Sr. sitting areas (structures).
  16. John Harris (ACAO is Jack Beam) to arrange the distemper shots – Jack said he would look into it to see what has been done.
  17. Road crews to be set up; crew of 6 selected – work scheduled to be mapped out with Christian… Has this been done? Chips for parts of road tried?
  18. Fines on Hill #9 at ridge – to check this out.
  19. FEB [Finance Evaluation Board] to meet and make decision on rock crusher – done. Decided not to buy.
  20. Are all ACAO’s giving CAO’s cooperation?
  21. Inspectors to be on analysts agenda for work time to be scheduled with their crews – done.
  22. Did farm plan get revised as CAO’s requested?
  23. Did all crews get in their personnel lists, scheduled hours and skills?
  24. Education – Did Ava [Jones] meet with Bob Christian? and Jan [Jann Gurvich] and Gene [Chaikin] to meet and legalize or formalize terms of punishment for specific offenses for jury?
  25. Is Lucy [Crenshaw] getting the weekly reports from ACAO’s she is supposed to get?

Johnny – be sure to check last week’s follow-up. Some was omitted from agenda.



ACAO FOLLOW-UP LIST OF ITEMS from last two meetings…

  1. What happened to disinfect on shower floors? Was testing successful?
  2. Shirley Gieg to have a REGULAR REPORT FOR EACH ACAO MEETING on the Safety Follow-up to see what has been corrected and what has not.
  3. Major Thomas – Are we still to get the dump truck at ridge for the fines or lumber?
  4. Did we get the lumber from Papaya? If not, should we be getting it?
  5. What is happening with the fines? Are we getting more.
  6. Where are we with the cosmetic overhaul of the road?
  7. Did post holes get dug at piggery from the meeting of July 31?
  8. Report on the inventories: Did Harold [Cordell Bogue] arrange the meeting to notify everyone what was needed for them on the inventories?
  9. When will CT [Charlie Touchette] get the 3rd pole structure covered with aluminum?
  10. [Line struck through] When will the Administration office be completed?
  11. Are the lunch boxes being returned or missing meals if the boxes do not come in?
  12. What about wood for the front gate?
  13. Johnny Jones said he had an idea on the noon monitors (news) – did it get done? Or do we need to come up with another.
  14. Was the barrel back on playground, or has it been repaired yet?
  15. Has Ava’s [Jones] committee completed the house drill?
  16. Did Kay [Nelson] meet with Pat [Patterson], Rheav [Rheaviana Beam], and Ruby [Carroll]? And when is she scheduling her trip to Kamaca to do the inventory. Will Hugh [Hue Fortson] be here in her absence?
  17. We have a STOP on the stateside purchasing except emergencies: this must be a REMINDER item…
  18. Confirm analysts decision not to repair the cassava mill for safety reasons… and did CT fix the stove that is reported to be so dangerous?
  19. In re the trailer tires we thought were sabotaged in front of the quarry – Did Johnny or Lee see that this got handled? Did we elect to report it to the police? Does any more need to be done on it?



[handwritten notes]

Ask Maryann [Casanova] who told her to move broken furniture under Apt. 1

Rotate – can the dept be notified as soon as possible

Joan Davison: [illegible word] can she go to medical dept

Incentive program must be generated



  1. When electricity goes on in cottages must go through in re the lights left on when electricity went off.
  2. Steering – A meeting date should be set even if it is not until next Monday. People do not feel rejected if a time is set for their functioning.
  3. Analysts – should not wait until Friday night … possibly tomorrow night after the fashion show they should meet. The agenda is heavy and things are not doing too well. Russell [Moton] checked in with Carol on his schedule only once… No one told me, I asked this morning because it was on my checklist. (See item one on commentary)
  4. ACAO’s time should be spent planning the meeting and an – allowing enough time to adequately cover agenda should be drawn the items list. Then a time should be set for the meeting.
  5. Government responsibility: function sheets and the large red chart… these are completed and should be given to Dad double check before putting up publicly. Possibly he will want to give a copy of the functioning sheet to [Don] Freed… But he would have to check it first. Let me know if anything still needs changing. Gene [Chaikin] worked with me on this.
  6. Steering items become ACAO jobs… The following as far as I know are either incomplete or have never gone on your schedule for ACAO’s.
    1. CT [Charlie Touchette] to figure pricing for Senior sitting area structure.
    2. Bell system (gong) to be completed.
    3. [Handwritten entry] Colors to be selected for cottages & order to be placed –
    4. Railings in pavilion to be scheduled for moving back to outside walls and maps to be moved out also
  7. Department lists of personnel, hours scheduled and skills – I mentioned to Lucy [Crenshaw] and had Jesse give her a list (You told ACAO’s she would pick them up from them)… She is starting to contact them today. Needs a public announcement again to remind them to cooperate with her on this. Carolyn [Layton] asked for it last meeting.
  8. Yellow time sheets I gave you last ACAO meeting were to be reviewed, the pink retained by you and the yellow’s returned to me… Did not get them back and I’m holding this week’s timesheets for you now.
  9. Ernestine Blaire [Ernestine Blair] – Jack [Beam] wants to replace her with Eugene Smith… did he talk with you on this? Is there some other place she could be placed so it would not hurt her so much… She says she wants out every time it comes to floor, so think she would feel relieved if have some face saving change.
  10. Town still has not gotten us the soil testing items Russell needs. Will put through another radio message on this. RUSSELL GOOFING ON HIS SCHEDULE … this tends to mushroom very fast, because his omissions cause entire growing area to fall down.
  11. [Asterisk in margin on this item] I gave you two additional memos… wanting your input before I went to dad with the items, or let you do it if you preferred. Felt it was important or would not have taken time to write it… If you have no opinion on it will go ahead and write it up to Dad – would rather have your reactions and analysis first… You have only copy of one of them. One on FEB [Finance Evaluation Board] members and other on ACAO’s…

