Letter of July 9, 1978

(stationary shows picture of Temple’s children’s home on Russian River)

July 9, 1978


Familiar place huh? Many years were spent there and many lessons were learned by all. Hey, the other day, Jeff [Wheeler], Darius [Wheeler], Chris [Talley], her companion Ricky [Johnson] and several others plus me went down to a place up the road where a small stream runs by. There’s a long vine that we can swing over the stream on, and when I got on it and swung out yelling whoopee, I thought of you, Claire. It sure was fun & the children love it there! You said you could hardly wait to swing on one, I could just see you swinging through the air! Got yours and Curtis’s letters, he sure wrote a lot. It was nice to get so many! Yes, you should see Rose Mc. [McKnight] She has really gotten smaller, as well as many others on these delicious low-calorie, high protein foods. We had some cookies the other day that tasted like oatmeal. Um good! Tonight we had peanut butter fudge that melts in your mouth! The vegetables tonight were great, mixed pumpkin, squash, eggplant, bora beans, corn, okra. It is so good, everybody loves them, you should see the children eat them up! There’s a lot of fresh fish coming in soon & it’s great when they smoke or fry it, looking forward to it! We sure eat good! I’m sure you’ll all lose the excess weight easily with this healthy diet, so relax and enjoy yourselves. Dad cares for everyone there very much and is always thinking of you. Rob [Tarver] said there was an offer on the ranch again, I sure hope it goes through, as I’m sure you are! It looks like you’re getting closer to us all the time. Also heard the Continuum may take a crack at running the place, they can have it, huh? Hope it all works out soon.

The boat, big one, came in tonight and they’re going to start to unload. Richard [Janaro] is supposed to be coming in along with Curtis & several others. I just now found out from Rita he was here. It’ll be good to see him! I know to be glad to get here. We can hear him sing his song. Bonnie S. [Stahl] has been waiting for Carol [Stahl] & will be very happy to see her.

Well, everyone here is doing well. Billy [Bush], Jeff [Wheeler] & Daren [Janaro] were the top junior high students in the testing of achievement we did. Billy was at overall 11 something, Jeff 10.9, Daren 10 something but in that order. Billy ran around 11 on all areas, Jeff was 11.5 or so in all language area but went down to 9 or 10 in some math skills. Daren ran high in language arts except a couple of skill areas. Anyway all are exceptional. Three grade levels ahead. So they’ll all be going on to high school. In September all grades are changing to conform to Guyanese education. Jeff really surprised his teachers being so high, he still wants to be a doctor, Billy I don’t think knows what he wants, & Daren, I think, wants to be a veterinarian. He is so much more outgoing than he used to be, speaks out more for himself & never is depressed. Mauri [Janaro] has spent several weeks in Georgetown traveling around with Richard and having, I hear, a ball. She’s been getting information on small animals & zoos. So she’s happy as a lark & supposed to come in on the big Albatross. Bippy [Davis] is doing well in school, she picks up fast & is cooperative. She leads the opening of class on “her day” and is learning to speak up. I hear Preston sent you a picture of them recently. She’s very happy and asks about you. Ron S. just got a picture of the “3 Musketeers,” Jakela [Debbie Sines], Kim [Dutra], & Chris, I’ll have to look him up. Hope you’re all doing fine, sure Dad is keeping you all going strong. He makes a way for everyone. How is to doing? Will is doing fine. Of course, he likes to discuss “the news” with Pat [Grunnet]. He’s a real winner! Say hi to David for me! Pam [Bradshaw] is working in the field part-time & doing nursing aid some. She has lost most of those extra pounds & looks a lot better! Tom K. is helping teach Danny [Beck] & does well with him & the others. Danny is as bouncy as ever & progressing along well. Hear that Don [Beck] may be seeing us soon, we’re looking for him to join the school soon. My class is progressing well & I love it, I may expand soon into more specialized teaching when Don & Carol get here. In the meantime it’s exciting & enlightening to me & I understand what it takes to teach school, good ol’ lesson plan! I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone. It’ll be nice when you won’t get here, I’m sure you’ll agree. I know you’re all working hard there, and Dad appreciates it. We have so much to be grateful for, it is so beautiful here. If you can send as much stationary & envelopes for letter writing as you can get out & some headscarves & large barrettes.

Anyway, hope everything goes well there, we are always mindful of those back there. Right as soon as you can. Jeff got his card and looking forward to seeing Jenny [Cheek]. Oh by the way, I now wear a size 8 pants, but most of mine are 10 and fit like a sack. I sure would appreciate a closer fit. Well, see you later.