Commentary: You should be checking back with me or making lists of your own…



[Handwritten note]


Have one more memo to go over with you but will hold till your time permits – Will need at least 15 minutes on it – am not going to give you more memos – see you as your time permits on them. I want an answer on it when you read it rather than have it sit in a pile – Ruby [Carroll] & I will be up most the night so appreciate if you can come by for a few minutes after rally – If you cannot please tell me – If you can just show up when you can get here –

Finance meeting tomorrow – a lot of stateside feedback – I’ll work on it tonight so it will be ready for meeting – a lot of items from Randolph –

  1. [Harriet Tropp]

PS – And very upset & will feel better to talk with you & clear the problems – I have them briefly itemized


C-8-a-59a – a-59b

Less legible copy of C-8-a-60a – a-60b



ACAO FOLLOWUP LIST – meeting of 14 August 78

  1. Safety report not given.
  2. Road still to be completed – planned for by Sunday.
  3. Need resolution on whether or not to get the duck truck from ridge.
  4. Access roads – should consult with [several words illegible] PLANNING COMMITTEE IF ACCESS ROAD CAN BE PLANNED INTO FUTURE site planning to avoid much problems of access of large equipment during rainy seasons… and still allowing adequate use of main thoroughfares.
  5. Cats to go down to piggery and
  6. Barrels to go down for the grain and flour storage from rodents.
  7. Lumber and fines to be scheduled in from Papaya.
  8. New farm planting schedule of farm crops should come in from analysts so that CAO’s will have the tentative garden and crop schedule worked out for food planning… should not go past a week on getting this in. Possibly CAO’s should meet with farm on this.
  9. Have necessary parts been ordered to overhaul the burned out tractor and do we have an estimate of its down time? Is a plowing schedule worked out with the other tractor?
  10. Construction was to change the pickup truck to 6 cylinder engine… was to start yesterday – since keeping this in operation, should we check to see if more parts are needed on order to keep it running… we canceled the parts order on the pickup.
  11. RADIO message was to go in that the truck in town not to be used as taxi…
  12. Discussion with Dad about truck in town… there was no resolution on this. Should a new maintenance person be sent in? Has it had the 500 mile checkup? What about oil and service on the vehicle in there? Is it also burning a lot of oil? POSSIBLY PART OF THE DAILY ROUTINE SHOULD BE THE [illegible word] REPORT OF WHAT HAS BEEN DONE ON THE TRUCK IN TOWN EACH DAY… AMOUNT OF GAS PUT IN, AMOUNT OF OIL, AND [illegible word] report and mileage it drove, with speedometer readings given in the daily report… if not for business, was it hauling or what constituted the bulk of mileage. Should talk with mechanics and drivers and see if 4 wheel drive is better or 2 wheel drive in town bearing in mind the argument of Stephen [Stephan Jones] and Al [Touchette] who should be in the discussion, with others who are knowledgeable. SOME CONSENSUS SHOULD BE ARRIVED AT re this issue.
  13. Radio person to be in every ACAO meeting – should be added to the attendance roll…
  14. Nancy Sines should be contacted to design some beads for the incentive program, and schedule production after the guests have left … should bring her ideas into steering in next couple of weeks…
  15. Tim Jones to order his wood weekly in advance for front gate people.
  16. Should there be any follow-up with police on the blowout item?



  1. Inventories and pricing of them must be completed this week… Should get a firm commitment this will be done no later than Friday of this week.
  2. Should anything further be checked on with the new bathroom?
  3. FEB [Finance Evaluation Board] agenda item – review board for tape recorders, caps and such items. – noted for Wednesday’s agenda.
  4. Personnel lists – all departments should be reminded to get in the lists to Carolyn within a week. Lucy [Crenshaw] should go around mid week and see when she can pick them up from the ACAO’s. To list names, scheduled hours for each and list of the skills of each worker.


  1. Cassava kitchen pots – They let kitchen use them during their close down and Joyce [Touchette] unwilling to return them from what is reported… Should come up when Mary Wotherspoon is present.
  2. 3rd pole structure still to be covered or roofed.
  3. Administration office still to be completed.
  4. Noon monitors?
  5. Completion of house drill – RALLY REPORT TO DAD ON THIS?
  6. Scheduling of Kay’s [Nelson] trip to Kamaca.
  7. Comparative analysts decision not to repair cassava mill, and to repair the stove instead…
  8. Security people to take care of grass and brush around Dad’s place.
  9. Does Johnny need to discuss with dad the issue of the senior gardens being ripped out and “doing it right…” or… Analysts recommended to yank it up and plow an limit lay fallow for a while… couple of roots here and there.



ACAO AGENDA – Meeting of 14 August, 78


–tl [Tish Leroy]

Attendance: Johnny Jones, Sarah [Harriet] Tropp, Carolyn Layton, Shonda James [Shanda Oliver], Darrell Devers, Paula Adams, Jan [Jann] Gurvich, Phyllis Bloom [Chaikin], Rhonda Fortson, Tish Leroy, Shirley Gieg, Gene Chaikin, Joyce Touchette, Marcy [Marceline] Jones, Ava Jones, Harold [Cordell] Bogue, Kay Nelson, Hugh [Hue] Fortson, Caroline, Jack Beam, Charlie Touchette, Albert Touchette.


  1. Sanitizing Shower floors
  2. Safety Report
  3. Rolling barrel
  4. Road overhaul
  5. Dump truck from GNS [Guyana National Service]
  6. Landscaping
  7. Mess-up vs. cleanup
  8. Broken furniture disposal
  9. Agricultural tractors
  10. Access Roads completion tasks
  11. Rodents
  12. Lumber & Fines from Papaya
  13. Change in planting schedules
  14. New Truck to [Matthews] Ridge
  15. Truck in town and Bedford Van
  16. Rotating town people
  17. Incentives
  18. Lunches and boxes
  19. Wheat and beans
  20. Wood at front gate – Tim Jones
  21. Kaituma and Ridge police item
  22. Stateside orders – CUT OFF
  23. Inventories
  24. Bathrooms
  25. A Review Board – FEB [Financial Evaluation Board]
  26. Personnel lists from all

SHOWERS – Phyllis Bloom reported that it will cost us about $37.50 to sanitize all of the floors in the showers in Jonestown for one year. It seems to be successful so far from tests we have taken.

Safety – The safety report was called for – they are working on the PSU primarily at this time – no follow-up safety report given.

Rolling barrel – The barrel formerly on the children’s playground and removed for safety reasons, has been converted to an incinerator for the medical department for burning infected rags, etc.

Road – Have 35-40 logs in place and waiting for the rest to come out of the bush. Should be through with it this week. Plan to have done Sunday for sure. Going to put the work back on the sides so it won’t come off.

Have gallon of the fence paint left

Dump truck – Question whether or not we should try to get the dump truck from the ridge – we still need the fines and the lumber?. Wait and see no specific resolution at this time when Lee [Ingram] returns from Ridge.

Landscaping – Got everything planted out and the plants that we gave out to individuals for yard beautification seem to have gotten planted in the cases I checked out, in the cottages. Have planters yet to do but must get some logs and topsoil for this. Have it scheduled. The front end of the place looks bad. We are out of materials to landscape with – we had not planned such a massive landscaping program and have used all we had, aid Gene.



Messup/Cleanup – Shirley mentioned that at some point we must discontinue the policy of messing up one area to clean up another… It is a major problem about the various areas in the central community – the tractors come through and make mush… the path gets fixed one place then another is messed up getting through to something else.

Broken Furniture – Maryann [Casanova] is piling broken furniture under one of the dorms and Hugh [Hue] is asking why and who authorized it? Looks worse when they are trying to beautify. (Note: this item later handled and settled in Steering meeting of same date).

Agric Tractors – How much travel of the Agric tractors across the road we are trying to fix up (path across field). They only need another 1/2 load of soil and will have enough. J.R. said will still have to get diesel back and forth. If you roll by hand will mess up the barrels. There is also the issue of having to carry 250# bags of sugar on the backs of men … and heavy flour bags.

C.T. suggested the kitchen organize their needs ahead of time so that he knows few days in advance, and he can arrange a daily delivery from the Cassava Mill so that they will not have to go through by tractors and other vehicles.

Joyce said she can and will do this.

Access Roads – If we can avoid the roads a few days will help greatly. If it looks nice when [Don] Freed arrives, felt the first impression is what lasts…

Mother [Marceline Jones] concerned men do not carry too heavy loads – all agreed. Better to even split heavy flour bags and have two men carrying 1/2 bags rather than four trying to carry one… when it has to be done.

Rodents – Have run out of rat poison. It has been about 3 weeks now and would again like to try the cats down there – it should be long enough now that the poisoned rats are not going to be around the poison the cats. We are losing about 38# rice per week – it is now going up to 150# said Jack [Beam]. We are sending down some of our barrels for the flour and the rice to be stored in to protect from the rodents. Will either have to use barrels for storage, or get sheet metal and make rodent-proof bins to keep them out of our supplies. We can probably hold them back with the cats, but no way can we get rid of them because they live in the bush and just come in to eat. Joyce commented that we should see that they get fresh milk daily, and are otherwise fed…

Lumber & Fines from Papaya – Went to Papaya today to transport some of the lumber to the train. Still have 4 loads of fines coming in. In the future must coordinate it to save our equipment.

Change in farm schedule – Jack sees a very serious problem on the farm. Trying to operate with just one tractor. Must have the equipment, if need be, JUST SITTING so that when we need it can move it out. If we miss plow time through the rainy seasons, may cost us many weeks in our planting program.



Weather and equipment have been against us, said Jack. Only the bananas are in. Got half the beans in, but must finish it out with peanuts.

Now the land is able to be plowed. We have a very serious situation. In the gardens we have nothing to show – must tour the guests to bypass the gardens as they are not in good shape. Jack subsequently complained about the truck being used to go to the ridge.

Caroline explained this was an emergency situation and the truck was taken for security… that in usual and future times our people do and will be taking the train. CT [Charlie Touchette] commented would probably be cheaper to take truck to pick up chickens than Land Rover as they have been gouging us badly on this. Lose too many chickens with other modes of transportation and the chickens are part of the farm. This trip today was used for combination, and was well utilized… WILL NOT BE USED FOR TAXI.

Truck in town – It was pointed out that the truck in town IS BEING USED AS A TAXI… that the Bedford Van is down and when Sharon [Amos] needs to go places in a hurry has them take her in truck… Mother pointed out can get hired car on appointment basis from the day before… they will be there on time for you – should not wait to the last moment to call them anyway.


When the truck came out from town was showing poor maintenance on it… is using oil heavily and may already need a valve job… has been run without oil. Came out with no oil in crank case. Even the hydraulic system was out of oil. The $50 day we might gain is a very low amount for our investment and the price of labor and maintenance…

CT, Jack and others say 4 wheel best suited for here; Al [Touchette] and Steve [Stephan] Jones say the 4 wheel drive is better for the town than for here. CT says that unless we can send in a maintenance person – better bring them out here. Stephen said we have burned out engines here too and better get our maintenance people here on a better keel while we are at it.

CT said when we have to take the truck over, might make $$ hauling from the ridge to Port Kaituma…

The Bedford Van in town down with throwout bearing…


Rotating People – Phyllis mentioned this will be a problem for medical with the appointment schedule they are keeping. Carolyn [Layton] several departments to keep in mind that the PR and others who rotate MUST GO IN… and will have to make appropriate adjustments in all departments. Please do not complain.



INCENTIVE – Phyllis Bloom reported that they are having trouble getting people in the medical department to work overtime since the praises system is no longer around… they worked well for the extra treats, but she’s having trouble getting this now that the treats are discontinued.

Lunch boxes – Joyce said that Maryann reports the lunchboxes are coming and now that the rule was made to lose a meal for not bringing them in and since they are on the check out schedule of farm.

Wood at gate – Joyce reported sometimes they get down to the last piece of wood. She was to give them wood starting today, but they bypassed her. It came out Jack told Tim [Jones] that if you got the wood off the truck before it got to Joyce that it was in Jack’s bailiwick… Joyce suggests that they place their order for wood directly with Jackat one time for the entire week… and haul it out there. This was agreed to. Tim Jones responsible to place his order direct.

Wheat and beans – Joyce mentioned objection to the wheat and beans order being placed in her absence and thought Tish manipulated it in rally, Caroline said it has already been reviewed and that Dad said to have analysts meet with the FEB and reevaluate the situation. Meeting was set for Tuesday morning 7:30 for all concerned to be present. Part is based on Shirley Field’s nutritional report, and new information that beans are very scarce in Guyana.

Police item – Johnny [Jones] or Lee [Ingram] were to advise Ridge and/or Kaituma police of the apparent attempt to sabotage our vehicles. Johnny did advise both law enforcement divisions.

Stateside – Johnny reinforced his prior statement that all departments are to stop submitting stateside orders. FURTHER ALL DEPARTMENTS ARE TO BE DEVELOPING ALTERNATIVE SOURCES FROM WHICH TO BUY SUPPLIES.

Inventories – [illegible word] of the list of inventories still incomplete. These are needed to be completed this week. All are to see Harold [below] if a problem doing this.

Bathroom – Shirley objected to the squaring of the hole and the depth irregularities on the new bathroom. CT and other construction people advised the impossibility of squaring with the equipment we have – the boom will only reach 13 feet when it is on good ground. All agreed it will be okay as it is proceeding.

Review Board – A review should be done of the things that are being sold down river – such as the caps and tape recorders. All agreed that we have at times gone too far. It is both a supply situation for us, and a morale situation at times. Finance Evaluation Board shall include this in their agenda and come up with suggestions on the issue. Possibly they should sit as review board since they get the ordering problems.

PERSONNEL – Caroline once all departments to prepare personnel lists, 5 day week listing scheduled daily hours and total work, & brief skills



[Handwritten notation at top of page: “Johnny”]



  1. The field people said they were told to leave the grass and brush around Dad’s place because the security was going to take care of this. Gene [Chaikin] mentioned that the path of citrus is just a hedge; we use rough lemon which is very thorny deliberately as security planting – Is this to be a hedge?
  2. Carolyn [Layton] feels that there is need to have a list of instructions for every plant you spray written down. ACAO should have a log on this.
  3. Senior Gardens… Johnny Jones said he “has mixed emotions about this”… He would hate to have this happen with all of this rain if we don’t plan on planting back there immediately. “Can also see the part about taking it out and doing it right… It would leave a big gap… And then there is the PR thing we use about planting every square is possible to food…” (Recommending yank it up and plow and let it lay fallow for a while… Couple rows here and there”)

FROM MINUTES OF FEB [Finance Evaluation Board] 14 August 78

  1. Bedford Truck in town – valves? Oil situation? Maintenance?
  2. Throwout Bearing to go in Wednesday?



[Handwritten notation at top of page: “Johnny”]

ACAO AGENDA ITEMS and follow-up…


  1. All personnel lists with worker – “other” skills lists to be in to Carolyn L. [Layton]. Are these all done?
  2. Major Thomas – what about dump truck at Ridge; still need to borrow & should arrangements be made?
  3. Kay [Nelson] to schedule down river trip to Kamaca for inventory and planning – when was this scheduled?
  4. CAO’s and ACAO’s should confirm analysts decision not to repair the cassava press or mill for safety reasons originally – now not considered unsafe. CT [Charlie Touchette] was to fix the stove, considered much more dangerous at the Cassava Mill.
  5. Did Agriculture complete Carolyn’s instruction to prepare a list of instructions to prepare list of instructions for every plant they spray … written down…?


  1. Cassava kitchen gave pots to Joyce’s [Touchette] group, or kitchen while they were closed down. Now are reopening and say kitchen will not return their pots (Mary Wotherspoon and Teena Turner complaining). Is there some reason for this…
  2. FROM STEERING – Was pricing done for senior sitting area by CT.
  3. FROM STEERING – Is the Bell system (gong) started? Who is assigned?
  4. FROM STEERING – Railings in Pavilion to be scheduled for moving back to outside walls and maps to be moved out also.
  5. FROM STEERING – Colors were to be selected for cottages paint and order to be placed. As of this date Finance Evaluation Board has not received the order.
  6. Inventory security in Parts and Tool room – Nat expresses need to keep people from gate-hopping and stealing or taking supplies without notation. Recommend fencing to ceiling and door with lock and a periodic security to check to see that night supervisor keeps it locked – no should begin their night supervisor after Nat is gone, and will have to make notation of any items used.
  7. ALL DEPARTMENTS are responsible to see that your inventories are completed with prices and that by September 1, you have a costing program in effect in your department. Every ACAO who is responsible to see Harold [Cordell Bogue] or Tish [Leroy] to see that monthly cost-sheets are going into the accounting department. If the ACAO does not have the new costing set up started, they are responsible to do it. Jesse will be around on September 1 to see that the new systems are in operation. Carol, Tish, Jesse and Haroldwill personally come in and help you set up… But it must be in and functioning by September 1. One week later, tentative budgets will be figured for each department, and thereafter departments will have to function within those budgets – though they can request to



modify if they feel it is not reasonable. All departments are herewith requested to list (as many as possible) ways in which they can cut their departmental costs, and ways to reduce the labor necessary to operate their department.

These lists should be turned into the CAO’s. All workers should be asked to turn in suggestions reducing costs and labor expenditure in their departments.

  2. MERCHANDISE EVALUATION COMMITTEE SHOULD BE NAMED – FEB [Finance Evaluation Board] recommended that Kay Nelson (representing the stores) and Joyce Touchette representing central supply and family needs to be placed on the committee along with others recommended – Hugh [Hue] Fortson as alternate for Kay but a regular committee member, and possibly Alice Ingram [Inghram] and others – a committee or perhaps 5-7 members with requirement that at least 2 from each of the two divisions be present and perhaps the others could be hopefully objective persons without bias in either department. CAO’s might want to take this under advisement after hearing the recommendation of the ASSISTANT CAO’s… However, an issue is at hand with the caps currently in the warehouse – Patty [Cartmell] once the mall, and the Central supply needs SOME for the field workers and those in the sun needing protection for their eyes and faces…



7 August 78

Attention: Johnny


From Analysts:

1) Medical not following through on appointments for agricultural workers. One of Teena’s [Turner] workers spent 3 1/2 hours, other supervisors reporting similar problems.

2) Kitchen mixing cans with pig feed – Joyce [Touchette] agrees try to remedy, but staff not cooperating; should this go to Rally?

3) Details to be written by [Eugene] Chaikin and presented to ACAO’s meeting reference to transfer of agricultural tractors back to agriculture and truck etc. to C.T. [Charlie Touchette] for transportation.

4) Check in system with security from Poultry and piggery every 15 min. Send down checkers if more than 1/2 hour; PSU offense for not checking in.

5) Horn to blow at noon and at quitting time – 6 PM on rally nights, 6:30 other nights – non stop earlier.

From Steering:

6) “IS” [Internal Security] to be monitoring during the news – or alternative.

7) Playground – did barrell get fixed? the fence?

8) Walkway on bridge – two rails?

Rally of 25th:

9) Ava’s [Jones] committee to drill each house and check back with her on list of items given her by Tish [Leroy] from Rally notes prior to the arrival of our writer-guest [Don Freed]. What is to be done on these.

[Handwritten line illegible]



FOLLOWUP list from ACAO & Steering meetings of 7 August 78 – tl [Tish Leroy]


  1. 3rd pole structure to be covered with aluminum, CT [Charlie Touchette]
  2. Aurora [Rodriguez] to paint pictures on the trash cans, kitchen area.
  3. Mother [Marceline Jones] to check out the situation with the preference appointments for agriculture; PSU to be advised of those wandering when names called – and announcement to be made in rally about this so that people cannot say they were not warned…
  4. Supervisors to report to Mother on energy level of their workers… ACAO’s take notes and report. Do not let workers know you are evaluating.
  5. Pig feed cans to be moved to muddy area…
  6. Farm crews to have added to daily tasks, the check-in item of their lunch boxes. PEOPLE TO BE WRITTEN UP FOR WARNINGS and miss a meal.
  7. Monday Joyce [Touchette] will advise if she has enough wood for front gate people.
  8. Triumvirate should follow up and see that tractor time not being unwisely used, must be economically inclusive of all needs… See page 2 of minutes, tractor paragraph.
  9. Peoples rally announcement relevant to the Security Check in at the piggery and chickery – will be PSU offense to fail to check in…
  10. Query Dad relative to the possibility of 1/2 lunch daily and at 6 PM quitting time daily… so more time before classes, and night meetings to take baths and get chance to clean up… We have meetings of one sort or another nearly every night… between Steering and ACAO, Political Enlightenment, Revolutionary Men and Women, Movies, etc.
  11. Time issue from ACAO was referred and handled in Steering.
  12. Johnny Jones Sr. to check out idea he had relative to MONITORS during the news in the dining tent.
  13. Playground barrel to be repaired and returned to the playground by 13th.
  14. Colors and decorating committee additions – completed in Steering.
  15. Railing on bridge to be completed by meeting night Tuesday said CT. That is night of the 8th…
  16. Should check with Ava [Jones] that the balance of cottages are completed in her drill prior to the arrival of newsmen in Jtn. [Jonestown].
  17. Inventories to be completed by Kay’s [Nelson] dept., medical, mechanical parts and tools, heavy equipment (tractors, etc.), Johnny please check with Tish on this item as to assessment.
  18. Kamaca store refused to do an inventory – Dad should be apprised of this.
  19. SAFETY COMMITTEE & Doug [Sanders] to meet with analysts re cassava mill dangers.
  20. Johnny Jones Sr. to see if he should check with police in Port [Kaituma] about the problem of flat tires at quarry location … same time.




1) ANNOUNCE IN RALLY, STEPHEN [likely Stephan Jones], THAT SOME ARE NOT ATTENDING STEERING THEY ARE ASSIGNED, AND IT IS MANDATORY … next time absent will constitute warning unless Dad clears them.

2) Tish [Leroy] to make minor changes in administrative chart and send to [illegible word] for final approval. Might want Nancy [Sines] paint it on word or something for pavilion when complete? or could paste the type cards on wood and shellac it? might be considered… Tish will redo the [illegible word] for our bulletin board.

3) Query Dad re location of the flagpole. Where does he want it. See Steering notes page 1 center of page.

4) Did Maryann [Casanova] fix the rice bags?

5) ACAO talk to Dad about approval of the incentive plan Phyllis [Bloom Chaikin] came up with and passed by Steering last meeting… Was to use beads as badges of merit to be sewn on a garment, strung on necklaces or [illegible word] band, etc. … worn in hair or whatever… Special beads to be made.

6) Back of warehouse where troolies messed up to be fixed.

7) STEPHEN ANNOUNCE IN RALLY automatic PSU for breaking fences…

8) Shirley and Nancy to mix colors and bring to radio room for approval.

9) Selection of spot in old orchard to be made downwind of location [illegible word] house for dad.

10) 60×100 basketball court to be started by those using it in spare time. Do we have the crabwood for it? or must it be ordered?

11) Steering functions and government outlined to be revised and [illegible name, could be “Tim”] to turn into ACAO’s, Dad and copy to Vernetta Christian for bulletin board.

12) ANNOUNCE ALL TO BE TURNING IN: Crime in the states… Dad was all to write paper on our life here and in the states, and especially [illegible word] we did that might have been used against us there and caused imprisonment or court action against us… how we feel here and how we felt there… turn [in] to Jan [Jann] Gurvich in cottage 46 how we find conditions, those better and those worse.

13) Railroad iron: for Jtn timing… Design and get Dad’s approval and construct and install outside of or near Dispatch house.




ACAO MINUTES 7 August 78

– tl

Attendance: [space blank]


  1. Cosmetic Improvements – tent structure (poles)
  2. Medical – Agricultural Appointments
  3. Beautification Ideas
  4. Lunch Box Problems
  5. Cans in pig food
  6. Wood for front gate
  7. Tractors for Agriculture
  8. Piggery-Poultry Security check-in
  9. Horn for quitting time
  10. “IS” to monitor at noon?
  11. Playground problems
  12. Painting of fences
  13. Walkway on Bridge
  14. Inventories
  15. Ava [Jones] to drill the houses on [what] to say & not to say
  16. Cassava Mill condemned – safety
  17. Flat tires on trailer – maybe sabotage

Cosmetic Improvements – Question of what can be done with the third pole structure where we formally had the tents covering. Charlie [Touchette] suggested cover with aluminum – possibly add lights. It can be a quiet study area for the news. It is away and can be used also when we have guests that we want to be in another area from pavilion. CT [Charlie Touchette] would like Demos [Demosthenis Kutulas] to move 2 poles… If they got finished with the field tomorrow CT can do it.

Trash cans are an eyesore – decided to have Aurora [Rodriguez] from the kitchen make some paintings on them.

Medical appointments – Agric claimed medical not following through on giving preference appointments. One supervisor reported a person waiting 3 hours. It came out the workers were not there when their names were called, causing strain on medical having to reschedule them, etc. Must put discipline on the people who are running about when name called… Decision is to call their name out 3 times, and if not there – and not [illegible word] or valid excuse, just call [illegible initials] to pick them up. Mother [Marceline Jones] will look further into it from medical department end.



Beautification ideas – All are to look about and see what we can think of to beautify our town. Dad needs this done quickly and get the suggestions in right away. Turn them into the triumvirate at this point.

Sodium level – Mother wants supervisors to be alert as the energy level of workers should have changed considerably since they have added more salt to the diet. If there is still energy lag, let medical know it. Don’t let the workers know they are evaluating this.

Cans in pig feed – James says they are separating – but apparently the cans get full, and they start looking for other places to put trash and use the pig feed cans or whatever is handy. We have moved the hog swill cans to another location in hopes of diverting the transgressors through the mud.

Lunch boxes not being returned – this causes hardship on crews. The supervisors often fail to bring in the boxes, so the crews don’t get their lunches. Need to put penalty on offense. Make it a regular check-in item on the evening list … it is just like the other equipment: you miss a meal if not in on time… let them miss a meal if don’t check back in the lunch box.

Meantime, there are boxes setting up and around that should be picked up. Inspectors should be looking for these.

Wood at front gate – Joyce [Touchette] says they have been short of the word at gate and also short of food – not enough to cook for the 1000 people here. However, as of Monday, Mmay be able to send out wood. Not good for them to cook anyway, too much diarrhea and thought to be the utensils don’t get clean. Some clean up and some don’t.


Tractors to be scheduled out of Agriculture and trucks to be under CT not clear what they have worked out, but both CT and Jack [Beam] say they are satisfied, so issue dropped at this point. Since item was placed with CT for economy of planning, should at least have a report into CAO’s to be sure still being done with best use of vehicles so there is coordination and saving of fuel consumption, etc. FARM SHOULD BE ADVISED, THEY WILL NOW BE CHARGED FULLY WITH THIS ADDITIONAL EXPENSE.

Security Check in – piggery & chickery: It cost us a great deal in production because generator went out and IS did not check on this because it had become the pattern of people down there to not-bother checking in. THIS IS DANGER TO SECURITY & MUST CHANGE. Therefore new rule shall be they must check in every 15 minutes; if they fail to do this by second check-in time (1/2 hour) IS is to go down and check it out. If they just goofed and didn’t check in will be automatic TRANSFER TO PSU. Warning should be given in Rally on this… This has been a serious problem.

Horn: Dad said okay on blowing the horn at noon and at quitting time, 6 or 6:30 as the condition calls for.



ACAO 7 August 78

QUERY DAD – Suggestion was made that we might consider taking a 1/2 hour lunch time every day, and quitting at 6:00 – many businesses stateside take only 1/2 hour lunch. Johnny will ask on it.

Time: Time is a problem in Jonestown. Few have clocks and are always late to appointments as result. Consider a gong or bell system. DECISION REFER THIS TO STEERING [illegible words] FIRST. [Marginal note: “Steering”]

Security to announce the time in the morning: 6:00, 6:30 and 6:40 AM and again at 7:00 o’clock. They can get the radio time before [Mike] Prokes leaves – he will tell dispatch the correct time from radio.

Monitors: Not practical for IS to monitor. Only 2 rovers on at that time. Also people do not listen to seniors… and the noise level is too high WHEN THE NEWS IS ON. Johnny senior has an idea and will see what he can do… will report back.

Playground: the barrel has been removed until it can be repaired will get it fixed before the guests arrive. The fence has also been completed. Some complain it is a little crooked, but all agree it is RUSTIC and looks okay. Playground barrel will be done by the 13th.

Fences: Shirley Gieg is to come back with sample of the paint they are to use for the fences that must be painted. We do not want to paint fences in the future. Debate on nutmeg, vs green vs black. Decision, ask Nancy [Sines] to mix some colors and Shirley bring in the samples. Most of the [illegible initials] prefer the idea of nutmeg over the green. Will actually show less dirt, or so it was thought to be.

Colors: Jack suggested committee to approve colors. REFER TO SUE GRIMM AS IN A PUBLIC DECISION. [Marginal note: “Steering”]

Should not be done individually – refer to decorating committee. It was decided that we should recommend the steering that they add Nancy Sines and Rose Ruggerio to the decorating committee as color experts. Agreed. [Marginal note: “Steering”]

Bridge: The lower rail has been removed and upper has not been put on. Charlie says will be fixed by next meeting night.

HOUSE DRILL – Ava’s committee was to drill each house and dorm on 25 or so points dad gave in rally that should be directly coached and drilled into every person before guests arrive… They have done the apartments and have done about 27 of the cottages… are going cottage to cottage with it. She is working on it.

PURCHASES TO STOP – everything is going to be stopping soon on stateside purchasing. Inventories and budgets are a key to future buy-in. Harold [Cordell Bogue] turned in a memo on this. Medical is not in – they set in huge inventory of stuff and must integrate into their paper work. Will take another 3 weeks to get this completed. Kay [Nelson] has not done her inventories. Sewing can’t inventory until they



are into the new building where [they] have room for their material. (However, they can put down usage amounts as Tish [Leroy] advised Ruby [Carroll] directly how-to-do, and this was not being done. All advise next week on this.)

The mechanical parts and tools are not done, the heavy equipment inventory is not done like tractors, trucks, etc. Must get the forms ready – will have to have something to report on. [Marginal note: “Johnny”]

Kay’s Dept: (The sewing factory has no way of inventory: incorrect – they can waive the material, and they can place it in categories [illegible word] on usage, they can use the yardage called for [several words illegible], that can be the material charge, and Ruby knows the stateside values on almost all of the materials. We can have someone in SF go out now and get prices on the “kinds” of fabrics, Tish and Ruby can make up a sample list. We can convert those prices to Georgetown money). This is comment by [several words illegible].

Kamaca: Kamaca refused to do an inventory. Say they can’t do it… Possibly DAD SHOULD BE ADVISED OF THIS.

Albatross and Cudjoe – no inventory yet. Richard [Janaro] should say [several words illegible]. Should have gotten an inventory when he got his purchase papers on the boat. This should be brought out here and priced out so put in dollar values. RADIO RICHARD TO [several words illegible] IT ALL OUT.

CASSAVA MILL CONDEMNED BY SAFETY COMMITTEE – CT [Charlie Touchette] doesn’t feel there is any greater danger than has ever been. The two accidents that happened for people who never should have been on the equipment and did not follow instructions. Further CT says he does not feel the equipment WILL EVEN BE FUNCTIONAL AFTER THE PROPOSED CHANGES ARE MADE … and will have to wait till after the guests leave and road is completely repaired before can even put the equipment on road to bring in the mill for the work… Farm maintains not dangerous if follow instructions.

Doug reported the second incident… Aaron [likely Erin Eichler], Doug and safety committee to be brought in on this. Decision to [several words illegible] issue to the analysts committee which meets [several words illegible]. Doug, safety committee [several words illegible] into the analysts meeting. [Marginal note: “Analysts agenda”]

TIRES SABOTAGED? Two tires on our trailers blew out at exactly the same place in town… When we told police before when we had trouble, it stopped… Both trailers went flat around the rock quarry, JOHNNY IS TO HANDLE IT IN TOWN, and remind that Johnny is also to talk to Jerry Smith at Aracaca re pastures.

Meeting adjourned, 7:40



August 7, 1978
To: Johnny Jones, Chief Administrative Office
From: Harold [Cordell] Bogue
Re: Inventory Status

The following areas are the only ones which have not turned in their inventories of equipment and supplies:

Bulldozers – Jack Beam
Farm Tractors and Eq. – Jack Beam
P.A. Crew – Lee Ingram
Refrigeration – Lee Ingram
Child Care – Ava Jones
I.S. [Internal Security] – Johnny Jones, Jr.
J.T. Police – [ditto marks]
Boat Security – [ditto marks]
Front Gate – [ditto marks]
Medical Dept. – M. [Marceline] Jones (center would be available 2-3 weeks)
Businesses – Kay Nelson
Cudjoe – [ditto marks]
Albatross – [ditto marks]
Kamacha [Kamaca] Store – [ditto marks]
Sewing Room – [ditto marks]
Mechanical Parts & Toolroom – C. [Charlie] Touchette
Machine Shop – C. Touchette
Electrical Shop (Pricing) – C. Touchette
Transportation – C. Touchette (tractors, trucks, trlrs. etc.)

The inventories in hand are being priced with what limited info we have available. This is a slow process. The prices we don’t have will probably have to be estimated by the ACAO’s in charge of their respective areas.